path: root/test/disabled/presentation/akka/src/akka/actor/ActorRef.scala
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Diffstat (limited to 'test/disabled/presentation/akka/src/akka/actor/ActorRef.scala')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 1433 deletions
diff --git a/test/disabled/presentation/akka/src/akka/actor/ActorRef.scala b/test/disabled/presentation/akka/src/akka/actor/ActorRef.scala
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index 97bb710e29..0000000000
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- * Copyright (C) 2009-2011 Scalable Solutions AB <>
- */
-import akka.event.EventHandler
-import akka.dispatch._
-import akka.config.Supervision._
-import akka.util._
-import ReflectiveAccess._
-import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReference
-import java.util.concurrent.{ ScheduledFuture, ConcurrentHashMap, TimeUnit }
-import java.util.{ Map => JMap }
-import scala.beans.BeanProperty
-import scala.collection.immutable.Stack
-import scala.annotation.tailrec
-private[akka] object ActorRefInternals {
- /**
- * LifeCycles for ActorRefs.
- */
- private[akka] sealed trait StatusType
- object UNSTARTED extends StatusType
- object RUNNING extends StatusType
- object BEING_RESTARTED extends StatusType
- object SHUTDOWN extends StatusType
- * Abstraction for unification of sender and senderFuture for later reply.
- * Can be stored away and used at a later point in time.
- */
-abstract class Channel[T] {
- /**
- * Scala API. <p/>
- * Sends the specified message to the channel.
- */
- def !(msg: T): Unit
- /**
- * Java API. <p/>
- * Sends the specified message to the channel.
- */
- def sendOneWay(msg: T): Unit = this.!(msg)
- * ActorRef is an immutable and serializable handle to an Actor.
- * <p/>
- * Create an ActorRef for an Actor by using the factory method on the Actor object.
- * <p/>
- * Here is an example on how to create an actor with a default constructor.
- * <pre>
- * import Actor._
- *
- * val actor = actorOf[MyActor]
- * actor.start()
- * actor ! message
- * actor.stop()
- * </pre>
- *
- * You can also create and start actors like this:
- * <pre>
- * val actor = actorOf[MyActor].start()
- * </pre>
- *
- * Here is an example on how to create an actor with a non-default constructor.
- * <pre>
- * import Actor._
- *
- * val actor = actorOf(new MyActor(...))
- * actor.start()
- * actor ! message
- * actor.stop()
- * </pre>
- *
- * @author <a href="">Jonas Bon&#233;r</a>
- */
-trait ActorRef extends ActorRefShared with java.lang.Comparable[ActorRef] { scalaRef: ScalaActorRef =>
- // Only mutable for RemoteServer in order to maintain identity across nodes
- @volatile
- protected[akka] var _uuid = newUuid
- @volatile
- protected[this] var _status: ActorRefInternals.StatusType = ActorRefInternals.UNSTARTED
- /**
- * User overridable callback/setting.
- * <p/>
- * Identifier for actor, does not have to be a unique one. Default is the 'uuid'.
- * <p/>
- * This field is used for logging, AspectRegistry.actorsFor(id), identifier for remote
- * actor in RemoteServer etc.But also as the identifier for persistence, which means
- * that you can use a custom name to be able to retrieve the "correct" persisted state
- * upon restart, remote restart etc.
- */
- @BeanProperty
- @volatile
- var id: String = _uuid.toString
- /**
- * User overridable callback/setting.
- * <p/>
- * Defines the default timeout for '!!' and '!!!' invocations,
- * e.g. the timeout for the future returned by the call to '!!' and '!!!'.
- */
- @deprecated("Will be replaced by implicit-scoped timeout on all methods that needs it, will default to timeout specified in config", "1.1")
- @BeanProperty
- @volatile
- var timeout: Long = Actor.TIMEOUT
- /**
- * User overridable callback/setting.
- * <p/>
- * Defines the default timeout for an initial receive invocation.
- * When specified, the receive function should be able to handle a 'ReceiveTimeout' message.
- */
- @volatile
- var receiveTimeout: Option[Long] = None
- /**
- * Akka Java API. <p/>
- * Defines the default timeout for an initial receive invocation.
- * When specified, the receive function should be able to handle a 'ReceiveTimeout' message.
- */
- def setReceiveTimeout(timeout: Long) = this.receiveTimeout = Some(timeout)
- def getReceiveTimeout(): Option[Long] = receiveTimeout
- /**
- * Akka Java API. <p/>
- * A faultHandler defines what should be done when a linked actor signals an error.
- * <p/>
- * Can be one of:
- * <pre>
- * getContext().setFaultHandler(new AllForOneStrategy(new Class[]{Throwable.class},maxNrOfRetries, withinTimeRange));
- * </pre>
- * Or:
- * <pre>
- * getContext().setFaultHandler(new OneForOneStrategy(new Class[]{Throwable.class},maxNrOfRetries, withinTimeRange));
- * </pre>
- */
- def setFaultHandler(handler: FaultHandlingStrategy)
- def getFaultHandler(): FaultHandlingStrategy
- /**
- * Akka Java API. <p/>
- * A lifeCycle defines whether the actor will be stopped on error (Temporary) or if it can be restarted (Permanent)
- * <p/>
- * Can be one of:
- *
- * import static akka.config.Supervision.*;
- * <pre>
- * getContext().setLifeCycle(permanent());
- * </pre>
- * Or:
- * <pre>
- * getContext().setLifeCycle(temporary());
- * </pre>
- */
- def setLifeCycle(lifeCycle: LifeCycle): Unit
- def getLifeCycle(): LifeCycle
- /**
- * Akka Java API. <p/>
- * The default dispatcher is the <tt>Dispatchers.globalExecutorBasedEventDrivenDispatcher</tt>.
- * This means that all actors will share the same event-driven executor based dispatcher.
- * <p/>
- * You can override it so it fits the specific use-case that the actor is used for.
- * See the <tt>akka.dispatch.Dispatchers</tt> class for the different
- * dispatchers available.
- * <p/>
- * The default is also that all actors that are created and spawned from within this actor
- * is sharing the same dispatcher as its creator.
- */
- def setDispatcher(dispatcher: MessageDispatcher) = this.dispatcher = dispatcher
- def getDispatcher(): MessageDispatcher = dispatcher
- /**
- * Returns on which node this actor lives if None it lives in the local ActorRegistry
- */
- @deprecated("Remoting will become fully transparent in the future", "1.1")
- def homeAddress: Option[InetSocketAddress]
- /**
- * Java API. <p/>
- */
- @deprecated("Remoting will become fully transparent in the future", "1.1")
- def getHomeAddress(): InetSocketAddress = homeAddress getOrElse null
- /**
- * Holds the hot swapped partial function.
- */
- @volatile
- protected[akka] var hotswap = Stack[PartialFunction[Any, Unit]]()
- /**
- * This is a reference to the message currently being processed by the actor
- */
- @volatile
- protected[akka] var currentMessage: MessageInvocation = null
- /**
- * Comparison only takes uuid into account.
- */
- def compareTo(other: ActorRef) = this.uuid compareTo other.uuid
- /**
- * Returns the uuid for the actor.
- */
- def getUuid() = _uuid
- def uuid = _uuid
- /**
- * Akka Java API. <p/>
- * The reference sender Actor of the last received message.
- * Is defined if the message was sent from another Actor, else None.
- */
- def getSender(): Option[ActorRef] = sender
- /**
- * Akka Java API. <p/>
- * The reference sender future of the last received message.
- * Is defined if the message was sent with sent with '!!' or '!!!', else None.
- */
- def getSenderFuture(): Option[CompletableFuture[Any]] = senderFuture
- /**
- * Is the actor being restarted?
- */
- def isBeingRestarted: Boolean = _status == ActorRefInternals.BEING_RESTARTED
- /**
- * Is the actor running?
- */
- def isRunning: Boolean = _status match {
- case ActorRefInternals.BEING_RESTARTED | ActorRefInternals.RUNNING => true
- case _ => false
- }
- /**
- * Is the actor shut down?
- */
- def isShutdown: Boolean = _status == ActorRefInternals.SHUTDOWN
- /**
- * Is the actor ever started?
- */
- def isUnstarted: Boolean = _status == ActorRefInternals.UNSTARTED
- /**
- * Is the actor able to handle the message passed in as arguments?
- */
- @deprecated("Will be removed without replacement, it's just not reliable in the face of `become` and `unbecome`", "1.1")
- def isDefinedAt(message: Any): Boolean = actor.isDefinedAt(message)
- /**
- * Only for internal use. UUID is effectively final.
- */
- protected[akka] def uuid_=(uid: Uuid) = _uuid = uid
- /**
- * Akka Java API. <p/>
- * Sends a one-way asynchronous message. E.g. fire-and-forget semantics.
- * <p/>
- * <pre>
- * actor.sendOneWay(message);
- * </pre>
- * <p/>
- */
- def sendOneWay(message: AnyRef): Unit = sendOneWay(message, null)
- /**
- * Akka Java API. <p/>
- * Sends a one-way asynchronous message. E.g. fire-and-forget semantics.
- * <p/>
- * Allows you to pass along the sender of the message.
- * <p/>
- * <pre>
- * actor.sendOneWay(message, context);
- * </pre>
- * <p/>
- */
- def sendOneWay(message: AnyRef, sender: ActorRef): Unit = this.!(message)(Option(sender))
- /**
- * Akka Java API. <p/>
- * @see sendRequestReply(message: AnyRef, timeout: Long, sender: ActorRef)
- * Uses the default timeout of the Actor (setTimeout()) and omits the sender reference
- */
- def sendRequestReply(message: AnyRef): AnyRef = sendRequestReply(message, timeout, null)
- /**
- * Akka Java API. <p/>
- * @see sendRequestReply(message: AnyRef, timeout: Long, sender: ActorRef)
- * Uses the default timeout of the Actor (setTimeout())
- */
- def sendRequestReply(message: AnyRef, sender: ActorRef): AnyRef = sendRequestReply(message, timeout, sender)
- /**
- * Akka Java API. <p/>
- * Sends a message asynchronously and waits on a future for a reply message under the hood.
- * <p/>
- * It waits on the reply either until it receives it or until the timeout expires
- * (which will throw an ActorTimeoutException). E.g. send-and-receive-eventually semantics.
- * <p/>
- * <b>NOTE:</b>
- * Use this method with care. In most cases it is better to use 'sendOneWay' together with 'getContext().getSender()' to
- * implement request/response message exchanges.
- * <p/>
- * If you are sending messages using <code>sendRequestReply</code> then you <b>have to</b> use <code>getContext().reply(..)</code>
- * to send a reply message to the original sender. If not then the sender will block until the timeout expires.
- */
- def sendRequestReply(message: AnyRef, timeout: Long, sender: ActorRef): AnyRef = {
- !!(message, timeout)(Option(sender)).getOrElse(throw new ActorTimeoutException(
- "Message [" + message +
- "]\n\tsent to [" + actorClassName +
- "]\n\tfrom [" + (if (sender ne null) sender.actorClassName else "nowhere") +
- "]\n\twith timeout [" + timeout +
- "]\n\ttimed out."))
- .asInstanceOf[AnyRef]
- }
- /**
- * Akka Java API. <p/>
- * @see sendRequestReplyFuture(message: AnyRef, sender: ActorRef): Future[_]
- * Uses the Actors default timeout (setTimeout()) and omits the sender
- */
- def sendRequestReplyFuture[T <: AnyRef](message: AnyRef): Future[T] = sendRequestReplyFuture(message, timeout, null).asInstanceOf[Future[T]]
- /**
- * Akka Java API. <p/>
- * @see sendRequestReplyFuture(message: AnyRef, sender: ActorRef): Future[_]
- * Uses the Actors default timeout (setTimeout())
- */
- def sendRequestReplyFuture[T <: AnyRef](message: AnyRef, sender: ActorRef): Future[T] = sendRequestReplyFuture(message, timeout, sender).asInstanceOf[Future[T]]
- /**
- * Akka Java API. <p/>
- * Sends a message asynchronously returns a future holding the eventual reply message.
- * <p/>
- * <b>NOTE:</b>
- * Use this method with care. In most cases it is better to use 'sendOneWay' together with the 'getContext().getSender()' to
- * implement request/response message exchanges.
- * <p/>
- * If you are sending messages using <code>sendRequestReplyFuture</code> then you <b>have to</b> use <code>getContext().reply(..)</code>
- * to send a reply message to the original sender. If not then the sender will block until the timeout expires.
- */
- def sendRequestReplyFuture[T <: AnyRef](message: AnyRef, timeout: Long, sender: ActorRef): Future[T] = !!!(message, timeout)(Option(sender)).asInstanceOf[Future[T]]
- /**
- * Akka Java API. <p/>
- * Forwards the message specified to this actor and preserves the original sender of the message
- */
- def forward(message: AnyRef, sender: ActorRef): Unit =
- if (sender eq null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("The 'sender' argument to 'forward' can't be null")
- else forward(message)(Some(sender))
- /**
- * Akka Java API. <p/>
- * Use <code>getContext().replyUnsafe(..)</code> to reply with a message to the original sender of the message currently
- * being processed.
- * <p/>
- * Throws an IllegalStateException if unable to determine what to reply to.
- */
- def replyUnsafe(message: AnyRef) = reply(message)
- /**
- * Akka Java API. <p/>
- * Use <code>getContext().replySafe(..)</code> to reply with a message to the original sender of the message currently
- * being processed.
- * <p/>
- * Returns true if reply was sent, and false if unable to determine what to reply to.
- */
- def replySafe(message: AnyRef): Boolean = reply_?(message)
- /**
- * Returns the class for the Actor instance that is managed by the ActorRef.
- */
- @deprecated("Will be removed without replacement, doesn't make any sense to have in the face of `become` and `unbecome`", "1.1")
- def actorClass: Class[_ <: Actor]
- /**
- * Akka Java API. <p/>
- * Returns the class for the Actor instance that is managed by the ActorRef.
- */
- @deprecated("Will be removed without replacement, doesn't make any sense to have in the face of `become` and `unbecome`", "1.1")
- def getActorClass(): Class[_ <: Actor] = actorClass
- /**
- * Returns the class name for the Actor instance that is managed by the ActorRef.
- */
- @deprecated("Will be removed without replacement, doesn't make any sense to have in the face of `become` and `unbecome`", "1.1")
- def actorClassName: String
- /**
- * Akka Java API. <p/>
- * Returns the class name for the Actor instance that is managed by the ActorRef.
- */
- @deprecated("Will be removed without replacement, doesn't make any sense to have in the face of `become` and `unbecome`", "1.1")
- def getActorClassName(): String = actorClassName
- /**
- * Sets the dispatcher for this actor. Needs to be invoked before the actor is started.
- */
- def dispatcher_=(md: MessageDispatcher): Unit
- /**
- * Get the dispatcher for this actor.
- */
- def dispatcher: MessageDispatcher
- /**
- * Starts up the actor and its message queue.
- */
- def start(): ActorRef
- /**
- * Shuts down the actor its dispatcher and message queue.
- * Alias for 'stop'.
- */
- def exit() = stop()
- /**
- * Shuts down the actor its dispatcher and message queue.
- */
- def stop(): Unit
- /**
- * Links an other actor to this actor. Links are unidirectional and means that a the linking actor will
- * receive a notification if the linked actor has crashed.
- * <p/>
- * If the 'trapExit' member field of the 'faultHandler' has been set to at contain at least one exception class then it will
- * 'trap' these exceptions and automatically restart the linked actors according to the restart strategy
- * defined by the 'faultHandler'.
- */
- def link(actorRef: ActorRef): Unit
- /**
- * Unlink the actor.
- */
- def unlink(actorRef: ActorRef): Unit
- /**
- * Atomically start and link an actor.
- */
- def startLink(actorRef: ActorRef): Unit
- /**
- * Atomically create (from actor class) and start an actor.
- * <p/>
- * To be invoked from within the actor itself.
- */
- @deprecated("Will be removed after 1.1, use Actor.actorOf instead", "1.1")
- def spawn(clazz: Class[_ <: Actor]): ActorRef
- /**
- * Atomically create (from actor class), make it remote and start an actor.
- * <p/>
- * To be invoked from within the actor itself.
- */
- @deprecated("Will be removed after 1.1, client managed actors will be removed", "1.1")
- def spawnRemote(clazz: Class[_ <: Actor], hostname: String, port: Int, timeout: Long): ActorRef
- /**
- * Atomically create (from actor class), link and start an actor.
- * <p/>
- * To be invoked from within the actor itself.
- */
- @deprecated("Will be removed after 1.1, use Actor.remote.actorOf instead and then link on success", "1.1")
- def spawnLink(clazz: Class[_ <: Actor]): ActorRef
- /**
- * Atomically create (from actor class), make it remote, link and start an actor.
- * <p/>
- * To be invoked from within the actor itself.
- */
- @deprecated("Will be removed after 1.1, client managed actors will be removed", "1.1")
- def spawnLinkRemote(clazz: Class[_ <: Actor], hostname: String, port: Int, timeout: Long): ActorRef
- /**
- * Returns the mailbox size.
- */
- def mailboxSize = dispatcher.mailboxSize(this)
- /**
- * Akka Java API. <p/>
- * Returns the mailbox size.
- */
- def getMailboxSize(): Int = mailboxSize
- /**
- * Returns the supervisor, if there is one.
- */
- def supervisor: Option[ActorRef]
- /**
- * Akka Java API. <p/>
- * Returns the supervisor, if there is one.
- */
- def getSupervisor(): ActorRef = supervisor getOrElse null
- /**
- * Returns an unmodifiable Java Map containing the linked actors,
- * please note that the backing map is thread-safe but not immutable
- */
- def linkedActors: JMap[Uuid, ActorRef]
- /**
- * Java API. <p/>
- * Returns an unmodifiable Java Map containing the linked actors,
- * please note that the backing map is thread-safe but not immutable
- */
- def getLinkedActors(): JMap[Uuid, ActorRef] = linkedActors
- /**
- * Abstraction for unification of sender and senderFuture for later reply
- */
- def channel: Channel[Any] = {
- if (senderFuture.isDefined) {
- new Channel[Any] {
- val future = senderFuture.get
- def !(msg: Any) = future completeWithResult msg
- }
- } else if (sender.isDefined) {
- val someSelf = Some(this)
- new Channel[Any] {
- val client = sender.get
- def !(msg: Any) = client.!(msg)(someSelf)
- }
- } else throw new IllegalActorStateException("No channel available")
- }
- /**
- * Java API. <p/>
- * Abstraction for unification of sender and senderFuture for later reply
- */
- def getChannel: Channel[Any] = channel
- protected[akka] def invoke(messageHandle: MessageInvocation): Unit
- protected[akka] def postMessageToMailbox(message: Any, senderOption: Option[ActorRef]): Unit
- protected[akka] def postMessageToMailboxAndCreateFutureResultWithTimeout[T](
- message: Any,
- timeout: Long,
- senderOption: Option[ActorRef],
- senderFuture: Option[CompletableFuture[T]]): CompletableFuture[T]
- protected[akka] def actorInstance: AtomicReference[Actor]
- protected[akka] def actor: Actor = actorInstance.get
- protected[akka] def supervisor_=(sup: Option[ActorRef]): Unit
- protected[akka] def mailbox: AnyRef
- protected[akka] def mailbox_=(value: AnyRef): AnyRef
- protected[akka] def handleTrapExit(dead: ActorRef, reason: Throwable): Unit
- protected[akka] def restart(reason: Throwable, maxNrOfRetries: Option[Int], withinTimeRange: Option[Int]): Unit
- protected[akka] def restartLinkedActors(reason: Throwable, maxNrOfRetries: Option[Int], withinTimeRange: Option[Int]): Unit
- protected[akka] def registerSupervisorAsRemoteActor: Option[Uuid]
- override def hashCode: Int = HashCode.hash(HashCode.SEED, uuid)
- override def equals(that: Any): Boolean = {
- that.isInstanceOf[ActorRef] &&
- that.asInstanceOf[ActorRef].uuid == uuid
- }
- override def toString = "Actor[" + id + ":" + uuid + "]"
- * Local (serializable) ActorRef that is used when referencing the Actor on its "home" node.
- *
- * @author <a href="">Jonas Bon&#233;r</a>
- */
-class LocalActorRef private[akka] (
- private[this] val actorFactory: () => Actor,
- val homeAddress: Option[InetSocketAddress],
- val clientManaged: Boolean = false)
- extends ActorRef with ScalaActorRef {
- protected[akka] val guard = new ReentrantGuard
- @volatile
- protected[akka] var _futureTimeout: Option[ScheduledFuture[AnyRef]] = None
- @volatile
- private[akka] lazy val _linkedActors = new ConcurrentHashMap[Uuid, ActorRef]
- @volatile
- private[akka] var _supervisor: Option[ActorRef] = None
- @volatile
- private var maxNrOfRetriesCount: Int = 0
- @volatile
- private var restartsWithinTimeRangeTimestamp: Long = 0L
- @volatile
- private var _mailbox: AnyRef = _
- @volatile
- private[akka] var _dispatcher: MessageDispatcher = Dispatchers.defaultGlobalDispatcher
- protected[akka] val actorInstance = guard.withGuard { new AtomicReference[Actor](newActor) }
- //If it was started inside "newActor", initialize it
- if (isRunning) initializeActorInstance
- // used only for deserialization
- private[akka] def this(
- __uuid: Uuid,
- __id: String,
- __timeout: Long,
- __receiveTimeout: Option[Long],
- __lifeCycle: LifeCycle,
- __supervisor: Option[ActorRef],
- __hotswap: Stack[PartialFunction[Any, Unit]],
- __factory: () => Actor,
- __homeAddress: Option[InetSocketAddress]) = {
- this(__factory, __homeAddress)
- _uuid = __uuid
- id = __id
- timeout = __timeout
- receiveTimeout = __receiveTimeout
- lifeCycle = __lifeCycle
- _supervisor = __supervisor
- hotswap = __hotswap
- setActorSelfFields(actor, this)
- start
- }
- /**
- * Returns whether this actor ref is client-managed remote or not
- */
- private[akka] final def isClientManaged_? = clientManaged && homeAddress.isDefined && isRemotingEnabled
- // ========= PUBLIC FUNCTIONS =========
- /**
- * Returns the class for the Actor instance that is managed by the ActorRef.
- */
- @deprecated("Will be removed without replacement, doesn't make any sense to have in the face of `become` and `unbecome`", "1.1")
- def actorClass: Class[_ <: Actor] = actor.getClass.asInstanceOf[Class[_ <: Actor]]
- /**
- * Returns the class name for the Actor instance that is managed by the ActorRef.
- */
- @deprecated("Will be removed without replacement, doesn't make any sense to have in the face of `become` and `unbecome`", "1.1")
- def actorClassName: String = actorClass.getName
- /**
- * Sets the dispatcher for this actor. Needs to be invoked before the actor is started.
- */
- def dispatcher_=(md: MessageDispatcher): Unit = guard.withGuard {
- if (!isBeingRestarted) {
- if (!isRunning) _dispatcher = md
- else throw new ActorInitializationException(
- "Can not swap dispatcher for " + toString + " after it has been started")
- }
- }
- /**
- * Get the dispatcher for this actor.
- */
- def dispatcher: MessageDispatcher = _dispatcher
- /**
- * Starts up the actor and its message queue.
- */
- def start(): ActorRef = guard.withGuard {
- if (isShutdown) throw new ActorStartException(
- "Can't restart an actor that has been shut down with 'stop' or 'exit'")
- if (!isRunning) {
- dispatcher.attach(this)
- _status = ActorRefInternals.RUNNING
- // If we are not currently creating this ActorRef instance
- if ((actorInstance ne null) && (actorInstance.get ne null))
- initializeActorInstance
- if (isClientManaged_?)
- Actor.remote.registerClientManagedActor(homeAddress.get.getAddress.getHostAddress, homeAddress.get.getPort, uuid)
- checkReceiveTimeout //Schedule the initial Receive timeout
- }
- this
- }
- /**
- * Shuts down the actor its dispatcher and message queue.
- */
- def stop() = guard.withGuard {
- if (isRunning) {
- receiveTimeout = None
- cancelReceiveTimeout
- dispatcher.detach(this)
- _status = ActorRefInternals.SHUTDOWN
- try {
- actor.postStop
- } finally {
- currentMessage = null
- Actor.registry.unregister(this)
- if (isRemotingEnabled) {
- if (isClientManaged_?)
- Actor.remote.unregisterClientManagedActor(homeAddress.get.getAddress.getHostAddress, homeAddress.get.getPort, uuid)
- Actor.remote.unregister(this)
- }
- setActorSelfFields(actorInstance.get, null)
- }
- } //else if (isBeingRestarted) throw new ActorKilledException("Actor [" + toString + "] is being restarted.")
- }
- /**
- * Links an other actor to this actor. Links are unidirectional and means that a the linking actor will
- * receive a notification if the linked actor has crashed.
- * <p/>
- * If the 'trapExit' member field of the 'faultHandler' has been set to at contain at least one exception class then it will
- * 'trap' these exceptions and automatically restart the linked actors according to the restart strategy
- * defined by the 'faultHandler'.
- * <p/>
- * To be invoked from within the actor itself.
- */
- def link(actorRef: ActorRef): Unit = guard.withGuard {
- val actorRefSupervisor = actorRef.supervisor
- val hasSupervisorAlready = actorRefSupervisor.isDefined
- if (hasSupervisorAlready && actorRefSupervisor.get.uuid == uuid) return // we already supervise this guy
- else if (hasSupervisorAlready) throw new IllegalActorStateException(
- "Actor can only have one supervisor [" + actorRef + "], e.g. link(actor) fails")
- else {
- _linkedActors.put(actorRef.uuid, actorRef)
- actorRef.supervisor = Some(this)
- }
- }
- /**
- * Unlink the actor.
- * <p/>
- * To be invoked from within the actor itself.
- */
- def unlink(actorRef: ActorRef) = guard.withGuard {
- if (_linkedActors.remove(actorRef.uuid) eq null)
- throw new IllegalActorStateException("Actor [" + actorRef + "] is not a linked actor, can't unlink")
- actorRef.supervisor = None
- }
- /**
- * Atomically start and link an actor.
- * <p/>
- * To be invoked from within the actor itself.
- */
- def startLink(actorRef: ActorRef): Unit = guard.withGuard {
- link(actorRef)
- actorRef.start()
- }
- /**
- * Atomically create (from actor class) and start an actor.
- * <p/>
- * To be invoked from within the actor itself.
- */
- def spawn(clazz: Class[_ <: Actor]): ActorRef =
- Actor.actorOf(clazz).start()
- /**
- * Atomically create (from actor class), start and make an actor remote.
- * <p/>
- * To be invoked from within the actor itself.
- */
- def spawnRemote(clazz: Class[_ <: Actor], hostname: String, port: Int, timeout: Long = Actor.TIMEOUT): ActorRef = {
- ensureRemotingEnabled
- val ref = Actor.remote.actorOf(clazz, hostname, port)
- ref.timeout = timeout
- ref.start()
- }
- /**
- * Atomically create (from actor class), start and link an actor.
- * <p/>
- * To be invoked from within the actor itself.
- */
- def spawnLink(clazz: Class[_ <: Actor]): ActorRef = {
- val actor = spawn(clazz)
- link(actor)
- actor.start()
- actor
- }
- /**
- * Atomically create (from actor class), start, link and make an actor remote.
- * <p/>
- * To be invoked from within the actor itself.
- */
- def spawnLinkRemote(clazz: Class[_ <: Actor], hostname: String, port: Int, timeout: Long = Actor.TIMEOUT): ActorRef = {
- ensureRemotingEnabled
- val actor = Actor.remote.actorOf(clazz, hostname, port)
- actor.timeout = timeout
- link(actor)
- actor.start()
- actor
- }
- /**
- * Returns the mailbox.
- */
- def mailbox: AnyRef = _mailbox
- protected[akka] def mailbox_=(value: AnyRef): AnyRef = { _mailbox = value; value }
- /**
- * Returns the supervisor, if there is one.
- */
- def supervisor: Option[ActorRef] = _supervisor
- // ========= AKKA PROTECTED FUNCTIONS =========
- protected[akka] def supervisor_=(sup: Option[ActorRef]): Unit = _supervisor = sup
- protected[akka] def postMessageToMailbox(message: Any, senderOption: Option[ActorRef]): Unit =
- if (isClientManaged_?) {
- Actor.remote.send[Any](
- message, senderOption, None, homeAddress.get, timeout, true, this, None, ActorType.ScalaActor, None)
- } else
- dispatcher dispatchMessage new MessageInvocation(this, message, senderOption, None)
- protected[akka] def postMessageToMailboxAndCreateFutureResultWithTimeout[T](
- message: Any,
- timeout: Long,
- senderOption: Option[ActorRef],
- senderFuture: Option[CompletableFuture[T]]): CompletableFuture[T] = {
- if (isClientManaged_?) {
- val future = Actor.remote.send[T](
- message, senderOption, senderFuture, homeAddress.get, timeout, false, this, None, ActorType.ScalaActor, None)
- if (future.isDefined) future.get
- else throw new IllegalActorStateException("Expected a future from remote call to actor " + toString)
- } else {
- val future = if (senderFuture.isDefined) senderFuture else Some(new DefaultCompletableFuture[T](timeout))
- dispatcher dispatchMessage new MessageInvocation(
- this, message, senderOption, future.asInstanceOf[Some[CompletableFuture[Any]]])
- future.get
- }
- }
- /**
- * Callback for the dispatcher. This is the single entry point to the user Actor implementation.
- */
- protected[akka] def invoke(messageHandle: MessageInvocation): Unit = {
- guard.lock.lock
- try {
- if (!isShutdown) {
- currentMessage = messageHandle
- try {
- try {
- cancelReceiveTimeout // FIXME: leave this here?
- actor(messageHandle.message)
- currentMessage = null // reset current message after successful invocation
- } catch {
- case e: InterruptedException =>
- currentMessage = null // received message while actor is shutting down, ignore
- case e =>
- handleExceptionInDispatch(e, messageHandle.message)
- }
- finally {
- checkReceiveTimeout // Reschedule receive timeout
- }
- } catch {
- case e =>
- EventHandler.error(e, this, messageHandle.message.toString)
- throw e
- }
- }
- } finally { guard.lock.unlock }
- }
- protected[akka] def handleTrapExit(dead: ActorRef, reason: Throwable) {
- faultHandler match {
- case AllForOneStrategy(trapExit, maxRetries, within) if trapExit.exists(_.isAssignableFrom(reason.getClass)) =>
- restartLinkedActors(reason, maxRetries, within)
- case OneForOneStrategy(trapExit, maxRetries, within) if trapExit.exists(_.isAssignableFrom(reason.getClass)) =>
- dead.restart(reason, maxRetries, within)
- case _ =>
- if (_supervisor.isDefined) notifySupervisorWithMessage(Exit(this, reason))
- else dead.stop()
- }
- }
- private def requestRestartPermission(maxNrOfRetries: Option[Int], withinTimeRange: Option[Int]): Boolean = {
- val denied = if (maxNrOfRetries.isEmpty && withinTimeRange.isEmpty) { //Immortal
- false
- } else if (withinTimeRange.isEmpty) { // restrict number of restarts
- maxNrOfRetriesCount += 1 //Increment number of retries
- maxNrOfRetriesCount > maxNrOfRetries.get
- } else { // cannot restart more than N within M timerange
- maxNrOfRetriesCount += 1 //Increment number of retries
- val windowStart = restartsWithinTimeRangeTimestamp
- val now = System.currentTimeMillis
- val retries = maxNrOfRetriesCount
- //We are within the time window if it isn't the first restart, or if the window hasn't closed
- val insideWindow = if (windowStart == 0) false
- else (now - windowStart) <= withinTimeRange.get
- //The actor is dead if it dies X times within the window of restart
- val unrestartable = insideWindow && retries > maxNrOfRetries.getOrElse(1)
- if (windowStart == 0 || !insideWindow) //(Re-)set the start of the window
- restartsWithinTimeRangeTimestamp = now
- if (windowStart != 0 && !insideWindow) //Reset number of restarts if window has expired
- maxNrOfRetriesCount = 1
- unrestartable
- }
- denied == false //If we weren't denied, we have a go
- }
- protected[akka] def restart(reason: Throwable, maxNrOfRetries: Option[Int], withinTimeRange: Option[Int]) {
- def performRestart() {
- val failedActor = actorInstance.get
- failedActor match {
- case p: Proxyable =>
- failedActor.preRestart(reason)
- failedActor.postRestart(reason)
- case _ =>
- failedActor.preRestart(reason)
- val freshActor = newActor
- setActorSelfFields(failedActor, null) // Only null out the references if we could instantiate the new actor
- actorInstance.set(freshActor) // Assign it here so if preStart fails, we can null out the sef-refs next call
- freshActor.preStart
- freshActor.postRestart(reason)
- }
- }
- def tooManyRestarts() {
- _supervisor.foreach { sup =>
- // can supervisor handle the notification?
- val notification = MaximumNumberOfRestartsWithinTimeRangeReached(this, maxNrOfRetries, withinTimeRange, reason)
- if (sup.isDefinedAt(notification)) notifySupervisorWithMessage(notification)
- }
- stop
- }
- @tailrec
- def attemptRestart() {
- val success = if (requestRestartPermission(maxNrOfRetries, withinTimeRange)) {
- guard.withGuard[Boolean] {
- _status = ActorRefInternals.BEING_RESTARTED
- lifeCycle match {
- case Temporary =>
- shutDownTemporaryActor(this)
- true
- case _ => // either permanent or none where default is permanent
- val success = try {
- performRestart()
- true
- } catch {
- case e =>
- EventHandler.error(e, this, "Exception in restart of Actor [%s]".format(toString))
- false // an error or exception here should trigger a retry
- }
- finally {
- currentMessage = null
- }
- if (success) {
- _status = ActorRefInternals.RUNNING
- dispatcher.resume(this)
- restartLinkedActors(reason, maxNrOfRetries, withinTimeRange)
- }
- success
- }
- }
- } else {
- tooManyRestarts()
- true // done
- }
- if (success) () // alles gut
- else attemptRestart()
- }
- attemptRestart() // recur
- }
- protected[akka] def restartLinkedActors(reason: Throwable, maxNrOfRetries: Option[Int], withinTimeRange: Option[Int]) = {
- val i = _linkedActors.values.iterator
- while (i.hasNext) {
- val actorRef =
- actorRef.lifeCycle match {
- // either permanent or none where default is permanent
- case Temporary => shutDownTemporaryActor(actorRef)
- case _ => actorRef.restart(reason, maxNrOfRetries, withinTimeRange)
- }
- }
- }
- protected[akka] def registerSupervisorAsRemoteActor: Option[Uuid] = guard.withGuard {
- ensureRemotingEnabled
- if (_supervisor.isDefined) {
- if (homeAddress.isDefined) Actor.remote.registerSupervisorForActor(this)
- Some(_supervisor.get.uuid)
- } else None
- }
- def linkedActors: JMap[Uuid, ActorRef] = java.util.Collections.unmodifiableMap(_linkedActors)
- // ========= PRIVATE FUNCTIONS =========
- private[this] def newActor: Actor = {
- try {
- Actor.actorRefInCreation.set(Some(this))
- val a = actorFactory()
- if (a eq null) throw new ActorInitializationException("Actor instance passed to ActorRef can not be 'null'")
- a
- } finally {
- Actor.actorRefInCreation.set(None)
- }
- }
- private def shutDownTemporaryActor(temporaryActor: ActorRef) {
- temporaryActor.stop()
- _linkedActors.remove(temporaryActor.uuid) // remove the temporary actor
- // if last temporary actor is gone, then unlink me from supervisor
- if (_linkedActors.isEmpty) notifySupervisorWithMessage(UnlinkAndStop(this))
- true
- }
- private def handleExceptionInDispatch(reason: Throwable, message: Any) = {
- EventHandler.error(reason, this, message.toString)
- //Prevent any further messages to be processed until the actor has been restarted
- dispatcher.suspend(this)
- senderFuture.foreach(_.completeWithException(reason))
- if (supervisor.isDefined) notifySupervisorWithMessage(Exit(this, reason))
- else {
- lifeCycle match {
- case Temporary => shutDownTemporaryActor(this)
- case _ => dispatcher.resume(this) //Resume processing for this actor
- }
- }
- }
- private def notifySupervisorWithMessage(notification: LifeCycleMessage) = {
- // FIXME to fix supervisor restart of remote actor for oneway calls, inject a supervisor proxy that can send notification back to client
- _supervisor.foreach { sup =>
- if (sup.isShutdown) { // if supervisor is shut down, game over for all linked actors
- //Scoped stop all linked actors, to avoid leaking the 'i' val
- {
- val i = _linkedActors.values.iterator
- while (i.hasNext) {
- i.remove
- }
- }
- //Stop the actor itself
- stop
- } else sup ! notification // else notify supervisor
- }
- }
- private def setActorSelfFields(actor: Actor, value: ActorRef) {
- @tailrec
- def lookupAndSetSelfFields(clazz: Class[_], actor: Actor, value: ActorRef): Boolean = {
- val success = try {
- val selfField = clazz.getDeclaredField("self")
- val someSelfField = clazz.getDeclaredField("someSelf")
- selfField.setAccessible(true)
- someSelfField.setAccessible(true)
- selfField.set(actor, value)
- someSelfField.set(actor, if (value ne null) Some(value) else null)
- true
- } catch {
- case e: NoSuchFieldException => false
- }
- if (success) true
- else {
- val parent = clazz.getSuperclass
- if (parent eq null)
- throw new IllegalActorStateException(toString + " is not an Actor since it have not mixed in the 'Actor' trait")
- lookupAndSetSelfFields(parent, actor, value)
- }
- }
- lookupAndSetSelfFields(actor.getClass, actor, value)
- }
- private def initializeActorInstance = {
- actor.preStart // run actor preStart
- Actor.registry.register(this)
- }
- protected[akka] def checkReceiveTimeout = {
- cancelReceiveTimeout
- if (receiveTimeout.isDefined && dispatcher.mailboxSize(this) <= 0) { //Only reschedule if desired and there are currently no more messages to be processed
- _futureTimeout = Some(Scheduler.scheduleOnce(this, ReceiveTimeout, receiveTimeout.get, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS))
- }
- }
- protected[akka] def cancelReceiveTimeout = {
- if (_futureTimeout.isDefined) {
- _futureTimeout.get.cancel(true)
- _futureTimeout = None
- }
- }
- * System messages for RemoteActorRef.
- *
- * @author <a href="">Jonas Bon&#233;r</a>
- */
-object RemoteActorSystemMessage {
- val Stop = "RemoteActorRef:stop".intern
- * Remote ActorRef that is used when referencing the Actor on a different node than its "home" node.
- * This reference is network-aware (remembers its origin) and immutable.
- *
- * @author <a href="">Jonas Bon&#233;r</a>
- */
-private[akka] case class RemoteActorRef private[akka] (
- classOrServiceName: String,
- val actorClassName: String,
- val hostname: String,
- val port: Int,
- _timeout: Long,
- loader: Option[ClassLoader],
- val actorType: ActorType = ActorType.ScalaActor)
- extends ActorRef with ScalaActorRef {
- ensureRemotingEnabled
- val homeAddress = Some(new InetSocketAddress(hostname, port))
- //protected def clientManaged = classOrServiceName.isEmpty //If no class or service name, it's client managed
- id = classOrServiceName
- //id = classOrServiceName.getOrElse("uuid:" + uuid) //If we're a server-managed we want to have classOrServiceName as id, or else, we're a client-managed and we want to have our uuid as id
- timeout = _timeout
- start
- def postMessageToMailbox(message: Any, senderOption: Option[ActorRef]): Unit =
- Actor.remote.send[Any](message, senderOption, None, homeAddress.get, timeout, true, this, None, actorType, loader)
- def postMessageToMailboxAndCreateFutureResultWithTimeout[T](
- message: Any,
- timeout: Long,
- senderOption: Option[ActorRef],
- senderFuture: Option[CompletableFuture[T]]): CompletableFuture[T] = {
- val future = Actor.remote.send[T](
- message, senderOption, senderFuture,
- homeAddress.get, timeout,
- false, this, None,
- actorType, loader)
- if (future.isDefined) future.get
- else throw new IllegalActorStateException("Expected a future from remote call to actor " + toString)
- }
- def start: ActorRef = synchronized {
- _status = ActorRefInternals.RUNNING
- this
- }
- def stop: Unit = synchronized {
- if (_status == ActorRefInternals.RUNNING) {
- _status = ActorRefInternals.SHUTDOWN
- postMessageToMailbox(RemoteActorSystemMessage.Stop, None)
- }
- }
- protected[akka] def registerSupervisorAsRemoteActor: Option[Uuid] = None
- // ==== NOT SUPPORTED ====
- @deprecated("Will be removed without replacement, doesn't make any sense to have in the face of `become` and `unbecome`", "1.1")
- def actorClass: Class[_ <: Actor] = unsupported
- def dispatcher_=(md: MessageDispatcher): Unit = unsupported
- def dispatcher: MessageDispatcher = unsupported
- def link(actorRef: ActorRef): Unit = unsupported
- def unlink(actorRef: ActorRef): Unit = unsupported
- def startLink(actorRef: ActorRef): Unit = unsupported
- def spawn(clazz: Class[_ <: Actor]): ActorRef = unsupported
- def spawnRemote(clazz: Class[_ <: Actor], hostname: String, port: Int, timeout: Long): ActorRef = unsupported
- def spawnLink(clazz: Class[_ <: Actor]): ActorRef = unsupported
- def spawnLinkRemote(clazz: Class[_ <: Actor], hostname: String, port: Int, timeout: Long): ActorRef = unsupported
- def supervisor: Option[ActorRef] = unsupported
- def linkedActors: JMap[Uuid, ActorRef] = unsupported
- protected[akka] def mailbox: AnyRef = unsupported
- protected[akka] def mailbox_=(value: AnyRef): AnyRef = unsupported
- protected[akka] def handleTrapExit(dead: ActorRef, reason: Throwable): Unit = unsupported
- protected[akka] def restart(reason: Throwable, maxNrOfRetries: Option[Int], withinTimeRange: Option[Int]): Unit = unsupported
- protected[akka] def restartLinkedActors(reason: Throwable, maxNrOfRetries: Option[Int], withinTimeRange: Option[Int]): Unit = unsupported
- protected[akka] def invoke(messageHandle: MessageInvocation): Unit = unsupported
- protected[akka] def supervisor_=(sup: Option[ActorRef]): Unit = unsupported
- protected[akka] def actorInstance: AtomicReference[Actor] = unsupported
- private def unsupported = throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not supported for RemoteActorRef")
- * This trait represents the common (external) methods for all ActorRefs
- * Needed because implicit conversions aren't applied when instance imports are used
- *
- * i.e.
- * var self: ScalaActorRef = ...
- * import self._
- * //can't call ActorRef methods here unless they are declared in a common
- * //superclass, which ActorRefShared is.
- */
-trait ActorRefShared {
- /**
- * Returns the uuid for the actor.
- */
- def uuid: Uuid
- * This trait represents the Scala Actor API
- * There are implicit conversions in ../actor/Implicits.scala
- * from ActorRef -> ScalaActorRef and back
- */
-trait ScalaActorRef extends ActorRefShared { ref: ActorRef =>
- /**
- * Identifier for actor, does not have to be a unique one. Default is the 'uuid'.
- * <p/>
- * This field is used for logging, AspectRegistry.actorsFor(id), identifier for remote
- * actor in RemoteServer etc.But also as the identifier for persistence, which means
- * that you can use a custom name to be able to retrieve the "correct" persisted state
- * upon restart, remote restart etc.
- */
- def id: String
- def id_=(id: String): Unit
- /**
- * User overridable callback/setting.
- * <p/>
- * Defines the life-cycle for a supervised actor.
- */
- @volatile
- @BeanProperty
- var lifeCycle: LifeCycle = UndefinedLifeCycle
- /**
- * User overridable callback/setting.
- * <p/>
- * Don't forget to supply a List of exception types to intercept (trapExit)
- * <p/>
- * Can be one of:
- * <pre>
- * faultHandler = AllForOneStrategy(trapExit = List(classOf[Exception]), maxNrOfRetries, withinTimeRange)
- * </pre>
- * Or:
- * <pre>
- * faultHandler = OneForOneStrategy(trapExit = List(classOf[Exception]), maxNrOfRetries, withinTimeRange)
- * </pre>
- */
- @volatile
- @BeanProperty
- var faultHandler: FaultHandlingStrategy = NoFaultHandlingStrategy
- /**
- * The reference sender Actor of the last received message.
- * Is defined if the message was sent from another Actor, else None.
- */
- def sender: Option[ActorRef] = {
- val msg = currentMessage
- if (msg eq null) None
- else msg.sender
- }
- /**
- * The reference sender future of the last received message.
- * Is defined if the message was sent with sent with '!!' or '!!!', else None.
- */
- def senderFuture(): Option[CompletableFuture[Any]] = {
- val msg = currentMessage
- if (msg eq null) None
- else msg.senderFuture
- }
- /**
- * Sends a one-way asynchronous message. E.g. fire-and-forget semantics.
- * <p/>
- *
- * If invoked from within an actor then the actor reference is implicitly passed on as the implicit 'sender' argument.
- * <p/>
- *
- * This actor 'sender' reference is then available in the receiving actor in the 'sender' member variable,
- * if invoked from within an Actor. If not then no sender is available.
- * <pre>
- * actor ! message
- * </pre>
- * <p/>
- */
- def !(message: Any)(implicit sender: Option[ActorRef] = None): Unit = {
- if (isRunning) postMessageToMailbox(message, sender)
- else throw new ActorInitializationException(
- "Actor has not been started, you need to invoke 'actor.start()' before using it")
- }
- /**
- * Sends a message asynchronously and waits on a future for a reply message.
- * <p/>
- * It waits on the reply either until it receives it (in the form of <code>Some(replyMessage)</code>)
- * or until the timeout expires (which will return None). E.g. send-and-receive-eventually semantics.
- * <p/>
- * <b>NOTE:</b>
- * Use this method with care. In most cases it is better to use '!' together with the 'sender' member field to
- * implement request/response message exchanges.
- * If you are sending messages using <code>!!</code> then you <b>have to</b> use <code>self.reply(..)</code>
- * to send a reply message to the original sender. If not then the sender will block until the timeout expires.
- */
- def !!(message: Any, timeout: Long = this.timeout)(implicit sender: Option[ActorRef] = None): Option[Any] = {
- if (isRunning) {
- val future = postMessageToMailboxAndCreateFutureResultWithTimeout[Any](message, timeout, sender, None)
- val isMessageJoinPoint = if (isTypedActorEnabled) TypedActorModule.resolveFutureIfMessageIsJoinPoint(message, future)
- else false
- try {
- future.await
- } catch {
- case e: FutureTimeoutException =>
- if (isMessageJoinPoint) {
- EventHandler.error(e, this, e.getMessage)
- throw e
- } else None
- }
- future.resultOrException
- } else throw new ActorInitializationException(
- "Actor has not been started, you need to invoke 'actor.start()' before using it")
- }
- /**
- * Sends a message asynchronously returns a future holding the eventual reply message.
- * <p/>
- * <b>NOTE:</b>
- * Use this method with care. In most cases it is better to use '!' together with the 'sender' member field to
- * implement request/response message exchanges.
- * If you are sending messages using <code>!!!</code> then you <b>have to</b> use <code>self.reply(..)</code>
- * to send a reply message to the original sender. If not then the sender will block until the timeout expires.
- */
- def !!![T](message: Any, timeout: Long = this.timeout)(implicit sender: Option[ActorRef] = None): Future[T] = {
- if (isRunning) postMessageToMailboxAndCreateFutureResultWithTimeout[T](message, timeout, sender, None)
- else throw new ActorInitializationException(
- "Actor has not been started, you need to invoke 'actor.start()' before using it")
- }
- /**
- * Forwards the message and passes the original sender actor as the sender.
- * <p/>
- * Works with '!', '!!' and '!!!'.
- */
- def forward(message: Any)(implicit sender: Some[ActorRef]) = {
- if (isRunning) {
- if (sender.get.senderFuture.isDefined)
- postMessageToMailboxAndCreateFutureResultWithTimeout(message, timeout, sender.get.sender, sender.get.senderFuture)
- else
- postMessageToMailbox(message, sender.get.sender)
- } else throw new ActorInitializationException("Actor has not been started, you need to invoke 'actor.start()' before using it")
- }
- /**
- * Use <code>self.reply(..)</code> to reply with a message to the original sender of the message currently
- * being processed.
- * <p/>
- * Throws an IllegalStateException if unable to determine what to reply to.
- */
- def reply(message: Any) = if (!reply_?(message)) throw new IllegalActorStateException(
- "\n\tNo sender in scope, can't reply. " +
- "\n\tYou have probably: " +
- "\n\t\t1. Sent a message to an Actor from an instance that is NOT an Actor." +
- "\n\t\t2. Invoked a method on an TypedActor from an instance NOT an TypedActor." +
- "\n\tElse you might want to use 'reply_?' which returns Boolean(true) if success and Boolean(false) if no sender in scope")
- /**
- * Use <code>reply_?(..)</code> to reply with a message to the original sender of the message currently
- * being processed.
- * <p/>
- * Returns true if reply was sent, and false if unable to determine what to reply to.
- */
- def reply_?(message: Any): Boolean = {
- if (senderFuture.isDefined) {
- senderFuture.get completeWithResult message
- true
- } else if (sender.isDefined) {
- //TODO: optimize away this allocation, perhaps by having implicit self: Option[ActorRef] in signature
- sender.get.!(message)(Some(this))
- true
- } else false
- }
- /**
- * Atomically create (from actor class) and start an actor.
- */
- def spawn[T <: Actor: ClassTag]: ActorRef =
- spawn(classTag[T].erasure.asInstanceOf[Class[_ <: Actor]])
- /**
- * Atomically create (from actor class), start and make an actor remote.
- */
- def spawnRemote[T <: Actor: ClassTag](hostname: String, port: Int, timeout: Long): ActorRef = {
- ensureRemotingEnabled
- spawnRemote(classTag[T].erasure.asInstanceOf[Class[_ <: Actor]], hostname, port, timeout)
- }
- /**
- * Atomically create (from actor class), start and link an actor.
- */
- def spawnLink[T <: Actor: ClassTag]: ActorRef =
- spawnLink(classTag[T].erasure.asInstanceOf[Class[_ <: Actor]])
- /**
- * Atomically create (from actor class), start, link and make an actor remote.
- */
- def spawnLinkRemote[T <: Actor: ClassTag](hostname: String, port: Int, timeout: Long): ActorRef = {
- ensureRemotingEnabled
- spawnLinkRemote(classTag[T].erasure.asInstanceOf[Class[_ <: Actor]], hostname, port, timeout)
- }