path: root/src/msil/ch/epfl/lamp/compiler/msil/
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1 files changed, 0 insertions, 456 deletions
diff --git a/src/msil/ch/epfl/lamp/compiler/msil/ b/src/msil/ch/epfl/lamp/compiler/msil/
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--- a/src/msil/ch/epfl/lamp/compiler/msil/
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- * System.Reflection-like API for access to .NET assemblies (DLL & EXE)
- */
-package ch.epfl.lamp.compiler.msil;
-import ch.epfl.lamp.compiler.msil.PEFile;
-import ch.epfl.lamp.compiler.msil.PEFile.Sig;
-import ch.epfl.lamp.compiler.msil.util.Signature;
-import ch.epfl.lamp.compiler.msil.util.Table;
-import ch.epfl.lamp.compiler.msil.util.Table.*;
-import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
-/** Represents a module corresponding to a PE/COFF file
- *
- * @author Nikolay Mihaylov
- * @version 1.0
- */
-final class PEModule extends Module {
- //##########################################################################
- protected final PEFile pefile;
- private final int definingRow;
- private Type[] typeRefs = null;
- protected PEModule(PEFile pefile, int definingRow, String scopeName,
- Assembly assem)
- {
- super(pefile.getName(), pefile.getAbsolutePath(), scopeName, assem);
- this.pefile = pefile;
- this.definingRow = definingRow;
- pefile.initModule(this);
- pefile.TypeDef.load(); // load into memory
- //loadTypes();
- //pefile.FieldDef.load();
- //pefile.MethodDef.load();
- loadGlobals();
- }
- //##########################################################################
- public Type GetType(String typeName) {
- initTypes();
- Object o = typesMap.get(typeName);
- if (o == null) {
- //System.out.println("PEModule.GetType(): Unable to find type "
- // + typeName + " int module " + this);
- return null;
- }
- return o instanceof Type ? (Type)o
- : getTypeDef(((Integer)o).intValue());
- }
- /** Load information about the types defined in this module.
- */
- protected void loadTypes() {
- typeRefs = new Type[pefile.TypeRef.rows];
- final int nbTypes = pefile.TypeDef.rows;
- for (int row = 2; row <= nbTypes; row++) {
- String name = pefile.TypeDef(row).getFullName();
- typesMap.put(name, new Integer(row));
- }
- this.types = new Type[nbTypes - 1];
- for (int row = 2; row <= nbTypes; row++) {
- getTypeDef(row);
- }
- }
- /** Return the type defined at the given row in the TypeDef table.
- */
- Type getTypeDef(int row) {
- if (this.types[row - 2] != null)
- return this.types[row - 2];
- TypeDef type = pefile.TypeDef(row);
- int attrs = type.Flags;
- String name = type.getFullName();
- Type declType = null;
- if (TypeAttributes.isNested(attrs)) {
- for (int i = 1; i <= pefile.NestedClass.rows; i++) {
- pefile.NestedClass.readRow(i);
- if (pefile.NestedClass.NestedClass == row)
- declType = getTypeDef
- (pefile.NestedClass.EnclosingClass);
- }
- }
- Type t = new PEType
- (this, attrs, name, declType, Type.AuxAttr.None, pefile, row);
- types[row - 2] = t;
- addType(t);
- int[] tvarIdxes = pefile.GenericParam.getTVarIdxes(row);
- // if(tvarIdxes.length > 0) { System.out.println("Type: " + t); }
- for(int i = 0; i < tvarIdxes.length; i++) {
- GenericParamAndConstraints tvarAndConstraints = getTypeConstraints(tvarIdxes[i]);
- // add tvarAndConstraints as i-th TVar in t
- t.addTVar(tvarAndConstraints);
- }
- return t;
- }
- public GenericParamAndConstraints getTypeConstraints(int genParamIdx) {
- int tvarNumber = pefile.GenericParam(genParamIdx).Number;
- // tvarName can be null
- String tvarName = pefile.GenericParam.getName();
- boolean isInvariant = pefile.GenericParam.isInvariant();
- boolean isCovariant = pefile.GenericParam.isCovariant();
- boolean isContravariant = pefile.GenericParam.isContravariant();
- boolean isReferenceType = pefile.GenericParam.isReferenceType();
- boolean isValueType = pefile.GenericParam.isValueType();
- boolean hasDefaultConstructor = pefile.GenericParam.hasDefaultConstructor();
- // grab constraints
- int[] TypeDefOrRefIdxes = pefile.GenericParamConstraint.getTypeDefOrRefIdxes(genParamIdx);
- Type[] tCtrs = new Type[TypeDefOrRefIdxes.length];
- for(int i = 0; i < TypeDefOrRefIdxes.length; i++) {
- Type tConstraint = getTypeDefOrRef(TypeDefOrRefIdxes[i]);
- tCtrs[i] = tConstraint;
- // System.out.println("\t\tConstraint: " + tConstraint);
- }
- GenericParamAndConstraints res = new GenericParamAndConstraints(tvarNumber, tvarName, tCtrs,
- isInvariant, isCovariant, isContravariant,
- isReferenceType, isValueType, hasDefaultConstructor);
- return res;
- }
- /**
- * Load the desription of the module-global fields and methods
- */
- protected void loadGlobals() {
- //TODO:
- }
- protected void loadCustomAttributes(Type attributeType) {
- initAttributes(this, 1, Table.ModuleDef.ID, attributeType);
- }
- /** Return the type referenced by the given row in the TypeRef table.
- */
- Type getTypeRef(int row) {
- return getTypeRef(row, null);
- }
- /** Return the type referenced by the given row in the TypeRef table
- * only if it resides in the given assembly.
- * <i>Used by initCustomAttributes to avoid unnecessary loading
- * of referenced assemblies.</i>
- */
- Type getTypeRef(int row, Assembly inAssembly) {
- Type type = typeRefs[row - 1];
- if (type != null)
- return type;
- Table.TypeRef tr = pefile.TypeRef;
- tr.readRow(row);
- int tableId = Table.getTableId(Table._ResolutionScope,
- tr.ResolutionScope);
- int refRow = tr.ResolutionScope >> Table.NoBits[Table._ResolutionScope];
- final String typeName = tr.getFullName();
- pefile.getTable(tableId).readRow(refRow);
- switch (tableId) {
- case AssemblyRef.ID:
- String name = pefile.AssemblyRef.getName();
- if (inAssembly != null && !inAssembly.GetName().Name.equals(name))
- return null;
- Assembly assem = getAssembly(name);
- type = assem.GetType(typeName);
- if (type == null) {
- // HACK: the IKVM.OpenJDK.Core assembly is compiled against mscorlib.dll v2.0
- // The MSIL library cannot parse the v2.0 mscorlib because of generics, so we
- // use the v1.0
- // However, the method uses a type
- // Microsoft.Win32.SafeHandles.SafeFileHandle, which only exists in mscorlib
- // v2.0
- // For now, jsut return Object (fine as long as we don't use that method).
- Assembly asmb = getAssembly("mscorlib");
- type = asmb.GetType("System.Object");
- //throw new RuntimeException("Failed to locate type " +
- //typeName + " in assembly " + assem);
- }
- break;
- case ModuleDef.ID:
- assert refRow == 1;
- type = this.GetType(typeName);
- //assert type != null;
- break;
- case TypeRef.ID:
- Type nestingType = getTypeRef(refRow);
- String nestedName = typeName;
- type = nestingType.GetNestedType(nestedName);
- break;
- case ModuleRef.ID:
- type = getAssembly(pefile.ModuleRef.getName()).GetType(typeName);
- default:
- throw new RuntimeException(refRow + "@" + pefile.getTable(tableId).getTableName()/* PEFile.byte2hex(tableId)*/);
- }
- if (typeRefs[row - 1] != null)
- System.out.println("TypeRef[" + PEFile.short2hex(row) + "] " +
- "changing type " + typeRefs[row - 1] +
- " for type " + type);
- typeRefs[row - 1] = type;
- assert type != null : "Couldn't find type " + typeName;
- return type;
- }
- private Assembly getAssembly(String name) {
- Assembly assem = Assembly.getAssembly(name);
- if (assem != null)
- return assem;
- dir = pefile.getParentFile();
- assem = Assembly.LoadFrom(dir, name);
- if (assem != null)
- return assem;
- try {
- dir = pefile.getUnderlyingFile().getCanonicalFile().getParentFile();
- } catch ( e) {
- throw new RuntimeException(e);
- }
- assem = Assembly.LoadFrom(dir, name);
- if (assem != null)
- return assem;
- throw new RuntimeException("Cannot find assembly: " + name);
- }
- /** Return the type corresponding to TypeDefOrRef coded index.
- * @param index - TypeDefOrRef coded index according to 23.2.6.
- */
- public Type getTypeDefOrRef(int index) {
- int tableId = Table.getTableId(Table._TypeDefOrRef, index);
- int row = index >> Table.NoBits[Table._TypeDefOrRef];
- Type type = null;
- switch (tableId) {
- case Table.TypeDef.ID:
- type = getTypeDef(row);
- break;
- case Table.TypeRef.ID:
- return getTypeRef(row);
- case Table.TypeSpec.ID:
- Table.TypeSpec ts = pefile.TypeSpec;
- ts.readRow(row);
- int posInBlobStream = ts.Signature;
- byte[] blobArrWithLengthStripped = pefile.Blob.getBlob(posInBlobStream);
- byte[] compressedUInt = compressUInt(blobArrWithLengthStripped.length);
- byte[] byteArr = new byte[blobArrWithLengthStripped.length + compressedUInt.length];
- System.arraycopy(compressedUInt, 0, byteArr, 0, compressedUInt.length);
- System.arraycopy(blobArrWithLengthStripped, 0, byteArr, compressedUInt.length, blobArrWithLengthStripped.length);
- ByteBuffer buf = ByteBuffer.wrap(byteArr);
- Sig sig = Sig(buf);
- int desc = sig.readByte();
- switch (desc) {
- // GENERICINST (CLASS | VALUETYPE) TypeDefOrRefEncodred GenArgCount Type*
- case Signature.ELEMENT_TYPE_GENERICINST: // i.e. 0x15
- int b = sig.readByte(); // i.e. (0x12 | 0x11)
- /* TODO don't ignore b as done above */
- Type instantiatedType = getTypeDefOrRef(sig.decodeInt()); // TypeDefOrRefEncoded
- int numberOfTypeArgs = sig.decodeInt(); // GenArgCount
- Type[] typeArgs = new Type[numberOfTypeArgs];
- for (int iarg = 0; iarg < numberOfTypeArgs; iarg++) {
- typeArgs[iarg] = sig.decodeType(); // Type*
- }
- type = new ConstructedType(instantiatedType, typeArgs);
- break;
- /* Miguel says: Actually the following grammar rule production is not among those for a TypeSpecBlob
- but I've found it in assemblies compiled from C# 3.0.
- See also duplicate code in */
- case Signature.ELEMENT_TYPE_VAR:
- int typeArgAsZeroBased = sig.decodeInt();
- type = new Type.TMVarUsage(typeArgAsZeroBased, true);
- break;
- /* Miguel says: Actually the following grammar rule production is not among those for a TypeSpecBlob
- but I've found it in assemblies compiled from C# 3.0.
- See also duplicate code in */
- case Signature.ELEMENT_TYPE_MVAR:
- typeArgAsZeroBased = sig.decodeInt();
- type = new Type.TMVarUsage(typeArgAsZeroBased, false);
- break;
- case Signature.ELEMENT_TYPE_SZARRAY: // Single-dim array with 0 lower bound.
- sig.skipCustomMods();
- type = Type.mkArray(sig.decodeType(), 1);
- break;
- case Signature.ELEMENT_TYPE_ARRAY:
- // <type> <rank> <boundsCount> <bound1> ... <loCount> <lo1> ...
- // ArrayShape defined in 23.2.13 ArrayShape
- Type elem = sig.decodeType();
- int rank = sig.decodeInt();
- int numSizes = sig.decodeInt();
- for (int i = 0; i < numSizes; i++)
- sig.decodeInt(); // TODO don't ignore
- int numLoBounds = sig.decodeInt();
- for (int i = 0; i < numLoBounds; i++)
- sig.decodeInt(); // TODO don't ignore
- type = Type.mkArray(elem, rank);
- break;
- default:
- // TODO remaining grammar productions in 23.2.14 are for PTR and FNPTR only
- throw new RuntimeException("PEModule.getTypeDefOrRef(): TypeSpec");
- }
- break;
- default:
- throw new RuntimeException("PEModule.getTypeDefOrRef(): oops!");
- }
- return type;
- }
- private byte[] compressUInt(int u) {
- // 23.2 in Partition II
- // TODO add tests based on the examples in 23.2 in Partition II
- // the CCI implementation is WriteCompressedUInt
- /* informal discussion at */
- if (u <= 127 && 0 <= u) {
- return new byte[]{(byte) u};
- } else if (u > 127 && u <= (2 ^ 14 - 1)) {
- byte loByte = (byte)(u & 0xff);
- byte hiByte = (byte)((u >> 8) | 0x80);
- byte[] res = new byte[] { hiByte, loByte };
- return res;
- } else {
- byte b0 = (byte)(u & 0xff);
- byte b1 = (byte)((u & 0xff00)>>8);
- byte b2 = (byte)((u & 0xff0000)>>16);
- byte b3 = (byte)((u >> 24)|0xc0);
- byte[] res = new byte[] { b3, b2, b1, b0 };
- return res;
- }
- }
- /**
- * Returns the method defined at the given row of the MethodDef table
- * by looking up the type that defines the method.
- */
- MethodBase getMethod(int row) {
- for (int i = 0; i < types.length; i++) {
- PEType type = (PEType)types[i];
- if ((type.methodListBeg <= row) && (row < type.methodListEnd)) {
- type.initMethods();
- return type.methoddefs[row - type.methodListBeg];
- }
- }
- throw new RuntimeException("In module " + this
- + ": cannot find type defining method 0x"
- + PEFile.int2hex(row));
- }
- /** Returns the member referenced by the given row of the MemberRef table.
- */
- protected MemberInfo getMemberRef(int row) {
- return getMemberRef(row, null);
- }
- /** Returns the member referenced by the given row of the MemberRef table
- * if defined in the given assembly.
- * <i>Used by initCustomAttributes to avoid unnecessary loading of
- * referenced assemblies</i>
- */
- protected MemberInfo getMemberRef(int row, Assembly inAssembly) {
- MemberInfo member = null;
- MemberRef mref = pefile.MemberRef;
- mref.readRow(row);
- int mtbl = Table.getTableId(Table._MemberRefParent, mref.Class);
- int mind = Table.getTableIndex(Table._MemberRefParent, mref.Class);
- switch (mtbl) {
- case TypeRef.ID:
- Type type = getTypeRef(mind, inAssembly);
- if (type == null)
- return null;
- Sig sig = mref.getSignature();
- int callconv = sig.readByte(); // should be 0x20
- int paramCount = sig.decodeInt();
- //sig.skipByte(Signature.ELEMENT_TYPE_BYREF); //from MethodDef
- Type retType = sig.decodeRetType();
- Type[] paramType = new Type[paramCount];
- for (int i = 0; i < paramCount; i++)
- paramType[i] = sig.decodeParamType();
- String memberName = mref.getName();
- if (memberName.equals(ConstructorInfo.CTOR) ||
- memberName.equals(ConstructorInfo.CCTOR))
- {
- member = type.GetConstructor(paramType);
- } else {
- member = type.GetMethod(memberName, paramType);
- }
- assert member != null : type + "::" + memberName;
- break;
- case ModuleRef.ID:
- case MethodDef.ID:
- case TypeSpec.ID:
- throw new RuntimeException("initCustomAttributes: "
- + pefile.getTable(mtbl).getTableName());
- }
- return member;
- }
- protected void initCustomAttributes(Type attributeType) {
- initAttributes(this, definingRow, Table.ModuleDef.ID, attributeType);
- }
- // explicitly only package-visible
- void initAttributes(CustomAttributeProvider cap, int definingRow,
- int sourceTableId, Type attributeType)
- {
- int parentIndex = Table.encodeIndex(definingRow,
- Table._HasCustomAttribute,
- sourceTableId);
- Table.CustomAttribute attrs = pefile.CustomAttribute;
- for (int row = 1; row <= attrs.rows; row++) {
- ConstructorInfo attrConstr = null;
- attrs.readRow(row);
- if (attrs.Parent == parentIndex) {
- int tableId = Table.getTableId(Table._CustomAttributeType,
- attrs.Type);
- int ind = Table.getTableIndex(Table._CustomAttributeType,
- attrs.Type);
- switch (tableId) {
- case MethodDef.ID:
- attrConstr = (ConstructorInfo)this.getMethod(ind);
- break;
- case MemberRef.ID:
- //System.out.println(PEFile.short2hex(ind) + "@MemberRef");
- Assembly attrAssem =
- attributeType == null ? null : attributeType.Assembly();
- MemberInfo mi = this.getMemberRef(ind, attrAssem);
- if (mi != null) {
- assert mi instanceof ConstructorInfo
- : "Expected ConstructorInfo; found " + mi;
- attrConstr = (ConstructorInfo)mi;
- }
- break;
- default:
- throw new RuntimeException();
- }
- if (attrConstr != null
- && (attrConstr.DeclaringType == attributeType
- || attributeType == null))
- cap.addCustomAttribute(attrConstr, attrs.getValue());
- }
- }
- }
- //##########################################################################
-} // class PEModule