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3 files changed, 173 insertions, 92 deletions
diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/matching/CodeFactory.scala b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/matching/CodeFactory.scala
index 9013a49185..8494b9e4bf 100644
--- a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/matching/CodeFactory.scala
+++ b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/matching/CodeFactory.scala
@@ -8,7 +8,10 @@ package
-trait CodeFactory { self: transform.ExplicitOuter =>
+/** contains many helper methods that build trees...some of these currently unused, since were for regexp matching
+ */
+trait CodeFactory {
+ self: transform.ExplicitOuter =>
import global._
@@ -17,6 +20,22 @@ trait CodeFactory { self: transform.ExplicitOuter =>
import posAssigner.atPos // for filling in tree positions
+ def targetLabel(owner: Symbol, pos: Position, name:String, argtpes:List[Type], resultTpe: Type) =
+ owner.newLabel(pos, name).setInfo(new MethodType(argtpes, resultTpe))
+ def targetParams(subst:List[Pair[Symbol,Symbol]]) = subst map {
+ case (v,t) => ValDef(v, {
+ v.setFlag(symtab.Flags.TRANS_FLAG);
+ if(t.tpe <:< v.tpe) typed{Ident(t)}
+ else if(v.tpe <:< t.tpe) typed{gen.mkAsInstanceOf(Ident(t),v.tpe)} // refinement
+ else {
+ //Console.println("internal error, types don't match: pattern variable "+v+":"+v.tpe+" temp "+t+":"+t.tpe)
+ error("internal error, types don't match: pattern variable "+v+":"+v.tpe+" temp "+t+":"+t.tpe)
+ typed{gen.mkAsInstanceOf(Ident(t),v.tpe)} // refinement
+ }
+ })
+ }
/** returns `List[ Tuple2[ scala.Int, <elemType> ] ]' */
def SeqTraceType(elemType: Type): Type =
@@ -235,6 +254,9 @@ trait CodeFactory { self: transform.ExplicitOuter =>
var nstatic = 0
def squeezedBlock(vds:List[Tree], exp:Tree)(implicit theOwner: Symbol): Tree = {
+ Block(vds,exp)
+ }
+ def squeezedBlock1(vds:List[Tree], exp:Tree)(implicit theOwner: Symbol): Tree = {
val tpe = exp.tpe
class RefTraverser(sym:Symbol) extends Traverser {
var nref = 0
diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/matching/ParallelMatching.scala b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/matching/ParallelMatching.scala
index 91c22eca8c..90a36070f9 100644
--- a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/matching/ParallelMatching.scala
+++ b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/matching/ParallelMatching.scala
@@ -25,12 +25,22 @@ trait ParallelMatching {
case class ErrorRule extends RuleApplication
case class VariableRule(subst:List[Pair[Symbol,Symbol]], guard: Tree, body: Tree) extends RuleApplication
- def MixtureRule(scrutinee:Symbol, column:List[Tree], rest:Rep): MixtureRule = {
- if((scrutinee.tpe =:= definitions.IntClass.tpe) && (column forall {case Literal(c) => true case _ => false})) {
- throw CantOptimize
- //@todo: add SwitchRule, a special case of MixtureRule
+ def MixtureRule(scrutinee:Symbol, column:List[Tree], rest:Rep): RuleApplication = {
+ def isSimpleIntSwitch: Boolean = {
+ (isSameType(scrutinee.tpe.widen, definitions.IntClass.tpe)) && {
+ var xs = column
+ while(!xs.isEmpty) { // forall
+ val h = xs.head
+ if(h.isInstanceOf[Literal] || isDefaultPattern(h)) { xs = xs.tail } else return false
+ }
+ return true
+ }}
+ def containsUnapply = column exists { _.isInstanceOf[UnApply] }
+ if(isSimpleIntSwitch) {
+ new MixLiterals(scrutinee, column, rest)
} else {
- new MixtureRule(scrutinee, column, rest)
+ new MixTypes(scrutinee, column, rest)
@@ -41,10 +51,92 @@ trait ParallelMatching {
- class MixtureRule(val scrutinee:Symbol, val column:List[Tree], val rest:Rep) extends RuleApplication {
- var parent: Rep = null
- def setParent(rep:Rep) = { parent = rep; this }
+ /** this rule gets translated to a switch. all defaults/same literals are collected
+ */
+ class MixLiterals(val scrutinee:Symbol, val column:List[Tree], val rest:Rep) extends RuleApplication {
+ var defaults: List[Int] = Nil
+ var defaultV: List[Symbol] = Nil
+ // sorted e.g. case _ => 1,5,7
+ private def insertDefault(tag: Int,vs:List[Symbol]) {
+ def ins(xs:List[Int]):List[Int] = xs match {
+ case y::ys if y > tag => y::ins(ys)
+ case _ => tag :: Nil
+ }
+ defaultV = defaultV:::vs
+ defaults = ins(defaults)
+ }
+ class TagIndexPair(val tag:Int, val index: Int, val next: TagIndexPair) {}
+ // e.g. (1,1) (1,3) (42,2) for column {case ..1.. => ;; case ..42..=> ;; case ..1.. => }
+ private def insertTagIndexPair(tag: Int, index: Int) {
+ def ins(current: TagIndexPair): TagIndexPair = {
+ if (current eq null)
+ new TagIndexPair(tag, index, null)
+ else if (tag > current.tag) // maintain relative order
+ new TagIndexPair(current.tag, current.index, ins(
+ else
+ new TagIndexPair(tag, index, current)
+ }
+ tagIndexPairs = ins(tagIndexPairs)
+ }
+ var tagIndexPairs: TagIndexPair = null
+ {
+ var xs = column
+ var i = 0;
+ while(!xs.isEmpty) { // forall
+ xs.head match {
+ case Literal(Constant(c:Int)) => insertTagIndexPair(c,i)
+ case Literal(Constant(c:Char)) => insertTagIndexPair(c.toInt,i)
+ case p if isDefaultPattern(p) => insertDefault(i,strip(p)._1)
+ }
+ i = i + 1
+ xs = xs.tail
+ }
+ }
+ def tagIndicesToReps = {
+ var trs:List[(Int,Rep)] = Nil
+ while(tagIndexPairs ne null) { // collect all with same tag
+ val tag = tagIndexPairs.tag
+ var tagRows = rest.row(tagIndexPairs.index)::Nil
+ tagIndexPairs =
+ while((tagIndexPairs ne null) && tagIndexPairs.tag == tag) {
+ tagRows = rest.row(tagIndexPairs.index)::tagRows
+ tagIndexPairs =
+ }
+ trs = (tag, Rep(rest.temp, tagRows)) :: trs
+ }
+ trs
+ }
+ def defaultsToRep = {
+ var drows:List[(List[Tree], List[(Symbol,Symbol)], Tree, Tree)] = Nil
+ while(defaults ne Nil) {
+ drows = rest.row(defaults.head) :: drows
+ defaults = defaults.tail
+ }
+ Rep(rest.temp, drows)
+ }
+ def getTransition(implicit theOwner: Symbol): (List[(Int,Rep)],List[Symbol],Option[Rep]) =
+ (tagIndicesToReps, defaultV, {if(!defaults.isEmpty) Some(defaultsToRep) else None})
+ }
+ class MixUnapply(val scrutinee:Symbol, val column:List[Tree], val rest:Rep) extends RuleApplication {
+ }
+ /** this rule handles a column of type tests (and also tests for literals)
+ */
+ class MixTypes(val scrutinee:Symbol, val column:List[Tree], val rest:Rep) extends RuleApplication {
+ //var parent: Rep = null
+ //def setParent(rep:Rep) = { parent = rep; this }
var casted: Symbol = null
var moreSpecific: List[Tree] = Nil
var subsumed: List[(Int,List[Tree])] = Nil // row index and subpatterns
@@ -56,11 +148,9 @@ trait ParallelMatching {
scrutinee.tpe.symbol.children.forall { sym => tpes.contains(sym) }
- //DEBUG("Mixture, is exhaustive? "+isExhaustive)
- //if(!isExhaustive)
- // cunit.warning(column.head.pos, "match is not exhaustive, I think (first approx)")
private val patternType = column.head match {
- case p@(_:Ident | _:Select) => singleType(p.symbol.tpe.prefix, p.symbol) //ConstantType(p.tpe.singleton)
+ case p @ (_:Ident | _:Select) =>
+ singleType(p.symbol.tpe.prefix, p.symbol) //ConstantType(p.tpe.singleton)
//case p@Apply(_,_) if !p.tpe.symbol.hasFlag(symtab.Flags.CASE) => ConstantType(new NamedConstant(p))
case _ => column.head.tpe
@@ -131,9 +221,10 @@ trait ParallelMatching {
this.remaining = sr._3.reverse
sr = null
override def toString = {
- "MixtureRule("+scrutinee+":"+scrutinee.tpe+") {\n moreSpecific:"+moreSpecific+"\n subsumed:"+subsumed+"\n remaining"+remaining+"\n}"
+ "MixTypes("+scrutinee+":"+scrutinee.tpe+") {\n moreSpecific:"+moreSpecific+"\n subsumed:"+subsumed+"\n remaining"+remaining+"\n}"
+ /** returns casted symbol, success matrix and optionally fail matrix for type test on the top of this column */
def getTransition(implicit theOwner: Symbol): (Symbol, Rep, Option[Rep]) = {
//DEBUG("*** getTransition! of "+this.toString)
// the following works for type tests... what fudge is necessary for value comparisons?
@@ -172,7 +263,7 @@ trait ParallelMatching {
// BTW duplicating body/guard, gets you "defined twice" error cause hashing breaks
- Rep(ntemps, ntriples) setParent this
+ Rep(ntemps, ntriples) /*setParent this*/
// fails => transition to translate(remaining)
@@ -184,7 +275,7 @@ trait ParallelMatching {
case (j, pat) => val r = rest.row(j); (pat :: r._1, r._2, r._3, r._4)
//Console.println("nmatrixfail triples:"+ntriples)
- if(ntriples.isEmpty) None else Some(Rep(ntemps, ntriples) setParent this)
+ if(ntriples.isEmpty) None else Some(Rep(ntemps, ntriples) /*setParent this*/)
if(!nmatrixFail.isEmpty) {
//DEBUG("nmatrix for failing type test "+patternType)
@@ -196,53 +287,54 @@ trait ParallelMatching {
} // end getTransitions
+ /** converts given rep to a tree - performs recursive call to translation in the process to get sub reps
+ */
def repToTree(rep:Rep, typed:Tree => Tree, handleOuter: Tree => Tree)(implicit theOwner: Symbol, failTree: Tree, bodies: collection.mutable.Map[Tree,(Tree,Tree, Symbol)]): Tree = {
rep.applyRule match {
case VariableRule(subst, EmptyTree, b) => bodies.get(b) match {
- case Some(EmptyTree, b, theLabel) =>
- //Console.println("H E L L O"+subst+" "+b)
- val args = b match {
- case Block(_, LabelDef(_, origs, _)) =>
- //this does not work { p => Ident(p._2) }
+ case Some(EmptyTree, b, theLabel) => //Console.println("H E L L O"+subst+" "+b)
- // recover the order of the idents that is expected for the labeldef
+ // recover the order of the idents that is expected for the labeldef
+ val args = b match { case Block(_, LabelDef(_, origs, _)) =>
+ { p => Ident(subst.find { q => q._1 == p.symbol }.get._2) } // wrong!
+ } // using this instead would not work: { p => Ident(p._2) }
// the order can be garbled, when default patterns are used... #bug 1163
- { p => Ident(subst.find { q => q._1 == p.symbol }.get._2) } // wrong!
- }
val body = Apply(Ident(theLabel), args)
return body
case None =>
- //Console.println("--- variable \n new ! subst = "+subst)
- val theLabel = theOwner.newLabel(b.pos, "body"+b.hashCode).setInfo(
- new MethodType(subst map { case (v,_) => v.tpe}, b.tpe)
- )
+ var argtpes = subst map { case (v,_) => v.tpe }
+ val theLabel = targetLabel(theOwner, b.pos, "body"+b.hashCode, argtpes, b.tpe)
// make new value parameter for each vsym in subst
- val vdefs = subst map {
- case (v,t) => ValDef(v, {
- v.setFlag(symtab.Flags.TRANS_FLAG);
- if(t.tpe <:< v.tpe) typed{Ident(t)} else
- if(v.tpe <:< t.tpe) typed{gen.mkAsInstanceOf(Ident(t),v.tpe)} // refinement
- else {
- //Console.println("internal error, types don't match: pattern variable "+v+":"+v.tpe+" temp "+t+":"+t.tpe)
- error("internal error, types don't match: pattern variable "+v+":"+v.tpe+" temp "+t+":"+t.tpe)
- typed{gen.mkAsInstanceOf(Ident(t),v.tpe)} // refinement
- }
- })
- }
- // this seems weird, but is necessary for sharing bodies. maybe could be spared if we know that a body
- // is not shared.
+ val vdefs = targetParams(subst)
+ // this seems weird, but is necessary for sharing bodies. unnecessary for bodies that are not shared
var nbody: Tree = b
val vrefs = { p:ValDef => Ident(p.symbol) }
- nbody = squeezedBlock(vdefs:::List(Apply(Ident(theLabel), vrefs)), LabelDef(theLabel,, nbody))
+ nbody = Block(vdefs:::List(Apply(Ident(theLabel), vrefs)), LabelDef(theLabel,, nbody))
bodies(b) = (EmptyTree, nbody, theLabel)
case VariableRule(subst,g,b) =>
throw CantHandleGuard
- case mm:MixtureRule =>
+ case ml:MixLiterals=>
+ val (branches, defaultV, default) = ml.getTransition // tag body pairs
+ val cases = branches map { case (tag, rep) => CaseDef(Literal(tag), EmptyTree, repToTree(rep,typed,handleOuter)) }
+ var ndefault = if(default.isEmpty) failTree else repToTree(default.get,typed,handleOuter)
+ if(!defaultV.isEmpty) {
+ var to:List[Symbol] = Nil
+ var i = 0; while(i < defaultV.length) { i = i + 1; to = ml.scrutinee::to }
+ val tss = new TreeSymSubstituter(defaultV, to)
+ tss.traverse( ndefault )
+ }
+ val defCase = CaseDef(Ident(nme.WILDCARD), EmptyTree, ndefault)
+ Match(Ident(ml.scrutinee), cases:::defCase::Nil)
+ case mm:MixTypes =>
val (casted,srep,frep) = mm.getTransition
//DEBUG("--- mixture \n succ \n"+srep.toString+"\n fail\n"+frep.toString)
//val cond = typed{gen.mkIsInstanceOf(Ident(mm.scrutinee), casted.tpe)}
@@ -273,7 +365,7 @@ trait ParallelMatching {
case Literal(Constant(false)) => elsep
case _ => If(cond, thenp, elsep)
- typed { makeIf(cond, squeezedBlock(vdefs,succ), fail) }
+ typed { makeIf(cond, Block(vdefs,succ), fail) }
@@ -404,9 +496,9 @@ object Rep {
} // end init
// if this was the *fail* branch, the Rep preceding this Rep
- var mixtureParent: MixtureRule = null
+ //var mixtureParent: MixTypes = null
- def setParent(mr:MixtureRule): this.type = { mixtureParent = mr; this }
+ //def setParent(mr:MixTypes): this.type = { mixtureParent = mr; this }
def applyRule: RuleApplication = row match {
case Nil => ErrorRule
@@ -426,7 +518,7 @@ object Rep {
val restTemp = temp.take(i) ::: temp.drop(i+1)
val restRows = row map { case (pats,subst,g,b) => (pats.take(i) ::: pats.drop(i+1),subst,g,b) }
- val r = MixtureRule(temp(i), column, Rep(restTemp,restRows)) setParent this
+ val r = MixtureRule(temp(i), column, Rep(restTemp,restRows))
diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/matching/PatternMatchers.scala b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/matching/PatternMatchers.scala
index 49ba0e5593..bf5c6919e6 100644
--- a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/matching/PatternMatchers.scala
+++ b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/matching/PatternMatchers.scala
@@ -758,9 +758,6 @@ print()
var tag: int = tag1
var body: Tree = body1
var next: TagBodyPair = next1
- def length(): Int =
- if (null == next) 1 else (next.length() + 1)
protected def defaultBody(patNode1: PatternNode, otherwise: Tree ): Tree = {
@@ -858,30 +855,24 @@ print()
patNode = patNode.nextH()
- var n = mappings.length()
var nCases: List[CaseDef] = Nil
while (mappings ne null) {
nCases = CaseDef(Literal(mappings.tag),
mappings.body) :: nCases;
mappings =;
- /*
- val tags = new Array[Int](n);
- val bodies = new Array[Tree](n);
- n = 0;
- while (mappings ne null) {
- tags(n) = mappings.tag;
- bodies(n) = mappings.body;
- n = n + 1;
- mappings =;
- }
- return Switch(selector, tags, bodies, defaultBody1, resultType);
- */
- nCases = CaseDef(Ident(nme.WILDCARD), squeezedBlock(List(ValDef(root.casted, selector)),defaultBody1)) :: nCases;
- Match(selector, nCases)
+ // ERASURE-PROBLEM this was how it was before, perfectly equivalent code
+ // nCases = CaseDef(Ident(nme.WILDCARD),Block(List(ValDef(root.casted, selector.duplicate)),defaultBody1)) :: nCases;
+ // Match(selector, nCases)
+ // changed to
+ nCases = CaseDef(Ident(nme.WILDCARD),defaultBody1) :: nCases;
+ Block(List(ValDef(root.casted, selector)),Match(Ident(root.casted), nCases))
var exit: Symbol = null
/** simple optimization: if the last pattern is `case _' (no guards), we won't generate the ThrowMatchError
@@ -971,8 +962,8 @@ print()
var node: PatternNode = node1
var next: TagNodePair = next1
- def length(): Int =
- if (null == next) 1 else (next.length() + 1)
+ //def length(): Int =
+ // if (null == next) 1 else (next.length() + 1)
final private def inheritsFromSealed(tpe:Type): Boolean = {
@@ -1024,31 +1015,7 @@ print()
case _ =>
scala.Predef.error("errare humanum est")
- var n = cases.length()
- /*
- val tags = new Array[int](n);
- val bodies = new Array[Tree](n);
- n = 0;
- while (null != cases) {
- tags(n) = cases.tag;
- bodies(n) = toTree(cases.node, selector);
- n = n + 1;
- cases =;
- }
- */
- /*
- return
- Switch(
- Apply(
- Select(selector.duplicate, defs.ScalaObjectClass_tag),
- List()),
- tags,
- bodies,
- { if (defaultCase eq null) Literal(false) else toTree(defaultCase.and) },
- defs.boolean_TYPE());
- */
var nCases: List[CaseDef] = Nil
while (cases ne null) {
if(inheritsFromSealed(cases.node.tpe)) {