path: root/src/library/scala/collection/mutable/TreeMap.scala
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diff --git a/src/library/scala/collection/mutable/TreeMap.scala b/src/library/scala/collection/mutable/TreeMap.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..dc7d5d750e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/library/scala/collection/mutable/TreeMap.scala
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+package scala
+package collection
+package mutable
+import scala.collection.generic._
+import scala.collection.mutable.{RedBlackTree => RB}
+ * $factoryInfo
+ *
+ * @define Coll mutable.TreeMap
+ * @define coll mutable tree map
+ */
+object TreeMap extends MutableSortedMapFactory[TreeMap] {
+ def empty[A, B](implicit ord: Ordering[A]) = new TreeMap[A, B]()(ord)
+ /** $sortedMapCanBuildFromInfo */
+ implicit def canBuildFrom[A, B](implicit ord: Ordering[A]): CanBuildFrom[Coll, (A, B), TreeMap[A, B]] =
+ new SortedMapCanBuildFrom[A, B]
+ * A mutable sorted map implemented using a mutable red-black tree as underlying data structure.
+ *
+ * @param ordering the implicit ordering used to compare objects of type `A`.
+ * @tparam A the type of the keys contained in this tree map.
+ * @tparam B the type of the values associated with the keys.
+ *
+ * @author Rui Gonçalves
+ * @version 2.12
+ * @since 2.12
+ *
+ * @define Coll mutable.TreeMap
+ * @define coll mutable tree map
+ */
+sealed class TreeMap[A, B] private (tree: RB.Tree[A, B])(implicit val ordering: Ordering[A])
+ extends AbstractSortedMap[A, B]
+ with SortedMap[A, B]
+ with MapLike[A, B, TreeMap[A, B]]
+ with SortedMapLike[A, B, TreeMap[A, B]]
+ with Serializable {
+ /**
+ * Creates an empty `TreeMap`.
+ * @param ord the implicit ordering used to compare objects of type `A`.
+ * @return an empty `TreeMap`.
+ */
+ def this()(implicit ord: Ordering[A]) = this(RB.Tree.empty)(ord)
+ override def empty = TreeMap.empty
+ override protected[this] def newBuilder = TreeMap.newBuilder[A, B]
+ /**
+ * Creates a ranged projection of this map. Any mutations in the ranged projection will update the original map and
+ * vice versa.
+ *
+ * Only entries with keys between this projection's key range will ever appear as elements of this map, independently
+ * of whether the entries are added through the original map or through this view. That means that if one inserts a
+ * key-value in a view whose key is outside the view's bounds, calls to `get` or `contains` will _not_ consider the
+ * newly added entry. Mutations are always reflected in the original map, though.
+ *
+ * @param from the lower bound (inclusive) of this projection wrapped in a `Some`, or `None` if there is no lower
+ * bound.
+ * @param until the upper bound (exclusive) of this projection wrapped in a `Some`, or `None` if there is no upper
+ * bound.
+ */
+ def rangeImpl(from: Option[A], until: Option[A]): TreeMap[A, B] = new TreeMapView(from, until)
+ def -=(key: A): this.type = { RB.delete(tree, key); this }
+ def +=(kv: (A, B)): this.type = { RB.insert(tree, kv._1, kv._2); this }
+ def get(key: A) = RB.get(tree, key)
+ def iterator = RB.iterator(tree)
+ def iteratorFrom(start: A) = RB.iterator(tree, Some(start))
+ def keysIteratorFrom(start: A) = RB.keysIterator(tree, Some(start))
+ def valuesIteratorFrom(start: A) = RB.valuesIterator(tree, Some(start))
+ override def size = RB.size(tree)
+ override def isEmpty = RB.isEmpty(tree)
+ override def contains(key: A) = RB.contains(tree, key)
+ override def head = RB.min(tree).get
+ override def headOption = RB.min(tree)
+ override def last = RB.max(tree).get
+ override def lastOption = RB.max(tree)
+ override def keysIterator = RB.keysIterator(tree)
+ override def valuesIterator = RB.valuesIterator(tree)
+ override def foreach[U](f: ((A, B)) => U): Unit = RB.foreach(tree, f)
+ override def transform(f: (A, B) => B) = { RB.transform(tree, f); this }
+ override def clear(): Unit = RB.clear(tree)
+ override def stringPrefix = "TreeMap"
+ /**
+ * A ranged projection of a [[TreeMap]]. Mutations on this map affect the original map and vice versa.
+ *
+ * Only entries with keys between this projection's key range will ever appear as elements of this map, independently
+ * of whether the entries are added through the original map or through this view. That means that if one inserts a
+ * key-value in a view whose key is outside the view's bounds, calls to `get` or `contains` will _not_ consider the
+ * newly added entry. Mutations are always reflected in the original map, though.
+ *
+ * @param from the lower bound (inclusive) of this projection wrapped in a `Some`, or `None` if there is no lower
+ * bound.
+ * @param until the upper bound (exclusive) of this projection wrapped in a `Some`, or `None` if there is no upper
+ * bound.
+ */
+ @SerialVersionUID(2219159283273389116L)
+ private[this] final class TreeMapView(from: Option[A], until: Option[A]) extends TreeMap[A, B](tree) {
+ /**
+ * Given a possible new lower bound, chooses and returns the most constraining one (the maximum).
+ */
+ private[this] def pickLowerBound(newFrom: Option[A]): Option[A] = (from, newFrom) match {
+ case (Some(fr), Some(newFr)) => Some(ordering.max(fr, newFr))
+ case (None, _) => newFrom
+ case _ => from
+ }
+ /**
+ * Given a possible new upper bound, chooses and returns the most constraining one (the minimum).
+ */
+ private[this] def pickUpperBound(newUntil: Option[A]): Option[A] = (until, newUntil) match {
+ case (Some(unt), Some(newUnt)) => Some(ordering.min(unt, newUnt))
+ case (None, _) => newUntil
+ case _ => until
+ }
+ /**
+ * Returns true if the argument is inside the view bounds (between `from` and `until`).
+ */
+ private[this] def isInsideViewBounds(key: A): Boolean = {
+ val afterFrom = from.isEmpty ||, key) <= 0
+ val beforeUntil = until.isEmpty ||, until.get) < 0
+ afterFrom && beforeUntil
+ }
+ override def rangeImpl(from: Option[A], until: Option[A]): TreeMap[A, B] =
+ new TreeMapView(pickLowerBound(from), pickUpperBound(until))
+ override def get(key: A) = if (isInsideViewBounds(key)) RB.get(tree, key) else None
+ override def iterator = RB.iterator(tree, from, until)
+ override def iteratorFrom(start: A) = RB.iterator(tree, pickLowerBound(Some(start)), until)
+ override def keysIteratorFrom(start: A) = RB.keysIterator(tree, pickLowerBound(Some(start)), until)
+ override def valuesIteratorFrom(start: A) = RB.valuesIterator(tree, pickLowerBound(Some(start)), until)
+ override def size = iterator.length
+ override def isEmpty = !iterator.hasNext
+ override def contains(key: A) = isInsideViewBounds(key) && RB.contains(tree, key)
+ override def head = headOption.get
+ override def headOption = {
+ val entry = if (from.isDefined) RB.minAfter(tree, from.get) else RB.min(tree)
+ (entry, until) match {
+ case (Some(e), Some(unt)) if, unt) >= 0 => None
+ case _ => entry
+ }
+ }
+ override def last = lastOption.get
+ override def lastOption = {
+ val entry = if (until.isDefined) RB.maxBefore(tree, until.get) else RB.max(tree)
+ (entry, from) match {
+ case (Some(e), Some(fr)) if, fr) < 0 => None
+ case _ => entry
+ }
+ }
+ // Using the iterator should be efficient enough; if performance is deemed a problem later, specialized
+ // `foreach(f, from, until)` and `transform(f, from, until)` methods can be created in `RedBlackTree`. See
+ // for a discussion about this.
+ override def foreach[U](f: ((A, B)) => U): Unit = iterator.foreach(f)
+ override def transform(f: (A, B) => B) = {
+ iterator.foreach { case (key, value) => update(key, f(key, value)) }
+ this
+ }
+ override def clone() = super.clone().rangeImpl(from, until)
+ }