path: root/test/files/presentation/doc/doc.scala
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'test/files/presentation/doc/doc.scala')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 139 deletions
diff --git a/test/files/presentation/doc/doc.scala b/test/files/presentation/doc/doc.scala
deleted file mode 100755
index 371b825026..0000000000
--- a/test/files/presentation/doc/doc.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,139 +0,0 @@
-object Test extends InteractiveTest {
- val tags = Seq(
- "@example `\"abb\".permutations = Iterator(abb, bab, bba)`",
- "@version 1.0, 09/07/2012",
- "@since 2.10",
- "@todo this is unsafe!",
- "@note Don't inherit!",
- "@see something else"
- )
- val names = Seq("Class", "Def", "Val", "Var", "AbstracType", "TypeAlias", "Trait", "InnerClass")
- val bareText =
- """abstract class %s {
- | def %s = ""
- | val %s = ""
- | var %s: String = _
- | type %s
- | type %s = String
- | class %s
- |}
- |trait %s""".stripMargin.format(names: _*)
- def docComment(nTags: Int) = "/**\n%s*/".format(tags.take(nTags).mkString("\n"))
- def text(name: String, nTags: Int) = {
- val nameIndex = bareText.indexOf(name)
- val (pre, post) = bareText.splitAt(nameIndex)
- val crIndex = pre.lastIndexOf("\n")
- val (prepre, prepost) = pre.splitAt(crIndex)
- prepre + docComment(nTags) + prepost + post
- }
- override lazy val compiler = {
- prepareSettings(settings)
- new Global(settings, compilerReporter) with MemberLookupBase with CommentFactoryBase {
- val global: this.type = this
- def chooseLink(links: List[LinkTo]): LinkTo = links.head
- def internalLink(sym: Symbol, site: Symbol) = None
- def toString(link: LinkTo) = link.toString
- def warnNoLink = false
- def findExternalLink(sym: Symbol, name: String) = None
- override def forScaladoc = true
- def getComment(sym: Symbol, source: SourceFile, fragments: List[(Symbol,SourceFile)]): Option[Comment] = {
- val docResponse = new Response[(String, String, Position)]
- askDocComment(sym, source, sym.owner, fragments, docResponse)
- docResponse.get.left.toOption flatMap {
- case (expanded, raw, pos) =>
- if (expanded.isEmpty)
- None
- else
- Some(ask { () => parseAtSymbol(expanded, raw, pos, Some(sym.owner)) })
- }
- }
- }
- }
- override def runDefaultTests() {
- import compiler._
- def findSource(name: String) = sourceFiles.find( == name).get
- val className = names.head
- for (name <- names;
- i <- 1 to tags.length) {
- val newText = text(name, i)
- val source = findSource("Class.scala")
- val batch = new BatchSourceFile(source.file, newText.toCharArray)
- val reloadResponse = new Response[Unit]
- compiler.askReload(List(batch), reloadResponse)
- reloadResponse.get.left.toOption match {
- case None =>
- println("Couldn't reload")
- case Some(_) =>
- val parseResponse = new Response[Tree]
- askParsedEntered(batch, true, parseResponse)
- parseResponse.get.left.toOption match {
- case None =>
- println("Couldn't parse")
- case Some(_) =>
- val sym = compiler.ask { () =>
- val toplevel =
- if (toplevel eq NoSymbol) {
- val clazz =
- val term =
- if (term eq NoSymbol) else
- if (term.isAccessor) term.accessed else term
- } else toplevel
- }
- getComment(sym, batch, (sym,batch)::Nil) match {
- case None => println(s"Got no doc comment for $name")
- case Some(comment) =>
- import comment._
- def cnt(bodies: Iterable[Body]) = bodies.size
- val actual = cnt(example) + cnt(version) + cnt(since) + cnt(todo) + cnt(note) + cnt(see)
- if (actual != i)
- println(s"Got docComment with $actual tags instead of $i, file text:\n$newText")
- }
- }
- }
- }
- // Check inter-classes documentation one-time retrieved ok.
- val baseSource = findSource("Base.scala")
- val derivedSource = findSource("Derived.scala")
- def existsText(where: Any, text: String): Boolean = where match {
- case `text` => true
- case s: Seq[_] => s exists (existsText(_, text))
- case p: Product => p.productIterator exists (existsText(_, text))
- }
- val (derived, base) = compiler.ask { () =>
- val derived ="p")).info.decl(newTypeName("Derived"))
- (derived, derived.ancestors(0))
- }
- val cmt1 = getComment(derived, derivedSource, (base, baseSource)::(derived, derivedSource)::Nil)
- if (!existsText(cmt1, "Derived comment."))
- println("Unexpected Derived class comment:"+cmt1)
- val (fooDerived, fooBase) = compiler.ask { () =>
- val decl = derived.tpe.decl(newTermName("foo"))
- (decl, decl.allOverriddenSymbols(0))
- }
- val cmt2 = getComment(fooDerived, derivedSource, (fooBase, baseSource)::(fooDerived, derivedSource)::Nil)
- if (!existsText(cmt2, "Base method has documentation."))
- println("Unexpected foo method comment:"+cmt2)
- }