path: root/src/repl/scala/tools/nsc/interpreter/LoopCommands.scala
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/repl/scala/tools/nsc/interpreter/LoopCommands.scala')
1 files changed, 77 insertions, 7 deletions
diff --git a/src/repl/scala/tools/nsc/interpreter/LoopCommands.scala b/src/repl/scala/tools/nsc/interpreter/LoopCommands.scala
index 8c3b174513..a2ce63996b 100644
--- a/src/repl/scala/tools/nsc/interpreter/LoopCommands.scala
+++ b/src/repl/scala/tools/nsc/interpreter/LoopCommands.scala
@@ -24,18 +24,21 @@ class ProcessResult(val line: String) {
override def toString = "`%s` (%d lines, exit %d)".format(line, buffer.size, exitCode)
-trait LoopCommands {
+trait LoopCommands { self: { def echo(msg: String): Unit } =>
protected def out: JPrintWriter
// So outputs can be suppressed.
- def echoCommandMessage(msg: String): Unit = out println msg
+ def echoCommandMessage(msg: String): Unit = out.println(msg)
+ // available commands
+ def commands: List[LoopCommand]
// a single interpreter command
abstract class LoopCommand(val name: String, val help: String) extends (String => Result) {
def usage: String = ""
- def usageMsg: String = ":" + name + (
+ def usageMsg: String = s":$name${
if (usage == "") "" else " " + usage
- )
+ }"
def apply(line: String): Result
// called if no args are given
@@ -43,21 +46,88 @@ trait LoopCommands {
"usage is " + usageMsg
Result(keepRunning = true, None)
+ // subclasses may provide completions
+ def completion: Completion = NoCompletion
object LoopCommand {
def nullary(name: String, help: String, f: () => Result): LoopCommand =
new NullaryCmd(name, help, _ => f())
- def cmd(name: String, usage: String, help: String, f: String => Result): LoopCommand =
+ def cmd(name: String, usage: String, help: String, f: String => Result, completion: Completion = NoCompletion): LoopCommand =
if (usage == "") new NullaryCmd(name, help, f)
- else new LineCmd(name, usage, help, f)
+ else new LineCmd(name, usage, help, f, completion)
+ }
+ /** print a friendly help message */
+ def helpCommand(line: String): Result = line match {
+ case "" => helpSummary()
+ case CommandMatch(cmd) => echo(f"%n${}")
+ case _ => ambiguousError(line)
+ }
+ def helpSummary() = {
+ val usageWidth = commands map (_.usageMsg.length) max
+ val formatStr = s"%-${usageWidth}s %s"
+ echo("All commands can be abbreviated, e.g., :he instead of :help.")
+ for (cmd <- commands) echo(formatStr.format(cmd.usageMsg,
+ }
+ def ambiguousError(cmd: String): Result = {
+ matchingCommands(cmd) match {
+ case Nil => echo(cmd + ": no such command. Type :help for help.")
+ case xs => echo(cmd + " is ambiguous: did you mean " +":" +" or ") + "?")
+ }
+ Result(keepRunning = true, None)
+ }
+ // all commands with given prefix
+ private def matchingCommands(cmd: String) = commands.filter(":")))
+ // extract command from partial name, or prefer exact match if multiple matches
+ private object CommandMatch {
+ def unapply(name: String): Option[LoopCommand] =
+ matchingCommands(name) match {
+ case Nil => None
+ case x :: Nil => Some(x)
+ case xs => xs find ( == name)
+ }
+ }
+ // extract command name and rest of line
+ private val commandish = """(\S+)(?:\s+)?(.*)""".r
+ def colonCommand(line: String): Result = line.trim match {
+ case "" => helpSummary()
+ case commandish(CommandMatch(cmd), rest) => cmd(rest)
+ case commandish(name, _) => ambiguousError(name)
+ case _ => echo("?")
+ }
+ import Completion.Candidates
+ def colonCompletion(line: String, cursor: Int): Completion = line.trim match {
+ case commandish(name @ CommandMatch(cmd), rest) =>
+ if (name.length > cmd.completion
+ else
+ new Completion {
+ def resetVerbosity(): Unit = ()
+ def complete(buffer: String, cursor: Int) = Candidates(cursor - name.length + 1, List(
+ }
+ case commandish(name, _) if matchingCommands(name).nonEmpty =>
+ new Completion {
+ def resetVerbosity(): Unit = ()
+ def complete(buffer: String, cursor: Int) = Candidates(cursor - name.length + 1, matchingCommands(name).map(
+ }
+ case _ => NoCompletion
class NullaryCmd(name: String, help: String, f: String => Result) extends LoopCommand(name, help) {
def apply(line: String): Result = f(line)
- class LineCmd(name: String, argWord: String, help: String, f: String => Result) extends LoopCommand(name, help) {
+ class LineCmd(name: String, argWord: String, help: String, f: String => Result, override val completion: Completion) extends LoopCommand(name, help) {
override def usage = argWord
def apply(line: String): Result = f(line)