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diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/transform/Constructors.scala b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/transform/Constructors.scala
index 2b7402100b..83cc2ba5c7 100644
--- a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/transform/Constructors.scala
+++ b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/transform/Constructors.scala
@@ -355,10 +355,129 @@ abstract class Constructors extends Transform with ast.TreeDSL {
} // DelayedInitHelper
+ private trait GuardianOfCtorStmts { self: TemplateTransformer =>
+ /* Return a single list of statements, merging the generic class constructor with the
+ * specialized stats. The original statements are retyped in the current class, and
+ * assignments to generic fields that have a corresponding specialized assignment in
+ * `specializedStats` are replaced by the specialized assignment.
+ */
+ private def mergeConstructors(genericClazz: Symbol, originalStats: List[Tree], specializedStats: List[Tree]): List[Tree] = {
+ val specBuf = new ListBuffer[Tree]
+ specBuf ++= specializedStats
+ def specializedAssignFor(sym: Symbol): Option[Tree] =
+ specializedStats find {
+ case Assign(sel @ Select(This(_), _), _) =>
+ sel.symbol.isSpecialized && (nme.unspecializedName(sel.symbol.getterName) == sym.getterName)
+ case _ => false
+ }
+ /* Rewrite calls to ScalaRunTime.array_update to the proper apply method in scala.Array.
+ * Erasure transforms Array.update to ScalaRunTime.update when the element type is a type
+ * variable, but after specialization this is a concrete primitive type, so it would
+ * be an error to pass it to array_update(.., .., Object).
+ */
+ def rewriteArrayUpdate(tree: Tree): Tree = {
+ val adapter = new Transformer {
+ override def transform(t: Tree): Tree = t match {
+ case Apply(fun @ Select(receiver, method), List(xs, idx, v)) if fun.symbol == arrayUpdateMethod =>
+ localTyper.typed(Apply(gen.mkAttributedSelect(xs, arrayUpdateMethod), List(idx, v)))
+ case _ => super.transform(t)
+ }
+ }
+ adapter.transform(tree)
+ }
+ log("merging: " + originalStats.mkString("\n") + "\nwith\n" + specializedStats.mkString("\n"))
+ val res = for (s <- originalStats; stat = s.duplicate) yield {
+ log("merge: looking at " + stat)
+ val stat1 = stat match {
+ case Assign(sel @ Select(This(_), field), _) =>
+ specializedAssignFor(sel.symbol).getOrElse(stat)
+ case _ => stat
+ }
+ if (stat1 ne stat) {
+ log("replaced " + stat + " with " + stat1)
+ specBuf -= stat1
+ }
+ if (stat1 eq stat) {
+ assert(ctorParams(genericClazz).length == constrInfo.constrParams.length)
+ // this is just to make private fields public
+ (new specializeTypes.ImplementationAdapter(ctorParams(genericClazz), constrInfo.constrParams, null, true))(stat1)
+ val stat2 = rewriteArrayUpdate(stat1)
+ // statements coming from the original class need retyping in the current context
+ debuglog("retyping " + stat2)
+ val d = new specializeTypes.Duplicator(Map[Symbol, Type]())
+ d.retyped(localTyper.context1.asInstanceOf[d.Context],
+ stat2,
+ genericClazz,
+ clazz,
+ Map.empty)
+ } else
+ stat1
+ }
+ if (specBuf.nonEmpty)
+ println("residual specialized constructor statements: " + specBuf)
+ res
+ }
+ /* Add an 'if' around the statements coming after the super constructor. This
+ * guard is necessary if the code uses specialized fields. A specialized field is
+ * initialized in the subclass constructor, but the accessors are (already) overridden
+ * and pointing to the (empty) fields. To fix this, a class with specialized fields
+ * will not run its constructor statements if the instance is specialized. The specialized
+ * subclass includes a copy of those constructor statements, and runs them. To flag that a class
+ * has specialized fields, and their initialization should be deferred to the subclass, method
+ * 'specInstance$' is added in phase specialize.
+ */
+ def guardSpecializedInitializer(stats: List[Tree]): List[Tree] = if (settings.nospecialization.value) stats else {
+ // // split the statements in presuper and postsuper
+ // var (prefix, postfix) = stats0.span(tree => !((tree.symbol ne null) && tree.symbol.isConstructor))
+ // if (postfix.nonEmpty) {
+ // prefix = prefix :+ postfix.head
+ // postfix = postfix.tail
+ // }
+ if (usesSpecializedField && shouldGuard && stats.nonEmpty) {
+ // save them for duplication in the specialized subclass
+ guardedCtorStats(clazz) = stats
+ ctorParams(clazz) = constrInfo.constrParams
+ val tree =
+ If(
+ Apply(
+ Apply(gen.mkAttributedRef(specializedFlag), List())),
+ List()),
+ Block(stats, Literal(Constant(()))),
+ EmptyTree)
+ List(localTyper.typed(tree))
+ }
+ else if (clazz.hasFlag(SPECIALIZED)) {
+ // add initialization from its generic class constructor
+ val genericName = nme.unspecializedName(
+ val genericClazz =
+ assert(genericClazz != NoSymbol, clazz)
+ guardedCtorStats.get(genericClazz) match {
+ case Some(stats1) => mergeConstructors(genericClazz, stats1, stats)
+ case None => stats
+ }
+ } else stats
+ }
+ } // GuardianOfCtorStmts
private class TemplateTransformer(val unit: CompilationUnit, val impl: Template)
extends Transformer
with DelayedInitHelper
- with OmittablesHelper {
+ with OmittablesHelper
+ with GuardianOfCtorStmts {
val clazz = impl.symbol.owner // the transformed class
val stats = impl.body // the transformed template body
@@ -569,120 +688,6 @@ abstract class Constructors extends Transform with ast.TreeDSL {
copyParam(acc, parameter(acc))
- /* Return a single list of statements, merging the generic class constructor with the
- * specialized stats. The original statements are retyped in the current class, and
- * assignments to generic fields that have a corresponding specialized assignment in
- * `specializedStats` are replaced by the specialized assignment.
- */
- def mergeConstructors(genericClazz: Symbol, originalStats: List[Tree], specializedStats: List[Tree]): List[Tree] = {
- val specBuf = new ListBuffer[Tree]
- specBuf ++= specializedStats
- def specializedAssignFor(sym: Symbol): Option[Tree] =
- specializedStats find {
- case Assign(sel @ Select(This(_), _), _) =>
- sel.symbol.isSpecialized && (nme.unspecializedName(sel.symbol.getterName) == sym.getterName)
- case _ => false
- }
- /* Rewrite calls to ScalaRunTime.array_update to the proper apply method in scala.Array.
- * Erasure transforms Array.update to ScalaRunTime.update when the element type is a type
- * variable, but after specialization this is a concrete primitive type, so it would
- * be an error to pass it to array_update(.., .., Object).
- */
- def rewriteArrayUpdate(tree: Tree): Tree = {
- val adapter = new Transformer {
- override def transform(t: Tree): Tree = t match {
- case Apply(fun @ Select(receiver, method), List(xs, idx, v)) if fun.symbol == arrayUpdateMethod =>
- localTyper.typed(Apply(gen.mkAttributedSelect(xs, arrayUpdateMethod), List(idx, v)))
- case _ => super.transform(t)
- }
- }
- adapter.transform(tree)
- }
- log("merging: " + originalStats.mkString("\n") + "\nwith\n" + specializedStats.mkString("\n"))
- val res = for (s <- originalStats; stat = s.duplicate) yield {
- log("merge: looking at " + stat)
- val stat1 = stat match {
- case Assign(sel @ Select(This(_), field), _) =>
- specializedAssignFor(sel.symbol).getOrElse(stat)
- case _ => stat
- }
- if (stat1 ne stat) {
- log("replaced " + stat + " with " + stat1)
- specBuf -= stat1
- }
- if (stat1 eq stat) {
- assert(ctorParams(genericClazz).length == constrParams.length)
- // this is just to make private fields public
- (new specializeTypes.ImplementationAdapter(ctorParams(genericClazz), constrParams, null, true))(stat1)
- val stat2 = rewriteArrayUpdate(stat1)
- // statements coming from the original class need retyping in the current context
- debuglog("retyping " + stat2)
- val d = new specializeTypes.Duplicator(Map[Symbol, Type]())
- d.retyped(localTyper.context1.asInstanceOf[d.Context],
- stat2,
- genericClazz,
- clazz,
- Map.empty)
- } else
- stat1
- }
- if (specBuf.nonEmpty)
- println("residual specialized constructor statements: " + specBuf)
- res
- }
- /* Add an 'if' around the statements coming after the super constructor. This
- * guard is necessary if the code uses specialized fields. A specialized field is
- * initialized in the subclass constructor, but the accessors are (already) overridden
- * and pointing to the (empty) fields. To fix this, a class with specialized fields
- * will not run its constructor statements if the instance is specialized. The specialized
- * subclass includes a copy of those constructor statements, and runs them. To flag that a class
- * has specialized fields, and their initialization should be deferred to the subclass, method
- * 'specInstance$' is added in phase specialize.
- */
- def guardSpecializedInitializer(stats: List[Tree]): List[Tree] = if (settings.nospecialization.value) stats else {
- // // split the statements in presuper and postsuper
- // var (prefix, postfix) = stats0.span(tree => !((tree.symbol ne null) && tree.symbol.isConstructor))
- // if (postfix.nonEmpty) {
- // prefix = prefix :+ postfix.head
- // postfix = postfix.tail
- // }
- if (usesSpecializedField && shouldGuard && stats.nonEmpty) {
- // save them for duplication in the specialized subclass
- guardedCtorStats(clazz) = stats
- ctorParams(clazz) = constrParams
- val tree =
- If(
- Apply(
- Apply(gen.mkAttributedRef(specializedFlag), List())),
- List()),
- Block(stats, Literal(Constant(()))),
- EmptyTree)
- List(localTyper.typed(tree))
- }
- else if (clazz.hasFlag(SPECIALIZED)) {
- // add initialization from its generic class constructor
- val genericName = nme.unspecializedName(
- val genericClazz =
- assert(genericClazz != NoSymbol, clazz)
- guardedCtorStats.get(genericClazz) match {
- case Some(stats1) => mergeConstructors(genericClazz, stats1, stats)
- case None => stats
- }
- } else stats
- }
/* Return a pair consisting of (all statements up to and including superclass and trait constr calls, rest) */
def splitAtSuper(stats: List[Tree]) = {
def isConstr(tree: Tree): Boolean = tree match {