path: root/test/files/jvm/javaReflection/Test.scala
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diff --git a/test/files/jvm/javaReflection/Test.scala b/test/files/jvm/javaReflection/Test.scala
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index 0000000000..5b6ef1b573
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/files/jvm/javaReflection/Test.scala
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+Interesting aspects of Java reflection applied to scala classes. TL;DR: you should not use
+getSimpleName / getCanonicalName / isAnonymousClass / isLocalClass / isSynthetic.
+ - Some methods in Java reflection assume a certain structure in the class names. Scalac
+ can produce class files that don't respect this structure. Certain methods in reflection
+ therefore give surprising answers or may even throw an exception.
+ In particular, the method "getSimpleName" assumes that classes are named after the Java spec
+ Consider the following Scala example:
+ class A { object B { class C } }
+ The classfile for C has the name "A$B$C", while the classfile for the module B has the
+ name "A$B$".
+ For "cClass.getSimpleName, the implementation first strips the name of the enclosing class,
+ which produces "C". The implementation then expects a "$" character, which is missing, and
+ throws an InternalError.
+ Consider another example:
+ trait T
+ class A { val x = new T {} }
+ object B { val x = new T {} }
+ The anonymous classes are named "A$$anon$1" and "B$$anon$2". If you call "getSimpleName",
+ you get "$anon$1" (leading $) and "anon$2" (no leading $).
+ - There are certain other methods in the Java reflection API that depend on getSimpleName.
+ These should be avoided, they yield unexpected results:
+ - isAnonymousClass is always false. Scala-defined classes are never anonymous for Java
+ reflection. Java reflection insepects the class name to decide whether a class is
+ anonymous, based on the name spec referenced above.
+ Also, the implementation of "isAnonymousClass" calls "getSimpleName", which may throw.
+ - isLocalClass: should be true true for local classes (nested classes that are not
+ members), but not for anonymous classes. Since "isAnonymousClass" is always false,
+ Java reflection thinks that all Scala-defined anonymous classes are local.
+ The implementation may also throw, since it uses "isAnonymousClass":
+ class A { object B { def f = { class KB; new KB } } }
+ (new A).B.f.getClass.isLocalClass // boom
+ - getCanonicalName: uses "getSimpleName" in the implementation. In the first example,
+ cClass.getCanonicalName also fails with an InternalError.
+ - Scala-defined classes are never synthetic for Java reflection. The implementation
+ checks for the SYNTHETEIC flag, which does not seem to be added by scalac (maybe this
+ will change some day).
+object Test {
+ def tr[T](m: => T): String = try {
+ val r = m
+ if (r == null) "null"
+ else r.toString
+ } catch { case e: InternalError => e.getMessage }
+ def assertNotAnonymous(c: Class[_]) = {
+ val an = try {
+ c.isAnonymousClass
+ } catch {
+ // isAnonymousClass is implemented using getSimpleName, which may throw.
+ case e: InternalError => false
+ }
+ assert(!an, c)
+ }
+ def ruleMemberOrLocal(c: Class[_]) = {
+ // if it throws, then it's because of the call from isLocalClass to isAnonymousClass.
+ // we know that isAnonymousClass is always false, so it has to be a local class.
+ val loc = try { c.isLocalClass } catch { case e: InternalError => true }
+ if (loc)
+ assert(!c.isMemberClass, c)
+ if (c.isMemberClass)
+ assert(!loc, c)
+ }
+ def ruleMemberDeclaring(c: Class[_]) = {
+ if (c.isMemberClass)
+ assert( contains c.getName)
+ }
+ def ruleScalaAnonClassIsLocal(c: Class[_]) = {
+ if (c.getName contains "$anon$")
+ assert(c.isLocalClass, c)
+ }
+ def ruleScalaAnonFunInlineIsLocal(c: Class[_]) = {
+ // exclude lambda classes generated by delambdafy:method. nested closures have both "anonfun" and "lambda".
+ if (c.getName.contains("$anonfun$") && !c.getName.contains("$lambda$"))
+ assert(c.isLocalClass, c)
+ }
+ def ruleScalaAnonFunMethodIsToplevel(c: Class[_]) = {
+ if (c.getName.contains("$lambda$"))
+ assert(c.getEnclosingClass == null, c)
+ }
+ def showClass(name: String) = {
+ val c = Class.forName(name)
+ println(s"${c.getName} / ${tr(c.getCanonicalName)} (canon) / ${tr(c.getSimpleName)} (simple)")
+ println( "- declared cls: "+ c.getDeclaredClasses.toList.sortBy(_.getName))
+ println(s"- enclosing : ${c.getDeclaringClass} (declaring cls) / ${c.getEnclosingClass} (cls) / ${c.getEnclosingConstructor} (constr) / ${c.getEnclosingMethod} (meth)")
+ println(s"- properties : ${tr(c.isLocalClass)} (local) / ${c.isMemberClass} (member)")
+ assertNotAnonymous(c)
+ assert(!c.isSynthetic, c)
+ ruleMemberOrLocal(c)
+ ruleMemberDeclaring(c)
+ ruleScalaAnonClassIsLocal(c)
+ ruleScalaAnonFunInlineIsLocal(c)
+ ruleScalaAnonFunMethodIsToplevel(c)
+ }
+ def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
+ def isAnonFunClassName(s: String) = s.contains("$anonfun$") || s.contains("$lambda$")
+ val classfiles = new"partest.output")).listFiles(){
+ // exclude files from Test.scala, just take those from Classes_1.scala
+ case s if !s.startsWith("Test") && s.endsWith(".class") => s.substring(0, s.length - 6)
+ }).sortWith((a, b) => {
+ // sort such that first there are all anonymous funcitions, then all other classes.
+ // within those cathegories, sort lexically.
+ // this makes the check file smaller: it differs for anonymous functions between -Ydelambdafy:inline/method.
+ // the other classes are the same.
+ if (isAnonFunClassName(a)) !isAnonFunClassName(b) || a < b
+ else !isAnonFunClassName(b) && a < b
+ })
+ classfiles foreach showClass
+ }
+} \ No newline at end of file