path: root/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/typechecker/Contexts.scala
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/typechecker/Contexts.scala')
1 files changed, 174 insertions, 43 deletions
diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/typechecker/Contexts.scala b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/typechecker/Contexts.scala
index 734c29e2cf..ee1637c65a 100644
--- a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/typechecker/Contexts.scala
+++ b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/typechecker/Contexts.scala
@@ -86,9 +86,12 @@ trait Contexts { self: Analyzer =>
sc = sc.outer
- class Context {
+ // IDE hooks
+ protected def sanitize(tree : Tree) : Tree = tree
+ protected def scopeFor(old : Scope, tree : Tree) : Scope = newScope(old)
+ class Context private[typechecker] {
var unit: CompilationUnit = _
- var tree: Tree = _ // Tree associated with this context
+ var tree: Tree = _ // Tree associated with this context
var owner: Symbol = NoSymbol// The current owner
var scope: Scope = _ // The current scope
var outer: Context = _ // The next outer context
@@ -113,39 +116,88 @@ trait Contexts { self: Analyzer =>
var savedTypeBounds: List[(Symbol, Type)] = List()
- override def equals(that : Any) = that match {
- case that if (super.equals(that)) => true
- case NoContext => false
+ def intern0 : Context = {
+ if (this eq NoContext) return this
+ val txt = new Context
+ txt.unit = unit
+ txt.tree = tree
+ txt.owner = owner
+ txt.scope = scope
+ assert(outer ne this) // stupid
+ txt.outer = outer // already interned
+ def f(what : Context) =
+ if (what eq this) txt
+ else what
+ txt.enclClass = f(enclClass)
+ txt.enclMethod = f(enclMethod)
+ txt.implicitsEnabled = implicitsEnabled
+ txt.variance = variance
+ txt._undetparams = _undetparams
+ txt.depth = depth
+ txt.imports = imports
+ txt.prefix = prefix
+ txt.inConstructorSuffix = inConstructorSuffix
+ txt.returnsSeen = returnsSeen
+ txt.reportGeneralErrors = reportGeneralErrors
+ txt.checking = checking
+ txt.retyping = retyping
+ txt.savedTypeBounds = savedTypeBounds
+ txt
+ }
+ override def equals(that : Any) : Boolean = that match {
+ case that : AnyRef if (this eq that) => true
+ case that if !inIDE => super.equals(that)
+ //case NoContext => false
case that : Context =>
- val a0 = if (tree eq null) tree == that.tree else tree equalsStructure that.tree;
- val a1 = owner == that.owner
- val a2 = scope == that.scope
- val a3 = outer == that.outer
- val a4 = {
- if (enclClass eq this) {
- that.enclClass eq that;
- } else enclClass == that.enclClass;
+ if (that eq NoContext) return this eq NoContext
+ assert(that ne NoContext)
+ if (this eq NoContext) return false
+ assert(inIDE)
+ def eq[T](x : T, y : T) = x == y
+ val a0 = {
+ if (tree ne null) tree.setType(null)
+ if ((tree eq null) || (that.tree eq null)) tree == that.tree else
+ tree equalsStructure that.tree;
+ }
+ val a1 = eq(owner, that.owner)
+ val a2 = eq(scope, that.scope)
+ def f(txt0 : Context, txt1 : Context) =
+ ((this eq txt0) && (that eq txt1)) || (txt0 eq txt1)
+ val a3 = f(outer, that.outer)
+ val a4 = f(enclClass, that.enclClass)
+ val a5 = f(enclMethod, that.enclMethod)
+ val a6 = eq(variance, that.variance)
+ val a7 = eq(_undetparams, that._undetparams)
+ val a8 = eq(depth, that.depth)
+ val a9 = eq(imports, that.imports)
+ val a10 = eq(prefix, that.prefix)
+ val a11 = eq(inConstructorSuffix, that.inConstructorSuffix)
+ val a12 = eq(implicitsEnabled, that.implicitsEnabled)
+ val a13 = eq(checking, that.checking)
+ val a14 = eq(retyping, that.retyping)
+ val a15 = eq(savedTypeBounds, that.savedTypeBounds)
+ val a16 = eq(unit, that.unit)
+ val ret = a0 && a1 && a2 && a3 && a4 && a5 && a6 && a7 && a8 && a9 && a10 && a11 && a12 && a13 && a14 && a15 && a16
+ val a17 = {
+ if (implicitsRunId > that.implicitsRunId) {
+ that.implicitsRunId = NoRunId
+ that.implicitsCache = null
+ }
+ else if (that.implicitsRunId > implicitsRunId) {
+ implicitsRunId = NoRunId
+ implicitsCache = null
+ }
+ implicitsCache == that.implicitsCache
- val a5 = {
- if (enclMethod eq this)
- that.enclMethod eq that;
- else enclMethod == that.enclMethod;
+ if (ret) {
+ if (!a17) {
+ assert(this.implicitsCache == null || that.implicitsCache == null)
+ }
- val a6 = variance == that.variance;
- val a7 = _undetparams == that._undetparams;
- val a8 = depth == that.depth;
- val a9 = if (imports.length != that.imports.length) false else
- (for (x <- yield
- (x._1.tree equalsStructure x._2.tree) && x._1.depth == x._2.depth).
- foldLeft(true)((x,y) => x && y);
- val a10 = prefix == that.prefix
- val a11 = inConstructorSuffix == that.inConstructorSuffix
- val a12 = implicitsEnabled == that.implicitsEnabled
- val a13 = checking == that.checking
- val a14 = retyping == that.retyping
- val a15 = savedTypeBounds == that.savedTypeBounds
- a0 && a1 && a2 && a3 && a4 && a5 && a6 && a7 && a8 && a9 && a10 && a11 && a12 && a13 && a14 && a15
+ ret
case _ => false
@@ -168,16 +220,23 @@ trait Contexts { self: Analyzer =>
scope: Scope, imports: List[ImportInfo]): Context = {
val c = new Context
c.unit = unit
- c.tree = tree
+ c.tree = sanitize(tree)
c.owner = owner
c.scope = scope
+ c.outer = intern(this)
+ def internIf(txt : Context) = {
+ if (txt eq this) c.outer // already interned!
+ else txt
+ }
tree match {
case Template(_, _, _) | PackageDef(_, _) =>
c.enclClass = c
c.prefix = c.owner.thisType
c.inConstructorSuffix = false
case _ =>
- c.enclClass = this.enclClass
+ c.enclClass = internIf(this.enclClass)
c.prefix =
if (c.owner != this.owner && c.owner.isTerm) NoPrefix
else this.prefix
@@ -187,7 +246,7 @@ trait Contexts { self: Analyzer =>
case DefDef(_, _, _, _, _, _) =>
c.enclMethod = c
case _ =>
- c.enclMethod = this.enclMethod
+ c.enclMethod = internIf(this.enclMethod)
c.variance = this.variance
c.depth = if (scope == this.scope) this.depth else this.depth + 1
@@ -197,7 +256,6 @@ trait Contexts { self: Analyzer =>
c.implicitsEnabled = this.implicitsEnabled
c.checking = this.checking
c.retyping = this.retyping
- c.outer = this
@@ -212,14 +270,21 @@ trait Contexts { self: Analyzer =>
def makeNewImport(imp: Import): Context =
make(unit, imp, owner, scope, new ImportInfo(imp, depth) :: imports)
- def make(tree: Tree, owner: Symbol, scope: Scope): Context =
+ def make(tree: Tree, owner: Symbol, scope: Scope): Context = {
+ if (tree == this.tree && owner == this.owner && scope == this.scope) this
+ else make0(tree, owner, scope)
+ }
+ private def make0(tree : Tree, owner : Symbol, scope : Scope) : Context = {
make(unit, tree, owner, scope, imports)
+ }
def makeNewScope(tree: Tree, owner: Symbol): Context =
- make(tree, owner, newScope(scope))
+ make(tree, owner, scopeFor(scope, tree))
def make(tree: Tree, owner: Symbol): Context =
- make(tree, owner, scope)
+ make0(tree, owner, scope)
def make(tree: Tree): Context =
make(tree, owner)
@@ -242,7 +307,7 @@ trait Contexts { self: Analyzer =>
//todo: find out why we need next line
while (baseContext.tree.isInstanceOf[Template])
baseContext = baseContext.outer
- val argContext = Contexts.this.makeNewScope(baseContext, tree, owner)
+ val argContext = baseContext.makeNewScope(tree, owner)
argContext.reportGeneralErrors = this.reportGeneralErrors
argContext.reportAmbiguousErrors = this.reportAmbiguousErrors
def enterElems(c: Context) {
@@ -364,6 +429,8 @@ trait Contexts { self: Analyzer =>
def accessWithin(owner: Symbol): Boolean = {
var c = this
while (c != NoContext && c.owner != owner) {
+ if (false && inIDE) // XXX: we didn't get to update these syms....
+ assert(c.owner.fullNameString != owner.fullNameString)
if (c.outer eq null) assert(false, "accessWithin(" + owner + ") " + c);//debug
if (c.outer.enclClass eq null) assert(false, "accessWithin(" + owner + ") " + c);//debug
c = c.outer.enclClass
@@ -422,6 +489,11 @@ trait Contexts { self: Analyzer =>
private var implicitsCache: List[List[ImplicitInfo]] = null
private var implicitsRunId = NoRunId
+ def resetCache : Unit = {
+ implicitsRunId = NoRunId
+ implicitsCache = null
+ if (outer != null && outer != this) outer.resetCache
+ }
private def collectImplicits(syms: List[Symbol], pre: Type): List[ImplicitInfo] =
for (sym <- syms if sym.hasFlag(IMPLICIT) && isAccessible(sym, pre, false))
yield new ImplicitInfo(, pre, sym)
@@ -473,10 +545,33 @@ trait Contexts { self: Analyzer =>
- }
+ override def hashCode = {
+ var hc = 0
+ implicit def b2i(b : Boolean) = if (b) 1 else 0
+ // assum enclClass/enclMethod/outer are all interned already.
+ hc += tree.hashCodeStructure
+ def f(txt : Context) = if (txt eq this) 0 else System.identityHashCode(txt)
+ hc += f(enclClass)
+ hc += f(enclMethod)
+ hc += f(outer)
+ hc += owner.hashCode
+ hc += scope.hashCode
+ hc += variance.hashCode
+ hc += _undetparams.hashCode
+ hc += depth
+ hc += imports.hashCode
+ hc += prefix.hashCode
+ hc += inConstructorSuffix
+ hc += checking
+ hc += retyping
+ hc += savedTypeBounds.hashCode
+ hc += (if (unit eq null) 0 else unit.hashCode)
+ hc
+ }
+ }
+ def notifyImport(what : Name, container : Type, from : Name, to : Name) : Unit = {}
class ImportInfo(val tree: Import, val depth: Int) {
/** The prefix expression */
def qual: Tree = match {
case ImportType(expr) => expr
@@ -495,6 +590,9 @@ trait Contexts { self: Analyzer =>
var renamed = false
var selectors = tree.selectors
while (selectors != Nil && result == NoSymbol) {
+ if (selectors.head._1 != nme.WILDCARD)
+ notifyImport(name, qual.tpe, selectors.head._1, selectors.head._2)
if (selectors.head._2 == name.toTermName)
result = qual.tpe.member(
if (name.isTypeName) selectors.head._1.toTypeName else selectors.head._1)
@@ -508,6 +606,13 @@ trait Contexts { self: Analyzer =>
override def toString() = tree.toString()
+ override def hashCode = tree.hashCodeStructure + depth
+ override def equals(that : Any) = that match {
+ case that : ImportInfo =>
+ depth == that.depth && (tree equalsStructure that.tree)
+ case _ => false
+ }
class ImplicitInfo(val name: Name, val pre: Type, val sym: Symbol) {
@@ -521,5 +626,31 @@ trait Contexts { self: Analyzer =>
val NoImplicitInfo = new ImplicitInfo(null, null, null)
- case class ImportType(expr: Tree) extends Type
+ case class ImportType(expr: Tree) extends Type {
+ override def equals(that : Any) = that match {
+ case ImportType(expr) =>
+ if (inIDE) this.expr equalsStructure expr
+ else this.expr == expr
+ case _ => false
+ }
+ override def hashCode = if (inIDE) expr.hashCodeStructure else expr.hashCode
+ }
+ /* APIs for interning contexts */
+ import scala.collection.jcl
+ import scala.ref
+ protected def intern(txt : Context) = txt
+ class ContextInternMap extends jcl.WeakHashMap[Context,ref.WeakReference[Context]] {
+ var last : Context = _
+ override def default(txt : Context) : ref.WeakReference[Context] = {
+ if (txt eq NoContext) new ref.WeakReference(NoContext)
+ val txt0 = txt.intern0
+ last = txt0 // to prevent collection
+ val ret = new ref.WeakReference(txt0)
+ this(txt0) = ret
+ ret
+ }
+ def intern(txt : Context) = this(txt).get.get
+ }