path: root/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/settings/Warnings.scala
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/settings/Warnings.scala')
1 files changed, 41 insertions, 8 deletions
diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/settings/Warnings.scala b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/settings/Warnings.scala
index f570037760..329a6aadd7 100644
--- a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/settings/Warnings.scala
+++ b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/settings/Warnings.scala
@@ -7,8 +7,6 @@ package
package nsc
package settings
-import language.existentials
/** Settings influencing the printing of warnings.
trait Warnings {
@@ -17,15 +15,42 @@ trait Warnings {
// Warning semantics.
val fatalWarnings = BooleanSetting("-Xfatal-warnings", "Fail the compilation if there are any warnings.")
- // Non-lint warnings
+ // Non-lint warnings.
val warnDeadCode = BooleanSetting("-Ywarn-dead-code", "Warn when dead code is identified.")
val warnValueDiscard = BooleanSetting("-Ywarn-value-discard", "Warn when non-Unit expression results are unused.")
val warnNumericWiden = BooleanSetting("-Ywarn-numeric-widen", "Warn when numerics are widened.")
- // SI-7712, SI-7707 warnUnused not quite ready for prime-time
- val warnUnused = BooleanSetting("-Ywarn-unused", "Warn when local and private vals, vars, defs, and types are unused.")
- // currently considered too noisy for general use
- val warnUnusedImport = BooleanSetting("-Ywarn-unused-import", "Warn when imports are unused.")
+ object UnusedWarnings extends MultiChoiceEnumeration {
+ val Imports = Choice("imports", "Warn if an import selector is not referenced.")
+ val PatVars = Choice("patvars", "Warn if a variable bound in a pattern is unused.")
+ val Privates = Choice("privates", "Warn if a private member is unused.")
+ val Locals = Choice("locals", "Warn if a local definition is unused.")
+ val Params = Choice("params", "Warn if a value parameter is unused.")
+ val Implicits = Choice("implicits", "Warn if an implicit parameter is unused.")
+ }
+ // The -Ywarn-unused warning group.
+ val warnUnused = MultiChoiceSetting(
+ name = "-Ywarn-unused",
+ helpArg = "warning",
+ descr = "Enable or disable specific `unused' warnings",
+ domain = UnusedWarnings,
+ default = Some(List("_"))
+ )
+ def warnUnusedImport = warnUnused contains UnusedWarnings.Imports
+ def warnUnusedPatVars = warnUnused contains UnusedWarnings.PatVars
+ def warnUnusedPrivates = warnUnused contains UnusedWarnings.Privates
+ def warnUnusedLocals = warnUnused contains UnusedWarnings.Locals
+ def warnUnusedParams = warnUnused contains UnusedWarnings.Params
+ def warnUnusedImplicits = warnUnused contains UnusedWarnings.Implicits
+ BooleanSetting("-Ywarn-unused-import", "Warn when imports are unused.") withPostSetHook { s =>
+ warnUnused.add(s"${if (s) "" else "-"}imports")
+ } //withDeprecationMessage s"Enable -Ywarn-unused:imports"
+ val warnExtraImplicit = BooleanSetting("-Ywarn-extra-implicit", "Warn when more than one implicit parameter section is defined.")
// Experimental lint warnings that are turned off, but which could be turned on programmatically.
// They are not activated by -Xlint and can't be enabled on the command line because they are not
@@ -59,6 +84,8 @@ trait Warnings {
val PackageObjectClasses = LintWarning("package-object-classes", "Class or object defined in package object.")
val UnsoundMatch = LintWarning("unsound-match", "Pattern match may not be typesafe.")
val StarsAlign = LintWarning("stars-align", "Pattern sequence wildcard must align with sequence component.")
+ val Constant = LintWarning("constant", "Evaluation of a constant arithmetic expression results in an error.")
+ val Unused = LintWarning("unused", "Enable -Ywarn-unused:imports,privates,locals,implicits.")
def allLintWarnings = values.toSeq.asInstanceOf[Seq[LintWarning]]
@@ -80,6 +107,8 @@ trait Warnings {
def warnPackageObjectClasses = lint contains PackageObjectClasses
def warnUnsoundMatch = lint contains UnsoundMatch
def warnStarsAlign = lint contains StarsAlign
+ def warnConstant = lint contains Constant
+ def lintUnused = lint contains Unused
// Lint warnings that are currently -Y, but deprecated in that usage
@deprecated("Use warnAdaptedArgs", since="2.11.2")
@@ -99,7 +128,11 @@ trait Warnings {
helpArg = "warning",
descr = "Enable or disable specific warnings",
domain = LintWarnings,
- default = Some(List("_")))
+ default = Some(List("_"))
+ ).withPostSetHook { s =>
+ val unused = List("imports", "privates", "locals", "implicits")
+ if (s contains Unused) unused.foreach(warnUnused.add)
+ }
allLintWarnings foreach {
case w if w.yAliased =>