path: root/test/disabled/presentation/akka/src/akka/util/ReflectiveAccess.scala
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Diffstat (limited to 'test/disabled/presentation/akka/src/akka/util/ReflectiveAccess.scala')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 232 deletions
diff --git a/test/disabled/presentation/akka/src/akka/util/ReflectiveAccess.scala b/test/disabled/presentation/akka/src/akka/util/ReflectiveAccess.scala
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index f38d1f9b98..0000000000
--- a/test/disabled/presentation/akka/src/akka/util/ReflectiveAccess.scala
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- * Copyright (C) 2009-2011 Scalable Solutions AB <>
- */
-package akka.util
-import akka.dispatch.{ Future, CompletableFuture, MessageInvocation }
-import akka.config.{ Config, ModuleNotAvailableException }
-import akka.remoteinterface.RemoteSupport
-import akka.event.EventHandler
- * Helper class for reflective access to different modules in order to allow optional loading of modules.
- *
- * @author <a href="">Jonas Bon&#233;r</a>
- */
-object ReflectiveAccess {
- val loader = getClass.getClassLoader
- def isRemotingEnabled = Remote.isEnabled
- lazy val isTypedActorEnabled = TypedActorModule.isEnabled
- def ensureRemotingEnabled = Remote.ensureEnabled
- def ensureTypedActorEnabled = TypedActorModule.ensureEnabled
- /**
- * Reflective access to the RemoteClient module.
- *
- * @author <a href="">Jonas Bon&#233;r</a>
- */
- object Remote {
- val TRANSPORT = Config.config.getString("akka.remote.layer", "akka.remote.netty.NettyRemoteSupport")
- private[akka] val configDefaultAddress =
- new InetSocketAddress(Config.config.getString("akka.remote.server.hostname", "localhost"),
- Config.config.getInt("akka.remote.server.port", 2552))
- lazy val isEnabled = remoteSupportClass.isDefined
- def ensureEnabled = if (!isEnabled) {
- val e = new ModuleNotAvailableException("Can't load the remoting module, make sure that akka-remote.jar is on the classpath")
- EventHandler.debug(this, e.toString)
- throw e
- }
- val remoteSupportClass = getClassFor[RemoteSupport](TRANSPORT) match {
- case Right(value) => Some(value)
- case Left(exception) =>
- EventHandler.debug(this, exception.toString)
- None
- }
- protected[akka] val defaultRemoteSupport: Option[() => RemoteSupport] =
- remoteSupportClass map { remoteClass =>
- () => createInstance[RemoteSupport](
- remoteClass,
- Array[Class[_]](),
- Array[AnyRef]()) match {
- case Right(value) => value
- case Left(exception) =>
- val e = new ModuleNotAvailableException(
- "Can't instantiate [%s] - make sure that akka-remote.jar is on the classpath".format(remoteClass.getName), exception)
- EventHandler.debug(this, e.toString)
- throw e
- }
- }
- }
- /**
- * Reflective access to the TypedActors module.
- *
- * @author <a href="">Jonas Bon&#233;r</a>
- */
- object TypedActorModule {
- type TypedActorObject = {
- def isJoinPoint(message: Any): Boolean
- def isJoinPointAndOneWay(message: Any): Boolean
- def actorFor(proxy: AnyRef): Option[ActorRef]
- def proxyFor(actorRef: ActorRef): Option[AnyRef]
- def stop(anyRef: AnyRef): Unit
- }
- lazy val isEnabled = typedActorObjectInstance.isDefined
- def ensureEnabled = if (!isTypedActorEnabled) throw new ModuleNotAvailableException(
- "Can't load the typed actor module, make sure that akka-typed-actor.jar is on the classpath")
- val typedActorObjectInstance: Option[TypedActorObject] =
- getObjectFor[TypedActorObject]("$") match {
- case Right(value) => Some(value)
- case Left(exception) =>
- EventHandler.debug(this, exception.toString)
- None
- }
- def resolveFutureIfMessageIsJoinPoint(message: Any, future: Future[_]): Boolean = {
- ensureEnabled
- if (typedActorObjectInstance.get.isJoinPointAndOneWay(message)) {
- future.asInstanceOf[CompletableFuture[Option[_]]].completeWithResult(None)
- }
- typedActorObjectInstance.get.isJoinPoint(message)
- }
- }
- object AkkaCloudModule {
- type Mailbox = {
- def enqueue(message: MessageInvocation)
- def dequeue: MessageInvocation
- }
- type Serializer = {
- def toBinary(obj: AnyRef): Array[Byte]
- def fromBinary(bytes: Array[Byte], clazz: Option[Class[_]]): AnyRef
- }
- lazy val isEnabled = clusterObjectInstance.isDefined
- val clusterObjectInstance: Option[AnyRef] =
- getObjectFor[AnyRef]("$") match {
- case Right(value) => Some(value)
- case Left(exception) =>
- EventHandler.debug(this, exception.toString)
- None
- }
- val serializerClass: Option[Class[_]] =
- getClassFor("akka.serialization.Serializer") match {
- case Right(value) => Some(value)
- case Left(exception) =>
- EventHandler.debug(this, exception.toString)
- None
- }
- def ensureEnabled = if (!isEnabled) throw new ModuleNotAvailableException(
- "Feature is only available in Akka Cloud")
- }
- val noParams = Array[Class[_]]()
- val noArgs = Array[AnyRef]()
- def createInstance[T](clazz: Class[_],
- params: Array[Class[_]],
- args: Array[AnyRef]): Either[Exception, T] = try {
- assert(clazz ne null)
- assert(params ne null)
- assert(args ne null)
- val ctor = clazz.getDeclaredConstructor(params: _*)
- ctor.setAccessible(true)
- Right(ctor.newInstance(args: _*).asInstanceOf[T])
- } catch {
- case e: Exception => Left(e)
- }
- def createInstance[T](fqn: String,
- params: Array[Class[_]],
- args: Array[AnyRef],
- classloader: ClassLoader = loader): Either[Exception, T] = try {
- assert(params ne null)
- assert(args ne null)
- getClassFor(fqn) match {
- case Right(value) =>
- val ctor = value.getDeclaredConstructor(params: _*)
- ctor.setAccessible(true)
- Right(ctor.newInstance(args: _*).asInstanceOf[T])
- case Left(exception) => Left(exception) //We could just cast this to Either[Exception, T] but it's ugly
- }
- } catch {
- case e: Exception =>
- Left(e)
- }
- //Obtains a reference to fqn.MODULE$
- def getObjectFor[T](fqn: String, classloader: ClassLoader = loader): Either[Exception, T] = try {
- getClassFor(fqn) match {
- case Right(value) =>
- val instance = value.getDeclaredField("MODULE$")
- instance.setAccessible(true)
- val obj = instance.get(null)
- if (obj eq null) Left(new NullPointerException) else Right(obj.asInstanceOf[T])
- case Left(exception) => Left(exception) //We could just cast this to Either[Exception, T] but it's ugly
- }
- } catch {
- case e: Exception =>
- Left(e)
- }
- def getClassFor[T](fqn: String, classloader: ClassLoader = loader): Either[Exception, Class[T]] = try {
- assert(fqn ne null)
- // First, use the specified CL
- val first = try {
- Right(classloader.loadClass(fqn).asInstanceOf[Class[T]])
- } catch {
- case c: ClassNotFoundException => Left(c)
- }
- if (first.isRight) first
- else {
- // Second option is to use the ContextClassLoader
- val second = try {
- Right(Thread.currentThread.getContextClassLoader.loadClass(fqn).asInstanceOf[Class[T]])
- } catch {
- case c: ClassNotFoundException => Left(c)
- }
- if (second.isRight) second
- else {
- val third = try {
- if (classloader ne loader) Right(loader.loadClass(fqn).asInstanceOf[Class[T]]) else Left(null) //Horrid
- } catch {
- case c: ClassNotFoundException => Left(c)
- }
- if (third.isRight) third
- else {
- try {
- Right(Class.forName(fqn).asInstanceOf[Class[T]]) // Last option is Class.forName
- } catch {
- case c: ClassNotFoundException => Left(c)
- }
- }
- }
- }
- } catch {
- case e: Exception => Left(e)
- }