path: root/src/library/scala/collection/immutable/ListSet.scala
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/library/scala/collection/immutable/ListSet.scala')
1 files changed, 85 insertions, 135 deletions
diff --git a/src/library/scala/collection/immutable/ListSet.scala b/src/library/scala/collection/immutable/ListSet.scala
index 98b91f7c84..d9795e9161 100644
--- a/src/library/scala/collection/immutable/ListSet.scala
+++ b/src/library/scala/collection/immutable/ListSet.scala
@@ -12,175 +12,125 @@ package immutable
import generic._
import scala.annotation.tailrec
-import mutable.{Builder, ReusableBuilder}
-/** $factoryInfo
- * @define Coll immutable.ListSet
- * @define coll immutable list set
- * @since 1
- */
+ * $factoryInfo
+ *
+ * Note that each element insertion takes O(n) time, which means that creating a list set with
+ * n elements will take O(n^2^) time. This makes the builder suitable only for a small number of
+ * elements.
+ *
+ * @since 1
+ * @define Coll ListSet
+ * @define coll list set
+ */
object ListSet extends ImmutableSetFactory[ListSet] {
- /** setCanBuildFromInfo */
- implicit def canBuildFrom[A]: CanBuildFrom[Coll, A, ListSet[A]] = setCanBuildFrom[A]
- override def newBuilder[A]: Builder[A, ListSet[A]] = new ListSetBuilder[A]
+ /**
+ * $setCanBuildFromInfo
+ */
+ implicit def canBuildFrom[A]: CanBuildFrom[Coll, A, ListSet[A]] =
+ setCanBuildFrom[A]
- private object EmptyListSet extends ListSet[Any] { }
+ @SerialVersionUID(5010379588739277132L)
+ private object EmptyListSet extends ListSet[Any]
private[collection] def emptyInstance: ListSet[Any] = EmptyListSet
- /** A custom builder because forgetfully adding elements one at
- * a time to a list backed set puts the "squared" in N^2. There is a
- * temporary space cost, but it's improbable a list backed set could
- * become large enough for this to matter given its pricy element lookup.
- *
- * This builder is reusable.
- */
- class ListSetBuilder[Elem](initial: ListSet[Elem]) extends ReusableBuilder[Elem, ListSet[Elem]] {
- def this() = this(empty[Elem])
- protected val elems = (new mutable.ListBuffer[Elem] ++= initial).reverse
- protected val seen = new mutable.HashSet[Elem] ++= initial
- def +=(x: Elem): this.type = {
- if (!seen(x)) {
- elems += x
- seen += x
- }
- this
- }
- def clear() = { elems.clear() ; seen.clear() }
- def result() = elems.foldLeft(empty[Elem])(_ unchecked_+ _)
- }
-/** This class implements immutable sets using a list-based data
- * structure. Instances of `ListSet` represent
- * empty sets; they can be either created by calling the constructor
- * directly, or by applying the function `ListSet.empty`.
- *
- * @tparam A the type of the elements contained in this list set.
- *
- * @author Matthias Zenger
- * @version 1.0, 09/07/2003
- * @since 1
- * @define Coll immutable.ListSet
- * @define coll immutable list set
- * @define mayNotTerminateInf
- * @define willNotTerminateInf
- */
-@deprecatedInheritance("The semantics of immutable collections makes inheriting from ListSet error-prone.", "2.11.0")
-class ListSet[A] extends AbstractSet[A]
- with Set[A]
- with GenericSetTemplate[A, ListSet]
- with SetLike[A, ListSet[A]]
- with Serializable{ self =>
+ * This class implements immutable sets using a list-based data structure. List set iterators and
+ * traversal methods visit elements in the order whey were first inserted.
+ *
+ * Elements are stored internally in reversed insertion order, which means the newest element is at
+ * the head of the list. As such, methods such as `head` and `tail` are O(n), while `last` and
+ * `init` are O(1). Other operations, such as inserting or removing entries, are also O(n), which
+ * makes this collection suitable only for a small number of elements.
+ *
+ * Instances of `ListSet` represent empty sets; they can be either created by calling the
+ * constructor directly, or by applying the function `ListSet.empty`.
+ *
+ * @tparam A the type of the elements contained in this list set
+ *
+ * @author Matthias Zenger
+ * @version 1.0, 09/07/2003
+ * @since 1
+ * @define Coll ListSet
+ * @define coll list set
+ * @define mayNotTerminateInf
+ * @define willNotTerminateInf
+ */
+sealed class ListSet[A] extends AbstractSet[A]
+ with Set[A]
+ with GenericSetTemplate[A, ListSet]
+ with SetLike[A, ListSet[A]]
+ with Serializable {
override def companion: GenericCompanion[ListSet] = ListSet
- /** Returns the number of elements in this set.
- *
- * @return number of set elements.
- */
override def size: Int = 0
override def isEmpty: Boolean = true
- /** Checks if this set contains element `elem`.
- *
- * @param elem the element to check for membership.
- * @return `'''true'''`, iff `elem` is contained in this set.
- */
def contains(elem: A): Boolean = false
- /** This method creates a new set with an additional element.
- */
- def + (elem: A): ListSet[A] = new Node(elem)
- /** `-` can be used to remove a single element.
- */
- def - (elem: A): ListSet[A] = this
+ def +(elem: A): ListSet[A] = new Node(elem)
+ def -(elem: A): ListSet[A] = this
- /** If we are bulk adding elements and desire a runtime measured in
- * sub-interstellar time units, we better find a way to avoid traversing
- * the collection on each element. That's what the custom builder does,
- * so we take the easy way out and add ourselves and the argument to
- * a new builder.
- */
override def ++(xs: GenTraversableOnce[A]): ListSet[A] =
if (xs.isEmpty) this
- else (new ListSet.ListSetBuilder(this) ++= xs.seq).result()
- private[ListSet] def unchecked_+(e: A): ListSet[A] = new Node(e)
- private[ListSet] def unchecked_outer: ListSet[A] =
- throw new NoSuchElementException("Empty ListSet has no outer pointer")
- /** Creates a new iterator over all elements contained in this set.
- *
- * @throws java.util.NoSuchElementException
- * @return the new iterator
- */
- def iterator: Iterator[A] = new AbstractIterator[A] {
- var that: ListSet[A] = self
- def hasNext = that.nonEmpty
- def next: A =
- if (hasNext) {
- val res = that.head
- that = that.tail
- res
+ else (repr /: xs) (_ + _)
+ def iterator: Iterator[A] = {
+ def reverseList = {
+ var curr: ListSet[A] = this
+ var res: List[A] = Nil
+ while (!curr.isEmpty) {
+ res = curr.elem :: res
+ curr =
- else
+ res
+ }
+ reverseList.iterator
- /**
- * @throws java.util.NoSuchElementException
- */
- override def head: A = throw new NoSuchElementException("Set has no elements")
+ protected def elem: A = throw new NoSuchElementException("elem of empty set")
+ protected def next: ListSet[A] = throw new NoSuchElementException("next of empty set")
- /**
- * @throws java.util.NoSuchElementException
- */
- override def tail: ListSet[A] = throw new NoSuchElementException("Next of an empty set")
+ override def toSet[B >: A]: Set[B] = this.asInstanceOf[ListSet[B]]
override def stringPrefix = "ListSet"
- /** Represents an entry in the `ListSet`.
- */
- protected class Node(override val head: A) extends ListSet[A] with Serializable {
- override private[ListSet] def unchecked_outer = self
+ /**
+ * Represents an entry in the `ListSet`.
+ */
+ @SerialVersionUID(-787710309854855049L)
+ protected class Node(override protected val elem: A) extends ListSet[A] with Serializable {
- /** Returns the number of elements in this set.
- *
- * @return number of set elements.
- */
override def size = sizeInternal(this, 0)
- @tailrec private def sizeInternal(n: ListSet[A], acc: Int): Int =
+ @tailrec private[this] def sizeInternal(n: ListSet[A], acc: Int): Int =
if (n.isEmpty) acc
- else sizeInternal(n.unchecked_outer, acc + 1)
+ else sizeInternal(, acc + 1)
- /** Checks if this set is empty.
- *
- * @return true, iff there is no element in the set.
- */
override def isEmpty: Boolean = false
- /** Checks if this set contains element `elem`.
- *
- * @param e the element to check for membership.
- * @return `'''true'''`, iff `elem` is contained in this set.
- */
override def contains(e: A) = containsInternal(this, e)
- @tailrec private def containsInternal(n: ListSet[A], e: A): Boolean =
- !n.isEmpty && (n.head == e || containsInternal(n.unchecked_outer, e))
- /** This method creates a new set with an additional element.
- */
+ @tailrec private[this] def containsInternal(n: ListSet[A], e: A): Boolean =
+ !n.isEmpty && (n.elem == e || containsInternal(, e))
override def +(e: A): ListSet[A] = if (contains(e)) this else new Node(e)
- /** `-` can be used to remove a single element from a set.
- */
- override def -(e: A): ListSet[A] = if (e == head) self else {
- val tail = self - e; new tail.Node(head)
- }
+ override def -(e: A): ListSet[A] = removeInternal(e, this, Nil)
- override def tail: ListSet[A] = self
- }
+ @tailrec private[this] def removeInternal(k: A, cur: ListSet[A], acc: List[ListSet[A]]): ListSet[A] =
+ if (cur.isEmpty) acc.last
+ else if (k == cur.elem) ( /: acc) { case (t, h) => new t.Node(h.elem) }
+ else removeInternal(k,, cur :: acc)
- override def toSet[B >: A]: Set[B] = this.asInstanceOf[ListSet[B]]
+ override protected def next: ListSet[A] = ListSet.this
+ override def last: A = elem
+ override def init: ListSet[A] = next
+ }