path: root/src/partest-alternative/scala/tools/partest/io/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/partest-alternative/scala/tools/partest/io/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 606 deletions
diff --git a/src/partest-alternative/scala/tools/partest/io/ b/src/partest-alternative/scala/tools/partest/io/
deleted file mode 100644
index 273b6cba52..0000000000
--- a/src/partest-alternative/scala/tools/partest/io/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,606 +0,0 @@
-import java.util.Vector;
-import java.util.Date;
-//import com.objectspace.jgl.predicates.UnaryPredicate;
-interface UnaryPredicate {
- boolean execute(Object obj);
-/** A simple framework for printing change lists produced by <code>Diff</code>.
- @see bmsi.util.Diff
- @author Stuart D. Gathman
- Copyright (C) 2000 Business Management Systems, Inc.
- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- the Free Software Foundation; either version 1, or (at your option)
- any later version.
- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- GNU General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
- */
-public class DiffPrint {
- /** A Base class for printing edit scripts produced by Diff.
- This class divides the change list into "hunks", and calls
- <code>print_hunk</code> for each hunk. Various utility methods
- are provided as well.
- */
- public static abstract class Base {
- protected Base(Object[] a,Object[] b, Writer w) {
- outfile = new PrintWriter(w);
- file0 = a;
- file1 = b;
- }
- /** Set to ignore certain kinds of lines when printing
- an edit script. For example, ignoring blank lines or comments.
- */
- protected UnaryPredicate ignore = null;
- /** Set to the lines of the files being compared.
- */
- protected Object[] file0, file1;
- /** Divide SCRIPT into pieces by calling HUNKFUN and
- print each piece with PRINTFUN.
- Both functions take one arg, an edit script.
- PRINTFUN takes a subscript which belongs together (with a null
- link at the end) and prints it. */
- public void print_script(Diff.change script) {
- Diff.change next = script;
- while (next != null)
- {
- Diff.change t, end;
- /* Find a set of changes that belong together. */
- t = next;
- end = hunkfun(next);
- /* Disconnect them from the rest of the changes,
- making them a hunk, and remember the rest for next iteration. */
- next =;
- = null;
- //if (DEBUG)
- // debug_script(t);
- /* Print this hunk. */
- print_hunk(t);
- /* Reconnect the script so it will all be freed properly. */
- = next;
- }
- outfile.flush();
- }
- /** Called with the tail of the script
- and returns the last link that belongs together with the start
- of the tail. */
- protected Diff.change hunkfun(Diff.change hunk) {
- return hunk;
- }
- protected int first0, last0, first1, last1, deletes, inserts;
- protected PrintWriter outfile;
- /** Look at a hunk of edit script and report the range of lines in each file
- that it applies to. HUNK is the start of the hunk, which is a chain
- of `struct change'. The first and last line numbers of file 0 are stored
- in *FIRST0 and *LAST0, and likewise for file 1 in *FIRST1 and *LAST1.
- Note that these are internal line numbers that count from 0.
- If no lines from file 0 are deleted, then FIRST0 is LAST0+1.
- Also set *DELETES nonzero if any lines of file 0 are deleted
- and set *INSERTS nonzero if any lines of file 1 are inserted.
- If only ignorable lines are inserted or deleted, both are
- set to 0. */
- protected void analyze_hunk(Diff.change hunk) {
- int f0, l0 = 0, f1, l1 = 0, show_from = 0, show_to = 0;
- int i;
- Diff.change next;
- boolean nontrivial = (ignore == null);
- show_from = show_to = 0;
- f0 = hunk.line0;
- f1 = hunk.line1;
- for (next = hunk; next != null; next =
- {
- l0 = next.line0 + next.deleted - 1;
- l1 = next.line1 + next.inserted - 1;
- show_from += next.deleted;
- show_to += next.inserted;
- for (i = next.line0; i <= l0 && ! nontrivial; i++)
- if (!ignore.execute(file0[i]))
- nontrivial = true;
- for (i = next.line1; i <= l1 && ! nontrivial; i++)
- if (!ignore.execute(file1[i]))
- nontrivial = true;
- }
- first0 = f0;
- last0 = l0;
- first1 = f1;
- last1 = l1;
- /* If all inserted or deleted lines are ignorable,
- tell the caller to ignore this hunk. */
- if (!nontrivial)
- show_from = show_to = 0;
- deletes = show_from;
- inserts = show_to;
- }
- /** Print the script header which identifies the files compared. */
- protected void print_header(String filea, String fileb) { }
- protected abstract void print_hunk(Diff.change hunk);
- protected void print_1_line(String pre,Object linbuf) {
- outfile.println(pre + linbuf.toString());
- }
- /** Print a pair of line numbers with SEPCHAR, translated for file FILE.
- If the two numbers are identical, print just one number.
- Args A and B are internal line numbers.
- We print the translated (real) line numbers. */
- protected void print_number_range (char sepchar, int a, int b) {
- /* Note: we can have B < A in the case of a range of no lines.
- In this case, we should print the line number before the range,
- which is B. */
- if (++b > ++a)
- outfile.print("" + a + sepchar + b);
- else
- outfile.print(b);
- }
- public static char change_letter(int inserts, int deletes) {
- if (inserts == 0)
- return 'd';
- else if (deletes == 0)
- return 'a';
- else
- return 'c';
- }
- }
- /** Print a change list in the standard diff format.
- */
- public static class NormalPrint extends Base {
- public NormalPrint(Object[] a,Object[] b, Writer w) {
- super(a,b,w);
- }
- /** Print a hunk of a normal diff.
- This is a contiguous portion of a complete edit script,
- describing changes in consecutive lines. */
- protected void print_hunk (Diff.change hunk) {
- /* Determine range of line numbers involved in each file. */
- analyze_hunk(hunk);
- if (deletes == 0 && inserts == 0)
- return;
- /* Print out the line number header for this hunk */
- print_number_range (',', first0, last0);
- outfile.print(change_letter(inserts, deletes));
- print_number_range (',', first1, last1);
- outfile.println();
- /* Print the lines that the first file has. */
- if (deletes != 0)
- for (int i = first0; i <= last0; i++)
- print_1_line ("< ", file0[i]);
- if (inserts != 0 && deletes != 0)
- outfile.println("---");
- /* Print the lines that the second file has. */
- if (inserts != 0)
- for (int i = first1; i <= last1; i++)
- print_1_line ("> ", file1[i]);
- }
- }
- /** Prints an edit script in a format suitable for input to <code>ed</code>.
- The edit script must be generated with the reverse option to
- be useful as actual <code>ed</code> input.
- */
- public static class EdPrint extends Base {
- public EdPrint(Object[] a,Object[] b, Writer w) {
- super(a,b,w);
- }
- /** Print a hunk of an ed diff */
- protected void print_hunk(Diff.change hunk) {
- /* Determine range of line numbers involved in each file. */
- analyze_hunk (hunk);
- if (deletes == 0 && inserts == 0)
- return;
- /* Print out the line number header for this hunk */
- print_number_range (',', first0, last0);
- outfile.println(change_letter(inserts, deletes));
- /* Print new/changed lines from second file, if needed */
- if (inserts != 0)
- {
- boolean inserting = true;
- for (int i = first1; i <= last1; i++)
- {
- /* Resume the insert, if we stopped. */
- if (! inserting)
- outfile.println(i - first1 + first0 + "a");
- inserting = true;
- /* If the file's line is just a dot, it would confuse `ed'.
- So output it with a double dot, and set the flag LEADING_DOT
- so that we will output another ed-command later
- to change the double dot into a single dot. */
- if (".".equals(file1[i]))
- {
- outfile.println("..");
- outfile.println(".");
- /* Now change that double dot to the desired single dot. */
- outfile.println(i - first1 + first0 + 1 + "s/^\\.\\././");
- inserting = false;
- }
- else
- /* Line is not `.', so output it unmodified. */
- print_1_line ("", file1[i]);
- }
- /* End insert mode, if we are still in it. */
- if (inserting)
- outfile.println(".");
- }
- }
- }
- /** Prints an edit script in context diff format. This and its
- 'unified' variation is used for source code patches.
- */
- public static class ContextPrint extends Base {
- protected int context = 3;
- public ContextPrint(Object[] a,Object[] b, Writer w) {
- super(a,b,w);
- }
- protected void print_context_label (String mark, File inf, String label) {
- if (label != null)
- outfile.println(mark + ' ' + label);
- else if (inf.lastModified() > 0)
- // FIXME: use DateFormat to get precise format needed.
- outfile.println(
- mark + ' ' + inf.getPath() + '\t' + new Date(inf.lastModified())
- );
- else
- /* Don't pretend that standard input is ancient. */
- outfile.println(mark + ' ' + inf.getPath());
- }
- public void print_header(String filea,String fileb) {
- print_context_label ("***", new File(filea), filea);
- print_context_label ("---", new File(fileb), fileb);
- }
- /** If function_regexp defined, search for start of function. */
- private String find_function(Object[] lines, int start) {
- return null;
- }
- protected void print_function(Object[] file,int start) {
- String function = find_function (file0, first0);
- if (function != null) {
- outfile.print(" ");
- outfile.print(
- (function.length() < 40) ? function : function.substring(0,40)
- );
- }
- }
- protected void print_hunk(Diff.change hunk) {
- /* Determine range of line numbers involved in each file. */
- analyze_hunk (hunk);
- if (deletes == 0 && inserts == 0)
- return;
- /* Include a context's width before and after. */
- first0 = Math.max(first0 - context, 0);
- first1 = Math.max(first1 - context, 0);
- last0 = Math.min(last0 + context, file0.length - 1);
- last1 = Math.min(last1 + context, file1.length - 1);
- outfile.print("***************");
- /* If we looked for and found a function this is part of,
- include its name in the header of the diff section. */
- print_function (file0, first0);
- outfile.println();
- outfile.print("*** ");
- print_number_range (',', first0, last0);
- outfile.println(" ****");
- if (deletes != 0) {
- Diff.change next = hunk;
- for (int i = first0; i <= last0; i++) {
- /* Skip past changes that apply (in file 0)
- only to lines before line I. */
- while (next != null && next.line0 + next.deleted <= i)
- next =;
- /* Compute the marking for line I. */
- String prefix = " ";
- if (next != null && next.line0 <= i)
- /* The change NEXT covers this line.
- If lines were inserted here in file 1, this is "changed".
- Otherwise it is "deleted". */
- prefix = (next.inserted > 0) ? "!" : "-";
- print_1_line (prefix, file0[i]);
- }
- }
- outfile.print("--- ");
- print_number_range (',', first1, last1);
- outfile.println(" ----");
- if (inserts != 0) {
- Diff.change next = hunk;
- for (int i = first1; i <= last1; i++) {
- /* Skip past changes that apply (in file 1)
- only to lines before line I. */
- while (next != null && next.line1 + next.inserted <= i)
- next =;
- /* Compute the marking for line I. */
- String prefix = " ";
- if (next != null && next.line1 <= i)
- /* The change NEXT covers this line.
- If lines were deleted here in file 0, this is "changed".
- Otherwise it is "inserted". */
- prefix = (next.deleted > 0) ? "!" : "+";
- print_1_line (prefix, file1[i]);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- /** Prints an edit script in context diff format. This and its
- 'unified' variation is used for source code patches.
- */
- public static class UnifiedPrint extends ContextPrint {
- public UnifiedPrint(Object[] a,Object[] b, Writer w) {
- super(a,b,w);
- }
- public void print_header(String filea,String fileb) {
- print_context_label ("---", new File(filea), filea);
- print_context_label ("+++", new File(fileb), fileb);
- }
- private void print_number_range (int a, int b) {
- //translate_range (file, a, b, &trans_a, &trans_b);
- /* Note: we can have B < A in the case of a range of no lines.
- In this case, we should print the line number before the range,
- which is B. */
- if (b < a)
- outfile.print(b + ",0");
- else
- super.print_number_range(',',a,b);
- }
- protected void print_hunk(Diff.change hunk) {
- /* Determine range of line numbers involved in each file. */
- analyze_hunk (hunk);
- if (deletes == 0 && inserts == 0)
- return;
- /* Include a context's width before and after. */
- first0 = Math.max(first0 - context, 0);
- first1 = Math.max(first1 - context, 0);
- last0 = Math.min(last0 + context, file0.length - 1);
- last1 = Math.min(last1 + context, file1.length - 1);
- outfile.print("@@ -");
- print_number_range (first0, last0);
- outfile.print(" +");
- print_number_range (first1, last1);
- outfile.print(" @@");
- /* If we looked for and found a function this is part of,
- include its name in the header of the diff section. */
- print_function(file0,first0);
- outfile.println();
- Diff.change next = hunk;
- int i = first0;
- int j = first1;
- while (i <= last0 || j <= last1) {
- /* If the line isn't a difference, output the context from file 0. */
- if (next == null || i < next.line0) {
- outfile.print(' ');
- print_1_line ("", file0[i++]);
- j++;
- }
- else {
- /* For each difference, first output the deleted part. */
- int k = next.deleted;
- while (k-- > 0) {
- outfile.print('-');
- print_1_line ("", file0[i++]);
- }
- /* Then output the inserted part. */
- k = next.inserted;
- while (k-- > 0) {
- outfile.print('+');
- print_1_line ("", file1[j++]);
- }
- /* We're done with this hunk, so on to the next! */
- next =;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- /** Read a text file into an array of String. This provides basic diff
- functionality. A more advanced diff utility will use specialized
- objects to represent the text lines, with options to, for example,
- convert sequences of whitespace to a single space for comparison
- purposes.
- */
- static String[] slurp(String file) throws IOException {
- BufferedReader rdr = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(file));
- Vector s = new Vector();
- for (;;) {
- String line = rdr.readLine();
- if (line == null) break;
- s.addElement(line);
- }
- String[] a = new String[s.size()];
- s.copyInto(a);
- return a;
- }
- public static void main(String[] argv) throws IOException {
- String filea = argv[argv.length - 2];
- String fileb = argv[argv.length - 1];
- String[] a = slurp(filea);
- String[] b = slurp(fileb);
- Diff d = new Diff(a,b);
- char style = 'n';
- for (int i = 0; i < argv.length - 2; ++i) {
- String f = argv[i];
- if (f.startsWith("-")) {
- for (int j = 1; j < f.length(); ++j) {
- switch (f.charAt(j)) {
- case 'e': // Ed style
- style = 'e'; break;
- case 'c': // Context diff
- style = 'c'; break;
- case 'u':
- style = 'u'; break;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- boolean reverse = style == 'e';
- Diff.change script = d.diff_2(reverse);
- if (script == null)
- System.err.println("No differences");
- else {
- Base p;
- Writer w = new OutputStreamWriter(System.out);
- switch (style) {
- case 'e':
- p = new EdPrint(a,b,w); break;
- case 'c':
- p = new ContextPrint(a,b,w); break;
- case 'u':
- p = new UnifiedPrint(a,b,w); break;
- default:
- p = new NormalPrint(a,b,w);
- }
- p.print_header(filea,fileb);
- p.print_script(script);
- }
- }
- public static void doDiff(String[] argv, Writer w) throws IOException {
- String filea = argv[argv.length - 2];
- String fileb = argv[argv.length - 1];
- String[] a = slurp(filea);
- String[] b = slurp(fileb);
- Diff d = new Diff(a,b);
- char style = 'n';
- for (int i = 0; i < argv.length - 2; ++i) {
- String f = argv[i];
- if (f.startsWith("-")) {
- for (int j = 1; j < f.length(); ++j) {
- switch (f.charAt(j)) {
- case 'e': // Ed style
- style = 'e'; break;
- case 'c': // Context diff
- style = 'c'; break;
- case 'u':
- style = 'u'; break;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- boolean reverse = style == 'e';
- Diff.change script = d.diff_2(reverse);
- if (script == null)
- w.write("No differences\n");
- else {
- Base p;
- switch (style) {
- case 'e':
- p = new EdPrint(a,b,w); break;
- case 'c':
- p = new ContextPrint(a,b,w); break;
- case 'u':
- p = new UnifiedPrint(a,b,w); break;
- default:
- p = new NormalPrint(a,b,w);
- }
- p.print_header(filea,fileb);
- p.print_script(script);
- }
- }