path: root/src/partest-alternative/scala/tools/partest/io/Logging.scala
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/partest-alternative/scala/tools/partest/io/Logging.scala')
1 files changed, 137 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/partest-alternative/scala/tools/partest/io/Logging.scala b/src/partest-alternative/scala/tools/partest/io/Logging.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..52239ffb2c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/partest-alternative/scala/tools/partest/io/Logging.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,137 @@
+package partest
+package io
+import{ StringWriter, PrintWriter, Writer }
+import scala.util.control.ControlThrowable
+trait Logging {
+ universe: Universe =>
+ class PartestANSIWriter extends ANSIWriter(Console.out) {
+ override def colorful: Int = ANSIWriter(universe.isAnsi)
+ private def printIf(cond: Boolean, msg: String) =
+ if (cond) { outline("debug: ") ; println(msg) }
+ val verbose = printIf(isVerbose || isDebug, _: String)
+ val debug = printIf(isDebug, _: String)
+ }
+ lazy val NestUI = new PartestANSIWriter()
+ import NestUI.{ _outline, _success, _failure, _warning, _default }
+ def markOutline(msg: String) = _outline + msg + _default
+ def markSuccess(msg: String) = _success + msg + _default
+ def markFailure(msg: String) = _failure + msg + _default
+ def markWarning(msg: String) = _warning + msg + _default
+ def markNormal(msg: String) = _default + msg
+ def outline(msg: String) = NestUI outline msg
+ def success(msg: String) = NestUI success msg
+ def failure(msg: String) = NestUI failure msg
+ def warning(msg: String) = NestUI warning msg
+ def normal(msg: String) = NestUI normal msg
+ def verbose(msg: String) = NestUI verbose msg
+ def debug(msg: String) = NestUI debug msg
+ trait EntityLogging {
+ self: TestEntity =>
+ lazy val logWriter = new LogWriter(logFile)
+ /** Redirect stdout and stderr to logFile, run body, return result.
+ */
+ def loggingOutAndErr[T](body: => T): T = {
+ val log = logFile.printStream(append = true)
+ try Console.withOut(log) {
+ Console.withErr(log) {
+ body
+ }
+ }
+ finally log.close()
+ }
+ /** What to print in a failure summary.
+ */
+ def failureMessage() = if (diffOutput != "") diffOutput else safeSlurp(logFile)
+ /** For tracing. Outputs a line describing the next action. tracePath
+ * is a path wrapper which prints name or full path depending on verbosity.
+ */
+ def trace(msg: String) = if (isTrace || isDryRun) System.err.println(">> [%s] %s".format(label, msg))
+ def tracePath(path: Path): String = if (isVerbose) path.path else
+ def tracePath(path: String): String = tracePath(Path(path))
+ /** v == verbose.
+ */
+ def vtrace(msg: String) = if (isVerbose) trace(msg)
+ /** Run body, writes result to logFile. Any throwable is
+ * caught, stringified, and written to the log.
+ */
+ def loggingResult(body: => String) =
+ try returning(true)(_ => logFile writeAll body)
+ catch {
+ case x: ControlThrowable => throw x
+ case x: InterruptedException => debug(this + " received interrupt, failing.\n") ; false
+ case x: Throwable => logException(x)
+ }
+ def throwableToString(x: Throwable): String = {
+ val w = new StringWriter
+ x.printStackTrace(new PrintWriter(w))
+ w.toString
+ }
+ def warnAndLog(str: String) = {
+ warning(toStringTrunc(str, 800))
+ logWriter append str
+ }
+ def warnAndLogException(msg: String, ex: Throwable) =
+ warnAndLog(msg + throwableToString(ex))
+ def deleteLog(force: Boolean = false) =
+ if (universe.isNoCleanup && !force) debug("Not cleaning up " + logFile)
+ else logFile.deleteIfExists()
+ def onException(x: Throwable) { logException(x) }
+ def logException(x: Throwable) = {
+ val msg = throwableToString(x)
+ if (!isTerse)
+ normal(msg)
+ logWriter append msg
+ false
+ }
+ }
+ /** A writer which doesn't create the file until a write comes in.
+ */
+ class LazilyCreatedWriter(log: File) extends Writer {
+ @volatile private var isCreated = false
+ private lazy val underlying = {
+ isCreated = true
+ log.bufferedWriter()
+ }
+ def flush() = if (isCreated) underlying.flush()
+ def close() = if (isCreated) underlying.close()
+ def write(chars: Array[Char], off: Int, len: Int) = {
+ underlying.write(chars, off, len)
+ underlying.flush()
+ }
+ }
+ class LogWriter(log: File) extends PrintWriter(new LazilyCreatedWriter(log), true) {
+ override def print(s: String) = {
+ super.print(s)
+ flush()
+ }
+ }
+} \ No newline at end of file