path: root/src/compiler/scala/tools/reflect/quasiquotes/Reifiers.scala
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diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/tools/reflect/quasiquotes/Reifiers.scala b/src/compiler/scala/tools/reflect/quasiquotes/Reifiers.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ec113036a3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/compiler/scala/tools/reflect/quasiquotes/Reifiers.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,290 @@
+package quasiquotes
+import java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException
+import scala.reflect.reify.{Reifier => ReflectReifier}
+import scala.reflect.internal.Flags._
+trait Reifiers { self: Quasiquotes =>
+ import global._
+ import
+ import global.treeInfo._
+ import global.definitions._
+ import Cardinality._
+ import universeTypes._
+ abstract class Reifier extends {
+ val global: =
+ } with ReflectReifier {
+ val reifee = EmptyTree
+ val universe = self.universe
+ val mirror = EmptyTree
+ val concrete = false
+ lazy val typer = throw new UnsupportedOperationException
+ def isReifyingExpressions: Boolean
+ def isReifyingPatterns: Boolean = !isReifyingExpressions
+ def action = if (isReifyingExpressions) "splice" else "extract"
+ def holesHaveTypes = isReifyingExpressions
+ def reifyFillingHoles(tree: Tree): Tree = {
+ val reified = reifyTree(tree)
+ holeMap.unused.foreach { hole =>
+ c.abort(holeMap(hole).tree.pos, s"Don't know how to $action here")
+ }
+ reified
+ }
+ override def reifyTree(tree: Tree): Tree = {
+ val reified =
+ reifyTreePlaceholder(tree) orElse
+ reifyTreeSyntactically(tree)
+ //println(s"reified ${showRaw(tree)} as $reified")
+ reified
+ }
+ def reifyTreePlaceholder(tree: Tree): Tree = tree match {
+ case Placeholder(tree, TreeLocation(_), _) if isReifyingExpressions => tree
+ case Placeholder(tree, _, NoDot) if isReifyingPatterns => tree
+ case Placeholder(tree, _, card @ Dot()) => c.abort(tree.pos, s"Can't $action with $card here")
+ case TuplePlaceholder(args) => reifyTuple(args)
+ case TupleTypePlaceholder(args) => reifyTupleType(args)
+ case CasePlaceholder(tree, location, _) => reifyCase(tree, location)
+ case ClassPlaceholder(tree) => reifyClass(tree)
+ case _ => EmptyTree
+ }
+ override def reifyName(name: Name): Tree = name match {
+ case Placeholder(tree, location, _) =>
+ if (holesHaveTypes && !(location.tpe <:< nameType)) c.abort(tree.pos, s"$nameType expected but ${location.tpe} found")
+ tree
+ case _ =>
+ super.reifyName(name)
+ }
+ def reifyCase(tree: Tree, location: Location) = {
+ if (holesHaveTypes && !(location.tpe <:< caseDefType)) c.abort(tree.pos, s"$caseDefType expected but ${location.tpe} found")
+ tree
+ }
+ def reifyTuple(args: List[Tree]) = args match {
+ case Nil => reify(Literal(Constant(())))
+ case List(hole @ Placeholder(_, _, NoDot)) => reify(hole)
+ case List(Placeholder(_, _, _)) => reifyBuildCall(nme.TupleN, args)
+ // in a case we only have one element tuple without
+ // any cardinality annotations this means that this is
+ // just an expression wrapped in parentheses
+ case List(other) => reify(other)
+ case _ => reifyBuildCall(nme.TupleN, args)
+ }
+ def reifyTupleType(args: List[Tree]) = args match {
+ case Nil => reify(Select(Ident(nme.scala_), tpnme.Unit))
+ case List(hole @ Placeholder(_, _, NoDot)) => reify(hole)
+ case List(Placeholder(_, _, _)) => reifyBuildCall(nme.TupleTypeN, args)
+ case List(other) => reify(other)
+ case _ => reifyBuildCall(nme.TupleTypeN, args)
+ }
+ def reifyClass(tree: Tree) = {
+ val SyntacticClassDef(mods, name, tparams, constrmods, argss, parents, selfval, body) = tree
+ reifyBuildCall(nme.SyntacticClassDef, mods, name, tparams, constrmods, argss, parents, selfval, body)
+ }
+ /** Splits list into a list of groups where subsequent elements are considered
+ * similar by the corresponding function.
+ *
+ * Example:
+ *
+ * > group(List(1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0)) { _ == _ }
+ * List(List(1, 1), List(0, 0), List(1), List(0))
+ *
+ */
+ def group[T](lst: List[T])(similar: (T, T) => Boolean) = lst.foldLeft[List[List[T]]](List()) {
+ case (Nil, el) => List(List(el))
+ case (ll :+ (last @ (lastinit :+ lastel)), el) if similar(lastel, el) => ll :+ (last :+ el)
+ case (ll, el) => ll :+ List(el)
+ }
+ /** Reifies list filling all the valid holeMap.
+ *
+ * Reification of non-trivial list is done in two steps:
+ *
+ * 1. split the list into groups where every placeholder is always
+ * put in a group of it's own and all subsquent non-holeMap are
+ * grouped together; element is considered to be a placeholder if it's
+ * in the domain of the fill function;
+ *
+ * 2. fold the groups into a sequence of lists added together with ++ using
+ * fill reification for holeMapĀ and fallback reification for non-holeMap.
+ *
+ * Example:
+ *
+ * reifyMultiCardinalityList(lst) {
+ * // first we define patterns that extract high-cardinality holeMap (currently ..)
+ * case Placeholder(CorrespondsTo(tree, tpe)) if tpe <:< iterableTreeType => tree
+ * } {
+ * // in the end we define how single elements are reified, typically with default reify call
+ * reify(_)
+ * }
+ *
+ * Sample execution of previous concrete list reifier:
+ *
+ * > val lst = List(foo, bar, qq$f3948f9s$1)
+ * > reifyMultiCardinalityList(lst) { ... } { ... }
+ * q"List($foo, $bar) ++ ${holeMap(qq$f3948f9s$1).tree}"
+ */
+ def reifyMultiCardinalityList[T](xs: List[T])(fill: PartialFunction[T, Tree])(fallback: T => Tree): Tree
+ /** Reifies arbitrary list filling ..$x and ...$y holeMap when they are put
+ * in the correct position. Fallbacks to regular reification for non-high cardinality
+ * elements.
+ */
+ override def reifyList(xs: List[Any]): Tree = reifyMultiCardinalityList(xs) {
+ case Placeholder(tree, _, DotDot) => tree
+ case CasePlaceholder(tree, _, DotDot) => tree
+ case List(Placeholder(tree, _, DotDotDot)) => tree
+ } {
+ reify(_)
+ }
+ def reifyAnnotList(annots: List[Tree]): Tree
+ def ensureNoExplicitFlags(m: Modifiers, pos: Position) =
+ if ((m.flags & ExplicitFlags) != 0L) c.abort(pos, s"Can't $action modifiers together with flags, consider merging flags into modifiers")
+ override def mirrorSelect(name: String): Tree =
+ Select(universe, TermName(name))
+ override def mirrorCall(name: TermName, args: Tree*): Tree =
+ Apply(Select(universe, name), args.toList)
+ override def mirrorBuildCall(name: TermName, args: Tree*): Tree =
+ Apply(Select(Select(universe,, name), args.toList)
+ }
+ class ApplyReifier extends Reifier {
+ def isReifyingExpressions = true
+ override def reifyTreeSyntactically(tree: Tree): Tree = tree match {
+ case Block(stats, p @ Placeholder(_, _, _)) => reifyBuildCall(nme.Block, stats :+ p)
+ case Apply(f, List(Placeholder(argss, _, DotDotDot))) => reifyCallWithArgss(f, argss)
+ case RefTree(qual, SymbolPlaceholder(tree)) => mirrorBuildCall(nme.RefTree, reify(qual), tree)
+ case _ => super.reifyTreeSyntactically(tree)
+ }
+ def reifyCallWithArgss(f: Tree, argss: Tree) = {
+ val f1 = reifyTree(f)
+ val foldLeftF1 = Apply(TypeApply(Select(argss, nme.foldLeft), List(Select(u, tpnme.Tree))), List(f1))
+ val uDotApply = Function(
+ List(gen.mkSyntheticParam(nme.x_1), gen.mkSyntheticParam(nme.x_2)),
+ Apply(Select(u, nme.Apply), List(Ident(nme.x_1), Ident(nme.x_2))))
+ Apply(foldLeftF1, List(uDotApply))
+ }
+ override def reifyMultiCardinalityList[T](xs: List[T])(fill: PartialFunction[T, Tree])(fallback: T => Tree): Tree = xs match {
+ case Nil => mkList(Nil)
+ case _ =>
+ def reifyGroup(group: List[T]): Tree = group match {
+ case List(elem) if fill.isDefinedAt(elem) => fill(elem)
+ case elems => mkList(
+ }
+ val head :: tail = group(xs) { (a, b) => !fill.isDefinedAt(a) && !fill.isDefinedAt(b) }
+ tail.foldLeft[Tree](reifyGroup(head)) { (tree, lst) => Apply(Select(tree, nme.PLUSPLUS), List(reifyGroup(lst))) }
+ }
+ override def reifyAnnotList(annots: List[Tree]): Tree = reifyMultiCardinalityList(annots) {
+ case AnnotPlaceholder(tree, _, DotDot, args) =>
+ val x: TermName = c.freshName()
+ val xToAnnotationCtor = Function(
+ List(ValDef(Modifiers(PARAM), x, TypeTree(), EmptyTree)),
+ mirrorBuildCall(nme.mkAnnotationCtor, Ident(x), reify(args)))
+ Apply(Select(tree,, List(xToAnnotationCtor))
+ } {
+ case AnnotPlaceholder(tree, _: TreeLocation, _, args) =>
+ mirrorBuildCall(nme.mkAnnotationCtor, tree, reify(args))
+ case other => reify(other)
+ }
+ override def reifyModifiers(m: Modifiers) = {
+ val (modsPlaceholders, annots) = m.annotations.partition {
+ case ModsPlaceholder(_, _, _) => true
+ case _ => false
+ }
+ val (mods, flags) = {
+ case ModsPlaceholder(tree, location, card) => (tree, location)
+ }.partition { case (tree, location) =>
+ location match {
+ case ModsLocation => true
+ case FlagsLocation => false
+ case _ => c.abort(tree.pos, s"$flagsType or $modsType expected but ${tree.tpe} found")
+ }
+ }
+ mods match {
+ case (tree, _) :: Nil =>
+ if (flags.nonEmpty) c.abort(flags(0)._1.pos, "Can't splice flags together with modifiers, consider merging flags into modifiers")
+ if (annots.nonEmpty) c.abort(tree.pos, "Can't splice modifiers together with annotations, consider merging annotations into modifiers")
+ ensureNoExplicitFlags(m, tree.pos)
+ tree
+ case _ :: (second, _) :: Nil =>
+ c.abort(second.pos, "Can't splice multiple modifiers, consider merging them into a single modifiers instance")
+ case _ =>
+ val baseFlags = reifyBuildCall(nme.flagsFromBits, m.flags)
+ val reifiedFlags = flags.foldLeft[Tree](baseFlags) { case (flag, (tree, _)) => Apply(Select(flag, nme.OR), List(tree)) }
+ mirrorFactoryCall(nme.Modifiers, reifiedFlags, reify(m.privateWithin), reifyAnnotList(annots))
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ class UnapplyReifier extends Reifier {
+ def isReifyingExpressions = false
+ override def reifyTreeSyntactically(tree: Tree): Tree = tree match {
+ case treeInfo.Applied(fun, Nil, argss) if fun != tree && !tree.isInstanceOf[AppliedTypeTree] =>
+ reifyBuildCall(nme.Applied, fun, argss)
+ case treeInfo.Applied(fun, targs, argss) if fun != tree & !tree.isInstanceOf[AppliedTypeTree] =>
+ mirrorBuildCall(nme.Applied, reifyBuildCall(nme.TypeApplied, fun, targs), reifyList(argss))
+ case _ =>
+ super.reifyTreeSyntactically(tree)
+ }
+ override def scalaFactoryCall(name: String, args: Tree*): Tree =
+ call("scala." + name, args: _*)
+ override def reifyMultiCardinalityList[T](xs: List[T])(fill: PartialFunction[T, Tree])(fallback: T => Tree) = xs match {
+ case init :+ last if fill.isDefinedAt(last) =>
+ init.foldRight[Tree](fill(last)) { (el, rest) =>
+ val cons = Select(Select(Select(Ident(nme.scala_), nme.collection), nme.immutable), nme.CONS)
+ Apply(cons, List(fallback(el), rest))
+ }
+ case _ =>
+ mkList(
+ }
+ override def reifyAnnotList(annots: List[Tree]): Tree = reifyMultiCardinalityList(annots) {
+ case AnnotPlaceholder(tree, _, DotDot, Nil) => tree
+ } {
+ case AnnotPlaceholder(tree, _, NoDot, Nil) => tree
+ case AnnotPlaceholder(tree, _, NoDot, args) =>
+ val selectCONSTRUCTOR = Apply(Select(u, nme.Select), List(Apply(Select(u, nme.New), List(tree)), Select(Select(u, nme.nmeNme), nme.nmeCONSTRUCTOR)))
+ Apply(Select(u, nme.Apply), List(selectCONSTRUCTOR, reify(args)))
+ case other =>
+ reify(other)
+ }
+ override def reifyModifiers(m: Modifiers) = {
+ val mods = m.annotations.collect { case ModsPlaceholder(tree, _, _) => tree }
+ mods match {
+ case tree :: Nil =>
+ if (m.annotations.length != 1) c.abort(tree.pos, "Can't extract modifiers together with annotations, consider extracting just modifiers")
+ ensureNoExplicitFlags(m, tree.pos)
+ tree
+ case _ :: second :: rest =>
+ c.abort(second.pos, "Can't extract multiple modifiers together, consider extracting a single modifiers instance")
+ case Nil =>
+ mirrorFactoryCall(nme.Modifiers, reifyBuildCall(nme.FlagsAsBits, m.flags),
+ reify(m.privateWithin), reifyAnnotList(m.annotations))
+ }
+ }
+ }
+} \ No newline at end of file