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diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/tools/util/Javap.scala b/src/compiler/scala/tools/util/Javap.scala
index b39d5a5d89..cbfd8fec51 100644
--- a/src/compiler/scala/tools/util/Javap.scala
+++ b/src/compiler/scala/tools/util/Javap.scala
@@ -61,11 +61,11 @@ class JavapClass(
def apply(args: Seq[String]): List[JpResult] = {
val (options, claases) = args partition (s => (s startsWith "-") && s.length > 1)
val (flags, upgraded) = upgrade(options)
- if ( || claases.isEmpty) List(JpResult(JavapTool.helper(printWriter)))
- else {
- val targets = if ( FunFinder(loader, intp).funs(claases) else claases
- tool(flags.raw, upgraded)(targets map (claas => claas -> bytesFor(claas,
- }
+ import flags.{ app, fun, help, raw }
+ val targets = if (fun && !help) FunFinder(loader, intp).funs(claases) else claases
+ if (help || claases.isEmpty) List(JpResult(JavapTool.helper(printWriter)))
+ else if (targets.isEmpty) List(JpResult("No anonfuns found."))
+ else tool(raw, upgraded)(targets map (claas => claas -> bytesFor(claas, app)))
/** Cull our tool options. */
@@ -74,10 +74,14 @@ class JavapClass(
case (t,s) => (t, JavapTool.DefaultOptions)
- /** Find bytes. Handle "-", "-app", "Foo#bar" (by ignoring member). */
+ /** Find bytes. Handle "-", "-app", "Foo#bar" (by ignoring member), "#bar" (by taking "bar"). */
private def bytesFor(path: String, app: Boolean) = Try {
def last = intp.get.mostRecentVar // fail if no intp
- def req = if (path == "-") last else path.splitHashMember._1
+ def req = if (path == "-") last else {
+ val s = path.splitHashMember
+ if (s._1.nonEmpty) s._1
+ else s._2 getOrElse "#"
+ }
def asAppBody(s: String) = {
val (cls, fix) = s.splitSuffix
@@ -146,16 +150,70 @@ class JavapClass(
+ /** Base class for javap tool adapters for java 6 and 7. */
abstract class JavapTool {
type ByteAry = Array[Byte]
type Input = Pair[String, Try[ByteAry]]
+ /** Run the tool. */
def apply(raw: Boolean, options: Seq[String])(inputs: Seq[Input]): List[JpResult]
// Since the tool is loaded by reflection, check for catastrophic failure.
protected def failed: Boolean
implicit protected class Failer[A](a: =>A) {
def orFailed[B >: A](b: =>B) = if (failed) b else a
protected def noToolError = new JpError(s"No javap tool available: ${getClass.getName} failed to initialize.")
+ // output filtering support
+ val writer = new CharArrayWriter
+ def written = {
+ writer.flush()
+ val w = writer.toString
+ writer.reset()
+ w
+ }
+ /** Create a Showable with output massage.
+ * @param raw show ugly repl names
+ * @param target attempt to filter output to show region of interest
+ * @param preamble other messages to output
+ */
+ def showWithPreamble(raw: Boolean, target: String, preamble: String = ""): Showable = new Showable {
+ // ReplStrippingWriter clips and scrubs on write(String)
+ // circumvent it by write(mw, 0, mw.length) or wrap it in withoutUnwrapping
+ def show() =
+ if (raw && intp.isDefined) intp.get withoutUnwrapping { writeLines() }
+ else writeLines()
+ private def writeLines() {
+ // take Foo# as Foo#apply for purposes of filtering. Useful for -fun Foo#;
+ // if apply is added here, it's for other than -fun: javap Foo#, perhaps m#?
+ val filterOn = target.splitHashMember._2 map { s => if (s.isEmpty) "apply" else s }
+ var filtering = false // true if in region matching filter
+ // true to output
+ def checkFilter(line: String) = if (filterOn.isEmpty) true else {
+ // cheap heuristic, todo maybe parse for the java sig.
+ // method sigs end in paren semi
+ def isAnyMethod = line.endsWith(");")
+ def isOurMethod = {
+ val lparen = line.lastIndexOf('(')
+ val blank = line.lastIndexOf(' ', lparen)
+ (blank >= 0 && line.substring(blank+1, lparen) == filterOn.get)
+ }
+ filtering = if (filtering) {
+ // next blank line terminates section
+ // for -public, next line is next method, more or less
+ line.trim.nonEmpty && !isAnyMethod
+ } else {
+ isAnyMethod && isOurMethod
+ }
+ filtering
+ }
+ for (line <- Source.fromString(preamble + written).getLines; if checkFilter(line))
+ printWriter write line+lineSeparator
+ printWriter.flush()
+ }
+ }
class JavapTool6 extends JavapTool {
@@ -165,10 +223,13 @@ class JavapClass(
override protected def failed = (EnvClass eq null) || (PrinterClass eq null)
val PrinterCtr = PrinterClass.getConstructor(classOf[InputStream], classOf[PrintWriter], EnvClass) orFailed null
+ val printWrapper = new PrintWriter(writer)
def newPrinter(in: InputStream, env: FakeEnvironment): FakePrinter =
- PrinterCtr.newInstance(in, printWriter, env) orFailed null
- def showable(fp: FakePrinter) = new Showable {
- def show() = fp.asInstanceOf[{ def print(): Unit }].print()
+ PrinterCtr.newInstance(in, printWrapper, env) orFailed null
+ def showable(raw: Boolean, target: String, fp: FakePrinter): Showable = {
+ fp.asInstanceOf[{ def print(): Unit }].print() // run tool and flush to buffer
+ printWrapper.flush() // just in case
+ showWithPreamble(raw, target)
lazy val parser = new JpOptions
@@ -187,8 +248,8 @@ class JavapClass(
override def apply(raw: Boolean, options: Seq[String])(inputs: Seq[Input]): List[JpResult] =
(inputs map {
- case (_, Success(ba)) => JpResult(showable(newPrinter(new ByteArrayInputStream(ba), newEnv(options))))
- case (_, Failure(e)) => JpResult(e.toString)
+ case (claas, Success(ba)) => JpResult(showable(raw, claas, newPrinter(new ByteArrayInputStream(ba), newEnv(options))))
+ case (_, Failure(e)) => JpResult(e.toString)
}).toList orFailed List(noToolError)
@@ -284,50 +345,11 @@ class JavapClass(
case _ => false
- val writer = new CharArrayWriter
def fileManager(inputs: Seq[Input]) = new JavapFileManager(inputs)()
- def showable(raw: Boolean, target: String): Showable = {
- val written = {
- writer.flush()
- val w = writer.toString
- writer.reset()
- w
- }
- val msgs = reporter.reportable(raw)
- new Showable {
- val mw = msgs + written
- // ReplStrippingWriter clips and scrubs on write(String)
- // circumvent it by write(mw, 0, mw.length) or wrap it in withoutUnwrapping
- def show() =
- if (raw && intp.isDefined) intp.get withoutUnwrapping { writeLines() }
- else writeLines()
- private def writeLines() {
- // take Foo# as Foo#apply for purposes of filtering. Useful for -fun Foo#
- val filterOn = target.splitHashMember._2 map { s => if (s.isEmpty) "apply" else s }
- var filtering = false // true if in region matching filter
- // true to output
- def checkFilter(line: String) = if (filterOn.isEmpty) true else {
- def isOurMethod = {
- val lparen = line.lastIndexOf('(')
- val blank = line.lastIndexOf(' ', lparen)
- (blank >= 0 && line.substring(blank+1, lparen) == filterOn.get)
- }
- filtering = if (filtering) {
- // next blank line terminates section
- line.trim.nonEmpty
- } else {
- // cheap heuristic, todo maybe parse for the java sig.
- // method sigs end in paren semi
- line.endsWith(");") && isOurMethod
- }
- filtering
- }
- for (line <- Source.fromString(mw).getLines; if checkFilter(line))
- printWriter write line+lineSeparator
- printWriter.flush()
- }
- }
- }
+ // show tool messages and tool output, with output massage
+ def showable(raw: Boolean, target: String): Showable = showWithPreamble(raw, target, reporter.reportable(raw))
// eventually, use the tool interface
def task(options: Seq[String], claases: Seq[String], inputs: Seq[Input]): Task = {
@@ -529,7 +551,11 @@ object JavapClass {
/* only the file location from which the given class is loaded */
def locate(k: String): Option[Path] = {
Try {
- (cl loadClass k).getProtectionDomain.getCodeSource.getLocation
+ val claas = try cl loadClass k catch {
+ case _: NoClassDefFoundError => null // let it snow
+ }
+ // cf ScalaClassLoader.originOfClass
+ claas.getProtectionDomain.getCodeSource.getLocation
} match {
case Success(null) => None
case Success(loc) if loc.isFile => Some(Path(new JFile(loc.toURI)))
@@ -588,28 +614,37 @@ object JavapClass {
(new Jar(f) map maybe).flatten
def loadable(name: String) = loader resourceable name
- // translated class, optional member, whether it is repl output
- def translate(s: String): (String, Option[String], Boolean) = {
+ // translated class, optional member, opt member to filter on, whether it is repl output
+ def translate(s: String): (String, Option[String], Option[String], Boolean) = {
val (k0, m0) = s.splitHashMember
+ val k = k0.asClassName
val member = m0 filter (_.nonEmpty) // take Foo# as no member, not ""
+ val filter = m0 flatMap { case "" => Some("apply") case _ => None } // take Foo# as filter on apply
// class is either something replish or available to loader
// $line.$read$$etc$Foo#member
- ((intp flatMap (_ translatePath k0) filter (loadable) map ((_, member, true)))
- // s = "f" and $line.$read$$etc$#f is what we're after, ignoring any #member
- orElse (intp flatMap (_ translateEnclosingClass k0) map ((_, Some(s), true)))
- getOrElse (k0, member, false))
+ ((intp flatMap (_ translatePath k) filter (loadable) map ((_, member, filter, true)))
+ // s = "f" and $line.$read$$etc$#f is what we're after,
+ // ignoring any #member (except take # as filter on #apply)
+ orElse (intp flatMap (_ translateEnclosingClass k) map ((_, Some(k), filter, true)))
+ getOrElse (k, member, filter, false))
/** Find the classnames of anonfuns associated with k,
* where k may be an available class or a symbol in scope.
def funsOf(k0: String): Seq[String] = {
// class is either something replish or available to loader
- val (k, member, isReplish) = translate(k0)
+ val (k, member, filter, isReplish) = translate(k0)
val splat = k split "\\."
val name = splat.last
val prefix = if (splat.length > 1) splat.init mkString "/" else ""
val pkg = if (splat.length > 1) splat.init mkString "." else ""
- def packaged(s: String) = if (pkg.isEmpty) s else s"$pkg.$s"
+ // reconstitute an anonfun with a package
+ // if filtered, add the hash back, e.g. pkg.Foo#bar, pkg.Foo$anon$1#apply
+ def packaged(s: String) = {
+ val p = if (pkg.isEmpty) s else s"$pkg.$s"
+ val pm = filter map (p + "#" + _)
+ pm getOrElse p
+ }
// is this translated path in (usually virtual) repl outdir? or loadable from filesystem?
val fs = if (isReplish) {
def outed(d: AbstractFile, p: Seq[String]): Option[AbstractFile] = {
@@ -628,7 +663,7 @@ object JavapClass {
fs match {
case Some(xs) =>[Seq] // maybe empty
- case None => Seq(k0) // just bail on fail
+ case None => Seq() // nothing found, e.g., junk input
def funs(ks: Seq[String]) = ks flatMap funsOf _