path: root/src/library/scala/collection/immutable/Stream.scala
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1 files changed, 32 insertions, 70 deletions
diff --git a/src/library/scala/collection/immutable/Stream.scala b/src/library/scala/collection/immutable/Stream.scala
index 17cf02cce6..1d0d40a1d8 100644
--- a/src/library/scala/collection/immutable/Stream.scala
+++ b/src/library/scala/collection/immutable/Stream.scala
@@ -499,80 +499,19 @@ self =>
else super.flatMap(f)(bf)
- /** Returns all the elements of this `Stream` that satisfy the predicate `p`
- * in a new `Stream` - i.e., it is still a lazy data structure. The order of
- * the elements is preserved
- *
- * @param p the predicate used to filter the stream.
- * @return the elements of this stream satisfying `p`.
- *
- * @example {{{
- * $naturalsEx
- * naturalsFrom(1) 10 } filter { _ % 5 == 0 } take 10 mkString(", ")
- * // produces
- * }}}
- */
- override def filter(p: A => Boolean): Stream[A] = {
+ override private[scala] def filterImpl(p: A => Boolean, isFlipped: Boolean): Stream[A] = {
// optimization: drop leading prefix of elems for which f returns false
// var rest = this dropWhile (!p(_)) - forget DRY principle - GC can't collect otherwise
var rest = this
- while (!rest.isEmpty && !p(rest.head)) rest = rest.tail
+ while (!rest.isEmpty && p(rest.head) == isFlipped) rest = rest.tail
// private utility func to avoid `this` on stack (would be needed for the lazy arg)
- if (rest.nonEmpty) Stream.filteredTail(rest, p)
+ if (rest.nonEmpty) Stream.filteredTail(rest, p, isFlipped)
else Stream.Empty
- override final def withFilter(p: A => Boolean): StreamWithFilter = new StreamWithFilter(p)
- /** A lazier implementation of WithFilter than TraversableLike's.
- */
- final class StreamWithFilter(p: A => Boolean) extends WithFilter(p) {
- override def map[B, That](f: A => B)(implicit bf: CanBuildFrom[Stream[A], B, That]): That = {
- def tailMap(coll: Stream[A]): Stream[B] = {
- var head: A = null.asInstanceOf[A]
- var tail: Stream[A] = coll
- while (true) {
- if (tail.isEmpty)
- return Stream.Empty
- head = tail.head
- tail = tail.tail
- if (p(head))
- return cons(f(head), tailMap(tail))
- }
- throw new RuntimeException()
- }
- if (isStreamBuilder(bf)) asThat(tailMap(Stream.this))
- else
- }
- override def flatMap[B, That](f: A => GenTraversableOnce[B])(implicit bf: CanBuildFrom[Stream[A], B, That]): That = {
- def tailFlatMap(coll: Stream[A]): Stream[B] = {
- var head: A = null.asInstanceOf[A]
- var tail: Stream[A] = coll
- while (true) {
- if (tail.isEmpty)
- return Stream.Empty
- head = tail.head
- tail = tail.tail
- if (p(head))
- return f(head).toStream append tailFlatMap(tail)
- }
- throw new RuntimeException()
- }
- if (isStreamBuilder(bf)) asThat(tailFlatMap(Stream.this))
- else super.flatMap(f)(bf)
- }
- override def foreach[B](f: A => B) =
- for (x <- self)
- if (p(x)) f(x)
- override def withFilter(q: A => Boolean): StreamWithFilter =
- new StreamWithFilter(x => p(x) && q(x))
- }
+ /** A FilterMonadic which allows GC of the head of stream during processing */
+ @noinline // Workaround SI-9137, see
+ override final def withFilter(p: A => Boolean): FilterMonadic[A, Stream[A]] = new Stream.StreamWithFilter(this, p)
/** A lazier Iterator than LinearSeqLike's. */
override def iterator: Iterator[A] = new StreamIterator(self)
@@ -1295,13 +1234,36 @@ object Stream extends SeqFactory[Stream] {
else cons(start, range(start + step, end, step))
- private[immutable] def filteredTail[A](stream: Stream[A], p: A => Boolean) = {
- cons(stream.head, stream.tail filter p)
+ private[immutable] def filteredTail[A](stream: Stream[A], p: A => Boolean, isFlipped: Boolean) = {
+ cons(stream.head, stream.tail.filterImpl(p, isFlipped))
private[immutable] def collectedTail[A, B, That](head: B, stream: Stream[A], pf: PartialFunction[A, B], bf: CanBuildFrom[Stream[A], B, That]) = {
cons(head, stream.tail.collect(pf)(bf).asInstanceOf[Stream[B]])
+ /** An implementation of `FilterMonadic` allowing GC of the filtered-out elements of
+ * the `Stream` as it is processed.
+ *
+ * Because this is not an inner class of `Stream` with a reference to the original
+ * head, it is now possible for GC to collect any leading and filtered-out elements
+ * which do not satisfy the filter, while the tail is still processing (see SI-8990).
+ */
+ private[immutable] final class StreamWithFilter[A](sl: => Stream[A], p: A => Boolean) extends FilterMonadic[A, Stream[A]] {
+ private var s = sl // set to null to allow GC after filtered
+ private lazy val filtered = { val f = s filter p; s = null; f } // don't set to null if throw during filter
+ def map[B, That](f: A => B)(implicit bf: CanBuildFrom[Stream[A], B, That]): That =
+ filtered map f
+ def flatMap[B, That](f: A => scala.collection.GenTraversableOnce[B])(implicit bf: CanBuildFrom[Stream[A], B, That]): That =
+ filtered flatMap f
+ def foreach[U](f: A => U): Unit =
+ filtered foreach f
+ def withFilter(q: A => Boolean): FilterMonadic[A, Stream[A]] =
+ new StreamWithFilter[A](filtered, q)
+ }