path: root/test/disabled/presentation/akka/src/akka/routing/Pool.scala
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diff --git a/test/disabled/presentation/akka/src/akka/routing/Pool.scala b/test/disabled/presentation/akka/src/akka/routing/Pool.scala
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index 0000000000..0fd1bc8f49
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+++ b/test/disabled/presentation/akka/src/akka/routing/Pool.scala
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+ * Copyright (C) 2009-2011 Scalable Solutions AB <>
+ */
+package akka.routing
+import{ Actor, ActorRef, PoisonPill }
+import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit
+ * Actor pooling
+ *
+ * An actor pool is an message router for a set of delegate actors. The pool is an actor itself.
+ * There are a handful of basic concepts that need to be understood when working with and defining your pool.
+ *
+ * Selectors - A selector is a trait that determines how and how many pooled actors will receive an incoming message.
+ * Capacitors - A capacitor is a trait that influences the size of pool. There are effectively two types.
+ * The first determines the size itself - either fixed or bounded.
+ * The second determines how to adjust of the pool according to some internal pressure characteristic.
+ * Filters - A filter can be used to refine the raw pressure value returned from a capacitor.
+ *
+ * It should be pointed out that all actors in the pool are treated as essentially equivalent. This is not to say
+ * that one couldn't instance different classes within the pool, only that the pool, when selecting and routing,
+ * will not take any type information into consideration.
+ *
+ * @author Garrick Evans
+ */
+object ActorPool {
+ case object Stat
+ case class Stats(size: Int)
+ * Defines the nature of an actor pool.
+ */
+trait ActorPool {
+ def instance(): ActorRef //Question, Instance of what?
+ def capacity(delegates: Seq[ActorRef]): Int //Question, What is the semantics of this return value?
+ def select(delegates: Seq[ActorRef]): Tuple2[Iterator[ActorRef], Int] //Question, Why does select return this instead of an ordered Set?
+ * A default implementation of a pool, on each message to route,
+ * - checks the current capacity and adjusts accordingly if needed
+ * - routes the incoming message to a selection set of delegate actors
+ */
+trait DefaultActorPool extends ActorPool { this: Actor =>
+ import ActorPool._
+ import collection.mutable.LinkedList
+ import
+ protected var _delegates = Vector[ActorRef]()
+ private var _lastCapacityChange = 0
+ private var _lastSelectorCount = 0
+ override def postStop() = _delegates foreach { delegate =>
+ try {
+ delegate ! PoisonPill
+ } catch { case e: Exception => } //Ignore any exceptions here
+ }
+ protected def _route(): Receive = {
+ // for testing...
+ case Stat =>
+ self reply_? Stats(_delegates length)
+ case max: MaximumNumberOfRestartsWithinTimeRangeReached =>
+ _delegates = _delegates filterNot { _.uuid == max.victim.uuid }
+ case msg =>
+ resizeIfAppropriate()
+ select(_delegates) match {
+ case (selectedDelegates, count) =>
+ _lastSelectorCount = count
+ selectedDelegates foreach { _ forward msg } //Should we really send the same message to several actors?
+ }
+ }
+ private def resizeIfAppropriate() {
+ val requestedCapacity = capacity(_delegates)
+ val newDelegates = requestedCapacity match {
+ case qty if qty > 0 =>
+ _delegates ++ {
+ for (i ← 0 until requestedCapacity) yield {
+ val delegate = instance()
+ self startLink delegate
+ delegate
+ }
+ }
+ case qty if qty < 0 =>
+ _delegates.splitAt(_delegates.length + requestedCapacity) match {
+ case (keep, abandon) =>
+ abandon foreach { _ ! PoisonPill }
+ keep
+ }
+ case _ => _delegates //No change
+ }
+ _lastCapacityChange = requestedCapacity
+ _delegates = newDelegates
+ }
+ * Selectors
+ * These traits define how, when a message needs to be routed, delegate(s) are chosen from the pool
+ */
+ * Returns the set of delegates with the least amount of message backlog.
+ */
+trait SmallestMailboxSelector {
+ def selectionCount: Int
+ def partialFill: Boolean
+ def select(delegates: Seq[ActorRef]): Tuple2[Iterator[ActorRef], Int] = {
+ var set: Seq[ActorRef] = Nil
+ var take = if (partialFill) math.min(selectionCount, delegates.length) else selectionCount
+ while (take > 0) {
+ set = delegates.sortWith(_.mailboxSize < _.mailboxSize).take(take) ++ set //Question, doesn't this risk selecting the same actor multiple times?
+ take -= set.size
+ }
+ (set.iterator, set.size)
+ }
+ * Returns the set of delegates that occur sequentially 'after' the last delegate from the previous selection
+ */
+trait RoundRobinSelector {
+ private var _last: Int = -1;
+ def selectionCount: Int
+ def partialFill: Boolean
+ def select(delegates: Seq[ActorRef]): Tuple2[Iterator[ActorRef], Int] = {
+ val length = delegates.length
+ val take = if (partialFill) math.min(selectionCount, length)
+ else selectionCount
+ val set =
+ for (i ← 0 until take) yield {
+ _last = (_last + 1) % length
+ delegates(_last)
+ }
+ (set.iterator, set.size)
+ }
+ * Capacitors
+ * These traits define how to alter the size of the pool
+ */
+ * Ensures a fixed number of delegates in the pool
+ */
+trait FixedSizeCapacitor {
+ def limit: Int
+ def capacity(delegates: Seq[ActorRef]): Int = (limit - delegates.size) max 0
+ * Constrains the pool capacity to a bounded range
+ */
+trait BoundedCapacitor {
+ def lowerBound: Int
+ def upperBound: Int
+ def capacity(delegates: Seq[ActorRef]): Int = {
+ val current = delegates length
+ val delta = _eval(delegates)
+ val proposed = current + delta
+ if (proposed < lowerBound) delta + (lowerBound - proposed)
+ else if (proposed > upperBound) delta - (proposed - upperBound)
+ else delta
+ }
+ protected def _eval(delegates: Seq[ActorRef]): Int
+ * Returns the number of delegates required to manage the current message backlogs
+ */
+trait MailboxPressureCapacitor {
+ def pressureThreshold: Int
+ def pressure(delegates: Seq[ActorRef]): Int =
+ delegates count { _.mailboxSize > pressureThreshold }
+ * Returns the number of delegates required to respond to the number of pending futures
+ */
+trait ActiveFuturesPressureCapacitor {
+ def pressure(delegates: Seq[ActorRef]): Int =
+ delegates count { _.senderFuture.isDefined }
+ */
+trait CapacityStrategy {
+ import ActorPool._
+ def pressure(delegates: Seq[ActorRef]): Int
+ def filter(pressure: Int, capacity: Int): Int
+ protected def _eval(delegates: Seq[ActorRef]): Int = filter(pressure(delegates), delegates.size)
+trait FixedCapacityStrategy extends FixedSizeCapacitor
+trait BoundedCapacityStrategy extends CapacityStrategy with BoundedCapacitor
+ * Filters
+ * These traits refine the raw pressure reading into a more appropriate capacity delta.
+ */
+ * The basic filter trait that composes ramp-up and and back-off subfiltering.
+ */
+trait Filter {
+ def rampup(pressure: Int, capacity: Int): Int
+ def backoff(pressure: Int, capacity: Int): Int
+ // pass through both filters just to be sure any internal counters
+ // are updated consistently. ramping up is always + and backing off
+ // is always - and each should return 0 otherwise...
+ def filter(pressure: Int, capacity: Int): Int =
+ rampup(pressure, capacity) + backoff(pressure, capacity)
+trait BasicFilter extends Filter with BasicRampup with BasicBackoff
+ * Filter performs steady incremental growth using only the basic ramp-up subfilter
+ */
+trait BasicNoBackoffFilter extends BasicRampup {
+ def filter(pressure: Int, capacity: Int): Int = rampup(pressure, capacity)
+ * Basic incremental growth as a percentage of the current pool capacity
+ */
+trait BasicRampup {
+ def rampupRate: Double
+ def rampup(pressure: Int, capacity: Int): Int =
+ if (pressure < capacity) 0 else math.ceil(rampupRate * capacity) toInt
+ * Basic decrement as a percentage of the current pool capacity
+ */
+trait BasicBackoff {
+ def backoffThreshold: Double
+ def backoffRate: Double
+ def backoff(pressure: Int, capacity: Int): Int =
+ if (capacity > 0 && pressure / capacity < backoffThreshold) math.ceil(-1.0 * backoffRate * capacity) toInt else 0
+ * This filter tracks the average pressure over the lifetime of the pool (or since last reset) and
+ * will begin to reduce capacity once this value drops below the provided threshold. The number of
+ * delegates to cull from the pool is determined by some scaling factor (the backoffRate) multiplied
+ * by the difference in capacity and pressure.
+ */
+trait RunningMeanBackoff {
+ def backoffThreshold: Double
+ def backoffRate: Double
+ private var _pressure: Double = 0.0
+ private var _capacity: Double = 0.0
+ def backoff(pressure: Int, capacity: Int): Int = {
+ _pressure += pressure
+ _capacity += capacity
+ if (capacity > 0 && pressure / capacity < backoffThreshold
+ && _capacity > 0 && _pressure / _capacity < backoffThreshold) //Why does the entire clause need to be true?
+ math.floor(-1.0 * backoffRate * (capacity - pressure)).toInt
+ else 0
+ }
+ def backoffReset {
+ _pressure = 0.0
+ _capacity = 0.0
+ }