path: root/test/files/run
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'test/files/run')
11 files changed, 594 insertions, 71 deletions
diff --git a/test/files/run/Course-2002-10-msil.check b/test/files/run/Course-2002-10-msil.check
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..bbd9414370
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/files/run/Course-2002-10-msil.check
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+fib(0) = 0
+fib(1) = 1
+fib(2) = 1
+fib(3) = 2
+fib(4) = 3
+fib(5) = 5
+fib(6) = 8
+fib(7) = 13
+fib(8) = 21
+fib(9) = 34
+fib(10) = 55
+fib(11) = 89
+fib(12) = 144
+fib(13) = 233
+fib(14) = 377
+fib(15) = 610
+fib(16) = 987
+fib(17) = 1597
+fib(18) = 2584
+fib(19) = 4181
+pi(0) = 4 , 3.16666666666667 , 4
+pi(1) = 2.66666666666667 , 3.13333333333333 , 3.16666666666667
+pi(2) = 3.46666666666667 , 3.1452380952381 , 3.1421052631579
+pi(3) = 2.8952380952381 , 3.13968253968254 , 3.141599357319
+pi(4) = 3.33968253968254 , 3.14271284271284 , 3.14159271403378
+pi(5) = 2.97604617604618 , 3.14088134088134 , 3.14159265397529
+pi(6) = 3.28373848373848 , 3.14207181707182 , 3.14159265359118
+pi(7) = 3.01707181707182 , 3.14125482360776 , 3.14159265358978
+pi(8) = 3.25236593471888 , 3.1418396189294 , 3.14159265358979
+pi(9) = 3.0418396189294 , 3.1414067184965 , 3.14159265358979
+pi = 3.14159265358979 , 3.14159265358979 , 3.14159265358979
+ln(0) = 1 , 0.7 , 1
+ln(1) = 0.5 , 0.69047619047619 , 0.7
+ln(2) = 0.833333333333333 , 0.694444444444444 , 0.69327731092437
+ln(3) = 0.583333333333333 , 0.692424242424242 , 0.693148869332925
+ln(4) = 0.783333333333333 , 0.693589743589744 , 0.693147196073549
+ln(5) = 0.616666666666667 , 0.692857142857143 , 0.693147180663564
+ln(6) = 0.759523809523809 , 0.693347338935574 , 0.693147180560404
+ln(7) = 0.634523809523809 , 0.693003341687552 , 0.693147180559944
+ln(8) = 0.745634920634921 , 0.693253968253968 , 0.693147180559943
+ln(9) = 0.645634920634921 , 0.693065750674446 , 0.693147180559945
+ln = 0.693147180559945 , 0.693147180559945 , 0.693147180559945
+prime numbers: 2 3 5 7 11 13 17 19 23 29 31 37 41 43 47 53 59 61 67 71 73 79 83 89 97 101 103 107 109 113
diff --git a/test/files/run/Course-2002-10.check b/test/files/run/Course-2002-10.check
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..207b671f05
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/files/run/Course-2002-10.check
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+fib(0) = 0
+fib(1) = 1
+fib(2) = 1
+fib(3) = 2
+fib(4) = 3
+fib(5) = 5
+fib(6) = 8
+fib(7) = 13
+fib(8) = 21
+fib(9) = 34
+fib(10) = 55
+fib(11) = 89
+fib(12) = 144
+fib(13) = 233
+fib(14) = 377
+fib(15) = 610
+fib(16) = 987
+fib(17) = 1597
+fib(18) = 2584
+fib(19) = 4181
+pi(0) = 4.0 , 3.166666666666667 , 4.0
+pi(1) = 2.666666666666667 , 3.1333333333333337, 3.166666666666667
+pi(2) = 3.466666666666667 , 3.1452380952380956, 3.142105263157895
+pi(3) = 2.8952380952380956, 3.1396825396825396, 3.1415993573190044
+pi(4) = 3.33968253968254 , 3.142712842712843 , 3.141592714033778
+pi(5) = 2.976046176046176 , 3.140881340881341 , 3.1415926539752923
+pi(6) = 3.283738483738484 , 3.142071817071817 , 3.141592653591176
+pi(7) = 3.017071817071817 , 3.1412548236077646, 3.141592653589777
+pi(8) = 3.252365934718876 , 3.1418396189294024, 3.141592653589794
+pi(9) = 3.0418396189294024, 3.141406718496502 , 3.1415926535897936
+pi = 3.141592653589793 , 3.141592653589793 , 3.141592653589793
+ln(0) = 1.0 , 0.7 , 1.0
+ln(1) = 0.5 , 0.6904761904761905, 0.7
+ln(2) = 0.8333333333333333, 0.6944444444444444, 0.6932773109243697
+ln(3) = 0.5833333333333333, 0.6924242424242424, 0.6931488693329254
+ln(4) = 0.7833333333333333, 0.6935897435897436, 0.6931471960735491
+ln(5) = 0.6166666666666667, 0.6928571428571428, 0.6931471806635636
+ln(6) = 0.7595238095238095, 0.6933473389355742, 0.6931471805604038
+ln(7) = 0.6345238095238095, 0.6930033416875522, 0.6931471805599444
+ln(8) = 0.7456349206349207, 0.6932539682539682, 0.6931471805599426
+ln(9) = 0.6456349206349206, 0.6930657506744463, 0.6931471805599453
+ln = 0.6931471805599453, 0.6931471805599453, 0.6931471805599453
+prime numbers: 2 3 5 7 11 13 17 19 23 29 31 37 41 43 47 53 59 61 67 71 73 79 83 89 97 101 103 107 109 113
diff --git a/test/files/run/Course-2002-10.scala b/test/files/run/Course-2002-10.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e978bc8258
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/files/run/Course-2002-10.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,135 @@
+// Programmation IV - 2002 - Week 10
+import Math.{Pi, log}
+object M0 {
+ def addStream (s1: Stream[Int], s2: Stream[Int]): Stream[Int] =
+ Stream.cons(s1.head + s2.head, addStream(s1.tail, s2.tail));
+ val fib: Stream[Int] =
+ Stream.cons(0, Stream.cons(1, addStream(this.fib, this.fib.tail)));
+ def test = {
+ var i = 0;
+ fib.take(20).foreach(n => {Console.println("fib("+i+") = "+n); i=i+1});
+ Console.println;
+ }
+object M1 {
+ def scale(x: Double, s: Stream[Double]): Stream[Double] =
+ s map { e: Double => e*x }
+ def partialSums(s: Stream[Double]): Stream[Double] =
+ Stream.cons(s.head, partialSums(s.tail) map (x => x + s.head));
+ def euler(s: Stream[Double]): Stream[Double] = {
+ val nm1 = s apply 0;
+ val n = s apply 1;
+ val np1 = s apply 2;
+ Stream.cons(np1 - ((np1 - n)*(np1 - n) / (nm1 - 2*n + np1)),euler(s.tail))
+ };
+ def better(s: Stream[Double], transform: Stream[Double] => Stream[Double])
+ : Stream[Stream[Double]] =
+ Stream.cons(s, better(transform(s), transform));
+ def veryGood(s: Stream[Double], transform: Stream[Double] => Stream[Double])
+ : Stream[Double] =
+ better(s, transform) map (x => x.head);
+ def lnSummands(n: Double): Stream[Double] =
+ Stream.cons(1.0 / n, lnSummands(n + 1.0) map { x: Double => -x })
+ var ln0 = partialSums(lnSummands(1.0));
+ var ln1 = euler(ln0);
+ var ln2 = veryGood(ln0, euler);
+ def piSummands(n: Double): Stream[Double] =
+ Stream.cons(1.0 / n, piSummands(n + 2.0) map { x: Double => -x })
+ var pi0 = scale(4.0, partialSums(piSummands(1.0)));
+ var pi1 = euler(pi0);
+ var pi2 = veryGood(pi0, euler);
+ def pad(s: String, n: Int): String =
+ if (n <= 0) s.substring(0, s.length() + n)
+ else pad(s + " ", n - 1);
+ def str(d: Double) = { val s = d.toString(); pad(s, 18 - s.length()) };
+ def test = {
+ var i = 0;
+ while (i < 10) {
+ Console.print("pi("+i+") = ");
+ Console.print(str(pi0.apply(i)) + ", ");
+ Console.print(str(pi1.apply(i)) + ", ");
+ Console.print(str(pi2.apply(i)) + "\n");
+ i = i + 1;
+ }
+ Console.print("pi = ");
+ Console.print(str(Pi) + ", ");
+ Console.print(str(Pi) + ", ");
+ Console.print(str(Pi) + "\n");
+ Console.println;
+ i = 0;
+ while (i < 10) {
+ Console.print("ln("+i+") = ");
+ Console.print(str(ln0.apply(i)) + ", ");
+ Console.print(str(ln1.apply(i)) + ", ");
+ Console.print(str(ln2.apply(i)) + "\n");
+ i = i + 1;
+ }
+ Console.print("ln = ");
+ Console.print(str(log(2)) + ", ");
+ Console.print(str(log(2)) + ", ");
+ Console.print(str(log(2)) + "\n");
+ Console.println;
+ }
+object M2 {
+ class IntIterator(start: Int) extends Iterator[Int] {
+ var current: Int = start;
+ def hasNext = true;
+ def next = { current = current + 1; current - 1 };
+ }
+ class PrimeIterator() extends Iterator[Int] {
+ var current: Iterator[Int] = new IntIterator(2);
+ def hasNext = true;
+ def next = {
+ val p =;
+ current = current filter { x => !((x % p) == 0) };
+ p
+ }
+ }
+ def test = {
+ val i = (new PrimeIterator()).take(30);
+ Console.print("prime numbers:");
+ while (i.hasNext) { Console.print(" " +; }
+ Console.println;
+ }
+object Test {
+ def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
+ M0.test;
+ M1.test;
+ M2.test;
+ ()
+ }
diff --git a/test/files/run/Course-2002-13.check b/test/files/run/Course-2002-13.check
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..7664f70576
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/files/run/Course-2002-13.check
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+List(S = jean, V = mange, A = le, D = grand, N = table)
+List(S = jean, V = mange, A = le, D = grand, N = cheval)
+List(S = jean, V = mange, A = le, D = grand, N = cheval)
+List(S = jean, V = mange, A = la, D = belle, N = table)
+List(S = jean, V = mange, A = le, D = nil, N = cheval)
+List(S = jean, V = mange, A = le, D = cons(grand,nil), N = cheval)
+List(S = jean, V = mange, A = le, D = cons(grand,cons(grand,nil)), N = cheval)
+List(S = jean, V = mange, A = la, D = nil, N = table)
diff --git a/test/files/run/Course-2002-13.scala b/test/files/run/Course-2002-13.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c016d41a90
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/files/run/Course-2002-13.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,323 @@
+// Programmation IV - 2002 - Week 13
+class Tokenizer(s: String, delimiters: String) extends Iterator[String] {
+ private var i = 0;
+ def isDelimiter(ch: Char) = {
+ var i = 0;
+ while (i < delimiters.length() && delimiters.charAt(i) != ch) { i = i + 1 }
+ i < delimiters.length()
+ }
+ def hasNext: Boolean = {
+ while (i < s.length() && s.charAt(i) <= ' ') { i = i + 1 }
+ i < s.length()
+ }
+ def next: String =
+ if (hasNext) {
+ val start = i;
+ var ch = s.charAt(i); i = i + 1;
+ if (isDelimiter(ch)) ch.toString()
+ else {
+ while (i < s.length() &&
+ s.charAt(i) > ' ' &&
+ !isDelimiter(s.charAt(i))){ i = i + 1 }
+ s.substring(start, i)
+ }
+ } else "";
+object Terms {
+ val debug = false;
+ trait Term {
+ def map(s: Subst): Term;
+ def tyvars: List[String];
+ }
+ case class Binding(name: String, term: Term) {
+ term match { case Var(n) if (name == n) => error("bad binding") case _ => () }
+ override def toString() = name + " = " + term;
+ }
+ type Subst = List[Binding];
+ def lookup(s: Subst, name: String): Option[Term] = s match {
+ case List() => None
+ case b :: s1 => if (name == Some(b.term) else lookup(s1, name)
+ }
+ case class Var(a: String) extends Term {
+ override def toString() = a;
+ def map(s: Subst): Term = lookup(s, a) match {
+ case Some(b) => b map s
+ case None => this;
+ }
+ def tyvars = List(a);
+ }
+ case class Con(a: String, ts: List[Term]) extends Term {
+ override def toString() =
+ a + (if (ts.isEmpty) "" else ts.mkString("(", ",", ")"));
+ def map(s: Subst): Term = Con(a, ts map (t => t map s));
+ def tyvars = (ts flatMap (t => t.tyvars)).distinct;
+ }
+ private var count = 0;
+ def newVar(prefix: String) = { count = count + 1; Var(prefix + count) }
+ val NoTerm = Con("<none>", List());
+ def unify1(x: Term, y: Term, s: Subst): Option[Subst] = Pair(x, y) match {
+ case Pair(Var(a), Var(b)) if (a == b) =>
+ Some(s)
+ case Pair(Var(a), _) => lookup(s, a) match {
+ case Some(x1) => unify(x1, y, s)
+ case None => if (y.tyvars contains a) None else Some(Binding(a, y) :: s)
+ }
+ case Pair(_, Var(b)) => lookup(s, b) match {
+ case Some(y1) => unify(x, y1, s)
+ case None => if (x.tyvars contains b) None else Some(Binding(b, x) :: s)
+ }
+ case Pair(Con(a, xs), Con(b, ys)) if (a == b) =>
+ unify(xs, ys, s)
+ case _ => None
+ }
+ def unify(x: Term, y: Term, s: Subst): Option[Subst] = {
+ val ss = unify1(x, y, s);
+ if (debug) Console.println("unify " + x + " with " + y + " = " + ss);
+ ss
+ }
+ def unify(xs: List[Term], ys: List[Term], s: Subst): Option[Subst] = Pair(xs, ys) match {
+ case Pair(List(), List()) => Some(s)
+ case Pair(x :: xs1, y :: ys1) =>
+ unify(x, y, s) match {
+ case Some(s1) => unify(xs1, ys1, s1)
+ case None => None
+ }
+ case _ => None
+ }
+import Terms._;
+object Programs {
+ case class Clause(lhs: Term, rhs: List[Term]) {
+ def tyvars =
+ (lhs.tyvars ::: (rhs flatMap (t => t.tyvars))).distinct;
+ def newInstance = {
+ var s: Subst = List();
+ for (val a <- tyvars) { s = Binding(a, newVar(a)) :: s }
+ Clause(lhs map s, rhs map (t => t map s))
+ }
+ override def toString() =
+ lhs.toString() + " :- " + rhs.mkString("", ",", "") + ".";
+ }
+ def list2stream[a](xs: List[a]): Stream[a] = xs match {
+ case List() => Stream.empty
+ case x :: xs1 => Stream.cons(x, list2stream(xs1))
+ }
+ def option2stream[a](xo: Option[a]): Stream[a] = xo match {
+ case None => Stream.empty
+ case Some(x) => Stream.cons(x, Stream.empty)
+ }
+ def solve(query: List[Term], clauses: List[Clause]): Stream[Subst] = {
+ def solve2(query: List[Term], s: Subst): Stream[Subst] = query match {
+ case List() =>
+ Stream.cons(s, Stream.empty)
+ case Con("not", qs) :: query1 =>
+ if (solve1(qs, s).isEmpty) Stream.cons(s, Stream.empty)
+ else Stream.empty
+ case q :: query1 =>
+ for (val clause <- list2stream(clauses);
+ val s1 <- tryClause(clause.newInstance, q, s);
+ val s2 <- solve1(query1, s1)) yield s2
+ }
+ def solve1(query: List[Term], s: Subst): Stream[Subst] = {
+ val ss = solve2(query, s);
+ if (debug) Console.println("solved " + query + " = " + ss);
+ ss
+ }
+ def tryClause(c: Clause, q: Term, s: Subst): Stream[Subst] = {
+ if (debug) Console.println("trying " + c);
+ for (val s1 <- option2stream(unify(q, c.lhs, s));
+ val s2 <- solve1(c.rhs, s1)) yield s2;
+ }
+ solve1(query, List())
+ }
+import Programs._;
+class Parser(s: String) {
+ val it = new Tokenizer(s, "(),.?");
+ var token: String =;
+ def syntaxError(msg: String): Unit = error(msg + ", but " + token + " found");
+ def rep[a](p: => a): List[a] = {
+ val t = p;
+ if (token == ",") { token =; t :: rep(p) } else List(t)
+ }
+ def constructor: Term = {
+ val a = token;
+ token =;
+ Con(a,
+ if (token equals "(") {
+ token =;
+ val ts: List[Term] = if (token equals ")") List() else rep(term);
+ if (token equals ")") token = else syntaxError("`)' expected");
+ ts
+ } else List())
+ }
+ def term: Term = {
+ val ch = token.charAt(0);
+ if ('A' <= ch && ch <= 'Z') { val a = token; token =; Var(a) }
+ else if (it.isDelimiter(ch)) { syntaxError("term expected"); null }
+ else constructor
+ }
+ def line: Clause = {
+ val result =
+ if (token equals "?") {
+ token =;
+ Clause(NoTerm, rep(constructor));
+ } else {
+ Clause(
+ constructor,
+ if (token equals ":-") { token =; rep(constructor) } else List())
+ }
+ if (token equals ".") token = else syntaxError("`.' expected");
+ result
+ }
+ def all: List[Clause] = if (token equals "") List() else line :: all;
+object Prolog {
+ def processor: String => Unit = {
+ var program: List[Clause] = List();
+ var solutions: Stream[Subst] = Stream.empty;
+ var tvs: List[String] = List();
+ { input =>
+ new Parser(input).all foreach { c =>
+ if (c.lhs == NoTerm) {
+ c.rhs match {
+ case List(Con("more", List())) =>
+ solutions = solutions.tail;
+ case _ =>
+ solutions = solve(c.rhs, program);
+ tvs = c.tyvars;
+ }
+ if (solutions.isEmpty) {
+ Console.println("no")
+ } else {
+ val s: Subst = solutions.head
+ .filter(b => tvs contains
+ .map(b => Binding(, b.term map solutions.head))
+ .reverse;
+ if (s.isEmpty) Console.println("yes")
+ else Console.println(s);
+ }
+ } else {
+ program = program ::: List(c);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ def process(code: String) = processor(code);
+object Test {
+ def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
+ Prolog.process(
+ "sujet(jean).\n" +
+ "sujet(marie).\n" +
+ "verbe(mange).\n" +
+ "verbe(dort).\n" +
+ "article(le).\n" +
+ "article(la).\n" +
+ "adjectif(grand).\n" +
+ "adjectif(belle).\n" +
+ "nom(table).\n" +
+ "nom(cheval).\n" +
+ "complement(A,D,N) :- article(A), adjectif(D), nom(N).\n" +
+ "phrase(S,V,A,D,N) :- sujet(S), verbe(V), complement(A,D,N).\n" +
+ "?phrase(S,V,A,D,N).\n" + "?more.\n"
+ );
+ Console.println;
+ Prolog.process(
+ "sujet(jean).\n" +
+ "sujet(marie).\n" +
+ "verbe(mange).\n" +
+ "verbe(dort).\n" +
+ "article(le,m).\n" +
+ "article(la,f).\n" +
+ "adjectif(grand,m).\n" +
+ "adjectif(belle,f).\n" +
+ "nom(table,f).\n" +
+ "nom(cheval,m).\n" +
+ "complement(A,D,N) :- article(A,G), adjectif(D,G), nom(N,G).\n" +
+ "phrase(S,V,A,D,N) :- sujet(S), verbe(V), complement(A,D,N).\n" +
+ "?phrase(S,V,A,D,N).\n" + "?more.\n"
+ );
+ Console.println;
+ Prolog.process(
+ "sujet(jean).\n" +
+ "sujet(marie).\n" +
+ "verbe(mange).\n" +
+ "verbe(dort).\n" +
+ "article(le,m).\n" +
+ "article(la,f).\n" +
+ "adjectif(grand,m).\n" +
+ "adjectif(belle,f).\n" +
+ "nom(table,f).\n" +
+ "nom(cheval,m).\n" +
+ "adjectifs(nil,G).\n" +
+ "adjectifs(cons(A1,nil),G) :- adjectif(A1,G).\n" +
+ "adjectifs(cons(A1,cons(A2,nil)),G) :- adjectif(A1,G),adjectif(A2,G).\n"+
+ "complement(A,D,N) :- article(A,G), adjectifs(D,G), nom(N,G).\n" +
+ "phrase(S,V,A,D,N) :- sujet(S), verbe(V), complement(A,D,N).\n" +
+ "?phrase(S,V,A,D,N).\n" + "?more.\n" + "?more.\n" + "?more.\n" +
+ "?phrase(jean,mange,le,nil,cheval).\n" +
+ "?phrase(jean,mange,le,cons(grand,nil),cheval).\n" +
+ "?phrase(jean,mange,le,cons(grand,nil),table).\n"
+ );
+ Console.println;
+ ()
+ }
diff --git a/test/files/run/infiniteloop.check b/test/files/run/infiniteloop.check
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6f8cf6e4d9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/files/run/infiniteloop.check
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+Stream(512, 256, 128, 64, 32, 16, 8, 4, 2, 1)
diff --git a/test/files/run/infiniteloop.scala b/test/files/run/infiniteloop.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f15674a676
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/files/run/infiniteloop.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+/** Tests the optimiser (not to loop on 'reverse'). */
+object Test extends Application {
+ def foo {
+ val s3 = Stream.range(1, 1000) //100000 (ticket #153: Stackoverflow)
+ // ticket #153
+ def powers(x: Int) = if ((x&(x-1)) == 0) Some(x) else None
+ println(s3.flatMap(powers).reverse)
+ }
+ foo
diff --git a/test/files/run/spec-matrix.check b/test/files/run/spec-matrix.check
deleted file mode 100644
index 72e8ffc0db..0000000000
--- a/test/files/run/spec-matrix.check
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/test/files/run/spec-matrix.scala b/test/files/run/spec-matrix.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index 81e3eaf212..0000000000
--- a/test/files/run/spec-matrix.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,70 +0,0 @@
-/** Test matrix multiplication with specialization.
- */
-class Matrix[@specialized A: ClassManifest](val rows: Int, val cols: Int) {
- private val arr: Array[Array[A]] = new Array[Array[A]](rows, cols)
- def apply(i: Int, j: Int): A = {
- if (i < 0 || i >= rows || j < 0 || j >= cols)
- throw new NoSuchElementException("Indexes out of bounds: " + (i, j))
- arr(i)(j)
- }
- def update(i: Int, j: Int, e: A) {
- arr(i)(j) = e
- }
- def rowsIterator: Iterator[Array[A]] = new Iterator[Array[A]] {
- var idx = 0;
- def hasNext = idx < rows
- def next = {
- idx += 1
- arr(idx - 1)
- }
- }
-object Test {
- def main(args: Array[String]) {
- val m = randomMatrix(200, 100)
- val n = randomMatrix(100, 200)
- mult(m, n)
- println("*")
- }
- def randomMatrix(n: Int, m: Int) = {
- val r = new util.Random(10)
- val x = new Matrix[Int](n, m)
- for (i <- 0 until n; j <- 0 until m)
- x(i, j) = r.nextInt
- x
- }
- def multManifest[@specialized(Int) T](m: Matrix[T], n: Matrix[T])(implicit cm: ClassManifest[T], num: Numeric[T]) {
- val p = new Matrix[T](m.rows, n.cols)
- import num._
- for (i <- 0 until m.rows)
- for (j <- 0 until n.cols) {
- var sum =
- for (k <- 0 until n.rows)
- sum += m(i, k) * n(k, j)
- p(i, j) = sum
- }
- }
- def mult(m: Matrix[Int], n: Matrix[Int]) {
- val p = new Matrix[Int](m.rows, n.cols)
- for (i <- 0 until m.rows)
- for (j <- 0 until n.cols) {
- var sum = 0
- for (k <- 0 until n.rows)
- sum += m(i, k) * n(k, j)
- p(i, j) = sum
- }
- }
diff --git a/test/files/run/streamWithFilter.check b/test/files/run/streamWithFilter.check
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6b0e91a147
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/files/run/streamWithFilter.check
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
diff --git a/test/files/run/streamWithFilter.scala b/test/files/run/streamWithFilter.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..cb919d4f55
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/files/run/streamWithFilter.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+object Test {
+ val nums = Stream.from(1)
+ def isFizz(x: Int) = x % 3 == 0
+ def isBuzz(x: Int) = x % 5 == 0
+ // next line will run forever if withFilter isn't doing its thing.
+ val fizzbuzzes = for (n <- nums ; if isFizz(n) ; if isBuzz(n)) yield n
+ def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
+ fizzbuzzes take 5 foreach println
+ }