path: root/src/msil/ch/epfl/lamp/compiler/msil/emit/ILPrinterVisitor.scala
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1 files changed, 0 insertions, 860 deletions
diff --git a/src/msil/ch/epfl/lamp/compiler/msil/emit/ILPrinterVisitor.scala b/src/msil/ch/epfl/lamp/compiler/msil/emit/ILPrinterVisitor.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index 413b08ddd8..0000000000
--- a/src/msil/ch/epfl/lamp/compiler/msil/emit/ILPrinterVisitor.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,860 +0,0 @@
- * System.Reflection.Emit-like API for writing .NET assemblies in MSIL
- */
-package ch.epfl.lamp.compiler.msil.emit
-import java.util.Comparator
-import ch.epfl.lamp.compiler.msil._
-import ch.epfl.lamp.compiler.msil.util.Table
- * The MSIL printer Visitor. It prints a complete
- * assembly in a single or multiple files. Then this file can be compiled by ilasm.
- *
- * @author Nikolay Mihaylov
- * @version 1.0
- */
-abstract class ILPrinterVisitor extends Visitor {
- import ILPrinterVisitor._
- import OpCode._
- //##########################################################################
- protected final val assemblyNameComparator =
- new scala.math.Ordering[Assembly]() {
- override def compare(o1: Assembly, o2: Assembly): Int = {
- val a1 = o1.asInstanceOf[Assembly]
- val a2 = o2.asInstanceOf[Assembly]
- return a1.GetName().Name.compareTo(a2.GetName().Name)
- }
- }
- // the output file writer
- protected var out: PrintWriter = null
- // the left margin
- private var lmargin = 0
- // indicate a newline
- private var newline = true
- // print types without or with members?
- protected var nomembers: Boolean = false
- // external assemblies
- protected var as: Array[Assembly] = null
- private def align() {
- if (newline)
- padding = lmargin
- printPadding()
- newline = false
- }
- private def indent() {
- lmargin += TAB
- }
- private def undent() {
- lmargin -= TAB
- assert(lmargin >= 0)
- }
- private var padding = 0
- private def pad(n: Int) {
- assert(n >= 0, "negative padding: " + n)
- padding += n
- }
- private def printPadding() {
- if (padding <= 0)
- return
- while (padding > SPACES_LEN) {
- out.print(SPACES)
- padding -= SPACES_LEN
- }
- out.print(SPACES.substring(0, padding))
- padding = 0
- }
- // methods to print code
- protected def print(s: String) { align(); out.print(s)}
- protected def print(o: Object) { align(); out.print(o) }
- protected def print(c: Char) { align(); out.print(c) }
- protected def print(`val`: Int) { align(); out.print(`val`)}
- protected def print(`val`: Long){ align(); out.print(`val`)}
- protected def println() { out.println(); newline = true; padding = 0 }
- protected def println(c: Char) { print(c); println() }
- protected def println(i: Int) { print(i); println() }
- protected def println(l: Long) { print(l); println() }
- protected def println(s: String){ print(s); println() }
- protected def println(o: Object){ print(o); println() }
- protected def printName(name: String) {
- val ch = name.charAt(0)
- //if (Character.isLetter(ch) && Character.isLowerCase(ch)) {
- if ((ch != '.') && (ch != '!')) {
- print('\''); print(name); print('\'')
- } else
- print(name)
- }
- protected def printAssemblyBoilerplate() {
- // print all the external assemblies
- for (j <- 0 until as.length) {
- printAssemblySignature(as(j), true)
- }
- // print assembly declaration
- printAssemblySignature(currAssembly, false)
- }
- // the entrypoint method
- protected var entryPoint: MethodInfo = null
- // current opcode argument
- protected var argument: Object = null
- /***/
- @throws(classOf[IOException])
- protected def print(vAble: Visitable) {
- if (vAble != null)
- vAble.apply(this)
- }
- /**
- * Visit an AssemblyBuilder
- */
- @throws(classOf[IOException])
- def caseAssemblyBuilder(assemblyBuilder: AssemblyBuilder)
- protected var currentModule: Module = null
- /**
- * Visit a ModuleBuilder
- */
- @throws(classOf[IOException])
- def caseModuleBuilder(module: ModuleBuilder)
- protected var currentType: Type = null
- def printTypeParams(sortedTVars : Array[GenericParamAndConstraints]) {
- def constraintFlags(tVar : GenericParamAndConstraints) = {
- val varianceDirective = (if (tVar.isCovariant) "+ " else (if (tVar.isContravariant) "- " else ""))
- val typeKindDirective = (if (tVar.isReferenceType) "class " else (if (tVar.isValueType) "valuetype " else ""))
- val dfltConstrDirective = (if (tVar.hasDefaultConstructor) ".ctor " else "")
- varianceDirective + typeKindDirective + dfltConstrDirective
- }
- def tparamName(tVar : GenericParamAndConstraints) = {
- /* TODO Type-params in referenced assemblies may lack a name (those in a TypeBuilder or MethodBuilder shouldn't).
- Given that we need not list (in ilasm syntax) the original type-params' names when
- providing type arguments to it, the only type-param-names we'll serialize into a .msil file
- are those for type-params in a TypeBuilder or MethodBuilder. Still, more details on this
- appear in Sec. 4.5 "Faulty metadata in XMLReaderFactory" of
- To avoid name clashes when choosing a param name,
- first collect all existing tparam-names from a type (and its nested types).
- Not that those names are needed (ordinal positions can be used instead)
- but will look better when disassembling with ildasm. */
- assert(tVar.Name != null)
- tVar.Name
- }
- if(sortedTVars.length == 0) { return }
- print('<')
- val lastIdx = sortedTVars.length - 1
- for (it <- 0 until sortedTVars.length) {
- val tVar = sortedTVars(it)
- print(constraintFlags(tVar))
- if(tVar.Constraints.length > 0) {
- print('(')
- for (ic <- 0 until tVar.Constraints.length) {
- val cnstrt = tVar.Constraints(ic)
- printReference(cnstrt)
- if (ic < lastIdx) { print(", ") }
- }
- print(')')
- }
- print(" " + tparamName(tVar))
- if (it < lastIdx) { print(", ") }
- }
- print('>')
- }
- /**
- * Visit a TypeBuilder
- */
- @throws(classOf[IOException])
- def caseTypeBuilder(`type`: TypeBuilder) {
- currentType = `type`
- if (!`type`.Namespace.equals("") && `type`.DeclaringType == null) {
- print(".namespace \'" ); print(`type`.Namespace); println("\'")
- println("{"); indent()
- }
- print(".class ")
- // <classHead> ::=
- // <classAttr>* <id>
- // [extends <typeReference>]
- // [implements <typeReference> [, <typeReference>]*]
- print(TypeAttributes.toString(`type`.Attributes))
- print(" \'"); print(`type`.Name); print("\'")
- printTypeParams(`type`.getSortedTVars())
- if (`type`.BaseType() != null) {
- println()
- print(" extends ")
- printReference(`type`.BaseType())
- }
- val ifaces: Array[Type] = `type`.getInterfaces()
- if (ifaces.length > 0) {
- println()
- print(" implements ")
- for (i <- 0 until ifaces.length) {
- if (i > 0) {
- println(",")
- print(" ")
- }
- printReference(ifaces(i))
- }
- }
- println()
- println("{")
- indent()
- if (!nomembers && `type`.sourceFilename != null)
- println(".line " + `type`.sourceLine
- + " '" + `type`.sourceFilename + "'")
- if (!nomembers) {
- printAttributes(`type`)
- }
- // print nested classes
- val nested = `type`.nestedTypeBuilders.iterator
- while(nested.hasNext)
- print([TypeBuilder])
- // print each field
- val fields = `type`.fieldBuilders.iterator
- while(fields.hasNext)
- print([FieldBuilder])
- // print each constructor
- val constrs = `type`.constructorBuilders.iterator
- while (constrs.hasNext)
- print([ConstructorBuilder])
- // print each method
- val methods = `type`.methodBuilders.iterator
- while (methods.hasNext) {
- val method =[MethodBuilder]
- assert(method.DeclaringType == `type`)
- print(method)
- }
- undent(); println("}")
- if (!`type`.Namespace.equals("") && `type`.DeclaringType == null) {
- undent(); println("}")
- }
- currentType = null
- }
- /**
- * Visit a FieldBuilder
- */
- @throws(classOf[IOException])
- def caseFieldBuilder(field: FieldBuilder) {
- if (nomembers) return
- // [[int32]] <fieldAttr>* <type> <id> [= <fieldInit> | at <dataLabel>]
- print(".field ")
- print(FieldAttributes.toString(field.Attributes))
- print(" "); printSignature(field.FieldType, field.cmods)
- print(" \'"); print(field.Name); print("\'")
- if (field.IsLiteral()) {
- print(" = ")
- val value = field.getValue()
- if (value == null) {
- print("nullref")
- } else if (value.isInstanceOf[String]) {
- print(msilString(value.asInstanceOf[String]))
- } else if (value.isInstanceOf[Boolean]) {
- print("bool (")
- print(if((value.asInstanceOf[Boolean]).booleanValue()) { "true" } else { "false" })
- print(")")
- } else if (value.isInstanceOf[Byte]) {
- print("int8 (")
- print(value)
- print(")")
- } else if (value.isInstanceOf[java.lang.Short]) {
- print("int16 (")
- print(value)
- print(")")
- } else if (value.isInstanceOf[Character]) {
- print("char (")
- print((value.asInstanceOf[Character]).charValue())
- print(")")
- } else if (value.isInstanceOf[Integer]) {
- print("int32 (")
- print((value.asInstanceOf[Integer]).intValue())
- print(")")
- } else if (value.isInstanceOf[Long]) {
- print("int64 (")
- print((value.asInstanceOf[Long]).longValue())
- print(")")
- } else if (value.isInstanceOf[Float]) {
- print(msilSyntaxFloat(value.asInstanceOf[Float]))
- } else if (value.isInstanceOf[Double]) {
- print(msilSyntaxDouble(value.asInstanceOf[Double]))
- } else {
- throw new Error("ILPrinterVisitor: Illegal default value: "
- + value.getClass())
- }
- }
- println()
- printAttributes(field)
- }
- def msilSyntaxFloat(valFlo: java.lang.Float) : String = {
- // !!! check if encoding is correct
- val bits = java.lang.Float.floatToRawIntBits(valFlo.floatValue())
- /* see p. 170 in Lidin's book Expert .NET 2.0 IL Assembler */
- /* Note: no value is equal to Nan, including NaN. Thus, x == Float.NaN always evaluates to false. */
- val res = if (valFlo.isNaN) "0xFFC00000 /* NaN */ " /* TODO this is 'quiet NaN, , what's the difference with a 'signaling NaN'?? */
- else if (java.lang.Float.NEGATIVE_INFINITY == valFlo.floatValue) "0xFF800000 /* NEGATIVE_INFINITY */ "
- else if (java.lang.Float.POSITIVE_INFINITY == valFlo.floatValue) "0x7F800000 /* POSITIVE_INFINITY */ "
- else bits
- "float32 (" + res + ")"
- }
- def msilSyntaxDouble(valDou: java.lang.Double) : String = {
- // !!! check if encoding is correct
- val bits = java.lang.Double.doubleToRawLongBits(valDou.doubleValue())
- /* see p. 170 in Lidin's book Expert .NET 2.0 IL Assembler */
- /* Note: no value is equal to Nan, including NaN. Thus, x == Double.NaN always evaluates to false. */
- val res = if (valDou.isNaN) "0xffffffffffffffff /* NaN */ " /* TODO this is 'quiet NaN, , what's the difference with a 'signaling NaN'?? */
- else if (java.lang.Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY == valDou.doubleValue) "0xfff0000000000000 /* NEGATIVE_INFINITY */ "
- else if (java.lang.Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY == valDou.doubleValue) "0x7ff0000000000000 /* POSITIVE_INFINITY */ "
- else bits
- // float64(float64(...)) != float64(...)
- "float64 (" + res + ")"
- }
- /**
- * Visit a ConstructorBuilder
- */
- @throws(classOf[IOException])
- def caseConstructorBuilder(constr: ConstructorBuilder) {
- if (nomembers) return
- print(".method "); printHeader(constr, VOID)
- println(); println("{"); indent()
- printAttributes(constr)
- try {
- print(constr.GetILGenerator())
- } catch {
- case e : RuntimeException => {
- System.err.println("In method " + constr)
- e.printStackTrace()
- }
- }
- undent(); println("}")
- }
- /**
- * Visit a MethodBuilder
- */
- @throws(classOf[IOException])
- def caseMethodBuilder(method: MethodBuilder) {
- if (nomembers) return
- print(".method "); printHeader(method, method.ReturnType)
- if (method.IsAbstract()
- || (method.DeclaringType != null
- && method.DeclaringType.IsInterface()
- && !method.IsStatic()))
- {
- println(" {"); indent()
- printAttributes(method)
- undent(); println("}")
- } else {
- println(); println("{"); indent()
- printAttributes(method)
- if (method == entryPoint)
- println(".entrypoint")
- try {
- print(method.GetILGenerator())
- } catch {
- case e: RuntimeException =>
- System.err.println("In method " + method)
- e.printStackTrace()
- }
- undent(); println("}")
- }
- }
- /**
- * Visit a ParameterBuilder
- */
- @throws(classOf[IOException])
- def caseParameterBuilder(param: ParameterBuilder) {
- print(ParameterAttributes.toString(param.Attributes))
- printSignature(param.ParameterType)
- //print(' ') print(marshal)
- print(' '); printName(param.Name)
- }
- var locals: Array[LocalBuilder] = null
- /**
- * Visit an ILGenerator
- */
- @throws(classOf[IOException])
- def caseILGenerator(code: ILGenerator) {
- // print maxstack
- println(".maxstack " + code.getMaxStacksize())
- // get the local variables
- locals = code.getLocals()
- if (locals.length > 0) {
- println(".locals init (")
- indent()
- for (i <- 0 until locals.length) {
- if (i > 0) println(",")
- print(locals(i))
- } // end while
- undent()
- println(")")
- }
- // get 3 iterators for the 3 lists
- val itL = code.getLabelIterator()
- val itO = code.getOpcodeIterator()
- val itA = code.getArgumentIterator()
- // iterate over each opcode
- while (itO.hasNext) {
- // first print label
- val label =
- val oOpt = code.lineNums.get(label)
- if (oOpt.isDefined) {
- println(".line " + oOpt.get)
- }
- argument =[Object]
- printLabel(label)
- val o2 =
- if (o2 != null) {
- print(" ")
- print(o2.asInstanceOf[OpCode])
- }
- println()
- } // end while
- }
- /**
- * visit an OpCode
- */
- @throws(classOf[IOException])
- def caseOpCode(opCode: OpCode) {
- val opString = opCode.toString()
- print(opString)
- pad(14 - opString.length())
- // switch opcode
- if (opCode == OpCode.Ldstr) {
- print(msilString(argument.toString()))
- } else if(opCode == OpCode.Switch) {
- // switch ( <labels> )
- print("(")
- val targets = argument.asInstanceOf[Array[Label]]
- val m = targets.length
- for (i <- 0 until m) {
- if (i != 0) print(", ")
- print(targets(i))
- } // end for
- print(")")
- } else if(opCode == OpCode.Call || opCode == OpCode.Callvirt || opCode == OpCode.Jmp || opCode == OpCode.Ldftn || opCode == OpCode.Ldvirtftn) {
- // call | callvirt | jmp | ldftn | ldvirtftn
- // <instr_method> <callConv> <type> [ <typeSpec> :: ] <methodName>
- printSignature(argument.asInstanceOf[MethodBase])
- } else if (opCode == OpCode.Newobj) {
- printSignature(argument.asInstanceOf[ConstructorInfo])
- // ldfld | ldflda | ldsfld | ldsflda | stfld | stsfld
- } else if (opCode == OpCode.Ldfld || opCode == OpCode.Ldflda || opCode == OpCode.Ldsfld || opCode == OpCode.Ldsflda || opCode == OpCode.Stfld || opCode == OpCode.Stsfld) {
- printSignature(argument.asInstanceOf[FieldInfo])
- } else if (opCode == OpCode.Castclass || opCode == OpCode.Isinst || opCode == OpCode.Ldobj || opCode == OpCode.Newarr) {
- printSignature(argument.asInstanceOf[Type])
- } else if (opCode == OpCode.Box || opCode == OpCode.Unbox || opCode == OpCode.Ldtoken || opCode == OpCode.Initobj) {
- printReference(argument.asInstanceOf[Type])
- } else if (opCode == OpCode.Ldloc || opCode == OpCode.Ldloc_S || opCode == OpCode.Ldloca || opCode == OpCode.Ldloca_S || opCode == OpCode.Stloc || opCode == OpCode.Stloc_S) {
- val loc = argument.asInstanceOf[LocalBuilder]
- print(loc.slot); print("\t// "); printSignature(loc.LocalType)
- print(" \'"); print(; print("\'")
- //print("'") print(((LocalBuilder)argument).name) print("'")
- } else if (opCode == OpCode.Ldloc_0 || opCode == OpCode.Ldloc_1 || opCode == OpCode.Ldloc_2 || opCode == OpCode.Ldloc_3 ) {
- val loc = locals(opCode.CEE_opcode - OpCode.CEE_LDLOC_0)
- print("\t// "); printSignature(loc.LocalType)
- print(" \'"); print(; print("\'")
- } else if (opCode == OpCode.Stloc_0 || opCode == OpCode.Stloc_1 || opCode == OpCode.Stloc_2 || opCode == OpCode.Stloc_3 ) {
- val loc = locals(opCode.CEE_opcode - OpCode.CEE_STLOC_0)
- print("\t// "); printSignature(loc.LocalType)
- print(" \'"); print(; print("\'")
- } else if (opCode == OpCode.Readonly) {
- // nothing to do
- } else if (opCode == OpCode.Constrained) {
- printReference(argument.asInstanceOf[Type])
- } else if (opCode == OpCode.Ldelema) {
- printReference(argument.asInstanceOf[Type])
- } else {
- // by default print toString argument if any
- if (argument != null) {
- val strArgument = java.lang.String.valueOf(argument)
- if ( argument.isInstanceOf[java.lang.Float]
- && ( strArgument.equals("NaN")
- || strArgument.equals("-Infinity")
- || strArgument.equals("Infinity")))
- print(msilSyntaxFloat(argument.asInstanceOf[java.lang.Float]))
- else if ( argument.isInstanceOf[java.lang.Double]
- && ( strArgument.equals("NaN")
- || strArgument.equals("-Infinity")
- || strArgument.equals("Infinity")))
- print(msilSyntaxDouble(argument.asInstanceOf[java.lang.Double]))
- else print(strArgument)
- }
- } // end switch
- }
- /**
- * Visit a Label
- */
- def printLabel(label: Label) {
- val kind = label.getKind()
- if (kind == Label.Kind.Normal) {
- print(label+ ": ")
- } else if (kind == Label.Kind.NewScope) {
- print("{"); indent()
- } else if (kind == Label.Kind.EndScope) {
- undent(); print("}")
- } else if (kind == Label.Kind.Try) {
- print(".try {"); indent()
- } else if (kind == Label.Kind.Catch) {
- undent()
- println("}")
- print("catch ")
- printReference(argument.asInstanceOf[Type])
- print(" {")
- indent()
- } else if (kind == Label.Kind.Filter) {
- undent()
- println("}")
- print("filter {")
- indent()
- } else if (kind == Label.Kind.EndFilter) {
- print("endfilter")
- undent()
- println("}")
- } else if (kind == Label.Kind.Finally) {
- undent()
- println("}")
- print("finally {")
- indent()
- } else if (kind == Label.Kind.EndTry) {
- undent()
- print("}")
- }
- }
- /**
- * Visit a LocalBuilder
- */
- @throws(classOf[IOException])
- def caseLocalBuilder(localBuilder: LocalBuilder) {
- // print type
- printSignature(localBuilder.LocalType)
- // space
- print(" \'")
- // print name
- print(
- print("\'")
- }
- //##########################################################################
- def printAssemblySignature(assem: Assembly, extern: Boolean) {
- print(".assembly ")
- if (extern)
- print("extern ")
- val an = assem.GetName()
- printName(an.Name); println()
- println("{")
- if (!extern)
- printAttributes(assem)
- val v = an.Version
- if (v != null) {
- print(" .ver "); print(v.Major); print(':'); print(v.Minor)
- print(':'); print(v.Build); print(':')
- print(v.Revision); println()
- }
- var key = an.GetPublicKeyToken()
- if (key != null) {
- print(" .publickeytoken = ("); print(PEFile.bytes2hex(key))
- println(")")
- } else {
- key = an.GetPublicKey()
- if (key != null) {
- print(" .publickey = ("); print(PEFile.bytes2hex(key))
- println(")")
- }
- }
- println("}")
- }
- def printSignature(field: FieldInfo) {
- printSignature(field.FieldType, field.cmods)
- //print(' ') print(owner)
- print(' ')
- //if (field.IsStatic && field.DeclaringType != currentType) {
- printReference(field.DeclaringType)
- print("::")
- //}
- printName(field.Name)
- }
- // print method head
- @throws(classOf[IOException])
- def printHeader(method: MethodBase, returnType: Type) {
- print(MethodAttributes.toString(method.Attributes))
- print(' '); print(CallingConventions.toString(method.CallingConvention))
- print(' '); printSignature(returnType)
- //print(' ') print(marshal)
- print(' '); printName(method.Name)
- if(method.isInstanceOf[MethodInfo]) {
- val mthdInfo = method.asInstanceOf[MethodInfo]
- printTypeParams(mthdInfo.getSortedMVars())
- }
- val params = method.GetParameters()
- print('(')
- for (i <- 0 until params.length) {
- if (i > 0) print(", ")
- print(params(i).asInstanceOf[ParameterBuilder])
- }
- print(") ")
- print(MethodImplAttributes
- .toString(method.GetMethodImplementationFlags()))
- }
- def printSignature(method: MethodBase) {
- var returnType: Type = null
- if (method.isInstanceOf[MethodInfo])
- returnType = (method.asInstanceOf[MethodInfo]).ReturnType
- else if (method.isInstanceOf[ConstructorInfo])
- returnType = VOID
- else
- throw new RuntimeException()
- val s = CallingConventions.toString(method.CallingConvention)
- print(s)
- if (s.length() > 0) print(' ')
- printSignature(returnType)
- //print(' ') print(owner)
- print(' '); printReference(method.DeclaringType)
- print("::"); printName(method.Name)
- val params = method.GetParameters()
- print("(")
- for (i <- 0 until params.length) {
- if (i > 0) print(", ")
- printSignature(params(i).ParameterType)
- }
- print(")")
- }
- def printSignature(marked: Type, cmods: Array[CustomModifier]) {
- printSignature(marked)
- if( (cmods != null) && !cmods.isEmpty ) {
- print(" ")
- for(cm <- cmods) {
- print(if (cm.isReqd) "modreq( " else "modopt( ")
- printReference(cm.marker)
- print(" ) ")
- }
- }
- }
- def printSignature(`type`: Type) {
- val sigOpt = primitive.get(`type`)
- if (sigOpt.isDefined) {
- print(sigOpt.get)
- return
- }
- if (`type`.HasElementType()) {
- printSignature(`type`.GetElementType())
- if (`type`.IsArray())
- print("[]")
- else if (`type`.IsPointer())
- print('*')
- else if (`type`.IsByRef())
- print('&')
- } else {
- val preref = if (`type`.isInstanceOf[Type.TMVarUsage]) ""
- else if(`type`.IsValueType()) "valuetype "
- else "class "
- print(preref)
- printReference(`type`)
- }
- }
- def printReference(`type`: Type) {
- if (`type`.Module != null) { // i.e. not PrimitiveType and not TMVarUsage
- if (`type`.Assembly() != currentModule.Assembly) {
- print('['); print(`type`.Assembly().GetName().Name); print("]")
- } else if (`type`.Module != currentModule) {
- print("[.module "); print(`type`.Module.Name); print("]")
- }
- }
- printTypeName(`type`)
- }
- def printTypeName(`type`: Type) {
- if (`type`.isInstanceOf[ConstructedType]) {
- val ct = `type`.asInstanceOf[ConstructedType]
- printTypeName(ct.instantiatedType)
- print("<")
- var i = 0
- while (i < ct.typeArgs.length) {
- val ta = ct.typeArgs(i)
- val sigOpt = primitive.get(ta)
- if (sigOpt.isDefined) print(sigOpt.get)
- else printTypeName(ta); /* should be printSignature, but don't want `class` or `valuetype`
- appearing before a type param usage. */
- i = i + 1;
- if (i < ct.typeArgs.length) {
- print(", ")
- }
- }
- print(">")
- } else if (`type`.DeclaringType != null) {
- printTypeName(`type`.DeclaringType)
- print('/')
- printName(`type`.Name)
- } else {
- printName(`type`.FullName)
- }
- }
- def printAttributes(icap: ICustomAttributeProvider) {
- val attrs = icap.GetCustomAttributes(false)
- for (i <- 0 until attrs.length) {
- print(".custom ")
- printSignature((attrs(i).asInstanceOf[Attribute]).getConstructor())
- print(" = (")
- print(PEFile.bytes2hex((attrs(i).asInstanceOf[Attribute]).getValue()))
- println(")")
- }
- }
- //##########################################################################
-} // class ILPrinterVisitor
-object ILPrinterVisitor {
- final val VOID: Type = Type.GetType("System.Void")
- protected final val TAB = 4
- protected final val SPACES = " "
- protected final val SPACES_LEN = SPACES.length()
- def hasControlChars(str: String): Boolean = {
- for(i <- 0 until str.length()) {
- val ch = str.charAt(i)
- ch match {
- case '\b' =>
- case '\t' =>
- case '\n' =>
- case '\f' =>
- case '\r' =>
- case _ => if(Character.isISOControl(ch)) return true
- }
- }
- return false
- }
- final val EMPTY: String = ""
- def msilString(s: String): String = {
- if (hasControlChars(s)) {
- try {
- return "bytearray (" + PEFile.bytes2hex(s.getBytes("UTF-16LE")) + ")"
- } catch {
- case e : => throw new RuntimeException(e)
- }
- }
- val str = new StringBuffer(s)
- var ss = EMPTY
- var i = 0
- while(i < str.length()) {
- ss = EMPTY
- val c = str.charAt(i)
- c match {
- case '\b' => ss = "\\b"
- case '\t' => ss = "\\t"
- case '\n' => ss = "\\n"
- case '\f' => ss = "\\f"
- case '\r' => ss = "\\r"
- case '\"' => ss = "\\\""
- case '\'' => ss = "\\\'"
- case '\\' => ss = "\\\\"
- case _ => if (Character.isISOControl(c))
- ss = "\\u" + PEFile.int2hex(Character.getNumericValue(c))
- }
- if (ss != EMPTY) {
- str.replace(i, i + 1, ss)
- i = i + ss.length() - 1
- }
- i = i + 1
- }
- return "\"" + str.toString() + "\""
- }
- /**
- * the main printer method
- */
- @throws(classOf[IOException])
- def printAssembly(assemblyBuilder: AssemblyBuilder, fileName: String) {
- assemblyBuilder.apply(new SingleFileILPrinterVisitor(fileName))
- }
- @throws(classOf[IOException])
- def printAssembly(assemblyBuilder: AssemblyBuilder, destPath: String, sourceFilesPath: String) {
- assemblyBuilder.apply(new MultipleFilesILPrinterVisitor(destPath, sourceFilesPath))
- }
- /** The current assembly */
- var currAssembly: Assembly = _
- final var primitive = scala.collection.mutable.Map.empty[Type, String]
- def addPrimitive(name: String, sig: String) {
- val `type` =
- Type.GetType(name)
- assert(`type` != null, "Cannot lookup primitive type " + `type`)
- primitive.put(`type`, sig)
- }
- addPrimitive("System.Object", "object")
- addPrimitive("System.String", "string")
- addPrimitive("System.Void", "void")
- addPrimitive("System.Boolean", "bool")
- addPrimitive("System.Char", "char")
- addPrimitive("System.SByte", "int8")
- addPrimitive("System.Byte", "unsigned int8")
- addPrimitive("System.Int16", "int16")
- addPrimitive("System.UInt16", "unsigned int16")
- addPrimitive("System.Int32", "int32")
- addPrimitive("System.UInt32", "unsigned int32")
- addPrimitive("System.Int64", "int64")
- addPrimitive("System.UInt64", "unsigned int64")
- addPrimitive("System.IntPtr", "native int")
- addPrimitive("System.UIntPtr", "unsigned native int")
- addPrimitive("System.Single", "float32")
- addPrimitive("System.Double", "float64")
- addPrimitive("System.TypedReference", "typedref")