path: root/src/reflect/scala/reflect/internal/Kinds.scala
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diff --git a/src/reflect/scala/reflect/internal/Kinds.scala b/src/reflect/scala/reflect/internal/Kinds.scala
index 4612e65e7a..46a95c7d26 100644
--- a/src/reflect/scala/reflect/internal/Kinds.scala
+++ b/src/reflect/scala/reflect/internal/Kinds.scala
@@ -230,4 +230,180 @@ trait Kinds {
+ /**
+ * The data structure describing the kind of a given type.
+ *
+ * Proper types are represented using ProperTypeKind.
+ *
+ * Type constructors are reprented using TypeConKind.
+ */
+ abstract class Kind {
+ import Kind.StringState
+ def description: String
+ def order: Int
+ def bounds: TypeBounds
+ /** Scala syntax notation of this kind.
+ * Proper types are expresses as A.
+ * Type constructors are expressed as F[k1 >: lo <: hi, k2, ...] where k1, k2, ... are parameter kinds.
+ * If the bounds exists at any level, it preserves the type variable names. Otherwise,
+ * it uses prescribed letters for each level: A, F, X, Y, Z.
+ */
+ def scalaNotation: String
+ /** Kind notation used in
+ * Proper types are expressed as *.
+ * Type constructors are expressed * -> *(lo, hi) -(+)-> *.
+ */
+ def starNotation: String
+ /** Contains bounds either as part of itself or its arguments.
+ */
+ def hasBounds: Boolean = !bounds.isEmptyBounds
+ private[internal] def buildState(sym: Symbol, v: Variance)(s: StringState): StringState
+ }
+ object Kind {
+ private[internal] sealed trait ScalaNotation
+ private[internal] sealed case class Head(order: Int, n: Option[Int], alias: Option[String]) extends ScalaNotation {
+ override def toString: String = {
+ alias getOrElse {
+ typeAlias(order) +"")
+ }
+ }
+ private def typeAlias(x: Int): String =
+ x match {
+ case 0 => "A"
+ case 1 => "F"
+ case 2 => "X"
+ case 3 => "Y"
+ case 4 => "Z"
+ case n if n < 12 => ('O'.toInt - 5 + n).toChar.toString
+ case _ => "V"
+ }
+ }
+ private[internal] sealed case class Text(value: String) extends ScalaNotation {
+ override def toString: String = value
+ }
+ private[internal] case class StringState(tokens: Seq[ScalaNotation]) {
+ override def toString: String = tokens.mkString
+ def append(value: String): StringState = StringState(tokens :+ Text(value))
+ def appendHead(order: Int, sym: Symbol): StringState = {
+ val n = countByOrder(order) + 1
+ val alias = if (sym eq NoSymbol) None
+ else Some(sym.nameString)
+ StringState(tokens :+ Head(order, Some(n), alias))
+ }
+ def countByOrder(o: Int): Int = tokens count {
+ case Head(`o`, _, _) => true
+ case t => false
+ }
+ // Replace Head(o, Some(1), a) with Head(o, None, a) if countByOrder(o) <= 1, so F1[A] becomes F[A]
+ def removeOnes: StringState = {
+ val maxOrder = (tokens map {
+ case Head(o, _, _) => o
+ case _ => 0
+ }).max
+ StringState((tokens /: (0 to maxOrder)) { (ts: Seq[ScalaNotation], o: Int) =>
+ if (countByOrder(o) <= 1)
+ ts map {
+ case Head(`o`, _, a) => Head(o, None, a)
+ case t => t
+ }
+ else ts
+ })
+ }
+ // Replace Head(o, n, Some(_)) with Head(o, n, None), so F[F] becomes F[A].
+ def removeAlias: StringState = {
+ StringState(tokens map {
+ case Head(o, n, Some(_)) => Head(o, n, None)
+ case t => t
+ })
+ }
+ }
+ private[internal] object StringState {
+ def empty: StringState = StringState(Seq())
+ }
+ }
+ class ProperTypeKind(val bounds: TypeBounds) extends Kind {
+ import Kind.StringState
+ val description: String = "This is a proper type."
+ val order = 0
+ private[internal] def buildState(sym: Symbol, v: Variance)(s: StringState): StringState = {
+ s.append(v.symbolicString).appendHead(order, sym).append(bounds.scalaNotation(_.toString))
+ }
+ def scalaNotation: String = Kind.Head(order, None, None) + bounds.scalaNotation(_.toString)
+ def starNotation: String = "*" + bounds.starNotation(_.toString)
+ }
+ object ProperTypeKind {
+ def apply: ProperTypeKind = this(TypeBounds.empty)
+ def apply(bounds: TypeBounds): ProperTypeKind = new ProperTypeKind(bounds)
+ def unapply(ptk: ProperTypeKind): Some[TypeBounds] = Some(ptk.bounds)
+ }
+ class TypeConKind(val bounds: TypeBounds, val args: Seq[TypeConKind.Argument]) extends Kind {
+ import Kind.StringState
+ val order = (args map {_.kind.order} max) + 1
+ def description: String =
+ if (order == 1) "This is a type constructor: a 1st-order-kinded type."
+ else "This is a type constructor that takes type constructor(s): a higher-kinded type."
+ override def hasBounds: Boolean = super.hasBounds || args.exists(_.kind.hasBounds)
+ def scalaNotation: String = {
+ val s = buildState(NoSymbol, Variance.Invariant)(StringState.empty).removeOnes
+ val s2 = if (hasBounds) s
+ else s.removeAlias
+ s2.toString
+ }
+ private[internal] def buildState(sym: Symbol, v: Variance)(s0: StringState): StringState = {
+ var s: StringState = s0
+ s = s.append(v.symbolicString).appendHead(order, sym).append("[")
+ args.zipWithIndex foreach { case (arg, i) =>
+ s = arg.kind.buildState(arg.sym, arg.variance)(s)
+ if (i != args.size - 1) {
+ s = s.append(",")
+ }
+ }
+ s = s.append("]").append(bounds.scalaNotation(_.toString))
+ s
+ }
+ def starNotation: String = {
+ import Variance._
+ (args map { arg =>
+ (if (arg.kind.order == 0) arg.kind.starNotation
+ else "(" + arg.kind.starNotation + ")") +
+ (if (arg.variance == Invariant) " -> "
+ else " -(" + arg.variance.symbolicString + ")-> ")
+ }).mkString + "*" + bounds.starNotation(_.toString)
+ }
+ }
+ object TypeConKind {
+ def apply(args: Seq[TypeConKind.Argument]): TypeConKind = this(TypeBounds.empty, args)
+ def apply(bounds: TypeBounds, args: Seq[TypeConKind.Argument]): TypeConKind = new TypeConKind(bounds, args)
+ def unapply(tck: TypeConKind): Some[(TypeBounds, Seq[TypeConKind.Argument])] = Some(tck.bounds, tck.args)
+ case class Argument(variance: Variance, kind: Kind)(val sym: Symbol) {}
+ }
+ /**
+ * Starting from a Symbol (sym) or a Type (tpe), infer the kind that classifies it (sym.tpeHK/tpe).
+ */
+ object inferKind {
+ import TypeConKind.Argument
+ abstract class InferKind {
+ protected def infer(tpe: Type, owner: Symbol, topLevel: Boolean): Kind
+ protected def infer(sym: Symbol, topLevel: Boolean): Kind = infer(sym.tpeHK, sym.owner, topLevel)
+ def apply(sym: Symbol): Kind = infer(sym, true)
+ def apply(tpe: Type, owner: Symbol): Kind = infer(tpe, owner, true)
+ }
+ def apply(pre: Type): InferKind = new InferKind {
+ protected def infer(tpe: Type, owner: Symbol, topLevel: Boolean): Kind = {
+ val bounds = if (topLevel) TypeBounds.empty
+ else tpe.asSeenFrom(pre, owner).bounds
+ if(!tpe.isHigherKinded) ProperTypeKind(bounds)
+ else TypeConKind(bounds, tpe.typeParams map { p => Argument(p.variance, infer(p, false))(p) })
+ }
+ }
+ }