path: root/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/transform
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31 files changed, 2886 insertions, 3220 deletions
diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/transform/AccessorSynthesis.scala b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/transform/AccessorSynthesis.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e027b065ac
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/transform/AccessorSynthesis.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,403 @@
+/* NSC -- new Scala compiler
+ * Copyright 2005-2013 LAMP/EPFL and Lightbend, Inc
+ */
+package transform
+import symtab._
+import Flags._
+import scala.collection.mutable
+trait AccessorSynthesis extends Transform with ast.TreeDSL {
+ import global._
+ import definitions._
+ import CODE._
+ val EmptyThicket = EmptyTree
+ def Thicket(trees: List[Tree]) = if (trees.isEmpty) EmptyTree else Block(trees, EmptyTree)
+ def mustExplodeThicket(tree: Tree): Boolean =
+ tree match {
+ case EmptyTree => true
+ case Block(_, EmptyTree) => true
+ case _ => false
+ }
+ def explodeThicket(tree: Tree): List[Tree] = tree match {
+ case EmptyTree => Nil
+ case Block(thicket, EmptyTree) => thicket
+ case stat => stat :: Nil
+ }
+ trait AccessorTreeSynthesis {
+ protected def typedPos(pos: Position)(tree: Tree): Tree
+ // used while we still need to synthesize some accessors in mixins: paramaccessors and presupers
+ class UncheckedAccessorSynth(protected val clazz: Symbol){
+ protected val _newDefs = mutable.ListBuffer[Tree]()
+ def newDefs = _newDefs.toList
+ /** Add tree at given position as new definition */
+ protected def addDef(tree: ValOrDefDef): Unit = _newDefs += typedPos(position(tree.symbol))(tree)
+ /** The position of given symbol, or, if this is undefined,
+ * the position of the current class.
+ */
+ private def position(sym: Symbol) = if (sym.pos == NoPosition) clazz.pos else sym.pos
+ /** Add new method definition.
+ *
+ * @param sym The method symbol.
+ * @param rhs The method body.
+ */
+ def addDefDef(sym: Symbol, rhs: Tree = EmptyTree) = addDef(DefDef(sym, rhs))
+ def addValDef(sym: Symbol, rhs: Tree = EmptyTree) = addDef(ValDef(sym, rhs))
+ /** Complete `stats` with init checks and bitmaps,
+ * removing any abstract method definitions in `stats` that are
+ * matched by some symbol defined by a tree previously passed to `addDef`.
+ */
+ def implementWithNewDefs(stats: List[Tree]): List[Tree] = {
+ val newDefs = _newDefs.toList
+ val newSyms = newDefs map (_.symbol)
+ def isNotDuplicate(tree: Tree) = tree match {
+ case DefDef(_, _, _, _, _, _) =>
+ val sym = tree.symbol
+ !(sym.isDeferred &&
+ (newSyms exists (nsym => == && (nsym.tpe matches sym.tpe))))
+ case _ => true
+ }
+ if (newDefs.isEmpty) stats
+ else newDefs ::: (stats filter isNotDuplicate)
+ }
+ def accessorBody(sym: Symbol) =
+ if (sym.isSetter) setterBody(sym, sym.getterIn(clazz)) else getterBody(sym)
+ protected def getterBody(getter: Symbol): Tree = {
+ assert(getter.isGetter)
+ assert(getter.hasFlag(PARAMACCESSOR))
+ fieldAccess(getter)
+ }
+ protected def setterBody(setter: Symbol, getter: Symbol): Tree = {
+ assert(getter.hasFlag(PARAMACCESSOR), s"missing implementation for non-paramaccessor $setter in $clazz")
+ Assign(fieldAccess(setter), Ident(setter.firstParam))
+ }
+ private def fieldAccess(accessor: Symbol) =
+ Select(This(clazz), accessor.accessed)
+ }
+ }
+ case class BitmapInfo(symbol: Symbol, mask: Literal) {
+ def storageClass: ClassSymbol =
+ }
+ // TODO: better way to communicate from info transform to tree transform?
+ private[this] val _bitmapInfo = perRunCaches.newMap[Symbol, BitmapInfo]
+ private[this] val _slowPathFor = perRunCaches.newMap[Symbol, Symbol]()
+ def checkedAccessorSymbolSynth(clz: Symbol) =
+ if (settings.checkInit) new CheckInitAccessorSymbolSynth { val clazz = clz }
+ else new CheckedAccessorSymbolSynth { val clazz = clz }
+ // base trait, with enough functionality for lazy vals -- CheckInitAccessorSymbolSynth adds logic for -Xcheckinit
+ trait CheckedAccessorSymbolSynth {
+ protected val clazz: Symbol
+ protected def defaultPos = clazz.pos.focus
+ protected def isTrait = clazz.isTrait
+ protected def hasTransientAnnot(field: Symbol) = field.accessedOrSelf hasAnnotation TransientAttr
+ def needsBitmap(sym: Symbol): Boolean = !(isTrait || sym.isDeferred) && sym.isMethod && sym.isLazy && !sym.isSpecialized
+ /** Examines the symbol and returns a name indicating what brand of
+ * bitmap it requires. The possibilities are the BITMAP_* vals
+ * defined in StdNames. If it needs no bitmap, nme.NO_NAME.
+ *
+ * bitmaps for checkinit fields are not inherited
+ */
+ protected def bitmapCategory(sym: Symbol): Name = {
+ // ensure that nested objects are transformed TODO: still needed?
+ sym.initialize
+ import nme._
+ if (needsBitmap(sym) && sym.isLazy)
+ if (hasTransientAnnot(sym)) BITMAP_TRANSIENT else BITMAP_NORMAL
+ else NO_NAME
+ }
+ def bitmapFor(sym: Symbol): BitmapInfo = _bitmapInfo(sym)
+ protected def hasBitmap(sym: Symbol): Boolean = _bitmapInfo isDefinedAt sym
+ /** Fill the map from fields to bitmap infos.
+ *
+ * Instead of field symbols, the map keeps their getter symbols. This makes code generation easier later.
+ */
+ def computeBitmapInfos(decls: List[Symbol]): List[Symbol] = {
+ def doCategory(fields: List[Symbol], category: Name) = {
+ val nbFields = fields.length // we know it's > 0
+ val (bitmapClass, bitmapCapacity) =
+ if (nbFields == 1) (BooleanClass, 1)
+ else if (nbFields <= 8) (ByteClass, 8)
+ else if (nbFields <= 32) (IntClass, 32)
+ else (LongClass, 64)
+ // 0-based index of highest bit, divided by bits per bitmap
+ // note that this is only ever > 0 when bitmapClass == LongClass
+ val maxBitmapNumber = (nbFields - 1) / bitmapCapacity
+ // transient fields get their own category
+ val isTransientCategory = fields.head hasAnnotation TransientAttr
+ val bitmapSyms =
+ (0 to maxBitmapNumber).toArray map { bitmapNumber =>
+ val bitmapSym = (
+ clazz.newVariable(nme.newBitmapName(category, bitmapNumber).toTermName, defaultPos)
+ setInfo bitmapClass.tpe
+ setFlag PrivateLocal | NEEDS_TREES
+ )
+ bitmapSym addAnnotation VolatileAttr
+ if (isTransientCategory) bitmapSym addAnnotation TransientAttr
+ bitmapSym
+ }
+ fields.zipWithIndex foreach { case (f, idx) =>
+ val bitmapIdx = idx / bitmapCapacity
+ val offsetInBitmap = idx % bitmapCapacity
+ val mask =
+ if (bitmapClass == LongClass) Constant(1L << offsetInBitmap)
+ else Constant(1 << offsetInBitmap)
+ _bitmapInfo(f) = BitmapInfo(bitmapSyms(bitmapIdx), Literal(mask))
+ }
+ bitmapSyms
+ }
+ decls groupBy bitmapCategory flatMap {
+ case (category, fields) if category != nme.NO_NAME && fields.nonEmpty => doCategory(fields, category)
+ case _ => Nil
+ } toList
+ }
+ def slowPathFor(lzyVal: Symbol): Symbol = _slowPathFor(lzyVal)
+ def newSlowPathSymbol(lzyVal: Symbol): Symbol = {
+ val pos = if (lzyVal.pos != NoPosition) lzyVal.pos else defaultPos // TODO: is the else branch ever taken?
+ val sym = clazz.newMethod(nme.newLazyValSlowComputeName(, pos, PRIVATE) setInfo MethodType(Nil, lzyVal.tpe.resultType)
+ _slowPathFor(lzyVal) = sym
+ sym
+ }
+ }
+ trait CheckInitAccessorSymbolSynth extends CheckedAccessorSymbolSynth {
+ /** Does this field require an initialized bit?
+ * Note: fields of classes inheriting DelayedInit are not checked.
+ * This is because they are neither initialized in the constructor
+ * nor do they have a setter (not if they are vals anyway). The usual
+ * logic for setting bitmaps does therefore not work for such fields.
+ * That's why they are excluded.
+ * Note: The `checkinit` option does not check if transient fields are initialized.
+ */
+ protected def needsInitFlag(sym: Symbol): Boolean =
+ sym.isGetter &&
+ !( sym.isInitializedToDefault
+ || isConstantType( // SI-4742
+ || sym.accessed.hasFlag(PRESUPER)
+ || sym.isOuterAccessor
+ || (sym.owner isSubClass DelayedInitClass)
+ || (sym.accessed hasAnnotation TransientAttr))
+ /** Examines the symbol and returns a name indicating what brand of
+ * bitmap it requires. The possibilities are the BITMAP_* vals
+ * defined in StdNames. If it needs no bitmap, nme.NO_NAME.
+ *
+ * bitmaps for checkinit fields are not inherited
+ */
+ override protected def bitmapCategory(sym: Symbol): Name = {
+ import nme._
+ super.bitmapCategory(sym) match {
+ case NO_NAME if needsInitFlag(sym) && !sym.isDeferred =>
+ case category => category
+ }
+ }
+ override def needsBitmap(sym: Symbol): Boolean = super.needsBitmap(sym) || !(isTrait || sym.isDeferred) && needsInitFlag(sym)
+ }
+ // synthesize trees based on info gathered during info transform
+ // (which are known to have been run because the tree transform runs afterOwnPhase)
+ // since we can't easily share all info via symbols and flags, we have two maps above
+ // (they are persisted even between phases because the -Xcheckinit logic runs during constructors)
+ // TODO: can we use attachments instead of _bitmapInfo and _slowPathFor?
+ trait CheckedAccessorTreeSynthesis extends AccessorTreeSynthesis {
+ // note: we deal in getters here, not field symbols
+ trait SynthCheckedAccessorsTreesInClass extends CheckedAccessorSymbolSynth {
+ def isUnitGetter(sym: Symbol) = sym.tpe.resultType.typeSymbol == UnitClass
+ def thisRef = gen.mkAttributedThis(clazz)
+ /** Return an (untyped) tree of the form 'clazz.this.bitmapSym & mask (==|!=) 0', the
+ * precise comparison operator depending on the value of 'equalToZero'.
+ */
+ def mkTest(field: Symbol, equalToZero: Boolean = true): Tree = {
+ val bitmap = bitmapFor(field)
+ val bitmapTree = thisRef DOT bitmap.symbol
+ if (bitmap.storageClass == BooleanClass) {
+ if (equalToZero) NOT(bitmapTree) else bitmapTree
+ } else {
+ val lhs = bitmapTree GEN_&(bitmap.mask, bitmap.storageClass)
+ if (equalToZero) lhs GEN_==(ZERO, bitmap.storageClass)
+ else lhs GEN_!=(ZERO, bitmap.storageClass)
+ }
+ }
+ /** Return an (untyped) tree of the form 'Clazz.this.bmp = Clazz.this.bmp | mask'. */
+ def mkSetFlag(valSym: Symbol): Tree = {
+ val bitmap = bitmapFor(valSym)
+ def x = thisRef DOT bitmap.symbol
+ Assign(x,
+ if (bitmap.storageClass == BooleanClass) TRUE
+ else {
+ val or = Apply(Select(x, getMember(bitmap.storageClass, nme.OR)), List(bitmap.mask))
+ // NOTE: bitwise or (`|`) on two bytes yields and Int (TODO: why was this not a problem when this ran during mixins?)
+ // TODO: need this to make it type check -- is there another way??
+ if (bitmap.storageClass != LongClass) Apply(Select(or, newTermName("to" +, Nil)
+ else or
+ }
+ )
+ }
+ }
+ class SynthLazyAccessorsIn(protected val clazz: Symbol) extends SynthCheckedAccessorsTreesInClass {
+ /**
+ * The compute method (slow path) looks like:
+ *
+ * ```
+ * def l$compute() = {
+ * synchronized(this) {
+ * if ((bitmap$n & MASK) == 0) {
+ * init // l$ = <rhs>
+ * bitmap$n = bimap$n | MASK
+ * }
+ * }
+ * ...
+ * this.f1 = null
+ * ...
+ * this.fn = null
+ * l$
+ * }
+ * ```
+ *
+ * `bitmap$n` is a byte, int or long value acting as a bitmap of initialized values.
+ * The kind of the bitmap determines how many bit indicators for lazy vals are stored in it.
+ * For Int bitmap it is 32 and then 'n' in the above code is: (offset / 32),
+ * the MASK is (1 << (offset % 32)).
+ *
+ * If the class contains only a single lazy val then the bitmap is
+ * represented as a Boolean and the condition checking is a simple bool test.
+ *
+ * Private fields used only in this initializer are subsequently set to null.
+ *
+ * For performance reasons the double-checked locking is split into two parts,
+ * the first (fast) path checks the bitmap without synchronizing, and if that
+ * fails it initializes the lazy val within the synchronization block (slow path).
+ *
+ * This way the inliner should optimize the fast path because the method body is small enough.
+ */
+ def expandLazyClassMember(lazyVar: global.Symbol, lazyAccessor: global.Symbol, transformedRhs: global.Tree): Tree = {
+ val slowPathSym = slowPathFor(lazyAccessor)
+ val rhsAtSlowDef = transformedRhs.changeOwner(lazyAccessor -> slowPathSym)
+ val isUnit = isUnitGetter(lazyAccessor)
+ val selectVar = if (isUnit) UNIT else Select(thisRef, lazyVar)
+ val storeRes = if (isUnit) rhsAtSlowDef else Assign(selectVar, fields.castHack(rhsAtSlowDef,
+ def needsInit = mkTest(lazyAccessor)
+ val doInit = Block(List(storeRes), mkSetFlag(lazyAccessor))
+ // the slow part of double-checked locking (TODO: is this the most efficient pattern? https://github.come/scala/scala-dev/issues/204)
+ val slowPathRhs = Block(gen.mkSynchronized(thisRef)(If(needsInit, doInit, EmptyTree)) :: Nil, selectVar)
+ // The lazy accessor delegates to the compute method if needed, otherwise just accesses the var (it was initialized previously)
+ // `if ((bitmap&n & MASK) == 0) this.l$compute() else l$`
+ val accessorRhs = If(needsInit, Apply(Select(thisRef, slowPathSym), Nil), selectVar)
+ afterOwnPhase { // so that we can assign to vals
+ Thicket(List((DefDef(slowPathSym, slowPathRhs)), DefDef(lazyAccessor, accessorRhs)) map typedPos(lazyAccessor.pos.focus))
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ class SynthInitCheckedAccessorsIn(protected val clazz: Symbol) extends SynthCheckedAccessorsTreesInClass with CheckInitAccessorSymbolSynth {
+ private object addInitBitsTransformer extends Transformer {
+ private def checkedGetter(lhs: Tree)(pos: Position) = {
+ val getter = decl lhs.symbol.getterName suchThat (_.isGetter)
+ if (hasBitmap(getter) && needsInitFlag(getter)) {
+ debuglog("adding checked getter for: " + getter + " " + lhs.symbol.flagString)
+ List(typedPos(pos)(mkSetFlag(getter)))
+ }
+ else Nil
+ }
+ override def transformStats(stats: List[Tree], exprOwner: Symbol) = {
+ // !!! Ident(self) is never referenced, is it supposed to be confirming
+ // that self is anything in particular?
+ super.transformStats(
+ stats flatMap {
+ case stat@Assign(lhs@Select(This(_), _), rhs) => stat :: checkedGetter(lhs)(stat.pos.focus)
+ // remove initialization for default values -- TODO is this case ever hit? constructors does not generate Assigns with EmptyTree for the rhs AFAICT
+ case Apply(lhs@Select(Ident(self), _), EmptyTree.asList) if lhs.symbol.isSetter => Nil
+ case stat => List(stat)
+ },
+ exprOwner
+ )
+ }
+ }
+ /** Make getters check the initialized bit, and the class constructor & setters are changed to set the initialized bits. */
+ def wrapRhsWithInitChecks(sym: Symbol)(rhs: Tree): Tree = {
+ // Add statements to the body of a constructor to set the 'init' bit for each field initialized in the constructor
+ if (sym.isConstructor) addInitBitsTransformer transform rhs
+ else if (isTrait || rhs == EmptyTree) rhs
+ else if (needsInitFlag(sym)) // getter
+ mkCheckedAccessorRhs(if (isUnitGetter(sym)) UNIT else rhs, rhs.pos, sym)
+ else if (sym.isSetter) {
+ val getter = sym.getterIn(clazz)
+ if (needsInitFlag(getter)) Block(List(rhs, typedPos(rhs.pos.focus)(mkSetFlag(getter))), UNIT)
+ else rhs
+ }
+ else rhs
+ }
+ private def mkCheckedAccessorRhs(retVal: Tree, pos: Position, getter: Symbol): Tree = {
+ val msg = s"Uninitialized field: ${clazz.sourceFile}: ${pos.line}"
+ val result =
+ IF(mkTest(getter, equalToZero = false)).
+ THEN(retVal).
+ ELSE(Throw(NewFromConstructor(UninitializedFieldConstructor, LIT(msg))))
+ typedPos(pos)(BLOCK(result, retVal))
+ }
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/transform/AddInterfaces.scala b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/transform/AddInterfaces.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index 82e7c76409..0000000000
--- a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/transform/AddInterfaces.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,376 +0,0 @@
-/* NSC -- new Scala compiler
- * Copyright 2005-2013 LAMP/EPFL
- * @author Martin Odersky
- */
-package transform
-import symtab._
-import Flags._
-abstract class AddInterfaces extends InfoTransform { self: Erasure =>
- import global._ // the global environment
- import definitions._ // standard classes and methods
- /** The phase sets lateINTERFACE for non-interface traits that now
- * become interfaces. It sets lateDEFERRED for formerly concrete
- * methods in such traits.
- */
- override def phaseNewFlags: Long = lateDEFERRED | lateINTERFACE
- /** A lazily constructed map that associates every non-interface trait with
- * its implementation class.
- */
- private val implClassMap = perRunCaches.newMap[Symbol, Symbol]()
- /** A lazily constructed map that associates every concrete method in a non-interface
- * trait that's currently compiled with its corresponding method in the trait's
- * implementation class.
- */
- private val implMethodMap = perRunCaches.newMap[Symbol, Symbol]()
- override def newPhase(prev: StdPhase = {
- implClassMap.clear()
- implMethodMap.clear()
- super.newPhase(prev)
- }
- /** Is given trait member symbol a member of the trait's interface
- * after this transform is performed?
- */
- private def isInterfaceMember(sym: Symbol) = (
- sym.isType || {
- // initialize to set lateMETHOD flag if necessary
- ( sym.isMethod
- && !sym.isLabel
- && !sym.isPrivate
- && (!(sym hasFlag BRIDGE) || sym.hasBridgeAnnotation) // count @bridge annotated classes as interface members
- && !sym.isConstructor
- && !sym.isImplOnly
- )
- }
- )
- /** Does symbol need an implementation method? */
- def needsImplMethod(sym: Symbol) = (
- sym.isMethod
- && isInterfaceMember(sym)
- && (!sym.hasFlag(DEFERRED | SUPERACCESSOR) || (sym hasFlag lateDEFERRED))
- )
- def implClassPhase =
- private def newImplClass(iface: Symbol): Symbol = {
- val inClass = iface.owner.isClass
- val implName = tpnme.implClassName(
- val implFlags = (iface.flags & ~(INTERFACE | lateINTERFACE)) | IMPLCLASS
- val impl0 = {
- if (!inClass) NoSymbol
- else {
- val typeInfo =
- typeInfo.decl(implName) match {
- case NoSymbol => NoSymbol
- case implSym =>
- // Unlink a pre-existing symbol only if the implementation class is
- // visible on the compilation classpath. In general this is true under
- // -optimise and not otherwise, but the classpath can use arbitrary
- // logic so the classpath must be queried.
- // TODO this is not taken into account by flat classpath yet
- classPath match {
- case cp: ClassPath[_] if !cp.context.isValidName(implName + ".class") =>
- log(s"not unlinking $iface's existing implClass ${} because it is not on the classpath.")
- implSym
- case _ =>
- typeInfo.decls unlink implSym
- NoSymbol
- }
- }
- }
- }
- val impl = impl0 orElse {
- val impl = iface.owner.newImplClass(implName, iface.pos, implFlags)
- if (iface.thisSym != iface) {
- impl.typeOfThis = iface.typeOfThis
- impl.thisSym setName
- }
- impl.associatedFile = iface.sourceFile
- if (inClass)
- enter impl
- impl
- }
- if (currentRun compiles iface)
- currentRun.symSource(impl) = iface.sourceFile
- implClassMap(iface) = impl
- impl setInfo new LazyImplClassType(iface)
- }
- /** Return the implementation class of a trait; create a new one if one does not yet exist */
- def implClass(iface: Symbol): Symbol = {
- implClassMap.getOrElse(iface, enteringPhase(implClassPhase) {
- if (iface.implClass eq NoSymbol)
- debuglog(s"${iface.fullLocationString} has no implClass yet, creating it now.")
- else
- log(s"${iface.fullLocationString} impl class is ${iface.implClass.nameString}")
- newImplClass(iface)
- })
- }
- /** A lazy type to set the info of an implementation class
- * The parents of an implementation class for trait iface are:
- *
- * - superclass: Object
- * - mixin classes: mixin classes of iface where every non-interface
- * trait is mapped to its implementation class, followed by iface itself.
- *
- * The declarations of a mixin class are:
- * - for every interface member of iface: its implementation method, if one is needed
- * - every former member of iface that is implementation only
- */
- private class LazyImplClassType(iface: Symbol) extends LazyType with FlagAgnosticCompleter {
- /** Compute the decls of implementation class implClass,
- * given the decls ifaceDecls of its interface.
- */
- private def implDecls(implClass: Symbol, ifaceDecls: Scope): Scope = {
- debuglog("LazyImplClassType calculating decls for " + implClass)
- val decls = newScope
- if ((ifaceDecls lookup nme.MIXIN_CONSTRUCTOR) == NoSymbol) {
- log("Adding mixin constructor to " + implClass)
- decls enter (
- implClass.newMethod(nme.MIXIN_CONSTRUCTOR, implClass.pos)
- setInfo MethodType(Nil, UnitTpe)
- )
- }
- for (sym <- ifaceDecls) {
- if (isInterfaceMember(sym)) {
- if (needsImplMethod(sym)) {
- val clone = sym.cloneSymbol(implClass).resetFlag(lateDEFERRED)
- if (currentRun.compiles(implClass)) implMethodMap(sym) = clone
- decls enter clone
- sym setFlag lateDEFERRED
- if (!sym.isSpecialized)
- log(s"Cloned ${} from ${sym.owner} into implClass ${implClass.fullName}")
- }
- }
- else {
- log(s"Destructively modifying owner of $sym from ${sym.owner} to $implClass")
- sym.owner = implClass
- // note: OK to destructively modify the owner here,
- // because symbol will not be accessible from outside the sourcefile.
- // mixin constructors are corrected separately; see TermSymbol.owner
- decls enter sym
- }
- }
- decls
- }
- override def complete(implSym: Symbol) {
- debuglog("LazyImplClassType completing " + implSym)
- /* If `tp` refers to a non-interface trait, return a
- * reference to its implementation class. Otherwise return `tp`.
- */
- def mixinToImplClass(tp: Type): Type = AddInterfaces.this.erasure(implSym) {
- tp match { //@MATN: no normalize needed (comes after erasure)
- case TypeRef(pre, sym, _) if sym.needsImplClass =>
- typeRef(pre, implClass(sym), Nil)
- case _ =>
- tp
- }
- }
- def implType(tp: Type): Type = tp match {
- case ClassInfoType(parents, decls, _) =>
- assert(phase == implClassPhase, tp)
- // Impl class parents: Object first, matching interface last.
- val implParents = ObjectTpe +: (parents.tail map mixinToImplClass filter (_.typeSymbol != ObjectClass)) :+ iface.tpe
- ClassInfoType(implParents, implDecls(implSym, decls), implSym)
- case PolyType(_, restpe) =>
- implType(restpe)
- }
- implSym setInfo implType(enteringErasure(
- }
- override def load(clazz: Symbol) { complete(clazz) }
- }
- def transformMixinInfo(tp: Type): Type = tp match {
- case ClassInfoType(parents, decls, clazz) if clazz.isPackageClass || !clazz.isJavaDefined =>
- if (clazz.needsImplClass)
- implClass(clazz setFlag lateINTERFACE) // generate an impl class
- val parents1 = parents match {
- case Nil => Nil
- case hd :: tl =>
- assert(!hd.typeSymbol.isTrait, clazz)
- if (clazz.isTrait) ObjectTpe :: tl
- else parents
- }
- val decls1 = scopeTransform(clazz)(
- decls filter (sym =>
- if (clazz.isInterface) isInterfaceMember(sym)
- else sym.isClass || sym.isTerm
- )
- )
- ClassInfoType(parents1, decls1, clazz)
- case _ =>
- tp
- }
-// Tree transformation --------------------------------------------------------------
- private class ChangeOwnerAndReturnTraverser(oldowner: Symbol, newowner: Symbol)
- extends ChangeOwnerTraverser(oldowner, newowner) {
- override def traverse(tree: Tree) {
- tree match {
- case _: Return => change(tree.symbol)
- case _ =>
- }
- super.traverse(tree)
- }
- }
- private def createMemberDef(tree: Tree, isForInterface: Boolean)(create: Tree => Tree) = {
- val isInterfaceTree = tree.isDef && isInterfaceMember(tree.symbol)
- if (isInterfaceTree && needsImplMethod(tree.symbol))
- create(tree)
- else if (isInterfaceTree == isForInterface)
- tree
- else
- EmptyTree
- }
- private def implMemberDef(tree: Tree): Tree = createMemberDef(tree, false)(implMethodDef)
- private def ifaceMemberDef(tree: Tree): Tree = createMemberDef(tree, true)(t => DefDef(t.symbol, EmptyTree))
- private def ifaceTemplate(templ: Template): Template =
- treeCopy.Template(templ, templ.parents, noSelfType, templ.body map ifaceMemberDef)
- /** Transforms the member tree containing the implementation
- * into a member of the impl class.
- */
- private def implMethodDef(tree: Tree): Tree = {
- val impl = implMethodMap.getOrElse(tree.symbol, abort("implMethod missing for " + tree.symbol))
- val newTree = if (impl.isErroneous) tree else { // e.g. res/t687
- // SI-5167: Ensure that the tree that we are grafting refers the parameter symbols from the
- // new method symbol `impl`, rather than the symbols of the original method signature in
- // the trait. `tree setSymbol impl` does *not* suffice!
- val DefDef(_, _, _, vparamss, _, _) = tree
- val oldSyms =
- val newSyms =
- assert(oldSyms.length == newSyms.length, (oldSyms, impl,
- tree.substituteSymbols(oldSyms, newSyms)
- }
- new ChangeOwnerAndReturnTraverser(newTree.symbol, impl)(newTree setSymbol impl)
- }
- /** Add mixin constructor definition
- * def $init$(): Unit = ()
- * to `stats` unless there is already one.
- */
- private def addMixinConstructorDef(clazz: Symbol, stats: List[Tree]): List[Tree] =
- if (treeInfo.firstConstructor(stats) != EmptyTree) stats
- else DefDef(clazz.primaryConstructor, Block(List(), Literal(Constant(())))) :: stats
- private def implTemplate(clazz: Symbol, templ: Template): Template = atPos(templ.pos) {
- val templ1 = (
- Template(templ.parents, noSelfType, addMixinConstructorDef(clazz, templ.body map implMemberDef))
- setSymbol clazz.newLocalDummy(templ.pos)
- )
- templ1.changeOwner(templ.symbol.owner -> clazz, templ.symbol -> templ1.symbol)
- templ1
- }
- def implClassDefs(trees: List[Tree]): List[Tree] = {
- trees collect {
- case cd: ClassDef if cd.symbol.needsImplClass =>
- val clazz = implClass(cd.symbol).initialize
- ClassDef(clazz, implTemplate(clazz, cd.impl))
- }
- }
- /** Add calls to supermixin constructors
- * `super[mix].$init$()`
- * to tree, which is assumed to be the body of a constructor of class clazz.
- */
- private def addMixinConstructorCalls(tree: Tree, clazz: Symbol): Tree = {
- def mixinConstructorCall(impl: Symbol): Tree = atPos(tree.pos) {
- Apply(Select(This(clazz), impl.primaryConstructor), List())
- }
- val mixinConstructorCalls: List[Tree] = {
- for (mc <- clazz.mixinClasses.reverse
- if mc.hasFlag(lateINTERFACE))
- yield mixinConstructorCall(implClass(mc))
- }
- tree match {
- case Block(Nil, expr) =>
- // AnyVal constructor - have to provide a real body so the
- // jvm doesn't throw a VerifyError. But we can't add the
- // body until now, because the typer knows that Any has no
- // constructor and won't accept a call to super.init.
- assert((clazz isSubClass AnyValClass) ||, clazz)
- Block(List(Apply(gen.mkSuperInitCall, Nil)), expr)
- case Block(stats, expr) =>
- // needs `hasSymbolField` check because `supercall` could be a block (named / default args)
- val (presuper, supercall :: rest) = stats span (t => t.hasSymbolWhich(_ hasFlag PRESUPER))
- treeCopy.Block(tree, presuper ::: (supercall :: mixinConstructorCalls ::: rest), expr)
- }
- }
- protected val mixinTransformer = new Transformer {
- override def transformStats(stats: List[Tree], exprOwner: Symbol): List[Tree] =
- (super.transformStats(stats, exprOwner) :::
- super.transformStats(implClassDefs(stats), exprOwner))
- override def transform(tree: Tree): Tree = {
- val sym = tree.symbol
- val tree1 = tree match {
- case ClassDef(mods, _, _, impl) if sym.needsImplClass =>
- implClass(sym).initialize // to force lateDEFERRED flags
- copyClassDef(tree)(mods = mods | INTERFACE, impl = ifaceTemplate(impl))
- case DefDef(_,_,_,_,_,_) if sym.isClassConstructor && sym.isPrimaryConstructor && sym.owner != ArrayClass =>
- deriveDefDef(tree)(addMixinConstructorCalls(_, sym.owner)) // (3)
- case Template(parents, self, body) =>
- val parents1 = map (t => TypeTree(t) setPos tree.pos)
- treeCopy.Template(tree, parents1, noSelfType, body)
- case This(_) if sym.needsImplClass =>
- val impl = implClass(sym)
- var owner = currentOwner
- while (owner != sym && owner != impl) owner = owner.owner;
- if (owner == impl) This(impl) setPos tree.pos
- else tree
- //TODO what about this commented out code?
-/* !!!
- case Super(qual, mix) =>
- val mix1 = mix
- if (mix == tpnme.EMPTY) mix
- else {
- val ps = enteringErasure {
- dropWhile (p => != mix)
- }
- assert(!ps.isEmpty, tree);
- if (ps.head.symbol.needsImplClass) implClass(ps.head.symbol).name
- else mix
- }
- if (sym.needsImplClass) Super(implClass(sym), mix1) setPos tree.pos
- else treeCopy.Super(tree, qual, mix1)
- case _ =>
- tree
- }
- super.transform(tree1)
- }
- }
diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/transform/CleanUp.scala b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/transform/CleanUp.scala
index c29826551b..81df28bc87 100644
--- a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/transform/CleanUp.scala
+++ b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/transform/CleanUp.scala
@@ -21,16 +21,8 @@ abstract class CleanUp extends Statics with Transform with ast.TreeDSL {
val phaseName: String = "cleanup"
/* used in GenBCode: collects ClassDef symbols owning a main(Array[String]) method */
- private var entryPoints: List[Symbol] = null
- def getEntryPoints: List[Symbol] = {
- assert(settings.isBCodeActive, "Candidate Java entry points are collected here only when GenBCode in use.")
- entryPoints sortBy ("" + _.fullName) // For predictably ordered error messages.
- }
- override def newPhase(prev: StdPhase = {
- entryPoints = if (settings.isBCodeActive) Nil else null;
- super.newPhase(prev)
- }
+ private var entryPoints: List[Symbol] = Nil
+ def getEntryPoints: List[Symbol] = entryPoints sortBy ("" + _.fullName) // For predictably ordered error messages.
protected def newTransformer(unit: CompilationUnit): Transformer =
new CleanUpTransformer(unit)
@@ -49,7 +41,9 @@ abstract class CleanUp extends Statics with Transform with ast.TreeDSL {
val newBody = transformTrees(body)
val templ = deriveTemplate(tree)(_ => transformTrees(newStaticMembers.toList) ::: newBody)
- try addStaticInits(templ, newStaticInits, localTyper) // postprocess to include static ctors
+ try
+ if (newStaticInits.isEmpty) templ
+ else deriveTemplate(templ)(body => staticConstructor(body, localTyper, templ.pos)(newStaticInits.toList) :: body)
finally clearStatics()
private def mkTerm(prefix: String): TermName = unit.freshTermName(prefix)
@@ -85,24 +79,6 @@ abstract class CleanUp extends Statics with Transform with ast.TreeDSL {
- def addStaticVariableToClass(forName: TermName, forType: Type, forInit: Tree, isFinal: Boolean): Symbol = {
- val flags = PRIVATE | STATIC | SYNTHETIC | (
- if (isFinal) FINAL else 0
- )
- val varSym = currentClass.newVariable(mkTerm("" + forName), ad.pos, flags.toLong) setInfoAndEnter forType
- if (!isFinal)
- varSym.addAnnotation(VolatileAttr)
- val varDef = typedPos(ValDef(varSym, forInit))
- newStaticMembers append transform(varDef)
- val varInit = typedPos( REF(varSym) === forInit )
- newStaticInits append transform(varInit)
- varSym
- }
def addStaticMethodToClass(forBody: (Symbol, Symbol) => Tree): Symbol = {
val methSym = currentClass.newMethod(mkTerm(nme.reflMethodName.toString), ad.pos, STATIC | SYNTHETIC)
val params = methSym.newSyntheticValueParams(List(ClassClass.tpe))
@@ -113,9 +89,6 @@ abstract class CleanUp extends Statics with Transform with ast.TreeDSL {
- def fromTypesToClassArrayLiteral(paramTypes: List[Type]): Tree =
- ArrayValue(TypeTree(ClassClass.tpe), paramTypes map LIT)
def reflectiveMethodCache(method: String, paramTypes: List[Type]): Symbol = {
/* Implementation of the cache is as follows for method "def xyz(a: A, b: B)"
(SoftReference so that it does not interfere with classloader garbage collection,
@@ -126,7 +99,7 @@ abstract class CleanUp extends Statics with Transform with ast.TreeDSL {
var reflPoly$Cache: SoftReference[scala.runtime.MethodCache] = new SoftReference(new EmptyMethodCache())
def reflMethod$Method(forReceiver: JClass[_]): JMethod = {
- var methodCache: MethodCache = reflPoly$Cache.find(forReceiver)
+ var methodCache: StructuralCallSite = indy[StructuralCallSite.bootstrap, "(LA;LB;)Ljava/lang/Object;]
if (methodCache eq null) {
methodCache = new EmptyMethodCache
reflPoly$Cache = new SoftReference(methodCache)
@@ -135,41 +108,32 @@ abstract class CleanUp extends Statics with Transform with ast.TreeDSL {
if (method ne null)
return method
else {
- method = ScalaRunTime.ensureAccessible(forReceiver.getMethod("xyz", reflParams$Cache))
- reflPoly$Cache = new SoftReference(methodCache.add(forReceiver, method))
+ method = ScalaRunTime.ensureAccessible(forReceiver.getMethod("xyz", methodCache.parameterTypes()))
+ methodCache.add(forReceiver, method)
return method
- */
- val reflParamsCacheSym: Symbol =
- addStaticVariableToClass(nme.reflParamsCacheName, arrayType(ClassClass.tpe), fromTypesToClassArrayLiteral(paramTypes), true)
- def mkNewPolyCache = gen.mkSoftRef(NEW(TypeTree(EmptyMethodCacheClass.tpe)))
- val reflPolyCacheSym: Symbol = addStaticVariableToClass(nme.reflPolyCacheName, SoftReferenceClass.tpe, mkNewPolyCache, false)
- def getPolyCache = gen.mkCast(fn(REF(reflPolyCacheSym), nme.get), MethodCacheClass.tpe)
+ invokedynamic is used rather than a static field for the cache to support emitting bodies of methods
+ in Java 8 interfaces, which don't support private static fields.
+ */
addStaticMethodToClass((reflMethodSym, forReceiverSym) => {
- val methodCache = reflMethodSym.newVariable(mkTerm("methodCache"), ad.pos) setInfo MethodCacheClass.tpe
+ val methodCache = reflMethodSym.newVariable(mkTerm("methodCache"), ad.pos) setInfo StructuralCallSite.tpe
val methodSym = reflMethodSym.newVariable(mkTerm("method"), ad.pos) setInfo MethodClass.tpe
+ val dummyMethodType = MethodType(NoSymbol.newSyntheticValueParams(paramTypes), AnyTpe)
- ValDef(methodCache, getPolyCache),
- REF(methodCache) === NEW(TypeTree(EmptyMethodCacheClass.tpe)),
- REF(reflPolyCacheSym) === gen.mkSoftRef(REF(methodCache))
- ) ENDIF,
- ValDef(methodSym, (REF(methodCache) DOT methodCache_find)(REF(forReceiverSym))),
+ ValDef(methodCache, ApplyDynamic(gen.mkAttributedIdent(StructuralCallSite_dummy), LIT(StructuralCallSite_bootstrap) :: LIT(dummyMethodType) :: Nil).setType(StructuralCallSite.tpe)),
+ ValDef(methodSym, (REF(methodCache) DOT StructuralCallSite_find)(REF(forReceiverSym))),
IF (REF(methodSym) OBJ_NE NULL) .
THEN (Return(REF(methodSym)))
- def methodSymRHS = ((REF(forReceiverSym) DOT Class_getMethod)(LIT(method), REF(reflParamsCacheSym)))
- def cacheRHS = ((REF(methodCache) DOT methodCache_add)(REF(forReceiverSym), REF(methodSym)))
+ def methodSymRHS = ((REF(forReceiverSym) DOT Class_getMethod)(LIT(method), (REF(methodCache) DOT StructuralCallSite_getParameterTypes)()))
+ def cacheAdd = ((REF(methodCache) DOT StructuralCallSite_add)(REF(forReceiverSym), REF(methodSym)))
REF(methodSym) === (REF(currentRun.runDefinitions.ensureAccessibleMethod) APPLY (methodSymRHS)),
- REF(reflPolyCacheSym) === gen.mkSoftRef(cacheRHS),
+ cacheAdd,
@@ -369,6 +333,8 @@ abstract class CleanUp extends Statics with Transform with ast.TreeDSL {
reporter.error(ad.pos, "Cannot resolve overload.")
(Nil, NoType)
+ case NoType =>
+ abort(ad.symbol.toString)
typedPos {
val sym = currentOwner.newValue(mkTerm("qual"), ad.pos) setInfo qual0.tpe
@@ -404,11 +370,7 @@ abstract class CleanUp extends Statics with Transform with ast.TreeDSL {
override def transform(tree: Tree): Tree = tree match {
- case _: ClassDef
- if (entryPoints != null) &&
- genBCode.isJavaEntryPoint(tree.symbol, currentUnit)
- =>
+ case _: ClassDef if genBCode.isJavaEntryPoint(tree.symbol, currentUnit) =>
// collecting symbols for entry points here (as opposed to GenBCode where they are used)
// has the advantage of saving an additional pass over all ClassDefs.
entryPoints ::= tree.symbol
@@ -446,7 +408,7 @@ abstract class CleanUp extends Statics with Transform with ast.TreeDSL {
* refinement, where the refinement defines a parameter based on a
* type variable. */
- case tree: ApplyDynamic =>
+ case tree: ApplyDynamic if tree.symbol.owner.isRefinementClass =>
/* Some cleanup transformations add members to templates (classes, traits, etc).
@@ -476,46 +438,15 @@ abstract class CleanUp extends Statics with Transform with ast.TreeDSL {
* This transformation should identify Scala symbol invocations in the tree and replace them
- * with references to a static member. Also, whenever a class has at least a single symbol invocation
- * somewhere in its methods, a new static member should be created and initialized for that symbol.
- * For instance, say we have a Scala class:
- *
- * class Cls {
- * def someSymbol1 = 'Symbolic1
- * def someSymbol2 = 'Symbolic2
- * def sameSymbol1 = 'Symbolic1
- * val someSymbol3 = 'Symbolic3
- * }
- *
- * After transformation, this class looks like this:
- *
- * class Cls {
- * private <static> var symbol$1: scala.Symbol
- * private <static> var symbol$2: scala.Symbol
- * private <static> var symbol$3: scala.Symbol
- * private val someSymbol3: scala.Symbol
- *
- * private <static> def <clinit> = {
- * symbol$1 = Symbol.apply("Symbolic1")
- * symbol$2 = Symbol.apply("Symbolic2")
- * }
- *
- * private def <init> = {
- * someSymbol3 = symbol$3
- * }
- *
- * def someSymbol1 = symbol$1
- * def someSymbol2 = symbol$2
- * def sameSymbol1 = symbol$1
- * val someSymbol3 = someSymbol3
- * }
+ * with references to a statically cached instance.
* The reasoning behind this transformation is the following. Symbols get interned - they are stored
* in a global map which is protected with a lock. The reason for this is making equality checks
* quicker. But calling Symbol.apply, although it does return a unique symbol, accesses a locked object,
* making symbol access slow. To solve this, the unique symbol from the global symbol map in Symbol
- * is accessed only once during class loading, and after that, the unique symbol is in the static
- * member. Hence, it is cheap to both reach the unique symbol and do equality checks on it.
+ * is accessed only once during class loading, and after that, the unique symbol is in the statically
+ * initialized call site returned by invokedynamic. Hence, it is cheap to both reach the unique symbol
+ * and do equality checks on it.
* And, finally, be advised - Scala's Symbol literal (scala.Symbol) and the Symbol class of the compiler
* have little in common.
@@ -523,15 +454,12 @@ abstract class CleanUp extends Statics with Transform with ast.TreeDSL {
case Apply(fn @ Select(qual, _), (arg @ Literal(Constant(symname: String))) :: Nil)
if treeInfo.isQualifierSafeToElide(qual) && fn.symbol == Symbol_apply && !currentClass.isTrait =>
- def transformApply = {
- // add the symbol name to a map if it's not there already
- val rhs = gen.mkMethodCall(Symbol_apply, arg :: Nil)
- val staticFieldSym = getSymbolStaticField(tree.pos, symname, rhs, tree)
- // create a reference to a static field
- val ntree = typedWithPos(tree.pos)(REF(staticFieldSym))
- super.transform(ntree)
- }
- transformApply
+ super.transform(treeCopy.ApplyDynamic(tree, atPos(fn.pos)(Ident(SymbolLiteral_dummy).setType(, LIT(SymbolLiteral_bootstrap) :: arg :: Nil))
+ // Drop the TypeApply, which was used in Erasure to make `synchronized { ... } ` erase like `...`
+ // (and to avoid boxing the argument to the polymorphic `synchronized` method).
+ case app@Apply(TypeApply(fun, _), args) if fun.symbol == Object_synchronized =>
+ super.transform(treeCopy.Apply(app, fun, args))
// Replaces `Array(Predef.wrapArray(ArrayValue(...).$asInstanceOf[...]), <tag>)`
// with just `ArrayValue(...).$asInstanceOf[...]`
@@ -548,32 +476,6 @@ abstract class CleanUp extends Statics with Transform with ast.TreeDSL {
- /* Returns the symbol and the tree for the symbol field interning a reference to a symbol 'synmname'.
- * If it doesn't exist, i.e. the symbol is encountered the first time,
- * it creates a new static field definition and initialization and returns it.
- */
- private def getSymbolStaticField(pos: Position, symname: String, rhs: Tree, tree: Tree): Symbol = {
- symbolsStoredAsStatic.getOrElseUpdate(symname, {
- val theTyper = typer.atOwner(tree, currentClass)
- // create a symbol for the static field
- val stfieldSym = (
- currentClass.newVariable(mkTerm("symbol$"), pos, PRIVATE | STATIC | SYNTHETIC | FINAL)
- setInfoAndEnter SymbolClass.tpe
- )
- // create field definition and initialization
- val stfieldDef = theTyper.typedPos(pos)(ValDef(stfieldSym, rhs))
- val stfieldInit = theTyper.typedPos(pos)(REF(stfieldSym) === rhs)
- // add field definition to new defs
- newStaticMembers append stfieldDef
- newStaticInits append stfieldInit
- stfieldSym
- })
- }
} // CleanUpTransformer
diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/transform/Constructors.scala b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/transform/Constructors.scala
index b2aac587eb..231a3e4c64 100644
--- a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/transform/Constructors.scala
+++ b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/transform/Constructors.scala
@@ -6,15 +6,14 @@
package transform
-import scala.collection.{ mutable, immutable }
-import scala.collection.mutable.ListBuffer
+import scala.collection.mutable
import scala.reflect.internal.util.ListOfNil
import symtab.Flags._
/** This phase converts classes with parameters into Java-like classes with
* fields, which are assigned to from constructors.
-abstract class Constructors extends Statics with Transform with ast.TreeDSL {
+abstract class Constructors extends Statics with Transform with TypingTransformers with ast.TreeDSL {
import global._
import definitions._
@@ -27,8 +26,7 @@ abstract class Constructors extends Statics with Transform with ast.TreeDSL {
private val guardedCtorStats: mutable.Map[Symbol, List[Tree]] = perRunCaches.newMap[Symbol, List[Tree]]()
private val ctorParams: mutable.Map[Symbol, List[Symbol]] = perRunCaches.newMap[Symbol, List[Symbol]]()
- class ConstructorTransformer(unit: CompilationUnit) extends Transformer {
+ class ConstructorTransformer(unit: CompilationUnit) extends TypingTransformer(unit) {
* Inspect for obvious out-of-order initialization; concrete, eager vals or vars, declared in this class,
* for which a reference to the member precedes its definition.
@@ -75,14 +73,17 @@ abstract class Constructors extends Statics with Transform with ast.TreeDSL {
override def transform(tree: Tree): Tree = {
tree match {
- case cd @ ClassDef(mods0, name0, tparams0, impl0) if !cd.symbol.isInterface && !isPrimitiveValueClass(cd.symbol) =>
+ case cd @ ClassDef(mods0, name0, tparams0, impl0) if !isPrimitiveValueClass(cd.symbol) && cd.symbol.primaryConstructor != NoSymbol =>
if(cd.symbol eq AnyValClass) {
else {
val tplTransformer = new TemplateTransformer(unit, impl0)
- treeCopy.ClassDef(cd, mods0, name0, tparams0, tplTransformer.transformed)
+ tplTransformer.localTyper = this.localTyper
+ tplTransformer.atOwner(impl0, cd.symbol) {
+ treeCopy.ClassDef(cd, mods0, name0, tparams0, tplTransformer.transformed)
+ }
case _ =>
@@ -121,15 +122,15 @@ abstract class Constructors extends Statics with Transform with ast.TreeDSL {
* What trees can be visited at this point?
* To recap, by the time the constructors phase runs, local definitions have been hoisted out of their original owner.
* Moreover, by the time elision is about to happen, the `intoConstructors` rewriting
- * of template-level statements has taken place (the resulting trees can be found in `constrStatBuf`).
+ * of template-level statements has taken place (the resulting trees can be found in `constructorStats`).
* That means:
- * - nested classes are to be found in `defBuf`
+ * - nested classes are to be found in `defs`
- * - value and method definitions are also in `defBuf` and none of them contains local methods or classes.
+ * - value and method definitions are also in `defs` and none of them contains local methods or classes.
- * - auxiliary constructors are to be found in `auxConstructorBuf`
+ * - auxiliary constructors are to be found in `auxConstructors`
* Coming back to the question which trees may contain accesses:
@@ -148,62 +149,56 @@ abstract class Constructors extends Statics with Transform with ast.TreeDSL {
* (the primary constructor) into a dedicated synthetic method that an anon-closure may invoke, as required by DelayedInit.
- private trait OmittablesHelper { self: TemplateTransformer =>
- /*
- * Initially populated with all elision candidates.
- * Trees are traversed, and those candidates are removed which are actually needed.
- * After that, `omittables` doesn't shrink anymore: each symbol it contains can be unlinked from
- */
- val omittables = mutable.Set.empty[Symbol]
- def populateOmittables() {
- omittables.clear()
- if(isDelayedInitSubclass) {
- return
- }
- def isParamCandidateForElision(sym: Symbol) = (sym.isParamAccessor && sym.isPrivateLocal)
- def isOuterCandidateForElision(sym: Symbol) = (sym.isOuterAccessor && sym.owner.isEffectivelyFinal && !sym.isOverridingSymbol)
- val paramCandidatesForElision: Set[ /*Field*/ Symbol] = ( filter isParamCandidateForElision)
- val outerCandidatesForElision: Set[ /*Method*/ Symbol] = ( filter isOuterCandidateForElision)
- omittables ++= paramCandidatesForElision
- omittables ++= outerCandidatesForElision
- val bodyOfOuterAccessor: Map[Symbol, DefDef] =
- defBuf.collect { case dd: DefDef if outerCandidatesForElision(dd.symbol) => dd.symbol -> dd }.toMap
+ private trait OmittablesHelper {
+ def computeOmittableAccessors(clazz: Symbol, defs: List[Tree], auxConstructors: List[Tree]): Set[Symbol] = {
+ val decls =
+ val isEffectivelyFinal = clazz.isEffectivelyFinal
+ // Initially populated with all elision candidates.
+ // Trees are traversed, and those candidates are removed which are actually needed.
+ // After that, `omittables` doesn't shrink anymore: each symbol it contains can be unlinked from
+ //
+ // Note: elision of outer reference is based on a class-wise analysis, if a class might have subclasses,
+ // it doesn't work. For example, `LocalParent` retains the outer reference in:
+ //
+ // class Outer { def test = {class LocalParent; class LocalChild extends LocalParent } }
+ //
+ // See run/t9408.scala for related test cases.
+ def omittableParamAcc(sym: Symbol) = sym.isParamAccessor && sym.isPrivateLocal
+ def omittableOuterAcc(sym: Symbol) = isEffectivelyFinal && sym.isOuterAccessor && !sym.isOverridingSymbol
+ val omittables = mutable.Set.empty[Symbol] ++ (decls filter (sym => omittableParamAcc(sym) || omittableOuterAcc(sym))) // the closure only captures isEffectivelyFinal
// no point traversing further once omittables is empty, all candidates ruled out already.
object detectUsages extends Traverser {
- private def markUsage(sym: Symbol) {
- omittables -= debuglogResult("omittables -= ")(sym)
- // recursive call to mark as needed the field supporting the outer-accessor-method.
- bodyOfOuterAccessor get sym foreach (this traverse _.rhs)
- }
- override def traverse(tree: Tree): Unit = if (omittables.nonEmpty) {
- def sym = tree.symbol
- tree match {
- // don't mark as "needed" the field supporting this outer-accessor, ie not just yet.
- case _: DefDef if outerCandidatesForElision(sym) => ()
- case _: Select if omittables(sym) => markUsage(sym) ; super.traverse(tree)
- case _ => super.traverse(tree)
+ lazy val bodyOfOuterAccessor = defs.collect{ case dd: DefDef if omittableOuterAcc(dd.symbol) => dd.symbol -> dd.rhs }.toMap
+ override def traverse(tree: Tree): Unit =
+ if (omittables.nonEmpty) {
+ def sym = tree.symbol
+ tree match {
+ case _: DefDef if (sym.owner eq clazz) && omittableOuterAcc(sym) => // don't mark as "needed" the field supporting this outer-accessor (not just yet)
+ case _: Select if omittables(sym) => omittables -= sym // mark usage
+ bodyOfOuterAccessor get sym foreach traverse // recurse to mark as needed the field supporting the outer-accessor-method
+ super.traverse(tree)
+ case _ => super.traverse(tree)
+ }
- }
- def walk(xs: Seq[Tree]) = xs.iterator foreach traverse
- }
- if (omittables.nonEmpty) {
- detectUsages walk defBuf
- detectUsages walk auxConstructorBuf
- }
- def mustBeKept(sym: Symbol) = !omittables(sym)
+ if (omittables.nonEmpty)
+ (defs.iterator ++ auxConstructors.iterator) foreach detectUsages.traverse
+ omittables.toSet
+ }
} // OmittablesHelper
+ trait ConstructorTransformerBase {
+ def unit: CompilationUnit
+ def impl: Template
+ def clazz: Symbol
+ def localTyper: analyzer.Typer
+ }
* TemplateTransformer rewrites DelayedInit subclasses.
* The list of statements that will end up in the primary constructor can be split into:
@@ -248,10 +243,8 @@ abstract class Constructors extends Statics with Transform with ast.TreeDSL {
* @return the DefDef for (c) above
* */
- private trait DelayedInitHelper { self: TemplateTransformer =>
+ private trait DelayedInitHelper extends ConstructorTransformerBase {
private def delayedEndpointDef(stats: List[Tree]): DefDef = {
val methodName = currentUnit.freshTermName("delayedEndpoint$" + clazz.fullNameAsName('$').toString + "$")
val methodSym = clazz.newMethod(methodName, impl.pos, SYNTHETIC | FINAL)
methodSym setInfoAndEnter MethodType(Nil, UnitTpe)
@@ -310,36 +303,30 @@ abstract class Constructors extends Statics with Transform with ast.TreeDSL {
- private def delayedInitCall(closure: Tree) = localTyper.typedPos(impl.pos) {
- gen.mkMethodCall(This(clazz), delayedInitMethod, Nil, List(New(closure.symbol.tpe, This(clazz))))
- }
+ /** For a DelayedInit subclass, wrap remainingConstrStats into a DelayedInit closure. */
+ def delayedInitDefsAndConstrStats(defs: List[Tree], remainingConstrStats: List[Tree]): (List[Tree], List[Tree]) = {
+ val delayedHook = delayedEndpointDef(remainingConstrStats)
+ val delayedHookSym = delayedHook.symbol.asInstanceOf[MethodSymbol]
- def rewriteDelayedInit() {
- /* XXX This is not correct: remainingConstrStats.nonEmpty excludes too much,
- * but excluding it includes too much. The constructor sequence being mimicked
- * needs to be reproduced with total fidelity.
- *
- * See test case files/run/bug4680.scala, the output of which is wrong in many
- * particulars.
- */
- val needsDelayedInit = (isDelayedInitSubclass && remainingConstrStats.nonEmpty)
- if (needsDelayedInit) {
- val delayedHook: DefDef = delayedEndpointDef(remainingConstrStats)
- defBuf += delayedHook
- val hookCallerClass = {
- // transform to make the closure-class' default constructor assign the outer instance to its param-accessor field.
- val drillDown = new ConstructorTransformer(unit)
- drillDown transform delayedInitClosure(delayedHook.symbol.asInstanceOf[MethodSymbol])
- }
- defBuf += hookCallerClass
- remainingConstrStats = delayedInitCall(hookCallerClass) :: Nil
+ // transform to make the closure-class' default constructor assign the outer instance to its param-accessor field.
+ val hookCallerClass = (new ConstructorTransformer(unit)) transform delayedInitClosure(delayedHookSym)
+ val delayedInitCall = localTyper.typedPos(impl.pos) {
+ gen.mkMethodCall(This(clazz), delayedInitMethod, Nil, List(New(hookCallerClass.symbol.tpe, This(clazz))))
+ (List(delayedHook, hookCallerClass), List(delayedInitCall))
} // DelayedInitHelper
- private trait GuardianOfCtorStmts { self: TemplateTransformer =>
+ private trait GuardianOfCtorStmts extends ConstructorTransformerBase {
+ def primaryConstrParams: List[Symbol]
+ def usesSpecializedField: Boolean
+ lazy val hasSpecializedFieldsSym =
+ // The constructor of a non-specialized class that has specialized subclasses
+ // should use `q"${hasSpecializedFieldsSym}()"` to guard the initialization of specialized fields.
+ lazy val guardSpecializedFieldInit = (hasSpecializedFieldsSym != NoSymbol) && !clazz.hasFlag(SPECIALIZED)
/* Return a single list of statements, merging the generic class constructor with the
* specialized stats. The original statements are retyped in the current class, and
@@ -347,7 +334,7 @@ abstract class Constructors extends Statics with Transform with ast.TreeDSL {
* `specializedStats` are replaced by the specialized assignment.
private def mergeConstructors(genericClazz: Symbol, originalStats: List[Tree], specializedStats: List[Tree]): List[Tree] = {
- val specBuf = new ListBuffer[Tree]
+ val specBuf = new mutable.ListBuffer[Tree]
specBuf ++= specializedStats
def specializedAssignFor(sym: Symbol): Option[Tree] =
@@ -375,7 +362,7 @@ abstract class Constructors extends Statics with Transform with ast.TreeDSL {
log("merging: " + originalStats.mkString("\n") + "\nwith\n" + specializedStats.mkString("\n"))
- val res = for (s <- originalStats; stat = s.duplicate) yield {
+ for (s <- originalStats; stat = s.duplicate) yield {
log("merge: looking at " + stat)
val stat1 = stat match {
case Assign(sel @ Select(This(_), field), _) =>
@@ -388,9 +375,9 @@ abstract class Constructors extends Statics with Transform with ast.TreeDSL {
if (stat1 eq stat) {
- assert(ctorParams(genericClazz).length == constrInfo.constrParams.length)
+ assert(ctorParams(genericClazz).length == primaryConstrParams.length)
// this is just to make private fields public
- (new specializeTypes.ImplementationAdapter(ctorParams(genericClazz), constrInfo.constrParams, null, true))(stat1)
+ (new specializeTypes.ImplementationAdapter(ctorParams(genericClazz), primaryConstrParams, null, true))(stat1)
val stat2 = rewriteArrayUpdate(stat1)
// statements coming from the original class need retyping in the current context
@@ -405,9 +392,8 @@ abstract class Constructors extends Statics with Transform with ast.TreeDSL {
} else
- if (specBuf.nonEmpty)
- println("residual specialized constructor statements: " + specBuf)
- res
+// if (specBuf.nonEmpty)
+// println("residual specialized constructor statements: " + specBuf)
/* Add an 'if' around the statements coming after the super constructor. This
@@ -427,16 +413,16 @@ abstract class Constructors extends Statics with Transform with ast.TreeDSL {
// postfix = postfix.tail
// }
- if (shouldGuard && usesSpecializedField && stats.nonEmpty) {
+ if (guardSpecializedFieldInit && usesSpecializedField && stats.nonEmpty) {
// save them for duplication in the specialized subclass
guardedCtorStats(clazz) = stats
- ctorParams(clazz) = constrInfo.constrParams
+ ctorParams(clazz) = primaryConstrParams
val tree =
- Apply(gen.mkAttributedRef(specializedFlag), List())),
+ Apply(gen.mkAttributedRef(hasSpecializedFieldsSym), List())),
Block(stats, Literal(Constant(()))),
@@ -459,39 +445,31 @@ abstract class Constructors extends Statics with Transform with ast.TreeDSL {
} // GuardianOfCtorStmts
private class TemplateTransformer(val unit: CompilationUnit, val impl: Template)
- extends StaticsTransformer
+ extends TypingTransformer(unit)
+ with StaticsTransformer
with DelayedInitHelper
with OmittablesHelper
- with GuardianOfCtorStmts {
- val clazz = impl.symbol.owner // the transformed class
- val stats = impl.body // the transformed template body
- val localTyper = typer.atOwner(impl, clazz)
- val specializedFlag: Symbol =
- val shouldGuard = (specializedFlag != NoSymbol) && !clazz.hasFlag(SPECIALIZED)
- val isDelayedInitSubclass = (clazz isSubClass DelayedInitClass)
- case class ConstrInfo(
- constr: DefDef, // The primary constructor
- constrParams: List[Symbol], // ... and its parameters
- constrBody: Block // ... and its body
- )
- // decompose primary constructor into the three entities above.
- val constrInfo: ConstrInfo = {
- val ddef = (stats find (_.symbol.isPrimaryConstructor))
- ddef match {
- case Some(ddef @ DefDef(_, _, _, List(vparams), _, rhs @ Block(_, _))) =>
- ConstrInfo(ddef, vparams map (_.symbol), rhs)
- case x =>
- abort("no constructor in template: impl = " + impl)
- }
+ with GuardianOfCtorStmts
+ with fields.CheckedAccessorTreeSynthesis
+ {
+ protected def typedPos(pos: Position)(tree: Tree): Tree = localTyper.typedPos(pos)(tree)
+ val clazz = impl.symbol.owner // the transformed class
+ val isDelayedInitSubclass = clazz isSubClass DelayedInitClass
+ private val stats = impl.body // the transformed template body
+ // find and dissect primary constructor
+ private val (primaryConstr, _primaryConstrParams, primaryConstrBody) = stats collectFirst {
+ case dd@DefDef(_, _, _, vps :: Nil, _, rhs: Block) if dd.symbol.isPrimaryConstructor => (dd, vps map (_.symbol), rhs)
+ } getOrElse {
+ abort("no constructor in template: impl = " + impl)
- import constrInfo._
- // The parameter accessor fields which are members of the class
- val paramAccessors = clazz.constrParamAccessors
+ def primaryConstrParams = _primaryConstrParams
+ def usesSpecializedField = intoConstructor.usesSpecializedField
// The constructor parameter corresponding to an accessor
def parameter(acc: Symbol): Symbol = parameterNamed(acc.unexpandedName.getterName)
@@ -501,27 +479,26 @@ abstract class Constructors extends Statics with Transform with ast.TreeDSL {
def parameterNamed(name: Name): Symbol = {
def matchesName(param: Symbol) = == name || + nme.NAME_JOIN_STRING)
- (constrParams filter matchesName) match {
- case Nil => abort(name + " not in " + constrParams)
+ primaryConstrParams filter matchesName match {
+ case Nil => abort(name + " not in " + primaryConstrParams)
case p :: _ => p
- /*
- * `usesSpecializedField` makes a difference in deciding whether constructor-statements
- * should be guarded in a `shouldGuard` class, ie in a class that's the generic super-class of
- * one or more specialized sub-classes.
- *
- * Given that `usesSpecializedField` isn't read for any other purpose than the one described above,
- * we skip setting `usesSpecializedField` in case the current class isn't `shouldGuard` to start with.
- * That way, trips to a map in `specializeTypes` are saved.
- */
- var usesSpecializedField: Boolean = false
// A transformer for expressions that go into the constructor
- private class IntoCtorTransformer extends Transformer {
- private def isParamRef(sym: Symbol) = (sym.isParamAccessor && sym.owner == clazz)
+ object intoConstructor extends Transformer {
+ /*
+ * `usesSpecializedField` makes a difference in deciding whether constructor-statements
+ * should be guarded in a `guardSpecializedFieldInit` class, ie in a class that's the generic super-class of
+ * one or more specialized sub-classes.
+ *
+ * Given that `usesSpecializedField` isn't read for any other purpose than the one described above,
+ * we skip setting `usesSpecializedField` in case the current class isn't `guardSpecializedFieldInit` to start with.
+ * That way, trips to a map in `specializeTypes` are saved.
+ */
+ var usesSpecializedField: Boolean = false
+ private def isParamRef(sym: Symbol) = sym.isParamAccessor && sym.owner == clazz
// Terminology: a stationary location is never written after being read.
private def isStationaryParamRef(sym: Symbol) = (
@@ -530,26 +507,27 @@ abstract class Constructors extends Statics with Transform with ast.TreeDSL {
- private def possiblySpecialized(s: Symbol) = specializeTypes.specializedTypeVars(s).nonEmpty
- * whether `sym` denotes a param-accessor (ie a field) that fulfills all of:
+ * whether `sym` denotes a param-accessor (ie in a class a PARAMACCESSOR field, or in a trait a method with same flag)
+ * that fulfills all of:
* (a) has stationary value, ie the same value provided via the corresponding ctor-arg; and
* (b) isn't subject to specialization. We might be processing statements for:
* (b.1) the constructor in the generic (super-)class; or
* (b.2) the constructor in the specialized (sub-)class.
* (c) isn't part of a DelayedInit subclass.
- private def canBeSupplanted(sym: Symbol) = (!isDelayedInitSubclass && isStationaryParamRef(sym) && !possiblySpecialized(sym))
+ private def canBeSupplanted(sym: Symbol) = !isDelayedInitSubclass && isStationaryParamRef(sym) && !specializeTypes.possiblySpecialized(sym)
override def transform(tree: Tree): Tree = tree match {
case Apply(Select(This(_), _), List()) =>
// references to parameter accessor methods of own class become references to parameters
// outer accessors become references to $outer parameter
- if (canBeSupplanted(tree.symbol))
- gen.mkAttributedIdent(parameter(tree.symbol.accessed)) setPos tree.pos
- else if (tree.symbol.outerSource == clazz && !clazz.isImplClass)
+ // println(s"to param ref in $clazz for ${tree.symbol} ${tree.symbol.debugFlagString} / ${tree.symbol.outerSource} / ${canBeSupplanted(tree.symbol)}")
+ if (clazz.isTrait && !(tree.symbol hasAllFlags (ACCESSOR | PARAMACCESSOR)))
+ super.transform(tree)
+ else if (canBeSupplanted(tree.symbol))
+ gen.mkAttributedIdent(parameter(tree.symbol)) setPos tree.pos
+ else if (tree.symbol.outerSource == clazz && !isDelayedInitSubclass)
gen.mkAttributedIdent(parameterNamed(nme.OUTER)) setPos tree.pos
@@ -558,8 +536,8 @@ abstract class Constructors extends Statics with Transform with ast.TreeDSL {
// references to parameter accessor field of own class become references to parameters
gen.mkAttributedIdent(parameter(tree.symbol)) setPos tree.pos
- case Select(_, _) if shouldGuard => // reasoning behind this guard in the docu of `usesSpecializedField`
- if (possiblySpecialized(tree.symbol)) {
+ case Select(_, _) if guardSpecializedFieldInit => // reasoning behind this guard in the docu of `usesSpecializedField`
+ if (specializeTypes.possiblySpecialized(tree.symbol)) {
usesSpecializedField = true
@@ -568,23 +546,20 @@ abstract class Constructors extends Statics with Transform with ast.TreeDSL {
+ // Move tree into constructor, take care of changing owner from `oldOwner` to `newOwner` (the primary constructor symbol)
+ def apply(oldOwner: Symbol, newOwner: Symbol)(tree: Tree) =
+ if (tree eq EmptyTree) tree
+ else transform(tree.changeOwner(oldOwner -> newOwner))
- private val intoConstructorTransformer = new IntoCtorTransformer
- // Move tree into constructor, take care of changing owner from `oldowner` to constructor symbol
- def intoConstructor(oldowner: Symbol, tree: Tree) =
- intoConstructorTransformer transform tree.changeOwner(oldowner -> constr.symbol)
- // Should tree be moved in front of super constructor call?
- def canBeMoved(tree: Tree) = tree match {
- case ValDef(mods, _, _, _) => (mods hasFlag PRESUPER | PARAMACCESSOR)
- case _ => false
- }
+ // Assign `rhs` to class field / trait setter `assignSym`
+ def mkAssign(assignSym: Symbol, rhs: Tree): Tree =
+ localTyper.typedPos(assignSym.pos) {
+ val qual = Select(This(clazz), assignSym)
+ if (assignSym.isSetter) Apply(qual, List(rhs))
+ else Assign(qual, rhs)
+ }
- // Create an assignment to class field `to` with rhs `from`
- def mkAssign(to: Symbol, from: Tree): Tree =
- localTyper.typedPos(to.pos) { Assign(Select(This(clazz), to), from) }
// Create code to copy parameter to parameter accessor field.
// If parameter is $outer, check that it is not null so that we NPE
@@ -594,139 +569,230 @@ abstract class Constructors extends Statics with Transform with ast.TreeDSL {
val result = mkAssign(to, Ident(from))
if ( != nme.OUTER ||
- from.tpe.typeSymbol.isPrimitiveValueClass) result
+ from.tpe.typeSymbol.isPrimitiveValueClass) result
else localTyper.typedPos(to.pos) {
// `throw null` has the same effect as `throw new NullPointerException`, see JVM spec on instruction `athrow`
- IF (from OBJ_EQ NULL) THEN Throw(gen.mkZero(ThrowableTpe)) ELSE result
+ IF(from OBJ_EQ NULL) THEN Throw(gen.mkZero(ThrowableTpe)) ELSE result
- // The list of definitions that go into class
- val defBuf = new ListBuffer[Tree]
- // The auxiliary constructors, separate from the defBuf since they should
- // follow the primary constructor
- val auxConstructorBuf = new ListBuffer[Tree]
- // The list of statements that go into the constructor after and including the superclass constructor call
- val constrStatBuf = new ListBuffer[Tree]
+ /** Triage definitions and statements in this template into the following categories.
+ * The primary constructor is treated separately, as it is assembled in part from these pieces.
+ *
+ * - `defs`: definitions that go into class
+ * - `auxConstrs`: auxiliary constructors, separate from the defs as they should follow the primary constructor
+ * - `constrPrefix`: early initializer statements that go into constructor before the superclass constructor call
+ * - `constrStats`: statements that go into the constructor after and including the superclass constructor call
+ * - `classInitStats`: statements that go into the class initializer
+ */
+ class Triage {
+ private val defBuf, auxConstructorBuf, constrPrefixBuf, constrStatBuf, classInitStatBuf = new mutable.ListBuffer[Tree]
+ triage()
+ val defs = defBuf.toList
+ val auxConstructors = auxConstructorBuf.toList
+ val constructorPrefix = constrPrefixBuf.toList
+ val constructorStats = constrStatBuf.toList
+ val classInitStats = classInitStatBuf.toList
+ private def triage() = {
+ // Constant typed vals are not memoized.
+ def memoizeValue(sym: Symbol) = ![ConstantType]
+ // The early initialized field definitions of the class (these are the class members)
+ val presupers = treeInfo.preSuperFields(stats)
+ // generate code to copy pre-initialized fields
+ for (stat <- primaryConstrBody.stats) {
+ constrStatBuf += stat
+ stat match {
+ case ValDef(mods, name, _, _) if mods.hasFlag(PRESUPER) => // TODO trait presupers
+ // stat is the constructor-local definition of the field value
+ val fields = presupers filter (_.getterName == name)
+ assert(fields.length == 1, s"expected exactly one field by name $name in $presupers of $clazz's early initializers")
+ val to = fields.head.symbol
+ if (memoizeValue(to)) constrStatBuf += mkAssign(to, Ident(stat.symbol))
+ case _ =>
+ }
+ }
- // The list of early initializer statements that go into constructor before the superclass constructor call
- val constrPrefixBuf = new ListBuffer[Tree]
+ val primaryConstrSym = primaryConstr.symbol
+ for (stat <- stats) {
+ val statSym = stat.symbol
+ // Move the RHS of a ValDef to the appropriate part of the ctor.
+ // If the val is an early initialized or a parameter accessor,
+ // it goes before the superclass constructor call, otherwise it goes after.
+ // A lazy val's effect is not moved to the constructor, as it is delayed.
+ // Returns `true` when a `ValDef` is needed.
+ def moveEffectToCtor(mods: Modifiers, rhs: Tree, assignSym: Symbol): Unit = {
+ val initializingRhs =
+ if ((assignSym eq NoSymbol) || statSym.isLazy) EmptyTree // not memoized, or effect delayed (for lazy val)
+ else if (!mods.hasStaticFlag) intoConstructor(statSym, primaryConstrSym)(rhs)
+ else rhs
+ if (initializingRhs ne EmptyTree) {
+ val initPhase =
+ if (mods hasFlag STATIC) classInitStatBuf
+ else if (mods hasFlag PRESUPER | PARAMACCESSOR) constrPrefixBuf
+ else constrStatBuf
+ initPhase += mkAssign(assignSym, initializingRhs)
+ }
+ }
- // The early initialized field definitions of the class (these are the class members)
- val presupers = treeInfo.preSuperFields(stats)
+ stat match {
+ // recurse on class definition, store in defBuf
+ case _: ClassDef =>
+ if (statSym.isInterface) defBuf += stat
+ else defBuf += new ConstructorTransformer(unit).transform(stat)
+ // primary constructor is already tracked as `primaryConstr`
+ // non-primary constructors go to auxConstructorBuf
+ case _: DefDef if statSym.isConstructor =>
+ if (statSym ne primaryConstrSym) auxConstructorBuf += stat
+ // If a val needs a field, an empty valdef goes into the template.
+ // Except for lazy and ConstantTyped vals, the field is initialized by an assignment in:
+ // - the class initializer (static),
+ // - the constructor, before the super call (early initialized or a parameter accessor),
+ // - the constructor, after the super call (regular val).
+ case vd: ValDef =>
+ if (vd.rhs eq EmptyTree) { defBuf += vd }
+ else {
+ val emitField = memoizeValue(statSym)
+ if (emitField) {
+ moveEffectToCtor(vd.mods, vd.rhs, statSym)
+ defBuf += deriveValDef(stat)(_ => EmptyTree)
+ }
+ }
- // The list of statements that go into the class initializer
- val classInitStatBuf = new ListBuffer[Tree]
+ case dd: DefDef =>
+ // either move the RHS to ctor (for getter of stored field) or just drop it (for corresponding setter)
+ def shouldMoveRHS =
+ clazz.isTrait && statSym.isAccessor && !statSym.isLazy && (statSym.isSetter || memoizeValue(statSym))
- // generate code to copy pre-initialized fields
- for (stat <- constrBody.stats) {
- constrStatBuf += stat
- stat match {
- case ValDef(mods, name, _, _) if (mods hasFlag PRESUPER) =>
- // stat is the constructor-local definition of the field value
- val fields = presupers filter (_.getterName == name)
- assert(fields.length == 1)
- val to = fields.head.symbol
- if (!to.tpe.isInstanceOf[ConstantType])
- constrStatBuf += mkAssign(to, Ident(stat.symbol))
- case _ =>
- }
- }
+ if ((dd.rhs eq EmptyTree) || !shouldMoveRHS) { defBuf += dd }
+ else {
+ if (statSym.isGetter) moveEffectToCtor(dd.mods, dd.rhs, statSym.asTerm.referenced orElse statSym.setterIn(clazz))
+ defBuf += deriveDefDef(stat)(_ => EmptyTree)
+ }
- // Triage all template definitions to go into defBuf/auxConstructorBuf, constrStatBuf, or constrPrefixBuf.
- for (stat <- stats) stat match {
- case DefDef(_,_,_,_,_,rhs) =>
- // methods with constant result type get literals as their body
- // all methods except the primary constructor go into template
- stat.symbol.tpe match {
- case MethodType(List(), tp @ ConstantType(c)) =>
- defBuf += deriveDefDef(stat)(Literal(c) setPos _.pos setType tp)
- case _ =>
- if (stat.symbol.isPrimaryConstructor) ()
- else if (stat.symbol.isConstructor) auxConstructorBuf += stat
- else defBuf += stat
- }
- case ValDef(mods, _, _, rhs) if !mods.hasStaticFlag =>
- // val defs with constant right-hand sides are eliminated.
- // for all other val defs, an empty valdef goes into the template and
- // the initializer goes as an assignment into the constructor
- // if the val def is an early initialized or a parameter accessor, it goes
- // before the superclass constructor call, otherwise it goes after.
- // Lazy vals don't get the assignment in the constructor.
- if (!stat.symbol.tpe.isInstanceOf[ConstantType]) {
- if (rhs != EmptyTree && !stat.symbol.isLazy) {
- val rhs1 = intoConstructor(stat.symbol, rhs)
- (if (canBeMoved(stat)) constrPrefixBuf else constrStatBuf) += mkAssign(
- stat.symbol, rhs1)
+ // all other statements go into the constructor
+ case _ =>
+ constrStatBuf += intoConstructor(impl.symbol, primaryConstrSym)(stat)
- defBuf += deriveValDef(stat)(_ => EmptyTree)
- case ValDef(_, _, _, rhs) =>
- // Add static initializer statements to classInitStatBuf and remove the rhs from the val def.
- classInitStatBuf += mkAssign(stat.symbol, rhs)
- defBuf += deriveValDef(stat)(_ => EmptyTree)
- case ClassDef(_, _, _, _) =>
- // classes are treated recursively, and left in the template
- defBuf += new ConstructorTransformer(unit).transform(stat)
- case _ =>
- // all other statements go into the constructor
- constrStatBuf += intoConstructor(impl.symbol, stat)
- }
- populateOmittables()
- // Initialize all parameters fields that must be kept.
- val paramInits = paramAccessors filter mustBeKept map { acc =>
- // Check for conflicting symbol amongst parents: see bug #1960.
- // It would be better to mangle the constructor parameter name since
- // it can only be used internally, but I think we need more robust name
- // mangling before we introduce more of it.
- val conflict = filter (s => s.isGetter && !s.isOuterField && s.enclClass.isTrait)
- if (conflict ne NoSymbol)
- reporter.error(acc.pos, "parameter '%s' requires field but conflicts with %s".format(, conflict.fullLocationString))
- copyParam(acc, parameter(acc))
- }
- /* Return a pair consisting of (all statements up to and including superclass and trait constr calls, rest) */
- def splitAtSuper(stats: List[Tree]) = {
- def isConstr(tree: Tree): Boolean = tree match {
- case Block(_, expr) => isConstr(expr) // SI-6481 account for named argument blocks
- case _ => (tree.symbol ne null) && tree.symbol.isConstructor
- val (pre, rest0) = stats span (!isConstr(_))
- val (supercalls, rest) = rest0 span (isConstr(_))
- (pre ::: supercalls, rest)
- val (uptoSuperStats, remainingConstrStats0) = splitAtSuper(constrStatBuf.toList)
- var remainingConstrStats = remainingConstrStats0
- rewriteDelayedInit()
+ def transformed = {
+ val triage = new Triage; import triage._
+ // omit unused outers
+ val omittableAccessor: Set[Symbol] =
+ if (isDelayedInitSubclass) Set.empty
+ else computeOmittableAccessors(clazz, defs, auxConstructors)
+ // TODO: this should omit fields for non-memoized (constant-typed, unit-typed vals need no storage --
+ // all the action is in the getter)
+ def omittableSym(sym: Symbol) = omittableAccessor(sym)
+ def omittableStat(stat: Tree) = omittableSym(stat.symbol)
+ // The parameter accessor fields which are members of the class
+ val paramAccessors =
+ if (clazz.isTrait) => sym.hasAllFlags(STABLE | PARAMACCESSOR)) // since a trait does not have constructor parameters (yet), these can only come from lambdalift -- right?
+ else clazz.constrParamAccessors
+ // Initialize all parameters fields that must be kept.
+ val paramInits = paramAccessors filterNot omittableSym map { acc =>
+ // Check for conflicting field mixed in for a val/var defined in a parent trait (neg/t1960.scala).
+ // Since the fields phase has already mixed in fields, we can just look for
+ // an existing decl with the local variant of our paramaccessor's name.
+ //
+ // TODO: mangle the constructor parameter name (it can only be used internally), though we probably first need more robust name mangling
+ // sometimes acc is a field with a local name (when it's a val/var constructor param) --> exclude the `acc` itself when looking for conflicting decl
+ // sometimes it's not (just a constructor param) --> any conflicting decl is a problem
+ val conflict = => sym ne acc)
+ if (conflict ne NoSymbol) {
+ val orig = exitingTyper( hasFlag ACCESSOR))
+ reporter.error(acc.pos, s"parameter '${}' requires field but conflicts with ${(orig orElse conflict).fullLocationString}")
+ }
- // Assemble final constructor
- defBuf += deriveDefDef(constr)(_ =>
- treeCopy.Block(
- constrBody,
- paramInits ::: constrPrefixBuf.toList ::: uptoSuperStats :::
- guardSpecializedInitializer(remainingConstrStats),
- constrBody.expr))
+ val accSetter =
+ if (clazz.isTrait) acc.setterIn(clazz, hasExpandedName = true)
+ else acc
- // Followed by any auxiliary constructors
- defBuf ++= auxConstructorBuf
+ copyParam(accSetter, parameter(acc))
+ }
- // Unlink all fields that can be dropped from class scope
- for (sym <- ; if !mustBeKept(sym))
- unlink sym
+ // Return a pair consisting of (all statements up to and including superclass and trait constr calls, rest)
+ def splitAtSuper(stats: List[Tree]) = {
+ def isConstr(tree: Tree): Boolean = tree match {
+ case Block(_, expr) => isConstr(expr) // SI-6481 account for named argument blocks
+ case _ => (tree.symbol ne null) && tree.symbol.isConstructor
+ }
+ val (pre, rest0) = stats span (!isConstr(_))
+ val (supercalls, rest) = rest0 span (isConstr(_))
+ (pre ::: supercalls, rest)
+ }
- // Eliminate all field definitions that can be dropped from template
- val templateWithoutOmittables: Template = deriveTemplate(impl)(_ => defBuf.toList filter (stat => mustBeKept(stat.symbol)))
- // Add the static initializers
- val transformed: Template = addStaticInits(templateWithoutOmittables, classInitStatBuf, localTyper)
+ val (uptoSuperStats, remainingConstrStats) = splitAtSuper(constructorStats)
+ /* TODO: XXX This condition (`isDelayedInitSubclass && remainingConstrStats.nonEmpty`) is not correct:
+ * remainingConstrStats.nonEmpty excludes too much,
+ * but excluding it includes too much. The constructor sequence being mimicked
+ * needs to be reproduced with total fidelity.
+ *
+ * See test case files/run/bug4680.scala, the output of which is wrong in many
+ * particulars.
+ */
+ val (delayedHookDefs, remainingConstrStatsDelayedInit) =
+ if (isDelayedInitSubclass && remainingConstrStats.nonEmpty) delayedInitDefsAndConstrStats(defs, remainingConstrStats)
+ else (Nil, remainingConstrStats)
+ // Assemble final constructor
+ val primaryConstructor = deriveDefDef(primaryConstr)(_ => {
+ treeCopy.Block(
+ primaryConstrBody,
+ paramInits ::: constructorPrefix ::: uptoSuperStats ::: guardSpecializedInitializer(remainingConstrStatsDelayedInit),
+ primaryConstrBody.expr)
+ })
+ if (omittableAccessor.exists(_.isOuterField) && !constructorStats.exists(_.exists { case i: Ident if i.symbol.isOuterParam => true; case _ => false}))
+ primaryConstructor.symbol.updateAttachment(OuterArgCanBeElided)
+ val constructors = primaryConstructor :: auxConstructors
+ // Unlink all fields that can be dropped from class scope
+ // Iterating on toList is cheaper (decls.filter does a toList anyway)
+ val decls =
+ decls.toList.filter(omittableSym).foreach(decls.unlink)
+ // Eliminate all field/accessor definitions that can be dropped from template
+ // We never eliminate delayed hooks or the constructors, so, only filter `defs`.
+ val prunedStats = (defs filterNot omittableStat) ::: delayedHookDefs ::: constructors
+ val statsWithInitChecks =
+ if (settings.checkInit) {
+ val addChecks = new SynthInitCheckedAccessorsIn(currentOwner)
+ prunedStats mapConserve {
+ case dd: DefDef => deriveDefDef(dd)(addChecks.wrapRhsWithInitChecks(dd.symbol))
+ case stat => stat
+ }
+ } else prunedStats
+ // Add the static initializers
+ if (classInitStats.isEmpty) deriveTemplate(impl)(_ => statsWithInitChecks)
+ else {
+ val staticCtor = staticConstructor(statsWithInitChecks, localTyper, impl.pos)(classInitStats)
+ deriveTemplate(impl)(_ => staticCtor :: statsWithInitChecks)
+ }
+ }
} // TemplateTransformer
diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/transform/Delambdafy.scala b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/transform/Delambdafy.scala
index 8e323de623..2e7ab8a887 100644
--- a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/transform/Delambdafy.scala
+++ b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/transform/Delambdafy.scala
@@ -4,35 +4,21 @@ package transform
import symtab._
import Flags._
import scala.collection._
-import scala.language.postfixOps
-import scala.reflect.internal.Symbols
-import scala.collection.mutable.LinkedHashMap
- * This transformer is responsible for preparing lambdas for runtime, by either translating to anonymous classes
- * or to a tree that will be convereted to invokedynamic by the JVM 1.8+ backend.
- *
- * The main assumption it makes is that a lambda {args => body} has been turned into
- * {args => liftedBody()} where lifted body is a top level method that implements the body of the lambda.
- * Currently Uncurry is responsible for that transformation.
- *
- * From a lambda, Delambdafy will create:
- *
- * Under -target:jvm-1.7 and below:
- *
- * 1) a new top level class that
- a) has fields and a constructor taking the captured environment (including possibly the "this"
- * reference)
- * b) an apply method that calls the target method
- * c) if needed a bridge method for the apply method
- * 2) an instantiation of the newly created class which replaces the lambda
- *
- * Under -target:jvm-1.8 with GenBCode:
- *
- * 1) An application of the captured arguments to a fictional symbol representing the lambda factory.
- * This will be translated by the backed into an invokedynamic using a bootstrap method in JDK8's `LambdaMetaFactory`.
- * The captured arguments include `this` if `liftedBody` is unable to be made STATIC.
- */
+ * This transformer is responsible for preparing Function nodes for runtime,
+ * by translating to a tree that will be converted to an invokedynamic by the backend.
+ *
+ * The main assumption it makes is that a Function {args => body} has been turned into
+ * {args => liftedBody()} where lifted body is a top level method that implements the body of the function.
+ * Currently Uncurry is responsible for that transformation.
+ *
+ * From this shape of Function, Delambdafy will create:
+ *
+ * An application of the captured arguments to a fictional symbol representing the lambda factory.
+ * This will be translated by the backed into an invokedynamic using a bootstrap method in JDK8's `LambdaMetaFactory`.
+ * The captured arguments include `this` if `liftedBody` is unable to be made STATIC.
+ */
abstract class Delambdafy extends Transform with TypingTransformers with ast.TreeDSL with TypeAdaptingTransformer {
import global._
import definitions._
@@ -42,6 +28,19 @@ abstract class Delambdafy extends Transform with TypingTransformers with ast.Tre
/** the following two members override abstract members in Transform */
val phaseName: String = "delambdafy"
+ final case class LambdaMetaFactoryCapable(target: Symbol, arity: Int, functionalInterface: Symbol, sam: Symbol, isSerializable: Boolean, addScalaSerializableMarker: Boolean)
+ /**
+ * Get the symbol of the target lifted lambda body method from a function. I.e. if
+ * the function is {args => anonfun(args)} then this method returns anonfun's symbol
+ */
+ private def targetMethod(fun: Function): Symbol = fun match {
+ case Function(_, Apply(target, _)) => target.symbol
+ case _ =>
+ // any other shape of Function is unexpected at this point
+ abort(s"could not understand function with tree $fun")
+ }
override def newPhase(prev: StdPhase = {
if (settings.Ydelambdafy.value == "method") new Phase(prev)
else new SkipPhase(prev)
@@ -54,433 +53,250 @@ abstract class Delambdafy extends Transform with TypingTransformers with ast.Tre
protected def newTransformer(unit: CompilationUnit): Transformer =
new DelambdafyTransformer(unit)
- class DelambdafyTransformer(unit: CompilationUnit) extends TypingTransformer(unit) with TypeAdapter {
- private val lambdaClassDefs = new mutable.LinkedHashMap[Symbol, List[Tree]] withDefaultValue Nil
- val typer = localTyper
- // we need to know which methods refer to the 'this' reference so that we can determine
- // which lambdas need access to it
- val thisReferringMethods: Set[Symbol] = {
- val thisReferringMethodsTraverser = new ThisReferringMethodsTraverser()
- thisReferringMethodsTraverser traverse unit.body
- val methodReferringMap = thisReferringMethodsTraverser.liftedMethodReferences
- val referrers = thisReferringMethodsTraverser.thisReferringMethods
- // recursively find methods that refer to 'this' directly or indirectly via references to other methods
- // for each method found add it to the referrers set
- def refersToThis(symbol: Symbol): Boolean = {
- if (referrers contains symbol) true
- else if (methodReferringMap(symbol) exists refersToThis) {
- // add it early to memoize
- debuglog(s"$symbol indirectly refers to 'this'")
- referrers += symbol
- true
- } else false
+ class DelambdafyTransformer(unit: CompilationUnit) extends TypingTransformer(unit) {
+ // we need to know which methods refer to the 'this' reference so that we can determine which lambdas need access to it
+ // TODO: this looks expensive, so I made it a lazy val. Can we make it more pay-as-you-go / optimize for common shapes?
+ private[this] lazy val methodReferencesThis: Set[Symbol] =
+ (new ThisReferringMethodsTraverser).methodReferencesThisIn(unit.body)
+ private def mkLambdaMetaFactoryCall(fun: Function, target: Symbol, functionalInterface: Symbol, samUserDefined: Symbol, isSpecialized: Boolean): Tree = {
+ val pos = fun.pos
+ def isSelfParam(p: Symbol) = p.isSynthetic && == nme.SELF
+ val hasSelfParam = isSelfParam(target.firstParam)
+ val allCapturedArgRefs = {
+ // find which variables are free in the lambda because those are captures that need to be
+ // passed into the constructor of the anonymous function class
+ val captureArgs = FreeVarTraverser.freeVarsOf(fun) =>
+ gen.mkAttributedRef(capture) setPos pos
+ ).toList
+ if (!hasSelfParam) captureArgs.filterNot(arg => isSelfParam(arg.symbol))
+ else if (currentMethod.hasFlag(Flags.STATIC)) captureArgs
+ else (gen.mkAttributedThis(fun.symbol.enclClass) setPos pos) :: captureArgs
- methodReferringMap.keys foreach refersToThis
- referrers
- }
- // the result of the transformFunction method.
- sealed abstract class TransformedFunction
- // A class definition for the lambda, an expression instantiating the lambda class
- case class DelambdafyAnonClass(lambdaClassDef: ClassDef, newExpr: Tree) extends TransformedFunction
- case class InvokeDynamicLambda(tree: Apply) extends TransformedFunction
- private val boxingBridgeMethods = mutable.ArrayBuffer[Tree]()
- // here's the main entry point of the transform
- override def transform(tree: Tree): Tree = tree match {
- // the main thing we care about is lambdas
- case fun @ Function(_, _) =>
- transformFunction(fun) match {
- case DelambdafyAnonClass(lambdaClassDef, newExpr) =>
- // a lambda becomes a new class, an instantiation expression
- val pkg = lambdaClassDef.symbol.owner
- // we'll add the lambda class to the package later
- lambdaClassDefs(pkg) = lambdaClassDef :: lambdaClassDefs(pkg)
- super.transform(newExpr)
- case InvokeDynamicLambda(apply) =>
- // ... or an invokedynamic call
- super.transform(apply)
- }
- case Template(_, _, _) =>
- try {
- // during this call boxingBridgeMethods will be populated from the Function case
- val Template(parents, self, body) = super.transform(tree)
- Template(parents, self, body ++ boxingBridgeMethods)
- } finally boxingBridgeMethods.clear()
- case _ => super.transform(tree)
- }
- // this entry point is aimed at the statements in the compilation unit.
- // after working on the entire compilation until we'll have a set of
- // new class definitions to add to the top level
- override def transformStats(stats: List[Tree], exprOwner: Symbol): List[Tree] = {
- // Need to remove from the lambdaClassDefs map: there may be multiple PackageDef for the same
- // package when defining a package object. We only add the lambda class to one. See SI-9097.
- super.transformStats(stats, exprOwner) ++ lambdaClassDefs.remove(exprOwner).getOrElse(Nil)
- }
- private def optionSymbol(sym: Symbol): Option[Symbol] = if (sym.exists) Some(sym) else None
- // turns a lambda into a new class def, a New expression instantiating that class
- private def transformFunction(originalFunction: Function): TransformedFunction = {
- val functionTpe = originalFunction.tpe
- val targs = functionTpe.typeArgs
- val formals :+ restpe = targs
- val oldClass = originalFunction.symbol.enclClass
+ // Create a symbol representing a fictional lambda factory method that accepts the captured
+ // arguments and returns the SAM type.
+ val msym = {
+ val meth = currentOwner.newMethod(nme.ANON_FUN_NAME, pos, ARTIFACT)
+ val capturedParams = meth.newSyntheticValueParams(
+ meth.setInfo(MethodType(capturedParams, fun.tpe))
+ }
- // find which variables are free in the lambda because those are captures that need to be
- // passed into the constructor of the anonymous function class
- val captures = FreeVarTraverser.freeVarsOf(originalFunction)
+ // We then apply this symbol to the captures.
+ val apply = localTyper.typedPos(pos)(Apply(Ident(msym), allCapturedArgRefs))
- val target = targetMethod(originalFunction)
- target.makeNotPrivate(target.owner)
- if (!thisReferringMethods.contains(target))
- target setFlag STATIC
- val isStatic = target.hasFlag(STATIC)
- def createBoxingBridgeMethod(functionParamTypes: List[Type], functionResultType: Type): Tree = {
- // Note: we bail out of this method and return EmptyTree if we find there is no adaptation required.
- // If we need to improve performance, we could check the types first before creating the
- // method and parameter symbols.
- val methSym = oldClass.newMethod("$adapted").toTermName, target.pos, target.flags | FINAL | ARTIFACT)
- var neededAdaptation = false
- def boxedType(tpe: Type): Type = {
- if (isPrimitiveValueClass(tpe.typeSymbol)) {neededAdaptation = true; ObjectTpe}
- else if (enteringErasure(tpe.typeSymbol.isDerivedValueClass)) {neededAdaptation = true; ObjectTpe}
- else tpe
- }
- val targetParams: List[Symbol] = target.paramss.head
- val numCaptures = targetParams.length - functionParamTypes.length
- val (targetCaptureParams, targetFunctionParams) = targetParams.splitAt(numCaptures)
- val bridgeParams: List[Symbol] =
- => methSym.newSyntheticValueParam(param.tpe, :::
- map2(targetFunctionParams, functionParamTypes)((param, tp) => methSym.newSyntheticValueParam(boxedType(tp),
- val bridgeResultType: Type = {
- if ( == UnitTpe && functionResultType != UnitTpe) {
- neededAdaptation = true
- ObjectTpe
- } else
- boxedType(functionResultType)
- }
- val methodType = MethodType(bridgeParams, bridgeResultType)
- methSym setInfo methodType
- if (!neededAdaptation)
- EmptyTree
- else {
- val bridgeParamTrees =
- enter methSym
- val body = localTyper.typedPos(originalFunction.pos) {
- val newTarget = Select(gen.mkAttributedThis(oldClass), target)
- val args: List[Tree] = mapWithIndex(bridgeParams) { (param, i) =>
- if (i < numCaptures) {
- gen.mkAttributedRef(param)
- } else {
- val functionParam = functionParamTypes(i - numCaptures)
- val targetParam = targetParams(i)
- if (enteringErasure(functionParam.typeSymbol.isDerivedValueClass)) {
- val casted = cast(gen.mkAttributedRef(param), functionParam)
- val unboxed = unbox(casted, ErasedValueType(functionParam.typeSymbol, targetParam.tpe)).modifyType(postErasure.elimErasedValueType)
- unboxed
- } else adaptToType(gen.mkAttributedRef(param), targetParam.tpe)
- }
- }
- gen.mkMethodCall(newTarget, args)
- }
- val body1 = if (enteringErasure(functionResultType.typeSymbol.isDerivedValueClass))
- adaptToType(box(body.setType(ErasedValueType(functionResultType.typeSymbol, body.tpe)), "boxing lambda target"), bridgeResultType)
- else adaptToType(body, bridgeResultType)
- val methDef0 = DefDef(methSym, List(bridgeParamTrees), body1)
- postErasure.newTransformer(unit).transform(methDef0).asInstanceOf[DefDef]
- }
+ // TODO: this is a bit gross
+ val sam = samUserDefined orElse {
+ if (isSpecialized)
+ else
- /**
- * Creates the apply method for the anonymous subclass of FunctionN
- */
- def createApplyMethod(newClass: Symbol, fun: Function, thisProxy: Symbol): DefDef = {
- val methSym = newClass.newMethod(nme.apply, fun.pos, FINAL | SYNTHETIC)
- val params = fun.vparams map (_.duplicate)
- val paramSyms = map2(formals, params) {
- (tp, vparam) => methSym.newSyntheticValueParam(tp,
- }
- params zip paramSyms foreach { case (valdef, sym) => valdef.symbol = sym }
- params foreach (_.symbol.owner = methSym)
- val methodType = MethodType(paramSyms, restpe)
- methSym setInfo methodType
+ // no need for adaptation when the implemented sam is of a specialized built-in function type
+ val lambdaTarget = if (isSpecialized) target else createBoxingBridgeMethodIfNeeded(fun, target, functionalInterface, sam)
+ val isSerializable = samUserDefined == NoSymbol || samUserDefined.owner.isNonBottomSubClass(definitions.JavaSerializableClass)
+ val addScalaSerializableMarker = samUserDefined == NoSymbol
- enter methSym
+ // The backend needs to know the target of the lambda and the functional interface in order
+ // to emit the invokedynamic instruction. We pass this information as tree attachment.
+ //
+ // see
+ // instantiatedMethodType is derived from lambdaTarget's signature
+ // samMethodType is derived from samOf(functionalInterface)'s signature
+ apply.updateAttachment(LambdaMetaFactoryCapable(lambdaTarget, fun.vparams.length, functionalInterface, sam, isSerializable, addScalaSerializableMarker))
- val Apply(_, oldParams) = fun.body
- val qual = if (thisProxy.exists)
- Select(gen.mkAttributedThis(newClass), thisProxy)
- else
- gen.mkAttributedThis(oldClass) // sort of a lie, EmptyTree.<static method> would be more honest, but the backend chokes on that.
+ apply
+ }
- val body = localTyper typed Apply(Select(qual, target), oldParams)
- body.substituteSymbols(fun.vparams map (_.symbol), params map (_.symbol))
- body changeOwner (fun.symbol -> methSym)
- val methDef = DefDef(methSym, List(params), body)
+ private val boxingBridgeMethods = mutable.ArrayBuffer[Tree]()
- // Have to repack the type to avoid mismatches when existentials
- // appear in the result - see SI-4869.
- // TODO probably don't need packedType
- methDef.tpt setType localTyper.packedType(body, methSym)
- methDef
- }
+ private def reboxValueClass(tp: Type) = tp match {
+ case ErasedValueType(valueClazz, _) => TypeRef(NoPrefix, valueClazz, Nil)
+ case _ => tp
+ }
- /**
- * Creates the constructor on the newly created class. It will handle
- * initialization of members that represent the captured environment
- */
- def createConstructor(newClass: Symbol, members: List[ValDef]): DefDef = {
- val constrSym = newClass.newConstructor(originalFunction.pos, SYNTHETIC)
- val (paramSymbols, params, assigns) = (members map {member =>
- val paramSymbol = newClass.newVariable(, newClass.pos, 0)
- paramSymbol.setInfo(
- val paramVal = ValDef(paramSymbol)
- val paramIdent = Ident(paramSymbol)
- val assign = Assign(Select(gen.mkAttributedThis(newClass), member.symbol), paramIdent)
- (paramSymbol, paramVal, assign)
- }).unzip3
- val constrType = MethodType(paramSymbols, newClass.thisType)
- constrSym setInfoAndEnter constrType
- val body =
- Block(
- List(
- Apply(Select(Super(gen.mkAttributedThis(newClass), tpnme.EMPTY) setPos newClass.pos, nme.CONSTRUCTOR) setPos newClass.pos, Nil) setPos newClass.pos
- ) ++ assigns,
- Literal(Constant(())): Tree
- ) setPos newClass.pos
- (localTyper typed DefDef(constrSym, List(params), body) setPos newClass.pos).asInstanceOf[DefDef]
- }
+ // exclude primitives and value classes, which need special boxing
+ private def isReferenceType(tp: Type) = !tp.isInstanceOf[ErasedValueType] && {
+ val sym = tp.typeSymbol
+ !(isPrimitiveValueClass(sym) || sym.isDerivedValueClass)
+ }
- val pkg = oldClass.owner
- // Parent for anonymous class def
- val abstractFunctionErasedType = AbstractFunctionClass(formals.length).tpe
- // anonymous subclass of FunctionN with an apply method
- def makeAnonymousClass: ClassDef = {
- val parents = addSerializable(abstractFunctionErasedType)
- val funOwner = originalFunction.symbol.owner
- // TODO harmonize the naming of delambdafy anon-fun classes with those spun up by Uncurry
- // - make `anonClass.isAnonymousClass` true.
- // - use `newAnonymousClassSymbol` or push the required variations into a similar factory method
- // - reinstate the assertion in `Erasure.resolveAnonymousBridgeClash`
- val suffix = nme.DELAMBDAFY_LAMBDA_CLASS_NAME + "$" + (
- if (funOwner.isPrimaryConstructor) ""
- else "$" + + "$"
- )
- val oldClassPart =
- // make sure the class name doesn't contain $anon, otherwise isAnonymousClass/Function may be true
- val name = unit.freshTypeName(s"$oldClassPart$suffix".replace("$anon", "$nestedInAnon"))
- val lambdaClass = pkg newClassSymbol(name, originalFunction.pos, FINAL | SYNTHETIC) addAnnotation SerialVersionUIDAnnotation
- lambdaClass.associatedFile = unit.source.file
- // make sure currentRun.compiles(lambdaClass) is true (AddInterfaces does the same for trait impl classes)
- currentRun.symSource(lambdaClass) = funOwner.sourceFile
- lambdaClass setInfo ClassInfoType(parents, newScope, lambdaClass)
- assert(!lambdaClass.isAnonymousClass && !lambdaClass.isAnonymousFunction, "anonymous class name: "+
- assert(lambdaClass.isDelambdafyFunction, "not lambda class name: " +
- val captureProxies2 = new LinkedHashMap[Symbol, TermSymbol]
- captures foreach {capture =>
- val sym = lambdaClass.newVariable(unit.freshTermName( + "$"), capture.pos, SYNTHETIC)
- sym setInfo
- captureProxies2 += ((capture, sym))
- }
+ // determine which lambda target to use with java's LMF -- create a new one if scala-specific boxing is required
+ def createBoxingBridgeMethodIfNeeded(fun: Function, target: Symbol, functionalInterface: Symbol, sam: Symbol): Symbol = {
+ val oldClass = fun.symbol.enclClass
+ val pos = fun.pos
+ // At erasure, there won't be any captured arguments (they are added in constructors)
+ val functionParamTypes = exitingErasure(
+ val functionResultType = exitingErasure(
+ val samParamTypes = exitingErasure(
+ val samResultType = exitingErasure(
+ /** How to satisfy the linking invariants of
+ *
+ * Given samMethodType: (U1..Un)Ru and function type T1,..., Tn => Rt (the target method created by uncurry)
+ *
+ * Do we need a bridge, or can we use the original lambda target for implMethod: (<captured args> A1..An)Ra
+ * (We can ignore capture here.)
+ *
+ * If, for i=1..N:
+ * Ai =:= Ui || (Ai <:< Ui <:< AnyRef)
+ * Ru =:= void || (Ra =:= Ru || (Ra <:< AnyRef, Ru <:< AnyRef))
+ *
+ * We can use the target method as-is -- if not, we create a bridging one that uses the types closest
+ * to the target method that still meet the above requirements.
+ */
+ val resTpOk = (
+ samResultType =:= UnitTpe
+ || functionResultType =:= samResultType
+ || (isReferenceType(samResultType) && isReferenceType(functionResultType))) // yes, this is what the spec says -- no further correspondence required
+ if (resTpOk && (samParamTypes corresponds functionParamTypes){ (samParamTp, funParamTp) =>
+ funParamTp =:= samParamTp || (isReferenceType(funParamTp) && isReferenceType(samParamTp) && funParamTp <:< samParamTp) }) target
+ else {
+ // We have to construct a new lambda target that bridges to the one created by uncurry.
+ // The bridge must satisfy the above invariants, while also minimizing adaptation on our end.
+ // LMF will insert runtime casts according to the spec at the above link.
+ // we use the more precise type between samParamTp and funParamTp to minimize boxing in the bridge method
+ // we are constructing a method whose signature matches the sam's signature (because the original target did not)
+ // whenever a type in the sam's signature is (erases to) a primitive type, we must pick the sam's version,
+ // as we don't implement the logic regarding widening that's performed by LMF -- we require =:= for primitives
+ //
+ // We use the sam's type for the check whether we're dealing with a reference type, as it could be a generic type,
+ // which means the function's parameter -- even if it expects a value class -- will need to be
+ // boxed on the generic call to the sam method.
- // the Optional proxy that will hold a reference to the 'this'
- // object used by the lambda, if any. NoSymbol if there is no this proxy
- val thisProxy = {
- if (isStatic)
- NoSymbol
- else {
- val sym = lambdaClass.newVariable(nme.FAKE_LOCAL_THIS, originalFunction.pos, SYNTHETIC)
- sym.setInfo(oldClass.tpe)
- }
+ val bridgeParamTypes = map2(samParamTypes, functionParamTypes){ (samParamTp, funParamTp) =>
+ if (isReferenceType(samParamTp) && funParamTp <:< samParamTp) funParamTp
+ else samParamTp
- val decapturify = new DeCapturifyTransformer(captureProxies2, unit, oldClass, lambdaClass, originalFunction.symbol.pos, thisProxy)
- val decapturedFunction = decapturify.transform(originalFunction).asInstanceOf[Function]
+ val bridgeResultType =
+ if (resTpOk && isReferenceType(samResultType) && functionResultType <:< samResultType) functionResultType
+ else samResultType
+ val typeAdapter = new TypeAdapter { def typedPos(pos: Position)(tree: Tree): Tree = localTyper.typedPos(pos)(tree) }
+ import typeAdapter.{adaptToType, unboxValueClass}
+ val targetParams = target.paramss.head
+ val numCaptures = targetParams.length - functionParamTypes.length
+ val (targetCapturedParams, targetFunctionParams) = targetParams.splitAt(numCaptures)
+ val methSym = oldClass.newMethod("$adapted").toTermName, target.pos, target.flags | FINAL | ARTIFACT | STATIC)
+ val bridgeCapturedParams = => methSym.newSyntheticValueParam(param.tpe,
+ val bridgeFunctionParams =
+ map2(targetFunctionParams, bridgeParamTypes)((param, tp) => methSym.newSyntheticValueParam(tp,
+ val bridgeParams = bridgeCapturedParams ::: bridgeFunctionParams
+ methSym setInfo MethodType(bridgeParams, bridgeResultType)
+ enter methSym
+ val forwarderCall = localTyper.typedPos(pos) {
+ val capturedArgRefs = bridgeCapturedParams map gen.mkAttributedRef
+ val functionArgRefs =
+ map3(bridgeFunctionParams, functionParamTypes, targetParams.drop(numCaptures)) { (bridgeParam, functionParamTp, targetParam) =>
+ val bridgeParamRef = gen.mkAttributedRef(bridgeParam)
+ val targetParamTp = targetParam.tpe
+ // TODO: can we simplify this to something like `adaptToType(adaptToType(bridgeParamRef, functionParamTp), targetParamTp)`?
+ val unboxed =
+ functionParamTp match {
+ case ErasedValueType(clazz, underlying) =>
+ // when the original function expected an argument of value class type,
+ // the original target will expect the unboxed underlying value,
+ // whereas the bridge will receive the boxed value (since the sam's argument type did not match and we had to adapt)
+ localTyper.typed(unboxValueClass(bridgeParamRef, clazz, underlying), targetParamTp)
+ case _ => bridgeParamRef
+ }
+ adaptToType(unboxed, targetParamTp)
+ }
- val members = (optionSymbol(thisProxy).toList ++ (captureProxies2 map (_._2))) map {member =>
- enter member
- ValDef(member, gen.mkZero(member.tpe)) setPos decapturedFunction.pos
+ gen.mkMethodCall(Select(gen.mkAttributedThis(oldClass), target), capturedArgRefs ::: functionArgRefs)
- // constructor
- val constr = createConstructor(lambdaClass, members)
- // apply method with same arguments and return type as original lambda.
- val applyMethodDef = createApplyMethod(lambdaClass, decapturedFunction, thisProxy)
- val bridgeMethod = createBridgeMethod(lambdaClass, originalFunction, applyMethodDef)
- def fulldef(sym: Symbol) =
- if (sym == NoSymbol) sym.toString
- else s"$sym: ${sym.tpe} in ${sym.owner}"
+ val bridge = postErasure.newTransformer(unit).transform(DefDef(methSym, List(,
+ adaptToType(forwarderCall setType functionResultType, bridgeResultType))).asInstanceOf[DefDef]
- bridgeMethod foreach (bm =>
- // TODO SI-6260 maybe just create the apply method with the signature (Object => Object) in all cases
- // rather than the method+bridge pair.
- if (bm.symbol.tpe =:= applyMethodDef.symbol.tpe)
- erasure.resolveAnonymousBridgeClash(applyMethodDef.symbol, bm.symbol)
- )
- val body = members ++ List(constr, applyMethodDef) ++ bridgeMethod
- // TODO if member fields are private this complains that they're not accessible
- localTyper.typedPos(decapturedFunction.pos)(ClassDef(lambdaClass, body)).asInstanceOf[ClassDef]
- }
- val allCaptureArgs: List[Tree] = {
- val thisArg = if (isStatic) Nil else (gen.mkAttributedThis(oldClass) setPos originalFunction.pos) :: Nil
- val captureArgs = => gen.mkAttributedRef(capture) setPos originalFunction.pos).toList
- thisArg ::: captureArgs
- }
- val arity = originalFunction.vparams.length
- // Reconstruct the type of the function entering erasure.
- // We do this by taking the type after erasure, and re-boxing `ErasedValueType`.
- //
- // Unfortunately, the more obvious `enteringErasure(` doesn't work
- // as we would like, value classes in parameter position show up as the unboxed types.
- val (functionParamTypes, functionResultType) = exitingErasure {
- def boxed(tp: Type) = tp match {
- case ErasedValueType(valueClazz, _) => TypeRef(NoPrefix, valueClazz, Nil)
- case _ => tp
- }
- // We don't need to deeply map `boxedValueClassType` over the infos as `ErasedValueType`
- // will only appear directly as a parameter type in a method signature, as shown
- //
- val info =
- val boxedParamTypes = info.paramTypes.takeRight(arity).map(boxed)
- (boxedParamTypes, boxed(info.resultType))
- }
- val functionType = definitions.functionType(functionParamTypes, functionResultType)
- val (functionalInterface, isSpecialized) = java8CompatFunctionalInterface(target, functionType)
- if (functionalInterface.exists) {
- // Create a symbol representing a fictional lambda factory method that accepts the captured
- // arguments and returns a Function.
- val msym = currentOwner.newMethod(nme.ANON_FUN_NAME, originalFunction.pos, ARTIFACT)
- val argTypes: List[Type] =
- val params = msym.newSyntheticValueParams(argTypes)
- msym.setInfo(MethodType(params, functionType))
- val arity = originalFunction.vparams.length
- val lambdaTarget =
- if (isSpecialized)
- target
- else {
- createBoxingBridgeMethod(functionParamTypes, functionResultType) match {
- case EmptyTree =>
- target
- case bridge =>
- boxingBridgeMethods += bridge
- bridge.symbol
- }
- }
- // We then apply this symbol to the captures.
- val apply = localTyper.typedPos(originalFunction.pos)(Apply(Ident(msym), allCaptureArgs)).asInstanceOf[Apply]
- // The backend needs to know the target of the lambda and the functional interface in order
- // to emit the invokedynamic instruction. We pass this information as tree attachment.
- apply.updateAttachment(LambdaMetaFactoryCapable(lambdaTarget, arity, functionalInterface))
- InvokeDynamicLambda(apply)
- } else {
- val anonymousClassDef = makeAnonymousClass
- enter anonymousClassDef.symbol
- val newStat = Typed(New(anonymousClassDef.symbol, allCaptureArgs: _*), TypeTree(abstractFunctionErasedType))
- val typedNewStat = localTyper.typedPos(originalFunction.pos)(newStat)
- DelambdafyAnonClass(anonymousClassDef, typedNewStat)
+ boxingBridgeMethods += bridge
+ bridge.symbol
- /**
- * Creates a bridge method if needed. The bridge method forwards from apply(x1: Object, x2: Object...xn: Object): Object to
- * apply(x1: T1, x2: T2...xn: Tn): T0 using type adaptation on each input and output. The only time a bridge isn't needed
- * is when the original lambda is already erased to type Object, Object, Object... => Object
- */
- def createBridgeMethod(newClass:Symbol, originalFunction: Function, applyMethod: DefDef): Option[DefDef] = {
- val bridgeMethSym = newClass.newMethod(nme.apply, applyMethod.pos, FINAL | SYNTHETIC | BRIDGE)
- val originalParams = applyMethod.vparamss(0)
- val bridgeParams = originalParams map { originalParam =>
- val bridgeSym = bridgeMethSym.newSyntheticValueParam(ObjectTpe,
- ValDef(bridgeSym)
- }
- val bridgeSyms = bridgeParams map (_.symbol)
+ private def transformFunction(originalFunction: Function): Tree = {
+ val target = targetMethod(originalFunction)
+ assert(target.hasFlag(Flags.STATIC))
+ target.setFlag(notPRIVATE)
- val methodType = MethodType(bridgeSyms, ObjectTpe)
- bridgeMethSym setInfo methodType
+ val funSym = originalFunction.tpe.typeSymbolDirect
+ // The functional interface that can be used to adapt the lambda target method `target` to the given function type.
+ val (functionalInterface, isSpecialized) =
+ if (!isFunctionSymbol(funSym)) (funSym, false)
+ else {
+ val specializedName =
+ specializeTypes.specializedFunctionName(funSym,
+ exitingErasure( :+ reboxValueClass(exitingErasure(
+ val isSpecialized = specializedName !=
+ val functionalInterface =
+ if (isSpecialized) {
+ // Unfortunately we still need to use custom functional interfaces for specialized functions so that the
+ // unboxed apply method is left abstract for us to implement.
+ }
+ else FunctionClass(originalFunction.vparams.length)
- def adapt(tree: Tree, expectedTpe: Type): (Boolean, Tree) = {
- if (tree.tpe =:= expectedTpe) (false, tree)
- else (true, adaptToType(tree, expectedTpe))
- }
+ (functionalInterface, isSpecialized)
+ }
- def adaptAndPostErase(tree: Tree, pt: Type): (Boolean, Tree) = {
- val (needsAdapt, adaptedTree) = adapt(tree, pt)
- val trans = postErasure.newTransformer(unit)
- val postErasedTree = trans.atOwner(currentOwner)(trans.transform(adaptedTree)) // SI-8017 eliminates ErasedValueTypes
- (needsAdapt, postErasedTree)
- }
+ val sam = originalFunction.attachments.get[SAMFunction].map(_.sam).getOrElse(NoSymbol)
+ mkLambdaMetaFactoryCall(originalFunction, target, functionalInterface, sam, isSpecialized)
+ }
- enteringPhase(currentRun.posterasurePhase) {
- // e.g, in:
- // class C(val a: Int) extends AnyVal; (x: Int) => new C(x)
- //
- // This type is:
- // (x: Int)ErasedValueType(class C, Int)
- val liftedBodyDefTpe: MethodType = {
- val liftedBodySymbol = {
- val Apply(method, _) = originalFunction.body
- method.symbol
- }
+ // here's the main entry point of the transform
+ override def transform(tree: Tree): Tree = tree match {
+ // the main thing we care about is lambdas
+ case fun: Function =>
+ super.transform(transformFunction(fun))
+ case Template(_, _, _) =>
+ def pretransform(tree: Tree): Tree = tree match {
+ case dd: DefDef if dd.symbol.isDelambdafyTarget =>
+ if (!dd.symbol.hasFlag(STATIC) && methodReferencesThis(dd.symbol)) {
+ gen.mkStatic(dd,, sym => sym)
+ } else {
+ dd.symbol.setFlag(STATIC)
+ dd
+ }
+ case t => t
- val (paramNeedsAdaptation, adaptedParams) = (bridgeSyms zip liftedBodyDefTpe.params map {case (bridgeSym, param) => adapt(Ident(bridgeSym) setType bridgeSym.tpe, param.tpe)}).unzip
- // SI-8017 Before, this code used ``.
- // But that symbol doesn't have a type history that goes back before `delambdafy`,
- // so we just see a plain `Int`, rather than `ErasedValueType(C, Int)`.
- // This triggered primitive boxing, rather than value class boxing.
- val resTp = liftedBodyDefTpe.finalResultType
- val body = Apply(gen.mkAttributedSelect(gen.mkAttributedThis(newClass), applyMethod.symbol), adaptedParams) setType resTp
- val (needsReturnAdaptation, adaptedBody) = adaptAndPostErase(body, ObjectTpe)
- val needsBridge = (paramNeedsAdaptation contains true) || needsReturnAdaptation
- if (needsBridge) {
- val methDef = DefDef(bridgeMethSym, List(bridgeParams), adaptedBody)
- enter bridgeMethSym
- Some((localTyper typed methDef).asInstanceOf[DefDef])
- } else None
- }
+ try {
+ // during this call boxingBridgeMethods will be populated from the Function case
+ val Template(parents, self, body) = super.transform(deriveTemplate(tree)(_.mapConserve(pretransform)))
+ Template(parents, self, body ++ boxingBridgeMethods)
+ } finally boxingBridgeMethods.clear()
+ case dd: DefDef if dd.symbol.isLiftedMethod && !dd.symbol.isDelambdafyTarget =>
+ // SI-9390 emit lifted methods that don't require a `this` reference as STATIC
+ // delambdafy targets are excluded as they are made static by `transformFunction`.
+ if (!dd.symbol.hasFlag(STATIC) && !methodReferencesThis(dd.symbol)) {
+ dd.symbol.setFlag(STATIC)
+ dd.symbol.removeAttachment[mixer.NeedStaticImpl.type]
+ }
+ super.transform(tree)
+ case Apply(fun, outer :: rest) if shouldElideOuterArg(fun.symbol, outer) =>
+ val nullOuter = gen.mkZero(outer.tpe)
+ treeCopy.Apply(tree, transform(fun), nullOuter :: transformTrees(rest))
+ case _ => super.transform(tree)
} // DelambdafyTransformer
+ private def shouldElideOuterArg(fun: Symbol, outerArg: Tree): Boolean =
+ fun.isConstructor && treeInfo.isQualifierSafeToElide(outerArg) && fun.hasAttachment[OuterArgCanBeElided.type]
// A traverser that finds symbols used but not defined in the given Tree
// TODO freeVarTraverser in LambdaLift does a very similar task. With some
// analysis this could probably be unified with it
@@ -513,40 +329,45 @@ abstract class Delambdafy extends Transform with TypingTransformers with ast.Tre
- // A transformer that converts specified captured symbols into other symbols
- // TODO this transform could look more like ThisSubstituter and TreeSymSubstituter. It's not clear that it needs that level of sophistication since the types
- // at this point are always very simple flattened/erased types, but it would probably be more robust if it tried to take more complicated types into account
- class DeCapturifyTransformer(captureProxies: Map[Symbol, TermSymbol], unit: CompilationUnit, oldClass: Symbol, newClass:Symbol, pos: Position, thisProxy: Symbol) extends TypingTransformer(unit) {
- override def transform(tree: Tree) = tree match {
- case tree@This(encl) if tree.symbol == oldClass && thisProxy.exists =>
- gen mkAttributedSelect (gen mkAttributedThis newClass, thisProxy)
- case Ident(name) if (captureProxies contains tree.symbol) =>
- gen mkAttributedSelect (gen mkAttributedThis newClass, captureProxies(tree.symbol))
- case _ => super.transform(tree)
+ // finds all methods that reference 'this'
+ class ThisReferringMethodsTraverser extends Traverser {
+ // the set of methods that refer to this
+ private val thisReferringMethods = mutable.Set[Symbol]()
+ // the set of lifted lambda body methods that each method refers to
+ private val liftedMethodReferences = mutable.Map[Symbol, Set[Symbol]]().withDefault(_ => mutable.Set())
+ def methodReferencesThisIn(tree: Tree) = {
+ traverse(tree)
+ liftedMethodReferences.keys foreach refersToThis
+ thisReferringMethods
- }
- /**
- * Get the symbol of the target lifted lambda body method from a function. I.e. if
- * the function is {args => anonfun(args)} then this method returns anonfun's symbol
- */
- private def targetMethod(fun: Function): Symbol = fun match {
- case Function(_, Apply(target, _)) =>
- target.symbol
- case _ =>
- // any other shape of Function is unexpected at this point
- abort(s"could not understand function with tree $fun")
- }
+ // recursively find methods that refer to 'this' directly or indirectly via references to other methods
+ // for each method found add it to the referrers set
+ private def refersToThis(symbol: Symbol): Boolean = {
+ var seen = mutable.Set[Symbol]()
+ def loop(symbol: Symbol): Boolean = {
+ if (seen(symbol)) false
+ else {
+ seen += symbol
+ (thisReferringMethods contains symbol) ||
+ (liftedMethodReferences(symbol) exists loop) && {
+ // add it early to memoize
+ debuglog(s"$symbol indirectly refers to 'this'")
+ thisReferringMethods += symbol
+ true
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ loop(symbol)
+ }
- // finds all methods that reference 'this'
- class ThisReferringMethodsTraverser() extends Traverser {
private var currentMethod: Symbol = NoSymbol
- // the set of methods that refer to this
- val thisReferringMethods = mutable.Set[Symbol]()
- // the set of lifted lambda body methods that each method refers to
- val liftedMethodReferences = mutable.Map[Symbol, Set[Symbol]]().withDefault(_ => mutable.Set())
override def traverse(tree: Tree) = tree match {
- case DefDef(_, _, _, _, _, _) =>
+ case DefDef(_, _, _, _, _, _) if tree.symbol.isDelambdafyTarget || tree.symbol.isLiftedMethod =>
// we don't expect defs within defs. At this phase trees should be very flat
if (currentMethod.exists) devWarning("Found a def within a def at a phase where defs are expected to be flattened out.")
currentMethod = tree.symbol
@@ -557,37 +378,21 @@ abstract class Delambdafy extends Transform with TypingTransformers with ast.Tre
// They'll be of the form {(args...) => this.anonfun(args...)}
// but we do need to make note of the lifted body method in case it refers to 'this'
if (currentMethod.exists) liftedMethodReferences(currentMethod) += targetMethod(fun)
+ case Apply(sel @ Select(This(_), _), args) if sel.symbol.isLiftedMethod =>
+ if (currentMethod.exists) liftedMethodReferences(currentMethod) += sel.symbol
+ super.traverseTrees(args)
+ case Apply(fun, outer :: rest) if shouldElideOuterArg(fun.symbol, outer) =>
+ super.traverse(fun)
+ super.traverseTrees(rest)
case This(_) =>
if (currentMethod.exists && tree.symbol == currentMethod.enclClass) {
debuglog(s"$currentMethod directly refers to 'this'")
thisReferringMethods add currentMethod
+ case _: ClassDef if !tree.symbol.isTopLevel =>
+ case _: DefDef =>
case _ =>
- final case class LambdaMetaFactoryCapable(target: Symbol, arity: Int, functionalInterface: Symbol)
- // The functional interface that can be used to adapt the lambda target method `target` to the
- // given function type. Returns `NoSymbol` if the compiler settings are unsuitable.
- private def java8CompatFunctionalInterface(target: Symbol, functionType: Type): (Symbol, Boolean) = {
- val canUseLambdaMetafactory: Boolean = {
- val isTarget18 ="jvm-1.8")
- settings.isBCodeActive && isTarget18
- }
- val sym = functionType.typeSymbol
- val pack = currentRun.runDefinitions.Scala_Java8_CompatPackage
- val name1 = specializeTypes.specializedFunctionName(sym, functionType.typeArgs)
- val paramTps :+ restpe = functionType.typeArgs
- val arity = paramTps.length
- val isSpecialized = name1.toTypeName !=
- val functionalInterface = if (!isSpecialized) {
- currentRun.runDefinitions.Scala_Java8_CompatPackage_JFunction(arity)
- } else {
- }
- (if (canUseLambdaMetafactory) functionalInterface else NoSymbol, isSpecialized)
- }
diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/transform/Erasure.scala b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/transform/Erasure.scala
index 6b987f0089..e327a6658c 100644
--- a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/transform/Erasure.scala
+++ b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/transform/Erasure.scala
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ import symtab._
import Flags._
import scala.reflect.internal.Mode._
-abstract class Erasure extends AddInterfaces
+abstract class Erasure extends InfoTransform
with scala.reflect.internal.transform.Erasure
with typechecker.Analyzer
with TypingTransformers
@@ -71,7 +71,9 @@ abstract class Erasure extends AddInterfaces
override protected def verifyJavaErasure = settings.Xverify || settings.debug
- def needsJavaSig(tp: Type) = !settings.Ynogenericsig && NeedsSigCollector.collect(tp)
+ def needsJavaSig(tp: Type, throwsArgs: List[Type]) = !settings.Ynogenericsig && {
+ NeedsSigCollector.collect(tp) || throwsArgs.exists(NeedsSigCollector.collect)
+ }
// only refer to type params that will actually make it into the sig, this excludes:
// * higher-order type parameters
@@ -187,18 +189,23 @@ abstract class Erasure extends AddInterfaces
/* Drop redundant types (ones which are implemented by some other parent) from the immediate parents.
* This is important on Android because there is otherwise an interface explosion.
+ * This is now restricted to Scala defined ancestors: a Java defined ancestor may need to be listed
+ * as an immediate parent to support an `invokespecial`.
def minimizeParents(parents: List[Type]): List[Type] = if (parents.isEmpty) parents else {
- def isInterfaceOrTrait(sym: Symbol) = sym.isInterface || sym.isTrait
+ def isRedundantParent(sym: Symbol) = sym.isInterface || sym.isTrait
var rest = parents.tail
var leaves = collection.mutable.ListBuffer.empty[Type] += parents.head
while(rest.nonEmpty) {
val candidate = rest.head
- val nonLeaf = leaves exists { t => t.typeSymbol isSubClass candidate.typeSymbol }
- if(!nonLeaf) {
- leaves = leaves filterNot { t => isInterfaceOrTrait(t.typeSymbol) && (candidate.typeSymbol isSubClass t.typeSymbol) }
- leaves += candidate
+ if (candidate.typeSymbol.isJavaDefined && candidate.typeSymbol.isInterface) leaves += candidate
+ else {
+ val nonLeaf = leaves exists { t => t.typeSymbol isSubClass candidate.typeSymbol }
+ if (!nonLeaf) {
+ leaves = leaves filterNot { t => isRedundantParent(t.typeSymbol) && (candidate.typeSymbol isSubClass t.typeSymbol) }
+ leaves += candidate
+ }
rest = rest.tail
@@ -251,7 +258,7 @@ abstract class Erasure extends AddInterfaces
// Anything which could conceivably be a module (i.e. isn't known to be
// a type parameter or similar) must go through here or the signature is
// likely to end up with Foo<T>.Empty where it needs Foo<T>.Empty$.
- def fullNameInSig(sym: Symbol) = "L" + enteringIcode(sym.javaBinaryName)
+ def fullNameInSig(sym: Symbol) = "L" + enteringJVM(sym.javaBinaryNameString)
def jsig(tp0: Type, existentiallyBound: List[Symbol] = Nil, toplevel: Boolean = false, primitiveOK: Boolean = true): String = {
val tp = tp0.dealias
@@ -277,7 +284,7 @@ abstract class Erasure extends AddInterfaces
val preRebound = pre.baseType(sym.owner) // #2585
- if (needsJavaSig(preRebound)) {
+ if (needsJavaSig(preRebound, Nil)) {
val s = jsig(preRebound, existentiallyBound)
if (s.charAt(0) == 'L') s.substring(0, s.length - 1) + "." + sym.javaSimpleName
else fullNameInSig(sym)
@@ -352,8 +359,8 @@ abstract class Erasure extends AddInterfaces
buf append (if (restpe.typeSymbol == UnitClass || sym0.isConstructor) VOID_TAG.toString else jsig(restpe))
- case RefinedType(parent :: _, decls) =>
- boxedSig(parent)
+ case RefinedType(parents, decls) =>
+ jsig(intersectionDominator(parents), primitiveOK = primitiveOK)
case ClassInfoType(parents, _, _) =>
case AnnotatedType(_, atp) =>
@@ -367,8 +374,9 @@ abstract class Erasure extends AddInterfaces
else jsig(etp)
- if (needsJavaSig(info)) {
- try Some(jsig(info, toplevel = true))
+ val throwsArgs = sym0.annotations flatMap ThrownException.unapply
+ if (needsJavaSig(info, throwsArgs)) {
+ try Some(jsig(info, toplevel = true) +"^" + jsig(_, toplevel = true)).mkString(""))
catch { case ex: UnknownSig => None }
else None
@@ -376,16 +384,53 @@ abstract class Erasure extends AddInterfaces
class UnknownSig extends Exception
- /** The symbol's erased info. This is the type's erasure, except for the following symbols:
- *
- * - For $asInstanceOf : [T]T
- * - For $isInstanceOf : [T]scala#Boolean
- * - For class Array : [T]C where C is the erased classinfo of the Array class.
- * - For Array[T].<init> : {scala#Int)Array[T]
- * - For a type parameter : A type bounds type consisting of the erasures of its bounds.
- */
- override def transformInfo(sym: Symbol, tp: Type): Type =
- transformMixinInfo(super.transformInfo(sym, tp))
+ // TODO: move to constructors?
+ object mixinTransformer extends Transformer {
+ /** Add calls to supermixin constructors
+ * `super[mix].$init$()`
+ * to tree, which is assumed to be the body of a constructor of class clazz.
+ */
+ private def addMixinConstructorCalls(tree: Tree, clazz: Symbol): Tree = {
+ def mixinConstructorCall(mc: Symbol): Tree = atPos(tree.pos) {
+ Apply(SuperSelect(clazz, mc.primaryConstructor), Nil)
+ }
+ val mixinConstructorCalls: List[Tree] = {
+ for (mc <- clazz.mixinClasses.reverse
+ if mc.isTrait && mc.primaryConstructor != NoSymbol)
+ yield mixinConstructorCall(mc)
+ }
+ tree match {
+ case Block(Nil, expr) =>
+ // AnyVal constructor - have to provide a real body so the
+ // jvm doesn't throw a VerifyError. But we can't add the
+ // body until now, because the typer knows that Any has no
+ // constructor and won't accept a call to super.init.
+ assert((clazz isSubClass AnyValClass) ||, clazz)
+ Block(List(Apply(gen.mkSuperInitCall, Nil)), expr)
+ case Block(stats, expr) =>
+ // needs `hasSymbolField` check because `supercall` could be a block (named / default args)
+ val (presuper, supercall :: rest) = stats span (t => t.hasSymbolWhich(_ hasFlag PRESUPER))
+ treeCopy.Block(tree, presuper ::: (supercall :: mixinConstructorCalls ::: rest), expr)
+ }
+ }
+ override def transform(tree: Tree): Tree = {
+ val sym = tree.symbol
+ val tree1 = tree match {
+ case DefDef(_,_,_,_,_,_) if sym.isClassConstructor && sym.isPrimaryConstructor && sym.owner != ArrayClass =>
+ deriveDefDef(tree)(addMixinConstructorCalls(_, sym.owner)) // (3)
+ case Template(parents, self, body) =>
+ val parents1 = map (t => TypeTree(t) setPos tree.pos)
+ treeCopy.Template(tree, parents1, noSelfType, body)
+ case _ =>
+ tree
+ }
+ super.transform(tree1)
+ }
+ }
val deconstMap = new TypeMap {
// For some reason classOf[Foo] creates ConstantType(Constant(tpe)) with an actual Type for tpe,
@@ -510,11 +555,11 @@ abstract class Erasure extends AddInterfaces
if (!bridgeNeeded)
- var newFlags = (member.flags | BRIDGE | ARTIFACT) & ~(ACCESSOR | DEFERRED | LAZY | lateDEFERRED)
+ var newFlags = (member.flags | BRIDGE | ARTIFACT) & ~(ACCESSOR | DEFERRED | LAZY)
// If `member` is a ModuleSymbol, the bridge should not also be a ModuleSymbol. Otherwise we
// end up with two module symbols with the same name in the same scope, which is surprising
// when implementing later phases.
- if (member.isModule) newFlags = (newFlags | METHOD) & ~(MODULE | lateMETHOD | STABLE)
+ if (member.isModule) newFlags = (newFlags | METHOD) & ~(MODULE | STABLE)
val bridge = other.cloneSymbolImpl(root, newFlags) setPos root.pos
debuglog("generating bridge from %s (%s): %s to %s: %s".format(
@@ -589,8 +634,9 @@ abstract class Erasure extends AddInterfaces
/** The modifier typer which retypes with erased types. */
- class Eraser(_context: Context) extends Typer(_context) with TypeAdapter {
- val typer = this.asInstanceOf[analyzer.Typer]
+ class Eraser(_context: Context) extends Typer(_context) {
+ val typeAdapter = new TypeAdapter { def typedPos(pos: Position)(tree: Tree): Tree = Eraser.this.typedPos(pos)(tree) }
+ import typeAdapter._
override protected def stabilize(tree: Tree, pre: Type, mode: Mode, pt: Type): Tree = tree
@@ -616,10 +662,8 @@ abstract class Erasure extends AddInterfaces
// !!! Make pending/run/t5866b.scala work. The fix might be here and/or in unbox1.
if (isPrimitiveValueType(targ.tpe) || isErasedValueType(targ.tpe)) {
val noNullCheckNeeded = targ.tpe match {
- case ErasedValueType(_, underlying) =>
- isPrimitiveValueClass(underlying.typeSymbol)
- case _ =>
- true
+ case ErasedValueType(_, underlying) => isPrimitiveValueType(underlying)
+ case _ => true
if (noNullCheckNeeded) unbox(qual1, targ.tpe)
else {
@@ -658,7 +702,7 @@ abstract class Erasure extends AddInterfaces
var qual1 = typedQualifier(qual)
if ((isPrimitiveValueType(qual1.tpe) && !isPrimitiveValueMember(tree.symbol)) ||
- qual1 = box(qual1, "owner "+tree.symbol.owner)
+ qual1 = box(qual1)
else if (!isPrimitiveValueType(qual1.tpe) && isPrimitiveValueMember(tree.symbol))
qual1 = unbox(qual1, tree.symbol.owner.tpe)
@@ -667,13 +711,12 @@ abstract class Erasure extends AddInterfaces
if (isPrimitiveValueMember(tree.symbol) && !isPrimitiveValueType(qual1.tpe)) {
tree.symbol = NoSymbol
- } else if (isMethodTypeWithEmptyParams(qual1.tpe)) {
+ } else if (isMethodTypeWithEmptyParams(qual1.tpe)) { // see also adaptToType in TypeAdapter
assert(qual1.symbol.isStable, qual1.symbol)
- val applied = Apply(qual1, List()) setPos qual1.pos setType qual1.tpe.resultType
- adaptMember(selectFrom(applied))
+ adaptMember(selectFrom(applyMethodWithEmptyParams(qual1)))
} else if (!(qual1.isInstanceOf[Super] || (qual1.tpe.typeSymbol isSubClass tree.symbol.owner))) {
assert(tree.symbol.owner != ArrayClass)
- selectFrom(cast(qual1, tree.symbol.owner.tpe))
+ selectFrom(cast(qual1, tree.symbol.owner.tpe.resultType))
} else {
@@ -732,6 +775,12 @@ abstract class Erasure extends AddInterfaces
if (branch == EmptyTree) branch else adaptToType(branch, tree1.tpe)
tree1 match {
+ case fun: Function =>
+ fun.attachments.get[SAMFunction] match {
+ case Some(SAMFunction(samTp, _)) => fun setType specialScalaErasure(samTp)
+ case _ => fun
+ }
case If(cond, thenp, elsep) =>
treeCopy.If(tree1, cond, adaptBranch(thenp), adaptBranch(elsep))
case Match(selector, cases) =>
@@ -1019,24 +1068,20 @@ abstract class Erasure extends AddInterfaces
// erasure the ScalaRunTime.hash overload goes from Unit => Int to BoxedUnit => Int.
// This must be because some earlier transformation is being skipped on ##, but so
// far I don't know what. For null we now define null.## == 0.
+ def staticsCall(methodName: TermName): Tree = {
+ val newTree = gen.mkMethodCall(RuntimeStaticsModule, methodName, qual :: Nil)
+ global.typer.typed(newTree)
+ }
qual.tpe.typeSymbol match {
case UnitClass | NullClass => LIT(0)
case IntClass => qual
case s @ (ShortClass | ByteClass | CharClass) => numericConversion(qual, s)
case BooleanClass => If(qual, LIT(true.##), LIT(false.##))
- case _ =>
- // Since we are past typer, we need to avoid creating trees carrying
- // overloaded types. This logic is custom (and technically incomplete,
- // although serviceable) for def hash. What is really needed is for
- // the overloading logic presently hidden away in a few different
- // places to be properly exposed so we can just call "resolveOverload"
- // after typer. Until then:
- val alts =
- def alt1 = alts find ( =:= qual.tpe)
- def alt2 = suchThat ( == AnyClass)
- val newTree = gen.mkRuntimeCall(nme.hash_, qual :: Nil) setSymbol (alt1 getOrElse alt2)
- global.typer.typed(newTree)
+ case LongClass => staticsCall(nme.longHash)
+ case FloatClass => staticsCall(nme.floatHash)
+ case DoubleClass => staticsCall(nme.doubleHash)
+ case _ => staticsCall(nme.anyHash)
} else if (isPrimitiveValueClass(qual.tpe.typeSymbol)) {
// Rewrite 5.getClass to ScalaRunTime.anyValClass(5)
@@ -1052,7 +1097,7 @@ abstract class Erasure extends AddInterfaces
// See SI-5568.
tree setSymbol Object_getClass
} else {
- devWarning(s"The symbol '${fn.symbol}' was interecepted but didn't match any cases, that means the intercepted methods set doesn't match the code")
+ devWarning(s"The symbol '${fn.symbol}' was intercepted but didn't match any cases, that means the intercepted methods set doesn't match the code")
} else qual match {
@@ -1076,7 +1121,8 @@ abstract class Erasure extends AddInterfaces
case TypeApply(fun, args) if (fun.symbol.owner != AnyClass &&
fun.symbol != Object_asInstanceOf &&
- fun.symbol != Object_isInstanceOf) =>
+ fun.symbol != Object_isInstanceOf &&
+ fun.symbol != Object_synchronized) =>
// leave all other type tests/type casts, remove all other type applications
@@ -1115,7 +1161,6 @@ abstract class Erasure extends AddInterfaces
} else tree
case Template(parents, self, body) =>
- assert(!currentOwner.isImplClass)
//Console.println("checking no dble defs " + tree)//DEBUG
treeCopy.Template(tree, parents, noSelfType, addBridges(body, currentOwner))
@@ -1125,7 +1170,7 @@ abstract class Erasure extends AddInterfaces
case Literal(ct) if ct.tag == ClazzTag
&& ct.typeValue.typeSymbol != definitions.UnitClass =>
- val erased = ct.typeValue match {
+ val erased = ct.typeValue.dealiasWiden match {
case tr @ TypeRef(_, clazz, _) if clazz.isDerivedValueClass => scalaErasure.eraseNormalClassRef(tr)
case tpe => specialScalaErasure(tpe)
@@ -1154,14 +1199,24 @@ abstract class Erasure extends AddInterfaces
else {
val tree1 = preErase(tree)
tree1 match {
+ case TypeApply(fun, targs @ List(targ)) if (fun.symbol == Any_asInstanceOf || fun.symbol == Object_synchronized) && targ.tpe == UnitTpe =>
+ // SI-9066 prevent transforming `o.asInstanceOf[Unit]` to `o.asInstanceOf[BoxedUnit]`.
+ // adaptMember will then replace the call by a reference to BoxedUnit.UNIT.
+ treeCopy.TypeApply(tree1, transform(fun), targs).clearType()
case EmptyTree | TypeTree() =>
tree1 setType specialScalaErasure(tree1.tpe)
case ArrayValue(elemtpt, trees) =>
tree1, elemtpt setType specialScalaErasure.applyInArray(elemtpt.tpe), trees map transform).clearType()
case DefDef(_, _, _, _, tpt, _) =>
+ // TODO: move this in some post-processing transform in the fields phase?
+ if (fields.symbolAnnotationsTargetFieldAndGetter(tree.symbol))
+ fields.dropFieldAnnotationsFromGetter(tree.symbol)
try super.transform(tree1).clearType()
finally tpt setType specialErasure(tree1.symbol)(tree1.symbol.tpe).resultType
+ case ApplyDynamic(qual, Literal(Constant(bootstrapMethodRef: Symbol)) :: _) =>
+ tree
case _ =>
@@ -1192,5 +1247,41 @@ abstract class Erasure extends AddInterfaces
+ /** Does this symbol compile to the underlying platform's notion of an interface,
+ * without requiring compiler magic before it can be instantiated?
+ *
+ * More specifically, we're interested in whether LambdaMetaFactory can instantiate this type,
+ * assuming it has a single abstract method. In other words, if we were to mix this
+ * trait into a class, it should not result in any compiler-generated members having to be
+ * implemented in ("mixed in to") this class (except for the SAM).
+ *
+ * Thus, the type must erase to a java interface, either by virtue of being defined as one,
+ * or by being a trait that:
+ * - is static (explicitouter or lambdalift may add disqualifying members)
+ * - extends only other traits that compile to pure interfaces (except for Any)
+ * - has no val/var members
+ *
+ * TODO: can we speed this up using the INTERFACE flag, or set it correctly by construction?
+ */
+ final def compilesToPureInterface(tpSym: Symbol): Boolean = {
+ def ok(sym: Symbol) =
+ sym.isJavaInterface ||
+ sym.isTrait &&
+ // Unless sym.isStatic, even if the constructor is zero-argument now, it may acquire arguments in explicit outer or lambdalift.
+ // This is an impl restriction to simplify the decision of whether to expand the SAM during uncurry
+ // (when we don't yet know whether it will receive an outer pointer in explicit outer or whether lambda lift will add proxies for captures).
+ // When we delay sam expansion until after explicit outer & lambda lift, we could decide there whether
+ // to expand sam at compile time or use LMF, and this implementation restriction could be lifted.
+ sym.isStatic &&
+ // HACK: this is to rule out traits with an effectful initializer.
+ // The constructor only exists if the trait's template has statements.
+ // Sadly, we can't be more precise without access to the tree that defines the SAM's owner.
+ !sym.primaryConstructor.exists &&
+ (sym.isInterface || => mem.isMethod || mem.isType)) // TODO OPT: && {sym setFlag INTERFACE; true})
+ // we still need to check our ancestors even if the INTERFACE flag is set, as it doesn't take inheritance into account
+ ok(tpSym) && tpSym.ancestors.forall(sym => (sym eq AnyClass) || (sym eq ObjectClass) || ok(sym))
+ }
private class TypeRefAttachment(val tpe: TypeRef)
diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/transform/ExplicitOuter.scala b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/transform/ExplicitOuter.scala
index 540de2cfe1..8bdbf16e03 100644
--- a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/transform/ExplicitOuter.scala
+++ b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/transform/ExplicitOuter.scala
@@ -8,10 +8,8 @@ package tools.nsc
package transform
import symtab._
-import Flags.{ CASE => _, _ }
-import scala.collection.mutable
+import Flags.{CASE => _, _}
import scala.collection.mutable.ListBuffer
/** This class ...
@@ -69,8 +67,6 @@ abstract class ExplicitOuter extends InfoTransform
- private val innerClassConstructorParamName: TermName = newTermName("arg" + nme.OUTER)
class RemoveBindingsTransformer(toRemove: Set[Symbol]) extends Transformer {
override def transform(tree: Tree) = tree match {
case Bind(_, body) if toRemove(tree.symbol) => super.transform(body)
@@ -159,20 +155,18 @@ abstract class ExplicitOuter extends InfoTransform
* elides outer pointers.
def transformInfo(sym: Symbol, tp: Type): Type = tp match {
- case MethodType(params, restpe1) =>
- val restpe = transformInfo(sym, restpe1)
- if (sym.owner.isTrait && ((sym hasFlag (ACCESSOR | SUPERACCESSOR)) || sym.isModule)) { // 5
- sym.makeNotPrivate(sym.owner)
- }
- if (sym.owner.isTrait && sym.isProtected) sym setFlag notPROTECTED // 6
- if (sym.isClassConstructor && isInner(sym.owner)) { // 1
- val p = sym.newValueParameter(innerClassConstructorParamName, sym.pos)
- .setInfo(sym.owner.outerClass.thisType)
- MethodType(p :: params, restpe)
- } else if (restpe ne restpe1)
- MethodType(params, restpe)
+ case MethodType(params, resTp) =>
+ val resTpTransformed = transformInfo(sym, resTp)
+ val paramsWithOuter =
+ if (sym.isClassConstructor && isInner(sym.owner)) // 1
+ sym.newValueParameter(nme.OUTER_ARG, sym.pos).setInfo(sym.owner.outerClass.thisType) :: params
+ else params
+ if ((resTpTransformed ne resTp) || (paramsWithOuter ne params)) MethodType(paramsWithOuter, resTpTransformed)
else tp
- case ClassInfoType(parents, decls, clazz) =>
+ case ClassInfoType(parents, decls, clazz) if !clazz.isJava =>
var decls1 = decls
if (isInner(clazz) && !clazz.isInterface) {
decls1 = decls.cloneScope
@@ -201,14 +195,6 @@ abstract class ExplicitOuter extends InfoTransform
if (restp eq restp1) tp else PolyType(tparams, restp1)
case _ =>
- // Local fields of traits need to be unconditionally unprivatized.
- // Reason: Those fields might need to be unprivatized if referenced by an inner class.
- // On the other hand, mixing in the trait into a separately compiled
- // class needs to have a common naming scheme, independently of whether
- // the field was accessed from an inner class or not. See #2946
- if (sym.owner.isTrait && sym.isLocalToThis &&
- (sym.getterIn(sym.owner.toInterface) == NoSymbol))
- sym.makeNotPrivate(sym.owner)
@@ -238,12 +224,17 @@ abstract class ExplicitOuter extends InfoTransform
* Will return `EmptyTree` if there is no outer accessor because of a premature self reference.
private def outerSelect(base: Tree): Tree = {
- val baseSym = base.tpe.typeSymbol.toInterface
+ val baseSym = base.tpe.typeSymbol
val outerAcc = outerAccessor(baseSym)
- if (outerAcc == NoSymbol && baseSym.ownersIterator.exists(isUnderConstruction)) {
- // e.g neg/t6666.scala
- // The caller will report the error with more information.
- EmptyTree
+ if (outerAcc == NoSymbol) {
+ if (baseSym.ownersIterator.exists(isUnderConstruction)) {
+ // e.g neg/t6666.scala
+ // The caller will report the error with more information.
+ EmptyTree
+ } else {
+ globalError(currentOwner.pos, s"Internal error: unable to find the outer accessor symbol of $baseSym")
+ EmptyTree
+ }
} else {
val currentClass = this.currentClass //todo: !!! if this line is removed, we get a build failure that protected$currentClass need an override modifier
// outerFld is the $outer field of the current class, if the reference can
@@ -251,6 +242,7 @@ abstract class ExplicitOuter extends InfoTransform
// otherwise it is NoSymbol
val outerFld =
if (outerAcc.owner == currentClass &&
+ !outerAcc.owner.isTrait &&
base.tpe =:= currentClass.thisType &&
outerField(currentClass) suchThat (_.owner == currentClass)
@@ -271,8 +263,7 @@ abstract class ExplicitOuter extends InfoTransform
protected def outerPath(base: Tree, from: Symbol, to: Symbol): Tree = {
//Console.println("outerPath from "+from+" to "+to+" at "+base+":"+base.tpe)
- //assert(base.tpe.widen.baseType(from.toInterface) != NoType, ""+base.tpe.widen+" "+from.toInterface)//DEBUG
- if (from == to || from.isImplClass && from.toInterface == to) base
+ if (from == to) base
else outerPath(outerSelect(base), from.outerClass, to)
@@ -294,61 +285,41 @@ abstract class ExplicitOuter extends InfoTransform
- /** <p>
- * The phase performs the following transformations on terms:
- * </p>
- * <ol>
- * <li> <!-- 1 -->
- * <p>
- * An class which is not an interface and is not static gets an outer
- * accessor (@see outerDefs).
- * </p>
- * <p>
- * 1a. A class which is not a trait gets an outer field.
- * </p>
- * </li>
- * <li> <!-- 4 -->
- * A constructor of a non-trait inner class gets an outer parameter.
- * </li>
- * <li> <!-- 5 -->
- * A reference C.this where C refers to an
- * outer class is replaced by a selection
- * this.$outer$$C1 ... .$outer$$Cn (@see outerPath)
- * </li>
- * <li>
- * </li>
- * <li> <!-- 7 -->
- * A call to a constructor Q.<init>(args) or Q.$init$(args) where Q != this and
- * the constructor belongs to a non-static class is augmented by an outer argument.
- * E.g. Q.<init>(OUTER, args) where OUTER
- * is the qualifier corresponding to the singleton type Q.
- * </li>
- * <li>
- * A call to a constructor this.<init>(args) in a
- * secondary constructor is augmented to this.<init>(OUTER, args)
- * where OUTER is the last parameter of the secondary constructor.
- * </li>
- * <li> <!-- 9 -->
- * Remove private modifier from class members M
- * that are accessed from an inner class.
- * </li>
- * <li> <!-- 10 -->
- * Remove protected modifier from class members M
- * that are accessed without a super qualifier accessed from an inner
- * class or trait.
- * </li>
- * <li> <!-- 11 -->
- * Remove private and protected modifiers
- * from type symbols
- * </li>
- * <li> <!-- 12 -->
- * Remove private modifiers from members of traits
- * </li>
- * </ol>
- * <p>
- * Note: The whole transform is run in phase
- * </p>
- */
+ /** The phase performs the following transformations (more or less...):
+ *
+ * (1) An class which is not an interface and is not static gets an outer accessor (@see outerDefs).
+ * (1a) A class which is not a trait gets an outer field.
+ *
+ * (4) A constructor of a non-trait inner class gets an outer parameter.
+ *
+ * (5) A reference C.this where C refers to an outer class is replaced by a selection
+ * `this.$outer$$C1 ... .$outer$$Cn` (@see outerPath)
+ *
+ * (7) A call to a constructor Q.(args) or Q.$init$(args) where Q != this and
+ * the constructor belongs to a non-static class is augmented by an outer argument.
+ * E.g. Q.(OUTER, args) where OUTER
+ * is the qualifier corresponding to the singleton type Q.
+ *
+ * (8) A call to a constructor this.(args) in a
+ * secondary constructor is augmented to this.(OUTER, args)
+ * where OUTER is the last parameter of the secondary constructor.
+ *
+ * (9) Remove private modifier from class members M that are accessed from an inner class.
+ *
+ * (10) Remove protected modifier from class members M that are accessed
+ * without a super qualifier accessed from an inner class or trait.
+ *
+ * (11) Remove private and protected modifiers from type symbols
+ *
+ * Note: The whole transform is run in phase
+ *
+ * TODO: Make this doc reflect what's actually going on.
+ * Some of the deviations are motivated by separate compilation
+ * (name mangling based on usage is inherently unstable).
+ * Now that traits are compiled 1:1 to interfaces, they can have private members,
+ * so there's also less need to make trait members non-private
+ * (they still may need to be implemented in subclasses, though we could make those protected...).
+ */
class ExplicitOuterTransformer(unit: CompilationUnit) extends OuterPathTransformer(unit) {
transformer =>
@@ -397,7 +368,7 @@ abstract class ExplicitOuter extends InfoTransform
case Template(parents, self, decls) =>
val newDefs = new ListBuffer[Tree]
atOwner(tree, currentOwner) {
- if (!currentClass.isInterface || (currentClass hasFlag lateINTERFACE)) {
+ if (!currentClass.isInterface) {
if (isInner(currentClass)) {
if (hasOuterField(currentClass))
newDefs += outerFieldDef // (1a)
@@ -446,8 +417,10 @@ abstract class ExplicitOuter extends InfoTransform
// See SI-6552 for an example of why `sym.owner.enclMethod hasAnnotation ScalaInlineClass`
// is not suitable; if we make a method-local class non-private, it mangles outer pointer names.
- if (currentClass != sym.owner ||
- (closestEnclMethod(currentOwner) hasAnnotation ScalaInlineClass))
+ def enclMethodIsInline = closestEnclMethod(currentOwner) hasAnnotation ScalaInlineClass
+ // SI-8710 The extension method condition reflects our knowledge that a call to `new Meter(12).privateMethod`
+ // with later be rewritten (in erasure) to `Meter.privateMethod$extension(12)`.
+ if ((currentClass != sym.owner || enclMethodIsInline) && !sym.isMethodWithExtension)
val qsym = qual.tpe.widen.typeSymbol
@@ -474,14 +447,15 @@ abstract class ExplicitOuter extends InfoTransform
// base.<outer>.eq(o) --> base.$outer().eq(o) if there's an accessor, else the whole tree becomes TRUE
// TODO remove the synthetic `<outer>` method from outerFor??
case Apply(eqsel@Select(eqapp@Apply(sel@Select(base, nme.OUTER_SYNTH), Nil), eq), args) =>
- val outerFor = sel.symbol.owner.toInterface // TODO: toInterface necessary?
+ val outerFor = sel.symbol.owner
val acc = outerAccessor(outerFor)
if (acc == NoSymbol ||
// since we can't fix SI-4440 properly (we must drop the outer accessors of final classes when there's no immediate reference to them in sight)
// at least don't crash... this duplicates maybeOmittable from constructors
(acc.owner.isEffectivelyFinal && !acc.isOverridingSymbol)) {
- currentRun.reporting.uncheckedWarning(tree.pos, "The outer reference in this type test cannot be checked at run time.")
+ if (!base.tpe.hasAnnotation(UncheckedClass))
+ currentRun.reporting.uncheckedWarning(tree.pos, "The outer reference in this type test cannot be checked at run time.")
transform(TRUE) // urgh... drop condition if there's no accessor (or if it may disappear after constructors)
} else {
// println("(base, acc)= "+(base, acc))
diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/transform/ExtensionMethods.scala b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/transform/ExtensionMethods.scala
index 116047a2ad..f2237a0716 100644
--- a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/transform/ExtensionMethods.scala
+++ b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/transform/ExtensionMethods.scala
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ package transform
import symtab._
import Flags._
-import scala.collection.{ mutable, immutable }
+import scala.collection.mutable
* Perform Step 1 in the inline classes SIP: Creates extension methods for all
@@ -192,8 +192,7 @@ abstract class ExtensionMethods extends Transform with TypingTransformers {
extensionDefs(currentOwner.companionModule) = new mutable.ListBuffer[Tree]
// SI-7859 make param accessors accessible so the erasure can generate unbox operations.
- val paramAccessors = => sym.isParamAccessor && sym.isMethod)
- paramAccessors.foreach(_.makeNotPrivate(currentOwner))
+ => if (sym.isParamAccessor && sym.isMethod) sym.makeNotPrivate(currentOwner))
} else if (currentOwner.isStaticOwner) {
@@ -208,7 +207,7 @@ abstract class ExtensionMethods extends Transform with TypingTransformers {
def makeExtensionMethodSymbol = {
val extensionName = extensionNames(origMeth).head.toTermName
val extensionMeth = (
- companion.moduleClass.newMethod(extensionName, tree.pos.focus, origMeth.flags & ~OVERRIDE & ~PROTECTED & ~LOCAL | FINAL)
+ companion.moduleClass.newMethod(extensionName, tree.pos.focus, origMeth.flags & ~OVERRIDE & ~PROTECTED & ~PRIVATE & ~LOCAL | FINAL)
setAnnotations origMeth.annotations
origMeth.removeAnnotation(TailrecClass) // it's on the extension method, now.
@@ -244,7 +243,10 @@ abstract class ExtensionMethods extends Transform with TypingTransformers {
// These three lines are assembling$extension[T1, T2, ...]($this)
// which leaves the actual argument application for extensionCall.
- val sel = Select(gen.mkAttributedRef(companion), extensionMeth)
+ // SI-9542 We form the selection here from the thisType of the companion's owner. This is motivated
+ // by the test case, and is a valid way to construct the reference because we know that this
+ // method is also enclosed by that owner.
+ val sel = Select(gen.mkAttributedRef(companion.owner.thisType, companion), extensionMeth)
val targs = origTpeParams map (_.tpeHK)
val callPrefix = gen.mkMethodCall(sel, targs, This(origThis) :: Nil)
diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/transform/Fields.scala b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/transform/Fields.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b2bf9fad3f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/transform/Fields.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,787 @@
+/* NSC -- new Scala compiler
+ * Copyright 2005-2013 LAMP/EPFL
+ * @author
+ */
+package transform
+import scala.annotation.tailrec
+import symtab.Flags._
+/** Synthesize accessors, fields (and bitmaps) for (lazy) vals and modules.
+ *
+ * During Namers, a `ValDef` that is `lazy`, deferred and/or defined in a trait carries its getter's symbol.
+ * The underlying field symbol does not exist until this phase.
+ *
+ * For `val`s defined in classes, we still emit a field immediately.
+ * TODO: uniformly assign getter symbol to all `ValDef`s, stop using `accessed`.
+ *
+ * This phase synthesizes accessors, fields and bitmaps (for lazy or init-checked vals under -Xcheckinit)
+ * in the first (closest in the subclassing lattice) subclass (not a trait) of a trait.
+ *
+ * For lazy vals and modules, we emit accessors that using double-checked locking (DCL) to balance thread safety
+ * and performance. For both lazy vals and modules, the a compute method contains the DCL's slow path.
+ *
+ * Local lazy vals do not receive bitmaps, but use a Lazy*Holder that has the volatile init bit and the computed value.
+ * See `mkLazyLocalDef`.
+ *
+ * Constructors will move the rhs to an assignment in the template body.
+ * Those statements then move to the template into the constructor,
+ * which means it will initialize the fields defined in this template (and execute the corresponding side effects).
+ * We need to maintain the connection between getter and rhs until after specialization so that it can duplicate vals.
+ *
+ * A ModuleDef is desugared to a ClassDef, an accessor (which reuses the module's term symbol)
+ * and a module var (unless the module is static and does not implement a member of a supertype, or we're in a trait).
+ *
+ * For subclasses of traits that define modules, a module var is mixed in, as well as the required module accessors.
+ *
+ * Phase ordering:
+ * - Runs after uncurry to deal with classes that implement SAM traits with ValDefs.
+ * - Runs before erasure (to get bridges), and thus before lambdalift/flatten, so that nested functions/definitions must be considered.
+ * - Lambdalift introduces new paramaccessors for captured vals, but runs too late in the pipeline, so
+ * mixins still synthesizes implementations for these accessors when a local trait that captures is subclassed.
+ *
+ *
+ * In the future, would like to get closer to dotty, which lifts a val's RHS (a similar thing is done for template-level statements)
+ * to a method `$_initialize_$1$x` instead of a block, which is used in the constructor to initialize the val.
+ * This makes for a nice unification of strict and lazy vals, in that the RHS is lifted to a method for both,
+ * with the corresponding compute method called at the appropriate time.)
+ *
+ * This only reduces the required number of methods per field declaration in traits,
+ * if we encode the name (and place in initialisation order) of the field
+ * in the name of its initializing method, to allow separate compilation.
+ * (The name mangling must include ordering, and thus complicate incremental compilation:
+ * ideally, we'd avoid renumbering unchanged methods, but that would result in
+ * different bytecode between clean recompiles and incremental ones).
+ *
+ * In the even longer term (Scala 3?), I agree with @DarkDimius that it would make sense
+ * to hide the difference between strict and lazy vals. All vals are lazy,
+ * but the memoization overhead is removed when we statically know they are forced during initialization.
+ * We could still expose the low-level field semantics through `private[this] val`s.
+ *
+ * In any case, the current behavior of overriding vals is pretty surprising.
+ * An overridden val's side-effect is still performed.
+ * The only change due to overriding is that its value is never written to the field
+ * (the overridden val's value is, of course, stored in the field in addition to its side-effect being performed).
+ *
+ * TODO: Java 9 support for vals defined in traits. They are currently emitted as final,
+ * but the write (putfield) to the val does not occur syntactically within the <init> method
+ * (it's done by the trait setter, which is called from the trait's mixin constructor,
+ * which is called from the subclass's constructor...)
+ */
+abstract class Fields extends InfoTransform with ast.TreeDSL with TypingTransformers with AccessorSynthesis {
+ import global._
+ import definitions._
+ /** the following two members override abstract members in Transform */
+ val phaseName: String = "fields"
+ protected def newTransformer(unit: CompilationUnit): Transformer = new FieldsTransformer(unit)
+ override def transformInfo(sym: Symbol, tp: Type): Type =
+ if (sym.isJavaDefined || sym.isPackageClass || !sym.isClass) tp
+ else synthFieldsAndAccessors(tp)
+ // TODO: drop PRESUPER support when we implement trait parameters in 2.13
+ private def excludedAccessorOrFieldByFlags(statSym: Symbol): Boolean = statSym hasFlag PRESUPER
+ // used for internal communication between info and tree transform of this phase -- not pickled, not in initialflags
+ override def phaseNewFlags: Long = NEEDS_TREES | OVERRIDDEN_TRAIT_SETTER
+ // informs the tree traversal of the shape of the tree to emit
+ // (it's an *overridden* trait setter)
+ final val TRAIT_SETTER_FLAGS = NEEDS_TREES | DEFERRED | ProtectedLocal
+ private def accessorImplementedInSubclass(accessor: Symbol) =
+ (accessor hasFlag SYNTHESIZE_IMPL_IN_SUBCLASS) && (accessor hasFlag (ACCESSOR | MODULE))
+ @inline final def notDeferredOrSynthImpl(sym: Symbol): Boolean = !(sym hasFlag DEFERRED) || (sym hasFlag SYNTHESIZE_IMPL_IN_SUBCLASS)
+ private def synthesizeImplInSubclasses(accessor: Symbol): Unit =
+ private def setClonedTraitSetterFlags(clazz: Symbol, correspondingGetter: Symbol, cloneInSubclass: Symbol): Unit = {
+ val overridden = isOverriddenAccessor(correspondingGetter, clazz)
+ if (overridden) cloneInSubclass setFlag OVERRIDDEN_TRAIT_SETTER
+ else if (correspondingGetter.isEffectivelyFinal) cloneInSubclass setFlag FINAL
+ }
+ // TODO: add MIXEDIN (see e.g., `accessed` on `Symbol`)
+ private def setMixedinAccessorFlags(orig: Symbol, cloneInSubclass: Symbol): Unit =
+ private def setFieldFlags(accessor: Symbol, fieldInSubclass: TermSymbol): Unit =
+ fieldInSubclass setFlag (NEEDS_TREES |
+ PrivateLocal
+ | (accessor getFlag MUTABLE | LAZY)
+ | (if (accessor hasFlag STABLE) 0 else MUTABLE)
+ )
+ def checkAndClearOverriddenTraitSetter(setter: Symbol) = checkAndClear(OVERRIDDEN_TRAIT_SETTER)(setter)
+ def checkAndClearNeedsTrees(setter: Symbol) = checkAndClear(NEEDS_TREES)(setter)
+ def checkAndClear(flag: Long)(sym: Symbol) =
+ sym.hasFlag(flag) match {
+ case overridden =>
+ sym resetFlag flag
+ overridden
+ }
+ private def isOverriddenAccessor(member: Symbol, site: Symbol): Boolean = {
+ val pre = site.thisType
+ @tailrec def loop(bcs: List[Symbol]): Boolean = {
+ // println(s"checking ${bcs.head} for member overriding $member (of ${member.owner})")
+ bcs.nonEmpty && bcs.head != member.owner && (matchingAccessor(pre, member, bcs.head) != NoSymbol || loop(bcs.tail))
+ }
+ member.exists && loop(
+ }
+ def matchingAccessor(pre: Type, member: Symbol, clazz: Symbol) = {
+ val res = member.matchingSymbol(clazz, pre) filter (sym => (sym hasFlag ACCESSOR) && notDeferredOrSynthImpl(sym))
+ // if (res != NoSymbol) println(s"matching accessor for $member in $clazz = $res (under $pre)")
+ // else println(s"no matching accessor for $member in $clazz (under $pre) among ${}")
+ res
+ }
+ class FieldMemoization(accessorOrField: Symbol, site: Symbol) {
+ val tp = fieldTypeOfAccessorIn(accessorOrField, site.thisType)
+ // We can only omit strict vals of ConstantType. Lazy vals do not receive constant types (anymore).
+ // (See note at widenIfNecessary -- for example, the REPL breaks when we omit constant lazy vals)
+ // Note that a strict unit-typed val does receive a field, because we cannot omit the write to the field
+ // (well, we could emit it for non-@volatile ones, if I understand the memory model correctly,
+ // but that seems pretty edge-casey)
+ val constantTyped = tp.isInstanceOf[ConstantType]
+ }
+ private def fieldTypeForGetterIn(getter: Symbol, pre: Type): Type =, getter.owner)
+ private def fieldTypeForSetterIn(setter: Symbol, pre: Type): Type =, setter.owner)
+ // TODO: is there a more elegant way?
+ def fieldTypeOfAccessorIn(accessor: Symbol, pre: Type) =
+ if (accessor.isSetter) fieldTypeForSetterIn(accessor, pre)
+ else fieldTypeForGetterIn(accessor, pre)
+ // Constant/unit typed vals are not memoized (their value is so cheap it doesn't make sense to store it in a field)
+ // for a unit-typed getter, we perform the effect at the appropriate time (constructor for eager ones, lzyCompute for lazy),
+ // and have the getter just return Unit (who does that!?)
+ // NOTE: this only considers type, filter on flags first!
+ def fieldMemoizationIn(accessorOrField: Symbol, site: Symbol) = new FieldMemoization(accessorOrField, site)
+ // drop field-targeting annotations from getters (done during erasure because we first need to create the field symbol)
+ // (in traits, getters must also hold annotations that target the underlying field,
+ // because the latter won't be created until the trait is mixed into a class)
+ // TODO do bean getters need special treatment to suppress field-targeting annotations in traits?
+ def dropFieldAnnotationsFromGetter(sym: Symbol) =
+ sym setAnnotations (sym.annotations filter AnnotationInfo.mkFilter(GetterTargetClass, defaultRetention = false))
+ def symbolAnnotationsTargetFieldAndGetter(sym: Symbol): Boolean = sym.isGetter && (sym.isLazy || sym.owner.isTrait)
+ // A trait val/var or a lazy val does not receive an underlying field symbol until this phase.
+ // Since annotations need a carrier symbol from the beginning, both field- and getter-targeting annotations
+ // are kept on the getter symbol for these until they are dropped by dropFieldAnnotationsFromGetter
+ def getterTreeAnnotationsTargetFieldAndGetter(owner: Symbol, mods: Modifiers) = mods.isLazy || owner.isTrait
+ // Propagate field-targeting annotations from getter to field.
+ // By the way, we must keep them around long enough to see them here (now that we have created the field),
+ // which is why dropFieldAnnotationsFromGetter is not called until erasure.
+ private def propagateFieldAnnotations(getter: Symbol, field: TermSymbol): Unit =
+ field setAnnotations (getter.annotations filter AnnotationInfo.mkFilter(FieldTargetClass, defaultRetention = true))
+ // can't use the referenced field since it already tracks the module's moduleClass
+ private[this] val moduleOrLazyVarOf = perRunCaches.newMap[Symbol, Symbol]
+ // TODO: can we drop FINAL? In any case, since these variables are MUTABLE, they cannot and will
+ // not be emitted as ACC_FINAL. They are FINAL in the Scala sense, though: cannot be overridden.
+ private final val ModuleOrLazyFieldFlags = FINAL | PrivateLocal | SYNTHETIC | NEEDS_TREES
+ private def moduleInit(module: Symbol, moduleVar: Symbol) = {
+// println(s"moduleInit for $module in ${module.ownerChain} --> ${moduleVarOf.get(module)}")
+ def moduleVarRef = gen.mkAttributedRef(moduleVar)
+ // for local modules, we synchronize on the owner of the method that owns the module
+ val monitorHolder = This(moduleVar.owner.enclClass)
+ def needsInit = Apply(Select(moduleVarRef, Object_eq), List(CODE.NULL))
+ val init = Assign(moduleVarRef, gen.newModule(module,
+ /** double-checked locking following
+ *
+ * public class SafeDCLFactory {
+ * private volatile Singleton instance;
+ *
+ * public Singleton get() {
+ * if (instance == null) { // check 1
+ * synchronized(this) {
+ * if (instance == null) { // check 2
+ * instance = new Singleton();
+ * }
+ * }
+ * }
+ * return instance;
+ * }
+ * }
+ *
+ * TODO: optimize using local variable?
+ */
+ val computeName = nme.newLazyValSlowComputeName(
+ val computeMethod = DefDef(NoMods, computeName, Nil, ListOfNil, TypeTree(UnitTpe), gen.mkSynchronized(monitorHolder)(If(needsInit, init, EmptyTree)))
+ Block(computeMethod :: If(needsInit, Apply(Ident(computeName), Nil), EmptyTree) :: Nil,
+ gen.mkCast(moduleVarRef,
+ }
+ // NoSymbol for lazy accessor sym with unit result type
+ def lazyVarOf(sym: Symbol) = moduleOrLazyVarOf.getOrElse(sym, NoSymbol)
+ private def newLazyVarMember(clazz: Symbol, member: Symbol, tp: Type): TermSymbol = {
+ val flags = LAZY | (member.flags & FieldFlags) | ModuleOrLazyFieldFlags
+ val name =
+ // Set the MUTABLE flag because the field cannot be ACC_FINAL since we write to it outside of a constructor.
+ val sym = clazz.newVariable(name, member.pos.focus, flags) setInfo tp
+ moduleOrLazyVarOf(member) = sym
+ sym
+ }
+ private object synthFieldsAndAccessors extends TypeMap {
+ private def newTraitSetter(getter: Symbol, clazz: Symbol) = {
+ // Add setter for an immutable, memoizing getter
+ // (can't emit during namers because we don't yet know whether it's going to be memoized or not)
+ val setterFlags = (getter.flags & ~(STABLE | PrivateLocal | OVERRIDE | IMPLICIT | FINAL)) | MUTABLE | ACCESSOR | TRAIT_SETTER_FLAGS
+ val setterName = nme.expandedSetterName(, clazz)
+ val setter = clazz.newMethod(setterName, getter.pos.focus, setterFlags)
+ val fieldTp = fieldTypeForGetterIn(getter, clazz.thisType)
+ // println(s"newTraitSetter in $clazz for $getter = $setterName : $fieldTp")
+ getter.asTerm.referenced = setter
+ setter setInfo MethodType(List(setter.newSyntheticValueParam(fieldTp)), UnitTpe)
+ setter
+ }
+ private def newModuleAccessor(module: Symbol, site: Symbol, moduleVar: Symbol) = {
+ val accessor = site.newMethod(, site.pos, STABLE | MODULE | NEEDS_TREES)
+ moduleOrLazyVarOf(accessor) = moduleVar
+ // we're in the same prefix as module, so no need for site.thisType.memberType(module)
+ accessor setInfo MethodType(Nil,
+ accessor.setModuleClass(module.moduleClass)
+ if (module.isPrivate) accessor.expandName(module.owner)
+ accessor
+ }
+ // needed for the following scenario (T could be trait or class)
+ // trait T { def f: Object }; object O extends T { object f }. Need to generate method f in O.
+ // marking it as an ACCESSOR so that it will get to `getterBody` when synthesizing trees below
+ // it should not be considered a MODULE
+ def newMatchingModuleAccessor(clazz: Symbol, module: Symbol): MethodSymbol = {
+ val acc = clazz.newMethod(, module.pos, (module.flags & ~MODULE) | STABLE | NEEDS_TREES | ACCESSOR)
+ acc.referenced = module
+ acc setInfo MethodType(Nil, module.moduleClass.tpe)
+ }
+ private def newSuperLazy(lazyCallingSuper: Symbol, site: Type, lazyVar: Symbol) = {
+ lazyCallingSuper.asTerm.referenced = lazyVar
+ val tp = site.memberInfo(lazyCallingSuper)
+ lazyVar setInfo tp.resultType
+ lazyCallingSuper setInfo tp
+ }
+ private def classNeedsInfoTransform(cls: Symbol): Boolean = {
+ !(cls.isPackageClass || cls.isJavaDefined) && (currentRun.compiles(cls) || refChecks.isSeparatelyCompiledScalaSuperclass(cls))
+ }
+ def apply(tp0: Type): Type = tp0 match {
+ // TODO: make less destructive (name changes, decl additions, flag setting --
+ // none of this is actually undone when travelling back in time using atPhase)
+ case tp@ClassInfoType(parents, decls, clazz) if clazz.isTrait =>
+ // setters for trait vars or module accessor
+ val newDecls = collection.mutable.ListBuffer[Symbol]()
+ val origDecls = decls.toList
+ // strict, memoized accessors will receive an implementation in first real class to extend this trait
+ origDecls.foreach { member =>
+ if (member hasFlag ACCESSOR) {
+ val fieldMemoization = fieldMemoizationIn(member, clazz)
+ // check flags before calling makeNotPrivate
+ val accessorUnderConsideration = !(member hasFlag DEFERRED)
+ // destructively mangle accessor's name (which may cause rehashing of decls), also sets flags
+ // this accessor has to be implemented in a subclass -- can't be private
+ if ((member hasFlag PRIVATE) && !fieldMemoization.constantTyped) member makeNotPrivate clazz
+ // Since we need to refer to `member` using a super call in a subclass, we must ensure that access is allowed.
+ // If `member` has an access boundary, make sure the `PROTECTED` flag is set,
+ // to widen from `private[foo]` to `protected[foo]`
+ // (note that `member.hasAccessBoundary` implies `!member.hasFlag(PRIVATE)`, so we don't have to `resetFlag PRIVATE`)
+ else if (member.isLazy && member.hasAccessBoundary) member setFlag PROTECTED
+ // This must remain in synch with publicizeTraitMethod in Mixins, so that the
+ // synthesized member in a subclass and the trait member remain in synch regarding access.
+ // Otherwise, the member will not be seen as overriding the trait member, and `addForwarders`'s call to
+ // `membersBasedOnFlags` would see the deferred member in the trait, instead of the concrete (desired) one in the class
+ // not doing: if (member hasFlag PROTECTED) member setFlag notPROTECTED
+ // must not reset LOCAL, as we must maintain protected[this]ness to allow that variance hole
+ // (not sure why this only problem only arose when we started setting the notPROTECTED flag)
+ // derive trait setter after calling makeNotPrivate (so that names are mangled consistently)
+ if (accessorUnderConsideration && !fieldMemoization.constantTyped) {
+ synthesizeImplInSubclasses(member)
+ if ((member hasFlag STABLE) && !(member hasFlag LAZY))
+ newDecls += newTraitSetter(member, clazz)
+ }
+ } else if (member hasFlag MODULE) {
+ nonStaticModuleToMethod(member)
+ member setFlag NEEDS_TREES
+ synthesizeImplInSubclasses(member)
+ }
+ }
+ if (newDecls nonEmpty) {
+ val allDecls = newScope
+ origDecls foreach allDecls.enter
+ newDecls foreach allDecls.enter
+ ClassInfoType(parents, allDecls, clazz)
+ } else tp
+ case tp@ClassInfoType(parents, oldDecls, clazz) if !classNeedsInfoTransform(clazz) => tp
+ // mix in fields & accessors for all mixed in traits
+ case tp@ClassInfoType(parents, oldDecls, clazz) =>
+ val site = clazz.thisType
+ // setter conflicts cannot arise independently from a getter conflict, since a setter without a getter does not a val definition make
+ def getterConflictsExistingVal(getter: Symbol): Boolean =
+ getter.isGetter && {
+ val existingGetter = oldDecls.lookup(
+ (existingGetter ne NoSymbol) &&
+ ((site memberInfo existingGetter) matches (site memberInfo getter))
+ }
+ def newModuleVarMember(module: Symbol): TermSymbol = {
+ val moduleVar =
+ (clazz.newVariable(nme.moduleVarName(, module.pos.focus, MODULEVAR | ModuleOrLazyFieldFlags)
+ setInfo site.memberType(module).resultType
+ addAnnotation VolatileAttr)
+ moduleOrLazyVarOf(module) = moduleVar
+ moduleVar
+ }
+ def newLazyVarMember(member: Symbol): TermSymbol =
+ Fields.this.newLazyVarMember(clazz, member, site.memberType(member).resultType)
+ // a module does not need treatment here if it's static, unless it has a matching member in a superclass
+ // a non-static method needs a module var
+ val modulesAndLazyValsNeedingExpansion =
+ oldDecls.toList.filter(m => (m.isModule && (!m.isStatic || m.isOverridingSymbol)) || m.isLazy)
+ val accessorSymbolSynth = checkedAccessorSymbolSynth(tp.typeSymbol)
+ // expand module def in class/object (if they need it -- see modulesNeedingExpansion above)
+ val expandedModulesAndLazyVals =
+ modulesAndLazyValsNeedingExpansion flatMap { member =>
+ if (member.isLazy) {
+ val lazyVar = newLazyVarMember(member)
+ propagateFieldAnnotations(member, lazyVar)
+ List(lazyVar, accessorSymbolSynth.newSlowPathSymbol(member))
+ }
+ // expanding module def (top-level or nested in static module)
+ else List(if (member.isStatic) { // implies m.isOverridingSymbol as per above filter
+ // Need a module accessor, to implement/override a matching member in a superclass.
+ // Never a need for a module var if the module is static.
+ newMatchingModuleAccessor(clazz, member)
+ } else {
+ nonStaticModuleToMethod(member)
+ // must reuse symbol instead of creating an accessor
+ member setFlag NEEDS_TREES
+ newModuleVarMember(member)
+ })
+ }
+// println(s"expanded modules for $clazz: $expandedModules")
+ // afterOwnPhase, so traits receive trait setters for vals (needs to be at finest grain to avoid looping)
+ val synthInSubclass =
+ clazz.mixinClasses.flatMap(mixin => afterOwnPhase{}.decls.toList.filter(accessorImplementedInSubclass))
+ // mixin field accessors --
+ // invariant: (accessorsMaybeNeedingImpl, mixedInAccessorAndFields).zipped.forall(case (acc, clone :: _) => `clone` is clone of `acc` case _ => true)
+ val mixedInAccessorAndFields ={ member =>
+ def cloneAccessor() = {
+ val clonedAccessor = (member cloneSymbol clazz) setPos clazz.pos
+ setMixedinAccessorFlags(member, clonedAccessor)
+ // note: check original member when deciding how to triage annotations, then act on the cloned accessor
+ if (symbolAnnotationsTargetFieldAndGetter(member)) // this simplifies to member.isGetter, but the full formulation really ties the triage together
+ dropFieldAnnotationsFromGetter(clonedAccessor)
+ // if we don't cloneInfo, method argument symbols are shared between trait and subclasses --> lambalift proxy crash
+ // TODO: use derive symbol variant?
+// println(s"cloning accessor $member to $clazz")
+ // start at uncurry so that we preserve that part of the history where an accessor has a NullaryMethodType
+ enteringUncurry { clonedAccessor setInfo ((clazz.thisType memberType member) cloneInfo clonedAccessor) }
+ clonedAccessor
+ }
+ // when considering whether to mix in the trait setter, forget about conflicts -- they are reported for the getter
+ // a trait setter for an overridden val will receive a unit body in the tree transform
+ if (nme.isTraitSetterName( {
+ val getter = member.getterIn(member.owner)
+ val clone = cloneAccessor()
+ setClonedTraitSetterFlags(clazz, getter, clone)
+ // println(s"mixed in trait setter ${clone.defString}")
+ List(clone)
+ }
+ // don't cause conflicts, skip overridden accessors contributed by supertraits (only act on the last overriding one)
+ // see pos/trait_fields_dependent_conflict.scala and neg/t1960.scala
+ else if (getterConflictsExistingVal(member) || isOverriddenAccessor(member, clazz)) Nil
+ else if (member hasFlag MODULE) {
+ val moduleVar = newModuleVarMember(member)
+ List(moduleVar, newModuleAccessor(member, clazz, moduleVar))
+ }
+ else if (member hasFlag LAZY) {
+ val mixedinLazy = cloneAccessor()
+ val lazyVar = newLazyVarMember(mixedinLazy) // link lazy var member to the mixedin lazy accessor
+ // propagate from original member. since mixed in one has only retained the annotations targeting the getter
+ propagateFieldAnnotations(member, lazyVar)
+ // println(s"mixing in lazy var: $lazyVar for $member")
+ List(lazyVar, accessorSymbolSynth.newSlowPathSymbol(mixedinLazy), newSuperLazy(mixedinLazy, site, lazyVar))
+ }
+ else if (member.isGetter && !fieldMemoizationIn(member, clazz).constantTyped) {
+ // add field if needed
+ val field = clazz.newValue(member.localName, member.pos) setInfo fieldTypeForGetterIn(member, clazz.thisType)
+ setFieldFlags(member, field)
+ propagateFieldAnnotations(member, field)
+ List(cloneAccessor(), field)
+ } else List(cloneAccessor()) // no field needed (constant-typed getter has constant as its RHS)
+ }
+ // println(s"mixedInAccessorAndFields for $clazz: $mixedInAccessorAndFields")
+ // omit fields that are not memoized, retain all other members
+ def omittableField(sym: Symbol) = sym.isValue && !sym.isMethod && fieldMemoizationIn(sym, clazz).constantTyped
+ val newDecls =
+ // under -Xcheckinit we generate all kinds of bitmaps, even when there are no lazy vals
+ if (expandedModulesAndLazyVals.isEmpty && mixedInAccessorAndFields.isEmpty && !settings.checkInit)
+ oldDecls.filterNot(omittableField)
+ else {
+ // must not alter `decls` directly
+ val newDecls = newScope
+ val enter = newDecls enter (_: Symbol)
+ val enterAll = (_: List[Symbol]) foreach enter
+ expandedModulesAndLazyVals foreach enter
+ oldDecls foreach { d => if (!omittableField(d)) enter(d) }
+ mixedInAccessorAndFields foreach enterAll
+ // both oldDecls and mixedInAccessorAndFields (a list of lists) contribute
+ val bitmapSyms = accessorSymbolSynth.computeBitmapInfos(newDecls.toList)
+ bitmapSyms foreach enter
+ newDecls
+ }
+ // println(s"new decls for $clazz: $expandedModules ++ $mixedInAccessorAndFields")
+ if (newDecls eq oldDecls) tp
+ else ClassInfoType(parents, newDecls, clazz)
+ case tp => mapOver(tp)
+ }
+ }
+ // done by uncurry's info transformer
+ // instead of forcing every member's info to run said transformer, duplicate the flag update logic...
+ def nonStaticModuleToMethod(module: Symbol): Unit =
+ if (!module.isStatic) module setFlag METHOD | STABLE
+ // scala/scala-dev#219, scala/scala-dev#268
+ // Cast to avoid spurious mismatch in paths containing trait vals that have
+ // not been rebound to accessors in the subclass we're in now.
+ // For example, for a lazy val mixed into a class, the lazy var's info
+ // will not refer to symbols created during our info transformer,
+ // so if its type depends on a val that is now implemented after the info transformer,
+ // we'll get a mismatch when assigning `rhs` to `lazyVarOf(getter)`.
+ // TODO: could we rebind more aggressively? consider overriding in type equality?
+ def castHack(tree: Tree, pt: Type) = gen.mkAsInstanceOf(tree, pt)
+ class FieldsTransformer(unit: CompilationUnit) extends TypingTransformer(unit) with CheckedAccessorTreeSynthesis {
+ protected def typedPos(pos: Position)(tree: Tree): Tree = localTyper.typedPos(pos)(tree)
+ def mkTypedUnit(pos: Position) = typedPos(pos)(CODE.UNIT)
+ // TODO: clean up. this method is not used
+ def deriveUnitDef(stat: Tree) = deriveDefDef(stat)(_ => mkTypedUnit(stat.pos))
+ def mkAccessor(accessor: Symbol)(body: Tree) = typedPos(accessor.pos)(DefDef(accessor, body)).asInstanceOf[DefDef]
+ // this makes trees for mixed in fields, as well as for bitmap fields (their RHS will be EmptyTree because they are initialized implicitly)
+ // if we decide to explicitly initialize, use this RHS: if ( == BooleanClass) FALSE else ZERO)
+ // could detect it's a bitmap field with something like `` (or perhaps something more robust...)
+ def mkTypedValDef(sym: Symbol, rhs: Tree = EmptyTree) = typedPos(sym.pos)(ValDef(sym, rhs)).asInstanceOf[ValDef]
+ /**
+ * Desugar a local `lazy val x: Int = rhs`
+ * or a local `object x { ...}` (the rhs will be instantiating the module's class) into:
+ *
+ * ```
+ * val x$lzy = new scala.runtime.LazyInt()
+ * def x$lzycompute(): Int =
+ * x$lzy.synchronized {
+ * if (x$lzy.initialized()) x$lzy.value()
+ * else x$lzy.initialize(rhs) // for a Unit-typed lazy val, this becomes `{ rhs ; x$lzy.initialize() }` to avoid passing around BoxedUnit
+ * }
+ * def x(): Int = if (x$lzy.initialized()) x$lzy.value() else x$lzycompute()
+ * ```
+ *
+ * The expansion is the same for local lazy vals and local objects,
+ * except for the suffix of the underlying val's name ($lzy or $module)
+ */
+ private def mkLazyLocalDef(lazySym: Symbol, rhs: Tree): Tree = {
+ import CODE._
+ import scala.reflect.{NameTransformer => nx}
+ val owner = lazySym.owner
+ val lazyValType = lazySym.tpe.resultType
+ val refClass = lazyHolders.getOrElse(lazyValType.typeSymbol, LazyRefClass)
+ val isUnit = refClass == LazyUnitClass
+ val refTpe = if (refClass != LazyRefClass) refClass.tpe else appliedType(refClass.typeConstructor, List(lazyValType))
+ val lazyName =
+ val pos = lazySym.pos.focus
+ val localLazyName = lazyName append (if (lazySym.isModule) nx.MODULE_VAR_SUFFIX_STRING else nx.LAZY_LOCAL_SUFFIX_STRING)
+ // The lazy holder val need not be mutable, as we write to its field.
+ // In fact, it MUST not be mutable to avoid capturing it as an ObjectRef in lambdalift
+ // Must be marked LAZY to allow forward references, as in `def test2 { println(s.length) ; lazy val s = "abc" }
+ val holderSym = owner.newValue(localLazyName, pos, LAZY | ARTIFACT) setInfo refTpe
+ val initializedSym = refTpe.member(nme.initialized)
+ val initializeSym = refTpe.member(nme.initialize)
+ // LazyUnit does not have a `value` member
+ val valueSym = if (isUnit) NoSymbol else refTpe.member(nme.value)
+ def initialized = Select(Ident(holderSym), initializedSym)
+ def initialize = Select(Ident(holderSym), initializeSym)
+ def getValue = if (isUnit) UNIT else Apply(Select(Ident(holderSym), valueSym), Nil)
+ val computerSym =
+ owner.newMethod(lazyName append nme.LAZY_SLOW_SUFFIX, pos, ARTIFACT | PRIVATE) setInfo MethodType(Nil, lazyValType)
+ val rhsAtComputer = rhs.changeOwner(lazySym -> computerSym)
+ val computer = mkAccessor(computerSym)(gen.mkSynchronized(Ident(holderSym))(
+ If(initialized, getValue,
+ if (isUnit) Block(rhsAtComputer :: Nil, Apply(initialize, Nil))
+ else Apply(initialize, rhsAtComputer :: Nil))))
+ val accessor = mkAccessor(lazySym)(
+ If(initialized, getValue,
+ Apply(Ident(computerSym), Nil)))
+ // do last!
+ // remove STABLE: prevent replacing accessor call of type Unit by BoxedUnit.UNIT in erasure
+ // remove ACCESSOR: prevent constructors from eliminating the method body if the lazy val is
+ // lifted into a trait (TODO: not sure about the details here)
+ lazySym.resetFlag(STABLE | ACCESSOR)
+ Thicket(mkTypedValDef(holderSym, New(refTpe)) :: computer :: accessor :: Nil)
+ }
+ // synth trees for accessors/fields and trait setters when they are mixed into a class
+ def fieldsAndAccessors(clazz: Symbol): List[Tree] = {
+ // Could be NoSymbol, which denotes an error, but it's refchecks' job to report it (this fallback is for robustness).
+ // This is the result of overriding a val with a def, so that no field is found in the subclass.
+ def fieldAccess(accessor: Symbol): Symbol =
+ afterOwnPhase { }
+ def getterBody(getter: Symbol): Tree =
+ // accessor created by newMatchingModuleAccessor for a static module that does need an accessor
+ // (because there's a matching member in a super class)
+ if (getter.asTerm.referenced.isModule)
+ mkAccessor(getter)(castHack(Select(This(clazz), getter.asTerm.referenced),
+ else {
+ val fieldMemoization = fieldMemoizationIn(getter, clazz)
+ // TODO: drop getter for constant? (when we no longer care about producing identical bytecode?)
+ if (fieldMemoization.constantTyped) mkAccessor(getter)(gen.mkAttributedQualifier(
+ else fieldAccess(getter) match {
+ case NoSymbol => EmptyTree
+ case fieldSel => mkAccessor(getter)(castHack(Select(This(clazz), fieldSel),
+ }
+ }
+ // println(s"accessorsAndFieldsNeedingTrees for $templateSym: $accessorsAndFieldsNeedingTrees")
+ def setterBody(setter: Symbol): Tree =
+ // trait setter in trait
+ if (clazz.isTrait) mkAccessor(setter)(EmptyTree)
+ // trait setter for overridden val in class
+ else if (checkAndClearOverriddenTraitSetter(setter)) mkAccessor(setter)(mkTypedUnit(setter.pos))
+ // trait val/var setter mixed into class
+ else fieldAccess(setter) match {
+ case NoSymbol => EmptyTree
+ case fieldSel => afterOwnPhase { // the assign only type checks after our phase (assignment to val)
+ mkAccessor(setter)(Assign(Select(This(clazz), fieldSel), castHack(Ident(setter.firstParam),
+ }
+ }
+ def moduleAccessorBody(module: Symbol): Tree =
+ // added during synthFieldsAndAccessors using newModuleAccessor
+ // a module defined in a trait by definition can't be static (it's a member of the trait and thus gets a new instance for every outer instance)
+ if (clazz.isTrait) mkAccessor(module)(EmptyTree)
+ // symbol created by newModuleAccessor for a (non-trait) class
+ else {
+ mkAccessor(module)(moduleInit(module, moduleOrLazyVarOf(module)))
+ }
+ val synthAccessorInClass = new SynthLazyAccessorsIn(clazz)
+ def superLazy(getter: Symbol): Tree = {
+ assert(!clazz.isTrait)
+ // this contortion was the only way I can get the super select to be type checked correctly..
+ // TODO: why does SelectSuper not work?
+ val selectSuper = Select(Super(This(clazz), tpnme.EMPTY),
+ val lazyVar = lazyVarOf(getter)
+ val rhs = castHack(Apply(selectSuper, Nil),
+ synthAccessorInClass.expandLazyClassMember(lazyVar, getter, rhs)
+ }
+ (afterOwnPhase { } toList) filter checkAndClearNeedsTrees map {
+ case module if module hasAllFlags (MODULE | METHOD) => moduleAccessorBody(module)
+ case getter if getter hasAllFlags (LAZY | METHOD) => superLazy(getter)
+ case setter if setter.isSetter => setterBody(setter)
+ case getter if getter.hasFlag(ACCESSOR) => getterBody(getter)
+ case field if !(field hasFlag METHOD) => mkTypedValDef(field) // vals/vars and module vars (cannot have flags PACKAGE | JAVA since those never receive NEEDS_TREES)
+ case _ => EmptyTree
+ } filterNot (_ == EmptyTree) // there will likely be many EmptyTrees, but perhaps no thicket blocks that need expanding
+ }
+ def rhsAtOwner(stat: ValOrDefDef, newOwner: Symbol): Tree =
+ atOwner(newOwner)(super.transform(stat.rhs.changeOwner(stat.symbol -> newOwner)))
+ override def transform(stat: Tree): Tree = {
+ val currOwner = currentOwner // often a class, but not necessarily
+ val statSym = stat.symbol
+ /*
+ For traits, the getter has the val's RHS, which is already constant-folded. There is no valdef.
+ For classes, we still have the classic scheme of private[this] valdef + getter & setter that read/assign to the field.
+ There are two axes: (1) is there a side-effect to the val (2) does the val need storage?
+ For a ConstantType, both answers are "no". (For a unit-typed field, there's a side-effect, but no storage needed.)
+ All others (getter for trait field, valdef for class field) have their rhs moved to an initialization statement.
+ Trait accessors for stored fields are made abstract (there can be no field in a trait).
+ (In some future version, accessors for non-stored, but effectful fields,
+ would receive a constant rhs, as the effect is performed by the initialization statement.
+ We could do this for unit-typed fields, but have chosen not to for backwards compatibility.)
+ */
+ stat match {
+ // TODO: consolidate with ValDef case
+ // TODO: defer replacing ConstantTyped tree by the corresponding constant until erasure
+ // (until then, trees should not be constant-folded -- only their type tracks the resulting constant)
+ // also remove ACCESSOR flag since there won't be an underlying field to access?
+ case DefDef(_, _, _, _, _, rhs) if (statSym hasFlag ACCESSOR)
+ && (rhs ne EmptyTree) && !excludedAccessorOrFieldByFlags(statSym)
+ && !currOwner.isTrait // we've already done this for traits.. the asymmetry will be solved by the above todo
+ && fieldMemoizationIn(statSym, currOwner).constantTyped =>
+ deriveDefDef(stat)(_ => gen.mkAttributedQualifier(rhs.tpe))
+ // deferred val, trait val, lazy val (local or in class)
+ case vd@ValDef(mods, name, tpt, rhs) if vd.symbol.hasFlag(ACCESSOR) && treeInfo.noFieldFor(vd, currOwner) =>
+ val transformedRhs = atOwner(statSym)(transform(rhs))
+ if (rhs == EmptyTree) mkAccessor(statSym)(EmptyTree)
+ else if (currOwner.isTrait) mkAccessor(statSym)(castHack(transformedRhs,
+ else if (!currOwner.isClass) mkLazyLocalDef(vd.symbol, transformedRhs)
+ else {
+ // TODO: make `synthAccessorInClass` a field and update it in atOwner?
+ // note that `LazyAccessorTreeSynth` is pretty lightweight
+ // (it's just a bunch of methods that all take a `clazz` parameter, which is thus stored as a field)
+ val synthAccessorInClass = new SynthLazyAccessorsIn(currOwner)
+ synthAccessorInClass.expandLazyClassMember(lazyVarOf(statSym), statSym, transformedRhs)
+ }
+ // drop the val for (a) constant (pure & not-stored) and (b) not-stored (but still effectful) fields
+ case ValDef(mods, _, _, rhs) if (rhs ne EmptyTree) && !excludedAccessorOrFieldByFlags(statSym)
+ && currOwner.isClass && fieldMemoizationIn(statSym, currOwner).constantTyped =>
+ EmptyThicket
+ case ModuleDef(_, _, impl) =>
+ // ??? The typer doesn't take kindly to seeing this ClassDef; we have to set NoType so it will be ignored.
+ val cd = super.transform(ClassDef(statSym.moduleClass, impl) setType NoType)
+ if (currOwner.isClass) cd
+ else { // local module -- symbols cannot be generated by info transformer, so do it all here
+ val Block(stats, _) = mkLazyLocalDef(statSym, gen.newModule(statSym,
+ Thicket(cd :: stats)
+ }
+ case tree =>
+ super.transform(tree)
+ }
+ }
+ def transformTermsAtExprOwner(exprOwner: Symbol)(stat: Tree) =
+ if (stat.isTerm) atOwner(exprOwner)(transform(stat))
+ else transform(stat)
+ override def transformStats(stats: List[Tree], exprOwner: Symbol): List[Tree] = {
+ val addedStats =
+ if (!currentOwner.isClass || currentOwner.isPackageClass) Nil
+ else {
+ val thickets = fieldsAndAccessors(currentOwner)
+ if (thickets exists mustExplodeThicket)
+ thickets flatMap explodeThicket
+ else thickets
+ }
+ val newStats =
+ stats mapConserve (if (exprOwner != currentOwner) transformTermsAtExprOwner(exprOwner) else transform)
+ addedStats ::: (if (newStats eq stats) stats else {
+ // check whether we need to flatten thickets and drop empty ones
+ if (newStats exists mustExplodeThicket)
+ newStats flatMap explodeThicket
+ else newStats
+ })
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/transform/Flatten.scala b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/transform/Flatten.scala
index fbb0307773..29ba21cba7 100644
--- a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/transform/Flatten.scala
+++ b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/transform/Flatten.scala
@@ -41,8 +41,6 @@ abstract class Flatten extends InfoTransform {
private def liftSymbol(sym: Symbol) {
- if (sym.needsImplClass)
- liftClass(erasure implClass sym)
// This is a short-term measure partially working around objects being
// lifted out of parameterized classes, leaving them referencing
@@ -78,7 +76,7 @@ abstract class Flatten extends InfoTransform {
decls1 enter sym
if (sym.isModule) {
// In theory, we could assert(sym.isMethod), because nested, non-static modules are
- // transformed to methods (lateMETHOD flag added in RefChecks). But this requires
+ // transformed to methods (METHOD flag added in UnCurry). But this requires
// forcing (see comment on isModuleNotMethod), which forces stub symbols
// too eagerly (SI-8907).
diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/transform/InlineErasure.scala b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/transform/InlineErasure.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index 1bbe1b8410..0000000000
--- a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/transform/InlineErasure.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
-package transform
-trait InlineErasure {
- self: Erasure =>
- import global._
- import definitions._
- */
diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/transform/LambdaLift.scala b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/transform/LambdaLift.scala
index d1be1558b9..169fe7588e 100644
--- a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/transform/LambdaLift.scala
+++ b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/transform/LambdaLift.scala
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ package transform
import symtab._
import Flags._
-import scala.collection.{ mutable, immutable }
+import scala.collection.mutable
import scala.collection.mutable.{ LinkedHashMap, LinkedHashSet, TreeSet }
abstract class LambdaLift extends InfoTransform {
@@ -31,11 +31,6 @@ abstract class LambdaLift extends InfoTransform {
- /** scala.runtime.*Ref classes */
- private lazy val allRefClasses: Set[Symbol] = {
- refClass.values.toSet ++ volatileRefClass.values.toSet ++ Set(VolatileObjectRefClass, ObjectRefClass)
- }
/** Each scala.runtime.*Ref class has a static method `create(value)` that simply instantiates the Ref to carry that value. */
private lazy val refCreateMethod: Map[Symbol, Symbol] = {
mapFrom(allRefClasses.toList)(x => getMemberMethod(x.companionModule, nme.create))
@@ -103,19 +98,37 @@ abstract class LambdaLift extends InfoTransform {
private val proxyNames = mutable.HashMap[Symbol, Name]()
- // (trait, name) -> owner
- private val localTraits = mutable.HashMap[(Symbol, Name), Symbol]()
- // (owner, name) -> implClass
- private val localImplClasses = mutable.HashMap[(Symbol, Name), Symbol]()
/** A flag to indicate whether new free variables have been found */
private var changedFreeVars: Boolean = _
/** Buffers for lifted out classes and methods */
private val liftedDefs = new LinkedHashMap[Symbol, List[Tree]]
+ val delayedInitDummies = new mutable.HashMap[Symbol, Symbol]
+ /**
+ * For classes capturing locals, LambdaLift uses `local.logicallyEnclosingMember` to decide
+ * whether an access to the local is re-written to the field or constructor parameter. If the
+ * access is in a constructor statement, the constructor parameter is used.
+ *
+ * For DelayedInit subclasses, constructor statements end up in the synthetic init method
+ * instead of the constructor itself, so the access should go to the field. This method changes
+ * `logicallyEnclosingMember` in this case to return a temporary symbol corresponding to that
+ * method.
+ */
+ private def logicallyEnclosingMember(sym: Symbol): Symbol = {
+ if (sym.isLocalDummy) {
+ val enclClass = sym.enclClass
+ if (enclClass.isSubClass(DelayedInitClass))
+ delayedInitDummies.getOrElseUpdate(enclClass, enclClass.newMethod(nme.delayedInit))
+ else
+ enclClass.primaryConstructor
+ } else if (sym.isMethod || sym.isClass || sym == NoSymbol) sym
+ else logicallyEnclosingMember(sym.owner)
+ }
private def isSameOwnerEnclosure(sym: Symbol) =
- sym.owner.logicallyEnclosingMember == currentOwner.logicallyEnclosingMember
+ logicallyEnclosingMember(sym.owner) == logicallyEnclosingMember(currentOwner)
/** Mark symbol `sym` as being free in `enclosure`, unless `sym`
* is defined in `enclosure` or there is a class between `enclosure`s owner
@@ -148,17 +161,17 @@ abstract class LambdaLift extends InfoTransform {
* }
private def markFree(sym: Symbol, enclosure: Symbol): Boolean = {
- debuglog("mark free: " + sym.fullLocationString + " marked free in " + enclosure)
- (enclosure == sym.owner.logicallyEnclosingMember) || {
- debuglog("%s != %s".format(enclosure, sym.owner.logicallyEnclosingMember))
- if (enclosure.isPackageClass || !markFree(sym, enclosure.skipConstructor.owner.logicallyEnclosingMember)) false
+// println(s"mark free: ${sym.fullLocationString} marked free in $enclosure")
+ (enclosure == logicallyEnclosingMember(sym.owner)) || {
+ debuglog("%s != %s".format(enclosure, logicallyEnclosingMember(sym.owner)))
+ if (enclosure.isPackageClass || !markFree(sym, logicallyEnclosingMember(enclosure.skipConstructor.owner))) false
else {
val ss = symSet(free, enclosure)
if (!ss(sym)) {
ss += sym
renamable += sym
changedFreeVars = true
- debuglog("" + sym + " is free in " + enclosure)
+ debuglog(s"$sym is free in $enclosure")
if (sym.isVariable) sym setFlag CAPTURED
@@ -167,7 +180,7 @@ abstract class LambdaLift extends InfoTransform {
private def markCalled(sym: Symbol, owner: Symbol) {
- debuglog("mark called: " + sym + " of " + sym.owner + " is called by " + owner)
+// println(s"mark called: $sym of ${sym.owner} is called by $owner")
symSet(called, owner) += sym
if (sym.enclClass != owner.enclClass) calledFromInner += sym
@@ -175,30 +188,13 @@ abstract class LambdaLift extends InfoTransform {
/** The traverse function */
private val freeVarTraverser = new Traverser {
override def traverse(tree: Tree) {
- try { //debug
+// try { //debug
val sym = tree.symbol
tree match {
case ClassDef(_, _, _, _) =>
liftedDefs(tree.symbol) = Nil
if (sym.isLocalToBlock) {
- // Don't rename implementation classes independently of their interfaces. If
- // the interface is to be renamed, then we will rename the implementation
- // class at that time. You'd think we could call ".implClass" on the trait
- // rather than collecting them in another map, but that seems to fail for
- // exactly the traits being renamed here (i.e. defined in methods.)
- //
- // !!! - it makes no sense to have methods like "implClass" and
- // "companionClass" which fail for an arbitrary subset of nesting
- // arrangements, and then have separate methods which attempt to compensate
- // for that failure. There should be exactly one method for any given
- // entity which always gives the right answer.
- if (sym.isImplClass)
- localImplClasses((sym.owner, tpnme.interfaceName( = sym
- else {
- renamable += sym
- if (sym.isTrait)
- localTraits((sym, = sym.owner
- }
+ renamable += sym
case DefDef(_, _, _, _, _, _) =>
if (sym.isLocalToBlock) {
@@ -211,22 +207,22 @@ abstract class LambdaLift extends InfoTransform {
if (sym == NoSymbol) {
assert(name == nme.WILDCARD)
} else if (sym.isLocalToBlock) {
- val owner = currentOwner.logicallyEnclosingMember
+ val owner = logicallyEnclosingMember(currentOwner)
if (sym.isTerm && !sym.isMethod) markFree(sym, owner)
else if (sym.isMethod) markCalled(sym, owner)
//symSet(called, owner) += sym
case Select(_, _) =>
if (sym.isConstructor && sym.owner.isLocalToBlock)
- markCalled(sym, currentOwner.logicallyEnclosingMember)
+ markCalled(sym, logicallyEnclosingMember(currentOwner))
case _ =>
- } catch {//debug
- case ex: Throwable =>
- Console.println(s"$ex while traversing $tree")
- throw ex
- }
+// } catch {//debug
+// case ex: Throwable =>
+// Console.println(s"$ex while traversing $tree")
+// throw ex
+// }
@@ -240,7 +236,7 @@ abstract class LambdaLift extends InfoTransform {
do {
changedFreeVars = false
- for (caller <- called.keys ; callee <- called(caller) ; fvs <- free get callee ; fv <- fvs)
+ for ((caller, callees) <- called ; callee <- callees ; fvs <- free get callee ; fv <- fvs)
markFree(fv, caller)
} while (changedFreeVars)
@@ -250,11 +246,6 @@ abstract class LambdaLift extends InfoTransform {
debuglog("renaming in %s: %s => %s".format(sym.owner.fullLocationString, originalName,
- // make sure that the name doesn't make the symbol accidentally `isAnonymousClass` ( by
- // introducing `$anon` in its name. to be cautious, we don't make this change in the default
- // backend under 2.11.x, so only in GenBCode.
- def nonAnon(s: String) = if (settings.Ybackend.value == "GenBCode") nme.ensureNonAnon(s) else s
def newName(sym: Symbol): Name = {
val originalName =
def freshen(prefix: String): Name =
@@ -263,57 +254,49 @@ abstract class LambdaLift extends InfoTransform {
val join = nme.NAME_JOIN_STRING
if (sym.isAnonymousFunction && sym.owner.isMethod) {
- freshen( + join + nonAnon( + join)
+ freshen( + join + nme.ensureNonAnon( + join)
} else {
val name = freshen( + join)
// SI-5652 If the lifted symbol is accessed from an inner class, it will be made public. (where?)
// Generating a unique name, mangled with the enclosing full class name (including
// package - subclass might have the same name), avoids a VerifyError in the case
// that a sub-class happens to lifts out a method with the *same* name.
- if (originalName.isTermName && !sym.enclClass.isImplClass && calledFromInner(sym))
- newTermNameCached(nonAnon(sym.enclClass.fullName('$')) + nme.EXPAND_SEPARATOR_STRING + name)
+ if (originalName.isTermName && calledFromInner(sym))
+ newTermNameCached(nme.ensureNonAnon(sym.enclClass.fullName('$')) + nme.EXPAND_SEPARATOR_STRING + name)
- /* Rename a trait's interface and implementation class in coordinated fashion. */
- def renameTrait(traitSym: Symbol, implSym: Symbol) {
- val originalImplName =
- renameSym(traitSym)
- implSym setName tpnme.implClassName(
- debuglog("renaming impl class in step with %s: %s => %s".format(traitSym, originalImplName,
- }
val allFree: Set[Symbol] = free.values.flatMap(_.iterator).toSet
for (sym <- renamable) {
- // If we renamed a trait from Foo to Foo$1, we must rename the implementation
- // class from Foo$class to Foo$1$class. (Without special consideration it would
- // become Foo$class$1 instead.) Since the symbols are being renamed out from
- // under us, and there's no reliable link between trait symbol and impl symbol,
- // we have maps from ((trait, name)) -> owner and ((owner, name)) -> impl.
- localTraits remove ((sym, match {
- case None =>
- if (allFree(sym)) proxyNames(sym) = newName(sym)
- else renameSym(sym)
- case Some(owner) =>
- localImplClasses remove ((owner, match {
- case Some(implSym) => renameTrait(sym, implSym)
- case _ => renameSym(sym) // pure interface, no impl class
- }
- }
+ if (allFree(sym)) proxyNames(sym) = newName(sym)
+ else renameSym(sym)
afterOwnPhase {
for ((owner, freeValues) <- free.toList) {
- val newFlags = SYNTHETIC | ( if (owner.isClass) PARAMACCESSOR | PrivateLocal else PARAM )
- debuglog("free var proxy: %s, %s".format(owner.fullLocationString, freeValues.toList.mkString(", ")))
+ val newFlags = SYNTHETIC | (if (owner.isClass) PARAMACCESSOR else PARAM)
proxies(owner) =
for (fv <- freeValues.toList) yield {
val proxyName = proxyNames.getOrElse(fv,
- val proxy = owner.newValue(proxyName.toTermName, owner.pos, newFlags.toLong) setInfo
+ debuglog(s"new proxy ${proxyName} in ${owner.fullLocationString}")
+ val proxy =
+ if (owner.isTrait) {
+ val accessorFlags = newFlags.toLong | ACCESSOR | SYNTHESIZE_IMPL_IN_SUBCLASS
+ // TODO do we need to preserve pre-erasure info for the accessors (and a NullaryMethodType for the getter)?
+ // can't have a field in the trait, so add a setter
+ val setter = owner.newMethod(nme.expandedSetterName(proxyName.setterName, owner), fv.pos, accessorFlags)
+ setter setInfoAndEnter MethodType(setter.newSyntheticValueParams(List(, UnitTpe)
+ // the getter serves as the proxy -- entered below
+ owner.newMethod(proxyName.getterName, fv.pos, accessorFlags | STABLE) setInfo MethodType(Nil,
+ } else
+ owner.newValue(proxyName.toTermName, fv.pos, newFlags.toLong | PrivateLocal) setInfo
if (owner.isClass) enter proxy
@@ -323,17 +306,18 @@ abstract class LambdaLift extends InfoTransform {
private def proxy(sym: Symbol) = {
def searchIn(enclosure: Symbol): Symbol = {
- if (enclosure eq NoSymbol) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Could not find proxy for "+ sym.defString +" in "+ sym.ownerChain +" (currentOwner= "+ currentOwner +" )")
- debuglog("searching for " + sym + "(" + sym.owner + ") in " + enclosure + " " + enclosure.logicallyEnclosingMember)
+ if (enclosure eq NoSymbol)
+ throw new IllegalArgumentException("Could not find proxy for "+ sym.defString +" in "+ sym.ownerChain +" (currentOwner= "+ currentOwner +" )")
+ debuglog("searching for " + sym + "(" + sym.owner + ") in " + enclosure + " " + logicallyEnclosingMember(enclosure))
val proxyName = proxyNames.getOrElse(sym,
- val ps = (proxies get enclosure.logicallyEnclosingMember).toList.flatten find ( == proxyName)
+ val ps = (proxies get logicallyEnclosingMember(enclosure)).toList.flatten find ( == proxyName)
ps getOrElse searchIn(enclosure.skipConstructor.owner)
debuglog("proxy %s from %s has logical enclosure %s".format(
- sym.owner.logicallyEnclosingMember.debugLocationString)
+ logicallyEnclosingMember(sym.owner).debugLocationString)
if (isSameOwnerEnclosure(sym)) sym
@@ -342,73 +326,96 @@ abstract class LambdaLift extends InfoTransform {
private def memberRef(sym: Symbol): Tree = {
val clazz = sym.owner.enclClass
- //Console.println("memberRef from "+currentClass+" to "+sym+" in "+clazz)
- def prematureSelfReference() {
+ // println(s"memberRef from $currentClass to $sym in $clazz (currentClass=$currentClass)")
+ def prematureSelfReference(): Tree = {
val what =
if (clazz.isStaticOwner) clazz.fullLocationString
else s"the unconstructed `this` of ${clazz.fullLocationString}"
val msg = s"Implementation restriction: access of ${sym.fullLocationString} from ${currentClass.fullLocationString}, would require illegal premature access to $what"
reporter.error(curTree.pos, msg)
+ EmptyTree
- val qual =
+ def qual =
if (clazz == currentClass) gen.mkAttributedThis(clazz)
else {
sym resetFlag (LOCAL | PRIVATE)
- if (isUnderConstruction(clazz)) {
- prematureSelfReference()
- EmptyTree
- }
+ if (isUnderConstruction(clazz)) prematureSelfReference()
else if (clazz.isStaticOwner) gen.mkAttributedQualifier(clazz.thisType)
- else {
- outerValue match {
- case EmptyTree => prematureSelfReference(); return EmptyTree
- case o => outerPath(o, currentClass.outerClass, clazz)
- }
+ else outerValue match {
+ case EmptyTree => prematureSelfReference()
+ case o =>
+ val path = outerPath(o, currentClass.outerClass, clazz)
+ if (path.tpe <:< clazz.tpeHK) path
+ else {
+ // SI-9920 The outer accessor might have an erased type of the self type of a trait,
+ // rather than the trait itself. Add a cast if necessary.
+ gen.mkAttributedCast(path, clazz.tpeHK)
+ }
- Select(qual, sym) setType sym.tpe
+ qual match {
+ case EmptyTree => EmptyTree
+ case qual => Select(qual, sym) setType sym.tpe
+ }
private def proxyRef(sym: Symbol) = {
val psym = proxy(sym)
- if (psym.isLocalToBlock) gen.mkAttributedIdent(psym) else memberRef(psym)
+ if (psym.isLocalToBlock) gen.mkAttributedIdent(psym)
+ else {
+ val ref = memberRef(psym)
+ if (psym.isMethod) Apply(ref, Nil) setType ref.tpe.resultType
+ else ref
+ }
- private def addFreeArgs(pos: Position, sym: Symbol, args: List[Tree]) = {
- free get sym match {
- case Some(fvs) => addFree(sym, free = fvs.toList map (fv => atPos(pos)(proxyRef(fv))), original = args)
- case _ => args
+ def freeArgsOrNil(sym: Symbol) = free.getOrElse(sym, Nil).toList
+ private def freeArgs(sym: Symbol): List[Symbol] =
+ freeArgsOrNil(sym)
+ private def addFreeArgs(pos: Position, sym: Symbol, args: List[Tree]) =
+ freeArgs(sym) match {
+ case Nil => args
+ case fvs => addFree(sym, free = fvs map (fv => atPos(pos)(proxyRef(fv))), original = args)
- }
- private def addFreeParams(tree: Tree, sym: Symbol): Tree = proxies.get(sym) match {
- case Some(ps) =>
- val freeParams = ps map (p => ValDef(p) setPos tree.pos setType NoType)
- tree match {
- case DefDef(_, _, _, vparams :: _, _, _) =>
- val addParams = cloneSymbols(ps).map(_.setFlag(PARAM))
- sym.updateInfo(
- lifted(MethodType(addFree(sym, free = addParams, original =,
+ def proxiesOrNil(sym: Symbol) = proxies.getOrElse(sym, Nil)
+ private def freeParams(sym: Symbol): List[Symbol] =
+ proxiesOrNil(sym)
+ private def addFreeParams(tree: Tree, sym: Symbol): Tree =
+ tree match {
+ case DefDef(_, _, _, vparams :: _, _, _) =>
+ val ps = freeParams(sym)
+ if (ps.isEmpty) tree
+ else {
+ val paramSyms = cloneSymbols(ps).map(_.setFlag(PARAM))
+ val paramDefs = ps map (p => ValDef(p) setPos tree.pos setType NoType)
+ sym.updateInfo(lifted(MethodType(addFree(sym, free = paramSyms, original =,
+ copyDefDef(tree)(vparamss = List(addFree(sym, free = paramDefs, original = vparams)))
+ }
+ case ClassDef(_, _, _, _) =>
+ val freeParamSyms = freeParams(sym)
+ val freeParamDefs =
+ if (tree.symbol.isTrait) {
+ freeParamSyms flatMap { getter =>
+ val setter = getter.setterIn(tree.symbol, hasExpandedName = true)
+ List(DefDef(getter, EmptyTree) setPos tree.pos setType NoType, DefDef(setter, EmptyTree) setPos tree.pos setType NoType)
+ }
+ } else freeParamSyms map (p => ValDef(p) setPos tree.pos setType NoType)
+ if (freeParamDefs.isEmpty) tree
+ else deriveClassDef(tree)(impl => deriveTemplate(impl)(_ ::: freeParamDefs))
+ case _ => tree
+ }
- copyDefDef(tree)(vparamss = List(addFree(sym, free = freeParams, original = vparams)))
- case ClassDef(_, _, _, _) =>
- // SI-6231
- // Disabled attempt to to add getters to freeParams
- // this does not work yet. Problem is that local symbols need local names
- // and references to local symbols need to be transformed into
- // method calls to setters.
- // def paramGetter(param: Symbol): Tree = {
- // val getter = param.newGetter setFlag TRANS_FLAG resetFlag PARAMACCESSOR // mark because we have to add them to interface
- //
- // val rhs = Select(gen.mkAttributedThis(sym), param) setType param.tpe
- // DefDef(getter, rhs) setPos tree.pos setType NoType
- // }
- // val newDefs = if (sym.isTrait) freeParams ::: (ps map paramGetter) else freeParams
- deriveClassDef(tree)(impl => deriveTemplate(impl)(_ ::: freeParams))
- }
- case None =>
- tree
- }
/* SI-6231: Something like this will be necessary to eliminate the implementation
* restriction from paramGetter above:
@@ -451,11 +458,10 @@ abstract class LambdaLift extends InfoTransform {
// See neg/t1909-object.scala
def msg = s"SI-1909 Unable to STATICally lift $sym, which is defined in the self- or super-constructor call of ${sym.owner.owner}. A VerifyError is likely."
devWarning(tree.pos, msg)
- } else sym setFlag STATIC
+ } else sym setFlag STATIC
sym.owner = sym.owner.enclClass
- if (sym.isClass) sym.owner = sym.owner.toInterface
if (sym.isMethod) sym setFlag LIFTED
liftedDefs(sym.owner) ::= tree
// TODO: this modifies the ClassInfotype of the enclosing class, which is associated with another phase (explicitouter).
@@ -468,12 +474,11 @@ abstract class LambdaLift extends InfoTransform {
private def postTransform(tree: Tree, isBoxedRef: Boolean = false): Tree = {
val sym = tree.symbol
tree match {
- case ClassDef(_, _, _, _) =>
- val tree1 = addFreeParams(tree, sym)
- if (sym.isLocalToBlock) liftDef(tree1) else tree1
- case DefDef(_, _, _, _, _, _) =>
- val tree1 = addFreeParams(tree, sym)
- if (sym.isLocalToBlock) liftDef(tree1) else tree1
+ case _: ClassDef | _: DefDef =>
+ val withFreeParams = addFreeParams(tree, sym)
+ if (sym.isLocalToBlock) liftDef(withFreeParams)
+ else withFreeParams
case ValDef(mods, name, tpt, rhs) =>
if (sym.isCapturedVariable) {
val tpt1 = TypeTree(sym.tpe) setPos tpt.pos
diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/transform/LazyVals.scala b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/transform/LazyVals.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index b6695efb0b..0000000000
--- a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/transform/LazyVals.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,293 +0,0 @@
-package transform
-import scala.collection.{ mutable, immutable }
-abstract class LazyVals extends Transform with TypingTransformers with ast.TreeDSL {
- // inherits abstract value `global` and class `Phase` from Transform
- import global._ // the global environment
- import definitions._ // standard classes and methods
- import typer.{typed, atOwner} // methods to type trees
- import CODE._
- val phaseName: String = "lazyvals"
- private val FLAGS_PER_BYTE: Int = 8 // Byte
- private def bitmapKind = ByteClass
- def newTransformer(unit: CompilationUnit): Transformer =
- new LazyValues(unit)
- private def lazyUnit(sym: Symbol) = sym.tpe.resultType.typeSymbol == UnitClass
- object LocalLazyValFinder extends Traverser {
- var result: Boolean = _
- def find(t: Tree) = {result = false; traverse(t); result}
- def find(ts: List[Tree]) = {result = false; traverseTrees(ts); result}
- override def traverse(t: Tree) {
- if (!result)
- t match {
- case v@ValDef(_, _, _, _) if v.symbol.isLazy =>
- result = true
- case d@DefDef(_, _, _, _, _, _) if d.symbol.isLazy && lazyUnit(d.symbol) =>
- d.symbol.resetFlag(symtab.Flags.LAZY)
- result = true
- case ClassDef(_, _, _, _) | DefDef(_, _, _, _, _, _) | ModuleDef(_, _, _) =>
- case LabelDef(name, _, _) if nme.isLoopHeaderLabel(name) =>
- case _ =>
- super.traverse(t)
- }
- }
- }
- /**
- * Transform local lazy accessors to check for the initialized bit.
- */
- class LazyValues(unit: CompilationUnit) extends TypingTransformer(unit) {
- /** map from method symbols to the number of lazy values it defines. */
- private val lazyVals = perRunCaches.newMap[Symbol, Int]() withDefaultValue 0
- import symtab.Flags._
- /** Perform the following transformations:
- * - for a lazy accessor inside a method, make it check the initialization bitmap
- * - for all methods, add enough int vars to allow one flag per lazy local value
- * - blocks in template bodies behave almost like methods. A single bitmaps section is
- * added in the first block, for all lazy values defined in such blocks.
- * - remove ACCESSOR flags: accessors in traits are not statically implemented,
- * but moved to the host class. local lazy values should be statically implemented.
- */
- override def transform(tree: Tree): Tree = {
- val sym = tree.symbol
- curTree = tree
- tree match {
- case Block(_, _) =>
- val block1 = super.transform(tree)
- val Block(stats, expr) = block1
- val stats1 = stats.flatMap(_ match {
- case Block(List(d1@DefDef(_, n1, _, _, _, _)), d2@DefDef(_, n2, _, _, _, _)) if (nme.newLazyValSlowComputeName(n2) == n1) =>
- List(d1, d2)
- case stat =>
- List(stat)
- })
- treeCopy.Block(block1, stats1, expr)
- case DefDef(_, _, _, _, _, rhs) => atOwner(tree.symbol) {
- val (res, slowPathDef) = if (!sym.owner.isClass && sym.isLazy) {
- val enclosingClassOrDummyOrMethod = {
- val enclMethod = sym.enclMethod
- if (enclMethod != NoSymbol ) {
- val enclClass = sym.enclClass
- if (enclClass != NoSymbol && enclMethod == enclClass.enclMethod)
- enclClass
- else
- enclMethod
- } else
- sym.owner
- }
- debuglog(s"determined enclosing class/dummy/method for lazy val as $enclosingClassOrDummyOrMethod given symbol $sym")
- val idx = lazyVals(enclosingClassOrDummyOrMethod)
- lazyVals(enclosingClassOrDummyOrMethod) = idx + 1
- val (rhs1, sDef) = mkLazyDef(enclosingClassOrDummyOrMethod, transform(rhs), idx, sym)
- sym.resetFlag((if (lazyUnit(sym)) 0 else LAZY) | ACCESSOR)
- (rhs1, sDef)
- } else
- (transform(rhs), EmptyTree)
- val ddef1 = deriveDefDef(tree)(_ => if (LocalLazyValFinder.find(res)) typed(addBitmapDefs(sym, res)) else res)
- if (slowPathDef != EmptyTree) Block(slowPathDef, ddef1) else ddef1
- }
- case Template(_, _, body) => atOwner(currentOwner) {
- val body1 = super.transformTrees(body)
- var added = false
- val stats =
- for (stat <- body1) yield stat match {
- case Block(_, _) | Apply(_, _) | If(_, _, _) | Try(_, _, _) if !added =>
- // Avoid adding bitmaps when they are fully overshadowed by those
- // that are added inside loops
- if (LocalLazyValFinder.find(stat)) {
- added = true
- typed(addBitmapDefs(sym, stat))
- } else stat
- case ValDef(_, _, _, _) =>
- typed(deriveValDef(stat)(addBitmapDefs(stat.symbol, _)))
- case _ =>
- stat
- }
- val innerClassBitmaps = if (!added && currentOwner.isClass && bitmaps.contains(currentOwner)) {
- // add bitmap to inner class if necessary
- val toAdd0 = bitmaps(currentOwner).map(s => typed(ValDef(s, ZERO)))
- toAdd0.foreach(t => {
- if ( == NoSymbol) {
- t.symbol.setFlag(PROTECTED)
- }
- })
- toAdd0
- } else List()
- deriveTemplate(tree)(_ => innerClassBitmaps ++ stats)
- }
- case ValDef(_, _, _, _) if !sym.owner.isModule && !sym.owner.isClass =>
- deriveValDef(tree) { rhs0 =>
- val rhs = transform(rhs0)
- if (LocalLazyValFinder.find(rhs)) typed(addBitmapDefs(sym, rhs)) else rhs
- }
- case l@LabelDef(name0, params0, ifp0@If(_, _, _)) if name0.startsWith(nme.WHILE_PREFIX) =>
- val ifp1 = super.transform(ifp0)
- val If(cond0, thenp0, elsep0) = ifp1
- if (LocalLazyValFinder.find(thenp0))
- deriveLabelDef(l)(_ => treeCopy.If(ifp1, cond0, typed(addBitmapDefs(sym.owner, thenp0)), elsep0))
- else
- l
- case l@LabelDef(name0, params0, block@Block(stats0, expr))
- if name0.startsWith(nme.WHILE_PREFIX) || name0.startsWith(nme.DO_WHILE_PREFIX) =>
- val stats1 = super.transformTrees(stats0)
- if (LocalLazyValFinder.find(stats1))
- deriveLabelDef(l)(_ => treeCopy.Block(block, typed(addBitmapDefs(sym.owner, stats1.head))::stats1.tail, expr))
- else
- l
- case _ => super.transform(tree)
- }
- }
- /** Add the bitmap definitions to the rhs of a method definition.
- * If the rhs has been tail-call transformed, insert the bitmap
- * definitions inside the top-level label definition, so that each
- * iteration has the lazy values uninitialized. Otherwise add them
- * at the very beginning of the method.
- */
- private def addBitmapDefs(methSym: Symbol, rhs: Tree): Tree = {
- def prependStats(stats: List[Tree], tree: Tree): Block = tree match {
- case Block(stats1, res) => Block(stats ::: stats1, res)
- case _ => Block(stats, tree)
- }
- val bmps = bitmaps(methSym) map (ValDef(_, ZERO))
- def isMatch(params: List[Ident]) = (params.tail corresponds methSym.tpe.params)(_.tpe == _.tpe)
- if (bmps.isEmpty) rhs else rhs match {
- case Block(assign, l @ LabelDef(name, params, _))
- if (name string_== "_" + && isMatch(params) =>
- Block(assign, deriveLabelDef(l)(rhs => typed(prependStats(bmps, rhs))))
- case _ => prependStats(bmps, rhs)
- }
- }
- def mkSlowPathDef(clazz: Symbol, lzyVal: Symbol, cond: Tree, syncBody: List[Tree],
- stats: List[Tree], retVal: Tree): Tree = {
- // Q: is there a reason to first set owner to `clazz` (by using clazz.newMethod), and then
- // changing it to lzyVal.owner very soon after? Could we just do lzyVal.owner.newMethod?
- val defSym = clazz.newMethod(nme.newLazyValSlowComputeName(, lzyVal.pos, STABLE | PRIVATE)
- defSym setInfo MethodType(List(), lzyVal.tpe.resultType)
- defSym.owner = lzyVal.owner
- debuglog(s"crete slow compute path $defSym with owner ${defSym.owner} for lazy val $lzyVal")
- if (bitmaps.contains(lzyVal))
- bitmaps(lzyVal).map(_.owner = defSym)
- val rhs: Tree = gen.mkSynchronizedCheck(clazz, cond, syncBody, stats).changeOwner(currentOwner -> defSym)
- DefDef(defSym, addBitmapDefs(lzyVal, BLOCK(rhs, retVal)))
- }
- def mkFastPathBody(clazz: Symbol, lzyVal: Symbol, cond: Tree, syncBody: List[Tree],
- stats: List[Tree], retVal: Tree): (Tree, Tree) = {
- val slowPathDef: Tree = mkSlowPathDef(clazz, lzyVal, cond, syncBody, stats, retVal)
- (If(cond, Apply(Ident(slowPathDef.symbol), Nil), retVal), slowPathDef)
- }
- /** return a 'lazified' version of rhs. Rhs should conform to the
- * following schema:
- * {
- * l$ = <rhs>
- * l$
- * } or
- * <rhs> when the lazy value has type Unit (for which there is no field
- * to cache its value.
- *
- * Similarly as for normal lazy val members (see Mixin), the result will be a tree of the form
- * { if ((bitmap&n & MASK) == 0) this.l$compute()
- * else l$
- *
- * def l$compute() = { synchronized(enclosing_class_or_dummy) {
- * if ((bitmap$n & MASK) == 0) {
- * l$ = <rhs>
- * bitmap$n = bimap$n | MASK
- * }}
- * l$
- * }
- * }
- * where bitmap$n is a byte value acting as a bitmap of initialized values. It is
- * the 'n' is (offset / 8), the MASK is (1 << (offset % 8)). If the value has type
- * unit, no field is used to cache the value, so the l$compute will now look as following:
- * {
- * def l$compute() = { synchronized(enclosing_class_or_dummy) {
- * if ((bitmap$n & MASK) == 0) {
- * <rhs>;
- * bitmap$n = bimap$n | MASK
- * }}
- * ()
- * }
- * }
- */
- private def mkLazyDef(methOrClass: Symbol, tree: Tree, offset: Int, lazyVal: Symbol): (Tree, Tree) = {
- val bitmapSym = getBitmapFor(methOrClass, offset)
- val mask = LIT(1 << (offset % FLAGS_PER_BYTE))
- val bitmapRef = if (methOrClass.isClass) Select(This(methOrClass), bitmapSym) else Ident(bitmapSym)
- def mkBlock(stmt: Tree) = BLOCK(stmt, mkSetFlag(bitmapSym, mask, bitmapRef), UNIT)
- debuglog(s"create complete lazy def in $methOrClass for $lazyVal")
- val (block, res) = tree match {
- case Block(List(assignment), res) if !lazyUnit(lazyVal) =>
- (mkBlock(assignment), res)
- case rhs =>
- (mkBlock(rhs), UNIT)
- }
- val cond = (bitmapRef GEN_& (mask, bitmapKind)) GEN_== (ZERO, bitmapKind)
- val lazyDefs = mkFastPathBody(methOrClass.enclClass, lazyVal, cond, List(block), Nil, res)
- (atPos(tree.pos)(localTyper.typed {lazyDefs._1 }), atPos(tree.pos)(localTyper.typed {lazyDefs._2 }))
- }
- private def mkSetFlag(bmp: Symbol, mask: Tree, bmpRef: Tree): Tree =
- bmpRef === (bmpRef GEN_| (mask, bitmapKind))
- val bitmaps = mutable.Map[Symbol, List[Symbol]]() withDefaultValue Nil
- /** Return the symbol corresponding of the right bitmap int inside meth,
- * given offset.
- */
- private def getBitmapFor(meth: Symbol, offset: Int): Symbol = {
- val n = offset / FLAGS_PER_BYTE
- val bmps = bitmaps(meth)
- if (bmps.length > n)
- bmps(n)
- else {
- val sym = meth.newVariable(nme.newBitmapName(nme.BITMAP_NORMAL, n), meth.pos).setInfo(ByteTpe)
- enteringTyper {
- sym addAnnotation VolatileAttr
- }
- bitmaps(meth) = (sym :: bmps).reverse
- sym
- }
- }
- }
diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/transform/Mixin.scala b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/transform/Mixin.scala
index a079a76ce7..96e2135c52 100644
--- a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/transform/Mixin.scala
+++ b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/transform/Mixin.scala
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
/* NSC -- new Scala compiler
- * Copyright 2005-2013 LAMP/EPFL
+ * Copyright 2005-2016 LAMP/EPFL and Lightbend, Inc
+ *
* @author Martin Odersky
@@ -8,110 +9,85 @@ package transform
import symtab._
import Flags._
-import scala.collection.{ mutable, immutable }
+import scala.annotation.tailrec
+import scala.collection.mutable
-abstract class Mixin extends InfoTransform with ast.TreeDSL {
+abstract class Mixin extends InfoTransform with ast.TreeDSL with AccessorSynthesis {
import global._
import definitions._
import CODE._
/** The name of the phase: */
val phaseName: String = "mixin"
- /** The phase might set the following new flags: */
- override def phaseNewFlags: Long = lateMODULE | notOVERRIDE
+ /** Some trait methods need to be implemented in subclasses, so they cannot be private.
+ *
+ * We used to publicize during explicitouter (for some reason), so the condition is a bit more involved now it's done here
+ * (need to exclude lambdaLIFTED methods, as they do no exist during explicitouter and thus did not need to be excluded...)
+ *
+ * They may be protected, now that traits are compiled 1:1 to interfaces.
+ * The same disclaimers about mapping Scala's notion of visibility to Java's apply:
+ * we cannot emit PROTECTED methods in interfaces on the JVM,
+ * but knowing that these trait methods are protected means we won't emit static forwarders.
+ *
+ * JVMS: "Methods of interfaces may have any of the flags in Table 4.6-A set
+ *
+ * TODO: can we just set the right flags from the start??
+ * could we use the final flag to indicate a private method is really-really-private?
+ */
+ def publicizeTraitMethod(sym: Symbol): Unit = {
+ if ((sym hasFlag PRIVATE) && !(sym hasFlag LIFTED) && ( // lambdalifted methods can remain private
+ // super accessors by definition must be implemented in a subclass, so can't be private
+ // TODO: why are they ever private in a trait to begin with!?!? (could just name mangle them to begin with)
+ // TODO: can we add the SYNTHESIZE_IMPL_IN_SUBCLASS flag to super accessors symbols?
+ (sym hasFlag SUPERACCESSOR)
+ // an accessor / module *may* need to be implemented in a subclass, and thus cannot be private
+ // TODO: document how we get here (lambdalift? fields has already made accessors not-private)
+ || (sym hasFlag ACCESSOR | MODULE) && (sym hasFlag SYNTHESIZE_IMPL_IN_SUBCLASS)))
+ sym.makeNotPrivate(sym.owner)
+ // no need to make trait methods not-protected
+ // (we used to have to move them to another class when interfaces could not have concrete methods)
+ // see note in `synthFieldsAndAccessors` in Fields.scala
+ // if (sym hasFlag PROTECTED) sym setFlag notPROTECTED
+ }
/** This map contains a binding (class -> info) if
* the class with this info at phase mixinPhase has been treated for mixin composition
private val treatedClassInfos = perRunCaches.newMap[Symbol, Type]() withDefaultValue NoType
- /** Map a lazy, mixedin field accessor to its trait member accessor */
- private val initializer = perRunCaches.newMap[Symbol, Symbol]()
// --------- helper functions -----------------------------------------------
/** A member of a trait is implemented statically if its implementation after the
- * mixin transform is in the static implementation module. To be statically
- * implemented, a member must be a method that belonged to the trait's implementation class
+ * mixin transform is RHS of the method body (destined to be in an interface default method)
+ *
+ * To be statically implemented, a member must be a method that belonged to the trait's implementation class
* before (i.e. it is not abstract). Not statically implemented are
* - non-private modules: these are implemented directly in the mixin composition class
* (private modules, on the other hand, are implemented statically, but their
* module variable is not. all such private modules are lifted, because
* non-lifted private modules have been eliminated in ExplicitOuter)
- * - field accessors and superaccessors, except for lazy value accessors which become initializer
- * methods in the impl class (because they can have arbitrary initializers)
+ * - field accessors and superaccessors
private def isImplementedStatically(sym: Symbol) = (
- sym.owner.isImplClass
- && sym.isMethod
+ (sym.isMethod || ((sym hasFlag MODULE) && !sym.isStatic))
+ // TODO: ^^^ non-static modules should have been turned into methods by fields by now, no? maybe the info transformer hasn't run???
+ && notDeferred(sym)
+ && sym.owner.isTrait
&& (!sym.isModule || sym.hasFlag(PRIVATE | LIFTED))
- && (!(sym hasFlag (ACCESSOR | SUPERACCESSOR)) || sym.isLazy)
- )
- /** A member of a trait is static only if it belongs only to the
- * implementation class, not the interface, and it is implemented
- * statically.
- */
- private def isStaticOnly(sym: Symbol) =
- isImplementedStatically(sym) && sym.isImplOnly
- /** A member of a trait is forwarded if it is implemented statically and it
- * is also visible in the trait's interface. In that case, a forwarder to
- * the member's static implementation will be added to the class that
- * inherits the trait.
- */
- private def isForwarded(sym: Symbol) =
- isImplementedStatically(sym) && !sym.isImplOnly
- /** Maps the type of an implementation class to its interface;
- * maps all other types to themselves.
- */
- private def toInterface(tp: Type): Type =
- enteringMixin(tp.typeSymbol.toInterface).tpe
- private def isFieldWithBitmap(field: Symbol) = {
- // ensure that nested objects are transformed
- // For checkinit consider normal value getters
- // but for lazy values only take into account lazy getters
- field.isLazy && field.isMethod && !field.isDeferred
- }
- /** Does this field require an initialized bit?
- * Note: fields of classes inheriting DelayedInit are not checked.
- * This is because they are neither initialized in the constructor
- * nor do they have a setter (not if they are vals anyway). The usual
- * logic for setting bitmaps does therefore not work for such fields.
- * That's why they are excluded.
- * Note: The `checkinit` option does not check if transient fields are initialized.
- */
- private def needsInitFlag(sym: Symbol) = (
- settings.checkInit
- && sym.isGetter
- && !sym.isInitializedToDefault
- && !isConstantType( // SI-4742
- && !sym.accessed.hasFlag(PRESUPER)
- && !sym.isOuterAccessor
- && !(sym.owner isSubClass DelayedInitClass)
- && !(sym.accessed hasAnnotation TransientAttr)
+ && (!(sym hasFlag (ACCESSOR | SUPERACCESSOR)) || (sym hasFlag LAZY))
+ && !sym.isPrivate
+ && !sym.hasAllFlags(LIFTED | MODULE | METHOD)
+ && !sym.isConstructor
+ && (!sym.hasFlag(notPRIVATE | LIFTED) || sym.hasFlag(ACCESSOR | SUPERACCESSOR | MODULE))
- /** Maps all parts of this type that refer to implementation classes to
- * their corresponding interfaces.
- */
- private val toInterfaceMap = new TypeMap {
- def apply(tp: Type): Type = mapOver( tp match {
- case TypeRef(pre, sym, args) if sym.isImplClass =>
- typeRef(pre, enteringMixin(sym.toInterface), args)
- case _ => tp
- })
- }
- /** The implementation class corresponding to a currently compiled interface.
- * todo: try to use Symbol.implClass instead?
- */
- private def implClass(iface: Symbol) = iface.implClass orElse (erasure implClass iface)
/** Returns the symbol that is accessed by a super-accessor in a mixin composition.
@@ -139,16 +115,16 @@ abstract class Mixin extends InfoTransform with ast.TreeDSL {
// --------- type transformation -----------------------------------------------
- def isConcreteAccessor(member: Symbol) =
- member.hasAccessorFlag && (!member.isDeferred || (member hasFlag lateDEFERRED))
+ @inline final def notDeferred(sym: Symbol) = fields.notDeferredOrSynthImpl(sym)
/** Is member overridden (either directly or via a bridge) in base class sequence `bcs`? */
def isOverriddenAccessor(member: Symbol, bcs: List[Symbol]): Boolean = beforeOwnPhase {
def hasOverridingAccessor(clazz: Symbol) = {
sym =>
- isConcreteAccessor(sym) &&
+ sym.hasFlag(ACCESSOR) &&
!sym.hasFlag(MIXEDIN) &&
+ notDeferred(sym) &&
matchesType(sym.tpe, member.tpe, alwaysMatchSimple = true))
( bcs.head != member.owner
@@ -156,11 +132,16 @@ abstract class Mixin extends InfoTransform with ast.TreeDSL {
/** Add given member to given class, and mark member as mixed-in.
def addMember(clazz: Symbol, member: Symbol): Symbol = {
- debuglog("new member of " + clazz + ":" + member.defString)
- enter member setFlag MIXEDIN
+ debuglog(s"mixing into $clazz: ${member.defString}")
+ // This attachment is used to instruct the backend about which methods in traits require
+ // a static trait impl method. We remove this from the new symbol created for the method
+ // mixed into the subclass.
+ member.removeAttachment[NeedStaticImpl.type]
+ enter member setFlag MIXEDIN resetFlag JAVA_DEFAULTMETHOD
def cloneAndAddMember(mixinClass: Symbol, mixinMember: Symbol, clazz: Symbol): Symbol =
addMember(clazz, cloneBeforeErasure(mixinClass, mixinMember, clazz))
@@ -191,57 +172,20 @@ abstract class Mixin extends InfoTransform with ast.TreeDSL {
- /** Add getters and setters for all non-module fields of an implementation
- * class to its interface unless they are already present. This is done
- * only once per class. The mixedin flag is used to remember whether late
- * members have been added to an interface.
- * - lazy fields don't get a setter.
- */
- def addLateInterfaceMembers(clazz: Symbol) {
+ def publicizeTraitMethods(clazz: Symbol) {
if (treatedClassInfos(clazz) != {
treatedClassInfos(clazz) =
assert(phase == currentRun.mixinPhase, phase)
- /* Create a new getter. Getters are never private or local. They are
- * always accessors and deferred. */
- def newGetter(field: Symbol): Symbol = {
- // println("creating new getter for "+ field +" : "+ +" at "+ field.locationString+(field hasFlag MUTABLE))
- val newFlags = field.flags & ~PrivateLocal | ACCESSOR | lateDEFERRED | ( if (field.isMutable) 0 else STABLE )
- // TODO preserve pre-erasure info?
- clazz.newMethod(field.getterName, field.pos, newFlags) setInfo MethodType(Nil,
- }
- /* Create a new setter. Setters are never private or local. They are
- * always accessors and deferred. */
- def newSetter(field: Symbol): Symbol = {
- //println("creating new setter for "+field+field.locationString+(field hasFlag MUTABLE))
- val setterName = field.setterName
- val newFlags = field.flags & ~PrivateLocal | ACCESSOR | lateDEFERRED
- val setter = clazz.newMethod(setterName, field.pos, newFlags)
- // TODO preserve pre-erasure info?
- setter setInfo MethodType(setter.newSyntheticValueParams(List(, UnitTpe)
- if (field.needsExpandedSetterName)
- = nme.expandedSetterName(, clazz)
- setter
- }
- // make sure info is up to date, so that implClass is set.
- val impl = implClass(clazz) orElse abort("No impl class for " + clazz)
- for (member <- {
- if (!member.isMethod && !member.isModule && !member.isModuleVar) {
+ for (member <- {
+ if (member.isMethod) publicizeTraitMethod(member)
+ else {
assert(member.isTerm && !member.isDeferred, member)
- if (member.getterIn(impl).isPrivate) {
- member.makeNotPrivate(clazz) // this will also make getter&setter not private
- }
- val getter = member.getterIn(clazz)
- if (getter == NoSymbol) addMember(clazz, newGetter(member))
- if (!member.tpe.isInstanceOf[ConstantType] && !member.isLazy) {
- val setter = member.setterIn(clazz)
- if (setter == NoSymbol) addMember(clazz, newSetter(member))
- }
+ // disable assert to support compiling against code compiled by an older compiler (until we re-starr)
+ // assert(member hasFlag PRESUPER, s"unexpected $member in $clazz ${member.debugFlagString}")
debuglog("new defs of " + clazz + " = " +
@@ -262,75 +206,83 @@ abstract class Mixin extends InfoTransform with ast.TreeDSL {
def cloneAndAddMixinMember(mixinClass: Symbol, mixinMember: Symbol): Symbol = (
cloneAndAddMember(mixinClass, mixinMember, clazz)
setPos clazz.pos
- resetFlag DEFERRED | lateDEFERRED
+ resetFlag DEFERRED
/* Mix in members of implementation class mixinClass into class clazz */
- def mixinImplClassMembers(mixinClass: Symbol, mixinInterface: Symbol) {
- if (!mixinClass.isImplClass) devWarning ("Impl class flag is not set " +
- ((mixinClass.debugLocationString, mixinInterface.debugLocationString)))
- for (member <- ; if isForwarded(member)) {
- val imember = member overriddenSymbol mixinInterface
- imember overridingSymbol clazz match {
+ def mixinTraitForwarders(mixinClass: Symbol) {
+ for (member <- ; if isImplementedStatically(member)) {
+ member overridingSymbol clazz match {
case NoSymbol =>
- if (, 0, lateDEFERRED, stableOnly = false).alternatives contains imember)
- cloneAndAddMixinMember(mixinInterface, imember).asInstanceOf[TermSymbol] setAlias member
+ val isMemberOfClazz =, 0, 0L, stableOnly = false).alternatives.contains(member)
+ if (isMemberOfClazz) {
+ def genForwarder(required: Boolean): Unit = {
+ val owner = member.owner
+ if (owner.isJavaDefined && owner.isInterface && !clazz.parentSymbols.contains(owner)) {
+ if (required) {
+ val text = s"Unable to implement a mixin forwarder for $member in $clazz unless interface ${} is directly extended by $clazz."
+ reporter.error(clazz.pos, text)
+ }
+ } else
+ cloneAndAddMixinMember(mixinClass, member).asInstanceOf[TermSymbol] setAlias member
+ }
+ // `member` is a concrete method defined in `mixinClass`, which is a base class of
+ // `clazz`, and the method is not overridden in `clazz`. A forwarder is needed if:
+ //
+ // - A non-trait base class of `clazz` defines a matching method. Example:
+ // class C {def f: Int}; trait T extends C {def f = 1}; class D extends T
+ // Even if C.f is abstract, the forwarder in D is needed, otherwise the JVM would
+ // resolve `D.f` to `C.f`, see jvms-6.5.invokevirtual.
+ //
+ // - There exists another concrete, matching method in a parent interface `p` of
+ // `clazz`, and the `mixinClass` does not itself extend `p`. In this case the
+ // forwarder is needed to disambiguate. Example:
+ // trait T1 {def f = 1}; trait T2 extends T1 {override def f = 2}; class C extends T2
+ // In C we don't need a forwarder for f because T2 extends T1, so the JVM resolves
+ // C.f to T2.f non-ambiguously. See jvms-, "maximally-specific method".
+ // trait U1 {def f = 1}; trait U2 {self:U1 => override def f = 2}; class D extends U2
+ // In D the forwarder is needed, the interfaces U1 and U2 are unrelated at the JVM
+ // level.
+ @tailrec
+ def existsCompetingMethod(baseClasses: List[Symbol]): Boolean = baseClasses match {
+ case baseClass :: rest =>
+ if (baseClass ne mixinClass) {
+ val m = member.overriddenSymbol(baseClass)
+ val isCompeting = m.exists && {
+ !m.owner.isTraitOrInterface ||
+ (!m.isDeferred && !mixinClass.isNonBottomSubClass(m.owner))
+ }
+ isCompeting || existsCompetingMethod(rest)
+ } else existsCompetingMethod(rest)
+ case _ => false
+ }
+ def generateJUnitForwarder: Boolean = {
+ settings.mixinForwarderChoices.isAtLeastJunit &&
+ member.annotations.nonEmpty &&
+ JUnitAnnotations.exists(annot => annot.exists && member.hasAnnotation(annot))
+ }
+ if (existsCompetingMethod(clazz.baseClasses) || generateJUnitForwarder)
+ genForwarder(required = true)
+ else if (settings.mixinForwarderChoices.isTruthy)
+ genForwarder(required = false)
+ }
case _ =>
- /* Mix in members of trait mixinClass into class clazz. Also,
- * for each lazy field in mixinClass, add a link from its mixed in member to its
- * initializer method inside the implclass.
+ /* Mix in members of trait mixinClass into class clazz.
def mixinTraitMembers(mixinClass: Symbol) {
// For all members of a trait's interface do:
for (mixinMember <- {
- if (isConcreteAccessor(mixinMember)) {
- if (isOverriddenAccessor(mixinMember,
- devWarning(s"Overridden concrete accessor: ${mixinMember.fullLocationString}")
- else {
- // mixin field accessors
- val mixedInAccessor = cloneAndAddMixinMember(mixinClass, mixinMember)
- if (mixinMember.isLazy) {
- initializer(mixedInAccessor) = (
- implClass(mixinClass).info.decl(
- orElse abort("Could not find initializer for " +
- )
- }
- if (!mixinMember.isSetter)
- mixinMember.tpe match {
- case MethodType(Nil, ConstantType(_)) =>
- // mixinMember is a constant; only getter is needed
- ;
- case MethodType(Nil, TypeRef(_, UnitClass, _)) =>
- // mixinMember is a value of type unit. No field needed
- ;
- case _ => // otherwise mixin a field as well
- // enteringPhase: the private field is moved to the implementation class by erasure,
- // so it can no longer be found in the mixinMember's owner (the trait)
- val accessed = enteringPickler(mixinMember.accessed)
- // #3857, need to retain info before erasure when cloning (since cloning only
- // carries over the current entry in the type history)
- val sym = enteringErasure {
- // so we have a type history entry before erasure
- clazz.newValue(mixinMember.localName, mixinMember.pos).setInfo(mixinMember.tpe.resultType)
- }
- sym updateInfo mixinMember.tpe.resultType // info at current phase
- val newFlags = (
- ( PrivateLocal )
- | ( mixinMember getFlag MUTABLE | LAZY)
- | ( if (mixinMember.hasStableFlag) 0 else MUTABLE )
- )
- addMember(clazz, sym setFlag newFlags setAnnotations accessed.annotations)
- }
- }
- }
- else if (mixinMember.isSuperAccessor) { // mixin super accessors
+ if (mixinMember.hasFlag(SUPERACCESSOR)) { // mixin super accessors
val superAccessor = addMember(clazz, mixinMember.cloneSymbol(clazz)) setPos clazz.pos
assert(superAccessor.alias != NoSymbol, superAccessor)
@@ -339,12 +291,42 @@ abstract class Mixin extends InfoTransform with ast.TreeDSL {
reporter.error(clazz.pos, "Member %s of mixin %s is missing a concrete super implementation.".format(
mixinMember.alias, mixinClass))
case alias1 =>
+ if (alias1.owner.isJavaDefined && alias1.owner.isInterface && !clazz.parentSymbols.contains(alias1.owner)) {
+ val suggestedParent = exitingTyper(
+ reporter.error(clazz.pos, s"Unable to implement a super accessor required by trait ${} unless $suggestedParent is directly extended by $clazz.")
+ }
superAccessor.asInstanceOf[TermSymbol] setAlias alias1
- else if (mixinMember.isMethod && mixinMember.isModule && mixinMember.hasNoFlags(LIFTED | BRIDGE)) {
- // mixin objects: todo what happens with abstract objects?
- addMember(clazz, mixinMember.cloneSymbol(clazz, mixinMember.flags & ~(DEFERRED | lateDEFERRED)) setPos clazz.pos)
+ else if (mixinMember.hasFlag(ACCESSOR) && notDeferred(mixinMember)
+ && (mixinMember hasFlag PARAMACCESSOR)
+ && !isOverriddenAccessor(mixinMember, {
+ // mixin accessor for constructor parameter
+ // (note that a paramaccessor cannot have a constant type as it must have a user-defined type)
+ cloneAndAddMixinMember(mixinClass, mixinMember)
+ val name =
+ if (!nme.isSetterName(name)) {
+ // enteringPhase: the private field is moved to the implementation class by erasure,
+ // so it can no longer be found in the mixinMember's owner (the trait)
+ val accessed = enteringPickler(mixinMember.accessed)
+ // #3857, need to retain info before erasure when cloning (since cloning only
+ // carries over the current entry in the type history)
+ val sym = enteringErasure {
+ // so we have a type history entry before erasure
+ clazz.newValue(mixinMember.localName, mixinMember.pos).setInfo(mixinMember.tpe.resultType)
+ }
+ sym updateInfo mixinMember.tpe.resultType // info at current phase
+ val newFlags = (
+ (PrivateLocal)
+ | (mixinMember getFlag MUTABLE)
+ | (if (mixinMember.hasStableFlag) 0 else MUTABLE)
+ )
+ addMember(clazz, sym setFlag newFlags setAnnotations accessed.annotations)
+ }
@@ -358,162 +340,38 @@ abstract class Mixin extends InfoTransform with ast.TreeDSL {
// first complete the superclass with mixed in members
addMixedinMembers(clazz.superClass, unit)
- for (mc <- clazz.mixinClasses ; if mc hasFlag lateINTERFACE) {
+ for (mc <- clazz.mixinClasses ; if mc.isTrait) {
// @SEAN: adding trait tracking so we don't have to recompile transitive closures
unit.depends += mc
- addLateInterfaceMembers(mc)
+ publicizeTraitMethods(mc)
- mixinImplClassMembers(implClass(mc), mc)
+ mixinTraitForwarders(mc)
- /** The info transform for this phase does the following:
- * - The parents of every class are mapped from implementation class to interface
- * - Implementation classes become modules that inherit nothing
- * and that define all.
- */
- override def transformInfo(sym: Symbol, tp: Type): Type = tp match {
- case ClassInfoType(parents, decls, clazz) =>
- var parents1 = parents
- var decls1 = decls
- if (!clazz.isPackageClass) {
- exitingMixin(
- if (clazz.isImplClass) {
- clazz setFlag lateMODULE
- var sourceModule =
- if (sourceModule == NoSymbol) {
- sourceModule = (
- clazz.owner.newModuleSymbol(, sym.pos, MODULE)
- setModuleClass sym.asInstanceOf[ClassSymbol]
- )
- enter sourceModule
- }
- else {
- sourceModule setPos sym.pos
- if (sourceModule.flags != MODULE) {
- log(s"!!! Directly setting sourceModule flags for $sourceModule from ${sourceModule.flagString} to MODULE")
- sourceModule.flags = MODULE
- }
- }
- sourceModule setInfo sym.tpe
- // Companion module isn't visible for anonymous class at this point anyway
- assert(clazz.sourceModule != NoSymbol || clazz.isAnonymousClass, s"$clazz has no sourceModule: $sym ${sym.tpe}")
- parents1 = List()
- decls1 = newScopeWith(decls.toList filter isImplementedStatically: _*)
- } else if (!parents.isEmpty) {
- parents1 = parents.head :: (parents.tail map toInterface)
- }
- }
- //decls1 = enteringPhase( _*))//debug
- if ((parents1 eq parents) && (decls1 eq decls)) tp
- else ClassInfoType(parents1, decls1, clazz)
- case MethodType(params, restp) =>
- toInterfaceMap(
- if (isImplementedStatically(sym)) {
- val ownerParam = sym.newSyntheticValueParam(toInterface(sym.owner.typeOfThis))
- MethodType(ownerParam :: params, restp)
- } else
- tp)
- case _ =>
- tp
- }
- /** Return a map of single-use fields to the lazy value that uses them during initialization.
- * Each field has to be private and defined in the enclosing class, and there must
- * be exactly one lazy value using it.
- *
- * Such fields will be nulled after the initializer has memoized the lazy value.
- */
- def singleUseFields(templ: Template): scala.collection.Map[Symbol, List[Symbol]] = {
- val usedIn = mutable.HashMap[Symbol, List[Symbol]]() withDefaultValue Nil
- object SingleUseTraverser extends Traverser {
- override def traverse(tree: Tree) {
- tree match {
- case Assign(lhs, rhs) => traverse(rhs) // assignments don't count
- case _ =>
- if (tree.hasSymbolField && tree.symbol != NoSymbol) {
- val sym = tree.symbol
- if ((sym.hasAccessorFlag || (sym.isTerm && !sym.isMethod))
- && sym.isPrivate
- && !(currentOwner.isGetter && currentOwner.accessed == sym) // getter
- && !definitions.isPrimitiveValueClass(sym.tpe.resultType.typeSymbol)
- && sym.owner == templ.symbol.owner
- && !sym.isLazy
- && !tree.isDef) {
- debuglog("added use in: " + currentOwner + " -- " + tree)
- usedIn(sym) ::= currentOwner
- }
- }
- super.traverse(tree)
- }
- }
- }
- SingleUseTraverser(templ)
- debuglog("usedIn: " + usedIn)
- usedIn filter {
- case (_, member :: Nil) => member.isValue && member.isLazy
- case _ => false
- }
- }
+ override def transformInfo(sym: Symbol, tp: Type): Type = tp
// --------- term transformation -----------------------------------------------
protected def newTransformer(unit: CompilationUnit): Transformer =
new MixinTransformer(unit)
- class MixinTransformer(unit : CompilationUnit) extends Transformer {
- /** Within a static implementation method: the parameter referring to the
- * current object. Undefined everywhere else.
- */
- private var self: Symbol = _
+ class MixinTransformer(unit : CompilationUnit) extends Transformer with AccessorTreeSynthesis {
+ /** The typer */
+ private var localTyper: erasure.Typer = _
+ protected def typedPos(pos: Position)(tree: Tree): Tree = localTyper.typedPos(pos)(tree)
/** The rootContext used for typing */
private val rootContext =
erasure.NoContext.make(EmptyTree, rootMirror.RootClass, newScope)
- /** The typer */
- private var localTyper: erasure.Typer = _
- private def typedPos(pos: Position)(tree: Tree): Tree = localTyper.typedPos(pos)(tree)
- /** Map lazy values to the fields they should null after initialization. */
- private var lazyValNullables: Map[Symbol, Set[Symbol]] = _
- /** Map a field symbol to a unique integer denoting its position in the class layout.
- * For each class, fields defined by the class come after inherited fields. Mixed-in
- * fields count as fields defined by the class itself.
- */
- private val fieldOffset = perRunCaches.newMap[Symbol, Int]()
- private val bitmapKindForCategory = perRunCaches.newMap[Name, ClassSymbol]()
- // ByteClass, IntClass, LongClass
- private def bitmapKind(field: Symbol): ClassSymbol = bitmapKindForCategory(bitmapCategory(field))
- private def flagsPerBitmap(field: Symbol): Int = bitmapKind(field) match {
- case BooleanClass => 1
- case ByteClass => 8
- case IntClass => 32
- case LongClass => 64
- }
+ private val nullables = mutable.AnyRefMap[Symbol, Map[Symbol, List[Symbol]]]()
/** The first transform; called in a pre-order traversal at phase mixin
* (that is, every node is processed before its children).
* What transform does:
* - For every non-trait class, add all mixed in members to the class info.
- * - For every trait, add all late interface members to the class info
- * - For every static implementation method:
- * - remove override flag
- * - create a new method definition that also has a `self` parameter
- * (which comes first) Iuli: this position is assumed by tail call elimination
- * on a different receiver. Storing a new 'this' assumes it is located at
- * index 0 in the local variable table. See 'STORE_THIS' and GenASM.
- * - Map implementation class types in type-apply's to their interfaces
- * - Remove all fields in implementation classes
+ * - For every non-trait class, assign null to singly used private fields after use in lazy initialization.
private def preTransform(tree: Tree): Tree = {
val sym = tree.symbol
@@ -524,617 +382,160 @@ abstract class Mixin extends InfoTransform with ast.TreeDSL {
if (!currentOwner.isTrait && !isPrimitiveValueClass(currentOwner))
addMixedinMembers(currentOwner, unit)
- else if (currentOwner hasFlag lateINTERFACE)
- addLateInterfaceMembers(currentOwner)
+ else if (currentOwner.isTrait)
+ publicizeTraitMethods(currentOwner)
+ if (!currentOwner.isTrait)
+ nullables(currentOwner) = lazyValNullables(currentOwner, body)
- case DefDef(_, _, _, vparams :: Nil, _, _) =>
- if (currentOwner.isImplClass) {
- if (isImplementedStatically(sym)) {
- sym setFlag notOVERRIDE
- self = sym.newValueParameter(nme.SELF, sym.pos) setInfo toInterface(currentOwner.typeOfThis)
- val selfdef = ValDef(self) setType NoType
- copyDefDef(tree)(vparamss = List(selfdef :: vparams))
- }
- else EmptyTree
- }
+ case dd: DefDef if =>
+ val fieldsToNull = nullables.getOrElse(sym.enclClass, Map()).getOrElse(sym, Nil)
+ if (fieldsToNull.isEmpty) dd
else {
- if (currentOwner.isTrait && sym.isSetter && !enteringPickler(sym.isDeferred)) {
- sym.addAnnotation(TraitSetterAnnotationClass)
+ deriveDefDef(dd) {
+ case blk@Block(stats, expr) =>
+ assert(dd.symbol.originalOwner.isClass, dd.symbol)
+ def nullify(sym: Symbol) =
+ Select(gen.mkAttributedThis(sym.enclClass), sym.accessedOrSelf) === NULL
+ val stats1 = stats :::
+ treeCopy.Block(blk, stats1, expr)
+ case tree =>
+ devWarning("Unexpected tree shape in lazy slow path")
+ tree
- tree
- }
- // !!! What is this doing, and why is it only looking for exactly
- // one type parameter? It would seem to be
- // "Map implementation class types in type-apply's to their interfaces"
- // from the comment on preTransform, but is there some way we should know
- // that impl class types in type applies can only appear in single
- // type parameter type constructors?
- case Apply(tapp @ TypeApply(fn, List(arg)), List()) =>
- if (arg.tpe.typeSymbol.isImplClass) {
- val ifacetpe = toInterface(arg.tpe)
- arg setType ifacetpe
- tapp setType MethodType(Nil, ifacetpe)
- tree setType ifacetpe
- tree
- case ValDef(_, _, _, _) if currentOwner.isImplClass =>
- EmptyTree
- case _ =>
- tree
- }
- }
- /** Create an identifier which references self parameter.
- */
- private def selfRef(pos: Position) =
- gen.mkAttributedIdent(self) setPos pos
- /** Replace a super reference by this or the self parameter, depending
- * on whether we are in an implementation class or not.
- * Leave all other trees unchanged.
- */
- private def transformSuper(tree: Tree) = tree match {
- case Super(qual, _) =>
- transformThis(qual)
- case _ =>
- tree
- }
- /** Replace a this reference to the current implementation class by the self
- * parameter. Leave all other trees unchanged.
- */
- private def transformThis(tree: Tree) = tree match {
- case This(_) if tree.symbol.isImplClass =>
- assert(tree.symbol == currentOwner.enclClass)
- selfRef(tree.pos)
- case _ =>
- tree
- }
- /** Create a static reference to given symbol `sym` of the
- * form `M.sym` where M is the symbol's implementation module.
- */
- private def staticRef(sym: Symbol): Tree = {
- //todo: needed?
- //todo: needed?
- if (sym.owner.sourceModule eq NoSymbol)
- abort(s"Cannot create static reference to $sym because ${sym.safeOwner} has no source module")
- else
- REF(sym.owner.sourceModule) DOT sym
- }
- def needsInitAndHasOffset(sym: Symbol) =
- needsInitFlag(sym) && (fieldOffset contains sym)
- /** Examines the symbol and returns a name indicating what brand of
- * bitmap it requires. The possibilities are the BITMAP_* vals
- * defined in StdNames. If it needs no bitmap, nme.NO_NAME.
- */
- def bitmapCategory(field: Symbol): Name = {
- import nme._
- val isNormal = (
- if (isFieldWithBitmap(field)) true
- // bitmaps for checkinit fields are not inherited
- else if (needsInitFlag(field) && !field.isDeferred) false
- else return NO_NAME
- )
- if (field.accessed hasAnnotation TransientAttr) {
- if (isNormal) BITMAP_TRANSIENT
- } else {
- if (isNormal) BITMAP_NORMAL
+ case _ => tree
- /** Add all new definitions to a non-trait class
- * These fall into the following categories:
- * - for a trait interface:
- * - abstract accessors for all fields in the implementation class
- * - for a non-trait class:
- * - A field for every in a mixin class
- * - Setters and getters for such fields
- * - getters for mixed in lazy fields are completed
- * - module variables and module creators for every module in a mixin class
- * (except if module is lifted -- in this case the module variable
- * is local to some function, and the creator method is static.)
- * - A super accessor for every super accessor in a mixin class
- * - Forwarders for all methods that are implemented statically
- * All superaccessors are completed with right-hand sides (@see completeSuperAccessor)
- * @param clazz The class to which definitions are added
- */
- private def addNewDefs(clazz: Symbol, stats: List[Tree]): List[Tree] = {
- val newDefs = mutable.ListBuffer[Tree]()
- /* Attribute given tree and anchor at given position */
- def attributedDef(pos: Position, tree: Tree): Tree = {
- debuglog("add new def to " + clazz + ": " + tree)
- typedPos(pos)(tree)
- }
- /* The position of given symbol, or, if this is undefined,
- * the position of the current class.
- */
- def position(sym: Symbol) =
- if (sym.pos == NoPosition) clazz.pos else sym.pos
- /* Add tree at given position as new definition */
- def addDef(pos: Position, tree: Tree) {
- newDefs += attributedDef(pos, tree)
- }
- /* Add new method definition.
- *
- * @param sym The method symbol.
- * @param rhs The method body.
- */
- def addDefDef(sym: Symbol, rhs: Tree = EmptyTree) = addDef(position(sym), DefDef(sym, rhs))
- def addValDef(sym: Symbol, rhs: Tree = EmptyTree) = addDef(position(sym), ValDef(sym, rhs))
- /* Add `newdefs` to `stats`, removing any abstract method definitions
- * in `stats` that are matched by some symbol defined in
- * `newDefs`.
- */
- def add(stats: List[Tree], newDefs: List[Tree]) = {
- val newSyms = newDefs map (_.symbol)
- def isNotDuplicate(tree: Tree) = tree match {
- case DefDef(_, _, _, _, _, _) =>
- val sym = tree.symbol
- !(sym.isDeferred &&
- (newSyms exists (nsym => == && (nsym.tpe matches sym.tpe))))
- case _ =>
- true
- }
- if (newDefs.isEmpty) stats
- else newDefs ::: (stats filter isNotDuplicate)
- }
- /* If `stat` is a superaccessor, complete it by adding a right-hand side.
- * Note: superaccessors are always abstract until this point.
- * The method to call in a superaccessor is stored in the accessor symbol's alias field.
- * The rhs is:
- * super.A(xs) where A is the super accessor's alias and xs are its formal parameters.
- * This rhs is typed and then mixin transformed.
- */
- def completeSuperAccessor(stat: Tree) = stat match {
- case DefDef(_, _, _, vparams :: Nil, _, EmptyTree) if stat.symbol.isSuperAccessor =>
- val body = atPos(stat.pos)(Apply(Select(Super(clazz, tpnme.EMPTY), stat.symbol.alias), vparams map (v => Ident(v.symbol))))
- val pt = stat.symbol.tpe.resultType
- copyDefDef(stat)(rhs = enteringMixin(transform(localTyper.typed(body, pt))))
- case _ =>
- stat
- }
- /*
- * Return the bitmap field for 'offset'. Depending on the hierarchy it is possible to reuse
- * the bitmap of its parents. If that does not exist yet we create one.
- */
- def bitmapFor(clazz0: Symbol, offset: Int, field: Symbol): Symbol = {
- val category = bitmapCategory(field)
- val bitmapName = nme.newBitmapName(category, offset / flagsPerBitmap(field)).toTermName
- val sym =
- assert(!sym.isOverloaded, sym)
- def createBitmap: Symbol = {
- val bitmapKind = bitmapKindForCategory(category)
- val sym = clazz0.newVariable(bitmapName, clazz0.pos) setInfo bitmapKind.tpe
- enteringTyper(sym addAnnotation VolatileAttr)
- category match {
- case nme.BITMAP_TRANSIENT | nme.BITMAP_CHECKINIT_TRANSIENT => sym addAnnotation TransientAttr
- case _ =>
- }
- val init = bitmapKind match {
- case BooleanClass => ValDef(sym, FALSE)
- case _ => ValDef(sym, ZERO)
+ /** Map lazy values to the fields they should null after initialization. */
+ def lazyValNullables(clazz: Symbol, templStats: List[Tree]): Map[Symbol, List[Symbol]] = {
+ // if there are no lazy fields, take the fast path and save a traversal of the whole AST
+ if (! Map()
+ else {
+ // A map of single-use fields to the lazy value that uses them during initialization.
+ // Each field has to be private and defined in the enclosing class, and there must
+ // be exactly one lazy value using it.
+ //
+ // Such fields will be nulled after the initializer has memoized the lazy value.
+ val singleUseFields: Map[Symbol, List[Symbol]] = {
+ val usedIn = mutable.HashMap[Symbol, List[Symbol]]() withDefaultValue Nil
+ object SingleUseTraverser extends Traverser {
+ override def traverse(tree: Tree) {
+ tree match {
+ // assignment targets don't count as a dereference -- only check the rhs
+ case Assign(_, rhs) => traverse(rhs)
+ case tree: RefTree if tree.symbol != NoSymbol =>
+ val sym = tree.symbol
+ // println(s"$sym in ${sym.owner} from $currentOwner ($tree)")
+ if ((sym.hasAccessorFlag || (sym.isTerm && !sym.isMethod)) && sym.isPrivate && !sym.isLazy && !sym.isModule // non-lazy private field or its accessor
+ && !definitions.isPrimitiveValueClass(sym.tpe.resultType.typeSymbol) // primitives don't hang on to significant amounts of heap
+ && sym.owner == currentOwner.enclClass && !(currentOwner.isGetter && currentOwner.accessed == sym)) {
+ // println("added use in: " + currentOwner + " -- " + tree)
+ usedIn(sym) ::= currentOwner
+ }
+ super.traverse(tree)
+ case _ => super.traverse(tree)
+ }
+ }
- sym setFlag PrivateLocal
- addDef(clazz0.pos, init)
- sym
+ templStats foreach SingleUseTraverser.apply
+ // println("usedIn: " + usedIn)
+ // only consider usages from non-transient lazy vals (SI-9365)
+ val singlyUsedIn = usedIn.filter {
+ case (_, member :: Nil) if =>
+ val lazyAccessor =
+ !lazyAccessor.accessedOrSelf.hasAnnotation(TransientAttr)
+ case _ => false
+ }.toMap
+ // println("singlyUsedIn: " + singlyUsedIn)
+ singlyUsedIn
- sym orElse createBitmap
- }
- def maskForOffset(offset: Int, sym: Symbol, kind: ClassSymbol): Tree = {
- def realOffset = offset % flagsPerBitmap(sym)
- if (kind == LongClass ) LIT(1L << realOffset) else LIT(1 << realOffset)
- }
- /* Return an (untyped) tree of the form 'Clazz.this.bmp = Clazz.this.bmp | mask'. */
- def mkSetFlag(clazz: Symbol, offset: Int, valSym: Symbol, kind: ClassSymbol): Tree = {
- val bmp = bitmapFor(clazz, offset, valSym)
- def mask = maskForOffset(offset, valSym, kind)
- def x = This(clazz) DOT bmp
- def newValue = if (kind == BooleanClass) TRUE else (x GEN_| (mask, kind))
- x === newValue
- }
- /* Return an (untyped) tree of the form 'clazz.this.bitmapSym & mask (==|!=) 0', the
- * precise comparison operator depending on the value of 'equalToZero'.
- */
- def mkTest(clazz: Symbol, mask: Tree, bitmapSym: Symbol, equalToZero: Boolean, kind: ClassSymbol): Tree = {
- val bitmapTree = (This(clazz) DOT bitmapSym)
- def lhs = bitmapTree GEN_& (mask, kind)
- kind match {
- case BooleanClass =>
- if (equalToZero) NOT(bitmapTree)
- else bitmapTree
- case _ =>
- if (equalToZero) lhs GEN_== (ZERO, kind)
- else lhs GEN_!= (ZERO, kind)
- }
- }
- def mkSlowPathDef(clazz: Symbol, lzyVal: Symbol, cond: Tree, syncBody: List[Tree],
- stats: List[Tree], retVal: Tree, attrThis: Tree, args: List[Tree]): Symbol = {
- val defSym = clazz.newMethod(nme.newLazyValSlowComputeName(, lzyVal.pos, PRIVATE)
- val params = defSym newSyntheticValueParams
- defSym setInfoAndEnter MethodType(params, lzyVal.tpe.resultType)
- val rhs: Tree = (gen.mkSynchronizedCheck(attrThis, cond, syncBody, stats)).changeOwner(currentOwner -> defSym)
- val strictSubst = new TreeSymSubstituterWithCopying(, params)
- addDef(position(defSym), DefDef(defSym, strictSubst(BLOCK(rhs, retVal))))
- defSym
- }
- def mkFastPathLazyBody(clazz: Symbol, lzyVal: Symbol, cond: Tree, syncBody: List[Tree],
- stats: List[Tree], retVal: Tree): Tree = {
- mkFastPathBody(clazz, lzyVal, cond, syncBody, stats, retVal, gen.mkAttributedThis(clazz), List())
- }
- def mkFastPathBody(clazz: Symbol, lzyVal: Symbol, cond: Tree, syncBody: List[Tree],
- stats: List[Tree], retVal: Tree, attrThis: Tree, args: List[Tree]): Tree = {
- val slowPathSym: Symbol = mkSlowPathDef(clazz, lzyVal, cond, syncBody, stats, retVal, attrThis, args)
- If(cond, fn (This(clazz), slowPathSym, => Ident(arg.symbol)): _*), retVal)
- }
- /* Always copy the tree if we are going to perform sym substitution,
- * otherwise we will side-effect on the tree that is used in the fast path
- */
- class TreeSymSubstituterWithCopying(from: List[Symbol], to: List[Symbol]) extends TreeSymSubstituter(from, to) {
- override def transform(tree: Tree): Tree =
- if (tree.hasSymbolField && from.contains(tree.symbol))
- super.transform(tree.duplicate)
- else super.transform(tree.duplicate)
- override def apply[T <: Tree](tree: T): T = if (from.isEmpty) tree else super.apply(tree)
- }
- /* return a 'lazified' version of rhs. It uses double-checked locking to ensure
- * initialization is performed at most once. For performance reasons the double-checked
- * locking is split into two parts, the first (fast) path checks the bitmap without
- * synchronizing, and if that fails it initializes the lazy val within the
- * synchronization block (slow path). This way the inliner should optimize
- * the fast path because the method body is small enough.
- * Private fields used only in this initializer are subsequently set to null.
- *
- * @param clazz The class symbol
- * @param lzyVal The symbol of this lazy field
- * @param init The tree which initializes the field ( f = <rhs> )
- * @param offset The offset of this field in the flags bitmap
- *
- * The result will be a tree of the form
- * { if ((bitmap&n & MASK) == 0) this.l$compute()
- * else l$
- *
- * ...
- * def l$compute() = { synchronized(this) {
- * if ((bitmap$n & MASK) == 0) {
- * init // l$ = <rhs>
- * bitmap$n = bimap$n | MASK
- * }}
- * l$
- * }
- *
- * ...
- * this.f1 = null
- * ... this.fn = null
- * }
- * where bitmap$n is a byte, int or long value acting as a bitmap of initialized values.
- * The kind of the bitmap determines how many bit indicators for lazy vals are stored in it.
- * For Int bitmap it is 32 and then 'n' in the above code is: (offset / 32),
- * the MASK is (1 << (offset % 32)).
- * If the class contains only a single lazy val then the bitmap is represented
- * as a Boolean and the condition checking is a simple bool test.
- */
- def mkLazyDef(clazz: Symbol, lzyVal: Symbol, init: List[Tree], retVal: Tree, offset: Int): Tree = {
- def nullify(sym: Symbol) = Select(This(clazz), sym.accessedOrSelf) === LIT(null)
- val bitmapSym = bitmapFor(clazz, offset, lzyVal)
- val kind = bitmapKind(lzyVal)
- val mask = maskForOffset(offset, lzyVal, kind)
- def cond = mkTest(clazz, mask, bitmapSym, equalToZero = true, kind)
- val nulls = lazyValNullables(lzyVal).toList sortBy ( map nullify
- def syncBody = init ::: List(mkSetFlag(clazz, offset, lzyVal, kind), UNIT)
- if (nulls.nonEmpty)
- log("nulling fields inside " + lzyVal + ": " + nulls)
- typedPos(init.head.pos)(mkFastPathLazyBody(clazz, lzyVal, cond, syncBody, nulls, retVal))
- }
- def mkInnerClassAccessorDoubleChecked(attrThis: Tree, rhs: Tree, moduleSym: Symbol, args: List[Tree]): Tree =
- rhs match {
- case Block(List(assign), returnTree) =>
- val Assign(moduleVarRef, _) = assign
- val cond = Apply(Select(moduleVarRef, Object_eq), List(NULL))
- mkFastPathBody(clazz, moduleSym, cond, List(assign), List(NULL), returnTree, attrThis, args)
- case _ =>
- abort(s"Invalid getter $rhs for module in $clazz")
- }
+ val map = mutable.Map[Symbol, Set[Symbol]]() withDefaultValue Set()
+ // invert the map to see which fields can be nulled for each non-transient lazy val
+ for ((field, users) <- singleUseFields; lazyFld <- users) map(lazyFld) += field
- def mkCheckedAccessor(clazz: Symbol, retVal: Tree, offset: Int, pos: Position, fieldSym: Symbol): Tree = {
- val sym = fieldSym.getterIn(fieldSym.owner)
- val bitmapSym = bitmapFor(clazz, offset, sym)
- val kind = bitmapKind(sym)
- val mask = maskForOffset(offset, sym, kind)
- val msg = s"Uninitialized field: ${unit.source}: ${pos.line}"
- val result =
- IF (mkTest(clazz, mask, bitmapSym, equalToZero = false, kind)) .
- THEN (retVal) .
- ELSE (Throw(NewFromConstructor(UninitializedFieldConstructor, LIT(msg))))
- typedPos(pos)(BLOCK(result, retVal))
+ map.mapValues(_.toList sortBy (
+ }
- /* Complete lazy field accessors. Applies only to classes,
- * for its own (non inherited) lazy fields. If 'checkinit'
- * is enabled, getters that check for the initialized bit are
- * generated, and the class constructor is changed to set the
- * initialized bits.
- */
- def addCheckedGetters(clazz: Symbol, stats: List[Tree]): List[Tree] = {
- def dd(stat: DefDef) = {
- val sym = stat.symbol
- def isUnit = sym.tpe.resultType.typeSymbol == UnitClass
- def isEmpty = stat.rhs == EmptyTree
- if (sym.isLazy && !isEmpty && !clazz.isImplClass) {
- assert(fieldOffset contains sym, sym)
- deriveDefDef(stat) {
- case t if isUnit => mkLazyDef(clazz, sym, List(t), UNIT, fieldOffset(sym))
- case Block(stats, res) =>
- mkLazyDef(clazz, sym, stats, Select(This(clazz), res.symbol), fieldOffset(sym))
- case t => t // pass specialized lazy vals through
- }
- }
- else if (needsInitFlag(sym) && !isEmpty && !clazz.hasFlag(IMPLCLASS | TRAIT)) {
- assert(fieldOffset contains sym, sym)
- deriveDefDef(stat)(rhs =>
- (mkCheckedAccessor(clazz, _: Tree, fieldOffset(sym), stat.pos, sym))(
- if (sym.tpe.resultType.typeSymbol == UnitClass) UNIT
- else rhs
- )
- )
- }
- else if (sym.isConstructor) {
- deriveDefDef(stat)(addInitBits(clazz, _))
- }
- else if (settings.checkInit && !clazz.isTrait && sym.isSetter) {
- val getter = sym.getterIn(clazz)
- if (needsInitFlag(getter) && fieldOffset.isDefinedAt(getter))
- deriveDefDef(stat)(rhs => Block(List(rhs, localTyper.typed(mkSetFlag(clazz, fieldOffset(getter), getter, bitmapKind(getter)))), UNIT))
- else stat
- }
- else if (sym.isModule && (!clazz.isTrait || clazz.isImplClass) && !sym.isBridge) {
- deriveDefDef(stat)(rhs =>
- typedPos(stat.pos)(
- mkInnerClassAccessorDoubleChecked(
- // Martin to Hubert: I think this can be replaced by selfRef(tree.pos)
- // @PP: It does not seem so, it crashes for me trying to bootstrap.
- if (clazz.isImplClass) gen.mkAttributedIdent(stat.vparamss.head.head.symbol) else gen.mkAttributedThis(clazz),
- rhs, sym, stat.vparamss.head
- )
- )
- )
- }
- else stat
- }
- stats map {
- case defn: DefDef => dd(defn)
- case stat => stat
- }
- }
+ /** Add all new definitions to a non-trait class
+ *
+ * These fall into the following categories:
+ * - for a trait interface:
+ * - abstract accessors for all paramaccessor or early initialized fields
+ * - for a non-trait class:
+ * - field and accessor implementations for each inherited paramaccessor or early initialized field
+ * - A super accessor for every super accessor in a mixin class
+ * - Forwarders for all methods that are implemented statically
+ *
+ * All superaccessors are completed with right-hand sides (@see completeSuperAccessor)
+ *
+ * @param clazz The class to which definitions are added
+ */
+ private def addNewDefs(clazz: Symbol, stats: List[Tree]): List[Tree] = {
+ val accessorSynth = new UncheckedAccessorSynth(clazz)
+ import accessorSynth._
- class AddInitBitsTransformer(clazz: Symbol) extends Transformer {
- private def checkedGetter(lhs: Tree) = {
- val sym = decl lhs.symbol.getterName suchThat (_.isGetter)
- if (needsInitAndHasOffset(sym)) {
- debuglog("adding checked getter for: " + sym + " " + lhs.symbol.flagString)
- List(localTyper typed mkSetFlag(clazz, fieldOffset(sym), sym, bitmapKind(sym)))
- }
- else Nil
+ // for all symbols `sym` in the class definition, which are mixed in by mixinTraitMembers
+ for (sym <- ; if sym hasFlag MIXEDIN) {
+ // if current class is a trait, add an abstract method for accessor `sym`
+ // ditto for a super accessor (will get an RHS in completeSuperAccessor)
+ if (clazz.isTrait || sym.isSuperAccessor) addDefDef(sym)
+ // implement methods mixed in from a supertrait (the symbols were created by mixinTraitMembers)
+ else if (sym.hasFlag(ACCESSOR) && !sym.hasFlag(DEFERRED)) {
+ assert(sym hasFlag (PARAMACCESSOR), s"mixed in $sym from $clazz is not param?!?")
+ // add accessor definitions
+ addDefDef(sym, accessorBody(sym))
- override def transformStats(stats: List[Tree], exprOwner: Symbol) = {
- // !!! Ident(self) is never referenced, is it supposed to be confirming
- // that self is anything in particular?
- super.transformStats(
- stats flatMap {
- case stat @ Assign(lhs @ Select(This(_), _), rhs) => stat :: checkedGetter(lhs)
- // remove initialization for default values
- case Apply(lhs @ Select(Ident(self), _), EmptyTree.asList) if lhs.symbol.isSetter => Nil
- case stat => List(stat)
- },
- exprOwner
- )
+ else if (!sym.isMethod) addValDef(sym) // field
+ else if (!sym.isMacro) { // forwarder
+ assert(sym.alias != NoSymbol, (sym, sym.debugFlagString, clazz))
+ // debuglog("New forwarder: " + sym.defString + " => " + sym.alias.defString)
+ addDefDef(sym, Apply(SuperSelect(clazz, sym.alias),
- /* Adds statements to set the 'init' bit for each field initialized
- * in the body of a constructor.
- */
- def addInitBits(clazz: Symbol, rhs: Tree): Tree =
- new AddInitBitsTransformer(clazz) transform rhs
- // begin addNewDefs
- /* Fill the map from fields to offset numbers.
- * Instead of field symbols, the map keeps their getter symbols. This makes
- * code generation easier later.
- */
- def buildBitmapOffsets() {
- def fold(fields: List[Symbol], category: Name) = {
- var idx = 0
- fields foreach { f =>
- fieldOffset(f) = idx
- idx += 1
- }
+ val implementedAccessors = implementWithNewDefs(stats)
- if (idx == 0) ()
- else if (idx == 1) bitmapKindForCategory(category) = BooleanClass
- else if (idx < 9) bitmapKindForCategory(category) = ByteClass
- else if (idx < 33) bitmapKindForCategory(category) = IntClass
- else bitmapKindForCategory(category) = LongClass
- }
- groupBy bitmapCategory foreach {
- case (nme.NO_NAME, _) => ()
- case (category, fields) => fold(fields, category)
+ if (clazz.isTrait)
+ implementedAccessors filter {
+ case vd: ValDef => assert(vd.symbol.hasFlag(PRESUPER | PARAMACCESSOR), s"unexpected valdef $vd in trait $clazz"); false
+ case _ => true
- }
- buildBitmapOffsets()
- var stats1 = addCheckedGetters(clazz, stats)
- def getterBody(getter: Symbol) = {
- assert(getter.isGetter)
- val readValue = getter.tpe match {
- // A field "final val f = const" in a trait generates a getter with a ConstantType.
- case MethodType(Nil, ConstantType(c)) =>
- Literal(c)
+ else {
+ /* If `stat` is a superaccessor, complete it by adding a right-hand side.
+ * Note: superaccessors are always abstract until this point.
+ * The method to call in a superaccessor is stored in the accessor symbol's alias field.
+ * The rhs is:
+ * super.A(xs) where A is the super accessor's alias and xs are its formal parameters.
+ * This rhs is typed and then mixin transformed.
+ */
+ def completeSuperAccessor(stat: Tree) = stat match {
+ case DefDef(_, _, _, vparams :: Nil, _, EmptyTree) if stat.symbol.isSuperAccessor =>
+ val body = atPos(stat.pos)(Apply(SuperSelect(clazz, stat.symbol.alias), vparams map (v => Ident(v.symbol))))
+ val pt = stat.symbol.tpe.resultType
+ copyDefDef(stat)(rhs = enteringMixin(transform(localTyper.typed(body, pt))))
case _ =>
- // if it is a mixed-in lazy value, complete the accessor
- if (getter.isLazy) {
- val isUnit = isUnitGetter(getter)
- val initCall = Apply(staticRef(initializer(getter)), gen.mkAttributedThis(clazz) :: Nil)
- val selection = fieldAccess(getter)
- val init = if (isUnit) initCall else atPos(getter.pos)(Assign(selection, initCall))
- val returns = if (isUnit) UNIT else selection
- mkLazyDef(clazz, getter, List(init), returns, fieldOffset(getter))
- }
- // For a field of type Unit in a trait, no actual field is generated when being mixed in.
- else if (isUnitGetter(getter)) UNIT
- else fieldAccess(getter)
+ stat
- if (!needsInitFlag(getter)) readValue
- else mkCheckedAccessor(clazz, readValue, fieldOffset(getter), getter.pos, getter)
- }
- def setterBody(setter: Symbol) = {
- val getter = setter.getterIn(clazz)
- // A trait with a field of type Unit creates a trait setter (invoked by the
- // implementation class constructor), like for any other trait field.
- // However, no actual field is created in the class that mixes in the trait.
- // Therefore the setter does nothing (except setting the -Xcheckinit flag).
- val setInitFlag =
- if (!needsInitFlag(getter)) Nil
- else List(mkSetFlag(clazz, fieldOffset(getter), getter, bitmapKind(getter)))
- val fieldInitializer =
- if (isUnitGetter(getter)) Nil
- else List(Assign(fieldAccess(setter), Ident(setter.firstParam)))
- (fieldInitializer ::: setInitFlag) match {
- case Nil => UNIT
- // If there's only one statement, the Block factory does not actually create a Block.
- case stats => Block(stats: _*)
- }
+ implementedAccessors map completeSuperAccessor
- def isUnitGetter(getter: Symbol) = getter.tpe.resultType.typeSymbol == UnitClass
- def fieldAccess(accessor: Symbol) = Select(This(clazz), accessor.accessed)
- def isOverriddenSetter(sym: Symbol) =
- nme.isTraitSetterName( && {
- val other = sym.nextOverriddenSymbol
- isOverriddenAccessor(other.getterIn(other.owner),
- }
- // for all symbols `sym` in the class definition, which are mixed in:
- for (sym <- ; if sym hasFlag MIXEDIN) {
- // if current class is a trait interface, add an abstract method for accessor `sym`
- if (clazz hasFlag lateINTERFACE) {
- addDefDef(sym)
- }
- // if class is not a trait add accessor definitions
- else if (!clazz.isTrait) {
- if (isConcreteAccessor(sym)) {
- // add accessor definitions
- addDefDef(sym, {
- if (sym.isSetter) {
- // If this is a setter of a mixed-in field which is overridden by another mixin,
- // the trait setter of the overridden one does not need to do anything - the
- // trait setter of the overriding field will initialize the field.
- if (isOverriddenSetter(sym)) UNIT
- else setterBody(sym)
- }
- else getterBody(sym)
- })
- }
- else if (sym.isModule && !(sym hasFlag LIFTED | BRIDGE)) {
- // add modules
- val vsym = sym.owner.newModuleVarSymbol(sym)
- addDef(position(sym), ValDef(vsym))
- // !!! TODO - unravel the enormous duplication between this code and
- // eliminateModuleDefs in RefChecks.
- val rhs = gen.newModule(sym, vsym.tpe)
- val assignAndRet = gen.mkAssignAndReturn(vsym, rhs)
- val attrThis = gen.mkAttributedThis(clazz)
- val rhs1 = mkInnerClassAccessorDoubleChecked(attrThis, assignAndRet, sym, List())
- addDefDef(sym, rhs1)
- }
- else if (!sym.isMethod) {
- // add fields
- addValDef(sym)
- }
- else if (sym.isSuperAccessor) {
- // add superaccessors
- addDefDef(sym)
- }
- else {
- // add forwarders
- assert(sym.alias != NoSymbol, sym)
- // debuglog("New forwarder: " + sym.defString + " => " + sym.alias.defString)
- if (!sym.isMacro) addDefDef(sym, Apply(staticRef(sym.alias), gen.mkAttributedThis(clazz) ::
- }
- }
- }
- stats1 = add(stats1, newDefs.toList)
- if (!clazz.isTrait) stats1 = stats1 map completeSuperAccessor
- stats1
- }
- private def nullableFields(templ: Template): Map[Symbol, Set[Symbol]] = {
- val scope =
- // if there are no lazy fields, take the fast path and save a traversal of the whole AST
- if (scope exists (_.isLazy)) {
- val map = mutable.Map[Symbol, Set[Symbol]]() withDefaultValue Set()
- // check what fields can be nulled for
- for ((field, users) <- singleUseFields(templ); lazyFld <- users if !lazyFld.accessed.hasAnnotation(TransientAttr))
- map(lazyFld) += field
- map.toMap
- }
- else Map()
/** The transform that gets applied to a tree after it has been completely
* traversed and possible modified by a preTransform.
* This step will
- * - change every node type that refers to an implementation class to its
- * corresponding interface, unless the node's symbol is an implementation class.
* - change parents of templates to conform to parents in the symbol info
* - add all new definitions to a class or interface
* - remove widening casts
@@ -1142,105 +543,37 @@ abstract class Mixin extends InfoTransform with ast.TreeDSL {
* to static calls of methods in implementation modules (@see staticCall)
* - change super calls to methods in implementation classes to static calls
* (@see staticCall)
- * - change `this` in implementation modules to references to the self parameter
- * - refer to fields in some implementation class via an abstract method in the interface.
private def postTransform(tree: Tree): Tree = {
- def siteWithinImplClass = currentOwner.enclClass.isImplClass
val sym = tree.symbol
- // change every node type that refers to an implementation class to its
- // corresponding interface, unless the node's symbol is an implementation class.
- if (tree.tpe.typeSymbol.isImplClass && ((sym eq null) || !sym.isImplClass))
- tree modifyType toInterface
tree match {
case templ @ Template(parents, self, body) =>
// change parents of templates to conform to parents in the symbol info
val parents1 = map (t => TypeTree(t) setPos tree.pos)
- // mark fields which can be nulled afterward
- lazyValNullables = nullableFields(templ) withDefaultValue Set()
- // add all new definitions to current class or interface
- treeCopy.Template(tree, parents1, self, addNewDefs(currentOwner, body))
- // remove widening casts
- case Apply(TypeApply(Select(qual, _), targ :: _), _) if isCastSymbol(sym) && (qual.tpe <:< targ.tpe) =>
- qual
- case Apply(Select(qual, _), args) =>
- /* Changes `qual.m(args)` where m refers to an implementation
- * class method to Q.m(S, args) where Q is the implementation module of
- * `m` and S is the self parameter for the call, which
- * is determined as follows:
- * - if qual != super, qual itself
- * - if qual == super, and we are in an implementation class,
- * the current self parameter.
- * - if qual == super, and we are not in an implementation class, `this`
- */
- def staticCall(target: Symbol) = {
- def implSym = implClass(sym.owner).info.member(
- assert(target ne NoSymbol,
- List(sym + ":", sym.tpe, sym.owner, implClass(sym.owner), implSym,
- enteringPrevPhase(implSym.tpe), phase) mkString " "
- )
- typedPos(tree.pos)(Apply(staticRef(target), transformSuper(qual) :: args))
- }
- if (isStaticOnly(sym)) {
- // change calls to methods which are defined only in implementation
- // classes to static calls of methods in implementation modules
- staticCall(sym)
- }
- else qual match {
- case Super(_, mix) =>
- // change super calls to methods in implementation classes to static calls.
- // Transform references super.m(args) as follows:
- // - if `m` refers to a trait, insert a static call to the corresponding static
- // implementation
- // - otherwise return tree unchanged
- assert(
- !(mix == tpnme.EMPTY && siteWithinImplClass),
- "illegal super in trait: " + currentOwner.enclClass + " " + tree
- )
- if (sym.owner hasFlag lateINTERFACE) {
- if (sym.hasAccessorFlag) {
- assert(args.isEmpty, args)
- val sym1 = sym.overridingSymbol(currentOwner.enclClass)
- typedPos(tree.pos)((transformSuper(qual) DOT sym1)())
- }
- else {
- staticCall(enteringPrevPhase(sym.overridingSymbol(implClass(sym.owner))))
- }
- }
- else {
- assert(!siteWithinImplClass, currentOwner.enclClass)
- tree
- }
+ // add all new definitions to current class or interface
+ val statsWithNewDefs = addNewDefs(currentOwner, body)
+ statsWithNewDefs foreach {
+ case dd: DefDef if isTraitMethodRequiringStaticImpl(dd) =>
+ dd.symbol.updateAttachment(NeedStaticImpl)
case _ =>
- tree
+ treeCopy.Template(tree, parents1, self, statsWithNewDefs)
- case This(_) =>
- transformThis(tree)
- case Select(Super(_, _), name) =>
- tree
+ case Select(qual, name) if sym.owner.isTrait && !sym.isMethod =>
+ assert(sym.hasFlag(PARAMACCESSOR | PRESUPER), s"!!! Unexpected reference to field $sym in trait $currentOwner")
- case Select(qual, name) if sym.owner.isImplClass && !isStaticOnly(sym) =>
- assert(!sym.isMethod, "no method allowed here: %s%s %s".format(sym, sym.isImplOnly, sym.flagString))
- // refer to fields in some implementation class via an abstract
- // getter in the interface.
- val iface = toInterface(sym.owner.tpe).typeSymbol
- val ifaceGetter = sym getterIn iface
+ // refer to fields in some trait an abstract getter in the interface.
+ val ifaceGetter = sym getterIn sym.owner
- if (ifaceGetter == NoSymbol) abort("No getter for " + sym + " in " + iface)
+ if (ifaceGetter == NoSymbol) abort("No getter for " + sym + " in " + sym.owner)
else typedPos(tree.pos)((qual DOT ifaceGetter)())
case Assign(Apply(lhs @ Select(qual, _), List()), rhs) =>
- // assign to fields in some implementation class via an abstract
- // setter in the interface.
- def setter = lhs.symbol.setterIn(toInterface(lhs.symbol.owner.tpe).typeSymbol) setPos lhs.pos
+ // assign to fields in some trait via an abstract setter in the interface.
+ // Note that the case above has added the empty application.
+ val setter = lhs.symbol.setterIn(lhs.symbol.owner.tpe.typeSymbol) setPos lhs.pos
typedPos(tree.pos)((qual DOT setter)(rhs))
@@ -1262,4 +595,14 @@ abstract class Mixin extends InfoTransform with ast.TreeDSL {
finally localTyper = saved
+ private def isTraitMethodRequiringStaticImpl(dd: DefDef): Boolean = {
+ val sym = dd.symbol
+ dd.rhs.nonEmpty &&
+ sym.owner.isTrait &&
+ !sym.isPrivate && // no need to put implementations of private methods into a static method
+ !sym.hasFlag(Flags.STATIC)
+ }
+ case object NeedStaticImpl extends PlainAttachment
diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/transform/OverridingPairs.scala b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/transform/OverridingPairs.scala
index e4082eb376..a861115cab 100644
--- a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/transform/OverridingPairs.scala
+++ b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/transform/OverridingPairs.scala
@@ -18,8 +18,6 @@ abstract class OverridingPairs extends SymbolPairs {
import global._
class Cursor(base: Symbol) extends super.Cursor(base) {
- lazy val relatively = new RelativeTo(base.thisType)
/** Symbols to exclude: Here these are constructors and private/artifact symbols,
* including bridges. But it may be refined in subclasses.
@@ -37,7 +35,7 @@ abstract class OverridingPairs extends SymbolPairs {
(lo.owner != high.owner) // don't try to form pairs from overloaded members
&& !high.isPrivate // private or private[this] members never are overridden
&& !exclude(lo) // this admits private, as one can't have a private member that matches a less-private member.
- && relatively.matches(lo, high)
+ && ((self memberType lo) matches (self memberType high))
) // TODO we don't call exclude(high), should we?
diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/transform/SampleTransform.scala b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/transform/SampleTransform.scala
index ba303f7c2b..4c1705e386 100644
--- a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/transform/SampleTransform.scala
+++ b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/transform/SampleTransform.scala
@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ abstract class SampleTransform extends Transform {
atPos(tree1.pos)( // `atPos` fills in position of its tree argument
Select( // The `Select` factory method is defined in class `Trees`
- currentOwner.newValue( // creates a new term symbol owned by `currentowner`
+ currentOwner.newValue( // creates a new term symbol owned by `currentOwner`
newTermName("sample"), // The standard term name creator
case _ =>
diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/transform/SpecializeTypes.scala b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/transform/SpecializeTypes.scala
index 53a1347a48..9161786d76 100644
--- a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/transform/SpecializeTypes.scala
+++ b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/transform/SpecializeTypes.scala
@@ -9,8 +9,6 @@ package transform
import scala.collection.{ mutable, immutable }
-import scala.language.postfixOps
-import scala.language.existentials
import scala.annotation.tailrec
/** Specialize code on types.
@@ -61,7 +59,7 @@ abstract class SpecializeTypes extends InfoTransform with TypingTransformers {
val phaseName: String = "specialize"
/** The following flags may be set by this phase: */
- override def phaseNewFlags: Long = notPRIVATE | lateFINAL
+ override def phaseNewFlags: Long = notPRIVATE
/** This phase changes base classes. */
override def changesBaseClasses = true
@@ -168,7 +166,7 @@ abstract class SpecializeTypes extends InfoTransform with TypingTransformers {
/** Reduce the given environment to contain mappings only for type variables in tps. */
def restrict(env: TypeEnv, tps: immutable.Set[Symbol]): TypeEnv =
- env filterKeys tps toMap
+ env.filterKeys(tps).toMap
/** Is the given environment a valid specialization for sym?
* It is valid if each binding is from a @specialized type parameter in sym (or its owner)
@@ -285,6 +283,19 @@ abstract class SpecializeTypes extends InfoTransform with TypingTransformers {
for ((tvar, tpe) <- if !tvar.isSpecialized || !isPrimitiveValueType(tpe))
yield tpe
+ /** Is `member` potentially affected by specialization? This is a gross overapproximation,
+ * but it should be okay for use outside of specialization.
+ */
+ def possiblySpecialized(sym: Symbol) = specializedTypeVars(sym).nonEmpty
+ /** Refines possiblySpecialized taking into account the instantiation of the specialized type variables at `site` */
+ def isSpecializedIn(sym: Symbol, site: Type) =
+ specializedTypeVars(sym) exists { tvar =>
+ val concretes = concreteTypes(tvar)
+ (concretes contains AnyRefClass) || (concretes contains site.memberType(tvar))
+ }
val specializedType = new TypeMap {
override def apply(tp: Type): Type = tp match {
case TypeRef(pre, sym, args) if args.nonEmpty =>
@@ -354,7 +365,7 @@ abstract class SpecializeTypes extends InfoTransform with TypingTransformers {
- lazy val specializableTypes = ScalaValueClasses map (_.tpe) sorted
+ lazy val specializableTypes =
/** If the symbol is the companion of a value class, the value class.
* Otherwise, AnyRef.
@@ -373,7 +384,7 @@ abstract class SpecializeTypes extends InfoTransform with TypingTransformers {
val types = if (!sym.isSpecialized)
Nil // no @specialized Annotation
- specializedOn(sym) map (s => specializesClass(s).tpe) sorted
+ specializedOn(sym).map(s => specializesClass(s).tpe).sorted
if (isBoundedGeneric(sym.tpe) && (types contains AnyRefClass))
reporter.warning(sym.pos, sym + " is always a subtype of " + AnyRefTpe + ".")
@@ -461,7 +472,7 @@ abstract class SpecializeTypes extends InfoTransform with TypingTransformers {
case ExistentialType(_, res) => specializedTypeVars(res)
case AnnotatedType(_, tp) => specializedTypeVars(tp)
case TypeBounds(lo, hi) => specializedTypeVars(lo :: hi :: Nil)
- case RefinedType(parents, _) => parents flatMap specializedTypeVars toSet
+ case RefinedType(parents, _) => parents.flatMap(specializedTypeVars).toSet
case _ => immutable.Set.empty
@@ -697,7 +708,7 @@ abstract class SpecializeTypes extends InfoTransform with TypingTransformers {
debuglog("conflicting env for " + m + " env: " + env)
- else if (m.isDeferred) { // abstract methods
+ else if (m.isDeferred && m.isSpecialized) { // abstract methods
val specMember = enterMember(cloneInSpecializedClass(m, _ | DEFERRED))
// debuglog("deferred " + specMember.fullName + " remains abstract")
@@ -705,14 +716,14 @@ abstract class SpecializeTypes extends InfoTransform with TypingTransformers {
// was: new Forward(specMember) {
// override def target =, env))
// }
- } else if (m.isMethod && !m.hasAccessorFlag) { // other concrete methods
+ } else if (!sClass.isTrait && m.isMethod && !m.hasAccessorFlag) { // other concrete methods
// log("other concrete " + m)
- } else if (m.isMethod && m.hasFlag(LAZY)) {
+ } else if (!sClass.isTrait && m.isMethod && m.hasFlag(LAZY)) {
- } else if (m.isValue && !m.isMethod && !m.hasFlag(LAZY)) { // concrete value definition
+ } else if (m.isValue && !m.isMethod) { // concrete value definition
def mkAccessor(field: Symbol, name: Name) = {
val newFlags = (SPECIALIZED | m.getterIn(clazz).flags) & ~(LOCAL | CASEACCESSOR | PARAMACCESSOR)
// we rely on the super class to initialize param accessors
@@ -733,7 +744,14 @@ abstract class SpecializeTypes extends InfoTransform with TypingTransformers {
// create accessors
- if (nme.isLocalName( {
+ if (m.isLazy) {
+ // no getters needed (we'll specialize the compute method and accessor separately), can stay private
+ // m.setFlag(PRIVATE) -- TODO: figure out how to leave the non-specialized lazy var private
+ // (the implementation needs it to be visible while duplicating and retypechecking,
+ // but it really could be private in bytecode)
+ specVal.setFlag(PRIVATE)
+ }
+ else if (nme.isLocalName( {
val specGetter = mkAccessor(specVal, specVal.getterName) setInfo MethodType(Nil,
val origGetter = overrideIn(sClass, m.getterIn(clazz))
info(origGetter) = Forward(specGetter)
@@ -848,7 +866,7 @@ abstract class SpecializeTypes extends InfoTransform with TypingTransformers {
if (unusedStvars.length == 1) "is" else "are")
unusedStvars foreach (_ removeAnnotation SpecializedClass)
- specializingOn = specializingOn filterNot (unusedStvars contains)
+ specializingOn = specializingOn filterNot (unusedStvars contains _)
for (env0 <- specializations(specializingOn) if needsSpecialization(env0, sym)) yield {
// !!! Can't this logic be structured so that the new symbol's name is
@@ -1008,7 +1026,7 @@ abstract class SpecializeTypes extends InfoTransform with TypingTransformers {
case (NoSymbol, _) =>
if (overriding.isSuperAccessor) {
val alias = overriding.alias
- debuglog("checking special overload for super accessor: %s, alias for %s".format(overriding.fullName, alias.fullName))
+ debuglog(s"checking special overload for super accessor: ${overriding.fullName}, alias for ${alias.fullName}")
needsSpecialOverride(alias) match {
case nope @ (NoSymbol, _) => None
case (overridden, env) =>
@@ -1030,8 +1048,9 @@ abstract class SpecializeTypes extends InfoTransform with TypingTransformers { = overriding.paramss(i)(j).name // SI-6555 Retain the parameter names from the subclass.
- debuglog("specialized overload %s for %s in %s: %s".format(om,, pp(env),
- if (overriding.isAbstractOverride) om.setFlag(ABSOVERRIDE)
+ debuglog(s"specialized overload $om for ${} in ${pp(env)}: ${}")
+ om.setFlag(overriding.flags & (ABSOVERRIDE | SYNCHRONIZED))
+ om.withAnnotations(overriding.annotations.filter(_.symbol == ScalaStrictFPAttr))
typeEnv(om) = env
if (overriding.isDeferred) { // abstract override
@@ -1079,7 +1098,7 @@ abstract class SpecializeTypes extends InfoTransform with TypingTransformers {
private def unify(tp1: Type, tp2: Type, env: TypeEnv, strict: Boolean, tparams: Boolean = false): TypeEnv = (tp1, tp2) match {
case (TypeRef(_, sym1, _), _) if sym1.isSpecialized =>
- debuglog("Unify " + tp1 + ", " + tp2)
+ debuglog(s"Unify $tp1, $tp2")
if (isPrimitiveValueClass(tp2.typeSymbol) || isSpecializedAnyRefSubtype(tp2, sym1))
env + ((sym1, tp2))
else if (isSpecializedAnyRefSubtype(tp2, sym1))
@@ -1090,20 +1109,20 @@ abstract class SpecializeTypes extends InfoTransform with TypingTransformers {
case (TypeRef(_, sym1, args1), TypeRef(_, sym2, args2)) =>
if (args1.nonEmpty || args2.nonEmpty)
- debuglog("Unify types " + tp1 + " and " + tp2)
+ debuglog(s"Unify types $tp1 and $tp2")
if (strict && args1.length != args2.length) unifyError(tp1, tp2)
val e = unify(args1, args2, env, strict)
- if (e.nonEmpty) debuglog("unified to: " + e)
+ if (e.nonEmpty) debuglog(s"unified to: $e")
case (TypeRef(_, sym1, _), _) if sym1.isTypeParameterOrSkolem =>
case (MethodType(params1, res1), MethodType(params2, res2)) =>
if (strict && params1.length != params2.length) unifyError(tp1, tp2)
- debuglog("Unify methods " + tp1 + " and " + tp2)
+ debuglog(s"Unify methods $tp1 and $tp2")
unify(res1 :: (params1 map (_.tpe)), res2 :: (params2 map (_.tpe)), env, strict)
case (PolyType(tparams1, res1), PolyType(tparams2, res2)) =>
- debuglog("Unify polytypes " + tp1 + " and " + tp2)
+ debuglog(s"Unify polytypes $tp1 and $tp2")
if (strict && tparams1.length != tparams2.length)
unifyError(tp1, tp2)
else if (tparams && tparams1.length == tparams2.length)
@@ -1121,7 +1140,7 @@ abstract class SpecializeTypes extends InfoTransform with TypingTransformers {
case (ExistentialType(_, res1), _) => unify(tp2, res1, env, strict)
case (TypeBounds(lo1, hi1), TypeBounds(lo2, hi2)) => unify(List(lo1, hi1), List(lo2, hi2), env, strict)
case _ =>
- debuglog("don't know how to unify %s [%s] with %s [%s]".format(tp1, tp1.getClass, tp2, tp2.getClass))
+ debuglog(s"don't know how to unify $tp1 [${tp1.getClass}] with $tp2 [${tp2.getClass}]")
@@ -1131,9 +1150,9 @@ abstract class SpecializeTypes extends InfoTransform with TypingTransformers {
if (!strict) unify(args._1, args._2, env, strict)
else {
val nenv = unify(args._1, args._2, emptyEnv, strict)
- if (env.keySet intersect nenv.keySet isEmpty) env ++ nenv
+ if (env.keySet.intersect(nenv.keySet).isEmpty) env ++ nenv
else {
- debuglog("could not unify: u(" + args._1 + ", " + args._2 + ") yields " + nenv + ", env: " + env)
+ debuglog(s"could not unify: u(${args._1}, ${args._2}) yields $nenv, env: $env")
unifyError(tp1, tp2)
@@ -1229,7 +1248,7 @@ abstract class SpecializeTypes extends InfoTransform with TypingTransformers {
env forall { case (tvar, tpe) =>
matches(, tpe) && matches(tpe, || {
if (warnings)
- reporter.warning(tvar.pos, "Bounds prevent specialization of " + tvar)
+ reporter.warning(tvar.pos, s"Bounds prevent specialization of $tvar")
debuglog("specvars: " + + ": " +
@@ -1318,6 +1337,7 @@ abstract class SpecializeTypes extends InfoTransform with TypingTransformers {
class SpecializationDuplicator(casts: Map[Symbol, Type]) extends Duplicator(casts) {
override def retyped(context: Context, tree: Tree, oldThis: Symbol, newThis: Symbol, env: scala.collection.Map[Symbol, Type]): Tree =
enteringSpecialize(super.retyped(context, tree, oldThis, newThis, env))
/** A tree symbol substituter that substitutes on type skolems.
@@ -1360,7 +1380,7 @@ abstract class SpecializeTypes extends InfoTransform with TypingTransformers {
sym, currentClass, sym.owner.enclClass, isAccessible(sym), nme.isLocalName(
if (shouldMakePublic(sym) && !isAccessible(sym)) {
- debuglog("changing private flag of " + sym)
+ debuglog(s"changing private flag of $sym")
@@ -1415,10 +1435,10 @@ abstract class SpecializeTypes extends InfoTransform with TypingTransformers {
(treeType =:= memberType) || { // anyref specialization
memberType match {
case PolyType(_, resTpe) =>
- debuglog("Conformance for anyref - polytype with result type: " + resTpe + " and " + treeType + "\nOrig. sym.: " + origSymbol)
+ debuglog(s"Conformance for anyref - polytype with result type: $resTpe and $treeType\nOrig. sym.: $origSymbol")
try {
val e = unify(origSymbol.tpe, memberType, emptyEnv, true)
- debuglog("obtained env: " + e)
+ debuglog(s"obtained env: $e")
e.keySet == env.keySet
} catch {
case _: Throwable =>
@@ -1518,7 +1538,7 @@ abstract class SpecializeTypes extends InfoTransform with TypingTransformers {
val tree1 = gen.mkTypeApply(specTree, residualTargs)
- debuglog("rewrote " + tree + " to " + tree1)
+ debuglog(s"rewrote $tree to $tree1")
localTyper.typedOperator(atPos(tree.pos)(tree1)) // being polymorphic, it must be a method
@@ -1526,7 +1546,7 @@ abstract class SpecializeTypes extends InfoTransform with TypingTransformers {
tree match {
case Apply(Select(New(tpt), nme.CONSTRUCTOR), args) =>
def transformNew = {
- debuglog("Attempting to specialize new %s(%s)".format(tpt, args.mkString(", ")))
+ debuglog(s"Attempting to specialize new $tpt(${args.mkString(", ")})")
val found = specializedType(tpt.tpe)
if (found.typeSymbol ne tpt.tpe.typeSymbol) { // the ctor can be specialized
val inst = New(found, transformTrees(args): _*)
@@ -1900,8 +1920,7 @@ abstract class SpecializeTypes extends InfoTransform with TypingTransformers {
/** Forward to the generic class constructor. If the current class initializes
* specialized fields corresponding to parameters, it passes null to the superclass
- * constructor. This saves the boxing cost for initializing generic fields that are
- * never used.
+ * constructor.
* For example:
* {{{
@@ -1915,7 +1934,17 @@ abstract class SpecializeTypes extends InfoTransform with TypingTransformers {
* super.this(null.asInstanceOf[Int], null.asInstanceOf[Int])
* }
* }
- * }}
+ * }}}
+ *
+ * Note that erasure first transforms `null.asInstanceOf[Int]` to `unbox(null)`, which is 0.
+ * Then it adapts the argument `unbox(null)` of type Int to the erased parameter type of Tuple2,
+ * which is Object, so it inserts a `box` call and we get `box(unbox(null))`, which is
+ * `new Integer(0)` (not `null`).
+ *
+ * However it does not make sense to create an Integer instance to be stored in the generic field
+ * of the superclass: that field is never used. Therefore we mark the `null` tree with the
+ * [[SpecializedSuperConstructorCallArgument]] attachment and special-case erasure to replace
+ * `box(unbox(null))` by `null` in this case.
private def forwardCtorCall(pos: scala.reflect.internal.util.Position, receiver: Tree, paramss: List[List[ValDef]], clazz: Symbol): Tree = {
log(s"forwardCtorCall($pos, $receiver, $paramss, $clazz)")
@@ -1934,7 +1963,7 @@ abstract class SpecializeTypes extends InfoTransform with TypingTransformers {
val argss = mmap(paramss)(x =>
if (initializesSpecializedField(x.symbol))
- gen.mkAsInstanceOf(Literal(Constant(null)), x.symbol.tpe)
+ gen.mkAsInstanceOf(Literal(Constant(null)).updateAttachment(SpecializedSuperConstructorCallArgument), x.symbol.tpe)
@@ -1963,7 +1992,7 @@ abstract class SpecializeTypes extends InfoTransform with TypingTransformers {
else exitingSpecialize(specializeCalls(unit).transform(tree))
// Remove the final modifier and @inline annotation from anything in the
- // original class (since it's being overridden in at least onesubclass).
+ // original class (since it's being overridden in at least one subclass).
// We do this here so that the specialized subclasses will correctly copy
// final and @inline.
@@ -1978,5 +2007,7 @@ abstract class SpecializeTypes extends InfoTransform with TypingTransformers {
- } }
+ }
+ }
+ object SpecializedSuperConstructorCallArgument
diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/transform/Statics.scala b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/transform/Statics.scala
index 4673be6de7..776805fd9f 100644
--- a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/transform/Statics.scala
+++ b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/transform/Statics.scala
@@ -1,49 +1,32 @@
package transform
-import collection.mutable.Buffer
abstract class Statics extends Transform with ast.TreeDSL {
import global._
- class StaticsTransformer extends Transformer {
- /** finds the static ctor DefDef tree within the template if it exists. */
- def findStaticCtor(template: Template): Option[Tree] =
- template.body find {
- case defdef @ DefDef(_, nme.CONSTRUCTOR, _, _, _, _) => defdef.symbol.hasStaticFlag
- case _ => false
- }
- /** changes the template for the class so that it contains a static constructor with symbol fields inits,
- * augments an existing static ctor if one already existed.
+ trait StaticsTransformer extends Transformer {
+ /** generate a static constructor with symbol fields inits, or an augmented existing static ctor
- def addStaticInits(template: Template, newStaticInits: Buffer[Tree], localTyper: analyzer.Typer): Template = {
- if (newStaticInits.isEmpty)
- template
- else {
- val newCtor = findStaticCtor(template) match {
- // in case there already were static ctors - augment existing ones
- // currently, however, static ctors aren't being generated anywhere else
- case Some(ctor @ DefDef(_,_,_,_,_,_)) =>
- // modify existing static ctor
- deriveDefDef(ctor) {
- case block @ Block(stats, expr) =>
- // need to add inits to existing block
- treeCopy.Block(block, newStaticInits.toList ::: stats, expr)
- case term: TermTree =>
- // need to create a new block with inits and the old term
- treeCopy.Block(term, newStaticInits.toList, term)
- }
- case _ =>
- // create new static ctor
- val staticCtorSym = currentClass.newStaticConstructor(template.pos)
- val rhs = Block(newStaticInits.toList, Literal(Constant(())))
+ def staticConstructor(body: List[Tree], localTyper: analyzer.Typer, pos: Position)(newStaticInits: List[Tree]): Tree =
+ body.collectFirst {
+ // If there already was a static ctor - augment existing one
+ // currently, however, static ctors aren't being generated anywhere else (!!!)
+ case ctor@DefDef(_, nme.CONSTRUCTOR, _, _, _, _) if ctor.symbol.hasStaticFlag =>
+ // modify existing static ctor
+ deriveDefDef(ctor) {
+ case block@Block(stats, expr) =>
+ // need to add inits to existing block
+ treeCopy.Block(block, newStaticInits ::: stats, expr)
+ case term: TermTree =>
+ // need to create a new block with inits and the old term
+ treeCopy.Block(term, newStaticInits, term)
+ }
+ } getOrElse {
+ // create new static ctor
+ val staticCtorSym = currentClass.newStaticConstructor(pos)
+ val rhs = Block(newStaticInits, Literal(Constant(())))
- localTyper.typedPos(template.pos)(DefDef(staticCtorSym, rhs))
- }
- deriveTemplate(template)(newCtor :: _)
+ localTyper.typedPos(pos)(DefDef(staticCtorSym, rhs))
- }
diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/transform/TailCalls.scala b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/transform/TailCalls.scala
index 16ea3ea90f..9e3e8ff455 100644
--- a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/transform/TailCalls.scala
+++ b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/transform/TailCalls.scala
@@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ abstract class TailCalls extends Transform {
* are optimized. Since 'this' is not a local variable, a dummy local val
* is added and used as a label parameter. The backend knows to load
* the corresponding argument in the 'this' (local at index 0). This dummy local
- * is never used and should be cleand up by dead code elimination (when enabled).
+ * is never used and should be cleaned up by dead code elimination (when enabled).
* </p>
* <p>
* This phase has been moved before pattern matching to catch more
@@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ abstract class TailCalls extends Transform {
* </p>
* <p>
* Assumes: `Uncurry` has been run already, and no multiple
- * parameter lists exit.
+ * parameter lists exist.
* </p>
class TailCallElimination(unit: CompilationUnit) extends Transformer {
@@ -274,10 +274,8 @@ abstract class TailCalls extends Transform {
import runDefinitions.{Boolean_or, Boolean_and}
tree match {
- case ValDef(_, _, _, _) =>
- if (tree.symbol.isLazy && tree.symbol.hasAnnotation(TailrecClass))
- reporter.error(tree.pos, "lazy vals are not tailcall transformed")
+ case dd: DefDef if tree.symbol.isLazy && tree.symbol.hasAnnotation(TailrecClass) =>
+ reporter.error(tree.pos, "lazy vals are not tailcall transformed")
case dd @ DefDef(_, name, _, vparamss0, _, rhs0) if isEligible(dd) =>
diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/transform/TypeAdaptingTransformer.scala b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/transform/TypeAdaptingTransformer.scala
index 3b23306386..52d7c0b897 100644
--- a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/transform/TypeAdaptingTransformer.scala
+++ b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/transform/TypeAdaptingTransformer.scala
@@ -1,90 +1,64 @@
package transform
+import scala.annotation.tailrec
* A trait usable by transforms that need to adapt trees of one type to another type
-trait TypeAdaptingTransformer {
- self: TreeDSL =>
- val analyzer: typechecker.Analyzer { val global: }
- trait TypeAdapter {
- val typer: analyzer.Typer
+trait TypeAdaptingTransformer { self: TreeDSL =>
+ abstract class TypeAdapter {
import global._
import definitions._
- import CODE._
- def isMethodTypeWithEmptyParams(tpe: Type) = tpe match {
- case MethodType(Nil, _) => true
- case _ => false
- }
+ def typedPos(pos: Position)(tree: Tree): Tree
+ /**
+ * SI-4148: can't always replace box(unbox(x)) by x because
+ * - unboxing x may lead to throwing an exception, e.g. in "aah".asInstanceOf[Int]
+ * - box(unbox(null)) is not `null` but the box of zero
+ */
private def isSafelyRemovableUnbox(fn: Tree, arg: Tree): Boolean = {
- currentRun.runDefinitions.isUnbox(fn.symbol) && {
- val cls = arg.tpe.typeSymbol
- (cls == definitions.NullClass) || isBoxedValueClass(cls)
- }
+ currentRun.runDefinitions.isUnbox(fn.symbol) && {
+ // replace box(unbox(null)) by null when passed to the super constructor in a specialized
+ // class, see comment in SpecializeTypes.forwardCtorCall.
+ arg.hasAttachment[specializeTypes.SpecializedSuperConstructorCallArgument.type] ||
+ isBoxedValueClass(arg.tpe.typeSymbol)
+ }
- private def isPrimitiveValueType(tpe: Type) = isPrimitiveValueClass(tpe.typeSymbol)
- private def isErasedValueType(tpe: Type) = tpe.isInstanceOf[ErasedValueType]
- private def isDifferentErasedValueType(tpe: Type, other: Type) =
- isErasedValueType(tpe) && (tpe ne other)
+ private def isPrimitiveValueType(tpe: Type) = isPrimitiveValueClass(tpe.typeSymbol)
+ final def isPrimitiveValueMember(sym: Symbol) = isPrimitiveValueClass(sym.owner)
+ final def isMethodTypeWithEmptyParams(tpe: Type) = tpe.isInstanceOf[MethodType] && tpe.params.isEmpty
+ final def applyMethodWithEmptyParams(qual: Tree) = Apply(qual, List()) setPos qual.pos setType qual.tpe.resultType
- def isPrimitiveValueMember(sym: Symbol) = isPrimitiveValueClass(sym.owner)
- @inline def box(tree: Tree, target: => String): Tree = {
- val result = box1(tree)
- if (tree.tpe =:= UnitTpe) ()
- else log(s"boxing ${tree.summaryString}: ${tree.tpe} into $target: ${result.tpe}")
- result
- }
+ import CODE._
/** Box `tree` of unboxed type */
- private def box1(tree: Tree): Tree = tree match {
+ final def box(tree: Tree): Tree = tree match {
case LabelDef(_, _, _) =>
- val ldef = deriveLabelDef(tree)(box1)
+ val ldef = deriveLabelDef(tree)(box)
ldef setType ldef.rhs.tpe
case _ =>
val tree1 = tree.tpe match {
- case ErasedValueType(clazz, _) =>
- New(clazz, cast(tree, underlyingOfValueClass(clazz)))
- case _ =>
- tree.tpe.typeSymbol match {
- case UnitClass =>
- if (treeInfo isExprSafeToInline tree) REF(BoxedUnit_UNIT)
- else BLOCK(tree, REF(BoxedUnit_UNIT))
- case NothingClass => tree // a non-terminating expression doesn't need boxing
- case x =>
- assert(x != ArrayClass)
- tree match {
- /* Can't always remove a Box(Unbox(x)) combination because the process of boxing x
- * may lead to throwing an exception.
- *
- * This is important for specialization: calls to the super constructor should not box/unbox specialized
- * fields (see TupleX). (ID)
- */
- case Apply(boxFun, List(arg)) if isSafelyRemovableUnbox(tree, arg) =>
- log(s"boxing an unbox: ${tree.symbol} -> ${arg.tpe}")
- arg
- case _ =>
- (REF(currentRun.runDefinitions.boxMethod(x)) APPLY tree) setPos (tree.pos) setType ObjectTpe
- }
- }
+ case ErasedValueType(clazz, _) => New(clazz, cast(tree, underlyingOfValueClass(clazz)))
+ case _ => tree.tpe.typeSymbol match {
+ case UnitClass =>
+ if (treeInfo isExprSafeToInline tree) REF(BoxedUnit_UNIT)
+ else BLOCK(tree, REF(BoxedUnit_UNIT))
+ case NothingClass => tree // a non-terminating expression doesn't need boxing
+ case x =>
+ assert(x != ArrayClass)
+ tree match {
+ case Apply(boxFun, List(arg)) if isSafelyRemovableUnbox(tree, arg) =>
+ arg
+ case _ =>
+ (REF(currentRun.runDefinitions.boxMethod(x)) APPLY tree) setPos (tree.pos) setType ObjectTpe
+ }
+ }
- typer.typedPos(tree.pos)(tree1)
- }
- def unbox(tree: Tree, pt: Type): Tree = {
- val result = unbox1(tree, pt)
- log(s"unboxing ${tree.shortClass}: ${tree.tpe} as a ${result.tpe}")
- result
+ typedPos(tree.pos)(tree1)
/** Unbox `tree` of boxed type to expected type `pt`.
@@ -93,27 +67,13 @@ trait TypeAdaptingTransformer {
* @param pt the expected type.
* @return the unboxed tree
- private def unbox1(tree: Tree, pt: Type): Tree = tree match {
- case Boxed(unboxed) =>
- println("unbox shorten: "+tree) // this never seems to kick in during build and test; therefore disabled.
- adaptToType(unboxed, pt)
- */
+ final def unbox(tree: Tree, pt: Type): Tree = tree match {
case LabelDef(_, _, _) =>
val ldef = deriveLabelDef(tree)(unbox(_, pt))
ldef setType ldef.rhs.tpe
case _ =>
val tree1 = pt match {
- case ErasedValueType(clazz, underlying) =>
- val tree0 =
- if (tree.tpe.typeSymbol == NullClass &&
- isPrimitiveValueClass(underlying.typeSymbol)) {
- // convert `null` directly to underlying type, as going
- // via the unboxed type would yield a NPE (see SI-5866)
- unbox1(tree, underlying)
- } else
- Apply(Select(adaptToType(tree, clazz.tpe), clazz.derivedValueClassUnbox), List())
- cast(tree0, pt)
+ case ErasedValueType(clazz, underlying) => cast(unboxValueClass(tree, clazz, underlying), pt)
case _ =>
pt.typeSymbol match {
case UnitClass =>
@@ -125,21 +85,28 @@ trait TypeAdaptingTransformer {
Apply(currentRun.runDefinitions.unboxMethod(pt.typeSymbol), tree)
- typer.typedPos(tree.pos)(tree1)
+ typedPos(tree.pos)(tree1)
+ final def unboxValueClass(tree: Tree, clazz: Symbol, underlying: Type): Tree =
+ if (tree.tpe.typeSymbol == NullClass && isPrimitiveValueClass(underlying.typeSymbol)) {
+ // convert `null` directly to underlying type, as going via the unboxed type would yield a NPE (see SI-5866)
+ unbox(tree, underlying)
+ } else
+ Apply(Select(adaptToType(tree, clazz.tpe), clazz.derivedValueClassUnbox), List())
/** Generate a synthetic cast operation from tree.tpe to pt.
- * @pre pt eq pt.normalize
+ *
+ * @pre pt eq pt.normalize
- def cast(tree: Tree, pt: Type): Tree = {
- if ((tree.tpe ne null) && !(tree.tpe =:= ObjectTpe)) {
- def word = (
+ final def cast(tree: Tree, pt: Type): Tree = {
+ if (settings.debug && (tree.tpe ne null) && !(tree.tpe =:= ObjectTpe)) {
+ def word =
if (tree.tpe <:< pt) "upcast"
else if (pt <:< tree.tpe) "downcast"
else if (pt weak_<:< tree.tpe) "coerce"
else if (tree.tpe weak_<:< pt) "widen"
else "cast"
- )
log(s"erasure ${word}s from ${tree.tpe} to $pt")
if (pt =:= UnitTpe) {
@@ -160,27 +127,23 @@ trait TypeAdaptingTransformer {
* @param pt the expected type
* @return the adapted tree
- def adaptToType(tree: Tree, pt: Type): Tree = {
- if (settings.debug && pt != WildcardType)
- log("adapting " + tree + ":" + tree.tpe + " : " + tree.tpe.parents + " to " + pt)//debug
- if (tree.tpe <:< pt)
- tree
- else if (isDifferentErasedValueType(tree.tpe, pt))
- adaptToType(box(tree, pt.toString), pt)
- else if (isDifferentErasedValueType(pt, tree.tpe))
- adaptToType(unbox(tree, pt), pt)
- else if (isPrimitiveValueType(tree.tpe) && !isPrimitiveValueType(pt)) {
- adaptToType(box(tree, pt.toString), pt)
- } else if (isMethodTypeWithEmptyParams(tree.tpe)) {
- // [H] this assert fails when trying to typecheck tree !(SomeClass.this.bitmap) for single lazy val
- //assert(tree.symbol.isStable, "adapt "+tree+":"+tree.tpe+" to "+pt)
- adaptToType(Apply(tree, List()) setPos tree.pos setType tree.tpe.resultType, pt)
-// } else if (pt <:< tree.tpe)
-// cast(tree, pt)
- } else if (isPrimitiveValueType(pt) && !isPrimitiveValueType(tree.tpe))
- adaptToType(unbox(tree, pt), pt)
- else
- cast(tree, pt)
+ @tailrec final def adaptToType(tree: Tree, pt: Type): Tree = {
+ val tpe = tree.tpe
+ if ((tpe eq pt) || tpe <:< pt) tree
+ else if (tpe.isInstanceOf[ErasedValueType]) adaptToType(box(tree), pt) // what if pt is an erased value type?
+ else if (pt.isInstanceOf[ErasedValueType]) adaptToType(unbox(tree, pt), pt)
+ // See corresponding case in `Eraser`'s `adaptMember`
+ // [H] this does not hold here, however: `assert(tree.symbol.isStable)` (when typechecking !(SomeClass.this.bitmap) for single lazy val)
+ else if (isMethodTypeWithEmptyParams(tpe)) adaptToType(applyMethodWithEmptyParams(tree), pt)
+ else {
+ val gotPrimitiveVC = isPrimitiveValueType(tpe)
+ val expectedPrimitiveVC = isPrimitiveValueType(pt)
+ if (gotPrimitiveVC && !expectedPrimitiveVC) adaptToType(box(tree), pt)
+ else if (!gotPrimitiveVC && expectedPrimitiveVC) adaptToType(unbox(tree, pt), pt)
+ else cast(tree, pt)
+ }
diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/transform/TypingTransformers.scala b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/transform/TypingTransformers.scala
index dc3313e2e4..d5adfe12e9 100644
--- a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/transform/TypingTransformers.scala
+++ b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/transform/TypingTransformers.scala
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ trait TypingTransformers {
def atOwner[A](tree: Tree, owner: Symbol)(trans: => A): A = {
val savedLocalTyper = localTyper
- localTyper = localTyper.atOwner(tree, if (owner.isModule) owner.moduleClass else owner)
+ localTyper = localTyper.atOwner(tree, if (owner.isModuleNotMethod) owner.moduleClass else owner)
val result = super.atOwner(owner)(trans)
localTyper = savedLocalTyper
diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/transform/UnCurry.scala b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/transform/UnCurry.scala
index d5a7213cfb..f35dd6556f 100644
--- a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/transform/UnCurry.scala
+++ b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/transform/UnCurry.scala
@@ -7,9 +7,10 @@ package scala
package tools.nsc
package transform
+import scala.annotation.tailrec
import symtab.Flags._
-import scala.collection.{ mutable, immutable }
-import scala.language.postfixOps
+import scala.collection.mutable
import scala.reflect.internal.util.ListOfNil
/*<export> */
@@ -68,19 +69,30 @@ abstract class UnCurry extends InfoTransform
// uncurry and uncurryType expand type aliases
class UnCurryTransformer(unit: CompilationUnit) extends TypingTransformer(unit) {
- private val inlineFunctionExpansion = settings.Ydelambdafy.value == "inline"
+ private val forceExpandFunction = settings.Ydelambdafy.value == "inline"
private var needTryLift = false
private var inConstructorFlag = 0L
private val byNameArgs = mutable.HashSet[Tree]()
private val noApply = mutable.HashSet[Tree]()
private val newMembers = mutable.Map[Symbol, mutable.Buffer[Tree]]()
- private lazy val forceSpecializationInfoTransformOfFunctionN: Unit = {
- if (currentRun.specializePhase != NoPhase) { // be robust in case of -Ystop-after:uncurry
- exitingSpecialize {
- FunctionClass.seq.foreach(cls =>
- }
- }
+ // Expand `Function`s in constructors to class instance creation (SI-6666, SI-8363)
+ // We use Java's LambdaMetaFactory (LMF), which requires an interface for the sam's owner
+ private def mustExpandFunction(fun: Function) = {
+ // (TODO: Can't use isInterface, yet, as it hasn't been updated for the new trait encoding)
+ val canUseLambdaMetaFactory = (fun.attachments.get[SAMFunction] match {
+ case Some(SAMFunction(userDefinedSamTp, sam)) =>
+ // LambdaMetaFactory cannot mix in trait members for us, or instantiate classes -- only pure interfaces need apply
+ erasure.compilesToPureInterface(erasure.javaErasure(userDefinedSamTp).typeSymbol) &&
+ // impl restriction -- we currently use the boxed apply, so not really useful to allow specialized sam types (
+ // specialization and LMF are at odds, since LMF implements the single abstract method,
+ // but that's the one that specialization leaves generic, whereas we need to implement the specialized one to avoid boxing
+ !specializeTypes.isSpecializedIn(sam, userDefinedSamTp)
+ case _ => true // our built-in FunctionN's are suitable for LambdaMetaFactory by construction
+ })
+ !canUseLambdaMetaFactory
/** Add a new synthetic member for `currentOwner` */
@@ -91,25 +103,17 @@ abstract class UnCurry extends InfoTransform
@inline private def useNewMembers[T](owner: Symbol)(f: List[Tree] => T): T =
- private def newFunction0(body: Tree): Tree = {
- val result = localTyper.typedPos(body.pos)(Function(Nil, body)).asInstanceOf[Function]
- log("Change owner from %s to %s in %s".format(currentOwner, result.symbol, result.body))
- result.body changeOwner (currentOwner -> result.symbol)
- transformFunction(result)
- }
// I don't have a clue why I'm catching TypeErrors here, but it's better
// than spewing stack traces at end users for internal errors. Examples
// which hit at this point should not be hard to come by, but the immediate
// motivation can be seen in continuations-neg/t3718.
- override def transform(tree: Tree): Tree = (
+ override def transform(tree: Tree): Tree =
try postTransform(mainTransform(tree))
catch { case ex: TypeError =>
reporter.error(ex.pos, ex.msg)
- )
/* Is tree a reference `x` to a call by name parameter that needs to be converted to
* x.apply()? Note that this is not the case if `x` is used as an argument to another
@@ -118,7 +122,7 @@ abstract class UnCurry extends InfoTransform
def isByNameRef(tree: Tree) = (
&& (tree.symbol ne null)
- && (isByName(tree.symbol))
+ && isByName(tree.symbol)
&& !byNameArgs(tree)
@@ -195,16 +199,6 @@ abstract class UnCurry extends InfoTransform
// ------ Transforming anonymous functions and by-name-arguments ----------------
- /** Undo eta expansion for parameterless and nullary methods */
- def deEta(fun: Function): Tree = fun match {
- case Function(List(), expr) if isByNameRef(expr) =>
- noApply += expr
- expr
- case _ =>
- fun
- }
/** Transform a function node (x_1,...,x_n) => body of type FunctionN[T_1, .., T_N, R] to
* class $anon() extends AbstractFunctionN[T_1, .., T_N, R] with Serializable {
@@ -213,66 +207,38 @@ abstract class UnCurry extends InfoTransform
* new $anon()
- def transformFunction(fun: Function): Tree = {
- fun.tpe match {
- // can happen when analyzer plugins assign refined types to functions, e.g.
- // (() => Int) { def apply(): Int @typeConstraint }
- case RefinedType(List(funTp), decls) =>
- debuglog(s"eliminate refinement from function type ${fun.tpe}")
- fun.setType(funTp)
- case _ =>
- ()
- }
- deEta(fun) match {
- // nullary or parameterless
- case fun1 if fun1 ne fun => fun1
- case _ =>
- def typedFunPos(t: Tree) = localTyper.typedPos(fun.pos)(t)
- val funParams = fun.vparams map (_.symbol)
- def mkMethod(owner: Symbol, name: TermName, additionalFlags: FlagSet = NoFlags): DefDef =
- gen.mkMethodFromFunction(localTyper)(fun, owner, name, additionalFlags)
- def isSpecialized = {
- forceSpecializationInfoTransformOfFunctionN
- val specialized = specializeTypes.specializedType(fun.tpe)
- !(specialized =:= fun.tpe)
- }
+ def transformFunction(fun: Function): Tree =
+ // Undo eta expansion for parameterless and nullary methods, EXCEPT if `fun` targets a SAM.
+ // Normally, we can unwrap `() => cbn` to `cbn` where `cbn` refers to a CBN argument (typically `cbn` is an Ident),
+ // because we know `cbn` will already be a `Function0` thunk. When we're targeting a SAM,
+ // the types don't align and we must preserve the function wrapper.
+ if (fun.vparams.isEmpty && isByNameRef(fun.body) && fun.attachments.get[SAMFunction].isEmpty) { noApply += fun.body ; fun.body }
+ else if (forceExpandFunction || inConstructorFlag != 0) {
+ // Expand the function body into an anonymous class
+ gen.expandFunction(localTyper)(fun, inConstructorFlag)
+ } else {
+ val mustExpand = mustExpandFunction(fun)
+ // method definition with the same arguments, return type, and body as the original lambda
+ val liftedMethod = gen.mkLiftedFunctionBodyMethod(localTyper)(fun.symbol.owner, fun)
+ // new function whose body is just a call to the lifted method
+ val newFun = deriveFunction(fun)(_ => localTyper.typedPos(fun.pos)(
+ gen.mkForwarder(gen.mkAttributedRef(liftedMethod.symbol), (fun.vparams map (_.symbol)) :: Nil)
+ ))
- def canUseDelamdafyMethod = (
- (inConstructorFlag == 0) // Avoiding synthesizing code prone to SI-6666, SI-8363 by using old-style lambda translation
- && (!isSpecialized || (settings.isBCodeActive && == "jvm-1.8")) // DelambdafyTransformer currently only emits generic FunctionN-s, use the old style in the meantime
- )
- if (inlineFunctionExpansion || !canUseDelamdafyMethod) {
- val parents = addSerializable(abstractFunctionForFunctionType(fun.tpe))
- val anonClass = fun.symbol.owner newAnonymousFunctionClass(fun.pos, inConstructorFlag) addAnnotation SerialVersionUIDAnnotation
- // The original owner is used in the backend for the EnclosingMethod attribute. If fun is
- // nested in a value-class method, its owner was already changed to the extension method.
- // Saving the original owner allows getting the source structure from the class symbol.
- defineOriginalOwner(anonClass, fun.symbol.originalOwner)
- anonClass setInfo ClassInfoType(parents, newScope, anonClass)
- val applyMethodDef = mkMethod(anonClass, nme.apply)
- enter applyMethodDef.symbol
- typedFunPos {
- Block(
- ClassDef(anonClass, NoMods, ListOfNil, List(applyMethodDef), fun.pos),
- Typed(New(anonClass.tpe), TypeTree(fun.tpe)))
- }
- } else {
- // method definition with the same arguments, return type, and body as the original lambda
- val liftedMethod = mkMethod(fun.symbol.owner, nme.ANON_FUN_NAME, additionalFlags = ARTIFACT)
- // new function whose body is just a call to the lifted method
- val newFun = deriveFunction(fun)(_ => typedFunPos(
- gen.mkForwarder(gen.mkAttributedRef(liftedMethod.symbol), funParams :: Nil)
- ))
- typedFunPos(Block(liftedMethod, super.transform(newFun)))
- }
+ if (!mustExpand) {
+ liftedMethod.symbol.updateAttachment(DelambdafyTarget)
+ liftedMethod.updateAttachment(DelambdafyTarget)
- }
+ val typedNewFun = localTyper.typedPos(fun.pos)(Block(liftedMethod, super.transform(newFun)))
+ if (mustExpand) {
+ val Block(stats, expr : Function) = typedNewFun
+ treeCopy.Block(typedNewFun, stats, gen.expandFunction(localTyper)(expr, inConstructorFlag))
+ } else {
+ typedNewFun
+ }
+ }
def transformArgs(pos: Position, fun: Symbol, args: List[Tree], formals: List[Type]) = {
val isJava = fun.isJavaDefined
@@ -350,25 +316,22 @@ abstract class UnCurry extends InfoTransform
val args1 = if (isVarArgTypes(formals)) transformVarargs(formals.last.typeArgs.head) else args
map2(formals, args1) { (formal, arg) =>
- if (!isByNameParamType(formal))
- arg
- else if (isByNameRef(arg)) {
+ if (!isByNameParamType(formal)) arg
+ else if (isByNameRef(arg)) { // thunk does not need to be forced because it's a reference to a by-name arg passed to a by-name param
byNameArgs += arg
arg setType functionType(Nil, arg.tpe)
- }
- else {
+ } else {
log(s"Argument '$arg' at line ${arg.pos.line} is $formal from ${fun.fullName}")
- def canUseDirectly(recv: Tree) = (
- recv.tpe.typeSymbol.isSubClass(FunctionClass(0))
- && treeInfo.isExprSafeToInline(recv)
- )
+ def canUseDirectly(qual: Tree) = qual.tpe.typeSymbol.isSubClass(FunctionClass(0)) && treeInfo.isExprSafeToInline(qual)
arg match {
// don't add a thunk for by-name argument if argument already is an application of
// a Function0. We can then remove the application and use the existing Function0.
- case Apply(Select(recv, nme.apply), Nil) if canUseDirectly(recv) =>
- recv
- case _ =>
- newFunction0(arg)
+ case Apply(Select(qual, nme.apply), Nil) if canUseDirectly(qual) => qual
+ case body =>
+ val thunkFun = localTyper.typedPos(body.pos)(Function(Nil, body)).asInstanceOf[Function]
+ log(s"Change owner from $currentOwner to ${thunkFun.symbol} in ${thunkFun.body}")
+ thunkFun.body.changeOwner((currentOwner, thunkFun.symbol))
+ transformFunction(thunkFun)
@@ -379,23 +342,33 @@ abstract class UnCurry extends InfoTransform
* the whole tree with it.
private def replaceElidableTree(tree: Tree): Tree = {
+ def elisionOf(t: Type): Tree = t.typeSymbol match {
+ case StringClass => Literal(Constant("")) setType t
+ case _ => gen.mkZero(t)
+ }
tree match {
- case DefDef(_,_,_,_,_,_) =>
- deriveDefDef(tree)(rhs => Block(Nil, gen.mkZero(rhs.tpe)) setType rhs.tpe) setSymbol tree.symbol setType tree.tpe
+ case DefDef(_,_,_,_,_,rhs) =>
+ val rhs1 = if (rhs == EmptyTree) rhs else Block(Nil, elisionOf(rhs.tpe)) setType rhs.tpe
+ deriveDefDef(tree)(_ => rhs1) setSymbol tree.symbol setType tree.tpe
case _ =>
- gen.mkZero(tree.tpe) setType tree.tpe
+ elisionOf(tree.tpe)
private def isSelfSynchronized(ddef: DefDef) = ddef.rhs match {
case Apply(fn @ TypeApply(Select(sel, _), _), _) =>
- fn.symbol == Object_synchronized && sel.symbol == ddef.symbol.enclClass && !ddef.symbol.enclClass.isTrait
+ fn.symbol == Object_synchronized && sel.symbol == ddef.symbol.enclClass && !ddef.symbol.enclClass.isTrait &&
+ !ddef.symbol.isDelambdafyTarget /* these become static later, unsuitable for ACC_SYNCHRONIZED */
case _ => false
/** If an eligible method is entirely wrapped in a call to synchronized
* locked on the same instance, remove the synchronized scaffolding and
* mark the method symbol SYNCHRONIZED for bytecode generation.
+ *
+ * Delambdafy targets are deemed ineligible as the Delambdafy phase will
+ * replace `this.synchronized` with `$this.synchronized` now that it emits
+ * all lambda impl methods as static.
private def translateSynchronized(tree: Tree) = tree match {
case dd @ DefDef(_, _, _, _, _, Apply(fn, body :: Nil)) if isSelfSynchronized(dd) =>
@@ -438,10 +411,20 @@ abstract class UnCurry extends InfoTransform
val sym = tree.symbol
// true if the target is a lambda body that's been lifted into a method
- def isLiftedLambdaBody(target: Tree) = target.symbol.isLocalToBlock && target.symbol.isArtifact &&
+ def isLiftedLambdaMethod(funSym: Symbol) =
+ funSym.isArtifact && && funSym.isLocalToBlock
- val result = (
- if ((sym ne null) && sym.elisionLevel.exists(_ < settings.elidebelow.value))
+ def checkIsElisible(sym: Symbol): Boolean =
+ (sym ne null) && sym.elisionLevel.exists { level =>
+ if (sym.isMethod) level < settings.elidebelow.value
+ else {
+ if (settings.isScala213) reporter.error(sym.pos, s"${}: Only methods can be marked @elidable!")
+ false
+ }
+ }
+ val result =
+ if (checkIsElisible(sym))
else translateSynchronized(tree) match {
case dd @ DefDef(mods, name, tparams, _, tpt, rhs) =>
@@ -473,9 +456,9 @@ abstract class UnCurry extends InfoTransform
super.transform(treeCopy.DefDef(dd, mods, name, tparams, vparamssNoRhs, tpt, rhs))
- case ValDef(_, _, _, rhs) =>
+ case ValDef(mods, _, _, rhs) =>
if (sym eq NoSymbol) throw new IllegalStateException("Encountered Valdef without symbol: "+ tree + " in "+ unit)
- if (!sym.owner.isSourceMethod)
+ if (!sym.owner.isSourceMethod || mods.isLazy)
withNeedLift(needLift = true) { super.transform(tree) }
@@ -493,7 +476,7 @@ abstract class UnCurry extends InfoTransform
case Assign(lhs, _) if lhs.symbol.owner != currentMethod || lhs.symbol.hasFlag(LAZY | ACCESSOR) =>
withNeedLift(needLift = true) { super.transform(tree) }
- case ret @ Return(_) if (isNonLocalReturn(ret)) =>
+ case ret @ Return(_) if isNonLocalReturn(ret) =>
withNeedLift(needLift = true) { super.transform(ret) }
case Try(_, Nil, _) =>
@@ -512,7 +495,7 @@ abstract class UnCurry extends InfoTransform
treeCopy.CaseDef(tree, pat1, transform(guard), transform(body))
// if a lambda is already the right shape we don't need to transform it again
- case fun @ Function(_, Apply(target, _)) if (!inlineFunctionExpansion) && isLiftedLambdaBody(target) =>
+ case fun @ Function(_, Apply(target, _)) if !forceExpandFunction && isLiftedLambdaMethod(target.symbol) =>
case fun @ Function(_, _) =>
@@ -532,9 +515,8 @@ abstract class UnCurry extends InfoTransform
- )
- assert(result.tpe != null, result.shortClass + " tpe is null:\n" + result)
- result modifyType uncurry
+ result.setType(uncurry(result.tpe))
def postTransform(tree: Tree): Tree = exitingUncurry {
@@ -545,15 +527,18 @@ abstract class UnCurry extends InfoTransform
case MethodType(_, _) => tree
case tp => tree setType MethodType(Nil, tp.resultType)
- if (tree.symbol.isMethod && !tree.tpe.isInstanceOf[PolyType])
- gen.mkApplyIfNeeded(removeNullary())
+ val sym = tree.symbol
+ // our info transformer may not have run yet, so duplicate flag logic instead of forcing it to run
+ val isMethodExitingUncurry = (sym hasFlag METHOD) || (sym hasFlag MODULE) && !sym.isStatic
+ if (isMethodExitingUncurry && !tree.tpe.isInstanceOf[PolyType])
+ gen.mkApplyIfNeeded(removeNullary()) // apply () if tree.tpe has zero-arg MethodType
else if (tree.isType)
TypeTree(tree.tpe) setPos tree.pos
- def isThrowable(pat: Tree): Boolean = pat match {
+ @tailrec def isThrowable(pat: Tree): Boolean = pat match {
case Typed(Ident(nme.WILDCARD), tpt) =>
tpt.tpe =:= ThrowableTpe
case Bind(_, pat) =>
@@ -579,6 +564,7 @@ abstract class UnCurry extends InfoTransform
case dd @ DefDef(_, _, _, vparamss0, _, rhs0) =>
+ val ddSym = dd.symbol
val (newParamss, newRhs): (List[List[ValDef]], Tree) =
if (dependentParamTypeErasure isDependent dd)
dependentParamTypeErasure erase dd
@@ -590,11 +576,22 @@ abstract class UnCurry extends InfoTransform
(vparamss1, rhs0)
+ // A no-arg method with ConstantType result type can safely be reduced to the corresponding Literal
+ // (only pure methods are typed as ConstantType). We could also do this for methods with arguments,
+ // after ensuring the arguments are not referenced.
+ val literalRhsIfConst =
+ if (newParamss.head.isEmpty) { // We know newParamss.length == 1 from above
+ match {
+ case tp@ConstantType(value) => Literal(value) setType tp setPos newRhs.pos // inlining of gen.mkAttributedQualifier(tp)
+ case _ => newRhs
+ }
+ } else newRhs
val flatdd = copyDefDef(dd)(
vparamss = newParamss,
- rhs = nonLocalReturnKeys get dd.symbol match {
- case Some(k) => atPos(newRhs.pos)(nonLocalReturnTry(newRhs, k, dd.symbol))
- case None => newRhs
+ rhs = nonLocalReturnKeys get ddSym match {
+ case Some(k) => atPos(newRhs.pos)(nonLocalReturnTry(literalRhsIfConst, k, ddSym))
+ case None => literalRhsIfConst
// Only class members can reasonably be called from Java due to name mangling.
@@ -619,7 +616,7 @@ abstract class UnCurry extends InfoTransform
case Select(_, _) | TypeApply(_, _) =>
case ret @ Return(expr) if isNonLocalReturn(ret) =>
- log("non-local return from %s to %s".format(currentOwner.enclMethod, ret.symbol))
+ log(s"non-local return from ${currentOwner.enclMethod} to ${ret.symbol}")
atPos(ret.pos)(nonLocalReturnThrow(expr, ret.symbol))
case TypeTree() =>
@@ -712,7 +709,7 @@ abstract class UnCurry extends InfoTransform
// So what we need to do is to use the pre-uncurry type when creating `l$1`, which is `c.Tree` and is
// correct. Now, there are two additional problems:
- // 1. when varargs and byname params are involved, the uncurry transformation desugares these special
+ // 1. when varargs and byname params are involved, the uncurry transformation desugars these special
// cases to actual typerefs, eg:
// ```
// T* ~> Seq[T] (Scala-defined varargs)
@@ -744,7 +741,7 @@ abstract class UnCurry extends InfoTransform
case Packed(param, tempVal) => (param, tempVal)
- val rhs1 = if (tempVals.isEmpty) rhs else {
+ val rhs1 = if (rhs == EmptyTree || tempVals.isEmpty) rhs else {
localTyper.typedPos(rhs.pos) {
// Patch the method body to refer to the temp vals
val rhsSubstituted = rhs.substituteSymbols(packedParams map (_.symbol), tempVals map (_.symbol))
diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/transform/patmat/Logic.scala b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/transform/patmat/Logic.scala
index 40fcceb0bf..db6eac34cb 100644
--- a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/transform/patmat/Logic.scala
+++ b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/transform/patmat/Logic.scala
@@ -8,9 +8,9 @@ package scala
package tools.nsc.transform.patmat
import scala.language.postfixOps
import scala.collection.mutable
import scala.reflect.internal.util.{NoPosition, Position, Statistics, HashSet}
trait Logic extends Debugging {
import PatternMatchingStats._
@@ -184,8 +184,8 @@ trait Logic extends Debugging {
// push negation inside formula
def negationNormalFormNot(p: Prop): Prop = p match {
- case And(ops) => Or( // De'Morgan
- case Or(ops) => And( // De'Morgan
+ case And(ops) => Or( // De Morgan
+ case Or(ops) => And( // De Morgan
case Not(p) => negationNormalForm(p)
case True => False
case False => True
@@ -646,7 +646,7 @@ trait ScalaLogic extends Interface with Logic with TreeAndTypeAnalysis {
- import global.{ConstantType, Constant, EmptyScope, SingletonType, Literal, Ident, refinedType, singleType, TypeBounds, NoSymbol}
+ import global.{ConstantType, SingletonType, Literal, Ident, singleType, TypeBounds, NoSymbol}
import global.definitions._
@@ -682,7 +682,7 @@ trait ScalaLogic extends Interface with Logic with TreeAndTypeAnalysis {
private[TreesAndTypesDomain] def uniqueTpForTree(t: Tree): Type = {
def freshExistentialSubtype(tp: Type): Type = {
// SI-8611 tp.narrow is tempting, but unsuitable. See `testRefinedTypeSI8611` for an explanation.
- NoSymbol.freshExistential("").setInfo(TypeBounds.upper(tp)).tpe
+ NoSymbol.freshExistential("", 0).setInfo(TypeBounds.upper(tp)).tpe
if (!t.symbol.isStable) {
diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/transform/patmat/MatchAnalysis.scala b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/transform/patmat/MatchAnalysis.scala
index c71299b893..b6978f37df 100644
--- a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/transform/patmat/MatchAnalysis.scala
+++ b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/transform/patmat/MatchAnalysis.scala
@@ -6,9 +6,6 @@
-import scala.annotation.tailrec
-import scala.collection.immutable.{IndexedSeq, Iterable}
-import scala.language.postfixOps
import scala.collection.mutable
import scala.reflect.internal.util.Statistics
@@ -142,7 +139,7 @@ trait TreeAndTypeAnalysis extends Debugging {
if(grouped) {
def enumerateChildren(sym: Symbol) = {
- sym.children.toList
+ sym.sealedChildren.toList
.filterNot(x => x.isSealed && x.isAbstractClass && !isPrimitiveValueClass(x))
@@ -177,6 +174,8 @@ trait TreeAndTypeAnalysis extends Debugging {
+ case sym if sym.isCase =>
+ List(List(tp))
case sym =>
debug.patmat("enum unsealed "+ ((tp, sym, sym.isSealed, isPrimitiveValueClass(sym))))
@@ -350,7 +349,7 @@ trait MatchApproximation extends TreeAndTypeAnalysis with ScalaLogic with MatchT
object condStrategy extends TypeTestTreeMaker.TypeTestCondStrategy {
type Result = Prop
def and(a: Result, b: Result) = And(a, b)
- def outerTest(testedBinder: Symbol, expectedTp: Type) = True // TODO OuterEqProp(testedBinder, expectedType)
+ def withOuterTest(testedBinder: Symbol, expectedTp: Type) = True // TODO OuterEqProp(testedBinder, expectedType)
def typeTest(b: Symbol, pt: Type) = { // a type test implies the tested path is non-null (null.isInstanceOf[T] is false for all T)
val p = binderToUniqueTree(b); And(uniqueNonNullProp(p), uniqueTypeProp(p, uniqueTp(pt)))
@@ -711,9 +710,8 @@ trait MatchAnalysis extends MatchApproximation {
val (equal, notEqual) = varAssignment.getOrElse(variable, Nil -> Nil)
- def addVarAssignment(equalTo: List[Const], notEqualTo: List[Const]) = {
- Map(variable ->(equal ++ equalTo, notEqual ++ notEqualTo))
- }
+ def addVarAssignment(equalTo: List[Const], notEqualTo: List[Const]) =
+ Map(variable ->((equal ++ equalTo, notEqual ++ notEqualTo)))
// this assignment is needed in case that
// there exists already an assign
@@ -738,7 +736,7 @@ trait MatchAnalysis extends MatchApproximation {
if (expanded.isEmpty) {
} else {
- // we need the cartesian product here,
+ // we need the Cartesian product here,
// since we want to report all missing cases
// (i.e., combinations)
val cartesianProd = expanded.reduceLeft((xs, ys) =>
diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/transform/patmat/MatchCodeGen.scala b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/transform/patmat/MatchCodeGen.scala
index 1642613b9b..03d0a28fb1 100644
--- a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/transform/patmat/MatchCodeGen.scala
+++ b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/transform/patmat/MatchCodeGen.scala
@@ -6,9 +6,9 @@
import scala.language.postfixOps
-import scala.reflect.internal.util.Statistics
import scala.reflect.internal.util.Position
/** Factory methods used by TreeMakers to make the actual trees.
@@ -55,7 +55,15 @@ trait MatchCodeGen extends Interface {
def flatMap(prev: Tree, b: Symbol, next: Tree): Tree
def flatMapCond(cond: Tree, res: Tree, nextBinder: Symbol, next: Tree): Tree
def flatMapGuard(cond: Tree, next: Tree): Tree
- def ifThenElseZero(c: Tree, thenp: Tree): Tree = IF (c) THEN thenp ELSE zero
+ def ifThenElseZero(c: Tree, thenp: Tree): Tree = {
+ val z = zero
+ thenp match {
+ case If(c1, thenp1, elsep1) if z equalsStructure elsep1 =>
+ If(c AND c1, thenp1, elsep1) // cleaner, leaner trees
+ case _ =>
+ If(c, thenp, zero)
+ }
+ }
protected def zero: Tree
diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/transform/patmat/MatchOptimization.scala b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/transform/patmat/MatchOptimization.scala
index f827043094..dc0a457be7 100644
--- a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/transform/patmat/MatchOptimization.scala
+++ b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/transform/patmat/MatchOptimization.scala
@@ -6,10 +6,10 @@
import scala.language.postfixOps
import scala.collection.mutable
-import scala.reflect.internal.util.Statistics
import scala.reflect.internal.util.Position
/** Optimize and analyze matches based on their TreeMaker-representation.
diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/transform/patmat/MatchTranslation.scala b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/transform/patmat/MatchTranslation.scala
index bf3bc6b26e..39971590c7 100644
--- a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/transform/patmat/MatchTranslation.scala
+++ b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/transform/patmat/MatchTranslation.scala
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
import scala.language.postfixOps
-import scala.collection.mutable
import scala.reflect.internal.util.Statistics
/** Translate typed Trees that represent pattern matches into the patternmatching IR, defined by TreeMakers.
@@ -18,8 +18,7 @@ trait MatchTranslation {
import PatternMatchingStats._
import global._
import definitions._
- import global.analyzer.{ErrorUtils, formalTypes}
- import treeInfo.{ WildcardStarArg, Unapplied, isStar, unbind }
+ import treeInfo.{ Unapplied, unbind }
import CODE._
// Always map repeated params to sequences
@@ -117,7 +116,7 @@ trait MatchTranslation {
val makers = {
val paramType = extractor.aligner.wholeType
// Statically conforms to paramType
- if (this ensureConformsTo paramType) treeMaker(binder, false, pos) :: Nil
+ if (tpe <:< paramType) treeMaker(binder, false, pos) :: Nil
else {
// chain a type-testing extractor before the actual extractor call
// it tests the type, checks the outer pointer and casts to the expected type
@@ -167,16 +166,6 @@ trait MatchTranslation {
setVarInfo(binder, paramType)
- // If <:< but not =:=, no type test needed, but the tree maker relies on the binder having
- // exactly paramType (and not just some type compatible with it.) SI-6624 shows this is necessary
- // because apparently patBinder may have an unfortunate type (.decls don't have the case field
- // accessors) TODO: get to the bottom of this -- I assume it happens when type checking
- // infers a weird type for an unapply call. By going back to the parameterType for the
- // extractor call we get a saner type, so let's just do that for now.
- def ensureConformsTo(paramType: Type): Boolean = (
- (tpe =:= paramType)
- || (tpe <:< paramType) && setInfo(paramType)
- )
private def concreteType = tpe.bounds.hi
private def unbound = unbind(tree)
@@ -401,7 +390,6 @@ trait MatchTranslation {
/** Create the TreeMaker that embodies this extractor call
- * `binder` has been casted to `paramType` if necessary
* `binderKnownNonNull` indicates whether the cast implies `binder` cannot be null
* when `binderKnownNonNull` is `true`, `ProductExtractorTreeMaker` does not do a (redundant) null check on binder
@@ -507,7 +495,7 @@ trait MatchTranslation {
* when `binderKnownNonNull` is `true`, `ProductExtractorTreeMaker` does not do a (redundant) null check on binder
def treeMaker(binder: Symbol, binderKnownNonNull: Boolean, pos: Position): TreeMaker = {
- val paramAccessors = binder.constrParamAccessors
+ val paramAccessors = aligner.wholeType.typeSymbol.constrParamAccessors
val numParams = paramAccessors.length
def paramAccessorAt(subPatIndex: Int) = paramAccessors(math.min(subPatIndex, numParams - 1))
// binders corresponding to mutable fields should be stored (SI-5158, SI-6070)
@@ -536,7 +524,7 @@ trait MatchTranslation {
// reference the (i-1)th case accessor if it exists, otherwise the (i-1)th tuple component
override protected def tupleSel(binder: Symbol)(i: Int): Tree = {
- val accessors = binder.caseFieldAccessors
+ val accessors = aligner.wholeType.typeSymbol.caseFieldAccessors
if (accessors isDefinedAt (i-1)) gen.mkAttributedStableRef(binder) DOT accessors(i-1)
else codegen.tupleSel(binder)(i) // this won't type check for case classes, as they do not inherit ProductN
diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/transform/patmat/MatchTreeMaking.scala b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/transform/patmat/MatchTreeMaking.scala
index 3ace61411f..794d3d442a 100644
--- a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/transform/patmat/MatchTreeMaking.scala
+++ b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/transform/patmat/MatchTreeMaking.scala
@@ -6,10 +6,10 @@
import scala.language.postfixOps
import scala.collection.mutable
-import scala.reflect.internal.util.Statistics
import scala.reflect.internal.util.Position
/** Translate our IR (TreeMakers) into actual Scala Trees using the factory methods in MatchCodeGen.
@@ -101,7 +101,7 @@ trait MatchTreeMaking extends MatchCodeGen with Debugging {
case class SubstOnlyTreeMaker(prevBinder: Symbol, nextBinder: Symbol) extends TreeMaker {
val pos = NoPosition
- val localSubstitution = Substitution(prevBinder, CODE.REF(nextBinder))
+ val localSubstitution = Substitution(prevBinder, gen.mkAttributedStableRef(nextBinder))
def chainBefore(next: Tree)(casegen: Casegen): Tree = substitution(next)
override def toString = "S"+ localSubstitution
@@ -118,7 +118,7 @@ trait MatchTreeMaking extends MatchCodeGen with Debugging {
val res: Tree
lazy val nextBinder = freshSym(pos, nextBinderTp)
- lazy val localSubstitution = Substitution(List(prevBinder), List(CODE.REF(nextBinder)))
+ lazy val localSubstitution = Substitution(List(prevBinder), List(gen.mkAttributedStableRef(nextBinder)))
def chainBefore(next: Tree)(casegen: Casegen): Tree =
atPos(pos)(casegen.flatMapCond(cond, res, nextBinder, substitution(next)))
@@ -316,7 +316,7 @@ trait MatchTreeMaking extends MatchCodeGen with Debugging {
trait TypeTestCondStrategy {
type Result
- def outerTest(testedBinder: Symbol, expectedTp: Type): Result
+ def withOuterTest(orig: Result)(testedBinder: Symbol, expectedTp: Type): Result = orig
// TODO: can probably always widen
def typeTest(testedBinder: Symbol, expectedTp: Type): Result
def nonNullTest(testedBinder: Symbol): Result
@@ -336,15 +336,34 @@ trait MatchTreeMaking extends MatchCodeGen with Debugging {
def equalsTest(pat: Tree, testedBinder: Symbol) = codegen._equals(pat, testedBinder)
def eqTest(pat: Tree, testedBinder: Symbol) = REF(testedBinder) OBJ_EQ pat
- def outerTest(testedBinder: Symbol, expectedTp: Type): Tree = {
+ override def withOuterTest(orig: Tree)(testedBinder: Symbol, expectedTp: Type): Tree = {
val expectedPrefix = expectedTp.prefix
- if (expectedPrefix eq NoType) mkTRUE // fallback for SI-6183
- else {
- // ExplicitOuter replaces `Select(q, outerSym) OBJ_EQ expectedPrefix` by `Select(q, outerAccessor(outerSym.owner)) OBJ_EQ expectedPrefix`
- // if there's an outer accessor, otherwise the condition becomes `true` -- TODO: can we improve needsOuterTest so there's always an outerAccessor?
- val outerFor = expectedTp.typeSymbol
- val outerMarker = outerFor.newMethod(vpmName.outer, newFlags = SYNTHETIC | ARTIFACT) setInfo expectedPrefix
- Select(codegen._asInstanceOf(testedBinder, expectedTp), outerMarker) OBJ_EQ gen.mkAttributedQualifier(expectedPrefix)
+ val testedPrefix =
+ // Check if a type is defined in a static location. Unlike `tp.isStatic` before `flatten`,
+ // this also includes methods and (possibly nested) objects inside of methods.
+ def definedInStaticLocation(tp: Type): Boolean = {
+ def isStatic(tp: Type): Boolean =
+ if (tp == NoType || tp.typeSymbol.isPackageClass || tp == NoPrefix) true
+ else if (tp.typeSymbol.isModuleClass) isStatic(tp.prefix)
+ else false
+ tp.typeSymbol.owner == tp.prefix.typeSymbol && isStatic(tp.prefix)
+ }
+ if ((expectedPrefix eq NoPrefix)
+ || expectedTp.typeSymbol.isJava
+ || definedInStaticLocation(expectedTp)
+ || testedPrefix =:= expectedPrefix) orig
+ else gen.mkAttributedQualifierIfPossible(expectedPrefix) match {
+ case None => orig
+ case Some(expectedOuterRef) =>
+ // ExplicitOuter replaces `Select(q, outerSym) OBJ_EQ expectedPrefix`
+ // by `Select(q, outerAccessor(outerSym.owner)) OBJ_EQ expectedPrefix`
+ // if there's an outer accessor, otherwise the condition becomes `true`
+ // TODO: centralize logic whether there's an outer accessor and use here?
+ val synthOuterGetter = expectedTp.typeSymbol.newMethod(vpmName.outer, newFlags = SYNTHETIC | ARTIFACT) setInfo expectedPrefix
+ val outerTest = (Select(codegen._asInstanceOf(testedBinder, expectedTp), synthOuterGetter)) OBJ_EQ expectedOuterRef
+ and(orig, outerTest)
@@ -354,7 +373,6 @@ trait MatchTreeMaking extends MatchCodeGen with Debugging {
def typeTest(testedBinder: Symbol, expectedTp: Type): Result = true
- def outerTest(testedBinder: Symbol, expectedTp: Type): Result = false
def nonNullTest(testedBinder: Symbol): Result = false
def equalsTest(pat: Tree, testedBinder: Symbol): Result = false
def eqTest(pat: Tree, testedBinder: Symbol): Result = false
@@ -366,7 +384,6 @@ trait MatchTreeMaking extends MatchCodeGen with Debugging {
type Result = Boolean
def typeTest(testedBinder: Symbol, expectedTp: Type): Result = testedBinder eq binder
- def outerTest(testedBinder: Symbol, expectedTp: Type): Result = false
def nonNullTest(testedBinder: Symbol): Result = testedBinder eq binder
def equalsTest(pat: Tree, testedBinder: Symbol): Result = false // could in principle analyse pat and see if it's statically known to be non-null
def eqTest(pat: Tree, testedBinder: Symbol): Result = false // could in principle analyse pat and see if it's statically known to be non-null
@@ -403,12 +420,6 @@ trait MatchTreeMaking extends MatchCodeGen with Debugging {
import TypeTestTreeMaker._
debug.patmat("TTTM"+((prevBinder, extractorArgTypeTest, testedBinder, expectedTp, nextBinderTp)))
- lazy val outerTestNeeded = (
- (expectedTp.prefix ne NoPrefix)
- && !expectedTp.prefix.typeSymbol.isPackageClass
- && needsOuterTest(expectedTp,, matchOwner)
- )
// the logic to generate the run-time test that follows from the fact that
// a `prevBinder` is expected to have type `expectedTp`
// the actual tree-generation logic is factored out, since the analyses generate Cond(ition)s rather than Trees
@@ -427,12 +438,11 @@ trait MatchTreeMaking extends MatchCodeGen with Debugging {
def isExpectedPrimitiveType = isAsExpected && isPrimitiveValueType(expectedTp)
def isExpectedReferenceType = isAsExpected && (expectedTp <:< AnyRefTpe)
def mkNullTest = nonNullTest(testedBinder)
- def mkOuterTest = outerTest(testedBinder, expectedTp)
def mkTypeTest = typeTest(testedBinder, expectedWide)
def mkEqualsTest(lhs: Tree): cs.Result = equalsTest(lhs, testedBinder)
def mkEqTest(lhs: Tree): cs.Result = eqTest(lhs, testedBinder)
- def addOuterTest(res: cs.Result): cs.Result = if (outerTestNeeded) and(res, mkOuterTest) else res
+ def addOuterTest(res: cs.Result): cs.Result = withOuterTest(res)(testedBinder, expectedTp)
// If we conform to expected primitive type:
// it cannot be null and cannot have an outer pointer. No further checking.
@@ -483,7 +493,7 @@ trait MatchTreeMaking extends MatchCodeGen with Debugging {
// NOTE: generate `patTree == patBinder`, since the extractor must be in control of the equals method (also, patBinder may be null)
// equals need not be well-behaved, so don't intersect with pattern's (stabilized) type (unlike MaybeBoundTyped's accumType, where it's required)
val cond = codegen._equals(patTree, prevBinder)
- val res = CODE.REF(prevBinder)
+ val res = gen.mkAttributedStableRef(prevBinder)
override def toString = "ET"+((, patTree))
@@ -554,11 +564,11 @@ trait MatchTreeMaking extends MatchCodeGen with Debugging {
else scrut match {
case Typed(tree, tpt) =>
val suppressExhaustive = tpt.tpe hasAnnotation UncheckedClass
- val supressUnreachable = tree match {
+ val suppressUnreachable = tree match {
case Ident(name) if name startsWith nme.CHECK_IF_REFUTABLE_STRING => true // SI-7183 don't warn for withFilter's that turn out to be irrefutable.
case _ => false
- val suppression = Suppression(suppressExhaustive, supressUnreachable)
+ val suppression = Suppression(suppressExhaustive, suppressUnreachable)
val hasSwitchAnnotation = treeInfo.isSwitchAnnotation(tpt.tpe)
// matches with two or fewer cases need not apply for switchiness (if-then-else will do)
// `case 1 | 2` is considered as two cases.
diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/transform/patmat/MatchWarnings.scala b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/transform/patmat/MatchWarnings.scala
index 8beb1837ad..3f27d18e64 100644
--- a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/transform/patmat/MatchWarnings.scala
+++ b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/transform/patmat/MatchWarnings.scala
@@ -6,10 +6,6 @@
-import scala.language.postfixOps
-import scala.collection.mutable
-import scala.reflect.internal.util.Statistics
trait MatchWarnings {
self: PatternMatching =>
@@ -83,4 +79,4 @@ trait MatchWarnings {
-} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/transform/patmat/PatternMatching.scala b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/transform/patmat/PatternMatching.scala
index b2f2516b5b..05f2d60be1 100644
--- a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/transform/patmat/PatternMatching.scala
+++ b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/transform/patmat/PatternMatching.scala
@@ -222,7 +222,7 @@ trait Interface extends ast.TreeDSL {
object substIdentsForTrees extends Transformer {
private def typedIfOrigTyped(to: Tree, origTp: Type): Tree =
if (origTp == null || origTp == NoType) to
- // important: only type when actually substing and when original tree was typed
+ // important: only type when actually substituting and when original tree was typed
// (don't need to use origTp as the expected type, though, and can't always do this anyway due to unknown type params stemming from polymorphic extractors)
else typer.typed(to)
diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/transform/patmat/ScalacPatternExpanders.scala b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/transform/patmat/ScalacPatternExpanders.scala
index d4f44303bb..2c1fb064cc 100644
--- a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/transform/patmat/ScalacPatternExpanders.scala
+++ b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/transform/patmat/ScalacPatternExpanders.scala
@@ -148,7 +148,7 @@ trait ScalacPatternExpanders {
val tupled = extractor.asSinglePattern
if (effectivePatternArity(args) == 1 && isTupleType(extractor.typeOfSinglePattern)) {
val sym = sel.symbol.owner
- currentRun.reporting.deprecationWarning(sel.pos, sym, s"${sym} expects $productArity patterns$acceptMessage but crushing into $productArity-tuple to fit single pattern (SI-6675)")
+ currentRun.reporting.deprecationWarning(sel.pos, sym, s"${sym} expects $productArity patterns$acceptMessage but crushing into $productArity-tuple to fit single pattern (SI-6675)", "2.11.0")
} else extractor