path: root/src/partest-extras/scala/org/scalacheck/Arbitrary.scala
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diff --git a/src/partest-extras/scala/org/scalacheck/Arbitrary.scala b/src/partest-extras/scala/org/scalacheck/Arbitrary.scala
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-** ScalaCheck **
-** Copyright (c) 2007-2014 Rickard Nilsson. All rights reserved. **
-** **
-** **
-** This software is released under the terms of the Revised BSD License. **
-** There is NO WARRANTY. See the file LICENSE for the full text. **
-\*------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
-package org.scalacheck
-import util.{FreqMap, Buildable, Buildable2}
-sealed abstract class Arbitrary[T] {
- val arbitrary: Gen[T]
-/** Defines implicit [[org.scalacheck.Arbitrary]] instances for common types.
- * <p>
- * ScalaCheck
- * uses implicit [[org.scalacheck.Arbitrary]] instances when creating properties
- * out of functions with the `` method, and when
- * the `Arbitrary.arbitrary` method is used. For example, the
- * following code requires that there exists an implicit
- * `Arbitrary[MyClass]` instance:
- * </p>
- *
- * {{{
- * val myProp = Prop.forAll { myClass: MyClass =>
- * ...
- * }
- *
- * val myGen = Arbitrary.arbitrary[MyClass]
- * }}}
- *
- * <p>
- * The required implicit definition could look like this:
- * </p>
- *
- * {{{
- * implicit val arbMyClass: Arbitrary[MyClass] = Arbitrary(...)
- * }}}
- *
- * <p>
- * The factory method `Arbitrary(...)` takes a generator of type
- * `Gen[T]` and returns an instance of `Arbitrary[T]`.
- * </p>
- *
- * <p>
- * The `Arbitrary` module defines implicit [[org.scalacheck.Arbitrary]]
- * instances for common types, for convenient use in your properties and
- * generators.
- * </p>
- */
-object Arbitrary {
- import Gen.{const, choose, sized, frequency, oneOf, containerOf, resize}
- import collection.{immutable, mutable}
- import java.util.Date
- /** Creates an Arbitrary instance */
- def apply[T](g: => Gen[T]): Arbitrary[T] = new Arbitrary[T] {
- lazy val arbitrary = g
- }
- /** Returns an arbitrary generator for the type T. */
- def arbitrary[T](implicit a: Arbitrary[T]): Gen[T] = a.arbitrary
- /**** Arbitrary instances for each AnyVal ****/
- /** Arbitrary AnyVal */
- implicit lazy val arbAnyVal: Arbitrary[AnyVal] = Arbitrary(oneOf(
- arbitrary[Unit], arbitrary[Boolean], arbitrary[Char], arbitrary[Byte],
- arbitrary[Short], arbitrary[Int], arbitrary[Long], arbitrary[Float],
- arbitrary[Double]
- ))
- /** Arbitrary instance of Boolean */
- implicit lazy val arbBool: Arbitrary[Boolean] =
- Arbitrary(oneOf(true, false))
- /** Arbitrary instance of Int */
- implicit lazy val arbInt: Arbitrary[Int] = Arbitrary(
- Gen.chooseNum(Int.MinValue, Int.MaxValue)
- )
- /** Arbitrary instance of Long */
- implicit lazy val arbLong: Arbitrary[Long] = Arbitrary(
- Gen.chooseNum(Long.MinValue, Long.MaxValue)
- )
- /** Arbitrary instance of Float */
- implicit lazy val arbFloat: Arbitrary[Float] = Arbitrary(
- Gen.chooseNum(
- Float.MinValue, Float.MaxValue
- // I find that including these by default is a little TOO testy.
- // Float.Epsilon, Float.NaN, Float.PositiveInfinity, Float.NegativeInfinity
- )
- )
- /** Arbitrary instance of Double */
- implicit lazy val arbDouble: Arbitrary[Double] = Arbitrary(
- Gen.chooseNum(
- Double.MinValue / 2, Double.MaxValue / 2
- // As above. Perhaps behind some option?
- // Double.Epsilon, Double.NaN, Double.PositiveInfinity, Double.NegativeInfinity
- )
- )
- /** Arbitrary instance of Char */
- implicit lazy val arbChar: Arbitrary[Char] = Arbitrary(
- Gen.frequency(
- (0xD800-Char.MinValue, Gen.choose[Char](Char.MinValue,0xD800-1)),
- (Char.MaxValue-0xDFFF, Gen.choose[Char](0xDFFF+1,Char.MaxValue))
- )
- )
- /** Arbitrary instance of Byte */
- implicit lazy val arbByte: Arbitrary[Byte] = Arbitrary(
- Gen.chooseNum(Byte.MinValue, Byte.MaxValue)
- )
- /** Arbitrary instance of Short */
- implicit lazy val arbShort: Arbitrary[Short] = Arbitrary(
- Gen.chooseNum(Short.MinValue, Short.MaxValue)
- )
- /** Absolutely, totally, 100% arbitrarily chosen Unit. */
- implicit lazy val arbUnit: Arbitrary[Unit] = Arbitrary(const(()))
- /**** Arbitrary instances of other common types ****/
- /** Arbitrary instance of String */
- implicit lazy val arbString: Arbitrary[String] =
- Arbitrary(arbitrary[List[Char]] map (_.mkString))
- /** Arbitrary instance of Date */
- implicit lazy val arbDate: Arbitrary[Date] = Arbitrary(for {
- l <- arbitrary[Long]
- d = new Date
- } yield new Date(d.getTime + l))
- /** Arbitrary instance of Throwable */
- implicit lazy val arbThrowable: Arbitrary[Throwable] =
- Arbitrary(oneOf(const(new Exception), const(new Error)))
- /** Arbitrary instance of Exception */
- implicit lazy val arbException: Arbitrary[Exception] =
- Arbitrary(const(new Exception))
- /** Arbitrary instance of Error */
- implicit lazy val arbError: Arbitrary[Error] =
- Arbitrary(const(new Error))
- /** Arbitrary BigInt */
- implicit lazy val arbBigInt: Arbitrary[BigInt] = {
- def chooseBigInt: Gen[BigInt] =
- sized((s: Int) => choose(-s, s)) map (x => BigInt(x))
- def chooseReallyBigInt: Gen[BigInt] = for {
- bi <- chooseBigInt
- n <- choose(32,128)
- } yield bi << n
- Arbitrary(
- frequency(
- (5, chooseBigInt),
- (10, chooseReallyBigInt),
- (1, BigInt(0)),
- (1, BigInt(1)),
- (1, BigInt(-1)),
- (1, BigInt(Int.MaxValue) + 1),
- (1, BigInt(Int.MinValue) - 1),
- (1, BigInt(Long.MaxValue)),
- (1, BigInt(Long.MinValue)),
- (1, BigInt(Long.MaxValue) + 1),
- (1, BigInt(Long.MinValue) - 1)
- )
- )
- }
- /** Arbitrary BigDecimal */
- implicit lazy val arbBigDecimal: Arbitrary[BigDecimal] = {
- import java.math.MathContext._
- val mcGen = oneOf(UNLIMITED, DECIMAL32, DECIMAL64, DECIMAL128)
- val bdGen = for {
- x <- arbBigInt.arbitrary
- mc <- mcGen
- limit <- const(if(mc == UNLIMITED) 0 else math.max(x.abs.toString.length - mc.getPrecision, 0))
- scale <- Gen.chooseNum(Int.MinValue + limit , Int.MaxValue)
- } yield {
- try {
- BigDecimal(x, scale, mc)
- } catch {
- case ae: java.lang.ArithmeticException => BigDecimal(x, scale, UNLIMITED) // Handle the case where scale/precision conflict
- }
- }
- Arbitrary(bdGen)
- }
- /** Arbitrary java.lang.Number */
- implicit lazy val arbNumber: Arbitrary[Number] = {
- val gen = Gen.oneOf(
- arbitrary[Byte], arbitrary[Short], arbitrary[Int], arbitrary[Long],
- arbitrary[Float], arbitrary[Double]
- )
- Arbitrary(gen map (_.asInstanceOf[Number]))
- // XXX TODO - restore BigInt and BigDecimal
- // Arbitrary(oneOf(arbBigInt.arbitrary :: (arbs map (_.arbitrary) map toNumber) : _*))
- }
- /** Generates an arbitrary property */
- implicit lazy val arbProp: Arbitrary[Prop] = {
- import Prop._
- val undecidedOrPassed = forAll { b: Boolean =>
- b ==> true
- }
- Arbitrary(frequency(
- (4, falsified),
- (4, passed),
- (3, proved),
- (3, undecidedOrPassed),
- (2, undecided),
- (1, exception(null))
- ))
- }
- /** Arbitrary instance of test parameters */
- implicit lazy val arbTestParameters: Arbitrary[Test.Parameters] =
- Arbitrary(for {
- _minSuccTests <- choose(10,200)
- _maxDiscardRatio <- choose(0.2f,10f)
- _minSize <- choose(0,500)
- sizeDiff <- choose(0,500)
- _maxSize <- choose(_minSize, _minSize + sizeDiff)
- _workers <- choose(1,4)
- } yield new Test.Parameters.Default {
- override val minSuccessfulTests = _minSuccTests
- override val maxDiscardRatio = _maxDiscardRatio
- override val minSize = _minSize
- override val maxSize = _maxSize
- override val workers = _workers
- })
- /** Arbitrary instance of gen params */
- implicit lazy val arbGenParams: Arbitrary[Gen.Parameters] =
- Arbitrary(for {
- sz <- arbitrary[Int] suchThat (_ >= 0)
- } yield (new Gen.Parameters.Default {
- override val size = sz
- }))
- // Higher-order types //
- /** Arbitrary instance of [[org.scalacheck.Gen]] */
- implicit def arbGen[T](implicit a: Arbitrary[T]): Arbitrary[Gen[T]] =
- Arbitrary(frequency(
- (5, arbitrary[T] map (const(_))),
- (1,
- ))
- /** Arbitrary instance of the Option type */
- implicit def arbOption[T](implicit a: Arbitrary[T]): Arbitrary[Option[T]] =
- Arbitrary(sized(n =>
- // When n is larger, make it less likely that we generate None,
- // but still do it some of the time. When n is zero, we always
- // generate None, since it's the smallest value.
- frequency(
- (n, resize(n / 2, arbitrary[T]).map(Some(_))),
- (1, const(None)))))
- /** Arbitrary instance of the Either type */
- implicit def arbEither[T, U](implicit at: Arbitrary[T], au: Arbitrary[U]): Arbitrary[Either[T, U]] =
- Arbitrary(oneOf(arbitrary[T].map(Left(_)), arbitrary[U].map(Right(_))))
- /** Arbitrary instance of any [[org.scalacheck.util.Buildable]] container
- * (such as lists, arrays, streams, etc). The maximum size of the container
- * depends on the size generation parameter. */
- implicit def arbContainer[C[_],T](implicit
- a: Arbitrary[T], b: Buildable[T,C], t: C[T] => Traversable[T]
- ): Arbitrary[C[T]] = Arbitrary(containerOf[C,T](arbitrary[T]))
- /** Arbitrary instance of any [[org.scalacheck.util.Buildable2]] container
- * (such as maps, etc). The maximum size of the container depends on the size
- * generation parameter. */
- implicit def arbContainer2[C[_,_],T,U](implicit
- a: Arbitrary[(T,U)], b: Buildable2[T,U,C], t: C[T,U] => Traversable[(T,U)]
- ): Arbitrary[C[T,U]] = Arbitrary(containerOf[C,T,U](arbitrary[(T,U)]))
- // Functions //
- /** Arbitrary instance of Function1 */
- implicit def arbFunction1[T1,R](implicit a: Arbitrary[R]
- ): Arbitrary[T1 => R] = Arbitrary(
- for(r <- arbitrary[R]) yield (t1: T1) => r
- )
- /** Arbitrary instance of Function2 */
- implicit def arbFunction2[T1,T2,R](implicit a: Arbitrary[R]
- ): Arbitrary[(T1,T2) => R] = Arbitrary(
- for(r <- arbitrary[R]) yield (t1: T1, t2: T2) => r
- )
- /** Arbitrary instance of Function3 */
- implicit def arbFunction3[T1,T2,T3,R](implicit a: Arbitrary[R]
- ): Arbitrary[(T1,T2,T3) => R] = Arbitrary(
- for(r <- arbitrary[R]) yield (t1: T1, t2: T2, t3: T3) => r
- )
- /** Arbitrary instance of Function4 */
- implicit def arbFunction4[T1,T2,T3,T4,R](implicit a: Arbitrary[R]
- ): Arbitrary[(T1,T2,T3,T4) => R] = Arbitrary(
- for(r <- arbitrary[R]) yield (t1: T1, t2: T2, t3: T3, t4: T4) => r
- )
- /** Arbitrary instance of Function5 */
- implicit def arbFunction5[T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,R](implicit a: Arbitrary[R]
- ): Arbitrary[(T1,T2,T3,T4,T5) => R] = Arbitrary(
- for(r <- arbitrary[R]) yield (t1: T1, t2: T2, t3: T3, t4: T4, t5: T5) => r
- )
- // Tuples //
- /** Arbitrary instance of 2-tuple */
- implicit def arbTuple2[T1,T2](implicit
- a1: Arbitrary[T1], a2: Arbitrary[T2]
- ): Arbitrary[(T1,T2)] =
- Arbitrary(for {
- t1 <- arbitrary[T1]
- t2 <- arbitrary[T2]
- } yield (t1,t2))
- /** Arbitrary instance of 3-tuple */
- implicit def arbTuple3[T1,T2,T3](implicit
- a1: Arbitrary[T1], a2: Arbitrary[T2], a3: Arbitrary[T3]
- ): Arbitrary[(T1,T2,T3)] =
- Arbitrary(for {
- t1 <- arbitrary[T1]
- t2 <- arbitrary[T2]
- t3 <- arbitrary[T3]
- } yield (t1,t2,t3))
- /** Arbitrary instance of 4-tuple */
- implicit def arbTuple4[T1,T2,T3,T4](implicit
- a1: Arbitrary[T1], a2: Arbitrary[T2], a3: Arbitrary[T3], a4: Arbitrary[T4]
- ): Arbitrary[(T1,T2,T3,T4)] =
- Arbitrary(for {
- t1 <- arbitrary[T1]
- t2 <- arbitrary[T2]
- t3 <- arbitrary[T3]
- t4 <- arbitrary[T4]
- } yield (t1,t2,t3,t4))
- /** Arbitrary instance of 5-tuple */
- implicit def arbTuple5[T1,T2,T3,T4,T5](implicit
- a1: Arbitrary[T1], a2: Arbitrary[T2], a3: Arbitrary[T3], a4: Arbitrary[T4],
- a5: Arbitrary[T5]
- ): Arbitrary[(T1,T2,T3,T4,T5)] =
- Arbitrary(for {
- t1 <- arbitrary[T1]
- t2 <- arbitrary[T2]
- t3 <- arbitrary[T3]
- t4 <- arbitrary[T4]
- t5 <- arbitrary[T5]
- } yield (t1,t2,t3,t4,t5))
- /** Arbitrary instance of 6-tuple */
- implicit def arbTuple6[T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6](implicit
- a1: Arbitrary[T1], a2: Arbitrary[T2], a3: Arbitrary[T3], a4: Arbitrary[T4],
- a5: Arbitrary[T5], a6: Arbitrary[T6]
- ): Arbitrary[(T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6)] =
- Arbitrary(for {
- t1 <- arbitrary[T1]
- t2 <- arbitrary[T2]
- t3 <- arbitrary[T3]
- t4 <- arbitrary[T4]
- t5 <- arbitrary[T5]
- t6 <- arbitrary[T6]
- } yield (t1,t2,t3,t4,t5,t6))
- /** Arbitrary instance of 7-tuple */
- implicit def arbTuple7[T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7](implicit
- a1: Arbitrary[T1], a2: Arbitrary[T2], a3: Arbitrary[T3], a4: Arbitrary[T4],
- a5: Arbitrary[T5], a6: Arbitrary[T6], a7: Arbitrary[T7]
- ): Arbitrary[(T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7)] =
- Arbitrary(for {
- t1 <- arbitrary[T1]
- t2 <- arbitrary[T2]
- t3 <- arbitrary[T3]
- t4 <- arbitrary[T4]
- t5 <- arbitrary[T5]
- t6 <- arbitrary[T6]
- t7 <- arbitrary[T7]
- } yield (t1,t2,t3,t4,t5,t6,t7))
- /** Arbitrary instance of 8-tuple */
- implicit def arbTuple8[T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,T8](implicit
- a1: Arbitrary[T1], a2: Arbitrary[T2], a3: Arbitrary[T3], a4: Arbitrary[T4],
- a5: Arbitrary[T5], a6: Arbitrary[T6], a7: Arbitrary[T7], a8: Arbitrary[T8]
- ): Arbitrary[(T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,T8)] =
- Arbitrary(for {
- t1 <- arbitrary[T1]
- t2 <- arbitrary[T2]
- t3 <- arbitrary[T3]
- t4 <- arbitrary[T4]
- t5 <- arbitrary[T5]
- t6 <- arbitrary[T6]
- t7 <- arbitrary[T7]
- t8 <- arbitrary[T8]
- } yield (t1,t2,t3,t4,t5,t6,t7,t8))
- /** Arbitrary instance of 9-tuple */
- implicit def arbTuple9[T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,T8,T9](implicit
- a1: Arbitrary[T1], a2: Arbitrary[T2], a3: Arbitrary[T3], a4: Arbitrary[T4],
- a5: Arbitrary[T5], a6: Arbitrary[T6], a7: Arbitrary[T7], a8: Arbitrary[T8],
- a9: Arbitrary[T9]
- ): Arbitrary[(T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,T8,T9)] =
- Arbitrary(for {
- t1 <- arbitrary[T1]
- t2 <- arbitrary[T2]
- t3 <- arbitrary[T3]
- t4 <- arbitrary[T4]
- t5 <- arbitrary[T5]
- t6 <- arbitrary[T6]
- t7 <- arbitrary[T7]
- t8 <- arbitrary[T8]
- t9 <- arbitrary[T9]
- } yield (t1,t2,t3,t4,t5,t6,t7,t8,t9))