path: root/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/doc/html/resource/lib/index.js
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/doc/html/resource/lib/index.js')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 536 deletions
diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/doc/html/resource/lib/index.js b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/doc/html/resource/lib/index.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 96689ae701..0000000000
--- a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/doc/html/resource/lib/index.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,536 +0,0 @@
-// © 2009–2010 EPFL/LAMP
-// code by Gilles Dubochet with contributions by Johannes Rudolph and "spiros"
-var topLevelTemplates = undefined;
-var topLevelPackages = undefined;
-var scheduler = undefined;
-var kindFilterState = undefined;
-var focusFilterState = undefined;
-var title = $(document).attr('title');
-var lastHash = "";
-$(document).ready(function() {
- $('body').layout({
- west__size: '20%',
- center__maskContents: true
- });
- $('#browser').layout({
- center__paneSelector: ".ui-west-center"
- //,center__initClosed:true
- ,north__paneSelector: ".ui-west-north"
- });
- $('iframe').bind("load", function(){
- var subtitle = $(this).contents().find('title').text();
- $(document).attr('title', (title ? title + " - " : "") + subtitle);
- setUrlFragmentFromFrameSrc();
- });
- // workaround for IE's iframe sizing lack of smartness
- if($.browser.msie) {
- function fixIFrame() {
- $('iframe').height($(window).height() )
- }
- $('iframe').bind("load",fixIFrame)
- $('iframe').bind("resize",fixIFrame)
- }
- scheduler = new Scheduler();
- scheduler.addLabel("init", 1);
- scheduler.addLabel("focus", 2);
- scheduler.addLabel("filter", 4);
- prepareEntityList();
- configureTextFilter();
- configureKindFilter();
- configureEntityList();
- setFrameSrcFromUrlFragment();
- // If the url fragment changes, adjust the src of iframe "template".
- $(window).bind('hashchange', function() {
- if(lastFragment != window.location.hash) {
- lastFragment = window.location.hash;
- setFrameSrcFromUrlFragment();
- }
- });
-// Set the iframe's src according to the fragment of the current url.
-// fragment = "#scala.Either" => iframe url = "scala/Either.html"
-// fragment = "#scala.Either@isRight:Boolean" => iframe url = "scala/Either.html#isRight:Boolean"
-function setFrameSrcFromUrlFragment() {
- var fragment = location.hash.slice(1);
- if(fragment) {
- var loc = fragment.split("@")[0].replace(/\./g, "/");
- if(loc.indexOf(".html") < 0) loc += ".html";
- if(fragment.indexOf('@') > 0) loc += ("#" + fragment.split("@", 2)[1]);
- frames["template"].location.replace(loc);
- }
- else
- frames["template"].location.replace("package.html");
-// Set the url fragment according to the src of the iframe "template".
-// iframe url = "scala/Either.html" => url fragment = "#scala.Either"
-// iframe url = "scala/Either.html#isRight:Boolean" => url fragment = "#scala.Either@isRight:Boolean"
-function setUrlFragmentFromFrameSrc() {
- try {
- var commonLength = location.pathname.lastIndexOf("/");
- var frameLocation = frames["template"].location;
- var relativePath = frameLocation.pathname.slice(commonLength + 1);
- if(!relativePath || frameLocation.pathname.indexOf("/") < 0)
- return;
- // Add #, remove ".html" and replace "/" with "."
- fragment = "#" + relativePath.replace(/\.html$/, "").replace(/\//g, ".");
- // Add the frame's hash after an @
- if(frameLocation.hash) fragment += ("@" + frameLocation.hash.slice(1));
- // Use replace to not add history items
- lastFragment = fragment;
- location.replace(fragment);
- }
- catch(e) {
- // Chrome doesn't allow reading the iframe's location when
- // used on the local file system.
- }
-var Index = {};
-(function (ns) {
- function openLink(t, type) {
- var href;
- if (type == 'object') {
- href = t['object'];
- } else {
- href = t['class'] || t['trait'] || t['case class'] || t['type'];
- }
- return [
- '<a class="tplshow" target="template" href="',
- href,
- '"><img width="13" height="13" class="',
- type,
- ' icon" src="lib/',
- type,
- '.png" />'
- ].join('');
- }
- function createPackageHeader(pack) {
- return [
- '<li class="pack">',
- '<a class="packfocus">focus</a><a class="packhide">hide</a>',
- '<a class="tplshow" target="template" href="',
- pack.replace(/\./g, '/'),
- '/package.html">',
- pack,
- '</a></li>'
- ].join('');
- };
- function createListItem(template) {
- var inner = '';
- if (template.object) {
- inner += openLink(template, 'object');
- }
- if (template['class'] || template['trait'] || template['case class'] || template['type']) {
- inner += (inner == '') ?
- '<div class="placeholder" />' : '</a>';
- inner += openLink(template, template['trait'] ? 'trait' : template['type'] ? 'type' : 'class');
- } else {
- inner += '<div class="placeholder"/>';
- }
- return [
- '<li>',
- inner,
- '<span class="tplLink">',
-^.*\./, ''),
- '</span></a></li>'
- ].join('');
- }
- ns.createPackageTree = function (pack, matched, focused) {
- var html = $.map(matched, function (child, i) {
- return createListItem(child);
- }).join('');
- var header;
- if (focused && pack == focused) {
- header = '';
- } else {
- header = createPackageHeader(pack);
- }
- return [
- '<ol class="packages">',
- header,
- '<ol class="templates">',
- html,
- '</ol></ol>'
- ].join('');
- }
- ns.keys = function (obj) {
- var result = [];
- var key;
- for (key in obj) {
- result.push(key);
- }
- return result;
- }
- var hiddenPackages = {};
- function subPackages(pack) {
- return $.grep($('#tpl ol.packages'), function (element, index) {
- var pack = $('li.pack > .tplshow', element).text();
- return pack.indexOf(pack + '.') == 0;
- });
- }
- ns.hidePackage = function (ol) {
- var selected = $('li.pack > .tplshow', ol).text();
- hiddenPackages[selected] = true;
- $('ol.templates', ol).hide();
- $.each(subPackages(selected), function (index, element) {
- $(element).hide();
- });
- }
- ns.showPackage = function (ol, state) {
- var selected = $('li.pack > .tplshow', ol).text();
- hiddenPackages[selected] = false;
- $('ol.templates', ol).show();
- $.each(subPackages(selected), function (index, element) {
- $(element).show();
- // When the filter is in "packs" state,
- // we don't want to show the `.templates`
- var key = $('li.pack > .tplshow', element).text();
- if (hiddenPackages[key] || state == 'packs') {
- $('ol.templates', element).hide();
- }
- });
- }
-function configureEntityList() {
- kindFilterSync();
- configureHideFilter();
- configureFocusFilter();
- textFilter();
-/* Updates the list of entities (i.e. the content of the #tpl element) from the raw form generated by Scaladoc to a
- form suitable for display. In particular, it adds class and object etc. icons, and it configures links to open in
- the right frame. Furthermore, it sets the two reference top-level entities lists (topLevelTemplates and
- topLevelPackages) to serve as reference for resetting the list when needed.
- Be advised: this function should only be called once, on page load. */
-function prepareEntityList() {
- var classIcon = $("#library > img.class");
- var traitIcon = $("#library > img.trait");
- var typeIcon = $("#library > img.type");
- var objectIcon = $("#library > img.object");
- var packageIcon = $("#library > img.package");
- $('#tpl li.pack > a.tplshow').attr("target", "template");
- $('#tpl li.pack').each(function () {
- $("span.class", this).each(function() { $(this).replaceWith(classIcon.clone()); });
- $("span.trait", this).each(function() { $(this).replaceWith(traitIcon.clone()); });
- $("span.type", this).each(function() { $(this).replaceWith(typeIcon.clone()); });
- $("span.object", this).each(function() { $(this).replaceWith(objectIcon.clone()); });
- $("span.package", this).each(function() { $(this).replaceWith(packageIcon.clone()); });
- });
- $('#tpl li.pack')
- .prepend("<a class='packhide'>hide</a>")
- .prepend("<a class='packfocus'>focus</a>");
-/* Handles all key presses while scrolling around with keyboard shortcuts in left panel */
-function keyboardScrolldownLeftPane() {
- scheduler.add("init", function() {
- $("#textfilter input").blur();
- var $items = $("#tpl li");
- $items.first().addClass('selected');
- $(window).bind("keydown", function(e) {
- var $old = $items.filter('.selected'),
- $new;
- switch ( e.keyCode ) {
- case 9: // tab
- $old.removeClass('selected');
- break;
- case 13: // enter
- $old.removeClass('selected');
- var $url = $old.children().filter('a:last').attr('href');
- $("#template").attr("src",$url);
- break;
- case 27: // escape
- $old.removeClass('selected');
- $(window).unbind(e);
- $("#textfilter input").focus();
- break;
- case 38: // up
- $new = $old.prev();
- if (!$new.length) {
- $new = $old.parent().prev();
- }
- if ($'ol') && $new.children(':last').is('ol')) {
- $new = $new.children().children(':last');
- } else if ($'ol')) {
- $new = $new.children(':last');
- }
- break;
- case 40: // down
- $new = $;
- if (!$new.length) {
- $new = $old.parent().parent().next();
- }
- if ($'ol')) {
- $new = $new.children(':first');
- }
- break;
- }
- if ($'li')) {
- $old.removeClass('selected');
- $new.addClass('selected');
- } else if (e.keyCode == 38) {
- $(window).unbind(e);
- $("#textfilter input").focus();
- }
- });
- });
-/* Configures the text filter */
-function configureTextFilter() {
- scheduler.add("init", function() {
- $("#textfilter").append("<span class='pre'/><span class='input'><input id='index-input' type='text' accesskey='/'/></span><span class='post'/>");
- var input = $("#textfilter input");
- resizeFilterBlock();
- input.bind('keyup', function(event) {
- if (event.keyCode == 27) { // escape
- input.attr("value", "");
- }
- if (event.keyCode == 40) { // down arrow
- $(window).unbind("keydown");
- keyboardScrolldownLeftPane();
- return false;
- }
- textFilter();
- });
- input.bind('keydown', function(event) {
- if (event.keyCode == 9) { // tab
- $("#template").contents().find("#mbrsel-input").focus();
- input.attr("value", "");
- return false;
- }
- textFilter();
- });
- input.focus(function(event) {; });
- });
- scheduler.add("init", function() {
- $("#textfilter > .post").click(function(){
- $("#textfilter input").attr("value", "");
- textFilter();
- });
- });
-function compilePattern(query) {
- var escaped = query.replace(/([\.\*\+\?\|\(\)\[\]\\])/g, '\\$1');
- if (query.toLowerCase() != query) {
- // Regexp that matches CamelCase subbits: "BiSe" is
- // "[a-z]*Bi[a-z]*Se" and matches "BitSet", "ABitSet", ...
- return new RegExp(escaped.replace(/([A-Z])/g,"[a-z]*$1"));
- }
- else { // if query is all lower case make a normal case insensitive search
- return new RegExp(escaped, "i");
- }
-// Filters all focused templates and packages. This function should be made less-blocking.
-// @param query The string of the query
-function textFilter() {
- scheduler.clear("filter");
- $('#tpl').html('');
- var query = $("#textfilter input").attr("value") || '';
- var queryRegExp = compilePattern(query);
- var index = 0;
- var searchLoop = function () {
- var packages = Index.keys(Index.PACKAGES).sort();
- while (packages[index]) {
- var pack = packages[index];
- var children = Index.PACKAGES[pack];
- index++;
- if (focusFilterState) {
- if (pack == focusFilterState ||
- pack.indexOf(focusFilterState + '.') == 0) {
- ;
- } else {
- continue;
- }
- }
- var matched = $.grep(children, function (child, i) {
- return queryRegExp.test(;
- });
- if (matched.length > 0) {
- $('#tpl').append(Index.createPackageTree(pack, matched,
- focusFilterState));
- scheduler.add('filter', searchLoop);
- return;
- }
- }
- $('#tpl a.packfocus').click(function () {
- focusFilter($(this).parent().parent());
- });
- configureHideFilter();
- };
- scheduler.add('filter', searchLoop);
-/* Configures the hide tool by adding the hide link to all packages. */
-function configureHideFilter() {
- $('#tpl li.pack a.packhide').click(function () {
- var packhide = $(this)
- var action = packhide.text();
- var ol = $(this).parent().parent();
- if (action == "hide") {
- Index.hidePackage(ol);
- packhide.text("show");
- }
- else {
- Index.showPackage(ol, kindFilterState);
- packhide.text("hide");
- }
- return false;
- });
-/* Configures the focus tool by adding the focus bar in the filter box (initially hidden), and by adding the focus
- link to all packages. */
-function configureFocusFilter() {
- scheduler.add("init", function() {
- focusFilterState = null;
- if ($("#focusfilter").length == 0) {
- $("#filter").append("<div id='focusfilter'>focused on <span class='focuscoll'></span> <a class='focusremove'><img class='icon' src='lib/remove.png'/></a></div>");
- $("#focusfilter > .focusremove").click(function(event) {
- textFilter();
- $("#focusfilter").hide();
- $("#kindfilter").show();
- resizeFilterBlock();
- focusFilterState = null;
- });
- $("#focusfilter").hide();
- resizeFilterBlock();
- }
- });
- scheduler.add("init", function() {
- $('#tpl li.pack a.packfocus').click(function () {
- focusFilter($(this).parent());
- return false;
- });
- });
-/* Focuses the entity index on a specific package. To do so, it will copy the sub-templates and sub-packages of the
- focuses package into the top-level templates and packages position of the index. The original top-level
- @param package The <li> element that corresponds to the package in the entity index */
-function focusFilter(package) {
- scheduler.clear("filter");
- var currentFocus = $('li.pack > .tplshow', package).text();
- $("#focusfilter > .focuscoll").empty();
- $("#focusfilter > .focuscoll").append(currentFocus);
- $("#focusfilter").show();
- $("#kindfilter").hide();
- resizeFilterBlock();
- focusFilterState = currentFocus;
- kindFilterSync();
- textFilter();
-function configureKindFilter() {
- scheduler.add("init", function() {
- kindFilterState = "all";
- $("#filter").append("<div id='kindfilter'><a>display packages only</a></div>");
- $("#kindfilter > a").click(function(event) { kindFilter("packs"); });
- resizeFilterBlock();
- });
-function kindFilter(kind) {
- if (kind == "packs") {
- kindFilterState = "packs";
- kindFilterSync();
- $("#kindfilter > a").replaceWith("<a>display all entities</a>");
- $("#kindfilter > a").click(function(event) { kindFilter("all"); });
- }
- else {
- kindFilterState = "all";
- kindFilterSync();
- $("#kindfilter > a").replaceWith("<a>display packages only</a>");
- $("#kindfilter > a").click(function(event) { kindFilter("packs"); });
- }
-/* Applies the kind filter. */
-function kindFilterSync() {
- if (kindFilterState == "all" || focusFilterState != null) {
- $("#tpl a.packhide").text('hide');
- $("#tpl ol.templates").show();
- } else {
- $("#tpl a.packhide").text('show');
- $("#tpl ol.templates").hide();
- }
-function resizeFilterBlock() {
- $("#tpl").css("top", $("#filter").outerHeight(true));