path: root/src/partest
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/partest')
2 files changed, 112 insertions, 44 deletions
diff --git a/src/partest/scala/tools/partest/nest/Runner.scala b/src/partest/scala/tools/partest/nest/Runner.scala
index 01e4f50981..1034d724d2 100644
--- a/src/partest/scala/tools/partest/nest/Runner.scala
+++ b/src/partest/scala/tools/partest/nest/Runner.scala
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ import scala.collection.mutable.ListBuffer
import scala.concurrent.duration.Duration
import scala.reflect.internal.FatalError
-import scala.sys.process.Process
+import scala.sys.process.{ Process, ProcessLogger }
import{ envOrElse, isWin, jdkHome, javaHome, propOrElse, propOrEmpty, setProp }
import{ Settings, CompilerCommand, Global }
import{ AbstractFile, PlainFile }
@@ -222,7 +222,25 @@ class Runner(val testFile: File, fileManager: FileManager, val testRunParams: Te
* error out to output file.
private def runCommand(args: Seq[String], outFile: File): Boolean = {
- (Process(args) #> outFile !) == 0
+ //(Process(args) #> outFile !) == 0 or (Process(args) ! pl) == 0
+ val pl = ProcessLogger(outFile)
+ val nonzero = 17 // rounding down from 17.3
+ def run: Int = {
+ val p = Process(args) run pl
+ try p.exitValue
+ catch {
+ case e: InterruptedException =>
+ NestUI verbose s"Interrupted waiting for command to finish (${args mkString " "})"
+ p.destroy
+ nonzero
+ case t: Throwable =>
+ NestUI verbose s"Exception waiting for command to finish: $t (${args mkString " "})"
+ p.destroy
+ throw t
+ }
+ finally pl.close()
+ }
+ (pl buffer run) == 0
private def execTest(outDir: File, logFile: File): Boolean = {
@@ -272,11 +290,17 @@ class Runner(val testFile: File, fileManager: FileManager, val testRunParams: Te
val prefix = "#partest"
val margin = "> "
val leader = margin + prefix
- // use lines in block so labeled? Default to sure, go ahead.
- def retainOn(f: String) = f match {
- case "java7" => javaVersion startsWith "1.7"
- case "java6" => javaVersion startsWith "1.6"
- case _ => true
+ // use lines in block so labeled? Default to sorry, Charlie.
+ def retainOn(f: String) = {
+ val (invert, token) =
+ if (f startsWith "!") (true, f drop 1) else (false, f)
+ val cond = token match {
+ case "java7" => javaVersion startsWith "1.7"
+ case "java6" => javaVersion startsWith "1.6"
+ case "true" => true
+ case _ => false
+ }
+ if (invert) !cond else cond
if (d contains prefix) {
val sb = new StringBuilder
@@ -314,23 +338,62 @@ class Runner(val testFile: File, fileManager: FileManager, val testRunParams: Te
catch { case t: Exception => None }
- /** This does something about absolute paths and file separator
- * chars before diffing.
+ /** Normalize the log output by applying test-specific filters
+ * and fixing filesystem-specific paths.
+ *
+ * Line filters are picked up from `filter: pattern` at the top of sources.
+ * The filtered line is detected with a simple "contains" test,
+ * and yes, "filter" means "filter out" in this context.
+ *
+ * File paths are detected using the absolute path of the test root.
+ * A string that looks like a file path is normalized by replacing
+ * the leading segments (the root) with "$ROOT" and by replacing
+ * any Windows backslashes with the one true file separator char.
def normalizeLog() {
- // squashing // in paths also munges line comments, so save this innovation for another time.
- // (There are line comments in the "stub implementations" error output.)
- //val slashes = """[/\\]+""".r
- //def squashSlashes(s: String) = slashes replaceAllIn (s, "/")
- def squashSlashes(s: String) = s replace ('\\', '/')
- val base = squashSlashes(parentFile.getAbsolutePath + File.separator)
- val quoted = """\Q%s\E""" format base
- val baseless = (if (isWin) "(?i)" + quoted else quoted).r
- def canonicalize(s: String) = baseless replaceAllIn (squashSlashes(s), "")
- logFile mapInPlace canonicalize
+ // Apply judiciously; there are line comments in the "stub implementations" error output.
+ val slashes = """[/\\]+""".r
+ def squashSlashes(s: String) = slashes replaceAllIn (s, "/")
+ // this string identifies a path and is also snipped from log output.
+ // to preserve more of the path, could use fileManager.testRootPath
+ val elided = parentFile.getAbsolutePath
+ // something to mark the elision in the log file (disabled)
+ val ellipsis = "" //".../" // using * looks like a comment
+ // no spaces in test file paths below root, because otherwise how to detect end of path string?
+ val pathFinder = raw"""(?i)\Q${elided}${File.separator}\E([\${File.separator}\w]*)""".r
+ def canonicalize(s: String): String = (
+ pathFinder replaceAllIn (s, m => ellipsis + squashSlashes(m group 1))
+ )
+ def masters = {
+ val files = List(new File(parentFile, "filters"), new File(PathSettings.srcDir.path, "filters"))
+ files filter (_.exists) flatMap (_.fileLines) map (_.trim) filter (s => !(s startsWith "#"))
+ }
+ val filters = toolArgs("filter", split = false) ++ masters
+ val elisions = ListBuffer[String]()
+ //def lineFilter(s: String): Boolean = !(filters exists (s contains _))
+ def lineFilter(s: String): Boolean = (
+ filters map (_.r) forall { r =>
+ val res = (r findFirstIn s).isEmpty
+ if (!res) elisions += s
+ res
+ }
+ )
+ logFile.mapInPlace(canonicalize)(lineFilter)
+ if (isPartestVerbose && elisions.nonEmpty) {
+ import NestUI.color._
+ val emdash = bold(yellow("--"))
+ pushTranscript(s"filtering ${logFile.getName}$EOL${elisions mkString (emdash, EOL + emdash, EOL)}")
+ }
def diffIsOk: Boolean = {
+ // always normalize the log first
+ normalizeLog()
val diff = currentDiff
// if diff is not empty, is update needed?
val updating: Option[Boolean] = (
@@ -372,16 +435,21 @@ class Runner(val testFile: File, fileManager: FileManager, val testRunParams: Te
/** Grouped files in group order, and lex order within each group. */
- def groupedFiles(files: List[File]): List[List[File]] = (
- if (files.tail.nonEmpty) {
- val grouped = files filter (_.isJavaOrScala) groupBy (
+ def groupedFiles(sources: List[File]): List[List[File]] = (
+ if (sources.tail.nonEmpty) {
+ val grouped = sources groupBy (
grouped.keys.toList.sorted map (k => grouped(k) sortBy (_.getName))
- else List(files)
+ else List(sources)
/** Source files for the given test file. */
- def sources(file: File): List[File] = if (file.isDirectory) file.listFiles.toList else List(file)
+ def sources(file: File): List[File] = (
+ if (file.isDirectory)
+ file.listFiles.toList filter (_.isJavaOrScala)
+ else
+ List(file)
+ )
def newCompiler = new DirectCompiler(fileManager)
@@ -403,6 +471,23 @@ class Runner(val testFile: File, fileManager: FileManager, val testRunParams: Te
perTest ++ perGroup
+ def toolArgs(tool: String, split: Boolean = true): List[String] = {
+ def argsplitter(s: String) = if (split) words(s) filter (_.nonEmpty) else List(s)
+ def argsFor(f: File): List[String] = {
+ import scala.util.matching.Regex
+ val p = new Regex(s"(?:.*\\s)?${tool}:(?:\\s*)(.*)?", "args")
+ val max = 10
+ val src = Path(f).toFile.chars(codec)
+ val args = try {
+ src.getLines take max collectFirst {
+ case s if (p findFirstIn s).nonEmpty => for (m <- p findFirstMatchIn s) yield m group "args"
+ }
+ } finally src.close()
+ args.flatten map argsplitter getOrElse Nil
+ }
+ sources(testFile) flatMap argsFor
+ }
abstract class CompileRound {
def fs: List[File]
def result: TestState
@@ -455,7 +540,7 @@ class Runner(val testFile: File, fileManager: FileManager, val testRunParams: Te
// or, OK, we'll let you crash the compiler with a FatalError if you supply a check file
def checked(r: CompileRound) = r.result match {
case Crash(_, t, _) if !checkFile.canRead || !t.isInstanceOf[FatalError] => false
- case _ => normalizeLog(); diffIsOk
+ case _ => diffIsOk
failing map (checked) getOrElse nextTestActionFailing("expected compilation failure")
@@ -529,22 +614,6 @@ class Runner(val testFile: File, fileManager: FileManager, val testRunParams: Te
val logWriter = new PrintStream(new FileOutputStream(logFile), true)
- def toolArgs(tool: String): List[String] = {
- def argsplitter(s: String) = words(s) filter (_.nonEmpty)
- def argsFor(f: File): List[String] = {
- import scala.util.matching.Regex
- val p = new Regex(s"(?:.*\\s)?${tool}:(.*)?", "args")
- val max = 10
- val src = Path(f).toFile.chars(codec)
- val args = try {
- src.getLines take max collectFirst {
- case s if (p findFirstIn s).nonEmpty => for (m <- p findFirstMatchIn s) yield m group "args"
- }
- } finally src.close()
- args.flatten map argsplitter getOrElse Nil
- }
- sources(testFile) flatMap argsFor
- }
def runInFramework(): Boolean = {
import org.scalatools.testing._
val f: Framework = loader.instantiate[Framework]("org.scalacheck.ScalaCheckFramework")
@@ -647,7 +716,6 @@ class Runner(val testFile: File, fileManager: FileManager, val testRunParams: Te
if (!Output.withRedirected(logWriter)(try loop() finally resReader.close()))
- normalizeLog // put errors in a normal form
(diffIsOk, LogContext(logFile, swr, wr))
diff --git a/src/partest/scala/tools/partest/package.scala b/src/partest/scala/tools/partest/package.scala
index 4a516d620b..5a1afeb77f 100644
--- a/src/partest/scala/tools/partest/package.scala
+++ b/src/partest/scala/tools/partest/package.scala
@@ -56,8 +56,8 @@ package object partest {
f.toString split """[/\\]+""" takeRight 2 mkString "/" // e.g. pos/t1234
- def mapInPlace(mapFn: String => String): Unit =
- writeAll( => mapFn(x) + "\n"): _*)
+ def mapInPlace(mapFn: String => String)(filterFn: String => Boolean = _ => true): Unit =
+ writeAll(fileLines filter filterFn map (x => mapFn(x) + EOL): _*)
def appendAll(strings: String*): Unit = sf.appendAll(strings: _*)
def writeAll(strings: String*): Unit = sf.writeAll(strings: _*)