path: root/src/compiler/scala/tools/reflect/ToolBoxFactory.scala
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/compiler/scala/tools/reflect/ToolBoxFactory.scala')
1 files changed, 110 insertions, 93 deletions
diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/tools/reflect/ToolBoxFactory.scala b/src/compiler/scala/tools/reflect/ToolBoxFactory.scala
index 8803980dac..650598f9db 100644
--- a/src/compiler/scala/tools/reflect/ToolBoxFactory.scala
+++ b/src/compiler/scala/tools/reflect/ToolBoxFactory.scala
@@ -5,9 +5,10 @@ import
+import{AbstractFile, VirtualDirectory}
import scala.reflect.internal.Flags._
import scala.reflect.internal.util.{BatchSourceFile, NoSourceFile, NoFile}
@@ -17,6 +18,7 @@ import scala.reflect.NameTransformer
import scala.reflect.api.JavaUniverse
+import scala.reflect.internal.FatalError
abstract class ToolBoxFactory[U <: JavaUniverse](val u: U) { factorySelf =>
@@ -32,6 +34,13 @@ abstract class ToolBoxFactory[U <: JavaUniverse](val u: U) { factorySelf =>
lazy val classLoader = new AbstractFileClassLoader(virtualDirectory, factorySelf.mirror.classLoader)
lazy val mirror: u.Mirror = u.runtimeMirror(classLoader)
+ lazy val arguments = CommandLineParser.tokenize(options)
+ lazy val virtualDirectory =
+ arguments.iterator.sliding(2).collectFirst{ case Seq("-d", dir) => dir } match {
+ case Some(outDir) => AbstractFile.getDirectory(outDir)
+ case None => new VirtualDirectory("(memory)", None)
+ }
class ToolBoxGlobal(settings:, reporter: Reporter)
extends ReflectGlobal(settings, reporter, toolBoxSelf.classLoader) {
import definitions._
@@ -50,7 +59,6 @@ abstract class ToolBoxFactory[U <: JavaUniverse](val u: U) { factorySelf =>
// should be called after every use of ToolBoxGlobal in order to prevent leaks
- // there's the `withCleanupCaches` method defined below, which provides a convenient interface for that
def cleanupCaches(): Unit = {
@@ -59,11 +67,7 @@ abstract class ToolBoxFactory[U <: JavaUniverse](val u: U) { factorySelf =>
lastSeenContext = null
- def withCleanupCaches[T](body: => T): T =
- try body
- finally cleanupCaches()
- def verify(expr: Tree): Unit = {
+ def verify(expr: Tree): Tree = {
// Previously toolboxes used to typecheck their inputs before compiling.
// Actually, the initial demo by Martin first typechecked the reified tree,
// then ran it, which typechecked it again, and only then launched the
@@ -84,14 +88,8 @@ abstract class ToolBoxFactory[U <: JavaUniverse](val u: U) { factorySelf =>
msg += "if you have troubles tracking free type variables, consider using -Xlog-free-types"
throw ToolBoxError(msg)
- }
- def wrapIntoTerm(tree: Tree): Tree =
- if (!tree.isTerm) Block(List(tree), Literal(Constant(()))) else tree
- def unwrapFromTerm(tree: Tree): Tree = tree match {
- case Block(List(tree), Literal(Constant(()))) => tree
- case tree => tree
+ expr
def extractFreeTerms(expr0: Tree, wrapFreeTermRefs: Boolean): (Tree, scala.collection.mutable.LinkedHashMap[FreeTermSymbol, TermName]) = {
@@ -121,50 +119,51 @@ abstract class ToolBoxFactory[U <: JavaUniverse](val u: U) { factorySelf =>
def transformDuringTyper(expr0: Tree, withImplicitViewsDisabled: Boolean, withMacrosDisabled: Boolean)(transform: (analyzer.Typer, Tree) => Tree): Tree = {
- verify(expr0)
- // need to wrap the expr, because otherwise you won't be able to typecheck macros against something that contains free vars
- var (expr, freeTerms) = extractFreeTerms(expr0, wrapFreeTermRefs = false)
- val dummies ={ case (freeTerm, name) => ValDef(NoMods, name, TypeTree(, Select(Ident(PredefModule), newTermName("$qmark$qmark$qmark"))) }.toList
- expr = Block(dummies, wrapIntoTerm(expr))
- // [Eugene] how can we implement that?
- // !!! Why is this is in the empty package? If it's only to make
- // it inaccessible then please put it somewhere designed for that
- // rather than polluting the empty package with synthetics.
- val ownerClass = rootMirror.EmptyPackageClass.newClassSymbol(newTypeName("<expression-owner>"))
- build.setTypeSignature(ownerClass, ClassInfoType(List(ObjectClass.tpe), newScope, ownerClass))
- val owner = ownerClass.newLocalDummy(expr.pos)
- var currentTyper = analyzer.newTyper(analyzer.rootContext(NoCompilationUnit, EmptyTree).make(expr, owner))
- val wrapper1 = if (!withImplicitViewsDisabled) (currentTyper.context.withImplicitsEnabled[Tree] _) else (currentTyper.context.withImplicitsDisabled[Tree] _)
- val wrapper2 = if (!withMacrosDisabled) (currentTyper.context.withMacrosEnabled[Tree] _) else (currentTyper.context.withMacrosDisabled[Tree] _)
- def wrapper (tree: => Tree) = wrapper1(wrapper2(tree))
- val run = new Run
- run.symSource(ownerClass) = NoAbstractFile // need to set file to something different from null, so that currentRun.defines works
- phase = run.typerPhase // need to set a phase to something <= typerPhase, otherwise implicits in typedSelect will be disabled
- currentTyper.context.setReportErrors() // need to manually set context mode, otherwise typer.silent will throw exceptions
- reporter.reset()
- val expr1 = wrapper(transform(currentTyper, expr))
- var (dummies1, unwrapped) = expr1 match {
- case Block(dummies, unwrapped) => (dummies, unwrapped)
- case unwrapped => (Nil, unwrapped)
- }
- var invertedIndex = freeTerms map (_.swap)
- // todo. also fixup singleton types
- unwrapped = new Transformer {
- override def transform(tree: Tree): Tree =
- tree match {
- case Ident(name) if invertedIndex contains name =>
- Ident(invertedIndex(name)) setType tree.tpe
- case _ =>
- super.transform(tree)
- }
- }.transform(unwrapped)
- new TreeTypeSubstituter(dummies1 map (_.symbol), dummies1 map (dummy => SingleType(NoPrefix, invertedIndex(
- unwrapped = if (expr0.isTerm) unwrapped else unwrapFromTerm(unwrapped)
- unwrapped
+ wrappingIntoTerm(verify(expr0))(expr1 => {
+ // need to wrap the expr, because otherwise you won't be able to typecheck macros against something that contains free vars
+ val exprAndFreeTerms = extractFreeTerms(expr1, wrapFreeTermRefs = false)
+ var expr2 = exprAndFreeTerms._1
+ val freeTerms = exprAndFreeTerms._2
+ val dummies ={ case (freeTerm, name) => ValDef(NoMods, name, TypeTree(, Select(Ident(PredefModule), newTermName("$qmark$qmark$qmark"))) }.toList
+ expr2 = Block(dummies, expr2)
+ // [Eugene] how can we implement that?
+ // !!! Why is this is in the empty package? If it's only to make
+ // it inaccessible then please put it somewhere designed for that
+ // rather than polluting the empty package with synthetics.
+ val ownerClass = rootMirror.EmptyPackageClass.newClassSymbol(newTypeName("<expression-owner>"))
+ build.setTypeSignature(ownerClass, ClassInfoType(List(ObjectClass.tpe), newScope, ownerClass))
+ val owner = ownerClass.newLocalDummy(expr2.pos)
+ var currentTyper = analyzer.newTyper(analyzer.rootContext(NoCompilationUnit, EmptyTree).make(expr2, owner))
+ val wrapper1 = if (!withImplicitViewsDisabled) (currentTyper.context.withImplicitsEnabled[Tree] _) else (currentTyper.context.withImplicitsDisabled[Tree] _)
+ val wrapper2 = if (!withMacrosDisabled) (currentTyper.context.withMacrosEnabled[Tree] _) else (currentTyper.context.withMacrosDisabled[Tree] _)
+ def wrapper (tree: => Tree) = wrapper1(wrapper2(tree))
+ val run = new Run
+ run.symSource(ownerClass) = NoAbstractFile // need to set file to something different from null, so that currentRun.defines works
+ phase = run.typerPhase // need to set a phase to something <= typerPhase, otherwise implicits in typedSelect will be disabled
+ currentTyper.context.setReportErrors() // need to manually set context mode, otherwise typer.silent will throw exceptions
+ reporter.reset()
+ val expr3 = wrapper(transform(currentTyper, expr2))
+ var (dummies1, result) = expr3 match {
+ case Block(dummies, result) => (dummies, result)
+ case result => (Nil, result)
+ }
+ var invertedIndex = freeTerms map (_.swap)
+ // todo. also fixup singleton types
+ result = new Transformer {
+ override def transform(tree: Tree): Tree =
+ tree match {
+ case Ident(name) if invertedIndex contains name =>
+ Ident(invertedIndex(name)) setType tree.tpe
+ case _ =>
+ super.transform(tree)
+ }
+ }.transform(result)
+ new TreeTypeSubstituter(dummies1 map (_.symbol), dummies1 map (dummy => SingleType(NoPrefix, invertedIndex(
+ result
+ })
def typeCheck(expr: Tree, pt: Type, silent: Boolean, withImplicitViewsDisabled: Boolean, withMacrosDisabled: Boolean): Tree =
@@ -317,42 +316,51 @@ abstract class ToolBoxFactory[U <: JavaUniverse](val u: U) { factorySelf =>
- // todo. is not going to work with quoted arguments with embedded whitespaces
- lazy val arguments = options.split(" ")
+ trait CompilerApi {
+ val compiler: ToolBoxGlobal
+ val importer: compiler.Importer { val from: u.type }
+ val exporter: u.Importer { val from: compiler.type }
+ }
- lazy val virtualDirectory =
- (arguments zip arguments.tail).collect{ case ("-d", dir) => dir }.lastOption match {
- case Some(outDir) =>
- case None => new VirtualDirectory("(memory)", None)
+ object withCompilerApi {
+ private object api extends CompilerApi {
+ lazy val compiler: ToolBoxGlobal = {
+ try {
+ val errorFn: String => Unit = msg => frontEnd.log(scala.reflect.internal.util.NoPosition, msg, frontEnd.ERROR)
+ val command = new CompilerCommand(arguments.toList, errorFn)
+ val settings = command.settings
+ settings.outputDirs setSingleOutput virtualDirectory
+ val reporter = frontEndToReporter(frontEnd, command.settings)
+ val instance =
+ if (settings.Yrangepos.value) new ToolBoxGlobal(settings, reporter) with RangePositions
+ else new ToolBoxGlobal(settings, reporter)
+ if (frontEnd.hasErrors) {
+ var msg = "reflective compilation has failed: cannot initialize the compiler: " + EOL + EOL
+ msg += frontEnd.infos map (_.msg) mkString EOL
+ throw ToolBoxError(msg)
+ }
+ instance
+ } catch {
+ case ex: Throwable =>
+ var msg = "reflective compilation has failed: cannot initialize the compiler due to %s".format(ex.toString)
+ throw ToolBoxError(msg, ex)
+ }
+ }
+ lazy val importer = compiler.mkImporter(u)
+ lazy val exporter = importer.reverse
- lazy val compiler: ToolBoxGlobal = {
- try {
- val errorFn: String => Unit = msg => frontEnd.log(scala.reflect.internal.util.NoPosition, msg, frontEnd.ERROR)
- val command = new CompilerCommand(arguments.toList, errorFn)
- val settings = command.settings
- settings.outputDirs setSingleOutput virtualDirectory
- val reporter = frontEndToReporter(frontEnd, command.settings)
- val instance =
- if (settings.Yrangepos.value) new ToolBoxGlobal(settings, reporter) with RangePositions
- else new ToolBoxGlobal(settings, reporter)
- if (frontEnd.hasErrors) {
- var msg = "reflective compilation has failed: cannot initialize the compiler: " + EOL + EOL
- msg += frontEnd.infos map (_.msg) mkString EOL
- throw ToolBoxError(msg)
- }
- instance
- } catch {
- case ex: Throwable =>
- var msg = "reflective compilation has failed: cannot initialize the compiler due to %s".format(ex.toString)
- throw ToolBoxError(msg, ex)
+ def apply[T](f: CompilerApi => T): T = {
+ object FatalError { def unapply(ex: Throwable) = ex match { case _: FatalError | _: AssertionError => Some(ex); case _ => None } }
+ try f(api) catch { case FatalError(ex) => throw ToolBoxError(s"fatal compiler error", ex) }
+ finally api.compiler.cleanupCaches()
- lazy val importer = compiler.mkImporter(u)
- lazy val exporter = importer.reverse
+ def typeCheck(tree: u.Tree, expectedType: u.Type, silent: Boolean = false, withImplicitViewsDisabled: Boolean = false, withMacrosDisabled: Boolean = false): u.Tree = withCompilerApi { compilerApi =>
+ import compilerApi._
- def typeCheck(tree: u.Tree, expectedType: u.Type, silent: Boolean = false, withImplicitViewsDisabled: Boolean = false, withMacrosDisabled: Boolean = false): u.Tree = compiler.withCleanupCaches {
if (compiler.settings.verbose.value) println("importing "+tree+", expectedType = "+expectedType)
var ctree: compiler.Tree = importer.importTree(tree)
var cexpectedType: compiler.Type = importer.importType(expectedType)
@@ -372,7 +380,9 @@ abstract class ToolBoxFactory[U <: JavaUniverse](val u: U) { factorySelf =>
inferImplicit(tree, viewTpe, isView = true, silent = silent, withMacrosDisabled = withMacrosDisabled, pos = pos)
- private def inferImplicit(tree: u.Tree, pt: u.Type, isView: Boolean, silent: Boolean, withMacrosDisabled: Boolean, pos: u.Position): u.Tree = compiler.withCleanupCaches {
+ private def inferImplicit(tree: u.Tree, pt: u.Type, isView: Boolean, silent: Boolean, withMacrosDisabled: Boolean, pos: u.Position): u.Tree = withCompilerApi { compilerApi =>
+ import compilerApi._
if (compiler.settings.verbose.value) println("importing "+pt, ", tree = "+tree+", pos = "+pos)
var ctree: compiler.Tree = importer.importTree(tree)
var cpt: compiler.Type = importer.importType(pt)
@@ -384,31 +394,38 @@ abstract class ToolBoxFactory[U <: JavaUniverse](val u: U) { factorySelf =>
- def resetAllAttrs(tree: u.Tree): u.Tree = {
+ def resetAllAttrs(tree: u.Tree): u.Tree = withCompilerApi { compilerApi =>
+ import compilerApi._
val ctree: compiler.Tree = importer.importTree(tree)
val ttree: compiler.Tree = compiler.resetAllAttrs(ctree)
val uttree = exporter.importTree(ttree)
- def resetLocalAttrs(tree: u.Tree): u.Tree = {
+ def resetLocalAttrs(tree: u.Tree): u.Tree = withCompilerApi { compilerApi =>
+ import compilerApi._
val ctree: compiler.Tree = importer.importTree(tree)
val ttree: compiler.Tree = compiler.resetLocalAttrs(ctree)
val uttree = exporter.importTree(ttree)
- def showAttributed(tree: u.Tree, printTypes: Boolean = true, printIds: Boolean = true, printKinds: Boolean = false): String =
+ def showAttributed(tree: u.Tree, printTypes: Boolean = true, printIds: Boolean = true, printKinds: Boolean = false): String = withCompilerApi { compilerApi =>
+ import compilerApi._
compiler.showAttributed(importer.importTree(tree), printTypes, printIds, printKinds)
+ }
- def parse(code: String): u.Tree = {
+ def parse(code: String): u.Tree = withCompilerApi { compilerApi =>
+ import compilerApi._
if (compiler.settings.verbose.value) println("parsing "+code)
val ctree: compiler.Tree = compiler.parse(code)
val utree = exporter.importTree(ctree)
- def compile(tree: u.Tree): () => Any = {
+ def compile(tree: u.Tree): () => Any = withCompilerApi { compilerApi =>
+ import compilerApi._
if (compiler.settings.verbose.value) println("importing "+tree)
val ctree: compiler.Tree = importer.importTree(tree)