path: root/src/msil/ch/epfl/lamp/compiler/msil/emit/ILGenerator.scala
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diff --git a/src/msil/ch/epfl/lamp/compiler/msil/emit/ILGenerator.scala b/src/msil/ch/epfl/lamp/compiler/msil/emit/ILGenerator.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index 63ecbfd353..0000000000
--- a/src/msil/ch/epfl/lamp/compiler/msil/emit/ILGenerator.scala
+++ /dev/null
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- * System.Reflection.Emit-like API for writing .NET assemblies to MSIL
- */
-package ch.epfl.lamp.compiler.msil.emit
-import ch.epfl.lamp.compiler.msil._
-import ch.epfl.lamp.compiler.msil.util.Table
-import java.util.Stack
-import ILGenerator._
- * Generates Microsoft intermediate language (MSIL) instructions.
- *
- * @author Nikolay Mihaylov
- * @version 1.0
- */
- final class ILGenerator(_owner: MethodBase) extends Visitable {
- //##########################################################################
- // public interface
- /**
- * Puts the specified instruction onto the stream of instructions.
- */
- def Emit(opcode: OpCode) {
- // switch opcode
- if (opcode == OpCode.Ret) {
- emit(opcode, null, 0)
- } else {
- emit(opcode, null)
- }
- }
- /**
- * Puts the specified instruction and character argument onto
- * the Microsoft intermediate language (MSIL) stream of instructions.
- */
- def Emit(opcode: OpCode, arg: Char) {
- emit(opcode,new Character(arg))
- }
- /**
- * Puts the specified instruction and metadata token for the
- * specified constructor onto the Microsoft intermediate language
- * (MSIL) stream of instructions.
- */
- def Emit(opcode: OpCode, arg: ConstructorInfo) {
- assert(arg != null)
- // newobj
- // pop size is the number of parameters
- emit(opcode,arg, OpCode.PUSH_size(opcode.CEE_push) -
- arg.GetParameters().length)
- }
- /**
- * Puts the specified instruction onto the Microsoft intermediate language (MSIL)
- * stream followed by the index of the given local variable.
- */
- def Emit(opcode: OpCode, arg: LocalBuilder) {
- assert(arg != null)
- // ldarg | ldarg.s | ldarga
- // ldarga.s | ldloc | ldloc.s | ldloca
- // ldloca.s | starg | starg.s | stloc
- // stloc.s
- // <instr_var> <localname>
- emit(opcode, arg)
- }
- /**
- * Puts the specified instruction and numerical argument onto
- * the Microsoft intermediate language (MSIL) stream of instructions.
- */
- def Emit(opcode: OpCode, arg: Double) {
- // ldc.r4 | ldc.r8
- emit(opcode, new java.lang.Double(arg))
- }
- /**
- * Puts the specified instruction and metadata token for the
- * specified field onto the Microsoft intermediate language (MSIL)
- * stream of instructions.
- */
- def Emit(opcode: OpCode,arg: FieldInfo) {
- assert(arg != null)
- // ldfld | ldflda | ldsfld | ldsflda | stfld | stsfld
- emit(opcode,arg)
- }
- /**
- * Puts the specified instruction and numerical argument onto
- * the Microsoft intermediate language (MSIL) stream of instructions.
- */
- def Emit(opcode: OpCode, arg: Short ) {
- emit(opcode, new java.lang.Short(arg))
- }
- /**
- * Puts the specified instruction and numerical argument onto
- * the Microsoft intermediate language (MSIL) stream of instructions.
- */
- def Emit(opcode: OpCode, arg: Int) {
- // ldc.i4 | ldc.i4.s | unaligned
- emit(opcode, new java.lang.Integer(arg))
- }
- /**
- * Puts the specified instruction and numerical argument onto
- * the Microsoft intermediate language (MSIL) stream of instructions.
- */
- def Emit(opcode: OpCode, arg: Long) {
- // ldc.i8
- emit(opcode, new java.lang.Long(arg))
- }
- /**
- * Puts the specified instruction onto the Microsoft intermediate
- * language (MSIL) stream and leaves space to include a label when
- * fixes are done.
- */
- def Emit(opcode: OpCode,label: Label) {
- assert(label != null)
- // beq | beq.s | bge | bge.s |
- // bge.un | bge.un.s | bgt | bgt.s | bgt.un | bgt.un.s |
- // ble | ble.s | ble.un | ble.un.s | blt | blt.s |
- // blt.un | blt.un.s | bne.un | bne.un.s | br | br.s |
- // brfalse | brfalse.s | brtrue | brtrue.s | leave | leave.s
- emit(opcode, label)
- // is the label initialized ? if true backward jump else forward jump
- if (label.isInitialized()) {
-// if (arg.stacksize != lastLabel.stacksize) {
-// System.err.println("ILGenerator.Emit: Stack depth differs depending on path:");
-// System.err.println("\tmethod = " + owner);
-// System.err.println("\tPC = 0x" + Table.short2hex(lastLabel.address));
-// }
- //assert arg.stacksize == lastLabel.stacksize;
- }
- else {
- label.setStacksize(lastLabel.getStacksize())
- }
- }
- /**
- * Puts the specified instruction onto the Microsoft intermediate
- * language (MSIL) stream and leaves space to include a label when
- * fixes are done.
- */
- def Emit(opcode: OpCode, arg: Array[Label] ) {
- assert(arg != null)
- // switch
- // <instr> ::= <instr_switch> ( <labels> )
- // Examples:
- // switch (0x3, -14, Label1)
- // switch (5, Label2)
- emit(opcode, arg, arg.length)
- }
- /**
- * Puts the specified instruction onto the Microsoft intermediate
- * language (MSIL) stream followed by the metadata token for the
- * given method.
- */
- def Emit(opcode: OpCode,arg: MethodInfo) {
- assert(arg != null)
- // call | callvirt | jmp | ldftn | ldvirtftn
- // pop size is the number of parameters
- // pop 1 more if method is not static !
- // push size is either 0 (void Method) either 1
- assert(arg.ReturnType != null, "No ReturnType: " + arg.DeclaringType + "::" + arg.Name)
- val popush: Int = if (opcode == OpCode.Ldftn ||
- opcode == OpCode.Ldvirtftn ||
- opcode == OpCode.Jmp)
- {
- OpCode.PUSH_size(opcode.CEE_push) - OpCode.POP_size(opcode.CEE_pop)
- } else if (opcode == OpCode.Calli || opcode == OpCode.Callvirt) {
- (if(arg.ReturnType == VOID) 0 else 1) - arg.GetParameters().length - 1
- } else {
- (if(arg.ReturnType == VOID) 0 else 1) - arg.GetParameters().length
- }
- emit(opcode, arg, popush)
- }
- /**
- * Puts the specified instruction and numerical argument onto
- * the Microsoft intermediate language (MSIL) stream of instructions.
- */
- def Emit(opcode: OpCode, arg: Float ) {
- emit(opcode, new java.lang.Float(arg))
- }
- /**
- * Puts the specified instruction onto the Microsoft intermediate
- * language (MSIL) stream followed by the metadata token for the
- * given string.
- */
- def Emit(opcode: OpCode, arg: String ) {
- assert(arg != null)
- // ldstr
- emit(opcode, arg)
- }
- /**
- * Puts the specified instruction onto the Microsoft intermediate
- * language (MSIL) stream followed by the metadata token for the
- * given type.
- */
- def Emit(opcode: OpCode, arg: Type) {
- assert(arg != null)
- // box | castclass | cpobj | initobj | isinst |
- // ldelema | ldobj | mkrefany | newarr | refanyval |
- // sizeof | stobj | unbox
- emit(opcode, arg)
- }
- /**
- * Puts a call or callvirt instruction onto the Microsoft intermediate
- * language (MSIL) stream.
- */
- def EmitCall(opcode: OpCode, arg: MethodInfo,
- optionalParameterTypes: Array[Type]) {
- assert(arg != null)
- // pop size is the number of parameters
- // push size is either 0 (void Method) either 1
- //System.out.println(arg.ReturnType.Size + " " + arg.GetParameters().length);
- emit(opcode, arg, (if(arg.ReturnType == VOID) 0 else 1) -
- arg.GetParameters().length)
- }
- /**
- * Emits the Microsoft intermediate language (MSIL) necessary to
- * call WriteLine with the given field.
- */
- def EmitWriteLine(arg: FieldInfo) {
- // first load field info
- // if static use OpCode.Ldsfld
- if (arg.IsStatic())
- Emit(OpCodes.Ldsfld, arg)
- else
- Emit(OpCodes.Ldfld, arg)
- // then call System.Console.WriteLine(arg.Type)
- val t: Type = Type.GetType("System.Console")
- val argsType: Array[Type] = new Array[Type](1)
- argsType(0) = arg.FieldType
- val m: MethodInfo = t.GetMethod("WriteLine", argsType)
- EmitCall(OpCode.Call, m, null)
- }
- /**
- * Emits the Microsoft intermediate language (MSIL) necessary
- * to call WriteLine with the given local variable.
- */
- def EmitWriteLine(arg: LocalBuilder) {
- // first load local variable
- Emit(OpCodes.Ldloc, arg)
- // then call System.Console.WriteLine(arg.Type)
- val t: Type = Type.GetType("System.Console")
- val argsType: Array[Type] = new Array[Type](1)
- argsType(0) = arg.LocalType
- val m: MethodInfo = t.GetMethod("WriteLine", argsType)
- EmitCall(OpCode.Call, m, null)
- }
- /**
- * Emits the Microsoft intermediate language (MSIL) to call
- * WriteLine with a string.
- */
- def EmitWriteLine(arg: String) {
- // first load string
- Emit(OpCode.Ldstr, arg)
- // then call System.Console.WriteLine(string)
- val t: Type = Type.GetType("System.Console")
- val argsType: Array[Type] = new Array[Type](1)
- argsType(0) = Type.GetType("System.String")
- val m: MethodInfo = t.GetMethod("WriteLine", argsType)
- EmitCall(OpCode.Call, m, null)
- }
- /**
- * Declares a local variable.
- */
- def DeclareLocal(localType: Type): LocalBuilder = {
- val l: LocalBuilder = new LocalBuilder(locals, localType)
- locals = locals + 1
- localList += l
- return l
- }
- /**
- * Returns a new label that can be used as a token for branching.
- * In order to set the position of the label within the stream, you
- * must call MarkLabel. This is just a token and does not yet represent
- * any particular location within the stream.
- */
- def DefineLabel():Label = {
- new Label.NormalLabel()
- }
- /**
- * Marks the Microsoft intermediate language (MSIL) stream's
- * current position with the given label.
- */
- def MarkLabel(label: Label) {
- label.mergeWith(lastLabel)
- /*
- label.address = lastLabel.address;
- //label.stacksize = lastLabel.stacksize;
- if (label.stacksize >= 0)
- lastLabel.stacksize = label.stacksize;
- */
- }
- /** Begins a lexical scope. */
- def BeginScope() {
- emitSpecialLabel(Label.NewScope)
- }
- /** Ends a lexical scope. */
- def EndScope() {
- emitSpecialLabel(Label.EndScope)
- }
- /**
- * Begins an exception block for a non-filtered exception.
- * The label for the end of the block. This will leave you in the correct
- * place to execute finally blocks or to finish the try.
- */
- def BeginExceptionBlock() {
- emitSpecialLabel(Label.Try)
- val endExc: Label = new Label.NormalLabel() // new Label(lastLabel) ???
- excStack.push(Label.Try, endExc)
- }
- /** Begins a catch block. */
- def BeginCatchBlock(exceptionType: Type) {
- val kind = excStack.peekKind()
- if (kind == Label.Kind.Try ||
- kind == Label.Kind.Catch) {
- /* ok */
- } else {
- throw new RuntimeException("Catch should follow either a try or catch")
- }
- val endExc: Label = excStack.popLabel()
- Emit(OpCodes.Leave, endExc)
- // the CLI automatically provide the exception object on the evaluation stack
- // we adjust the stacksize
- lastLabel.incStacksize()
- excStack.push(Label.Catch, endExc)
- emitSpecialLabel(Label.Catch, exceptionType)
- }
- /** Ends an exception block. */
- def EndExceptionBlock() {
- val kind = excStack.peekKind()
- if (kind == Label.Kind.Try) {
- throw new RuntimeException("Try block with neither catch nor finally")
- } else if (kind == Label.Kind.Catch) {
- Emit(OpCodes.Leave, excStack.peekLabel())
- } else if (kind == Label.Kind.Finally) {
- Emit(OpCodes.Endfinally)
- }
- MarkLabel(excStack.popLabel())
- emitSpecialLabel(Label.EndTry)
- }
- /**
- * Begins a finally block in the Microsoft intermediate language
- * (MSIL) instruction stream.
- */
- def BeginFinallyBlock() {
- val endExc: Label = excStack.popLabel()
- Emit(OpCodes.Leave, endExc)
- excStack.push(Label.Finally, endExc)
- emitSpecialLabel(Label.Finally)
- }
- /**
- * Emits an instruction to throw an exception.
- */
- def ThrowException(exceptionType: Type) {
- assert(exceptionType != null)
- if (!exceptionType.isSubtypeOf(Type.GetType("System.Exception")))
- throw new RuntimeException
- (exceptionType + " doesn't extend System.Exception" )
- val ctor: ConstructorInfo = exceptionType.GetConstructor(Type.EmptyTypes)
- if (ctor == null)
- throw new RuntimeException("Type " + exceptionType
- + "doesn't have a default constructor")
- Emit(OpCodes.Newobj, ctor)
- Emit(OpCodes.Throw)
- }
- /**
- * sets the line of the source file corresponding to the next instruction
- */
- def setPosition(line: Int) {
- if (line != 0) lineNums.put(lastLabel, Integer.toString(line))
- }
- def setPosition(line: Int, filename: String) {
- if (line != 0) lineNums.put(lastLabel, line + " '" + filename + "'")
- }
- def setPosition(startLine: Int, endLine: Int, startCol: Int, endCol: Int, filename: String) {
- val lineRange = startLine + "," + endLine
- val colRange = startCol + "," + endCol
- lineNums.put(lastLabel, lineRange + ":" + colRange + " '" + filename + "'")
- }
- def getLocals(): Array[LocalBuilder] = localList.toArray
- def getLabelIterator() = labelList.iterator
- def getOpcodeIterator() = opcodeList.iterator
- def getArgumentIterator() = argumentList.iterator
- //##########################################################################
- // private implementation details
- // the local variable list
- private final val localList = scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer.empty[LocalBuilder]
- // the label list, the opcode list and the opcode argument list
- // labelList is an array of Label
- // opcodeList is an array of OpCode
- // argumentList is an array of Object (null if no argument)
- private final val labelList = scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer.empty[Label]
- private final val opcodeList = scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer.empty[OpCode]
- private final val argumentList = scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer.empty[Object]
- // the program counter (pc)
- // also called the stream's current position
- private var pc: Int = 0
- // last label
- private var lastLabel: Label = new Label.NormalLabel(pc,0)
- // the maximum size of stack
- private var maxstack: Int = 0
- // the number of the locals
- private var locals: Int = 0
- // stack of label for exception mechanism
- private val excStack: ExceptionStack = new ExceptionStack()
- // the method info owner of this ILGenerator
- var owner: MethodBase = _owner
- val lineNums = scala.collection.mutable.Map.empty[Label, String]
- def getMaxStacksize(): Int = { this.maxstack }
- // private emit with Object Argument
- private def emit(opcode: OpCode, arg: Object) {
- emit(opcode, arg, opcode.CEE_popush)
- }
- // private emit with Object Argument and override POPUSH
- private def emit(opcode: OpCode, arg: Object, overridePOPUSH: Int) {
- // add label, opcode and argument
- labelList += lastLabel
- opcodeList += opcode
- argumentList += arg
- // compute new lastLabel (next label)
- val stackSize: Int = lastLabel.getStacksize() + overridePOPUSH
- if (stackSize < 0) {
- val msg = "ILGenerator.emit(): Stack underflow in method: " + owner
- scala.Console.println(msg)
- // throw new RuntimeException(msg)
- }
- if (stackSize > maxstack)
- maxstack = stackSize
- var address: Int = lastLabel.getAddress() + opcode.CEE_length
- if (opcode.CEE_opcode == OpCode.CEE_SWITCH) {
- address = address + 4*arg.asInstanceOf[Array[Label]].length
- }
- lastLabel = new Label.NormalLabel(address, stackSize)
- pc = pc + 1
- }
- def Ldarg0WasJustEmitted() : Boolean = {
- if(opcodeList.isEmpty)
- return false
- val lastEmitted = opcodeList(opcodeList.size - 1)
- lastEmitted eq OpCode.Ldarg_0
- }
- private def emitSpecialLabel(l: Label) {
- emitSpecialLabel(l, null)
- }
- private def emitSpecialLabel(l: Label, catchType: Type) {
- labelList += l
- opcodeList += null
- argumentList += catchType
- }
- //##########################################################################
- //
- @throws(classOf[IOException])
- def apply(v: Visitor) {
- v.caseILGenerator(this)
- }
- //##########################################################################
-} // class ILGenerator
-object ILGenerator {
- val VOID: Type = Type.GetType("System.Void")
- val NO_LABEL: String = ""
- private final class ExceptionStack {
- private val labels = new scala.collection.mutable.Stack[Label]()
- private val kinds = new scala.collection.mutable.Stack[Label]()
- def ExceptionStack() {}
- def pop() { labels.pop; kinds.pop }
- def push(kind: Label, label: Label) {
- kinds.push(kind); labels.push(label)
- }
- def peekKind(): Label.Kind =
- def peekLabel(): Label =
- def popLabel(): Label = { kinds.pop(); labels.pop() }
- }