path: root/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/typechecker/Contexts.scala
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1 files changed, 895 insertions, 312 deletions
diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/typechecker/Contexts.scala b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/typechecker/Contexts.scala
index 3fe98ed127..82e6de87e3 100644
--- a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/typechecker/Contexts.scala
+++ b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/typechecker/Contexts.scala
@@ -6,9 +6,9 @@
package typechecker
-import symtab.Flags._
-import scala.collection.mutable.{LinkedHashSet, Set}
+import scala.collection.{ immutable, mutable }
import scala.annotation.tailrec
+import scala.reflect.internal.util.shortClassOfInstance
* @author Martin Odersky
@@ -16,25 +16,35 @@ import scala.annotation.tailrec
trait Contexts { self: Analyzer =>
import global._
+ import definitions.{ JavaLangPackage, ScalaPackage, PredefModule }
+ import ContextMode._
- object NoContext extends Context {
- outer = this
+ object NoContext
+ extends Context(EmptyTree, NoSymbol, EmptyScope, NoCompilationUnit,
+ null) { // We can't pass the uninitialized `this`. Instead, we treat null specially in `Context#outer`
enclClass = this
enclMethod = this
+ override val depth = 0
override def nextEnclosing(p: Context => Boolean): Context = this
override def enclosingContextChain: List[Context] = Nil
override def implicitss: List[List[ImplicitInfo]] = Nil
+ override def imports: List[ImportInfo] = Nil
+ override def firstImport: Option[ImportInfo] = None
override def toString = "NoContext"
private object RootImports {
- import definitions._
// Possible lists of root imports
val javaList = JavaLangPackage :: Nil
val javaAndScalaList = JavaLangPackage :: ScalaPackage :: Nil
val completeList = JavaLangPackage :: ScalaPackage :: PredefModule :: Nil
+ def ambiguousImports(imp1: ImportInfo, imp2: ImportInfo) =
+ LookupAmbiguous(s"it is imported twice in the same scope by\n$imp1\nand $imp2")
+ def ambiguousDefnAndImport(owner: Symbol, imp: ImportInfo) =
+ LookupAmbiguous(s"it is both defined in $owner and imported subsequently by \n$imp")
private lazy val startContext = {
Template(List(), emptyValDef, List()) setSymbol global.NoSymbol setType global.NoType,
@@ -42,6 +52,25 @@ trait Contexts { self: Analyzer =>
+ private lazy val allUsedSelectors =
+ mutable.Map[ImportInfo, Set[ImportSelector]]() withDefaultValue Set()
+ private lazy val allImportInfos =
+ mutable.Map[CompilationUnit, List[ImportInfo]]() withDefaultValue Nil
+ def warnUnusedImports(unit: CompilationUnit) = {
+ for (imps <- allImportInfos.remove(unit)) {
+ for (imp <- imps.reverse.distinct) {
+ val used = allUsedSelectors(imp)
+ def isMask(s: ImportSelector) = != nme.WILDCARD && s.rename == nme.WILDCARD
+ imp.tree.selectors filterNot (s => isMask(s) || used(s)) foreach { sel =>
+ unit.warning(imp posOf sel, "Unused import")
+ }
+ }
+ allUsedSelectors --= imps
+ }
+ }
var lastAccessCheckDetails: String = ""
/** List of symbols to import from in a root context. Typically that
@@ -55,292 +84,360 @@ trait Contexts { self: Analyzer =>
protected def rootImports(unit: CompilationUnit): List[Symbol] = {
assert(definitions.isDefinitionsInitialized, "definitions uninitialized")
- if (settings.noimports.value) Nil
+ if (settings.noimports) Nil
else if (unit.isJava) RootImports.javaList
- else if (settings.nopredef.value || treeInfo.noPredefImportForUnit(unit.body)) RootImports.javaAndScalaList
+ else if (settings.nopredef || treeInfo.noPredefImportForUnit(unit.body)) {
+ debuglog("Omitted import of Predef._ for " + unit)
+ RootImports.javaAndScalaList
+ }
else RootImports.completeList
- def rootContext(unit: CompilationUnit): Context = rootContext(unit, EmptyTree, false)
- def rootContext(unit: CompilationUnit, tree: Tree): Context = rootContext(unit, tree, false)
- def rootContext(unit: CompilationUnit, tree: Tree, erasedTypes: Boolean): Context = {
- import definitions._
- var sc = startContext
- for (sym <- rootImports(unit)) {
- sc = sc.makeNewImport(sym)
- sc.depth += 1
- }
- val c = sc.make(unit, tree, sc.owner, sc.scope, sc.imports)
+ def rootContext(unit: CompilationUnit, tree: Tree = EmptyTree, erasedTypes: Boolean = false): Context = {
+ val rootImportsContext = (startContext /: rootImports(unit))((c, sym) => c.make(gen.mkWildcardImport(sym)))
+ val c = rootImportsContext.make(tree, unit = unit)
if (erasedTypes) c.setThrowErrors() else c.setReportErrors()
- c.implicitsEnabled = !erasedTypes
- c.enrichmentEnabled = c.implicitsEnabled
+ c(EnrichmentEnabled | ImplicitsEnabled) = !erasedTypes
def resetContexts() {
- var sc = startContext
- while (sc != NoContext) {
- sc.tree match {
- case Import(qual, _) => qual.tpe = singleType(qual.symbol.owner.thisType, qual.symbol)
- case _ =>
+ startContext.enclosingContextChain foreach { context =>
+ context.tree match {
+ case Import(qual, _) => qual setType singleType(qual.symbol.owner.thisType, qual.symbol)
+ case _ =>
- sc.flushAndReturnBuffer()
- sc.flushAndReturnWarningsBuffer()
- sc = sc.outer
+ context.reportBuffer.clearAll()
- private object Errors {
- final val ReportErrors = 1 << 0
- final val BufferErrors = 1 << 1
- final val AmbiguousErrors = 1 << 2
- final val notThrowMask = ReportErrors | BufferErrors
- final val AllMask = ReportErrors | BufferErrors | AmbiguousErrors
- }
+ /**
+ * A motley collection of the state and loosely associated behaviour of the type checker.
+ * Each `Typer` has an associated context, and as it descends into the tree new `(Typer, Context)`
+ * pairs are spawned.
+ *
+ * Meet the crew; first the state:
+ *
+ * - A tree, symbol, and scope representing the focus of the typechecker
+ * - An enclosing context, `outer`.
+ * - The current compilation unit.
+ * - A variety of bits that track the current error reporting policy (more on this later);
+ * whether or not implicits/macros are enabled, whether we are in a self or super call or
+ * in a constructor suffix. These are represented as bits in the mask `contextMode`.
+ * - Some odds and ends: undetermined type pararameters of the current line of type inference;
+ * contextual augmentation for error messages, tracking of the nesting depth.
+ *
+ * And behaviour:
+ *
+ * - The central point for issuing errors and warnings from the typechecker, with a means
+ * to buffer these for use in 'silent' type checking, when some recovery might be possible.
+ * - `Context` is something of a Zipper for the tree were are typechecking: it `enclosingContextChain`
+ * is the path back to the root. This is exactly what we need to resolve names (`lookupSymbol`)
+ * and to collect in-scope implicit defintions (`implicitss`)
+ * Supporting these are `imports`, which represents all `Import` trees in in the enclosing context chain.
+ * - In a similar vein, we can assess accessiblity (`isAccessible`.)
+ *
+ * More on error buffering:
+ * When are type errors recoverable? In quite a few places, it turns out. Some examples:
+ * trying to type an application with/without the expected type, or with/without implicit views
+ * enabled. This is usually mediated by `Typer.silent`, `Inferencer#tryTwice`.
+ *
+ * Intially, starting from the `typer` phase, the contexts either buffer or report errors;
+ * afterwards errors are thrown. This is configured in `rootContext`. Additionally, more
+ * fine grained control is needed based on the kind of error; ambiguity errors are often
+ * suppressed during exploraratory typing, such as determining whether `a == b` in an argument
+ * position is an assignment or a named argument, when `Infererencer#isApplicableSafe` type checks
+ * applications with and without an expected type, or whtn `Typer#tryTypedApply` tries to fit arguments to
+ * a function type with/without implicit views.
+ *
+ * When the error policies entails error/warning buffering, the mutable [[ReportBuffer]] records
+ * everything that is issued. It is important to note, that child Contexts created with `make`
+ * "inherit" the very same `ReportBuffer` instance, whereas children spawned through `makeSilent`
+ * receive an separate, fresh buffer.
+ *
+ * @param tree Tree associated with this context
+ * @param owner The current owner
+ * @param scope The current scope
+ * @param _outer The next outer context.
+ */
+ class Context private[typechecker](val tree: Tree, val owner: Symbol, val scope: Scope,
+ val unit: CompilationUnit, _outer: Context) {
+ private def outerIsNoContext = _outer eq null
+ final def outer: Context = if (outerIsNoContext) NoContext else _outer
+ /** The next outer context whose tree is a template or package definition */
+ var enclClass: Context = _
- class Context private[typechecker] {
- import Errors._
- var unit: CompilationUnit = NoCompilationUnit
- var tree: Tree = _ // Tree associated with this context
- var owner: Symbol = NoSymbol // The current owner
- var scope: Scope = _ // The current scope
- var outer: Context = _ // The next outer context
- var enclClass: Context = _ // The next outer context whose tree is a
- // template or package definition
- @inline final def savingEnclClass[A](c: Context)(a: => A): A = {
+ @inline private def savingEnclClass[A](c: Context)(a: => A): A = {
val saved = enclClass
enclClass = c
try a finally enclClass = saved
- var enclMethod: Context = _ // The next outer context whose tree is a method
- var variance: Int = _ // Variance relative to enclosing class
- private var _undetparams: List[Symbol] = List() // Undetermined type parameters,
- // not inherited to child contexts
- var depth: Int = 0
- var imports: List[ImportInfo] = List() // currently visible imports
- var openImplicits: List[OpenImplicit] = List() // types for which implicit arguments
- // are currently searched
- // for a named application block (Tree) the corresponding NamedApplyInfo
+ /** A bitmask containing all the boolean flags in a context, e.g. are implicit views enabled */
+ var contextMode: ContextMode = ContextMode.DefaultMode
+ /** Update all modes in `mask` to `value` */
+ def update(mask: ContextMode, value: Boolean) {
+ contextMode = contextMode.set(value, mask)
+ }
+ /** Set all modes in the mask `enable` to true, and all in `disable` to false. */
+ def set(enable: ContextMode = NOmode, disable: ContextMode = NOmode): this.type = {
+ contextMode = contextMode.set(true, enable).set(false, disable)
+ this
+ }
+ /** Is this context in all modes in the given `mask`? */
+ def apply(mask: ContextMode): Boolean = contextMode.inAll(mask)
+ /** The next outer context whose tree is a method */
+ var enclMethod: Context = _
+ /** Variance relative to enclosing class */
+ var variance: Variance = Variance.Invariant
+ private var _undetparams: List[Symbol] = List()
+ protected def outerDepth = if (outerIsNoContext) 0 else outer.depth
+ val depth: Int = {
+ val increasesDepth = isRootImport || outerIsNoContext || (outer.scope != scope)
+ ( if (increasesDepth) 1 else 0 ) + outerDepth
+ }
+ /** The currently visible imports */
+ def imports: List[ImportInfo] = outer.imports
+ /** Equivalent to `imports.headOption`, but more efficient */
+ def firstImport: Option[ImportInfo] = outer.firstImport
+ def isRootImport: Boolean = false
+ /** Types for which implicit arguments are currently searched */
+ var openImplicits: List[OpenImplicit] = List()
+ /* For a named application block (`Tree`) the corresponding `NamedApplyInfo`. */
var namedApplyBlockInfo: Option[(Tree, NamedApplyInfo)] = None
var prefix: Type = NoPrefix
- var inConstructorSuffix = false // are we in a secondary constructor
- // after the this constructor call?
- var returnsSeen = false // for method context: were returns encountered?
- var inSelfSuperCall = false // is this context (enclosed in) a constructor call?
- // (the call to the super or self constructor in the first line of a constructor)
- // in this context the object's fields should not be in scope
- var diagnostic: List[String] = Nil // these messages are printed when issuing an error
- var implicitsEnabled = false
- var macrosEnabled = true
- var enrichmentEnabled = false // to selectively allow enrichment in patterns, where other kinds of implicit conversions are not allowed
- var checking = false
- var retyping = false
- var savedTypeBounds: List[(Symbol, Type)] = List() // saved type bounds
- // for type parameters which are narrowed in a GADT
+ def inConstructorSuffix_=(value: Boolean) = this(ConstructorSuffix) = value
+ def inConstructorSuffix = this(ConstructorSuffix)
+ def returnsSeen_=(value: Boolean) = this(ReturnsSeen) = value
+ def returnsSeen = this(ReturnsSeen)
+ def inSelfSuperCall_=(value: Boolean) = this(SelfSuperCall) = value
+ def inSelfSuperCall = this(SelfSuperCall)
+ def implicitsEnabled_=(value: Boolean) = this(ImplicitsEnabled) = value
+ def implicitsEnabled = this(ImplicitsEnabled)
+ def macrosEnabled_=(value: Boolean) = this(MacrosEnabled) = value
+ def macrosEnabled = this(MacrosEnabled)
+ def enrichmentEnabled_=(value: Boolean) = this(EnrichmentEnabled) = value
+ def enrichmentEnabled = this(EnrichmentEnabled)
+ def checking_=(value: Boolean) = this(Checking) = value
+ def checking = this(Checking)
+ def retyping_=(value: Boolean) = this(ReTyping) = value
+ def retyping = this(ReTyping)
+ /** These messages are printed when issuing an error */
+ var diagnostic: List[String] = Nil
+ /** Saved type bounds for type parameters which are narrowed in a GADT. */
+ var savedTypeBounds: List[(Symbol, Type)] = List()
+ /** Indentation level, in columns, for output under -Ytyper-debug */
var typingIndentLevel: Int = 0
def typingIndent = " " * typingIndentLevel
- var buffer: Set[AbsTypeError] = _
- var warningsBuffer: Set[(Position, String)] = _
+ /** The next enclosing context (potentially `this`) that is owned by a class or method */
def enclClassOrMethod: Context =
if ((owner eq NoSymbol) || (owner.isClass) || (owner.isMethod)) this
else outer.enclClassOrMethod
+ /** The next enclosing context (potentially `this`) that has a `CaseDef` as a tree */
+ def enclosingCaseDef = nextEnclosing(_.tree.isInstanceOf[CaseDef])
+ /** ...or an Apply. */
+ def enclosingApply = nextEnclosing(_.tree.isInstanceOf[Apply])
+ //
+ // Tracking undetermined type parameters for type argument inference.
+ //
def undetparamsString =
if (undetparams.isEmpty) ""
else undetparams.mkString("undetparams=", ", ", "")
- def undetparams = _undetparams
+ /** Undetermined type parameters. See `Infer#{inferExprInstance, adjustTypeArgs}`. Not inherited to child contexts */
+ def undetparams: List[Symbol] = _undetparams
def undetparams_=(ps: List[Symbol]) = { _undetparams = ps }
- def extractUndetparams() = {
+ /** Return and clear the undetermined type parameters */
+ def extractUndetparams(): List[Symbol] = {
val tparams = undetparams
undetparams = List()
- private[this] var mode = 0
- def errBuffer = buffer
- def hasErrors = buffer.nonEmpty
- def hasWarnings = warningsBuffer.nonEmpty
- def state: Int = mode
- def restoreState(state0: Int) = mode = state0
- def reportErrors = (state & ReportErrors) != 0
- def bufferErrors = (state & BufferErrors) != 0
- def ambiguousErrors = (state & AmbiguousErrors) != 0
- def throwErrors = (state & notThrowMask) == 0
- def setReportErrors() = mode = (ReportErrors | AmbiguousErrors)
- def setBufferErrors() = {
- //assert(bufferErrors || !hasErrors, "When entering the buffer state, context has to be clean. Current buffer: " + buffer)
- mode = BufferErrors
+ /** Run `body` with this context with no undetermined type parameters, restore the original
+ * the original list afterwards.
+ * @param reportAmbiguous Should ambiguous errors be reported during evaluation of `body`?
+ */
+ def savingUndeterminedTypeParams[A](reportAmbiguous: Boolean = ambiguousErrors)(body: => A): A = {
+ withMode() {
+ this(AmbiguousErrors) = reportAmbiguous
+ val saved = extractUndetparams()
+ try body
+ finally undetparams = saved
+ }
- def setThrowErrors() = mode &= (~AllMask)
- def setAmbiguousErrors(report: Boolean) = if (report) mode |= AmbiguousErrors else mode &= notThrowMask
- def updateBuffer(errors: Set[AbsTypeError]) = buffer ++= errors
- def condBufferFlush(removeP: AbsTypeError => Boolean) {
- val elems = buffer.filter(removeP)
- buffer --= elems
- }
- def flushBuffer() { buffer.clear() }
- def flushAndReturnBuffer(): Set[AbsTypeError] = {
- val current = buffer.clone()
- buffer.clear()
- current
- }
- def flushAndReturnWarningsBuffer(): Set[(Position, String)] = {
- val current = warningsBuffer.clone()
- warningsBuffer.clear()
+ //
+ // Error reporting policies and buffer.
+ //
+ private var _reportBuffer: ReportBuffer = new ReportBuffer
+ /** A buffer for errors and warnings, used with `this.bufferErrors == true` */
+ def reportBuffer = _reportBuffer
+ /** Discard the current report buffer, and replace with an empty one */
+ def useFreshReportBuffer() = _reportBuffer = new ReportBuffer
+ /** Discard the current report buffer, and replace with `other` */
+ def restoreReportBuffer(other: ReportBuffer) = _reportBuffer = other
+ /** The first error, if any, in the report buffer */
+ def firstError: Option[AbsTypeError] = reportBuffer.firstError
+ /** Does the report buffer contain any errors? */
+ def hasErrors = reportBuffer.hasErrors
+ def reportErrors = this(ReportErrors)
+ def bufferErrors = this(BufferErrors)
+ def ambiguousErrors = this(AmbiguousErrors)
+ def throwErrors = contextMode.inNone(ReportErrors | BufferErrors)
+ def setReportErrors(): Unit = set(enable = ReportErrors | AmbiguousErrors, disable = BufferErrors)
+ def setBufferErrors(): Unit = set(enable = BufferErrors, disable = ReportErrors | AmbiguousErrors)
+ def setThrowErrors(): Unit = this(ReportErrors | AmbiguousErrors | BufferErrors) = false
+ def setAmbiguousErrors(report: Boolean): Unit = this(AmbiguousErrors) = report
+ /** Append the given errors to the report buffer */
+ def updateBuffer(errors: Traversable[AbsTypeError]) = reportBuffer ++= errors
+ /** Clear all errors from the report buffer */
+ def flushBuffer() { reportBuffer.clearAllErrors() }
+ /** Return and clear all errors from the report buffer */
+ def flushAndReturnBuffer(): immutable.Seq[AbsTypeError] = {
+ val current = reportBuffer.errors
+ reportBuffer.clearAllErrors()
- def logError(err: AbsTypeError) = buffer += err
- def withImplicitsEnabled[T](op: => T): T = {
- val saved = implicitsEnabled
- implicitsEnabled = true
- try op
- finally implicitsEnabled = saved
+ /** Issue and clear all warnings from the report buffer */
+ def flushAndIssueWarnings() {
+ reportBuffer.warnings foreach {
+ case (pos, msg) => unit.warning(pos, msg)
+ }
+ reportBuffer.clearAllWarnings()
- def withImplicitsDisabled[T](op: => T): T = {
- val saved = implicitsEnabled
- implicitsEnabled = false
- val savedP = enrichmentEnabled
- enrichmentEnabled = false
+ //
+ // Temporary mode adjustment
+ //
+ @inline def withMode[T](enabled: ContextMode = NOmode, disabled: ContextMode = NOmode)(op: => T): T = {
+ val saved = contextMode
+ set(enabled, disabled)
try op
- finally {
- implicitsEnabled = saved
- enrichmentEnabled = savedP
- }
+ finally contextMode = saved
- def withImplicitsDisabledAllowEnrichment[T](op: => T): T = {
- val saved = implicitsEnabled
- implicitsEnabled = false
- val savedP = enrichmentEnabled
- enrichmentEnabled = true
- try op
- finally {
- implicitsEnabled = saved
- enrichmentEnabled = savedP
+ def withImplicitsEnabled[T](op: => T): T = withMode(enabled = ImplicitsEnabled)(op)
+ def withImplicitsDisabled[T](op: => T): T = withMode(disabled = ImplicitsEnabled | EnrichmentEnabled)(op)
+ def withImplicitsDisabledAllowEnrichment[T](op: => T): T = withMode(enabled = EnrichmentEnabled, disabled = ImplicitsEnabled)(op)
+ def withMacrosEnabled[T](op: => T): T = withMode(enabled = MacrosEnabled)(op)
+ def withMacrosDisabled[T](op: => T): T = withMode(disabled = MacrosEnabled)(op)
+ /** @return true if the `expr` evaluates to true within a silent Context that incurs no errors */
+ @inline final def inSilentMode(expr: => Boolean): Boolean = {
+ withMode() { // withMode with no arguments to restore the mode mutated by `setBufferErrors`.
+ setBufferErrors()
+ try expr && !hasErrors
+ finally reportBuffer.clearAll()
- def withMacrosEnabled[T](op: => T): T = {
- val saved = macrosEnabled
- macrosEnabled = true
- try op
- finally macrosEnabled = saved
- }
+ //
+ // Child Context Creation
+ //
- def withMacrosDisabled[T](op: => T): T = {
- val saved = macrosEnabled
- macrosEnabled = false
- try op
- finally macrosEnabled = saved
- }
- def make(unit: CompilationUnit, tree: Tree, owner: Symbol,
- scope: Scope, imports: List[ImportInfo]): Context = {
- val c = new Context
- c.unit = unit
- c.tree = tree
- c.owner = owner
- c.scope = scope
- c.outer = this
- tree match {
- case Template(_, _, _) | PackageDef(_, _) =>
- c.enclClass = c
- c.prefix = c.owner.thisType
- c.inConstructorSuffix = false
- case _ =>
- c.enclClass = this.enclClass
- c.prefix =
- if (c.owner != this.owner && c.owner.isTerm) NoPrefix
- else this.prefix
- c.inConstructorSuffix = this.inConstructorSuffix
+ /**
+ * Construct a child context. The parent and child will share the report buffer.
+ * Compare with `makeSilent`, in which the child has a fresh report buffer.
+ *
+ * If `tree` is an `Import`, that import will be avaiable at the head of
+ * `Context#imports`.
+ */
+ def make(tree: Tree = tree, owner: Symbol = owner,
+ scope: Scope = scope, unit: CompilationUnit = unit): Context = {
+ val isTemplateOrPackage = tree match {
+ case _: Template | _: PackageDef => true
+ case _ => false
+ }
+ val isDefDef = tree match {
+ case _: DefDef => true
+ case _ => false
- tree match {
- case DefDef(_, _, _, _, _, _) =>
- c.enclMethod = c
- case _ =>
- c.enclMethod = this.enclMethod
+ val isImport = tree match {
+ case _: Import => true
+ case _ => false
- c.variance = this.variance
- c.depth = if (scope == this.scope) this.depth else this.depth + 1
- c.imports = imports
- c.inSelfSuperCall = inSelfSuperCall
- c.restoreState(this.state)
- c.diagnostic = this.diagnostic
- c.typingIndentLevel = typingIndentLevel
- c.implicitsEnabled = this.implicitsEnabled
- c.macrosEnabled = this.macrosEnabled
- c.enrichmentEnabled = this.enrichmentEnabled
- c.checking = this.checking
- c.retyping = this.retyping
- c.openImplicits = this.openImplicits
- c.buffer = if (this.buffer == null) LinkedHashSet[AbsTypeError]() else this.buffer // need to initialize
- c.warningsBuffer = if (this.warningsBuffer == null) LinkedHashSet[(Position, String)]() else this.warningsBuffer
+ val sameOwner = owner == this.owner
+ val prefixInChild =
+ if (isTemplateOrPackage) owner.thisType
+ else if (!sameOwner && owner.isTerm) NoPrefix
+ else prefix
+ // The blank canvas
+ val c = if (isImport)
+ new Context(tree, owner, scope, unit, this) with ImportContext
+ else
+ new Context(tree, owner, scope, unit, this)
+ // Fields that are directly propagated
+ c.variance = variance
+ c.diagnostic = diagnostic
+ c.typingIndentLevel = typingIndentLevel
+ c.openImplicits = openImplicits
+ c.contextMode = contextMode // note: ConstructorSuffix, a bit within `mode`, is conditionally overwritten below.
+ c._reportBuffer = reportBuffer
+ // Fields that may take on a different value in the child
+ c.prefix = prefixInChild
+ c.enclClass = if (isTemplateOrPackage) c else enclClass
+ c(ConstructorSuffix) = !isTemplateOrPackage && c(ConstructorSuffix)
+ c.enclMethod = if (isDefDef) c else enclMethod
debuglog("[context] ++ " + c.unit + " / " + tree.summaryString)
- // TODO: remove? Doesn't seem to be used
- def make(unit: CompilationUnit): Context = {
- val c = make(unit, EmptyTree, owner, scope, imports)
- c.setReportErrors()
- c.implicitsEnabled = true
- c.macrosEnabled = true
- c
- }
- def makeNewImport(sym: Symbol): Context =
- makeNewImport(gen.mkWildcardImport(sym))
- def makeNewImport(imp: Import): Context =
- make(unit, imp, owner, scope, new ImportInfo(imp, depth) :: imports)
def make(tree: Tree, owner: Symbol, scope: Scope): Context =
+ // TODO SI-7345 Moving this optimization into the main overload of `make` causes all tests to fail.
+ // even if it is extened to check that `unit == this.unit`. Why is this?
if (tree == this.tree && owner == this.owner && scope == this.scope) this
- else make0(tree, owner, scope)
- private def make0(tree: Tree, owner: Symbol, scope: Scope): Context =
- make(unit, tree, owner, scope, imports)
+ else make(tree, owner, scope, unit)
+ /** Make a child context that represents a new nested scope */
def makeNewScope(tree: Tree, owner: Symbol): Context =
make(tree, owner, newNestedScope(scope))
- // IDE stuff: distinguish between scopes created for typing and scopes created for naming.
- def make(tree: Tree, owner: Symbol): Context =
- make0(tree, owner, scope)
- def make(tree: Tree): Context =
- make(tree, owner)
- def makeSilent(reportAmbiguousErrors: Boolean, newtree: Tree = tree): Context = {
+ /** Make a child context that buffers errors and warnings into a fresh report buffer. */
+ def makeSilent(reportAmbiguousErrors: Boolean = ambiguousErrors, newtree: Tree = tree): Context = {
val c = make(newtree)
- c.buffer = new LinkedHashSet[AbsTypeError]()
+ c._reportBuffer = new ReportBuffer // A fresh buffer so as not to leak errors/warnings into `this`.
+ /** Make a silent child context does not allow implicits. Used to prevent chaining of implicit views. */
def makeImplicit(reportAmbiguousErrors: Boolean) = {
val c = makeSilent(reportAmbiguousErrors)
- c.implicitsEnabled = false
- c.enrichmentEnabled = false
+ c(ImplicitsEnabled | EnrichmentEnabled) = false
@@ -355,12 +452,10 @@ trait Contexts { self: Analyzer =>
* accessible.
def makeConstructorContext = {
- var baseContext = enclClass.outer
- while (baseContext.tree.isInstanceOf[Template])
- baseContext = baseContext.outer
+ val baseContext = enclClass.outer.nextEnclosing(!_.tree.isInstanceOf[Template])
val argContext = baseContext.makeNewScope(tree, owner)
+ argContext.contextMode = contextMode
argContext.inSelfSuperCall = true
- argContext.restoreState(this.state)
def enterElems(c: Context) {
def enterLocalElems(e: ScopeEntry) {
if (e != null && e.owner == c.scope) {
@@ -368,7 +463,7 @@ trait Contexts { self: Analyzer =>
argContext.scope enter e.sym
- if (c.owner.isTerm && !c.owner.isLocalDummy) {
+ if (c.isLocal && !c.owner.isLocalDummy) {
@@ -379,6 +474,10 @@ trait Contexts { self: Analyzer =>
+ //
+ // Error and warning issuance
+ //
private def addDiagString(msg: String) = {
val ds =
if (diagnostic.isEmpty) ""
@@ -390,19 +489,23 @@ trait Contexts { self: Analyzer =>
unit.error(pos, if (checking) "\n**** ERROR DURING INTERNAL CHECKING ****\n" + msg else msg)
@inline private def issueCommon(err: AbsTypeError)(pf: PartialFunction[AbsTypeError, Unit]) {
- debugwarn("issue error: " + err.errMsg)
- if (settings.Yissuedebug.value) (new Exception).printStackTrace()
+ if (settings.Yissuedebug) {
+ log("issue error: " + err.errMsg)
+ (new Exception).printStackTrace()
+ }
if (pf isDefinedAt err) pf(err)
- else if (bufferErrors) { buffer += err }
+ else if (bufferErrors) { reportBuffer += err }
else throw new TypeError(err.errPos, err.errMsg)
+ /** Issue/buffer/throw the given type error according to the current mode for error reporting. */
def issue(err: AbsTypeError) {
issueCommon(err) { case _ if reportErrors =>
unitError(err.errPos, addDiagString(err.errMsg))
+ /** Issue/buffer/throw the given implicit ambiguity error according to the current mode for error reporting. */
def issueAmbiguousError(pre: Type, sym1: Symbol, sym2: Symbol, err: AbsTypeError) {
issueCommon(err) { case _ if ambiguousErrors =>
if (!pre.isErroneous && !sym1.isErroneous && !sym2.isErroneous)
@@ -410,44 +513,31 @@ trait Contexts { self: Analyzer =>
+ /** Issue/buffer/throw the given implicit ambiguity error according to the current mode for error reporting. */
def issueAmbiguousError(err: AbsTypeError) {
issueCommon(err) { case _ if ambiguousErrors => unitError(err.errPos, addDiagString(err.errMsg)) }
- // TODO remove
+ /** Issue/throw the given `err` according to the current mode for error reporting. */
def error(pos: Position, err: Throwable) =
if (reportErrors) unitError(pos, addDiagString(err.getMessage()))
else throw err
+ /** Issue/throw the given error message according to the current mode for error reporting. */
def error(pos: Position, msg: String) = {
val msg1 = addDiagString(msg)
if (reportErrors) unitError(pos, msg1)
else throw new TypeError(pos, msg1)
- def warning(pos: Position, msg: String): Unit = warning(pos, msg, false)
- def warning(pos: Position, msg: String, force: Boolean) {
+ /** Issue/throw the given error message according to the current mode for error reporting. */
+ def warning(pos: Position, msg: String, force: Boolean = false) {
if (reportErrors || force) unit.warning(pos, msg)
- else if (bufferErrors) warningsBuffer += ((pos, msg))
+ else if (bufferErrors) reportBuffer += (pos -> msg)
- def isLocal(): Boolean = tree match {
- case Block(_,_) => true
- case PackageDef(_, _) => false
- case EmptyTree => false
- case _ => outer.isLocal()
- }
- /** Fast path for some slow checks (ambiguous assignment in Refchecks, and
- * existence of __match for MatchTranslation in virtpatmat.) This logic probably
- * needs improvement.
- */
- def isNameInScope(name: Name) = (
- enclosingContextChain exists (ctx =>
- (ctx.scope.lookupEntry(name) != null)
- || (ctx.owner.rawInfo.member(name) != NoSymbol)
- )
- )
+ /** Is the owning symbol of this context a term? */
+ final def isLocal: Boolean = owner.isTerm
// nextOuter determines which context is searched next for implicits
// (after `this`, which contributes `newImplicits` below.) In
@@ -473,26 +563,35 @@ trait Contexts { self: Analyzer =>
def enclosingContextChain: List[Context] = this :: outer.enclosingContextChain
- override def toString = "Context(%s@%s unit=%s scope=%s errors=%b, reportErrors=%b, throwErrors=%b)".format(
- owner.fullName, tree.shortClass, unit, scope.##, hasErrors, reportErrors, throwErrors
- )
- /** Is `sub` a subclass of `base` or a companion object of such a subclass?
- */
- def isSubClassOrCompanion(sub: Symbol, base: Symbol) =
- sub.isNonBottomSubClass(base) ||
- sub.isModuleClass && sub.linkedClassOfClass.isNonBottomSubClass(base)
- /** Return closest enclosing context that defines a superclass of `clazz`, or a
- * companion module of a superclass of `clazz`, or NoContext if none exists */
- def enclosingSuperClassContext(clazz: Symbol): Context = {
- var c = this.enclClass
- while (c != NoContext &&
- !clazz.isNonBottomSubClass(c.owner) &&
- !(c.owner.isModuleClass && clazz.isNonBottomSubClass(c.owner.companionClass)))
- c = c.outer.enclClass
- c
+ private def treeTruncated = tree.toString.replaceAll("\\s+", " ").lines.mkString("\\n").take(70)
+ private def treeIdString = if (settings.uniqid.value) "#" + System.identityHashCode(tree).toString.takeRight(3) else ""
+ private def treeString = tree match {
+ case x: Import => "" + x
+ case Template(parents, `emptyValDef`, body) =>
+ val pstr = if ((parents eq null) || parents.isEmpty) "Nil" else parents mkString " "
+ val bstr = if (body eq null) "" else body.length + " stats"
+ s"""Template($pstr, _, $bstr)"""
+ case x => s"${tree.shortClass}${treeIdString}:${treeTruncated}"
+ override def toString =
+ sm"""|Context($unit) {
+ | owner = $owner
+ | tree = $treeString
+ | scope = ${scope.size} decls
+ | contextMode = $contextMode
+ | outer.owner = ${outer.owner}
+ |}"""
+ //
+ // Accessibility checking
+ //
+ /** Is `sub` a subclass of `base` or a companion object of such a subclass? */
+ private def isSubClassOrCompanion(sub: Symbol, base: Symbol) =
+ sub.isNonBottomSubClass(base) ||
+ sub.isModuleClass && sub.linkedClassOfClass.isNonBottomSubClass(base)
/** Return the closest enclosing context that defines a subclass of `clazz`
* or a companion object thereof, or `NoContext` if no such context exists.
@@ -503,9 +602,7 @@ trait Contexts { self: Analyzer =>
- /** Is `sym` accessible as a member of tree `site` with type
- * `pre` in current context?
- */
+ /** Is `sym` accessible as a member of `pre` in current context? */
def isAccessible(sym: Symbol, pre: Type, superAccess: Boolean = false): Boolean = {
lastAccessCheckDetails = ""
// Console.println("isAccessible(%s, %s, %s)".format(sym, pre, superAccess))
@@ -518,7 +615,7 @@ trait Contexts { self: Analyzer =>
(linked ne NoSymbol) && accessWithin(linked)
- /** Are we inside definition of `ab`? */
+ /* Are we inside definition of `ab`? */
def accessWithin(ab: Symbol) = {
// #3663: we must disregard package nesting if sym isJavaDefined
if (sym.isJavaDefined) {
@@ -530,26 +627,12 @@ trait Contexts { self: Analyzer =>
} else (owner hasTransOwner ab)
- var c = this
- while (c != NoContext && c.owner != owner) {
- if (c.outer eq null) abort("accessWithin(" + owner + ") " + c);//debug
- if (c.outer.enclClass eq null) abort("accessWithin(" + owner + ") " + c);//debug
- c = c.outer.enclClass
- }
- c != NoContext
- }
- /** Is `clazz` a subclass of an enclosing class? */
- def isSubClassOfEnclosing(clazz: Symbol): Boolean =
- enclosingSuperClassContext(clazz) != NoContext
def isSubThisType(pre: Type, clazz: Symbol): Boolean = pre match {
case ThisType(pclazz) => pclazz isNonBottomSubClass clazz
case _ => false
- /** Is protected access to target symbol permitted */
+ /* Is protected access to target symbol permitted */
def isProtectedAccessOK(target: Symbol) = {
val c = enclosingSubClassContext(sym.owner)
if (c == NoContext)
@@ -589,8 +672,7 @@ trait Contexts { self: Analyzer =>
( superAccess
|| pre.isInstanceOf[ThisType]
|| phase.erasedTypes
- || isProtectedAccessOK(sym)
- || (sym.allOverriddenSymbols exists isProtectedAccessOK)
+ || (sym.overrideChain exists isProtectedAccessOK)
// that last condition makes protected access via self types work.
@@ -600,26 +682,50 @@ trait Contexts { self: Analyzer =>
+ //
+ // Type bound management
+ //
def pushTypeBounds(sym: Symbol) {
+ match {
+ case tb: TypeBounds => if (!tb.isEmptyBounds) log(s"Saving $sym info=$tb")
+ case info => devWarning(s"Something other than a TypeBounds seen in pushTypeBounds: $info is a ${shortClassOfInstance(info)}")
+ }
savedTypeBounds ::= ((sym,
def restoreTypeBounds(tp: Type): Type = {
- var current = tp
- for ((sym, info) <- savedTypeBounds) {
- debuglog("resetting " + sym + " to " + info);
- match {
- case TypeBounds(lo, hi) if (hi <:< lo && lo <:< hi) =>
- current = current.instantiateTypeParams(List(sym), List(lo))
-//@M TODO: when higher-kinded types are inferred, probably need a case PolyType(_, TypeBounds(...)) if ... =>
- case _ =>
- }
- sym.setInfo(info)
+ def restore(): Type = savedTypeBounds.foldLeft(tp) { case (current, (sym, savedInfo)) =>
+ def bounds_s(tb: TypeBounds) = if (tb.isEmptyBounds) "<empty bounds>" else s"TypeBounds(lo=${tb.lo}, hi=${tb.hi})"
+ //@M TODO: when higher-kinded types are inferred, probably need a case PolyType(_, TypeBounds(...)) if ... =>
+ val TypeBounds(lo, hi) =
+ val isUnique = lo <:< hi && hi <:< lo
+ val isPresent = current contains sym
+ def saved_s = bounds_s(savedInfo.bounds)
+ def current_s = bounds_s(
+ if (isUnique && isPresent)
+ devWarningResult(s"Preserving inference: ${sym.nameString}=$hi in $current (based on $current_s) before restoring $sym to saved $saved_s")(
+ current.instantiateTypeParams(List(sym), List(hi))
+ )
+ else if (isPresent)
+ devWarningResult(s"Discarding inferred $current_s because it does not uniquely determine $sym in")(current)
+ else
+ logResult(s"Discarding inferred $current_s because $sym does not appear in")(current)
+ }
+ try restore()
+ finally {
+ for ((sym, savedInfo) <- savedTypeBounds)
+ sym setInfo debuglogResult(s"Discarding inferred $sym=${}, restoring saved info")(savedInfo)
+ savedTypeBounds = Nil
- savedTypeBounds = List()
- current
+ //
+ // Implicit collection
+ //
private var implicitsCache: List[List[ImplicitInfo]] = null
private var implicitsRunId = NoRunId
@@ -662,7 +768,7 @@ trait Contexts { self: Analyzer =>
case ImportSelector(from, _, to, _) :: sels1 =>
var impls = collect(sels1) filter (info => != from)
if (to != nme.WILDCARD) {
- for (sym <- imp.importedSymbol(to).alternatives)
+ for (sym <- importedAccessibleSymbol(imp, to).alternatives)
if (isQualifyingImplicit(to, sym, pre, imported = true))
impls = new ImplicitInfo(to, pre, sym) :: impls
@@ -679,6 +785,8 @@ trait Contexts { self: Analyzer =>
* filtered out later by `eligibleInfos` (SI-4270 / 9129cfe9), as they don't type-check.
def implicitss: List[List[ImplicitInfo]] = {
+ val imports = this.imports
+ val nextOuter = this.nextOuter
if (implicitsRunId != currentRunId) {
implicitsRunId = currentRunId
implicitsCache = List()
@@ -695,8 +803,8 @@ trait Contexts { self: Analyzer =>
} else if (scope != nextOuter.scope && !owner.isPackageClass) {
debuglog("collect local implicits " + scope.toList)//DEBUG
collectImplicits(scope, NoPrefix)
- } else if (imports != nextOuter.imports) {
- assert(imports.tail == nextOuter.imports, (imports, nextOuter.imports))
+ } else if (firstImport != nextOuter.firstImport) {
+ assert(imports.tail.headOption == nextOuter.firstImport, (imports, nextOuter.imports))
} else if (owner.isPackageClass) {
// the corresponding package object may contain implicit members.
@@ -708,6 +816,304 @@ trait Contexts { self: Analyzer =>
+ //
+ // Imports and symbol lookup
+ //
+ /** It's possible that seemingly conflicting identifiers are
+ * identifiably the same after type normalization. In such cases,
+ * allow compilation to proceed. A typical example is:
+ * package object foo { type InputStream = }
+ * import foo._,
+ */
+ private def resolveAmbiguousImport(name: Name, imp1: ImportInfo, imp2: ImportInfo): Option[ImportInfo] = {
+ val imp1Explicit = imp1 isExplicitImport name
+ val imp2Explicit = imp2 isExplicitImport name
+ val ambiguous = if (imp1.depth == imp2.depth) imp1Explicit == imp2Explicit else !imp1Explicit && imp2Explicit
+ val imp1Symbol = (imp1 importedSymbol name).initialize filter (s => isAccessible(s, imp1.qual.tpe, superAccess = false))
+ val imp2Symbol = (imp2 importedSymbol name).initialize filter (s => isAccessible(s, imp2.qual.tpe, superAccess = false))
+ // The types of the qualifiers from which the ambiguous imports come.
+ // If the ambiguous name is a value, these must be the same.
+ def t1 = imp1.qual.tpe
+ def t2 = imp2.qual.tpe
+ // The types of the ambiguous symbols, seen as members of their qualifiers.
+ // If the ambiguous name is a monomorphic type, we can relax this far.
+ def mt1 = t1 memberType imp1Symbol
+ def mt2 = t2 memberType imp2Symbol
+ def characterize = List(
+ s"types: $t1 =:= $t2 ${t1 =:= t2} members: ${mt1 =:= mt2}",
+ s"member type 1: $mt1",
+ s"member type 2: $mt2"
+ ).mkString("\n ")
+ if (!ambiguous || !imp2Symbol.exists) Some(imp1)
+ else if (!imp1Symbol.exists) Some(imp2)
+ else (
+ // The symbol names are checked rather than the symbols themselves because
+ // each time an overloaded member is looked up it receives a new symbol.
+ // So foo.member("x") != foo.member("x") if x is overloaded. This seems
+ // likely to be the cause of other bugs too...
+ if (t1 =:= t2 && == {
+ log(s"Suppressing ambiguous import: $t1 =:= $t2 && $imp1Symbol == $imp2Symbol")
+ Some(imp1)
+ }
+ // Monomorphism restriction on types is in part because type aliases could have the
+ // same target type but attach different variance to the parameters. Maybe it can be
+ // relaxed, but doesn't seem worth it at present.
+ else if (mt1 =:= mt2 && name.isTypeName && imp1Symbol.isMonomorphicType && imp2Symbol.isMonomorphicType) {
+ log(s"Suppressing ambiguous import: $mt1 =:= $mt2 && $imp1Symbol and $imp2Symbol are equivalent")
+ Some(imp1)
+ }
+ else {
+ log(s"Import is genuinely ambiguous:\n " + characterize)
+ None
+ }
+ )
+ }
+ /** The symbol with name `name` imported via the import in `imp`,
+ * if any such symbol is accessible from this context.
+ */
+ def importedAccessibleSymbol(imp: ImportInfo, name: Name): Symbol =
+ importedAccessibleSymbol(imp, name, requireExplicit = false)
+ private def importedAccessibleSymbol(imp: ImportInfo, name: Name, requireExplicit: Boolean): Symbol =
+ imp.importedSymbol(name, requireExplicit) filter (s => isAccessible(s, imp.qual.tpe, superAccess = false))
+ /** Is `sym` defined in package object of package `pkg`?
+ * Since sym may be defined in some parent of the package object,
+ * we cannot inspect its owner only; we have to go through the
+ * info of the package object. However to avoid cycles we'll check
+ * what other ways we can before pushing that way.
+ */
+ def isInPackageObject(sym: Symbol, pkg: Symbol): Boolean = {
+ def uninitialized(what: String) = {
+ log(s"Cannot look for $sym in package object of $pkg; $what is not initialized.")
+ false
+ }
+ def pkgClass = if (pkg.isTerm) pkg.moduleClass else pkg
+ def matchesInfo = (
+ // need to be careful here to not get a cyclic reference during bootstrap
+ if (pkg.isInitialized) {
+ val module = member nme.PACKAGEkw
+ if (module.isInitialized)
+ contains sym
+ else
+ uninitialized("" + module)
+ }
+ else uninitialized("" + pkg)
+ )
+ def inPackageObject(sym: Symbol) = (
+ // To be in the package object, one of these must be true:
+ // 1) sym.owner is a package object class, and sym.owner.owner is the package class for `pkg`
+ // 2) sym.owner is inherited by the correct package object class
+ // We try to establish 1) by inspecting the owners directly, and then we try
+ // to rule out 2), and only if both those fail do we resort to looking in the info.
+ !sym.isPackage && (sym.owner ne NoSymbol) && (
+ if (sym.owner.isPackageObjectClass)
+ sym.owner.owner == pkgClass
+ else
+ !sym.owner.isPackageClass && matchesInfo
+ )
+ )
+ // An overloaded symbol might not have the expected owner!
+ // The alternatives must be inspected directly.
+ pkgClass.isPackageClass && (
+ if (sym.isOverloaded)
+ sym.alternatives forall (isInPackageObject(_, pkg))
+ else
+ inPackageObject(sym)
+ )
+ }
+ def isNameInScope(name: Name) = lookupSymbol(name, _ => true).isSuccess
+ /** Find the symbol of a simple name starting from this context.
+ * All names are filtered through the "qualifies" predicate,
+ * the search continuing as long as no qualifying name is found.
+ */
+ def lookupSymbol(name: Name, qualifies: Symbol => Boolean): NameLookup = {
+ var lookupError: NameLookup = null // set to non-null if a definite error is encountered
+ var inaccessible: NameLookup = null // records inaccessible symbol for error reporting in case none is found
+ var defSym: Symbol = NoSymbol // the directly found symbol
+ var pre: Type = NoPrefix // the prefix type of defSym, if a class member
+ var cx: Context = this // the context under consideration
+ var symbolDepth: Int = -1 // the depth of the directly found symbol
+ def finish(qual: Tree, sym: Symbol): NameLookup = (
+ if (lookupError ne null) lookupError
+ else sym match {
+ case NoSymbol if inaccessible ne null => inaccessible
+ case NoSymbol => LookupNotFound
+ case _ => LookupSucceeded(qual, sym)
+ }
+ )
+ def finishDefSym(sym: Symbol, pre0: Type): NameLookup =
+ if (requiresQualifier(sym))
+ finish(gen.mkAttributedQualifier(pre0), sym)
+ else
+ finish(EmptyTree, sym)
+ def isPackageOwnedInDifferentUnit(s: Symbol) = (
+ s.isDefinedInPackage && (
+ !currentRun.compiles(s)
+ || unit.exists && s.sourceFile != unit.source.file
+ )
+ )
+ def requiresQualifier(s: Symbol) = (
+ s.owner.isClass
+ && !s.owner.isPackageClass
+ && !s.isTypeParameterOrSkolem
+ )
+ def lookupInPrefix(name: Name) = pre member name filter qualifies
+ def accessibleInPrefix(s: Symbol) = isAccessible(s, pre, superAccess = false)
+ def searchPrefix = {
+ cx = cx.enclClass
+ val found0 = lookupInPrefix(name)
+ val found1 = found0 filter accessibleInPrefix
+ if (found0.exists && !found1.exists && inaccessible == null)
+ inaccessible = LookupInaccessible(found0, analyzer.lastAccessCheckDetails)
+ found1
+ }
+ def lookupInScope(scope: Scope) =
+ (scope lookupUnshadowedEntries name filter (e => qualifies(e.sym))).toList
+ def newOverloaded(owner: Symbol, pre: Type, entries: List[ScopeEntry]) =
+ logResult(s"!!! lookup overloaded")(owner.newOverloaded(pre, entries map (_.sym)))
+ // Constructor lookup should only look in the decls of the enclosing class
+ // not in the self-type, nor in the enclosing context, nor in imports (SI-4460, SI-6745)
+ if (name == nme.CONSTRUCTOR) return {
+ val enclClassSym = cx.enclClass.owner
+ val scope = cx.enclClass.prefix.baseType(enclClassSym).decls
+ val constructorSym = lookupInScope(scope) match {
+ case Nil => NoSymbol
+ case hd :: Nil => hd.sym
+ case entries => newOverloaded(enclClassSym, cx.enclClass.prefix, entries)
+ }
+ finishDefSym(constructorSym, cx.enclClass.prefix)
+ }
+ // cx.scope eq null arises during FixInvalidSyms in Duplicators
+ while (defSym == NoSymbol && (cx ne NoContext) && (cx.scope ne null)) {
+ pre = cx.enclClass.prefix
+ defSym = lookupInScope(cx.scope) match {
+ case Nil => searchPrefix
+ case entries @ (hd :: tl) =>
+ // we have a winner: record the symbol depth
+ symbolDepth = (cx.depth - cx.scope.nestingLevel) + hd.depth
+ if (tl.isEmpty) hd.sym
+ else newOverloaded(cx.owner, pre, entries)
+ }
+ if (!defSym.exists)
+ cx = cx.outer // push further outward
+ }
+ if (symbolDepth < 0)
+ symbolDepth = cx.depth
+ var impSym: Symbol = NoSymbol
+ var imports = Context.this.imports
+ def imp1 = imports.head
+ def imp2 = imports.tail.head
+ def sameDepth = imp1.depth == imp2.depth
+ def imp1Explicit = imp1 isExplicitImport name
+ def imp2Explicit = imp2 isExplicitImport name
+ def lookupImport(imp: ImportInfo, requireExplicit: Boolean) =
+ importedAccessibleSymbol(imp, name, requireExplicit) filter qualifies
+ // Java: A single-type-import declaration d in a compilation unit c of package p
+ // that imports a type named n shadows, throughout c, the declarations of:
+ //
+ // 1) any top level type named n declared in another compilation unit of p
+ //
+ // A type-import-on-demand declaration never causes any other declaration to be shadowed.
+ //
+ // Scala: Bindings of different kinds have a precedence defined on them:
+ //
+ // 1) Definitions and declarations that are local, inherited, or made available by a
+ // package clause in the same compilation unit where the definition occurs have
+ // highest precedence.
+ // 2) Explicit imports have next highest precedence.
+ def depthOk(imp: ImportInfo) = (
+ imp.depth > symbolDepth
+ || (unit.isJava && imp.isExplicitImport(name) && imp.depth == symbolDepth)
+ )
+ while (!impSym.exists && imports.nonEmpty && depthOk(imports.head)) {
+ impSym = lookupImport(imp1, requireExplicit = false)
+ if (!impSym.exists)
+ imports = imports.tail
+ }
+ if (defSym.exists && impSym.exists) {
+ // imported symbols take precedence over package-owned symbols in different compilation units.
+ if (isPackageOwnedInDifferentUnit(defSym))
+ defSym = NoSymbol
+ // Defined symbols take precedence over erroneous imports.
+ else if (impSym.isError || == nme.CONSTRUCTOR)
+ impSym = NoSymbol
+ // Otherwise they are irreconcilably ambiguous
+ else
+ return ambiguousDefnAndImport(defSym.owner, imp1)
+ }
+ // At this point only one or the other of defSym and impSym might be set.
+ if (defSym.exists)
+ finishDefSym(defSym, pre)
+ else if (impSym.exists) {
+ // We continue walking down the imports as long as the tail is non-empty, which gives us:
+ // imports == imp1 :: imp2 :: _
+ // And at least one of the following is true:
+ // - imp1 and imp2 are at the same depth
+ // - imp1 is a wildcard import, so all explicit imports from outer scopes must be checked
+ def keepLooking = (
+ lookupError == null
+ && imports.tail.nonEmpty
+ && (sameDepth || !imp1Explicit)
+ )
+ // If we find a competitor imp2 which imports the same name, possible outcomes are:
+ //
+ // - same depth, imp1 wild, imp2 explicit: imp2 wins, drop imp1
+ // - same depth, imp1 wild, imp2 wild: ambiguity check
+ // - same depth, imp1 explicit, imp2 explicit: ambiguity check
+ // - differing depth, imp1 wild, imp2 explicit: ambiguity check
+ // - all others: imp1 wins, drop imp2
+ //
+ // The ambiguity check is: if we can verify that both imports refer to the same
+ // symbol (e.g. import foo.X followed by import foo._) then we discard imp2
+ // and proceed. If we cannot, issue an ambiguity error.
+ while (keepLooking) {
+ // If not at the same depth, limit the lookup to explicit imports.
+ // This is desirable from a performance standpoint (compare to
+ // filtering after the fact) but also necessary to keep the unused
+ // import check from being misled by symbol lookups which are not
+ // actually used.
+ val other = lookupImport(imp2, requireExplicit = !sameDepth)
+ def imp1wins() = { imports = imp1 :: imports.tail.tail }
+ def imp2wins() = { impSym = other ; imports = imports.tail }
+ if (!other.exists) // imp1 wins; drop imp2 and continue.
+ imp1wins()
+ else if (sameDepth && !imp1Explicit && imp2Explicit) // imp2 wins; drop imp1 and continue.
+ imp2wins()
+ else resolveAmbiguousImport(name, imp1, imp2) match {
+ case Some(imp) => if (imp eq imp1) imp1wins() else imp2wins()
+ case _ => lookupError = ambiguousImports(imp1, imp2)
+ }
+ }
+ // optimization: don't write out package prefixes
+ finish(resetPos(imp1.qual.duplicate), impSym)
+ }
+ else finish(EmptyTree, NoSymbol)
+ }
* Find a symbol in this context or one of its outers.
@@ -731,12 +1137,84 @@ trait Contexts { self: Analyzer =>
} //class Context
+ /** A `Context` focussed on an `Import` tree */
+ trait ImportContext extends Context {
+ private val impInfo: ImportInfo = {
+ val info = new ImportInfo(tree.asInstanceOf[Import], outerDepth)
+ if (settings.lint && !isRootImport) // excludes java.lang/scala/Predef imports
+ allImportInfos(unit) ::= info
+ info
+ }
+ override final def imports = impInfo :: super.imports
+ override final def firstImport = Some(impInfo)
+ override final def isRootImport = !tree.pos.isDefined
+ override final def toString = s"ImportContext { $impInfo; outer.owner = ${outer.owner} }"
+ }
+ /** A buffer for warnings and errors that are accumulated during speculative type checking. */
+ final class ReportBuffer {
+ type Error = AbsTypeError
+ type Warning = (Position, String)
+ private def newBuffer[A] = mutable.LinkedHashSet.empty[A] // Important to use LinkedHS for stable results.
+ // [JZ] Contexts, pre- the SI-7345 refactor, avoided allocating the buffers until needed. This
+ // is replicated here out of conservatism.
+ private var _errorBuffer: mutable.LinkedHashSet[Error] = _
+ private def errorBuffer = {if (_errorBuffer == null) _errorBuffer = newBuffer; _errorBuffer}
+ def errors: immutable.Seq[Error] = errorBuffer.toVector
+ private var _warningBuffer: mutable.LinkedHashSet[Warning] = _
+ private def warningBuffer = {if (_warningBuffer == null) _warningBuffer = newBuffer; _warningBuffer}
+ def warnings: immutable.Seq[Warning] = warningBuffer.toVector
+ def +=(error: AbsTypeError): this.type = {
+ errorBuffer += error
+ this
+ }
+ def ++=(errors: Traversable[AbsTypeError]): this.type = {
+ errorBuffer ++= errors
+ this
+ }
+ def +=(warning: Warning): this.type = {
+ warningBuffer += warning
+ this
+ }
+ def clearAll(): this.type = {
+ clearAllErrors(); clearAllWarnings();
+ }
+ def clearAllErrors(): this.type = {
+ errorBuffer.clear()
+ this
+ }
+ def clearErrors(removeF: PartialFunction[AbsTypeError, Boolean]): this.type = {
+ errorBuffer.retain(!PartialFunction.cond(_)(removeF))
+ this
+ }
+ def retainErrors(leaveF: PartialFunction[AbsTypeError, Boolean]): this.type = {
+ errorBuffer.retain(PartialFunction.cond(_)(leaveF))
+ this
+ }
+ def clearAllWarnings(): this.type = {
+ warningBuffer.clear()
+ this
+ }
+ def hasErrors = errorBuffer.nonEmpty
+ def firstError = errorBuffer.headOption
+ }
class ImportInfo(val tree: Import, val depth: Int) {
+ def pos = tree.pos
+ def posOf(sel: ImportSelector) = tree.pos withPoint sel.namePos
/** The prefix expression */
def qual: Tree = match {
case ImportType(expr) => expr
- case ErrorType => tree setType NoType // fix for #2870
- case _ => throw new FatalError("symbol " + tree.symbol + " has bad type: " + //debug
+ case ErrorType => tree setType NoType // fix for #2870
+ case _ => throw new FatalError("symbol " + tree.symbol + " has bad type: " + //debug
/** Is name imported explicitly, not via wildcard? */
@@ -745,25 +1223,53 @@ trait Contexts { self: Analyzer =>
/** The symbol with name `name` imported from import clause `tree`.
- def importedSymbol(name: Name): Symbol = {
+ def importedSymbol(name: Name): Symbol = importedSymbol(name, requireExplicit = false)
+ private def recordUsage(sel: ImportSelector, result: Symbol) {
+ def posstr = + ":" + posOf(sel).safeLine
+ def resstr = if (tree.symbol.hasCompleteInfo) s"(qual=$qual, $result)" else s"(expr=${tree.expr}, ${result.fullLocationString})"
+ debuglog(s"In $this at $posstr, selector '${selectorString(sel)}' resolved to $resstr")
+ allUsedSelectors(this) += sel
+ }
+ /** If requireExplicit is true, wildcard imports are not considered. */
+ def importedSymbol(name: Name, requireExplicit: Boolean): Symbol = {
var result: Symbol = NoSymbol
var renamed = false
var selectors = tree.selectors
- while (selectors != Nil && result == NoSymbol) {
- if (selectors.head.rename == name.toTermName)
+ def current = selectors.head
+ while (selectors.nonEmpty && result == NoSymbol) {
+ if (current.rename == name.toTermName)
result = qual.tpe.nonLocalMember( // new to address #2733: consider only non-local members for imports
- if (name.isTypeName) else
- else if ( == name.toTermName)
+ if (name.isTypeName) else
+ else if ( == name.toTermName)
renamed = true
- else if ( == nme.WILDCARD && !renamed)
+ else if ( == nme.WILDCARD && !renamed && !requireExplicit)
result = qual.tpe.nonLocalMember(name)
- selectors = selectors.tail
+ if (result == NoSymbol)
+ selectors = selectors.tail
- result
+ if (settings.lint && selectors.nonEmpty && result != NoSymbol && pos != NoPosition)
+ recordUsage(current, result)
+ // Harden against the fallout from bugs like SI-6745
+ //
+ // [JZ] I considered issuing a devWarning and moving the
+ // check inside the above loop, as I believe that
+ // this always represents a mistake on the part of
+ // the caller.
+ if (definitions isImportable result) result
+ else NoSymbol
+ }
+ private def selectorString(s: ImportSelector): String = {
+ if ( == nme.WILDCARD && s.rename == null) "_"
+ else if ( == s.rename) "" +
+ else + " => " + s.rename
def allImportedSymbols: Iterable[Symbol] =
- qual.tpe.members flatMap (transformImport(tree.selectors, _))
+ importableMembers(qual.tpe) flatMap (transformImport(tree.selectors, _))
private def transformImport(selectors: List[ImportSelector], sym: Symbol): List[Symbol] = selectors match {
case List() => List()
@@ -774,10 +1280,87 @@ trait Contexts { self: Analyzer =>
case _ :: rest => transformImport(rest, sym)
- override def toString() = tree.toString()
+ override def hashCode = tree.##
+ override def equals(other: Any) = other match {
+ case that: ImportInfo => (tree == that.tree)
+ case _ => false
+ }
+ override def toString = tree.toString
case class ImportType(expr: Tree) extends Type {
override def safeToString = "ImportType("+expr+")"
+object ContextMode {
+ private implicit def liftIntBitsToContextState(bits: Int): ContextMode = apply(bits)
+ def apply(bits: Int): ContextMode = new ContextMode(bits)
+ final val NOmode: ContextMode = 0
+ final val ReportErrors: ContextMode = 1 << 0
+ final val BufferErrors: ContextMode = 1 << 1
+ final val AmbiguousErrors: ContextMode = 1 << 2
+ /** Are we in a secondary constructor after the this constructor call? */
+ final val ConstructorSuffix: ContextMode = 1 << 3
+ /** For method context: were returns encountered? */
+ final val ReturnsSeen: ContextMode = 1 << 4
+ /** Is this context (enclosed in) a constructor call?
+ * (the call to the super or self constructor in the first line of a constructor.)
+ * In such a context, the object's fields should not be in scope
+ */
+ final val SelfSuperCall: ContextMode = 1 << 5
+ // TODO harvest documentation for this
+ final val ImplicitsEnabled: ContextMode = 1 << 6
+ final val MacrosEnabled: ContextMode = 1 << 7
+ /** To selectively allow enrichment in patterns, where other kinds of implicit conversions are not allowed */
+ final val EnrichmentEnabled: ContextMode = 1 << 8
+ /** Are we in a run of [[]]? */
+ final val Checking: ContextMode = 1 << 9
+ /** Are we retypechecking arguments independently from the function applied to them? See `Typer.tryTypedApply` */
+ // TODO This seems to directly overlap with Mode.SNDTRYmode
+ final val ReTyping: ContextMode = 1 << 10
+ final val DefaultMode: ContextMode = MacrosEnabled
+ private val contextModeNameMap = Map(
+ ReportErrors -> "ReportErrors",
+ BufferErrors -> "BufferErrors",
+ AmbiguousErrors -> "AmbiguousErrors",
+ ConstructorSuffix -> "ConstructorSuffix",
+ SelfSuperCall -> "SelfSuperCall",
+ ImplicitsEnabled -> "ImplicitsEnabled",
+ MacrosEnabled -> "MacrosEnabled",
+ Checking -> "Checking",
+ ReTyping -> "ReTyping"
+ )
+ * A value class to carry the boolean flags of a context, such as whether errors should
+ * be buffered or reported.
+ */
+final class ContextMode private (val bits: Int) extends AnyVal {
+ import ContextMode._
+ def &(other: ContextMode): ContextMode = new ContextMode(bits & other.bits)
+ def |(other: ContextMode): ContextMode = new ContextMode(bits | other.bits)
+ def &~(other: ContextMode): ContextMode = new ContextMode(bits & ~(other.bits))
+ def set(value: Boolean, mask: ContextMode) = if (value) |(mask) else &~(mask)
+ def inAll(required: ContextMode) = (this & required) == required
+ def inAny(required: ContextMode) = (this & required) != NOmode
+ def inNone(prohibited: ContextMode) = (this & prohibited) == NOmode
+ override def toString =
+ if (bits == 0) "NOmode"
+ else (contextModeNameMap filterKeys inAll).values.toList.sorted mkString " "