path: root/src/library/scalax/collection/generic/MapTemplate.scala
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diff --git a/src/library/scalax/collection/generic/MapTemplate.scala b/src/library/scalax/collection/generic/MapTemplate.scala
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..6d1a9e3c93
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/library/scalax/collection/generic/MapTemplate.scala
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+/* __ *\
+** ________ ___ / / ___ Scala API **
+** / __/ __// _ | / / / _ | (c) 2003-2009, LAMP/EPFL **
+** __\ \/ /__/ __ |/ /__/ __ | **
+** /____/\___/_/ |_/____/_/ | | **
+** |/ **
+\* */
+// $Id: Map.scala 16884 2009-01-09 16:52:09Z cunei $
+package scalax.collection.generic
+import collection.immutable.Set
+import collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer
+import annotation.unchecked.uncheckedVariance
+/** <p>
+* A map is a collection that maps each key to one or zero values.
+ * </p>
+ * <p>
+ * This trait provides a limited interface, only allowing reading of elements.
+ * There are two extensions of this trait, in packages
+ * <code><a href="mutable$content.html" target="contentFrame">
+ * scala.collection.mutable</a></code>
+ * and <code><a href="immutable$content.html" target="contentFrame">
+ * scala.collection.immutable</a></code>, which provide functionality for
+ * adding new key/value mappings to a map. The trait in the first package is
+ * for maps that are modified destructively, whereas the trait in
+ * the second package is for immutable maps which create a new map
+ * when something is added or removed from them.
+ * </p>
+ *
+ * @author Matthias Zenger
+ * @author Martin Odersky
+ * @version 1.2, 31/12/2006
+ */
+trait MapTemplate[A, B, +CC[A1, B1] <: Map[A1, B1] with MapTemplate[A1, B1, CC]]
+ extends PartialFunction[A, B]
+ with SizedIterable[(A, B)]
+ with Addable[CC[A, B], (A, B)]
+ with Subtractable[CC[A, B], A] {
+self: CC[A, B] =>
+ def newBuilder[B]: Builder[SizedIterable, B] = new ArrayBuffer[B]
+ override def thisCC: CC[A, B] = this
+ /** This method returns a new map instance of the same class
+ * mapping keys of the same type to values of type <code>C</code>.
+ */
+ def empty[C]: CC[A, C]
+ /** Compute the number of key-to-value mappings.
+ *
+ * @return the number of mappings
+ */
+ def size: Int
+ /** Check if this map maps <code>key</code> to a value and return the
+ * value if it exists.
+ *
+ * @param key the key of the mapping of interest
+ * @return the value of the mapping, if it exists
+ */
+ def get(key: A): Option[B]
+ /** Check if this map maps <code>key</code> to a value.
+ * Return that value if it exists, otherwise return <code>default</code>.
+ */
+ def getOrElse[B2 >: B](key: A, default: => B2): B2 =
+ get(key) match {
+ case Some(v) => v
+ case None => default
+ }
+ /** Is this an empty map?
+ *
+ * @return <code>true</code> iff the map is empty.
+ */
+ override def isEmpty: Boolean = size == 0
+ /** Retrieve the value which is associated with the given key. This
+ * method throws an exception if there is no mapping from the given
+ * key to a value.
+ *
+ * @param key the key
+ * @return the value associated with the given key.
+ */
+ def apply(key: A): B = get(key) match {
+ case None => default(key)
+ case Some(value) => value
+ }
+ /** Is the given key mapped to a value by this map?
+ *
+ * @param key the key
+ * @return <code>true</code> iff there is a mapping for key in this map
+ */
+ def contains(key: A): Boolean = get(key) match {
+ case None => false
+ case Some(_) => true
+ }
+ /** Does this map contain a mapping from the given key to a value?
+ *
+ * @param key the key
+ * @return <code>true</code> iff there is a mapping for key in this map
+ */
+ def isDefinedAt(key: A) = contains(key)
+ /** Creates an iterator for all keys.
+ *
+ * @return an iterator over all keys.
+ */
+ def keys: Iterator[A] = new Iterator[A] {
+ val iter = self.elements
+ def hasNext = iter.hasNext
+ def next =
+ }
+ /** @return the keys of this map as a set.
+ */
+ def keySet: Set[A] = new Set[A] {
+ def size = self.size
+ def contains(key : A) = self.contains(key)
+ def elements =
+ def + (elem: A): Set[A] = immutable.Set[A]() ++ this + elem
+ def - (elem: A): Set[A] = immutable.Set[A]() ++ this - elem
+ override def newBuilder[B]: Builder[Set, B] = Set.newBuilder[B]
+ }
+ /** Creates an iterator for a contained values.
+ *
+ * @return an iterator over all values.
+ */
+ def values: Iterator[B] = new Iterator[B] {
+ val iter = self.elements
+ def hasNext = iter.hasNext
+ def next =
+ }
+ /** Creates a string representation for this map.
+ *
+ * @return a string showing all mappings
+ */
+ override def toString() =
+ => kv._1 + " -> " + kv._2).mkString(stringPrefix + "(", ", ", ")")
+ /** The default value for the map, returned when a key is not found
+ * The method implemented here yields an error,
+ * but it might be overridden in subclasses.
+ *
+ * @param key the given key value
+ * @throws Predef.NoSuchElementException
+ */
+ def default(key: A): B =
+ throw new NoSuchElementException("key not found: " + key)
+ override def view: Map.View[A,B] = new Map.View[A, B] {
+ override def elements = self.elements
+ override def size = self.size
+ override def get(key: A): Option[B] = self.get(key)
+ }
+ def filterKeys(p: A => Boolean) = new MapView[CC, A, B] {
+ val origin = self
+ override def foreach(f: ((A, B)) => Unit): Unit = for (kv <- self) if (p(kv._1)) f(kv)
+ def elements = self.elements.filter(kv => p(kv._1))
+ def size = { var sz = 0; foreach(_ => sz += 1); sz }
+ override def contains(key: A) = self.contains(key) && p(key)
+ def get(key: A) = if (!p(key)) None else self.get(key)
+ }
+ def mapElements[C](f: B => C) = new MapView[CC, A,C] {
+ val origin = self
+ override def foreach(g: ((A, C)) => Unit): Unit = for ((k, v) <- self) g((k, f(v)))
+ def elements = for ((k, v) <- self.elements) yield (k, f(v))
+ def size = self.size
+ override def contains(key: A) = self.contains(key)
+ def get(key: A) = self.get(key).map(f)
+ }
+ /** Defines the prefix of this object's <code>toString</code> representation.
+ */
+ override def stringPrefix: String = "Map"
+ /** Add a key/value pair to this map.
+ * @param key the key
+ * @param value the value
+ * @return A new map with the new binding added to this map
+ */
+ def update (key: A, value: B): CC[A, B]
+ /** Add a key/value pair to this map.
+ * @param kv the key/value pair.
+ * @return A new map with the new binding added to this map
+ */
+ def + (kv: (A, B)): CC[A, B] = update(kv._1, kv._2)
+ /** Remove a key from this map
+ * @param key the key to be removed
+ * @return If the map does not contain a binding for <code>key</code>
+ * it is returned unchanged. Otherwise, return a new map
+ * without a binding for <code>key</code>
+ */
+ def - (key: A): CC[A, B]
+ /** This function transforms all the values of mappings contained
+ * in this map with function <code>f</code>.
+ *
+ * @param f A function over keys and values
+ * @return the updated map
+ */
+ def transform[C](f: (A, B) => C): CC[A, C] = {
+ var res = empty[C]
+ for ((key, value) <- this) res += ((key, f(key, value)))
+ res
+ }
+ /** Builds a new map with all key/value pairs of this map
+ * for which the predicate <code>p</code> returns <code>true</code>.
+ *
+ * @param p A predicate over key-value pairs
+ * @return the updated map
+ */
+ override def filter(p: ((A, B)) => Boolean): CC[A, B] = {
+ var res = empty[B]
+ for (kv <- this)
+ if (p(kv)) res += kv
+ res
+ }
+ /** Removes all the mappings for which the predicate
+ * <code>p</code> returns <code>false</code>.
+ *
+ * @param p A predicate over key-value pairs
+ * @return the updated map
+ */
+ override def remove(p: ((A, B)) => Boolean): CC[A, B] = {
+ var res = this
+ for (kv <- this)
+ if (!p(kv)) res -= kv._1
+ res
+ }