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5 files changed, 161 insertions, 53 deletions
diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/backend/jvm/BackendReporting.scala b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/backend/jvm/BackendReporting.scala
index 01206aa6eb..4287c24dc8 100644
--- a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/backend/jvm/BackendReporting.scala
+++ b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/backend/jvm/BackendReporting.scala
@@ -42,15 +42,15 @@ object BackendReporting {
def assertionError(message: String): Nothing = throw new AssertionError(message)
implicit class RightBiasedEither[A, B](val v: Either[A, B]) extends AnyVal {
- def map[U](f: B => U) =
- def flatMap[BB](f: B => Either[A, BB]) = v.right.flatMap(f)
+ def map[C](f: B => C): Either[A, C] =
+ def flatMap[C](f: B => Either[A, C]): Either[A, C] = v.right.flatMap(f)
def withFilter(f: B => Boolean)(implicit empty: A): Either[A, B] = v match {
case Left(_) => v
case Right(e) => if (f(e)) v else Left(empty) // scalaz.\/ requires an implicit Monoid m to get m.empty
- def foreach[U](f: B => U) = v.right.foreach(f)
+ def foreach[U](f: B => U): Unit = v.right.foreach(f)
- def getOrElse[BB >: B](alt: => BB): BB = v.right.getOrElse(alt)
+ def getOrElse[C >: B](alt: => C): C = v.right.getOrElse(alt)
* Get the value, fail with an assertion if this is an error.
@@ -101,11 +101,14 @@ object BackendReporting {
else ""
- case MethodNotFound(name, descriptor, ownerInternalName, missingClasses) =>
- val (javaDef, others) = missingClasses.partition(_.definedInJavaSource)
- s"The method $name$descriptor could not be found in the class $ownerInternalName or any of its parents." +
- (if (others.isEmpty) "" else"\nNote that the following parent classes could not be found on the classpath: ", ", ", "")) +
- (if (javaDef.isEmpty) "" else"\nNote that the following parent classes are defined in Java sources (mixed compilation), no bytecode is available: ", ",", ""))
+ case MethodNotFound(name, descriptor, ownerInternalName, missingClass) =>
+ val missingClassWarning = missingClass match {
+ case None => ""
+ case Some(c) =>
+ if (c.definedInJavaSource) s"\nNote that the parent class ${c.internalName} is defined in a Java source (mixed compilation), no bytecode is available."
+ else s"\nNote that the parent class ${c.internalName} could not be found on the classpath."
+ }
+ s"The method $name$descriptor could not be found in the class $ownerInternalName or any of its parents." + missingClassWarning
case FieldNotFound(name, descriptor, ownerInternalName, missingClass) =>
s"The field node $name$descriptor could not be found because the classfile $ownerInternalName cannot be found on the classpath." +
@@ -127,7 +130,7 @@ object BackendReporting {
case class ClassNotFound(internalName: InternalName, definedInJavaSource: Boolean) extends MissingBytecodeWarning
- case class MethodNotFound(name: String, descriptor: String, ownerInternalNameOrArrayDescriptor: InternalName, missingClasses: List[ClassNotFound]) extends MissingBytecodeWarning {
+ case class MethodNotFound(name: String, descriptor: String, ownerInternalNameOrArrayDescriptor: InternalName, missingClass: Option[ClassNotFound]) extends MissingBytecodeWarning {
def isArrayMethod = ownerInternalNameOrArrayDescriptor.charAt(0) == '['
case class FieldNotFound(name: String, descriptor: String, ownerInternalName: InternalName, missingClass: Option[ClassNotFound]) extends MissingBytecodeWarning
diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/backend/jvm/CoreBTypes.scala b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/backend/jvm/CoreBTypes.scala
index 0b53ea2fb1..1feca56923 100644
--- a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/backend/jvm/CoreBTypes.scala
+++ b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/backend/jvm/CoreBTypes.scala
@@ -107,6 +107,7 @@ class CoreBTypes[BTFS <: BTypesFromSymbols[_ <: Global]](val bTypes: BTFS) {
lazy val juHashMapRef : ClassBType = classBTypeFromSymbol(JavaUtilHashMap) // java/util/HashMap
lazy val sbScalaBeanInfoRef : ClassBType = classBTypeFromSymbol(requiredClass[scala.beans.ScalaBeanInfo])
lazy val jliSerializedLambdaRef : ClassBType = classBTypeFromSymbol(requiredClass[java.lang.invoke.SerializedLambda])
+ lazy val jliMethodHandleRef : ClassBType = classBTypeFromSymbol(requiredClass[java.lang.invoke.MethodHandle])
lazy val jliMethodHandlesRef : ClassBType = classBTypeFromSymbol(requiredClass[java.lang.invoke.MethodHandles])
lazy val jliMethodHandlesLookupRef : ClassBType = classBTypeFromSymbol(exitingPickler(getRequiredClass("java.lang.invoke.MethodHandles.Lookup"))) // didn't find a reliable non-stringly-typed way that works for inner classes in the backend
lazy val jliMethodTypeRef : ClassBType = classBTypeFromSymbol(requiredClass[java.lang.invoke.MethodType])
@@ -320,6 +321,7 @@ trait CoreBTypesProxyGlobalIndependent[BTS <: BTypes] {
def jliCallSiteRef : ClassBType
def jliMethodTypeRef : ClassBType
def jliSerializedLambdaRef : ClassBType
+ def jliMethodHandleRef : ClassBType
def jliMethodHandlesLookupRef : ClassBType
def srBoxesRunTimeRef : ClassBType
def srBoxedUnitRef : ClassBType
@@ -383,6 +385,7 @@ final class CoreBTypesProxy[BTFS <: BTypesFromSymbols[_ <: Global]](val bTypes:
def juHashMapRef : ClassBType = _coreBTypes.juHashMapRef
def sbScalaBeanInfoRef : ClassBType = _coreBTypes.sbScalaBeanInfoRef
def jliSerializedLambdaRef : ClassBType = _coreBTypes.jliSerializedLambdaRef
+ def jliMethodHandleRef : ClassBType = _coreBTypes.jliMethodHandleRef
def jliMethodHandlesRef : ClassBType = _coreBTypes.jliMethodHandlesRef
def jliMethodHandlesLookupRef : ClassBType = _coreBTypes.jliMethodHandlesLookupRef
def jliMethodTypeRef : ClassBType = _coreBTypes.jliMethodTypeRef
diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/backend/jvm/opt/ByteCodeRepository.scala b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/backend/jvm/opt/ByteCodeRepository.scala
index eaf82f5c65..5bf57823ca 100644
--- a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/backend/jvm/opt/ByteCodeRepository.scala
+++ b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/backend/jvm/opt/ByteCodeRepository.scala
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ package opt
import asm.tree._
import scala.collection.JavaConverters._
-import scala.collection.concurrent
+import scala.collection.{concurrent, mutable}
@@ -132,38 +132,135 @@ class ByteCodeRepository[BT <: BTypes](val classPath: ClassFileLookup[AbstractFi
* The method node for a method matching `name` and `descriptor`, accessed in class `ownerInternalNameOrArrayDescriptor`.
* The declaration of the method may be in one of the parents.
- * TODO: make sure we always return the right method, the one being invoked. write tests.
- * - if there's an abstract and a concrete one. could possibly somehow the abstract be returned?
- * - with traits and default methods, if there is more than one default method inherited and
- * no override: what should be returned? We should not just inline one of the two.
+ * Note that the JVM spec performs method lookup in two steps: resolution and selection.
+ *
+ * Method resolution, defined in jvms- and jvms-, is the first step and is identical
+ * for all invocation styles (virtual, interface, special, static). If C is the receiver class
+ * in the invocation instruction:
+ * 1 find a matching method (name and descriptor) in C
+ * 2 then in C's superclasses
+ * 3 then find the maximally-specific matching superinterface methods, succeed if there's a
+ * single non-abstract one. static and private methods in superinterfaces are not considered.
+ * 4 then pick a random non-static, non-private superinterface method.
+ * 5 then fail.
+ *
+ * Note that for an `invokestatic` instruction, a method reference `B.m` may resolve to `A.m`, if
+ * class `B` doesn't specify a matching method `m`, but the parent `A` does.
+ *
+ * Selection depends on the invocation style and is defined in jvms-6.5.
+ * - invokestatic: invokes the resolved method
+ * - invokevirtual / invokeinterface: searches for an override of the resolved method starting
+ * at the dynamic receiver type. the search procedure is basically the same as in resolution,
+ * but it fails at 4 instead of picking a superinterface method at random.
+ * - invokespecial: if C is the receiver in the invocation instruction, searches for an override
+ * of the resolved method starting at
+ * - the superclass of the current class, if C is a superclass of the current class
+ * - C otherwise
+ * again, the search procedure is the same.
+ *
+ * In the method here we implement method *resolution*. Whether or not the returned method is
+ * actually invoked at runtime depends on the invocation instruction and the class hierarchy, so
+ * the users (e.g. the inliner) have to be aware of method selection.
+ *
+ * Note that the returned method may be abstract (ACC_ABSTRACT), native (ACC_NATIVE) or signature
+ * polymorphic (methods `invoke` and `invokeExact` in class `MehtodHandles`).
* @return The [[MethodNode]] of the requested method and the [[InternalName]] of its declaring
- * class, or an error message if the method could not be found.
+ * class, or an error message if the method could not be found. An error message is also
+ * returned if method resolution results in multiple default methods.
def methodNode(ownerInternalNameOrArrayDescriptor: String, name: String, descriptor: String): Either[MethodNotFound, (MethodNode, InternalName)] = {
- // on failure, returns a list of class names that could not be found on the classpath
- def methodNodeImpl(ownerInternalName: InternalName): Either[List[ClassNotFound], (MethodNode, InternalName)] = {
- classNode(ownerInternalName) match {
- case Left(e) => Left(List(e))
- case Right(c) =>
- c.methods.asScala.find(m => == name && m.desc == descriptor) match {
- case Some(m) => Right((m, ownerInternalName))
- case None => findInParents(Option(c.superName) ++: c.interfaces.asScala.toList, Nil)
- }
+ def findMethod(c: ClassNode): Option[MethodNode] = c.methods.asScala.find(m => == name && m.desc == descriptor)
+ // "In Java SE 8, the only
+ // signature polymorphic methods are the invoke and invokeExact methods of the class MethodHandle.
+ def isSignaturePolymorphic(owner: InternalName) = owner == coreBTypes.jliMethodHandleRef.internalName && (name == "invoke" || name == "invokeExact")
+ // Note: if `owner` is an interface, in the first iteration we search for a matching member in the interface itself.
+ // If that fails, the recursive invocation checks in the superclass (which is Object) with `publicInstanceOnly == true`.
+ // This is specified in jvms- interface method resolution only returns public, non-static methods of Object.
+ def findInSuperClasses(owner: ClassNode, publicInstanceOnly: Boolean = false): Either[ClassNotFound, Option[(MethodNode, InternalName)]] = {
+ findMethod(owner) match {
+ case Some(m) if !publicInstanceOnly || (isPublicMethod(m) && !isStaticMethod(m)) => Right(Some((m,
+ case None =>
+ if (isSignaturePolymorphic( Right(Some((owner.methods.asScala.find( == name).get,
+ else if (owner.superName == null) Right(None)
+ else classNode(owner.superName).flatMap(findInSuperClasses(_, isInterface(owner)))
- // find the MethodNode in one of the parent classes
- def findInParents(parents: List[InternalName], failedClasses: List[ClassNotFound]): Either[List[ClassNotFound], (MethodNode, InternalName)] = parents match {
- case x :: xs => methodNodeImpl(x).left.flatMap(failed => findInParents(xs, failed ::: failedClasses))
- case Nil => Left(failedClasses)
+ def findInInterfaces(initialOwner: ClassNode): Either[ClassNotFound, Option[(MethodNode, InternalName)]] = {
+ val visited = mutable.Set.empty[InternalName]
+ val found = mutable.ListBuffer.empty[(MethodNode, ClassNode)]
+ def findIn(owner: ClassNode): Option[ClassNotFound] = {
+ for (i <- owner.interfaces.asScala if !visited(i)) classNode(i) match {
+ case Left(e) => return Some(e)
+ case Right(c) =>
+ visited += i
+ // abstract and static methods are excluded, see jvms-
+ for (m <- findMethod(c) if !isPrivateMethod(m) && !isStaticMethod(m)) found += ((m, c))
+ val recusionResult = findIn(c)
+ if (recusionResult.isDefined) return recusionResult
+ }
+ None
+ }
+ findIn(initialOwner)
+ val result =
+ if (found.size <= 1) found.headOption
+ else {
+ val maxSpecific = found.filterNot({
+ case (method, owner) =>
+ isAbstractMethod(method) || {
+ val ownerTp = classBTypeFromClassNode(owner)
+ found exists {
+ case (other, otherOwner) =>
+ (other ne method) && {
+ val otherTp = classBTypeFromClassNode(otherOwner)
+ otherTp.isSubtypeOf(ownerTp).get
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ })
+ // (*) note that if there's no single, non-abstract, maximally-specific method, the jvm
+ // method resolution (jvms- returns any of the non-private, non-static parent
+ // methods at random (abstract or concrete).
+ // we chose not to do this here, to prevent the inliner from potentially inlining the
+ // wrong method. in other words, we guarantee that a concrete method is only returned if
+ // it resolves deterministically.
+ // however, there may be multiple abstract methods inherited. in this case we *do* want
+ // to return a result to allow performing accessibility checks in the inliner. note that
+ // for accessibility it does not matter which of these methods is return, as they are all
+ // non-private (i.e., public, protected is not possible, jvms-4.1).
+ // the remaining case (when there's no max-specific method, but some non-abstract one)
+ // does not occur in bytecode generated by scalac or javac. we return no result in this
+ // case. this may at worst prevent some optimizations from happening.
+ if (maxSpecific.size == 1) maxSpecific.headOption
+ else if (found.forall(p => isAbstractMethod(p._1))) found.headOption // (*)
+ else None
+ }
+ Right( => (p._1,
// In a MethodInsnNode, the `owner` field may be an array descriptor, for example when invoking `clone`. We don't have a method node to return in this case.
- if (ownerInternalNameOrArrayDescriptor.charAt(0) == '[')
- Left(MethodNotFound(name, descriptor, ownerInternalNameOrArrayDescriptor, Nil))
- else
- methodNodeImpl(ownerInternalNameOrArrayDescriptor), descriptor, ownerInternalNameOrArrayDescriptor, _))
+ if (ownerInternalNameOrArrayDescriptor.charAt(0) == '[') {
+ Left(MethodNotFound(name, descriptor, ownerInternalNameOrArrayDescriptor, None))
+ } else {
+ def notFound(cnf: Option[ClassNotFound]) = Left(MethodNotFound(name, descriptor, ownerInternalNameOrArrayDescriptor, cnf))
+ val res: Either[ClassNotFound, Option[(MethodNode, InternalName)]] = classNode(ownerInternalNameOrArrayDescriptor).flatMap(c =>
+ findInSuperClasses(c) flatMap {
+ case None => findInInterfaces(c)
+ case res => Right(res)
+ }
+ )
+ res match {
+ case Left(e) => notFound(Some(e))
+ case Right(None) => notFound(None)
+ case Right(Some(res)) => Right(res)
+ }
+ }
private def parseClass(internalName: InternalName): Either[ClassNotFound, ClassNode] = {
diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/backend/jvm/opt/BytecodeUtils.scala b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/backend/jvm/opt/BytecodeUtils.scala
index f8c16e34bd..63906d80e5 100644
--- a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/backend/jvm/opt/BytecodeUtils.scala
+++ b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/backend/jvm/opt/BytecodeUtils.scala
@@ -99,6 +99,10 @@ object BytecodeUtils { == INSTANCE_CONSTRUCTOR_NAME || == CLASS_CONSTRUCTOR_NAME
+ def isPublicMethod(methodNode: MethodNode): Boolean = (methodNode.access & ACC_PUBLIC) != 0
+ def isPrivateMethod(methodNode: MethodNode): Boolean = (methodNode.access & ACC_PRIVATE) != 0
def isStaticMethod(methodNode: MethodNode): Boolean = (methodNode.access & ACC_STATIC) != 0
def isAbstractMethod(methodNode: MethodNode): Boolean = (methodNode.access & ACC_ABSTRACT) != 0
@@ -107,10 +111,12 @@ object BytecodeUtils {
def isNativeMethod(methodNode: MethodNode): Boolean = (methodNode.access & ACC_NATIVE) != 0
- def hasCallerSensitiveAnnotation(methodNode: MethodNode) = methodNode.visibleAnnotations != null && methodNode.visibleAnnotations.asScala.exists(_.desc == "Lsun/reflect/CallerSensitive;")
+ def hasCallerSensitiveAnnotation(methodNode: MethodNode): Boolean = methodNode.visibleAnnotations != null && methodNode.visibleAnnotations.asScala.exists(_.desc == "Lsun/reflect/CallerSensitive;")
def isFinalClass(classNode: ClassNode): Boolean = (classNode.access & ACC_FINAL) != 0
+ def isInterface(classNode: ClassNode): Boolean = (classNode.access & ACC_INTERFACE) != 0
def isFinalMethod(methodNode: MethodNode): Boolean = (methodNode.access & (ACC_FINAL | ACC_PRIVATE | ACC_STATIC)) != 0
def isStrictfpMethod(methodNode: MethodNode): Boolean = (methodNode.access & ACC_STRICT) != 0
diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/backend/jvm/opt/CallGraph.scala b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/backend/jvm/opt/CallGraph.scala
index 156c80d5a1..d241acf7b1 100644
--- a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/backend/jvm/opt/CallGraph.scala
+++ b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/backend/jvm/opt/CallGraph.scala
@@ -131,19 +131,19 @@ class CallGraph[BT <: BTypes](val btypes: BT) {
(method, declarationClass) <- byteCodeRepository.methodNode(call.owner,, call.desc): Either[OptimizerWarning, (MethodNode, InternalName)]
(declarationClassNode, source) <- byteCodeRepository.classNodeAndSource(declarationClass): Either[OptimizerWarning, (ClassNode, Source)]
} yield {
- val declarationClassBType = classBTypeFromClassNode(declarationClassNode)
- val info = analyzeCallsite(method, declarationClassBType, call, source)
- import info._
- Callee(
- callee = method,
- calleeDeclarationClass = declarationClassBType,
- safeToInline = safeToInline,
- canInlineFromSource = canInlineFromSource,
- annotatedInline = annotatedInline,
- annotatedNoInline = annotatedNoInline,
- samParamTypes = info.samParamTypes,
- calleeInfoWarning = warning)
- }
+ val declarationClassBType = classBTypeFromClassNode(declarationClassNode)
+ val info = analyzeCallsite(method, declarationClassBType, call, source)
+ import info._
+ Callee(
+ callee = method,
+ calleeDeclarationClass = declarationClassBType,
+ safeToInline = safeToInline,
+ canInlineFromSource = canInlineFromSource,
+ annotatedInline = annotatedInline,
+ annotatedNoInline = annotatedNoInline,
+ samParamTypes = info.samParamTypes,
+ calleeInfoWarning = warning)
+ }
val argInfos = computeArgInfos(callee, call, prodCons)
@@ -388,12 +388,11 @@ class CallGraph[BT <: BTypes](val btypes: BT) {
* @param calleeInfoWarning An inliner warning if some information was not available while
* gathering the information about this callee.
- final case class Callee(
- callee: MethodNode, calleeDeclarationClass: btypes.ClassBType,
- safeToInline: Boolean, canInlineFromSource: Boolean,
- annotatedInline: Boolean, annotatedNoInline: Boolean,
- samParamTypes: IntMap[btypes.ClassBType],
- calleeInfoWarning: Option[CalleeInfoWarning]) {
+ final case class Callee(callee: MethodNode, calleeDeclarationClass: btypes.ClassBType,
+ safeToInline: Boolean, canInlineFromSource: Boolean,
+ annotatedInline: Boolean, annotatedNoInline: Boolean,
+ samParamTypes: IntMap[btypes.ClassBType],
+ calleeInfoWarning: Option[CalleeInfoWarning]) {
override def toString = s"Callee($calleeDeclarationClass.${})"