path: root/src/library/scala/runtime/LambdaDeserializer.scala
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diff --git a/src/library/scala/runtime/LambdaDeserializer.scala b/src/library/scala/runtime/LambdaDeserializer.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ad7d12ba5d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/library/scala/runtime/LambdaDeserializer.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,132 @@
+package scala.runtime
+import java.lang.invoke._
+ * This class is only intended to be called by synthetic `$deserializeLambda$` method that the Scala 2.12
+ * compiler will add to classes hosting lambdas.
+ *
+ * It is not intended to be consumed directly.
+ */
+object LambdaDeserializer {
+ /**
+ * Deserialize a lambda by calling `LambdaMetafactory.altMetafactory` to spin up a lambda class
+ * and instantiating this class with the captured arguments.
+ *
+ * A cache may be provided to ensure that subsequent deserialization of the same lambda expression
+ * is cheap, it amounts to a reflective call to the constructor of the previously created class.
+ * However, deserialization of the same lambda expression is not guaranteed to use the same class,
+ * concurrent deserialization of the same lambda expression may spin up more than one class.
+ *
+ * Assumptions:
+ * - No additional marker interfaces are required beyond `{,scala.}Serializable`. These are
+ * not stored in `SerializedLambda`, so we can't reconstitute them.
+ * - No additional bridge methods are passed to `altMetafactory`. Again, these are not stored.
+ *
+ * @param lookup The factory for method handles. Must have access to the implementation method, the
+ * functional interface class, and `` or `scala.Serializable` as
+ * required.
+ * @param cache A cache used to avoid spinning up a class for each deserialization of a given lambda. May be `null`
+ * @param serialized The lambda to deserialize. Note that this is typically created by the `readResolve`
+ * member of the anonymous class created by `LambdaMetaFactory`.
+ * @return An instance of the functional interface
+ */
+ def deserializeLambda(lookup: MethodHandles.Lookup, cache: java.util.Map[String, MethodHandle], serialized: SerializedLambda): AnyRef = {
+ def slashDot(name: String) = name.replaceAll("/", ".")
+ val loader = lookup.lookupClass().getClassLoader
+ val implClass = loader.loadClass(slashDot(serialized.getImplClass))
+ def makeCallSite: CallSite = {
+ import serialized._
+ def parseDescriptor(s: String) =
+ MethodType.fromMethodDescriptorString(s, loader)
+ val funcInterfaceSignature = parseDescriptor(getFunctionalInterfaceMethodSignature)
+ val instantiated = parseDescriptor(getInstantiatedMethodType)
+ val functionalInterfaceClass = loader.loadClass(slashDot(getFunctionalInterfaceClass))
+ val implMethodSig = parseDescriptor(getImplMethodSignature)
+ // Construct the invoked type from the impl method type. This is the type of a factory
+ // that will be generated by the meta-factory. It is a method type, with param types
+ // coming form the types of the captures, and return type being the functional interface.
+ val invokedType: MethodType = {
+ // 1. Add receiver for non-static impl methods
+ val withReceiver = getImplMethodKind match {
+ case MethodHandleInfo.REF_invokeStatic | MethodHandleInfo.REF_newInvokeSpecial =>
+ implMethodSig
+ case _ =>
+ implMethodSig.insertParameterTypes(0, implClass)
+ }
+ // 2. Remove lambda parameters, leaving only captures. Note: the receiver may be a lambda parameter,
+ // such as in `Function<Object, String> s = Object::toString`
+ val lambdaArity = funcInterfaceSignature.parameterCount()
+ val from = withReceiver.parameterCount() - lambdaArity
+ val to = withReceiver.parameterCount()
+ // 3. Drop the lambda return type and replace with the functional interface.
+ withReceiver.dropParameterTypes(from, to).changeReturnType(functionalInterfaceClass)
+ }
+ // Lookup the implementation method
+ val implMethod: MethodHandle = try {
+ findMember(lookup, getImplMethodKind, implClass, getImplMethodName, implMethodSig)
+ } catch {
+ case e: ReflectiveOperationException => throw new IllegalArgumentException("Illegal lambda deserialization", e)
+ }
+ val flags: Int = LambdaMetafactory.FLAG_SERIALIZABLE | LambdaMetafactory.FLAG_MARKERS
+ val isScalaFunction = functionalInterfaceClass.getName.startsWith("scala.Function")
+ val markerInterface: Class[_] = loader.loadClass(if (isScalaFunction) ScalaSerializable else JavaIOSerializable)
+ LambdaMetafactory.altMetafactory(
+ lookup, getFunctionalInterfaceMethodName, invokedType,
+ /* samMethodType = */ funcInterfaceSignature,
+ /* implMethod = */ implMethod,
+ /* instantiatedMethodType = */ instantiated,
+ /* flags = */ flags.asInstanceOf[AnyRef],
+ /* markerInterfaceCount = */ 1.asInstanceOf[AnyRef],
+ /* markerInterfaces[0] = */ markerInterface,
+ /* bridgeCount = */ 0.asInstanceOf[AnyRef]
+ )
+ }
+ val key = serialized.getImplMethodName + " : " + serialized.getImplMethodSignature
+ val factory: MethodHandle = if (cache == null) {
+ makeCallSite.getTarget
+ } else cache.get(key) match {
+ case null =>
+ val callSite = makeCallSite
+ val temp = callSite.getTarget
+ cache.put(key, temp)
+ temp
+ case target => target
+ }
+ val captures = Array.tabulate(serialized.getCapturedArgCount)(n => serialized.getCapturedArg(n))
+ factory.invokeWithArguments(captures: _*)
+ }
+ private val ScalaSerializable = "scala.Serializable"
+ private val JavaIOSerializable = {
+ // We could actually omit this marker interface as LambdaMetaFactory will add it if
+ // the FLAG_SERIALIZABLE is set and of the provided markers extend it. But the code
+ // is cleaner if we uniformly add a single marker, so I'm leaving it in place.
+ ""
+ }
+ private def findMember(lookup: MethodHandles.Lookup, kind: Int, owner: Class[_],
+ name: String, signature: MethodType): MethodHandle = {
+ kind match {
+ case MethodHandleInfo.REF_invokeStatic =>
+ lookup.findStatic(owner, name, signature)
+ case MethodHandleInfo.REF_newInvokeSpecial =>
+ lookup.findConstructor(owner, signature)
+ case MethodHandleInfo.REF_invokeVirtual | MethodHandleInfo.REF_invokeInterface =>
+ lookup.findVirtual(owner, name, signature)
+ case MethodHandleInfo.REF_invokeSpecial =>
+ lookup.findSpecial(owner, name, signature, owner)
+ }
+ }