path: root/src/repl/scala/tools/nsc/interpreter/IMain.scala
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diff --git a/src/repl/scala/tools/nsc/interpreter/IMain.scala b/src/repl/scala/tools/nsc/interpreter/IMain.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c92777c13e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/repl/scala/tools/nsc/interpreter/IMain.scala
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+/* NSC -- new Scala compiler
+ * Copyright 2005-2013 LAMP/EPFL
+ * @author Martin Odersky
+ */
+package interpreter
+import Predef.{ println => _, _ }
+import util.stringFromWriter
+import scala.reflect.internal.util._
+import scala.sys.BooleanProp
+import reporters._
+import{ TypeStrings, StructuredTypeStrings }
+import ScalaClassLoader.URLClassLoader
+import scala.collection.{ mutable, immutable }
+import scala.reflect.BeanProperty
+import scala.util.Properties.versionString
+import javax.script.{AbstractScriptEngine, Bindings, ScriptContext, ScriptEngine, ScriptEngineFactory, ScriptException, SimpleBindings, CompiledScript, Compilable}
+import{ StringWriter, Reader }
+import java.util.Arrays
+import IMain._
+import java.util.concurrent.Future
+import scala.reflect.runtime.{ universe => ru }
+import scala.reflect.{ ClassTag, classTag }
+import StdReplTags._
+/** An interpreter for Scala code.
+ *
+ * The main public entry points are compile(), interpret(), and bind().
+ * The compile() method loads a complete Scala file. The interpret() method
+ * executes one line of Scala code at the request of the user. The bind()
+ * method binds an object to a variable that can then be used by later
+ * interpreted code.
+ *
+ * The overall approach is based on compiling the requested code and then
+ * using a Java classloader and Java reflection to run the code
+ * and access its results.
+ *
+ * In more detail, a single compiler instance is used
+ * to accumulate all successfully compiled or interpreted Scala code. To
+ * "interpret" a line of code, the compiler generates a fresh object that
+ * includes the line of code and which has public member(s) to export
+ * all variables defined by that code. To extract the result of an
+ * interpreted line to show the user, a second "result object" is created
+ * which imports the variables exported by the above object and then
+ * exports members called "$eval" and "$print". To accomodate user expressions
+ * that read from variables or methods defined in previous statements, "import"
+ * statements are used.
+ *
+ * This interpreter shares the strengths and weaknesses of using the
+ * full compiler-to-Java. The main strength is that interpreted code
+ * behaves exactly as does compiled code, including running at full speed.
+ * The main weakness is that redefining classes and methods is not handled
+ * properly, because rebinding at the Java level is technically difficult.
+ *
+ * @author Moez A. Abdel-Gawad
+ * @author Lex Spoon
+ */
+class IMain(@BeanProperty val factory: ScriptEngineFactory, initialSettings: Settings, protected val out: JPrintWriter) extends AbstractScriptEngine(new SimpleBindings) with Compilable with Imports {
+ imain =>
+ object replOutput extends ReplOutput(settings.Yreploutdir) { }
+ @deprecated("Use replOutput.dir instead", "2.11.0")
+ def virtualDirectory = replOutput.dir
+ // Used in a test case.
+ def showDirectory() =
+ private[nsc] var printResults = true // whether to print result lines
+ private[nsc] var totalSilence = false // whether to print anything
+ private var _initializeComplete = false // compiler is initialized
+ private var _isInitialized: Future[Boolean] = null // set up initialization future
+ private var bindExceptions = true // whether to bind the lastException variable
+ private var _executionWrapper = "" // code to be wrapped around all lines
+ /** We're going to go to some trouble to initialize the compiler asynchronously.
+ * It's critical that nothing call into it until it's been initialized or we will
+ * run into unrecoverable issues, but the perceived repl startup time goes
+ * through the roof if we wait for it. So we initialize it with a future and
+ * use a lazy val to ensure that any attempt to use the compiler object waits
+ * on the future.
+ */
+ private var _classLoader: util.AbstractFileClassLoader = null // active classloader
+ private val _compiler: ReplGlobal = newCompiler(settings, reporter) // our private compiler
+ def compilerClasspath: Seq[URL] = (
+ if (isInitializeComplete) global.classPath.asURLs
+ else new PathResolver(settings).result.asURLs // the compiler's classpath
+ )
+ def settings = initialSettings
+ // Run the code body with the given boolean settings flipped to true.
+ def withoutWarnings[T](body: => T): T = beQuietDuring {
+ val saved = settings.nowarn.value
+ if (!saved)
+ settings.nowarn.value = true
+ try body
+ finally if (!saved) settings.nowarn.value = false
+ }
+ /** construct an interpreter that reports to Console */
+ def this(settings: Settings, out: JPrintWriter) = this(null, settings, out)
+ def this(factory: ScriptEngineFactory, settings: Settings) = this(factory, settings, new NewLinePrintWriter(new ConsoleWriter, true))
+ def this(settings: Settings) = this(settings, new NewLinePrintWriter(new ConsoleWriter, true))
+ def this(factory: ScriptEngineFactory) = this(factory, new Settings())
+ def this() = this(new Settings())
+ lazy val formatting: Formatting = new Formatting {
+ val prompt = Properties.shellPromptString
+ }
+ lazy val reporter: ReplReporter = new ReplReporter(this)
+ import formatting._
+ import reporter.{ printMessage, withoutTruncating }
+ // This exists mostly because using the reporter too early leads to deadlock.
+ private def echo(msg: String) { Console println msg }
+ private def _initSources = List(new BatchSourceFile("<init>", "class $repl_$init { }"))
+ private def _initialize() = {
+ try {
+ // todo. if this crashes, REPL will hang
+ new _compiler.Run() compileSources _initSources
+ _initializeComplete = true
+ true
+ }
+ catch AbstractOrMissingHandler()
+ }
+ private def tquoted(s: String) = "\"\"\"" + s + "\"\"\""
+ private val logScope = scala.sys.props contains "scala.repl.scope"
+ private def scopelog(msg: String) = if (logScope) Console.err.println(msg)
+ // argument is a thunk to execute after init is done
+ def initialize(postInitSignal: => Unit) {
+ synchronized {
+ if (_isInitialized == null) {
+ _isInitialized = io.spawn {
+ try _initialize()
+ finally postInitSignal
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ def initializeSynchronous(): Unit = {
+ if (!isInitializeComplete) {
+ _initialize()
+ assert(global != null, global)
+ }
+ }
+ def isInitializeComplete = _initializeComplete
+ lazy val global: Global = {
+ if (!isInitializeComplete) _initialize()
+ _compiler
+ }
+ import global._
+ import definitions.{ ObjectClass, termMember, dropNullaryMethod}
+ lazy val runtimeMirror = ru.runtimeMirror(classLoader)
+ private def noFatal(body: => Symbol): Symbol = try body catch { case _: FatalError => NoSymbol }
+ def getClassIfDefined(path: String) = (
+ noFatal(runtimeMirror staticClass path)
+ orElse noFatal(rootMirror staticClass path)
+ )
+ def getModuleIfDefined(path: String) = (
+ noFatal(runtimeMirror staticModule path)
+ orElse noFatal(rootMirror staticModule path)
+ )
+ implicit class ReplTypeOps(tp: Type) {
+ def andAlso(fn: Type => Type): Type = if (tp eq NoType) tp else fn(tp)
+ }
+ // TODO: If we try to make naming a lazy val, we run into big time
+ // scalac unhappiness with what look like cycles. It has not been easy to
+ // reduce, but name resolution clearly takes different paths.
+ object naming extends {
+ val global: =
+ } with Naming {
+ // make sure we don't overwrite their unwisely named res3 etc.
+ def freshUserTermName(): TermName = {
+ val name = newTermName(freshUserVarName())
+ if (replScope containsName name) freshUserTermName()
+ else name
+ }
+ def isInternalTermName(name: Name) = isInternalVarName("" + name)
+ }
+ import naming._
+ object deconstruct extends {
+ val global: =
+ } with StructuredTypeStrings
+ lazy val memberHandlers = new {
+ val intp: imain.type = imain
+ } with MemberHandlers
+ import memberHandlers._
+ /** Temporarily be quiet */
+ def beQuietDuring[T](body: => T): T = {
+ val saved = printResults
+ printResults = false
+ try body
+ finally printResults = saved
+ }
+ def beSilentDuring[T](operation: => T): T = {
+ val saved = totalSilence
+ totalSilence = true
+ try operation
+ finally totalSilence = saved
+ }
+ def quietRun[T](code: String) = beQuietDuring(interpret(code))
+ /** takes AnyRef because it may be binding a Throwable or an Exceptional */
+ private def withLastExceptionLock[T](body: => T, alt: => T): T = {
+ assert(bindExceptions, "withLastExceptionLock called incorrectly.")
+ bindExceptions = false
+ try beQuietDuring(body)
+ catch logAndDiscard("withLastExceptionLock", alt)
+ finally bindExceptions = true
+ }
+ def executionWrapper = _executionWrapper
+ def setExecutionWrapper(code: String) = _executionWrapper = code
+ def clearExecutionWrapper() = _executionWrapper = ""
+ /** interpreter settings */
+ lazy val isettings = new ISettings(this)
+ /** Instantiate a compiler. Overridable. */
+ protected def newCompiler(settings: Settings, reporter: Reporter): ReplGlobal = {
+ settings.outputDirs setSingleOutput replOutput.dir
+ settings.exposeEmptyPackage.value = true
+ new Global(settings, reporter) with ReplGlobal { override def toString: String = "<global>" }
+ }
+ /** Parent classloader. Overridable. */
+ protected def parentClassLoader: ClassLoader =
+ settings.explicitParentLoader.getOrElse( this.getClass.getClassLoader() )
+ /* A single class loader is used for all commands interpreted by this Interpreter.
+ It would also be possible to create a new class loader for each command
+ to interpret. The advantages of the current approach are:
+ - Expressions are only evaluated one time. This is especially
+ significant for I/O, e.g. "val x = Console.readLine"
+ The main disadvantage is:
+ - Objects, classes, and methods cannot be rebound. Instead, definitions
+ shadow the old ones, and old code objects refer to the old
+ definitions.
+ */
+ def resetClassLoader() = {
+ repldbg("Setting new classloader: was " + _classLoader)
+ _classLoader = null
+ ensureClassLoader()
+ }
+ final def ensureClassLoader() {
+ if (_classLoader == null)
+ _classLoader = makeClassLoader()
+ }
+ def classLoader: util.AbstractFileClassLoader = {
+ ensureClassLoader()
+ _classLoader
+ }
+ def backticked(s: String): String = (
+ (s split '.').toList map {
+ case "_" => "_"
+ case s if nme.keywords(newTermName(s)) => s"`$s`"
+ case s => s
+ } mkString "."
+ )
+ abstract class PhaseDependentOps {
+ def shift[T](op: => T): T
+ def path(name: => Name): String = shift(path(symbolOfName(name)))
+ def path(sym: Symbol): String = backticked(shift(sym.fullName))
+ def sig(sym: Symbol): String = shift(sym.defString)
+ }
+ object typerOp extends PhaseDependentOps {
+ def shift[T](op: => T): T = exitingTyper(op)
+ }
+ object flatOp extends PhaseDependentOps {
+ def shift[T](op: => T): T = exitingFlatten(op)
+ }
+ def originalPath(name: String): String = originalPath(name: TermName)
+ def originalPath(name: Name): String = typerOp path name
+ def originalPath(sym: Symbol): String = typerOp path sym
+ def flatPath(sym: Symbol): String = flatOp shift sym.javaClassName
+ def translatePath(path: String) = {
+ val sym = if (path endsWith "$") symbolOfTerm(path.init) else symbolOfIdent(path)
+ sym match {
+ case NoSymbol => None
+ case _ => Some(flatPath(sym))
+ }
+ }
+ def translateEnclosingClass(n: String) = {
+ def enclosingClass(s: Symbol): Symbol =
+ if (s == NoSymbol || s.isClass) s else enclosingClass(s.owner)
+ enclosingClass(symbolOfTerm(n)) match {
+ case NoSymbol => None
+ case c => Some(flatPath(c))
+ }
+ }
+ private class TranslatingClassLoader(parent: ClassLoader) extends util.AbstractFileClassLoader(replOutput.dir, parent) {
+ /** Overridden here to try translating a simple name to the generated
+ * class name if the original attempt fails. This method is used by
+ * getResourceAsStream as well as findClass.
+ */
+ override protected def findAbstractFile(name: String): AbstractFile =
+ super.findAbstractFile(name) match {
+ case null => translatePath(name) map (super.findAbstractFile(_)) orNull
+ case file => file
+ }
+ }
+ private def makeClassLoader(): util.AbstractFileClassLoader =
+ new TranslatingClassLoader(parentClassLoader match {
+ case null => ScalaClassLoader fromURLs compilerClasspath
+ case p => new URLClassLoader(compilerClasspath, p)
+ })
+ // Set the current Java "context" class loader to this interpreter's class loader
+ def setContextClassLoader() = classLoader.setAsContext()
+ def allDefinedNames: List[Name] = exitingTyper(
+ def unqualifiedIds: List[String] = allDefinedNames map (_.decode) sorted
+ /** Most recent tree handled which wasn't wholly synthetic. */
+ private def mostRecentlyHandledTree: Option[Tree] = {
+ prevRequests.reverse foreach { req =>
+ req.handlers.reverse foreach {
+ case x: MemberDefHandler if x.definesValue && !isInternalTermName( => return Some(x.member)
+ case _ => ()
+ }
+ }
+ None
+ }
+ private def updateReplScope(sym: Symbol, isDefined: Boolean) {
+ def log(what: String) {
+ val mark = if (sym.isType) "t " else "v "
+ val name = exitingTyper(sym.nameString)
+ val info = cleanTypeAfterTyper(sym)
+ val defn = sym defStringSeenAs info
+ scopelog(f"[$mark$what%6s] $name%-25s $defn%s")
+ }
+ if (ObjectClass isSubClass sym.owner) return
+ // unlink previous
+ replScope lookupAll foreach { sym =>
+ log("unlink")
+ replScope unlink sym
+ }
+ val what = if (isDefined) "define" else "import"
+ log(what)
+ replScope enter sym
+ }
+ def recordRequest(req: Request) {
+ if (req == null)
+ return
+ prevRequests += req
+ // warning about serially defining companions. It'd be easy
+ // enough to just redefine them together but that may not always
+ // be what people want so I'm waiting until I can do it better.
+ exitingTyper {
+ req.defines filterNot (s => req.defines contains s.companionSymbol) foreach { newSym =>
+ val oldSym = replScope lookup
+ if (Seq(oldSym, newSym).permutations exists { case Seq(s1, s2) => s1.isClass && s2.isModule }) {
+ replwarn(s"warning: previously defined $oldSym is not a companion to $newSym.")
+ replwarn("Companions must be defined together; you may wish to use :paste mode for this.")
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ exitingTyper {
+ req.imports foreach (sym => updateReplScope(sym, isDefined = false))
+ req.defines foreach (sym => updateReplScope(sym, isDefined = true))
+ }
+ }
+ private[nsc] def replwarn(msg: => String) {
+ if (!settings.nowarnings.value)
+ printMessage(msg)
+ }
+ def compileSourcesKeepingRun(sources: SourceFile*) = {
+ val run = new Run()
+ reporter.reset()
+ run compileSources sources.toList
+ (!reporter.hasErrors, run)
+ }
+ /** Compile an nsc SourceFile. Returns true if there are
+ * no compilation errors, or false otherwise.
+ */
+ def compileSources(sources: SourceFile*): Boolean =
+ compileSourcesKeepingRun(sources: _*)._1
+ /** Compile a string. Returns true if there are no
+ * compilation errors, or false otherwise.
+ */
+ def compileString(code: String): Boolean =
+ compileSources(new BatchSourceFile("<script>", code))
+ /** Build a request from the user. `trees` is `line` after being parsed.
+ */
+ private def buildRequest(line: String, trees: List[Tree]): Request = {
+ executingRequest = new Request(line, trees)
+ executingRequest
+ }
+ private def safePos(t: Tree, alt: Int): Int =
+ try t.pos.startOrPoint
+ catch { case _: UnsupportedOperationException => alt }
+ // Given an expression like 10 * 10 * 10 we receive the parent tree positioned
+ // at a '*'. So look at each subtree and find the earliest of all positions.
+ private def earliestPosition(tree: Tree): Int = {
+ var pos = Int.MaxValue
+ tree foreach { t =>
+ pos = math.min(pos, safePos(t, Int.MaxValue))
+ }
+ pos
+ }
+ private def requestFromLine(line: String, synthetic: Boolean): Either[IR.Result, Request] = {
+ val content = indentCode(line)
+ val trees = parse(content) match {
+ case None => return Left(IR.Incomplete)
+ case Some(Nil) => return Left(IR.Error) // parse error or empty input
+ case Some(trees) => trees
+ }
+ repltrace(
+ trees map (t => {
+ // [Eugene to Paul] previously it just said `t map ...`
+ // because there was an implicit conversion from Tree to a list of Trees
+ // however Martin and I have removed the conversion
+ // (it was conflicting with the new reflection API),
+ // so I had to rewrite this a bit
+ val subs = t collect { case sub => sub }
+ subs map (t0 =>
+ " " + safePos(t0, -1) + ": " + t0.shortClass + "\n"
+ ) mkString ""
+ }) mkString "\n"
+ )
+ // If the last tree is a bare expression, pinpoint where it begins using the
+ // AST node position and snap the line off there. Rewrite the code embodied
+ // by the last tree as a ValDef instead, so we can access the value.
+ trees.last match {
+ case _:Assign => // we don't want to include assignments
+ case _:TermTree | _:Ident | _:Select => // ... but do want other unnamed terms.
+ val varName = if (synthetic) freshInternalVarName() else freshUserVarName()
+ val rewrittenLine = (
+ // In theory this would come out the same without the 1-specific test, but
+ // it's a cushion against any more sneaky parse-tree position vs. code mismatches:
+ // this way such issues will only arise on multiple-statement repl input lines,
+ // which most people don't use.
+ if (trees.size == 1) "val " + varName + " =\n" + content
+ else {
+ // The position of the last tree
+ val lastpos0 = earliestPosition(trees.last)
+ // Oh boy, the parser throws away parens so "(2+2)" is mispositioned,
+ // with increasingly hard to decipher positions as we move on to "() => 5",
+ // (x: Int) => x + 1, and more. So I abandon attempts to finesse and just
+ // look for semicolons and newlines, which I'm sure is also buggy.
+ val (raw1, raw2) = content splitAt lastpos0
+ repldbg("[raw] " + raw1 + " <---> " + raw2)
+ val adjustment = (raw1.reverse takeWhile (ch => (ch != ';') && (ch != '\n'))).size
+ val lastpos = lastpos0 - adjustment
+ // the source code split at the laboriously determined position.
+ val (l1, l2) = content splitAt lastpos
+ repldbg("[adj] " + l1 + " <---> " + l2)
+ val prefix = if (l1.trim == "") "" else l1 + ";\n"
+ // Note to self: val source needs to have this precise structure so that
+ // error messages print the user-submitted part without the "val res0 = " part.
+ val combined = prefix + "val " + varName + " =\n" + l2
+ repldbg(List(
+ " line" -> line,
+ " content" -> content,
+ " was" -> l2,
+ "combined" -> combined) map {
+ case (label, s) => label + ": '" + s + "'"
+ } mkString "\n"
+ )
+ combined
+ }
+ )
+ // Rewriting "foo ; bar ; 123"
+ // to "foo ; bar ; val resXX = 123"
+ requestFromLine(rewrittenLine, synthetic) match {
+ case Right(req) => return Right(req withOriginalLine line)
+ case x => return x
+ }
+ case _ =>
+ }
+ Right(buildRequest(line, trees))
+ }
+ // dealias non-public types so we don't see protected aliases like Self
+ def dealiasNonPublic(tp: Type) = tp match {
+ case TypeRef(_, sym, _) if sym.isAliasType && !sym.isPublic => tp.dealias
+ case _ => tp
+ }
+ /**
+ * Interpret one line of input. All feedback, including parse errors
+ * and evaluation results, are printed via the supplied compiler's
+ * reporter. Values defined are available for future interpreted strings.
+ *
+ * The return value is whether the line was interpreter successfully,
+ * e.g. that there were no parse errors.
+ */
+ def interpret(line: String): IR.Result = interpret(line, synthetic = false)
+ def interpretSynthetic(line: String): IR.Result = interpret(line, synthetic = true)
+ def interpret(line: String, synthetic: Boolean): IR.Result = compile(line, synthetic) match {
+ case Left(result) => result
+ case Right(req) => new WrappedRequest(req).loadAndRunReq
+ }
+ private def compile(line: String, synthetic: Boolean): Either[IR.Result, Request] = {
+ if (global == null) Left(IR.Error)
+ else requestFromLine(line, synthetic) match {
+ case Left(result) => Left(result)
+ case Right(req) =>
+ // null indicates a disallowed statement type; otherwise compile and
+ // fail if false (implying e.g. a type error)
+ if (req == null || !req.compile) Left(IR.Error) else Right(req)
+ }
+ }
+ var code = ""
+ var bound = false
+ @throws(classOf[ScriptException])
+ def compile(script: String): CompiledScript = {
+ if (!bound) {
+ quietBind("bindings", getBindings(ScriptContext.ENGINE_SCOPE))
+ bound = true
+ }
+ val cat = code + script
+ compile(cat, false) match {
+ case Left(result) => result match {
+ case IR.Incomplete => {
+ code = cat + "\n"
+ new CompiledScript {
+ def eval(context: ScriptContext): Object = null
+ def getEngine: ScriptEngine = IMain.this
+ }
+ }
+ case _ => {
+ code = ""
+ throw new ScriptException("compile-time error")
+ }
+ }
+ case Right(req) => {
+ code = ""
+ new WrappedRequest(req)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ @throws(classOf[ScriptException])
+ def compile(reader: Reader): CompiledScript = {
+ val writer = new StringWriter()
+ var c =
+ while(c != -1) {
+ writer.write(c)
+ c =
+ }
+ reader.close()
+ compile(writer.toString())
+ }
+ private class WrappedRequest(val req: Request) extends CompiledScript {
+ var recorded = false
+ @throws(classOf[ScriptException])
+ def eval(context: ScriptContext): Object = {
+ val result = req.lineRep.evalEither match {
+ case Left(e: Exception) => throw new ScriptException(e)
+ case Left(_) => throw new ScriptException("run-time error")
+ case Right(result) => result.asInstanceOf[Object]
+ }
+ if (!recorded) {
+ recordRequest(req)
+ recorded = true
+ }
+ result
+ }
+ def loadAndRunReq = classLoader.asContext {
+ val (result, succeeded) = req.loadAndRun
+ /** To our displeasure, ConsoleReporter offers only printMessage,
+ * which tacks a newline on the end. Since that breaks all the
+ * output checking, we have to take one off to balance.
+ */
+ if (succeeded) {
+ if (printResults && result != "")
+ printMessage(result stripSuffix "\n")
+ else if (isReplDebug) // show quiet-mode activity
+ printMessage(result.trim.lines map ("[quiet] " + _) mkString "\n")
+ // Book-keeping. Have to record synthetic requests too,
+ // as they may have been issued for information, e.g. :type
+ recordRequest(req)
+ IR.Success
+ }
+ else {
+ // don't truncate stack traces
+ withoutTruncating(printMessage(result))
+ IR.Error
+ }
+ }
+ def getEngine: ScriptEngine = IMain.this
+ }
+ /** Bind a specified name to a specified value. The name may
+ * later be used by expressions passed to interpret.
+ *
+ * @param name the variable name to bind
+ * @param boundType the type of the variable, as a string
+ * @param value the object value to bind to it
+ * @return an indication of whether the binding succeeded
+ */
+ def bind(name: String, boundType: String, value: Any, modifiers: List[String] = Nil): IR.Result = {
+ val bindRep = new ReadEvalPrint()
+ bindRep.compile("""
+ |object %s {
+ | var value: %s = _
+ | def set(x: Any) = value = x.asInstanceOf[%s]
+ |}
+ """.stripMargin.format(bindRep.evalName, boundType, boundType)
+ )
+ bindRep.callEither("set", value) match {
+ case Left(ex) =>
+ repldbg("Set failed in bind(%s, %s, %s)".format(name, boundType, value))
+ repldbg(util.stackTraceString(ex))
+ IR.Error
+ case Right(_) =>
+ val line = "%sval %s = %s.value".format(modifiers map (_ + " ") mkString, name, bindRep.evalPath)
+ repldbg("Interpreting: " + line)
+ interpret(line)
+ }
+ }
+ def directBind(name: String, boundType: String, value: Any): IR.Result = {
+ val result = bind(name, boundType, value)
+ if (result == IR.Success)
+ directlyBoundNames += newTermName(name)
+ result
+ }
+ def directBind(p: NamedParam): IR.Result = directBind(, p.tpe, p.value)
+ def directBind[T: ru.TypeTag : ClassTag](name: String, value: T): IR.Result = directBind((name, value))
+ def rebind(p: NamedParam): IR.Result = {
+ val name =
+ val newType = p.tpe
+ val tempName = freshInternalVarName()
+ quietRun("val %s = %s".format(tempName, name))
+ quietRun("val %s = %s.asInstanceOf[%s]".format(name, tempName, newType))
+ }
+ def quietBind(p: NamedParam): IR.Result = beQuietDuring(bind(p))
+ def bind(p: NamedParam): IR.Result = bind(, p.tpe, p.value)
+ def bind[T: ru.TypeTag : ClassTag](name: String, value: T): IR.Result = bind((name, value))
+ /** Reset this interpreter, forgetting all user-specified requests. */
+ def reset() {
+ clearExecutionWrapper()
+ resetClassLoader()
+ resetAllCreators()
+ prevRequests.clear()
+ resetReplScope()
+ replOutput.dir.clear()
+ }
+ /** This instance is no longer needed, so release any resources
+ * it is using. The reporter's output gets flushed.
+ */
+ def close() {
+ reporter.flush()
+ }
+ /** Here is where we:
+ *
+ * 1) Read some source code, and put it in the "read" object.
+ * 2) Evaluate the read object, and put the result in the "eval" object.
+ * 3) Create a String for human consumption, and put it in the "print" object.
+ *
+ * Read! Eval! Print! Some of that not yet centralized here.
+ */
+ class ReadEvalPrint(lineId: Int) {
+ def this() = this(freshLineId())
+ val packageName = sessionNames.line + lineId
+ val readName =
+ val evalName = sessionNames.eval
+ val printName = sessionNames.print
+ val resultName = sessionNames.result
+ def bindError(t: Throwable) = {
+ if (!bindExceptions) // avoid looping if already binding
+ throw t
+ val unwrapped = unwrap(t)
+ withLastExceptionLock[String]({
+ directBind[Throwable]("lastException", unwrapped)(tagOfThrowable, classTag[Throwable])
+ util.stackTraceString(unwrapped)
+ }, util.stackTraceString(unwrapped))
+ }
+ // TODO: split it out into a package object and a regular
+ // object and we can do that much less wrapping.
+ def packageDecl = "package " + packageName
+ def pathTo(name: String) = packageName + "." + name
+ def packaged(code: String) = packageDecl + "\n\n" + code
+ def readPath = pathTo(readName)
+ def evalPath = pathTo(evalName)
+ def call(name: String, args: Any*): AnyRef = {
+ val m = evalMethod(name)
+ repldbg("Invoking: " + m)
+ if (args.nonEmpty)
+ repldbg(" with args: " + args.mkString(", "))
+ m.invoke(evalClass,[AnyRef]): _*)
+ }
+ def callEither(name: String, args: Any*): Either[Throwable, AnyRef] =
+ try Right(call(name, args: _*))
+ catch { case ex: Throwable => Left(ex) }
+ class EvalException(msg: String, cause: Throwable) extends RuntimeException(msg, cause) { }
+ private def evalError(path: String, ex: Throwable) =
+ throw new EvalException("Failed to load '" + path + "': " + ex.getMessage, ex)
+ private def load(path: String): Class[_] = {
+ try Class.forName(path, true, classLoader)
+ catch { case ex: Throwable => evalError(path, unwrap(ex)) }
+ }
+ lazy val evalClass = load(evalPath)
+ def evalEither = callEither(resultName) match {
+ case Left(ex) => ex match {
+ case ex: NullPointerException => Right(null)
+ case ex => Left(unwrap(ex))
+ }
+ case Right(result) => Right(result)
+ }
+ def compile(source: String): Boolean = compileAndSaveRun("<console>", source)
+ /** The innermost object inside the wrapper, found by
+ * following accessPath into the outer one.
+ */
+ def resolvePathToSymbol(accessPath: String): Symbol = {
+ val readRoot = getModuleIfDefined(readPath) // the outermost wrapper
+ (accessPath split '.').foldLeft(readRoot: Symbol) {
+ case (sym, "") => sym
+ case (sym, name) => exitingTyper(termMember(sym, name))
+ }
+ }
+ /** We get a bunch of repeated warnings for reasons I haven't
+ * entirely figured out yet. For now, squash.
+ */
+ private def updateRecentWarnings(run: Run) {
+ def loop(xs: List[(Position, String)]): List[(Position, String)] = xs match {
+ case Nil => Nil
+ case ((pos, msg)) :: rest =>
+ val filtered = rest filter { case (pos0, msg0) =>
+ (msg != msg0) || (pos.lineContent.trim != pos0.lineContent.trim) || {
+ // same messages and same line content after whitespace removal
+ // but we want to let through multiple warnings on the same line
+ // from the same run. The untrimmed line will be the same since
+ // there's no whitespace indenting blowing it.
+ (pos.lineContent == pos0.lineContent)
+ }
+ }
+ ((pos, msg)) :: loop(filtered)
+ }
+ val warnings = loop(run.allConditionalWarnings flatMap (_.warnings))
+ if (warnings.nonEmpty)
+ mostRecentWarnings = warnings
+ }
+ private def evalMethod(name: String) = evalClass.getMethods filter (_.getName == name) match {
+ case Array() => null
+ case Array(method) => method
+ case xs => sys.error("Internal error: eval object " + evalClass + ", " + xs.mkString("\n", "\n", ""))
+ }
+ private def compileAndSaveRun(label: String, code: String) = {
+ showCodeIfDebugging(code)
+ val (success, run) = compileSourcesKeepingRun(new BatchSourceFile(label, packaged(code)))
+ updateRecentWarnings(run)
+ success
+ }
+ }
+ /** One line of code submitted by the user for interpretation */
+ class Request(val line: String, val trees: List[Tree]) {
+ def defines = defHandlers flatMap (_.definedSymbols)
+ def imports = importedSymbols
+ def value = Some(handlers.last) filter (h => h.definesValue) map (h => definedSymbols(h.definesTerm.get)) getOrElse NoSymbol
+ val lineRep = new ReadEvalPrint()
+ private var _originalLine: String = null
+ def withOriginalLine(s: String): this.type = { _originalLine = s ; this }
+ def originalLine = if (_originalLine == null) line else _originalLine
+ /** handlers for each tree in this request */
+ val handlers: List[MemberHandler] = trees map (memberHandlers chooseHandler _)
+ def defHandlers = handlers collect { case x: MemberDefHandler => x }
+ /** list of names used by this expression */
+ val referencedNames: List[Name] = handlers flatMap (_.referencedNames)
+ /** def and val names */
+ def termNames = handlers flatMap (_.definesTerm)
+ def typeNames = handlers flatMap (_.definesType)
+ def importedSymbols = handlers flatMap {
+ case x: ImportHandler => x.importedSymbols
+ case _ => Nil
+ }
+ /** Code to import bound names from previous lines - accessPath is code to
+ * append to objectName to access anything bound by request.
+ */
+ val ComputedImports(importsPreamble, importsTrailer, accessPath) =
+ exitingTyper(importsCode(referencedNames.toSet))
+ /** the line of code to compute */
+ def toCompute = line
+ def fullPath(vname: String) = s"${lineRep.readPath}$accessPath.`$vname`"
+ /** generate the source code for the object that computes this request */
+ private object ObjectSourceCode extends CodeAssembler[MemberHandler] {
+ def path = originalPath("$intp")
+ def envLines = {
+ if (!isReplPower) Nil // power mode only for now
+ // $intp is not bound; punt, but include the line.
+ else if (path == "$intp") List(
+ "def $line = " + tquoted(originalLine),
+ "def $trees = Nil"
+ )
+ else List(
+ "def $line = " + tquoted(originalLine),
+ "def $trees = Nil"
+ )
+ }
+ val preamble = """
+ |object %s {
+ |%s%s%s
+ """.stripMargin.format(lineRep.readName," " + _ + ";\n").mkString, importsPreamble, indentCode(toCompute))
+ val postamble = importsTrailer + "\n}"
+ val generate = (m: MemberHandler) => m extraCodeToEvaluate Request.this
+ }
+ private object ResultObjectSourceCode extends CodeAssembler[MemberHandler] {
+ /** We only want to generate this code when the result
+ * is a value which can be referred to as-is.
+ */
+ val evalResult = Request.this.value match {
+ case NoSymbol => ""
+ case sym => "lazy val %s = %s".format(lineRep.resultName, originalPath(sym))
+ }
+ // first line evaluates object to make sure constructor is run
+ // initial "" so later code can uniformly be: + etc
+ val preamble = """
+ |object %s {
+ | %s
+ | val %s: String = %s {
+ | %s
+ | (""
+ """.stripMargin.format(
+ lineRep.evalName, evalResult, lineRep.printName,
+ executionWrapper, lineRep.readName + accessPath
+ )
+ val postamble = """
+ | )
+ | }
+ |}
+ """.stripMargin
+ val generate = (m: MemberHandler) => m resultExtractionCode Request.this
+ }
+ /** Compile the object file. Returns whether the compilation succeeded.
+ * If all goes well, the "types" map is computed. */
+ lazy val compile: Boolean = {
+ // error counting is wrong, hence interpreter may overlook failure - so we reset
+ reporter.reset()
+ // compile the object containing the user's code
+ lineRep.compile(ObjectSourceCode(handlers)) && {
+ // extract and remember types
+ typeOf
+ typesOfDefinedTerms
+ // Assign symbols to the original trees
+ // TODO - just use the new trees.
+ defHandlers foreach { dh =>
+ val name =
+ definedSymbols get name foreach { sym =>
+ dh.member setSymbol sym
+ repldbg("Set symbol of " + name + " to " + symbolDefString(sym))
+ }
+ }
+ // compile the result-extraction object
+ withoutWarnings(lineRep compile ResultObjectSourceCode(handlers))
+ }
+ }
+ lazy val resultSymbol = lineRep.resolvePathToSymbol(accessPath)
+ def applyToResultMember[T](name: Name, f: Symbol => T) = exitingTyper(f(
+ /* typeOf lookup with encoding */
+ def lookupTypeOf(name: Name) = typeOf.getOrElse(name, typeOf(global.encode(name.toString)))
+ private def typeMap[T](f: Type => T) =
+ mapFrom[Name, Name, T](termNames ++ typeNames)(x => f(cleanMemberDecl(resultSymbol, x)))
+ /** Types of variables defined by this request. */
+ lazy val compilerTypeOf = typeMap[Type](x => x) withDefaultValue NoType
+ /** String representations of same. */
+ lazy val typeOf = typeMap[String](tp => exitingTyper(tp.toString))
+ lazy val definedSymbols = (
+ => x -> applyToResultMember(x, x => x)) ++
+ => x -> compilerTypeOf(x).typeSymbolDirect)
+ ).toMap[Name, Symbol] withDefaultValue NoSymbol
+ lazy val typesOfDefinedTerms = mapFrom[Name, Name, Type](termNames)(x => applyToResultMember(x, _.tpe))
+ /** load and run the code using reflection */
+ def loadAndRun: (String, Boolean) = {
+ try { ("" + (lineRep call sessionNames.print), true) }
+ catch { case ex: Throwable => (lineRep.bindError(ex), false) }
+ }
+ override def toString = "Request(line=%s, %s trees)".format(line, trees.size)
+ }
+ def createBindings: Bindings = new SimpleBindings
+ @throws(classOf[ScriptException])
+ def eval(script: String, context: ScriptContext): Object = compile(script).eval(context)
+ @throws(classOf[ScriptException])
+ def eval(reader: Reader, context: ScriptContext): Object = compile(reader).eval(context)
+ override def finalize = close
+ /** Returns the name of the most recent interpreter result.
+ * Mostly this exists so you can conveniently invoke methods on
+ * the previous result.
+ */
+ def mostRecentVar: String =
+ if (mostRecentlyHandledTree.isEmpty) ""
+ else "" + (mostRecentlyHandledTree.get match {
+ case x: ValOrDefDef =>
+ case Assign(Ident(name), _) => name
+ case ModuleDef(_, name, _) => name
+ case _ => naming.mostRecentVar
+ })
+ private var mostRecentWarnings: List[(global.Position, String)] = Nil
+ def lastWarnings = mostRecentWarnings
+ private lazy val importToGlobal = global mkImporter ru
+ private lazy val importToRuntime = ru mkImporter global
+ private lazy val javaMirror = ru.rootMirror match {
+ case x: ru.JavaMirror => x
+ case _ => null
+ }
+ private implicit def importFromRu(sym: ru.Symbol): Symbol = importToGlobal importSymbol sym
+ private implicit def importToRu(sym: Symbol): ru.Symbol = importToRuntime importSymbol sym
+ def classOfTerm(id: String): Option[JClass] = symbolOfTerm(id) match {
+ case NoSymbol => None
+ case sym => Some(javaMirror runtimeClass importToRu(sym).asClass)
+ }
+ def typeOfTerm(id: String): Type = symbolOfTerm(id).tpe
+ def valueOfTerm(id: String): Option[Any] = exitingTyper {
+ def value() = {
+ val sym0 = symbolOfTerm(id)
+ val sym = (importToRuntime importSymbol sym0).asTerm
+ val module = runtimeMirror.reflectModule(sym.owner.companionSymbol.asModule).instance
+ val module1 = runtimeMirror.reflect(module)
+ val invoker = module1.reflectField(sym)
+ invoker.get
+ }
+ try Some(value()) catch { case _: Exception => None }
+ }
+ /** It's a bit of a shotgun approach, but for now we will gain in
+ * robustness. Try a symbol-producing operation at phase typer, and
+ * if that is NoSymbol, try again at phase flatten. I'll be able to
+ * lose this and run only from exitingTyper as soon as I figure out
+ * exactly where a flat name is sneaking in when calculating imports.
+ */
+ def tryTwice(op: => Symbol): Symbol = exitingTyper(op) orElse exitingFlatten(op)
+ def symbolOfIdent(id: String): Symbol = symbolOfType(id) orElse symbolOfTerm(id)
+ def symbolOfType(id: String): Symbol = tryTwice(replScope lookup (id: TypeName))
+ def symbolOfTerm(id: String): Symbol = tryTwice(replScope lookup (id: TermName))
+ def symbolOfName(id: Name): Symbol = replScope lookup id
+ def runtimeClassAndTypeOfTerm(id: String): Option[(JClass, Type)] = {
+ classOfTerm(id) flatMap { clazz =>
+ clazz.supers find (!_.isScalaAnonymous) map { nonAnon =>
+ (nonAnon, runtimeTypeOfTerm(id))
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ def runtimeTypeOfTerm(id: String): Type = {
+ typeOfTerm(id) andAlso { tpe =>
+ val clazz = classOfTerm(id) getOrElse { return NoType }
+ val staticSym = tpe.typeSymbol
+ val runtimeSym = getClassIfDefined(clazz.getName)
+ if ((runtimeSym != NoSymbol) && (runtimeSym != staticSym) && (runtimeSym isSubClass staticSym))
+ else NoType
+ }
+ }
+ def cleanTypeAfterTyper(sym: => Symbol): Type = {
+ exitingTyper(
+ dealiasNonPublic(
+ dropNullaryMethod(
+ sym.tpe_*
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ }
+ def cleanMemberDecl(owner: Symbol, member: Name): Type =
+ cleanTypeAfterTyper( nonPrivateDecl member)
+ object exprTyper extends {
+ val repl: IMain.this.type = imain
+ } with ExprTyper { }
+ def parse(line: String): Option[List[Tree]] = exprTyper.parse(line)
+ def symbolOfLine(code: String): Symbol =
+ exprTyper.symbolOfLine(code)
+ def typeOfExpression(expr: String, silent: Boolean = true): Type =
+ exprTyper.typeOfExpression(expr, silent)
+ protected def onlyTerms(xs: List[Name]): List[TermName] = xs collect { case x: TermName => x }
+ protected def onlyTypes(xs: List[Name]): List[TypeName] = xs collect { case x: TypeName => x }
+ def definedTerms = onlyTerms(allDefinedNames) filterNot isInternalTermName
+ def definedTypes = onlyTypes(allDefinedNames)
+ def definedSymbolList = prevRequestList flatMap (_.defines) filterNot (s => isInternalTermName(
+ // Terms with user-given names (i.e. not res0 and not synthetic)
+ def namedDefinedTerms = definedTerms filterNot (x => isUserVarName("" + x) || directlyBoundNames(x))
+ private var _replScope: Scope = _
+ private def resetReplScope() {
+ _replScope = newScope
+ }
+ def replScope = {
+ if (_replScope eq null)
+ _replScope = newScope
+ _replScope
+ }
+ private var executingRequest: Request = _
+ private val prevRequests = mutable.ListBuffer[Request]()
+ private val directlyBoundNames = mutable.Set[Name]()
+ def allHandlers = prevRequestList flatMap (_.handlers)
+ def lastRequest = if (prevRequests.isEmpty) null else prevRequests.last
+ def prevRequestList = prevRequests.toList
+ def importHandlers = allHandlers collect { case x: ImportHandler => x }
+ def withoutUnwrapping(op: => Unit): Unit = {
+ val saved = isettings.unwrapStrings
+ isettings.unwrapStrings = false
+ try op
+ finally isettings.unwrapStrings = saved
+ }
+ def symbolDefString(sym: Symbol) = {
+ TypeStrings.quieter(
+ exitingTyper(sym.defString),
+ + ".this.",
+ sym.owner.fullName + "."
+ )
+ }
+ def showCodeIfDebugging(code: String) {
+ /** Secret bookcase entrance for repl debuggers: end the line
+ * with "// show" and see what's going on.
+ */
+ def isShow = code.lines exists (_.trim endsWith "// show")
+ if (isReplDebug || isShow) {
+ beSilentDuring(parse(code)) foreach { ts =>
+ ts foreach { t =>
+ withoutUnwrapping(echo(asCompactString(t)))
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // debugging
+ def debugging[T](msg: String)(res: T) = {
+ repldbg(msg + " " + res)
+ res
+ }
+/** Utility methods for the Interpreter. */
+object IMain {
+ class Factory extends ScriptEngineFactory {
+ @BeanProperty
+ val engineName = "Scala Interpreter"
+ @BeanProperty
+ val engineVersion = "1.0"
+ @BeanProperty
+ val extensions: JList[String] = Arrays.asList("scala")
+ @BeanProperty
+ val languageName = "Scala"
+ @BeanProperty
+ val languageVersion = versionString
+ def getMethodCallSyntax(obj: String, m: String, args: String*): String = null
+ @BeanProperty
+ val mimeTypes: JList[String] = Arrays.asList("application/x-scala")
+ @BeanProperty
+ val names: JList[String] = Arrays.asList("scala")
+ def getOutputStatement(toDisplay: String): String = null
+ def getParameter(key: String): Object = key match {
+ case ScriptEngine.ENGINE => engineName
+ case ScriptEngine.ENGINE_VERSION => engineVersion
+ case ScriptEngine.LANGUAGE => languageName
+ case ScriptEngine.LANGUAGE_VERSION => languageVersion
+ case ScriptEngine.NAME => names.get(0)
+ case _ => null
+ }
+ def getProgram(statements: String*): String = null
+ def getScriptEngine: ScriptEngine = new IMain(this, new Settings() {
+ usemanifestcp.value = true
+ })
+ }
+ // The two name forms this is catching are the two sides of this assignment:
+ //
+ // $line3.$read.$iw.$iw.Bippy =
+ // $line3.$read$$iw$$iw$Bippy@4a6a00ca
+ private def removeLineWrapper(s: String) = s.replaceAll("""\$line\d+[./]\$(read|eval|print)[$.]""", "")
+ private def removeIWPackages(s: String) = s.replaceAll("""\$(iw|read|eval|print)[$.]""", "")
+ def stripString(s: String) = removeIWPackages(removeLineWrapper(s))
+ trait CodeAssembler[T] {
+ def preamble: String
+ def generate: T => String
+ def postamble: String
+ def apply(contributors: List[T]): String = stringFromWriter { code =>
+ code println preamble
+ contributors map generate foreach (code println _)
+ code println postamble
+ }
+ }
+ trait StrippingWriter {
+ def isStripping: Boolean
+ def stripImpl(str: String): String
+ def strip(str: String): String = if (isStripping) stripImpl(str) else str
+ }
+ trait TruncatingWriter {
+ def maxStringLength: Int
+ def isTruncating: Boolean
+ def truncate(str: String): String = {
+ if (isTruncating && (maxStringLength != 0 && str.length > maxStringLength))
+ (str take maxStringLength - 3) + "..."
+ else str
+ }
+ }
+ abstract class StrippingTruncatingWriter(out: JPrintWriter)
+ extends JPrintWriter(out)
+ with StrippingWriter
+ with TruncatingWriter {
+ self =>
+ def clean(str: String): String = truncate(strip(str))
+ override def write(str: String) = super.write(clean(str))
+ }
+ class ReplStrippingWriter(intp: IMain) extends StrippingTruncatingWriter(intp.out) {
+ import intp._
+ def maxStringLength = isettings.maxPrintString
+ def isStripping = isettings.unwrapStrings
+ def isTruncating = reporter.truncationOK
+ def stripImpl(str: String): String = naming.unmangle(str)
+ }