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4 files changed, 282 insertions, 119 deletions
diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/doc/model/ModelFactory.scala b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/doc/model/ModelFactory.scala
index c6cfc317ea..0a469c9227 100644
--- a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/doc/model/ModelFactory.scala
+++ b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/doc/model/ModelFactory.scala
@@ -314,12 +314,15 @@ class ModelFactory(val global: Global, val settings: doc.Settings) {
inform("Creating doc template for " + sym)
override def toRoot: List[DocTemplateImpl] = this :: inTpl.toRoot
- def inSource =
- if (sym.sourceFile != null && ! sym.isSynthetic)
- Some((sym.sourceFile, sym.pos.line))
+ protected def inSourceFromSymbol(symbol: Symbol) =
+ if (symbol.sourceFile != null && ! symbol.isSynthetic)
+ Some((symbol.sourceFile, symbol.pos.line))
+ def inSource = inSourceFromSymbol(sym)
def sourceUrl = {
def fixPath(s: String) = s.replaceAll("\\" +, "/")
val assumedSourceRoot = fixPath(settings.sourcepath.value) stripSuffix "/"
@@ -508,11 +511,11 @@ class ModelFactory(val global: Global, val settings: doc.Settings) {
abstract class PackageImpl(sym: Symbol, inTpl: PackageImpl) extends DocTemplateImpl(sym, inTpl) with Package {
override def inTemplate = inTpl
override def toRoot: List[PackageImpl] = this :: inTpl.toRoot
- override lazy val linearization = {
- val symbol = {
+ override lazy val (inSource, linearization) = {
+ val representive = {
s => s.isPackageObject
} getOrElse sym
- linearizationFromSymbol(symbol)
+ (inSourceFromSymbol(representive), linearizationFromSymbol(representive))
def packages = members collect { case p: PackageImpl if !(droppedPackages contains p) => p }
diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/transform/ExtensionMethods.scala b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/transform/ExtensionMethods.scala
index c7ca239fa9..bc54054028 100644
--- a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/transform/ExtensionMethods.scala
+++ b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/transform/ExtensionMethods.scala
@@ -91,39 +91,42 @@ abstract class ExtensionMethods extends Transform with TypingTransformers {
+ /** Recognize a MethodType which represents an extension method.
+ *
+ * It may have a curried parameter list with the `$this` alone in the first
+ * parameter list, in which case that parameter list is dropped. Or, since
+ * the curried lists disappear during uncurry, it may have a single parameter
+ * list with `$this` as the first parameter, in which case that parameter is
+ * removed from the list.
+ */
+ object ExtensionMethodType {
+ def unapply(tp: Type) = tp match {
+ case MethodType(thiz :: rest, restpe) if == nme.SELF =>
+ Some((thiz, if (rest.isEmpty) restpe else MethodType(rest, restpe) ))
+ case _ =>
+ None
+ }
+ }
/** This method removes the `$this` argument from the parameter list a method.
* A method may be a `PolyType`, in which case we tear out the `$this` and the class
- * type params from its nested `MethodType`.
- * It may be a `MethodType`, either with a curried parameter list in which the first argument
- * is a `$this` - we just return the rest of the list.
- * This means that the corresponding symbol was generated during `extmethods`.
- *
- * It may also be a `MethodType` in which the `$this` does not appear in a curried parameter list.
- * The curried lists disappear during `uncurry`, and the methods may be duplicated afterwards,
- * for instance, during `specialize`.
- * In this case, the first argument is `$this` and we just get rid of it.
+ * type params from its nested `MethodType`. Or it may be a MethodType, as
+ * described at the ExtensionMethodType extractor.
private def normalize(stpe: Type, clazz: Symbol): Type = stpe match {
case PolyType(tparams, restpe) =>
- // Split the type parameters of the extension method into two groups,
- // corresponding the to class and method type parameters.
- val numClassParams = clazz.typeParams.length
- val methTParams = tparams dropRight numClassParams
- val classTParams = tparams takeRight numClassParams
- GenPolyType(methTParams,
- normalize(restpe.substSym(classTParams, clazz.typeParams), clazz))
- case MethodType(List(thiz), restpe) if == nme.SELF =>
- restpe.substituteTypes(thiz :: Nil, clazz.thisType :: Nil)
- case MethodType(thiz :: params, restpe) =>
- MethodType(params, restpe)
+ // method type parameters, class type parameters
+ val (mtparams, ctparams) = tparams splitAt (tparams.length - clazz.typeParams.length)
+ GenPolyType(mtparams,
+ normalize(restpe.substSym(ctparams, clazz.typeParams), clazz))
+ case ExtensionMethodType(thiz, etpe) =>
+ etpe.substituteTypes(thiz :: Nil, clazz.thisType :: Nil)
case _ =>
class Extender(unit: CompilationUnit) extends TypingTransformer(unit) {
private val extensionDefs = mutable.Map[Symbol, mutable.ListBuffer[Tree]]()
def checkNonCyclic(pos: Position, seen: Set[Symbol], clazz: Symbol): Unit =
@@ -134,31 +137,54 @@ abstract class ExtensionMethods extends Transform with TypingTransformers {
if (unboxed.isDerivedValueClass) checkNonCyclic(pos, seen + clazz, unboxed)
+ /** We will need to clone the info of the original method (which obtains clones
+ * of the method type parameters), clone the type parameters of the value class,
+ * and create a new polymethod with the union of all those type parameters, with
+ * their infos adjusted to be consistent with their new home. Example:
+ *
+ * class Foo[+A <: AnyRef](val xs: List[A]) extends AnyVal {
+ * def baz[B >: A](x: B): List[B] = x :: xs
+ * // baz has to be transformed into this extension method, where
+ * // A is cloned from class Foo and B is cloned from method baz:
+ * // def extension$baz[B >: A <: Any, A >: Nothing <: AnyRef]($this: Foo[A])(x: B): List[B]
+ * }
+ *
+ * TODO: factor out the logic for consolidating type parameters from a class
+ * and a method for re-use elsewhere, because nobody will get this right without
+ * some higher level facilities.
+ */
def extensionMethInfo(extensionMeth: Symbol, origInfo: Type, clazz: Symbol): Type = {
- // No variance for method type parameters
- var newTypeParams = cloneSymbolsAtOwner(clazz.typeParams, extensionMeth) map (_ resetFlag COVARIANT | CONTRAVARIANT)
- val thisParamType = appliedType(clazz.typeConstructor, newTypeParams map (_.tpeHK))
+ val GenPolyType(tparamsFromMethod, methodResult) = origInfo cloneInfo extensionMeth
+ // Start with the class type parameters - clones will be method type parameters
+ // so must drop their variance.
+ val tparamsFromClass = cloneSymbolsAtOwner(clazz.typeParams, extensionMeth) map (_ resetFlag COVARIANT | CONTRAVARIANT)
+ val thisParamType = appliedType(clazz, tparamsFromClass map (_.tpeHK): _*)
val thisParam = extensionMeth.newValueParameter(nme.SELF, extensionMeth.pos) setInfo thisParamType
- def transform(clonedType: Type): Type = clonedType match {
- case MethodType(params, restpe) =>
- // I assume it was a bug that this was dropping params... [Martin]: No, it wasn't; it's curried.
- MethodType(List(thisParam), clonedType)
- case NullaryMethodType(restpe) =>
- MethodType(List(thisParam), restpe)
- }
- val GenPolyType(tparams, restpe) = origInfo cloneInfo extensionMeth
- val selfParamSingletonType = singleType(currentOwner.companionModule.thisType, thisParam)
- GenPolyType(
- tparams ::: newTypeParams,
- transform(restpe) substThisAndSym (clazz, selfParamSingletonType, clazz.typeParams, newTypeParams)
- )
- }
+ val resultType = MethodType(List(thisParam), dropNullaryMethod(methodResult))
+ val selfParamType = singleType(currentOwner.companionModule.thisType, thisParam)
- private def allParams(tpe: Type): List[Symbol] = tpe match {
- case MethodType(params, res) => params ::: allParams(res)
- case _ => List()
- }
+ def fixres(tp: Type) = tp substThisAndSym (clazz, selfParamType, clazz.typeParams, tparamsFromClass)
+ def fixtparam(tp: Type) = tp substSym (clazz.typeParams, tparamsFromClass)
+ // We can't substitute symbols on the entire polytype because we
+ // need to modify the bounds of the cloned type parameters, but we
+ // don't want to substitute for the cloned type parameters themselves.
+ val tparams = tparamsFromMethod ::: tparamsFromClass
+ GenPolyType(tparams map (_ modifyInfo fixtparam), fixres(resultType))
+ // For reference, calling fix on the GenPolyType plays out like this:
+ // error: scala.reflect.internal.Types$TypeError: type arguments [B#7344,A#6966]
+ // do not conform to method extension$baz#16148's type parameter bounds
+ //
+ // And the difference is visible here. See how B is bounded from below by A#16149
+ // in both cases, but in the failing case, the other type parameter has turned into
+ // a different A. (What is that A? It is a clone of the original A created in
+ // SubstMap during the call to substSym, but I am not clear on all the particulars.)
+ //
+ // bad: [B#16154 >: A#16149, A#16155 <: AnyRef#2189]($this#16156: Foo#6965[A#16155])(x#16157: B#16154)List#2457[B#16154]
+ // good: [B#16151 >: A#16149, A#16149 <: AnyRef#2189]($this#16150: Foo#6965[A#16149])(x#16153: B#16151)List#2457[B#16151]
+ }
override def transform(tree: Tree): Tree = {
tree match {
case Template(_, _, _) =>
@@ -173,37 +199,56 @@ abstract class ExtensionMethods extends Transform with TypingTransformers {
} else tree
case DefDef(_, _, tparams, vparamss, _, rhs) if tree.symbol.isMethodWithExtension =>
- val companion = currentOwner.companionModule
- val origMeth = tree.symbol
- val extensionName = extensionNames(origMeth).head
- val extensionMeth = companion.moduleClass.newMethod(extensionName, origMeth.pos, origMeth.flags & ~OVERRIDE & ~PROTECTED | FINAL)
- .setAnnotations(origMeth.annotations)
- val newInfo = extensionMethInfo(extensionMeth,, currentOwner)
+ val origMeth = tree.symbol
+ val origThis = currentOwner
+ val origTpeParams = ::: origThis.typeParams // method type params ++ class type params
+ val origParams = vparamss.flatten map (_.symbol)
+ val companion = origThis.companionModule
+ def makeExtensionMethodSymbol = {
+ val extensionName = extensionNames(origMeth).head
+ val extensionMeth = (
+ companion.moduleClass.newMethod(extensionName, origMeth.pos, origMeth.flags & ~OVERRIDE & ~PROTECTED | FINAL)
+ setAnnotations origMeth.annotations
+ )
+ }
+ val extensionMeth = makeExtensionMethodSymbol
+ val newInfo = extensionMethInfo(extensionMeth,, origThis)
extensionMeth setInfo newInfo
- log("Value class %s spawns extension method.\n Old: %s\n New: %s".format(
- currentOwner,
- origMeth.defString,
- extensionMeth.defString)) // extensionMeth.defStringSeenAs(origInfo
- def thisParamRef = gen.mkAttributedStableRef( setPos extensionMeth.pos)
- val GenPolyType(extensionTpeParams, extensionMono) =
- val origTpeParams = (tparams map (_.symbol)) ::: currentOwner.typeParams
- val extensionBody = rhs
+ log(s"Value class $origThis spawns extension method.\n Old: ${origMeth.defString}\n New: ${extensionMeth.defString}")
+ val GenPolyType(extensionTpeParams, MethodType(thiz :: Nil, extensionMono)) = newInfo
+ val extensionParams = allParameters(extensionMono)
+ val extensionThis = gen.mkAttributedStableRef(thiz setPos extensionMeth.pos)
+ val extensionBody = (
+ rhs
.substituteSymbols(origTpeParams, extensionTpeParams)
- .substituteSymbols(vparamss.flatten map (_.symbol), allParams(extensionMono).tail)
- .substituteThis(currentOwner, thisParamRef)
- .changeOwner((origMeth, extensionMeth))
- extensionDefs(companion) += atPos(tree.pos) { DefDef(extensionMeth, extensionBody) }
- val extensionCallPrefix = Apply(
- gen.mkTypeApply(gen.mkAttributedRef(companion), extensionMeth, origTpeParams map (_.tpeHK)),
- List(This(currentOwner)))
- val extensionCall = atOwner(origMeth) {
- localTyper.typedPos(rhs.pos) {
- gen.mkForwarder(extensionCallPrefix, mmap(vparamss)(_.symbol))
- }
- }
- deriveDefDef(tree)(_ => extensionCall)
+ .substituteSymbols(origParams, extensionParams)
+ .substituteThis(origThis, extensionThis)
+ .changeOwner(origMeth -> extensionMeth)
+ )
+ // Record the extension method ( FIXME: because... ? )
+ extensionDefs(companion) += atPos(tree.pos)(DefDef(extensionMeth, extensionBody))
+ // These three lines are assembling$extension[T1, T2, ...]($this)
+ // which leaves the actual argument application for extensionCall.
+ val sel = Select(gen.mkAttributedRef(companion), extensionMeth)
+ val targs = origTpeParams map (_.tpeHK)
+ val callPrefix = gen.mkMethodCall(sel, targs, This(origThis) :: Nil)
+ // Apply all the argument lists.
+ deriveDefDef(tree)(_ =>
+ atOwner(origMeth)(
+ localTyper.typedPos(rhs.pos)(
+ gen.mkForwarder(callPrefix, mmap(vparamss)(_.symbol))
+ )
+ )
+ )
case _ =>
diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/typechecker/Infer.scala b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/typechecker/Infer.scala
index 0fad744506..74078a4ed3 100644
--- a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/typechecker/Infer.scala
+++ b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/typechecker/Infer.scala
@@ -411,8 +411,19 @@ trait Infer extends Checkable {
/** Like weakly compatible but don't apply any implicit conversions yet.
* Used when comparing the result type of a method with its prototype.
+ *
* [Martin] I think Infer is also created by Erasure, with the default
* implementation of isCoercible
+ * [Paulp] (Assuming the above must refer to my comment on isCoercible)
+ * Nope, I examined every occurrence of Inferencer in trunk. It
+ * appears twice as a self-type, once at its definition, and once
+ * where it is instantiated in Typers. There are no others.
+ *
+ % ack -A0 -B0 --no-filename '\bInferencer\b' src
+ self: Inferencer =>
+ self: Inferencer =>
+ class Inferencer(context: Context) extends InferencerContextErrors with InferCheckable {
+ val infer = new Inferencer(context0) {
def isConservativelyCompatible(tp: Type, pt: Type): Boolean =
context.withImplicitsDisabled(isWeaklyCompatible(tp, pt))
diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/typechecker/PatternMatching.scala b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/typechecker/PatternMatching.scala
index b0745b4c09..4b53802d95 100644
--- a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/typechecker/PatternMatching.scala
+++ b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/typechecker/PatternMatching.scala
@@ -409,15 +409,9 @@ trait PatternMatching extends Transform with TypingTransformers with ast.TreeDSL
// example check: List[Int] <:< ::[Int]
// TODO: extractor.paramType may contain unbound type params (run/t2800, run/t3530)
- val (typeTestTreeMaker, patBinderOrCasted) =
- if (needsTypeTest(, extractor.paramType)) {
- // chain a type-testing extractor before the actual extractor call
- // it tests the type, checks the outer pointer and casts to the expected type
- // TODO: the outer check is mandated by the spec for case classes, but we do it for user-defined unapplies as well [SPEC]
- // (the prefix of the argument passed to the unapply must equal the prefix of the type of the binder)
- val treeMaker = TypeTestTreeMaker(patBinder, patBinder, extractor.paramType, extractor.paramType)(pos, extractorArgTypeTest = true)
- (List(treeMaker), treeMaker.nextBinder)
- } else {
+ // `patBinderOrCasted` is assigned the result of casting `patBinder` to `extractor.paramType`
+ val (typeTestTreeMaker, patBinderOrCasted, binderKnownNonNull) =
+ if ( <:< extractor.paramType) {
// no type test needed, but the tree maker relies on `patBinderOrCasted` having type `extractor.paramType` (and not just some type compatible with it)
// SI-6624 shows this is necessary because apparently patBinder may have an unfortunate type (.decls don't have the case field accessors)
// TODO: get to the bottom of this -- I assume it happens when type checking infers a weird type for an unapply call
@@ -426,10 +420,21 @@ trait PatternMatching extends Transform with TypingTransformers with ast.TreeDSL
if (settings.developer.value && !( =:= extractor.paramType))
devWarning(s"resetting info of $patBinder: ${} to ${extractor.paramType}")
- (Nil, patBinder setInfo extractor.paramType)
+ (Nil, patBinder setInfo extractor.paramType, false)
+ } else {
+ // chain a type-testing extractor before the actual extractor call
+ // it tests the type, checks the outer pointer and casts to the expected type
+ // TODO: the outer check is mandated by the spec for case classes, but we do it for user-defined unapplies as well [SPEC]
+ // (the prefix of the argument passed to the unapply must equal the prefix of the type of the binder)
+ val treeMaker = TypeTestTreeMaker(patBinder, patBinder, extractor.paramType, extractor.paramType)(pos, extractorArgTypeTest = true)
+ // check whether typetest implies patBinder is not null,
+ // even though the eventual null check will be on patBinderOrCasted
+ // it'll be equal to patBinder casted to extractor.paramType anyway (and the type test is on patBinder)
+ (List(treeMaker), treeMaker.nextBinder, treeMaker.impliesBinderNonNull(patBinder))
- withSubPats(typeTestTreeMaker :+ extractor.treeMaker(patBinderOrCasted, pos), extractor.subBindersAndPatterns: _*)
+ withSubPats(typeTestTreeMaker :+ extractor.treeMaker(patBinderOrCasted, binderKnownNonNull, pos), extractor.subBindersAndPatterns: _*)
@@ -622,8 +627,13 @@ trait PatternMatching extends Transform with TypingTransformers with ast.TreeDSL
// to which type should the previous binder be casted?
def paramType : Type
- // binder has been casted to paramType if necessary
- def treeMaker(binder: Symbol, pos: Position): TreeMaker
+ /** Create the TreeMaker that embodies this extractor call
+ *
+ * `binder` has been casted to `paramType` if necessary
+ * `binderKnownNonNull` indicates whether the cast implies `binder` cannot be null
+ * when `binderKnownNonNull` is `true`, `ProductExtractorTreeMaker` does not do a (redundant) null check on binder
+ */
+ def treeMaker(binder: Symbol, binderKnownNonNull: Boolean, pos: Position): TreeMaker
// `subPatBinders` are the variables bound by this pattern in the following patterns
// subPatBinders are replaced by references to the relevant part of the extractor's result (tuple component, seq element, the result as-is)
@@ -637,6 +647,11 @@ trait PatternMatching extends Transform with TypingTransformers with ast.TreeDSL
case bp => bp
+ // never store these in local variables (for PreserveSubPatBinders)
+ lazy val ignoredSubPatBinders = (subPatBinders zip args).collect{
+ case (b, PatternBoundToUnderscore()) => b
+ }.toSet
def subPatTypes: List[Type] =
if(isSeq) {
val TypeRef(pre, SeqClass, args) = seqTp
@@ -731,17 +746,25 @@ trait PatternMatching extends Transform with TypingTransformers with ast.TreeDSL
def isSeq: Boolean = rawSubPatTypes.nonEmpty && isRepeatedParamType(rawSubPatTypes.last)
protected def rawSubPatTypes = constructorTp.paramTypes
- // binder has type paramType
- def treeMaker(binder: Symbol, pos: Position): TreeMaker = {
+ /** Create the TreeMaker that embodies this extractor call
+ *
+ * `binder` has been casted to `paramType` if necessary
+ * `binderKnownNonNull` indicates whether the cast implies `binder` cannot be null
+ * when `binderKnownNonNull` is `true`, `ProductExtractorTreeMaker` does not do a (redundant) null check on binder
+ */
+ def treeMaker(binder: Symbol, binderKnownNonNull: Boolean, pos: Position): TreeMaker = {
val paramAccessors = binder.constrParamAccessors
// binders corresponding to mutable fields should be stored (SI-5158, SI-6070)
+ // make an exception for classes under the scala package as they should be well-behaved,
+ // to optimize matching on List
val mutableBinders =
- if (paramAccessors exists (_.isMutable))
+ if (! &&
+ (paramAccessors exists (_.isMutable)))
subPatBinders.zipWithIndex.collect{ case (binder, idx) if paramAccessors(idx).isMutable => binder }
else Nil
// checks binder ne null before chaining to the next extractor
- ProductExtractorTreeMaker(binder, lengthGuard(binder))(subPatBinders, subPatRefs(binder), mutableBinders)
+ ProductExtractorTreeMaker(binder, lengthGuard(binder))(subPatBinders, subPatRefs(binder), mutableBinders, binderKnownNonNull, ignoredSubPatBinders)
// reference the (i-1)th case accessor if it exists, otherwise the (i-1)th tuple component
@@ -763,11 +786,21 @@ trait PatternMatching extends Transform with TypingTransformers with ast.TreeDSL
def resultType = tpe.finalResultType
def isSeq = == nme.unapplySeq
- def treeMaker(patBinderOrCasted: Symbol, pos: Position): TreeMaker = {
+ /** Create the TreeMaker that embodies this extractor call
+ *
+ * `binder` has been casted to `paramType` if necessary
+ * `binderKnownNonNull` is not used in this subclass
+ *
+ * TODO: implement review feedback by @retronym:
+ * Passing the pair of values around suggests:
+ * case class Binder(sym: Symbol, knownNotNull: Boolean).
+ * Perhaps it hasn't reached critical mass, but it would already clean things up a touch.
+ */
+ def treeMaker(patBinderOrCasted: Symbol, binderKnownNonNull: Boolean, pos: Position): TreeMaker = {
// the extractor call (applied to the binder bound by the flatMap corresponding to the previous (i.e., enclosing/outer) pattern)
val extractorApply = atPos(pos)(spliceApply(patBinderOrCasted))
val binder = freshSym(pos, pureType(resultInMonad)) // can't simplify this when subPatBinders.isEmpty, since UnitClass.tpe is definitely wrong when isSeq, and resultInMonad should always be correct since it comes directly from the extractor's result type
- ExtractorTreeMaker(extractorApply, lengthGuard(binder), binder)(subPatBinders, subPatRefs(binder), resultType.typeSymbol == BooleanClass, checkedLength, patBinderOrCasted)
+ ExtractorTreeMaker(extractorApply, lengthGuard(binder), binder)(subPatBinders, subPatRefs(binder), resultType.typeSymbol == BooleanClass, checkedLength, patBinderOrCasted, ignoredSubPatBinders)
override protected def seqTree(binder: Symbol): Tree =
@@ -824,6 +857,16 @@ trait PatternMatching extends Transform with TypingTransformers with ast.TreeDSL
+ object PatternBoundToUnderscore {
+ def unapply(pat: Tree): Boolean = pat match {
+ case Bind(nme.WILDCARD, _) => true // don't skip when binding an interesting symbol!
+ case Ident(nme.WILDCARD) => true
+ case Alternative(ps) => ps forall (PatternBoundToUnderscore.unapply(_))
+ case Typed(PatternBoundToUnderscore(), _) => true
+ case _ => false
+ }
+ }
object Bound {
def unapply(t: Tree): Option[(Symbol, Tree)] = t match {
case t@Bind(n, p) if (t.symbol ne null) && (t.symbol ne NoSymbol) => // pos/t2429 does not satisfy these conditions
@@ -991,10 +1034,17 @@ trait PatternMatching extends Transform with TypingTransformers with ast.TreeDSL
trait PreserveSubPatBinders extends TreeMaker {
val subPatBinders: List[Symbol]
val subPatRefs: List[Tree]
+ val ignoredSubPatBinders: Set[Symbol]
// unless `debugInfoEmitVars`, this set should contain the bare minimum for correctness
// mutable case class fields need to be stored regardless (SI-5158, SI-6070) -- see override in ProductExtractorTreeMaker
- def storedBinders: Set[Symbol] = if (debugInfoEmitVars) subPatBinders.toSet else Set.empty
+ // sub patterns bound to wildcard (_) are never stored as they can't be referenced
+ // dirty debuggers will have to get dirty to see the wildcards
+ lazy val storedBinders: Set[Symbol] =
+ (if (debugInfoEmitVars) subPatBinders.toSet else Set.empty) ++ extraStoredBinders -- ignoredSubPatBinders
+ // e.g., mutable fields of a case class in ProductExtractorTreeMaker
+ def extraStoredBinders: Set[Symbol]
def emitVars = storedBinders.nonEmpty
@@ -1015,10 +1065,22 @@ trait PatternMatching extends Transform with TypingTransformers with ast.TreeDSL
Substitution(subPatBinders, subPatRefs) >> super.subPatternsAsSubstitution
import CODE._
- def bindSubPats(in: Tree): Tree = if (!emitVars) in
+ def bindSubPats(in: Tree): Tree =
+ if (!emitVars) in
else {
- val (subPatBindersStored, subPatRefsStored) = stored.unzip
- Block(map2(subPatBindersStored.toList, subPatRefsStored.toList)(VAL(_) === _), in)
+ // binders in `subPatBindersStored` that are referenced by tree `in`
+ val usedBinders = new collection.mutable.HashSet[Symbol]()
+ // all potentially stored subpat binders
+ val potentiallyStoredBinders = stored.unzip._1.toSet
+ // compute intersection of all symbols in the tree `in` and all potentially stored subpat binders
+ in.foreach(t => if (potentiallyStoredBinders(t.symbol)) usedBinders += t.symbol)
+ if (usedBinders.isEmpty) in
+ else {
+ // only store binders actually used
+ val (subPatBindersStored, subPatRefsStored) = stored.filter{case (b, _) => usedBinders(b)}.unzip
+ Block(map2(subPatBindersStored.toList, subPatRefsStored.toList)(VAL(_) === _), in)
+ }
@@ -1038,7 +1100,11 @@ trait PatternMatching extends Transform with TypingTransformers with ast.TreeDSL
val subPatRefs: List[Tree],
extractorReturnsBoolean: Boolean,
val checkedLength: Option[Int],
- val prevBinder: Symbol) extends FunTreeMaker with PreserveSubPatBinders {
+ val prevBinder: Symbol,
+ val ignoredSubPatBinders: Set[Symbol]
+ ) extends FunTreeMaker with PreserveSubPatBinders {
+ def extraStoredBinders: Set[Symbol] = Set()
def chainBefore(next: Tree)(casegen: Casegen): Tree = {
val condAndNext = extraCond match {
@@ -1081,27 +1147,35 @@ trait PatternMatching extends Transform with TypingTransformers with ast.TreeDSL
case class ProductExtractorTreeMaker(prevBinder: Symbol, extraCond: Option[Tree])(
val subPatBinders: List[Symbol],
val subPatRefs: List[Tree],
- val mutableBinders: List[Symbol]) extends FunTreeMaker with PreserveSubPatBinders {
+ val mutableBinders: List[Symbol],
+ binderKnownNonNull: Boolean,
+ val ignoredSubPatBinders: Set[Symbol]
+ ) extends FunTreeMaker with PreserveSubPatBinders {
import CODE._
val nextBinder = prevBinder // just passing through
// mutable binders must be stored to avoid unsoundness or seeing mutation of fields after matching (SI-5158, SI-6070)
- // (the implementation could be optimized by duplicating code from `super.storedBinders`, but this seems more elegant)
- override def storedBinders: Set[Symbol] = super.storedBinders ++ mutableBinders.toSet
+ def extraStoredBinders: Set[Symbol] = mutableBinders.toSet
def chainBefore(next: Tree)(casegen: Casegen): Tree = {
val nullCheck = REF(prevBinder) OBJ_NE NULL
- val cond = extraCond map (nullCheck AND _) getOrElse nullCheck
- casegen.ifThenElseZero(cond, bindSubPats(substitution(next)))
+ val cond =
+ if (binderKnownNonNull) extraCond
+ else (extraCond map (nullCheck AND _)
+ orElse Some(nullCheck))
+ cond match {
+ case Some(cond) =>
+ casegen.ifThenElseZero(cond, bindSubPats(substitution(next)))
+ case _ =>
+ bindSubPats(substitution(next))
+ }
override def toString = "P"+(, extraCond getOrElse "", localSubstitution)
- // typetag-based tests are inserted by the type checker
- def needsTypeTest(tp: Type, pt: Type): Boolean = !(tp <:< pt)
object TypeTestTreeMaker {
// factored out so that we can consistently generate other representations of the tree that implements the test
// (e.g. propositions for exhaustivity and friends, boolean for isPureTypeTest)
@@ -1115,12 +1189,14 @@ trait PatternMatching extends Transform with TypingTransformers with ast.TreeDSL
def equalsTest(pat: Tree, testedBinder: Symbol): Result
def eqTest(pat: Tree, testedBinder: Symbol): Result
def and(a: Result, b: Result): Result
+ def tru: Result
object treeCondStrategy extends TypeTestCondStrategy { import CODE._
type Result = Tree
def and(a: Result, b: Result): Result = a AND b
+ def tru = TRUE_typed
def typeTest(testedBinder: Symbol, expectedTp: Type) = codegen._isInstanceOf(testedBinder, expectedTp)
def nonNullTest(testedBinder: Symbol) = REF(testedBinder) OBJ_NE NULL
def equalsTest(pat: Tree, testedBinder: Symbol) = codegen._equals(pat, testedBinder)
@@ -1151,6 +1227,19 @@ trait PatternMatching extends Transform with TypingTransformers with ast.TreeDSL
def equalsTest(pat: Tree, testedBinder: Symbol): Result = false
def eqTest(pat: Tree, testedBinder: Symbol): Result = false
def and(a: Result, b: Result): Result = false // we don't and type tests, so the conjunction must include at least one false
+ def tru = true
+ }
+ def nonNullImpliedByTestChecker(binder: Symbol) = new TypeTestCondStrategy {
+ type Result = Boolean
+ def typeTest(testedBinder: Symbol, expectedTp: Type): Result = testedBinder eq binder
+ def outerTest(testedBinder: Symbol, expectedTp: Type): Result = false
+ def nonNullTest(testedBinder: Symbol): Result = testedBinder eq binder
+ def equalsTest(pat: Tree, testedBinder: Symbol): Result = false // could in principle analyse pat and see if it's statically known to be non-null
+ def eqTest(pat: Tree, testedBinder: Symbol): Result = false // could in principle analyse pat and see if it's statically known to be non-null
+ def and(a: Result, b: Result): Result = a || b
+ def tru = false
@@ -1220,10 +1309,16 @@ trait PatternMatching extends Transform with TypingTransformers with ast.TreeDSL
// I think it's okay:
// - the isInstanceOf test includes a test for the element type
// - Scala's arrays are invariant (so we don't drop type tests unsoundly)
- case _ if (expectedTp <:< AnyRefClass.tpe) && !needsTypeTest(, expectedTp) =>
- // do non-null check first to ensure we won't select outer on null
- if (outerTestNeeded) and(nonNullTest(testedBinder), outerTest(testedBinder, expectedTp))
- else nonNullTest(testedBinder)
+ case _ if <:< expectedTp =>
+ // if the expected type is a primitive value type, it cannot be null and it cannot have an outer pointer
+ // since the types conform, no further checking is required
+ if (expectedTp.typeSymbol.isPrimitiveValueClass) tru
+ // have to test outer and non-null only when it's a reference type
+ else if (expectedTp <:< AnyRefClass.tpe) {
+ // do non-null check first to ensure we won't select outer on null
+ if (outerTestNeeded) and(nonNullTest(testedBinder), outerTest(testedBinder, expectedTp))
+ else nonNullTest(testedBinder)
+ } else default
case _ => default
@@ -1235,6 +1330,8 @@ trait PatternMatching extends Transform with TypingTransformers with ast.TreeDSL
// is this purely a type test, e.g. no outer check, no equality tests (used in switch emission)
def isPureTypeTest = renderCondition(pureTypeTestChecker)
+ def impliesBinderNonNull(binder: Symbol) = renderCondition(nonNullImpliedByTestChecker(binder))
override def toString = "TT"+(expectedTp,, nextBinderTp)
@@ -1733,6 +1830,7 @@ trait PatternMatching extends Transform with TypingTransformers with ast.TreeDSL
def nonNullTest(testedBinder: Symbol) = NonNullCond(binderToUniqueTree(testedBinder))
def equalsTest(pat: Tree, testedBinder: Symbol) = EqualityCond(binderToUniqueTree(testedBinder), unique(pat))
def eqTest(pat: Tree, testedBinder: Symbol) = EqualityCond(binderToUniqueTree(testedBinder), unique(pat)) // TODO: eq, not ==
+ def tru = TrueCond
case EqualityTestTreeMaker(prevBinder, patTree, _) => EqualityCond(binderToUniqueTree(prevBinder), unique(patTree))
@@ -3694,11 +3792,17 @@ trait PatternMatching extends Transform with TypingTransformers with ast.TreeDSL
// nextBinder: T
// next == MatchMonad[U]
// returns MatchMonad[U]
- def flatMapCond(cond: Tree, res: Tree, nextBinder: Symbol, next: Tree): Tree =
- ifThenElseZero(cond, BLOCK(
- VAL(nextBinder) === res,
- next
- ))
+ def flatMapCond(cond: Tree, res: Tree, nextBinder: Symbol, next: Tree): Tree = {
+ val rest =
+ // only emit a local val for `nextBinder` if it's actually referenced in `next`
+ if (next.exists(_.symbol eq nextBinder))
+ VAL(nextBinder) === res,
+ next
+ )
+ else next
+ ifThenElseZero(cond, rest)
+ }
// guardTree: Boolean
// next: MatchMonad[T]