path: root/test/files/jvm
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'test/files/jvm')
-rw-r--r--test/files/jvm/manifests.check.temporarily.disabled (renamed from test/files/jvm/manifests.check)0
-rw-r--r--test/files/jvm/manifests.scala.temporarily.disabled (renamed from test/files/jvm/manifests.scala)10
7 files changed, 648 insertions, 537 deletions
diff --git a/test/files/jvm/concurrent-future.check b/test/files/jvm/concurrent-future.check
deleted file mode 100644
index c55e824818..0000000000
--- a/test/files/jvm/concurrent-future.check
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
-test1: hai world
-test1: kthxbye
-test2: hai world
-test2: awsum thx
-test2: kthxbye
-test3: hai world
-test4: hai world
-test4: kthxbye
-test5: hai world
-test5: kthxbye
-test6: hai world
-test6: kthxbye
-test7: hai world
-test7: kthxbye
-test8: hai world
-test8: im in yr loop
diff --git a/test/files/jvm/concurrent-future.scala b/test/files/jvm/concurrent-future.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index b44d054219..0000000000
--- a/test/files/jvm/concurrent-future.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,122 +0,0 @@
-import scala.concurrent._
-object Test extends App {
- def once(body: (() => Unit) => Unit) {
- val sv = new SyncVar[Boolean]
- body(() => sv put true)
- sv.take()
- }
- def output(num: Int, msg: String) {
- println("test" + num + ": " + msg)
- }
- def testOnSuccess(): Unit = once {
- done =>
- val f = future {
- output(1, "hai world")
- }
- f onSuccess { case _ =>
- output(1, "kthxbye")
- done()
- }
- }
- def testOnSuccessWhenCompleted(): Unit = once {
- done =>
- val f = future {
- output(2, "hai world")
- }
- f onSuccess { case _ =>
- output(2, "awsum thx")
- f onSuccess { case _ =>
- output(2, "kthxbye")
- done()
- }
- }
- }
- def testOnSuccessWhenFailed(): Unit = once {
- done =>
- val f = future[Unit] {
- output(3, "hai world")
- done()
- throw new Exception
- }
- f onSuccess { case _ =>
- output(3, "onoes")
- }
- }
- def testOnFailure(): Unit = once {
- done =>
- val f = future[Unit] {
- output(4, "hai world")
- throw new Exception
- }
- f onSuccess { case _ =>
- output(4, "onoes")
- done()
- }
- f onFailure { case _ =>
- output(4, "kthxbye")
- done()
- }
- }
- def testOnFailureWhenSpecialThrowable(num: Int, cause: Throwable): Unit = once {
- done =>
- val f = future[Unit] {
- output(num, "hai world")
- throw cause
- }
- f onSuccess { case _ =>
- output(num, "onoes")
- done()
- }
- f onFailure {
- case e: ExecutionException if (e.getCause == cause) =>
- output(num, "kthxbye")
- done()
- case _ =>
- output(num, "onoes")
- done()
- }
- }
- def testOnFailureWhenFutureTimeoutException(): Unit = once {
- done =>
- val f = future[Unit] {
- output(8, "hai world")
- throw new FutureTimeoutException(null)
- }
- f onSuccess { case _ =>
- output(8, "onoes")
- done()
- }
- f onFailure {
- case e: FutureTimeoutException =>
- output(8, "im in yr loop")
- done()
- case other =>
- output(8, "onoes: " + other)
- done()
- }
- }
- testOnSuccess()
- testOnSuccessWhenCompleted()
- testOnSuccessWhenFailed()
- testOnFailure()
- testOnFailureWhenSpecialThrowable(5, new Error)
- testOnFailureWhenSpecialThrowable(6, new scala.util.control.ControlThrowable { })
- testOnFailureWhenSpecialThrowable(7, new InterruptedException)
- testOnFailureWhenFutureTimeoutException()
diff --git a/test/files/jvm/interpreter.check b/test/files/jvm/interpreter.check
index 243c9aa3be..d93e314d8e 100755
--- a/test/files/jvm/interpreter.check
+++ b/test/files/jvm/interpreter.check
@@ -1,372 +1,372 @@
-Type in expressions to have them evaluated.
-Type :help for more information.
-scala> // basics
-scala> 3+4
-res0: Int = 7
-scala> def gcd(x: Int, y: Int): Int = {
- if (x == 0) y
- else if (y == 0) x
- else gcd(y%x, x)
-gcd: (x: Int, y: Int)Int
-scala> val five = gcd(15,35)
-five: Int = 5
-scala> var x = 1
-x: Int = 1
-scala> x = 2
-x: Int = 2
-scala> val three = x+1
-three: Int = 3
-scala> type anotherint = Int
-defined type alias anotherint
-scala> val four: anotherint = 4
-four: anotherint = 4
-scala> val bogus: anotherint = "hello"
-<console>:8: error: type mismatch;
- found : String("hello")
- required: anotherint
- (which expands to) Int
- val bogus: anotherint = "hello"
- ^
-scala> trait PointlessTrait
-defined trait PointlessTrait
-scala> val (x,y) = (2,3)
-x: Int = 2
-y: Int = 3
-scala> println("hello")
-scala> // ticket #1513
-scala> val t1513 = Array(null)
-t1513: Array[Null] = Array(null)
-scala> // ambiguous toString problem from #547
-scala> val atom = new scala.xml.Atom()
-atom: scala.xml.Atom[Unit] = ()
-scala> // overriding toString problem from #1404
-scala> class S(override val toString : String)
-defined class S
-scala> val fish = new S("fish")
-fish: S = fish
-scala> // Test that arrays pretty print nicely.
-scala> val arr = Array("What's", "up", "doc?")
-arr: Array[String] = Array(What's, up, doc?)
-scala> // Test that arrays pretty print nicely, even when we give them type Any
-scala> val arrInt : Any = Array(1,2,3)
-arrInt: Any = Array(1, 2, 3)
-scala> // Test that nested arrays are pretty-printed correctly
-scala> val arrArrInt : Any = Array(Array(1, 2), Array(3, 4))
-arrArrInt: Any = Array(Array(1, 2), Array(3, 4))
-scala> // implicit conversions
-scala> case class Foo(n: Int)
-defined class Foo
-scala> case class Bar(n: Int)
-defined class Bar
-scala> implicit def foo2bar(foo: Foo) = Bar(foo.n)
-foo2bar: (foo: Foo)Bar
-scala> val bar: Bar = Foo(3)
-bar: Bar = Bar(3)
-scala> // importing from a previous result
-scala> import bar._
-import bar._
-scala> val m = n
-m: Int = 3
-scala> // stressing the imports mechanism
-scala> val one = 1
-one: Int = 1
-scala> val one = 1
-one: Int = 1
-scala> val one = 1
-one: Int = 1
-scala> val one = 1
-one: Int = 1
-scala> val one = 1
-one: Int = 1
-scala> val one = 1
-one: Int = 1
-scala> val one = 1
-one: Int = 1
-scala> val one = 1
-one: Int = 1
-scala> val one = 1
-one: Int = 1
-scala> val one = 1
-one: Int = 1
-scala> val one = 1
-one: Int = 1
-scala> val one = 1
-one: Int = 1
-scala> val one = 1
-one: Int = 1
-scala> val one = 1
-one: Int = 1
-scala> val one = 1
-one: Int = 1
-scala> val one = 1
-one: Int = 1
-scala> val one = 1
-one: Int = 1
-scala> val one = 1
-one: Int = 1
-scala> val one = 1
-one: Int = 1
-scala> val one = 1
-one: Int = 1
-scala> val x1 = 1
-x1: Int = 1
-scala> val x2 = 1
-x2: Int = 1
-scala> val x3 = 1
-x3: Int = 1
-scala> val x4 = 1
-x4: Int = 1
-scala> val x5 = 1
-x5: Int = 1
-scala> val x6 = 1
-x6: Int = 1
-scala> val x7 = 1
-x7: Int = 1
-scala> val x8 = 1
-x8: Int = 1
-scala> val x9 = 1
-x9: Int = 1
-scala> val x10 = 1
-x10: Int = 1
-scala> val x11 = 1
-x11: Int = 1
-scala> val x12 = 1
-x12: Int = 1
-scala> val x13 = 1
-x13: Int = 1
-scala> val x14 = 1
-x14: Int = 1
-scala> val x15 = 1
-x15: Int = 1
-scala> val x16 = 1
-x16: Int = 1
-scala> val x17 = 1
-x17: Int = 1
-scala> val x18 = 1
-x18: Int = 1
-scala> val x19 = 1
-x19: Int = 1
-scala> val x20 = 1
-x20: Int = 1
-scala> val two = one + x5
-two: Int = 2
-scala> // handling generic wildcard arrays (#2386)
-scala> // It's put here because type feedback is an important part of it.
-scala> val xs: Array[_] = Array(1, 2)
-xs: Array[_] = Array(1, 2)
-scala> xs.size
-res2: Int = 2
-scala> xs.head
-res3: Any = 1
-scala> xs filter (_ == 2)
-res4: Array[_] = Array(2)
-scala> xs map (_ => "abc")
-res5: Array[String] = Array(abc, abc)
-scala> xs map (x => x)
-res6: scala.collection.mutable.ArraySeq[_] = ArraySeq(1, 2)
-scala> xs map (x => (x, x))
-res7: Array[(_$1, _$1)] forSome { type _$1 } = Array((1,1), (2,2))
-scala> // interior syntax errors should *not* go into multi-line input mode.
-scala> // both of the following should abort immediately:
-scala> def x => y => z
-<console>:1: error: '=' expected but '=>' found.
- def x => y => z
- ^
-scala> [1,2,3]
-<console>:1: error: illegal start of definition
- [1,2,3]
- ^
-scala> // multi-line XML
-scala> <a>
- c="c"
- d="dd"
-res8: scala.xml.Elem =
-<b c="c" d="dd"/></a>
-scala> /*
- /*
- multi-line comment
- */
-scala> // multi-line string
-scala> """
-res9: String =
-scala> (1 + // give up early by typing two blank lines
-You typed two blank lines. Starting a new command.
-scala> // defining and using quoted names should work (ticket #323)
-scala> def `match` = 1
-match: Int
-scala> val x = `match`
-x: Int = 1
-scala> // multiple classes defined on one line
-scala> sealed class Exp; class Fact extends Exp; class Term extends Exp
-defined class Exp
-defined class Fact
-defined class Term
-scala> def f(e: Exp) = e match { // non-exhaustive warning here
- case _:Fact => 3
-<console>:18: warning: match is not exhaustive!
-missing combination Exp
-missing combination Term
- def f(e: Exp) = e match { // non-exhaustive warning here
- ^
-f: (e: Exp)Int
+Type in expressions to have them evaluated.
+Type :help for more information.
+scala> // basics
+scala> 3+4
+res0: Int = 7
+scala> def gcd(x: Int, y: Int): Int = {
+ if (x == 0) y
+ else if (y == 0) x
+ else gcd(y%x, x)
+gcd: (x: Int, y: Int)Int
+scala> val five = gcd(15,35)
+five: Int = 5
+scala> var x = 1
+x: Int = 1
+scala> x = 2
+x: Int = 2
+scala> val three = x+1
+three: Int = 3
+scala> type anotherint = Int
+defined type alias anotherint
+scala> val four: anotherint = 4
+four: anotherint = 4
+scala> val bogus: anotherint = "hello"
+<console>:8: error: type mismatch;
+ found : String("hello")
+ required: anotherint
+ (which expands to) Int
+ val bogus: anotherint = "hello"
+ ^
+scala> trait PointlessTrait
+defined trait PointlessTrait
+scala> val (x,y) = (2,3)
+x: Int = 2
+y: Int = 3
+scala> println("hello")
+scala> // ticket #1513
+scala> val t1513 = Array(null)
+t1513: Array[Null] = Array(null)
+scala> // ambiguous toString problem from #547
+scala> val atom = new scala.xml.Atom()
+atom: scala.xml.Atom[Unit] = ()
+scala> // overriding toString problem from #1404
+scala> class S(override val toString : String)
+defined class S
+scala> val fish = new S("fish")
+fish: S = fish
+scala> // Test that arrays pretty print nicely.
+scala> val arr = Array("What's", "up", "doc?")
+arr: Array[String] = Array(What's, up, doc?)
+scala> // Test that arrays pretty print nicely, even when we give them type Any
+scala> val arrInt : Any = Array(1,2,3)
+arrInt: Any = Array(1, 2, 3)
+scala> // Test that nested arrays are pretty-printed correctly
+scala> val arrArrInt : Any = Array(Array(1, 2), Array(3, 4))
+arrArrInt: Any = Array(Array(1, 2), Array(3, 4))
+scala> // implicit conversions
+scala> case class Foo(n: Int)
+defined class Foo
+scala> case class Bar(n: Int)
+defined class Bar
+scala> implicit def foo2bar(foo: Foo) = Bar(foo.n)
+foo2bar: (foo: Foo)Bar
+scala> val bar: Bar = Foo(3)
+bar: Bar = Bar(3)
+scala> // importing from a previous result
+scala> import bar._
+import bar._
+scala> val m = n
+m: Int = 3
+scala> // stressing the imports mechanism
+scala> val one = 1
+one: Int = 1
+scala> val one = 1
+one: Int = 1
+scala> val one = 1
+one: Int = 1
+scala> val one = 1
+one: Int = 1
+scala> val one = 1
+one: Int = 1
+scala> val one = 1
+one: Int = 1
+scala> val one = 1
+one: Int = 1
+scala> val one = 1
+one: Int = 1
+scala> val one = 1
+one: Int = 1
+scala> val one = 1
+one: Int = 1
+scala> val one = 1
+one: Int = 1
+scala> val one = 1
+one: Int = 1
+scala> val one = 1
+one: Int = 1
+scala> val one = 1
+one: Int = 1
+scala> val one = 1
+one: Int = 1
+scala> val one = 1
+one: Int = 1
+scala> val one = 1
+one: Int = 1
+scala> val one = 1
+one: Int = 1
+scala> val one = 1
+one: Int = 1
+scala> val one = 1
+one: Int = 1
+scala> val x1 = 1
+x1: Int = 1
+scala> val x2 = 1
+x2: Int = 1
+scala> val x3 = 1
+x3: Int = 1
+scala> val x4 = 1
+x4: Int = 1
+scala> val x5 = 1
+x5: Int = 1
+scala> val x6 = 1
+x6: Int = 1
+scala> val x7 = 1
+x7: Int = 1
+scala> val x8 = 1
+x8: Int = 1
+scala> val x9 = 1
+x9: Int = 1
+scala> val x10 = 1
+x10: Int = 1
+scala> val x11 = 1
+x11: Int = 1
+scala> val x12 = 1
+x12: Int = 1
+scala> val x13 = 1
+x13: Int = 1
+scala> val x14 = 1
+x14: Int = 1
+scala> val x15 = 1
+x15: Int = 1
+scala> val x16 = 1
+x16: Int = 1
+scala> val x17 = 1
+x17: Int = 1
+scala> val x18 = 1
+x18: Int = 1
+scala> val x19 = 1
+x19: Int = 1
+scala> val x20 = 1
+x20: Int = 1
+scala> val two = one + x5
+two: Int = 2
+scala> // handling generic wildcard arrays (#2386)
+scala> // It's put here because type feedback is an important part of it.
+scala> val xs: Array[_] = Array(1, 2)
+xs: Array[_] = Array(1, 2)
+scala> xs.size
+res2: Int = 2
+scala> xs.head
+res3: Any = 1
+scala> xs filter (_ == 2)
+res4: Array[_] = Array(2)
+scala> xs map (_ => "abc")
+res5: Array[String] = Array(abc, abc)
+scala> xs map (x => x)
+res6: scala.collection.mutable.ArraySeq[_] = ArraySeq(1, 2)
+scala> xs map (x => (x, x))
+res7: Array[(_$1, _$1)] forSome { type _$1 } = Array((1,1), (2,2))
+scala> // interior syntax errors should *not* go into multi-line input mode.
+scala> // both of the following should abort immediately:
+scala> def x => y => z
+<console>:1: error: '=' expected but '=>' found.
+ def x => y => z
+ ^
+scala> [1,2,3]
+<console>:1: error: illegal start of definition
+ [1,2,3]
+ ^
+scala> // multi-line XML
+scala> <a>
+ c="c"
+ d="dd"
+res8: scala.xml.Elem =
+<b c="c" d="dd"/></a>
+scala> /*
+ /*
+ multi-line comment
+ */
+scala> // multi-line string
+scala> """
+res9: String =
+scala> (1 + // give up early by typing two blank lines
+You typed two blank lines. Starting a new command.
+scala> // defining and using quoted names should work (ticket #323)
+scala> def `match` = 1
+match: Int
+scala> val x = `match`
+x: Int = 1
+scala> // multiple classes defined on one line
+scala> sealed class Exp; class Fact extends Exp; class Term extends Exp
+defined class Exp
+defined class Fact
+defined class Term
+scala> def f(e: Exp) = e match { // non-exhaustive warning here
+ case _:Fact => 3
+<console>:18: warning: match is not exhaustive!
+missing combination Exp
+missing combination Term
+ def f(e: Exp) = e match { // non-exhaustive warning here
+ ^
+f: (e: Exp)Int
plusOne: (x: Int)Int
res0: Int = 6
res0: String = after reset
diff --git a/test/files/jvm/interpreter.scala b/test/files/jvm/interpreter.scala
index f0bc8b5818..1f289d9335 100644
--- a/test/files/jvm/interpreter.scala
+++ b/test/files/jvm/interpreter.scala
@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ import
object Test extends ReplTest {
+ override def extraSettings = "-deprecation"
def code = <code>
// basics
@@ -29,7 +30,7 @@ val atom = new scala.xml.Atom()
class S(override val toString : String)
val fish = new S("fish")
// Test that arrays pretty print nicely.
-val arr = Array("What's", "up", "doc?")
+val arr = Array("What's", "up", "doc?")
// Test that arrays pretty print nicely, even when we give them type Any
val arrInt : Any = Array(1,2,3)
// Test that nested arrays are pretty-printed correctly
@@ -132,8 +133,8 @@ there
// defining and using quoted names should work (ticket #323)
-def `match` = 1
-val x = `match`
+def `match` = 1
+val x = `match`
// multiple classes defined on one line
sealed class Exp; class Fact extends Exp; class Term extends Exp
@@ -153,6 +154,6 @@ def f(e: Exp) = e match {{ // non-exhaustive warning here
interp.interpret("\"after reset\"")
interp.interpret("plusOne(5) // should be undefined now")
diff --git a/test/files/jvm/manifests.check b/test/files/jvm/manifests.check.temporarily.disabled
index 54f504b929..54f504b929 100644
--- a/test/files/jvm/manifests.check
+++ b/test/files/jvm/manifests.check.temporarily.disabled
diff --git a/test/files/jvm/manifests.scala b/test/files/jvm/manifests.scala.temporarily.disabled
index 6bbea4d052..241966fd9d 100644
--- a/test/files/jvm/manifests.scala
+++ b/test/files/jvm/manifests.scala.temporarily.disabled
@@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
object Test extends App {
- //Test3 // Java 1.5+ only
class Foo[T](x: T)
@@ -88,15 +87,6 @@ object Test2 {
-object Test3 extends TestUtil {
- import scala.reflect.Manifest._
- val ct1 = classType(classOf[Char])
- val ct2 = classType(classOf[List[_]], ct1)
- print(ct1)
- //print(ct2) // ??? x=scala.List[char], m=scala.reflect.Manifest[scala.runtime.Nothing$]
- println()
trait TestUtil {
def write[A](o: A): Array[Byte] = {
diff --git a/test/files/jvm/scala-concurrent-tck.scala b/test/files/jvm/scala-concurrent-tck.scala
index b3470d275d..f0ca438774 100644
--- a/test/files/jvm/scala-concurrent-tck.scala
+++ b/test/files/jvm/scala-concurrent-tck.scala
@@ -147,59 +147,185 @@ trait FutureCallbacks extends TestBase {
trait FutureCombinators extends TestBase {
- // map: stub
def testMapSuccess(): Unit = once {
done =>
- done()
+ val f = future { 5 }
+ val g = f map { x => "result: " + x }
+ g onSuccess {
+ case s =>
+ done()
+ assert(s == "result: 5")
+ }
+ g onFailure {
+ case _ =>
+ done()
+ assert(false)
+ }
def testMapFailure(): Unit = once {
done =>
- done()
+ val f = future {
+ throw new Exception("exception message")
+ }
+ val g = f map { x => "result: " + x }
+ g onSuccess {
+ case _ =>
+ done()
+ assert(false)
+ }
+ g onFailure {
+ case t =>
+ done()
+ assert(t.getMessage() == "exception message")
+ }
- // flatMap: stub
def testFlatMapSuccess(): Unit = once {
done =>
- done()
+ val f = future { 5 }
+ val g = f flatMap { _ => future { 10 } }
+ g onSuccess {
+ case x =>
+ done()
+ assert(x == 10)
+ }
+ g onFailure {
+ case _ =>
+ done()
+ assert(false)
+ }
def testFlatMapFailure(): Unit = once {
done =>
- done()
+ val f = future {
+ throw new Exception("exception message")
+ }
+ val g = f flatMap { _ => future { 10 } }
+ g onSuccess {
+ case _ =>
+ done()
+ assert(false)
+ }
+ g onFailure {
+ case t =>
+ done()
+ assert(t.getMessage() == "exception message")
+ }
- // filter: stub
def testFilterSuccess(): Unit = once {
done =>
- done()
+ val f = future { 4 }
+ val g = f filter { _ % 2 == 0 }
+ g onSuccess {
+ case x: Int =>
+ done()
+ assert(x == 4)
+ }
+ g onFailure {
+ case _ =>
+ done()
+ assert(false)
+ }
def testFilterFailure(): Unit = once {
done =>
- done()
+ val f = future { 4 }
+ val g = f filter { _ % 2 == 1 }
+ g onSuccess {
+ case x: Int =>
+ done()
+ assert(false)
+ }
+ g onFailure {
+ case e: NoSuchElementException =>
+ done()
+ assert(true)
+ case _ =>
+ done()
+ assert(false)
+ }
- // collect: stub
def testCollectSuccess(): Unit = once {
done =>
- done()
+ val f = future { -5 }
+ val g = f collect {
+ case x if x < 0 => -x
+ }
+ g onSuccess {
+ case x: Int =>
+ done()
+ assert(x == 5)
+ }
+ g onFailure {
+ case _ =>
+ done()
+ assert(false)
+ }
def testCollectFailure(): Unit = once {
done =>
- done()
+ val f = future { -5 }
+ val g = f collect {
+ case x if x > 0 => x * 2
+ }
+ g onSuccess {
+ case _ =>
+ done()
+ assert(false)
+ }
+ g onFailure {
+ case e: NoSuchElementException =>
+ done()
+ assert(true)
+ case _ =>
+ done()
+ assert(false)
+ }
- // foreach: stub
def testForeachSuccess(): Unit = once {
done =>
- done()
+ val p = promise[Int]()
+ val f = future[Int] { 5 }
+ f foreach { x => p.success(x * 2) }
+ val g = p.future
+ g.onSuccess {
+ case res: Int =>
+ done()
+ assert(res == 10)
+ }
+ g.onFailure {
+ case _ =>
+ done()
+ assert(false)
+ }
def testForeachFailure(): Unit = once {
done =>
- done()
+ val p = promise[Int]()
+ val f = future[Int] { throw new Exception }
+ f foreach { x => p.success(x * 2) }
+ f onFailure { case _ => p.failure(new Exception) }
+ val g = p.future
+ g.onSuccess {
+ case _ =>
+ done()
+ assert(false)
+ }
+ g.onFailure {
+ case _ =>
+ done()
+ assert(true)
+ }
def testRecoverSuccess(): Unit = once {
@@ -237,6 +363,132 @@ trait FutureCombinators extends TestBase {
+ def testRecoverWithSuccess(): Unit = once {
+ done =>
+ val cause = new RuntimeException
+ val f = future {
+ throw cause
+ } recoverWith {
+ case re: RuntimeException =>
+ future { "recovered" }
+ } onSuccess {
+ case x =>
+ done()
+ assert(x == "recovered")
+ } onFailure { case any =>
+ done()
+ assert(false)
+ }
+ }
+ def testRecoverWithFailure(): Unit = once {
+ done =>
+ val cause = new RuntimeException
+ val f = future {
+ throw cause
+ } recoverWith {
+ case te: TimeoutException =>
+ future { "timeout" }
+ } onSuccess {
+ case x =>
+ done()
+ assert(false)
+ } onFailure { case any =>
+ done()
+ assert(any == cause)
+ }
+ }
+ def testZipSuccess(): Unit = once {
+ done =>
+ val f = future { 5 }
+ val g = future { 6 }
+ val h = f zip g
+ h onSuccess {
+ case (l: Int, r: Int) =>
+ done()
+ assert(l+r == 11)
+ }
+ h onFailure {
+ case _ =>
+ done()
+ assert(false)
+ }
+ }
+ def testZipFailureLeft(): Unit = once {
+ done =>
+ val cause = new Exception("exception message")
+ val f = future { throw cause }
+ val g = future { 6 }
+ val h = f zip g
+ h onSuccess {
+ case _ =>
+ done()
+ assert(false)
+ }
+ h onFailure {
+ case e: Exception =>
+ done()
+ assert(e.getMessage == "exception message")
+ }
+ }
+ def testZipFailureRight(): Unit = once {
+ done =>
+ val cause = new Exception("exception message")
+ val f = future { 5 }
+ val g = future { throw cause }
+ val h = f zip g
+ h onSuccess {
+ case _ =>
+ done()
+ assert(false)
+ }
+ h onFailure {
+ case e: Exception =>
+ done()
+ assert(e.getMessage == "exception message")
+ }
+ }
+ def testFallbackTo(): Unit = once {
+ done =>
+ val f = future { sys.error("failed") }
+ val g = future { 5 }
+ val h = f fallbackTo g
+ h onSuccess {
+ case x: Int =>
+ done()
+ assert(x == 5)
+ }
+ h onFailure {
+ case _ =>
+ done()
+ assert(false)
+ }
+ }
+ def testFallbackToFailure(): Unit = once {
+ done =>
+ val cause = new Exception
+ val f = future { throw cause }
+ val g = future { sys.error("failed") }
+ val h = f fallbackTo g
+ h onSuccess {
+ case _ =>
+ done()
+ assert(false)
+ }
+ h onFailure {
+ case e: Exception =>
+ done()
+ assert(e == cause)
+ }
+ }
@@ -249,7 +501,13 @@ trait FutureCombinators extends TestBase {
+ testRecoverWithSuccess()
+ testRecoverWithFailure()
+ testZipSuccess()
+ testZipFailureLeft()
+ testZipFailureRight()
+ testFallbackTo()
+ testFallbackToFailure()