path: root/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/matching/WordAutoms.scala
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/matching/WordAutoms.scala')
1 files changed, 146 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/matching/WordAutoms.scala b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/matching/WordAutoms.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..de17fc6445
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/matching/WordAutoms.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,146 @@
+/* NSC -- new scala compiler
+ * Copyright 2005 LAMP/EPFL
+ * @author buraq
+ */
+// $Id$
+import java.util._ ;
+trait WordAutoms: TransMatcher {
+ import global._ ;
+ /** translates a recognizer to scala code
+ */
+ /** constructor
+ * @param dfa the dfa that is to be translated
+ * @param elementType type of the objects in the sequence
+ * @param owner the owner of the pattern match
+ * @param cf code factory
+ * @param optim flag that indicates whether to optimize
+ * @return an object that translates the dfa
+ */
+abstract class WordAutomInScala extends Autom2Scala {
+ val optim: Boolean;
+ this.optimize = this.optimize && optim;
+ var theLabelDef: Tree = _ ;
+ def getMatcherSwitch(selector: Tree, failTree: Tree, body: scala.List[Tree] /*, resultType: Type*/ ): Tree = {
+ var result: Tree = null;
+ var ncases: scala.List[CaseDef] = Nil;
+ val it = body.reverse.elements;
+ //val tags = new Array[int](body.length);
+ var i = body.length - 1;
+ while( i >= 0 ) {
+ //tags(i) = i;
+ ncases = CaseDef(Literal(i), :: ncases;
+ i = i - 1
+ }
+ ncases= ncases::: CaseDef(Ident(nme.WILDCARD),failTree) :: Nil;
+ result = Match( _swres(), ncases );
+ //}
+ result =
+ Block(
+ scala.List (
+ ValDef( iterSym, newIterator( selector.duplicate )),
+ ValDef( stateSym, Literal(0) ),
+ ValDef( resultSym, theLabelDef )),
+ result
+ );
+ // result );
+ result;
+ }
+ protected def initializeSyms(): Unit = { // TEST
+ this.funSym = owner.newLabel( pos, fresh.newName( "matcher" ));
+ this.iterSym = owner.newVariable( pos, fresh.newName("iter"))
+ .setInfo( _seqIterType( elementType ) ) ;
+ this.stateSym = owner.newVariable( pos, fresh.newName("q"))
+ .setInfo( ) ;
+ this.resultSym = owner.newVariable( pos, fresh.newName("swRes"))
+ .setInfo( ) ;
+ this.funSym.setInfo( MethodType(scala.List (,
+ ));
+ this.curSym = owner.newVariable( pos, "cur" /*Names.cur*/ )
+ .setInfo( elementType );
+ this.hasnSym = owner.newVariable( pos, nme.hasNext )
+ .setInfo( );
+ }
+ /** code for the return value of the automaton translation
+ */
+ override def run_finished(state: Int): Tree = { // T E S T
+ if( dfa.isFinal(state))
+ Literal(dfa.finals.get(new Integer(state)).asInstanceOf[Integer].intValue());
+ else
+ Literal(FAIL);
+ }
+ // calling the /*AlgebraicMatcher*/PatternMatcher here
+ override def _cur_match(pat: Tree): Tree = { // TE ST
+ val m = new PartialMatcher {
+ val owner = WordAutomInScala.this.owner; /* owner*/
+ val selector = currentElem(); /* root */
+ // restyp /* restype */);
+ }
+ am.construct( m, scala.List (
+ CaseDef( pat, Literal( true )),
+ CaseDef( Ident(definitions.PatternWildcard), Literal( false )) ),
+ false);
+ am.toTree();
+ }
+ /** do the translation
+ */
+ def translate(): Unit = {
+ initializeSyms();
+ val tb = code_body_NEW();
+ //theLabelDef = gen.DefDef(this.funSym, tb);
+ theLabelDef = LabelDef(this.funSym, scala.List( stateSym ), tb);
+ }
+ /** ...
+ * @return returns translation of transition with label from i.
+ * returns null if there is no such transition
+ * (no translation needed)
+ */
+ override def code_delta(i: Int, label: Label): Tree = {
+ val target =, label);
+ if (target == null)
+ label match {
+ case DefaultLabel() =>
+ code_error(); // this may not happen !
+ case _ =>
+ null; // not good
+ }
+ else if (target.intValue() == dfa.nstates() - 1) // that one is a dead state
+ code_fail();
+ else
+ callFun(scala.List( Literal(target.intValue() )));
+ }