path: root/src/partest-alternative/scala/tools/partest/Actions.scala
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/partest-alternative/scala/tools/partest/Actions.scala')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 189 deletions
diff --git a/src/partest-alternative/scala/tools/partest/Actions.scala b/src/partest-alternative/scala/tools/partest/Actions.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index 9a64edeadc..0000000000
--- a/src/partest-alternative/scala/tools/partest/Actions.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,189 +0,0 @@
-/* __ *\
-** ________ ___ / / ___ Scala Parallel Testing **
-** / __/ __// _ | / / / _ | (c) 2007-2011, LAMP/EPFL **
-** __\ \/ /__/ __ |/ /__/ __ | **
-** /____/\___/_/ |_/____/_/ | | **
-** |/ **
-\* */
-package partest
-import util._
-import scala.sys.process._
-trait Actions {
- partest: Universe =>
- class TestSequence(val actions: List[TestStep]) extends AbsTestSequence {
- }
- implicit def createSequence(xs: List[TestStep]) = new TestSequence(xs)
- trait ExecSupport {
- self: TestEntity =>
- def execEnv: Map[String, String] = {
- val map = assembleEnvironment()
- val cwd = execCwd.toList map ("CWD" -> _.path)
- map ++ cwd
- }
- def execCwd = if (commandFile.isFile) Some(sourcesDir) else None
- def runExec(args: List[String]): Boolean = {
- val cmd = fromArgs(args)
- if (isVerbose) {
- trace("runExec: " + execEnv.mkString("ENV(", "\n", "\n)"))
- execCwd foreach (x => trace("CWD(" + x + ")"))
- }
- trace("runExec: " + cmd)
- isDryRun || execAndLog(cmd)
- }
- /** Exec a process to run a command. Assumes 0 exit value is success.
- * Of necessity, also treats no available exit value as success.
- */
- protected def execAndLog(cmd: String) = (cmd #> logFile.jfile !) == 0
- }
- trait ScriptableTest {
- self: TestEntity =>
- /** Translates a line from a .cmds file into a teststep.
- */
- def customTestStep(line: String): TestStep = {
- trace("customTestStep: " + line)
- val (cmd, rest) = line span (x => !Character.isWhitespace(x))
- def qualify(name: String) = sourcesDir / name path
- val args = toArgs(rest) map qualify
- def fail: TestStep = (_: TestEntity) => error("Parse error: did not understand '%s'" format line)
- val f: TestEntity => Boolean = cmd match {
- case "scalac" => _ scalac args
- case "javac" => _ javac args
- case "scala" => _ runScala args
- case _ => fail
- }
- f
- }
- }
- trait CompilableTest extends CompileExecSupport {
- self: TestEntity =>
- def sourceFiles = location.walk collect { case f: File if isJavaOrScala(f) => f } toList
- def allSources = sourceFiles map (_.path)
- def scalaSources = sourceFiles filter isScala map (_.path)
- def javaSources = sourceFiles filter isJava map (_.path)
- /** If there are mixed java and scala files, the standard compilation
- * sequence is:
- *
- * scalac with all files
- * javac with only java files
- * scalac with only scala files
- *
- * This should be expanded to encompass other strategies so we know how
- * well they're working or not working - notably, it would be very useful
- * to know exactly when and how two-pass compilation fails.
- */
- def compile() = {
- trace("compile: " + sourceFiles)
- def compileJava() = javac(javaSources)
- def compileScala() = scalac(scalaSources)
- def compileAll() = scalac(allSources)
- def compileMixed() = compileAll() && compileJava() && compileScala()
- if (scalaSources.nonEmpty && javaSources.nonEmpty) compileMixed()
- else compileScala()
- }
- }
- trait DiffableTest {
- self: TestEntity =>
- def checkFile: File = withExtension("check").toFile
- def checkFileRequired =
- returning(checkFile.isFile)(res => if (!res) warnAndLog("A checkFile at '%s' is mandatory.\n" format checkFile.path))
- lazy val sourceFileNames = sourceFiles map (
- /** Given the difficulty of verifying that any selective approach works
- * everywhere, the algorithm now is to look for the name of any known
- * source file for this test, and if seen, remove all the non-whitespace
- * preceding it. (Paths with whitespace don't work anyway.) This should
- * wipe out all slashes, backslashes, C:\, cygwin/windows differences,
- * and whatever else makes a simple diff not simple.
- *
- * The log and check file are both transformed, which I don't think is
- * correct -- only the log should be -- but doing it this way until I
- * can clarify martin's comments in #3283.
- */
- def normalizePaths(s: String) =
- sourceFileNames.foldLeft(s)((res, name) => res.replaceAll("""\S+\Q%s\E""" format name, name))
- /** The default cleanup normalizes paths relative to sourcesDir,
- * absorbs line terminator differences by going to lines and back,
- * and trims leading or trailing whitespace.
- */
- def diffCleanup(f: File) = safeLines(f) map normalizePaths mkString "\n" trim
- /** diffFiles requires actual Files as arguments but the output we want
- * is the post-processed versions of log/check, so we resort to tempfiles.
- */
- lazy val diffOutput = {
- if (!checkFile.exists) "" else {
- val input = diffCleanup(checkFile)
- val output = diffCleanup(logFile)
- def asFile(s: String) = returning(File.makeTemp("partest-diff"))(_ writeAll s)
- if (input == output) ""
- else diffFiles(asFile(input), asFile(output))
- }
- }
- private def checkTraceName = tracePath(checkFile)
- private def logTraceName = tracePath(logFile)
- private def isDiffConfirmed = checkFile.exists && (diffOutput == "")
- private def sendTraceMsg() {
- def result =
- if (isDryRun) ""
- else if (isDiffConfirmed) " [passed]"
- else if (checkFile.exists) " [failed]"
- else " [unchecked]"
- trace("diff %s %s%s".format(checkTraceName, logTraceName, result))
- }
- /** If optional is true, a missing check file is considered
- * a successful diff. Necessary since many categories use
- * checkfiles in an ad hoc manner.
- */
- def runDiff() = {
- sendTraceMsg()
- def updateCheck = (
- isUpdateCheck && {
- val formatStr = "** diff %s %s: " + (
- if (checkFile.exists) "failed, updating '%s' and marking as passed."
- else if (diffOutput == "") "not creating checkFile at '%s' as there is no output."
- else "was unchecked, creating '%s' for future tests."
- ) + "\n"
- normal(formatStr.format(checkTraceName, logTraceName, checkFile.path))
- if (diffOutput != "") normal(diffOutput)
- checkFile.writeAll(diffCleanup(logFile), "\n")
- true
- }
- )
- isDryRun || isDiffConfirmed || (updateCheck || !checkFile.exists)
- }
- }