path: root/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/interpreter/ReplTokens.scala
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1 files changed, 286 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/interpreter/ReplTokens.scala b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/interpreter/ReplTokens.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2663eef897
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/interpreter/ReplTokens.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,286 @@
+/* NSC -- new Scala compiler
+ * Copyright 2005-2011 LAMP/EPFL
+ * @author Paul Phillips
+ */
+package interpreter
+import util.{ BatchSourceFile, Indenter }
+import java.lang.Integer.toOctalString
+/** This began as an attempt at a completely minimal
+ * pretty printer for a token stream, but as it turns out
+ * it's "minimal, pretty, scala: pick any two." So
+ * now it's an unattractive hybrid between minimalism
+ * and other things. Still, it's a big improvement on the
+ * way I was printing source in the repl, so in it goes.
+ *
+ * @author Paul Phillips
+ */
+abstract class ReplTokens {
+ val global: Global
+ import global._
+ import syntaxAnalyzer.{ UnitScanner, token2name }
+ // Mostly, this means print <NL> so we can see where
+ // semicolon inference took place.
+ private var rawTokens: Boolean = false
+ def withRawTokens[T](body: => T): T = {
+ rawTokens = true
+ try body
+ finally rawTokens = false
+ }
+ // There's the seed of a good idea in here, but you wouldn't
+ // know it from the current implementation. The objects are
+ // trying to depict what feelings of coziness a given token
+ // might have toward its immediate neighbors. But it lacks
+ // sufficient granularity and a good resolution mechanism.
+ sealed abstract class Cozy(l: => Boolean, r: => Boolean) {
+ def left = l
+ def right = r
+ }
+ object Cozy {
+ def unapply(x: Cozy) = Some((x.left, x.right))
+ }
+ case object |--*--| extends Cozy(false, false)
+ case object <*--| extends Cozy(true, false)
+ case object |--*> extends Cozy(false, true)
+ case object <*> extends Cozy(true, true)
+ @annotation.switch def escapedChar(ch: Char): String = ch match {
+ case '\b' => "\\b"
+ case '\t' => "\\t"
+ case '\n' => "\\n"
+ case '\f' => "\\f"
+ case '\r' => "\\r"
+ case '"' => "\\\""
+ case '\'' => "\\\'"
+ case '\\' => "\\\\"
+ case _ => String.valueOf(ch)
+ }
+ def escape(text: String): String = {
+ text map { ch =>
+ if (ch.isControl) "\\0" + toOctalString(ch)
+ else escapedChar(ch)
+ } mkString ""
+ }
+ private class Arrow(code: Int) {
+ def ->(str: String): (Int, ReplToken) = (code, Token(code)(str))
+ def ->(tok: ReplToken): (Int, ReplToken) = (code, tok)
+ }
+ private val symbolTokenMap = {
+ implicit def liftToken(code: Int): Arrow = new Arrow(code)
+ Map[Int, ReplToken](
+ AT -> At,
+ CASECLASS -> "case class",
+ CASEOBJECT -> "case object",
+ COLON -> Colon,
+ COMMA -> Comma,
+ DOT -> Dot,
+ EOF -> Eof,
+ ERROR -> "<error>",
+ FALSE -> False,
+ IMPORT -> Import,
+ LBRACE -> LBrace,
+ LBRACKET -> LBracket,
+ LPAREN -> LParen,
+ NEWLINE -> Newline,
+ NEWLINES -> Newlines,
+ NULL -> Null,
+ RBRACE -> RBrace,
+ RBRACKET -> RBracket,
+ RPAREN -> RParen,
+ SEMI -> Semi,
+ SUBTYPE -> Subtype,
+ SUPERTYPE -> Supertype,
+ TRUE -> True,
+ VIEWBOUND -> ViewBound,
+ XMLSTART -> "<xmlstart>"
+ )
+ }
+ def isAlphaId(t: ReplToken) = t match {
+ case Id(name) => name forall (ch => ch.isDigit || ch.isLetter || ch == '_')
+ case _ => false
+ }
+ def isOperatorId(t: ReplToken) = t match {
+ case Id(name) => !isAlphaId(t)
+ case _ => false
+ }
+ sealed abstract class ReplToken(val tokenString: String, val cozy: Cozy) {
+ def this(str: String) = this(str, |--*--| )
+ def insistsOnSpace = false
+ def cozyRight(other: ReplToken) = (cozy.right || other.cozy.left)
+ def cozyLeft(other: ReplToken) = (cozy.left || other.cozy.right)
+ final def <--?-->(other: ReplToken) = {
+ !(insistsOnSpace || other.insistsOnSpace) && (
+ (this cozyRight other) ||
+ (other cozyLeft this)
+ )
+ }
+ // to show invisibles
+ def rawString = tokenString
+ override def toString = (
+ if (rawTokens) rawString
+ else tokenString
+ )
+ }
+ trait InsistCozyRight extends ReplToken {
+ final override def cozyRight(other: ReplToken) = true
+ }
+ trait InsistCozyLeft extends ReplToken {
+ final override def cozyLeft(other: ReplToken) = true
+ }
+ trait InsistCozy extends InsistCozyLeft with InsistCozyRight { }
+ trait InsistSpaced extends ReplToken {
+ final override def insistsOnSpace = true
+ }
+ trait CozyWithLetters extends ReplToken {
+ override def cozyRight(other: ReplToken) = isAlphaId(other) || super.cozyRight(other)
+ override def cozyLeft(other: ReplToken) = isAlphaId(other) || super.cozyLeft(other)
+ }
+ trait Brackets extends ReplToken {
+ private def isCozyToken(t: ReplToken) = t == LBracket || t == RBracket || isAlphaId(t)
+ override def cozyRight(other: ReplToken) = isCozyToken(other) || super.cozyRight(other)
+ override def cozyLeft(other: ReplToken) = isCozyToken(other) || super.cozyLeft(other)
+ }
+ case class Token(value: Int)(str: String) extends ReplToken(str) { }
+ case class Id(name: String) extends ReplToken(name) { }
+ case class Lit[T](value: T) extends ReplToken(value match {
+ case s: String => "\"" + s + "\""
+ case _ => "" + value
+ })
+ case object At extends ReplToken("@") with InsistCozyRight { }
+ case object Colon extends ReplToken(":", <*--|)
+ case object Comma extends ReplToken(",", <*--|) with InsistCozyLeft { }
+ case object Dot extends ReplToken(".", <*>) with InsistCozy { }
+ case object Eof extends ReplToken("EOF")
+ case object ErrorToken extends ReplToken("<internal error>")
+ case object False extends ReplToken("false")
+ case object Import extends ReplToken("import")
+ case object LBrace extends ReplToken("{") with InsistSpaced { }
+ case object LBracket extends ReplToken("[") with Brackets { }
+ case object LParen extends ReplToken("(", |--*>)
+ case object Newline extends ReplToken("\n", <*>) with InsistCozy { override def rawString = "<NL>\n" }
+ case object Newlines extends ReplToken("\n\n", <*>) with InsistCozy { override def rawString = "<NLS>\n\n" }
+ case object Null extends ReplToken("null")
+ case object RBrace extends ReplToken("}", |--*>) with InsistSpaced { }
+ case object RBracket extends ReplToken("]") with Brackets { }
+ case object RParen extends ReplToken(")", <*--|)
+ case object Semi extends ReplToken(";", <*--|)
+ case object Subtype extends ReplToken("<:") with InsistSpaced { }
+ case object Supertype extends ReplToken(">:") with InsistSpaced { }
+ case object True extends ReplToken("true")
+ case object ViewBound extends ReplToken("<%") with InsistSpaced { }
+ class Tokenizer(in: UnitScanner) {
+ private def translate(tokenCode: Int): ReplToken = tokenCode match {
+ case CHARLIT | INTLIT | LONGLIT => Lit(in.intVal)
+ case DOUBLELIT | FLOATLIT => Lit(in.floatVal)
+ case STRINGLIT => Lit(escape(in.strVal))
+ case SYMBOLLIT => Lit(scala.Symbol(in.strVal))
+ case _ =>
+ symbolTokenMap.getOrElse(
+ tokenCode,
+ token2name get tokenCode match {
+ case Some(name) => Token(tokenCode)("" + name)
+ case _ => Token(tokenCode)("<unknown: " + tokenCode + ">")
+ }
+ )
+ }
+ def tokenIterator: Iterator[ReplToken] = (
+ Iterator continually {
+ try translate(in.token)
+ finally in.nextToken()
+ } takeWhile (_ ne Eof)
+ )
+ }
+ def prettyPrintRaw(tokens: TraversableOnce[ReplToken]) {
+ withRawTokens(prettyPrint(tokens))
+ }
+ def prettyPrint(tokens: TraversableOnce[ReplToken]) {
+ new TokenPrinter prettyPrint tokens
+ }
+ private class TokenPrinter {
+ type TokenTriple = (ReplToken, ReplToken, ReplToken)
+ val writer = new Indenter
+ var prev: List[ReplToken] = Nil
+ def isIdentPart(t: ReplToken) = t match {
+ case Dot | Id(_) => true
+ case _ => false
+ }
+ def prevNonIdent = prev dropWhile isIdentPart match {
+ case Nil => ErrorToken
+ case t :: _ => t
+ }
+ def inImport = prevNonIdent == Import
+ def printToken(left: ReplToken, token: ReplToken) = token match {
+ case LBrace =>
+ writer openIndent (
+ if (writer.atStartOfLine) token
+ else " " + token
+ )
+ case RBrace =>
+ writer.closeIndent(token)
+ case tok @ (Newline | Newlines) =>
+ writer.nextIndent(tok)
+ case _ =>
+ writer print (
+ if (writer.atStartOfLine) token
+ else if (left <--?--> token) token
+ else " " + token
+ )
+ }
+ def prettyPrint(tokens: TraversableOnce[ReplToken]) {
+ val it = Iterator(Newline) ++ tokens.toIterator ++ Iterator(Newline) sliding 3 map { x =>
+ (x: @unchecked) match {
+ case List(x1, x2, x3) => ((x1, x2, x3))
+ }
+ }
+ prettyPrint(it)
+ }
+ def prettyPrint(it: Iterator[TokenTriple]) {
+ while (it.hasNext) match {
+ // special casing to avoid newline on empty blocks
+ case (left, LBrace, RBrace) =>
+ writer print " { }"
+ // special casing to avoid newlines on import x.{ y, z, q }
+ case (left, LBrace, _) if inImport =>
+ writer print LBrace
+ def loop() {
+ if (it.hasNext) {
+ val (_, tok, _) =
+ if (tok != Comma) {
+ writer print " "
+ }
+ writer print tok
+ if (tok != RBrace)
+ loop()
+ }
+ }
+ loop()
+ case (left, token, right) =>
+ printToken(left, token)
+ if (it.hasNext) prev ::= token
+ else printToken(token, right)
+ }
+ }
+ }