path: root/src/repl/scala/tools/nsc/interpreter/PresentationCompilerCompleter.scala
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/repl/scala/tools/nsc/interpreter/PresentationCompilerCompleter.scala')
1 files changed, 139 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/repl/scala/tools/nsc/interpreter/PresentationCompilerCompleter.scala b/src/repl/scala/tools/nsc/interpreter/PresentationCompilerCompleter.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4b0330aaf7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/repl/scala/tools/nsc/interpreter/PresentationCompilerCompleter.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,139 @@
+/* NSC -- new Scala compiler
+ * Copyright 2005-2013 LAMP/EPFL
+ * @author Martin Odersky
+ */
+import scala.reflect.internal.Flags
+import scala.reflect.internal.util.StringOps
+import{ScalaCompleter, Candidates}
+import scala.util.control.NonFatal
+class PresentationCompilerCompleter(intp: IMain) extends Completion with ScalaCompleter {
+ import PresentationCompilerCompleter._
+ import intp.{PresentationCompileResult => Result}
+ private type Handler = Result => Candidates
+ private var lastRequest = NoRequest
+ private var tabCount = 0
+ private var lastCommonPrefixCompletion: Option[String] = None
+ def resetVerbosity(): Unit = { tabCount = 0 ; lastRequest = NoRequest }
+ def completer(): ScalaCompleter = this
+ // A convenience for testing
+ def complete(before: String, after: String = ""): Candidates = complete(before + after, before.length)
+ override def complete(buf: String, cursor: Int): Candidates = {
+ val request = Request(buf, cursor)
+ if (request == lastRequest)
+ tabCount += 1
+ else {
+ tabCount = 0
+ lastRequest = request
+ }
+ // secret handshakes
+ val slashPrint = """.*// *print *""".r
+ val slashTypeAt = """.*// *typeAt *(\d+) *(\d+) *""".r
+ val Cursor = IMain.DummyCursorFragment + " "
+ def print(result: Result) = {
+ val offset = result.preambleLength
+ val pos1 = result.unit.source.position(offset).withEnd(offset + buf.length)
+ import result.compiler._
+ val tree = new Locator(pos1) locateIn result.unit.body match {
+ case Template(_, _, constructor :: (rest :+ last)) => if (rest.isEmpty) last else Block(rest, last)
+ case t => t
+ }
+ val printed = showCode(tree) + " // : " + tree.tpe.safeToString
+ Candidates(cursor, "" :: printed :: Nil)
+ }
+ def typeAt(result: Result, start: Int, end: Int) = {
+ val tpString = result.compiler.exitingTyper(result.typedTreeAt(buf, start, end).tpe.toString)
+ Candidates(cursor, "" :: tpString :: Nil)
+ }
+ def candidates(result: Result): Candidates = {
+ import result.compiler._
+ import CompletionResult._
+ def defStringCandidates(matching: List[Member], name: Name): Candidates = {
+ val defStrings = for {
+ member <- matching
+ if member.symNameDropLocal == name
+ sym <- member.sym.alternatives
+ sugared = sym.sugaredSymbolOrSelf
+ } yield {
+ val tp = member.prefix memberType sym
+ sugared.defStringSeenAs(tp)
+ }
+ Candidates(cursor, "" :: defStrings.distinct)
+ }
+ val found = result.completionsAt(cursor) match {
+ case NoResults => Completion.NoCandidates
+ case r =>
+ def shouldHide(m: Member): Boolean = {
+ val isUniversal = definitions.isUniversalMember(m.sym)
+ def viaUniversalExtensionMethod = m match {
+ case t: TypeMember if t.implicitlyAdded && => true
+ case _ => false
+ }
+ (
+ isUniversal && nme.isReplWrapperName(
+ || isUniversal && tabCount == 0 &&
+ || viaUniversalExtensionMethod && tabCount == 0 &&
+ )
+ }
+ val matching = r.matchingResults().filterNot(shouldHide)
+ val tabAfterCommonPrefixCompletion = lastCommonPrefixCompletion.contains(buf.substring(0, cursor)) && matching.exists(_.symNameDropLocal ==
+ val doubleTab = tabCount > 0 && matching.forall(_.symNameDropLocal ==
+ if (tabAfterCommonPrefixCompletion || doubleTab) defStringCandidates(matching,
+ else if (matching.isEmpty) {
+ // Lenient matching based on camel case and on eliding JavaBean "get" / "is" boilerplate
+ val camelMatches: List[Member] = r.matchingResults(CompletionResult.camelMatch(_)).filterNot(shouldHide)
+ val memberCompletions =
+ def allowCompletion = (
+ (memberCompletions.size == 1)
+ || CompletionResult.camelMatch(
+ )
+ if (memberCompletions.isEmpty) Completion.NoCandidates
+ else if (allowCompletion) Candidates(cursor - r.positionDelta, memberCompletions)
+ else Candidates(cursor, "" :: memberCompletions)
+ } else if (matching.nonEmpty && matching.forall(_.symNameDropLocal ==
+ Completion.NoCandidates // don't offer completion if the only option has been fully typed already
+ else {
+ // regular completion
+ val memberCompletions: List[String] =
+ Candidates(cursor - r.positionDelta, memberCompletions)
+ }
+ }
+ lastCommonPrefixCompletion =
+ if (found != Completion.NoCandidates && buf.length >= found.cursor)
+ Some(buf.substring(0, found.cursor) + StringOps.longestCommonPrefix(found.candidates))
+ else
+ None
+ found
+ }
+ val buf1 = buf.patch(cursor, Cursor, 0)
+ try {
+ intp.presentationCompile(buf1) match {
+ case Left(_) => Completion.NoCandidates
+ case Right(result) => try {
+ buf match {
+ case slashPrint() if cursor == buf.length => print(result)
+ case slashTypeAt(start, end) if cursor == buf.length => typeAt(result, start.toInt, end.toInt)
+ case _ => candidates(result)
+ }
+ } finally result.cleanup()
+ }
+ } catch {
+ case NonFatal(e) =>
+ if (isReplDebug) e.printStackTrace()
+ Completion.NoCandidates
+ }
+ }
+object PresentationCompilerCompleter {
+ private case class Request(line: String, cursor: Int)
+ private val NoRequest = Request("", -1)