path: root/test/files/scalacheck/quasiquotes/DefinitionConstructionProps.scala
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Diffstat (limited to 'test/files/scalacheck/quasiquotes/DefinitionConstructionProps.scala')
1 files changed, 293 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/test/files/scalacheck/quasiquotes/DefinitionConstructionProps.scala b/test/files/scalacheck/quasiquotes/DefinitionConstructionProps.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..153e23d947
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/files/scalacheck/quasiquotes/DefinitionConstructionProps.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,293 @@
+import org.scalacheck._
+import Prop._
+import Gen._
+import Arbitrary._
+import scala.reflect.runtime.universe._
+import Flag._
+object DefinitionConstructionProps
+ extends QuasiquoteProperties("definition construction")
+ with ClassConstruction
+ with TraitConstruction
+ with TypeDefConstruction
+ with ValDefConstruction
+trait ClassConstruction { self: QuasiquoteProperties =>
+ val anyRef = ScalaDot(TypeName("AnyRef"))
+ val emtpyConstructor =
+ DefDef(Modifiers(), nme.CONSTRUCTOR, List(),
+ List(List()), TypeTree(), Block(List(pendingSuperCall), Literal(Constant(()))))
+ def classWith(name: TypeName, parents: List[Tree] = List(anyRef), body: List[DefDef] = Nil) =
+ ClassDef(
+ Modifiers(), name, List(),
+ Template(parents, emptyValDef, emtpyConstructor :: body))
+ property("construct case class") = test {
+ val params = q"val x: Int" :: q"val y: Int" :: Nil
+ val name = TypeName("Point")
+ assertEqAst(q"$CASE class $name(..$params)", "case class Point(x: Int, y: Int)")
+ }
+ property("case class bare param") = test {
+ assertEqAst(q"$CASE class Point(x: Int, y: Int)", "case class Point(private[this] val x: Int, private[this] val y: Int)")
+ }
+ property("generate default constructors automatically") = test {
+ val parents = List.empty[Tree]
+ assertEqAst(q"class Foo extends ..$parents", "class Foo")
+ }
+ property("splice term name into class") = forAll { (name: TypeName) =>
+ eqAst(q"class $name", "class " + name.toString)
+ }
+ property("splice method into class") = forAll { (name: TypeName, method: DefDef) =>
+ q"class $name { $method }" ≈ classWith(name, body = List(method))
+ }
+ property("splice members into class") = forAll { (name: TypeName, defs: List[DefDef], extra: DefDef) =>
+ q"""class $name {
+ ..$defs
+ $extra
+ }""" ≈ classWith(name, body = defs :+ extra)
+ }
+ property("splice type name into class parents") = forAll { (name: TypeName, parent: TypeName) =>
+ q"class $name extends $parent" ≈ classWith(name, parents = List(Ident(parent)))
+ }
+ property("param flags are consistent with raw code") = test {
+ val pubx = q"val x: Int"
+ val privx = q"private[this] val x: Int"
+ assertEqAst(q" class C(x: Int)", " class C(x: Int) ")
+ assertEqAst(q"case class C(x: Int)", "case class C(x: Int) ")
+ assertEqAst(q" class C($pubx) ", " class C(val x: Int) ")
+ assertEqAst(q"case class C($pubx) ", "case class C(x: Int) ")
+ assertEqAst(q" class C($privx)", " class C(x: Int) ")
+ assertEqAst(q"case class C($privx)", "case class C(private[this] val x: Int)")
+ }
+trait TraitConstruction { self: QuasiquoteProperties =>
+ property("splice name into trait def") = test {
+ val Foo = TypeName("Foo")
+ assert(q"trait $Foo" ≈ q"trait Foo")
+ }
+ property("splice type params into trait def") = test {
+ val tparams = q"type A" :: q"type B" :: Nil
+ assert(q"trait Foo[..$tparams]" ≈ q"trait Foo[A, B]")
+ }
+ property("splice defs into trait body") = test {
+ val body = q"def foo" :: q"val bar: Baz" :: Nil
+ assert(q"trait Foo { ..$body }" ≈ q"trait Foo { def foo; val bar: Baz }")
+ }
+ property("splice parents into trait") = test {
+ val parents = tq"A" :: tq"B" :: Nil
+ assert(q"trait Foo extends ..$parents" ≈ q"trait Foo extends A with B")
+ }
+ property("splice early valdef into trait") = test {
+ val x = q"val x: Int = 1"
+ assertEqAst(q"trait T extends { $x } with Any", "trait T extends { val x: Int = 1} with Any")
+ }
+ property("construct trait with early valdef") = test {
+ assertEqAst(q"trait T extends { val x: Int = 1 } with Any", "trait T extends { val x: Int = 1 } with Any")
+ }
+ property("splice defs into early block") = test {
+ val defs = q"val x: Int = 0" :: q"type Foo = Bar" :: Nil
+ assert(q"trait T extends { ..$defs } with Bippy" ≈
+ q"trait T extends { val x: Int = 0; type Foo = Bar} with Bippy")
+ }
+ property("fail on splicing of non-valid early tree") = test {
+ val defn = q"def x: Int = 0"
+ assertThrows[IllegalArgumentException] { q"trait T extends { $defn } with Bar" }
+ }
+trait TypeDefConstruction { self: QuasiquoteProperties =>
+ property("splice type name into typedef") = forAll { (name1: TypeName, name2: TypeName) =>
+ q"type $name1 = $name2" ≈ TypeDef(Modifiers(), name1, List(), Ident(name2))
+ }
+ property("splice type names into type bounds") = forAll { (T1: TypeName, T2: TypeName, T3: TypeName) =>
+ q"type $T1 >: $T2 <: $T3" ≈
+ TypeDef(
+ Modifiers(DEFERRED), T1, List(),
+ TypeBoundsTree(Ident(T2), Ident(T3)))
+ }
+ property("splice trees names into type bounds") = forAll { (T: TypeName, t1: Tree, t2: Tree) =>
+ q"type $T >: $t1 <: $t2" ≈
+ TypeDef(
+ Modifiers(DEFERRED), T, List(),
+ TypeBoundsTree(t1, t2))
+ }
+ property("splice tparams into typedef (1)") = forAll { (T: TypeName, targs: List[TypeDef], t: Tree) =>
+ q"type $T[..$targs] = $t" ≈ TypeDef(Modifiers(), T, targs, t)
+ }
+ property("splice tparams into typedef (2)") = forAll { (T: TypeName, targs1: List[TypeDef], targs2: List[TypeDef], t: Tree) =>
+ q"type $T[..$targs1, ..$targs2] = $t" ≈ TypeDef(Modifiers(), T, targs1 ++ targs2, t)
+ }
+ property("splice tparams into typedef (3)") = forAll { (T: TypeName, targ: TypeDef, targs: List[TypeDef], t: Tree) =>
+ q"type $T[$targ, ..$targs] = $t" ≈ TypeDef(Modifiers(), T, targ :: targs, t)
+ }
+ property("splice typename into typedef with default bounds") = forAll { (T1: TypeName, T2: TypeName, t: Tree) =>
+ q"type $T1[$T2 >: Any <: Nothing] = $t" ≈
+ TypeDef(
+ Modifiers(), T1,
+ List(TypeDef(
+ Modifiers(PARAM), T2,
+ List(),
+ TypeBoundsTree(
+ Ident(TypeName("Any")),
+ Ident(TypeName("Nothing"))))),
+ t)
+ }
+ property("splice type names into compound type tree") = forAll { (T: TypeName, A: TypeName, B: TypeName) =>
+ q"type $T = $A with $B" ≈
+ TypeDef(
+ Modifiers(), T, List(),
+ CompoundTypeTree(
+ Template(List(Ident(A), Ident(B)), ValDef(Modifiers(PRIVATE), nme.WILDCARD, TypeTree(), EmptyTree), List())))
+ }
+ property("splice trees into existential type tree") = forAll {
+ (T1: TypeName, T2: TypeName, X: TypeName, Lo: TypeName, Hi: TypeName) =>
+ q"type $T1 = $T2[$X] forSome { type $X >: $Lo <: $Hi }" ≈
+ TypeDef(
+ Modifiers(), T1, List(),
+ ExistentialTypeTree(
+ AppliedTypeTree(Ident(T2), List(Ident(X))),
+ List(
+ TypeDef(Modifiers(DEFERRED), X, List(), TypeBoundsTree(Ident(Lo), Ident(Hi))))))
+ }
+ property("splice tree into singleton type tree") = forAll { (name: TypeName, t: Tree) =>
+ q"type $name = $t.type" ≈ q"type $name = ${SingletonTypeTree(t)}"
+ }
+ property("splice into applied type tree") = forAll { (T1: TypeName, T2: TypeName, args: List[Tree]) =>
+ q"type $T1 = $T2[..$args]" ≈
+ TypeDef(Modifiers(), T1, List(),
+ if(args.nonEmpty) AppliedTypeTree(Ident(T2), args) else Ident(T2))
+ }
+trait ValDefConstruction { self: QuasiquoteProperties =>
+ property("splice term name into val") = forAll { (name: TermName, tpt: Tree, rhs: Tree) =>
+ q"val $name: $tpt = $rhs" ≈ ValDef(Modifiers(), name, tpt, rhs)
+ }
+ property("splice term name into var") = forAll { (name: TermName, tpt: Tree, rhs: Tree) =>
+ q"var $name: $tpt = $rhs" ≈ ValDef(Modifiers(MUTABLE), name, tpt, rhs)
+ }
+trait MethodConstruction { self: QuasiquoteProperties =>
+ property("splice paramss into defdef") = test {
+ val paramss = List(q"val x: Int") :: List(q"val y: Int = 1") :: Nil
+ assert(q"def foo(...$paramss)" ≈ parse("def foo(x: Int)(y: Int = 1)"))
+ }
+ property("splice tparams into defdef") = test {
+ val tparams = q"type A" :: q"type B <: Bippy" :: Nil
+ assert(q"def foo[..$tparams]" ≈ parse("def foo[A, B <: Bippy]"))
+ }
+ def assertSameAnnots(tree: {def mods: Modifiers}, annots: List[Tree]) =
+ assert(tree.mods.annotations ≈ annots,
+ s"${tree.mods.annotations} =/= ${annots}")
+ def assertSameAnnots(tree1: {def mods: Modifiers}, tree2: {def mods: Modifiers}) =
+ assert(tree1.mods.annotations ≈ tree2.mods.annotations,
+ s"${tree1.mods.annotations} =/= ${tree2.mods.annotations}")
+ property("splice type name into annotation") = test {
+ val name = TypeName("annot")
+ assertSameAnnots(q"@$name def foo", List(annot(name)))
+ }
+ property("splice ident into annotation") = test {
+ val name = TypeName("annot")
+ val ident = Ident(name)
+ assertSameAnnots(q"@$ident def foo", List(annot(name)))
+ }
+ property("splice idents into annotation") = test {
+ val idents = List(Ident(TypeName("annot1")), Ident(TypeName("annot2")))
+ assertSameAnnots(q"@..$idents def foo",
+ { ident => Apply(Select(New(ident), nme.CONSTRUCTOR), List()) })
+ }
+ property("splice constructor calls into annotation") = test {
+ val ctorcalls = List(annot("a1"), annot("a2"))
+ assertSameAnnots(q"@..$ctorcalls def foo", ctorcalls)
+ }
+ property("splice multiple annotations (1)") = test {
+ val annot1 = annot("a1")
+ val annot2 = annot("a2")
+ val res = q"@$annot1 @$annot2 def foo"
+ assertSameAnnots(res, List(annot1, annot2))
+ }
+ property("splice multiple annotations (2)") = test {
+ val annot1 = annot("a1")
+ val annots = List(annot("a2"), annot("a3"))
+ val res = q"@$annot1 @..$annots def foo"
+ assertSameAnnots(res, annot1 :: annots)
+ }
+ property("splice annotations with arguments (1)") = test {
+ val a = annot("a", List(q"x"))
+ assertSameAnnots(q"@$a def foo", q"@a(x) def foo")
+ }
+ property("splice annotations with arguments (2)") = test {
+ val a = newTypeName("a")
+ assertSameAnnots(q"@$a(x) def foo", q"@a(x) def foo")
+ }
+ property("splice annotations with arguments (3") = test {
+ val a = Ident(newTypeName("a"))
+ assertSameAnnots(q"@$a(x) def foo", q"@a(x) def foo")
+ }
+ property("splice improper tree into annot") = test {
+ val t = tq"Foo[Baz]"
+ assertThrows[IllegalArgumentException] {
+ q"@$t def foo"
+ }
+ }
+ property("can't splice annotations with arguments specificed twice") = test {
+ val a = annot("a", List(q"x"))
+ assertThrows[IllegalArgumentException] {
+ q"@$a(y) def foo"
+ }
+ }
+ property("splice annotation with targs") = test {
+ val a = q"new Foo[A, B]"
+ assertEqAst(q"@$a def foo", "@Foo[A,B] def foo")
+ }
+ property("splice annotation with multiple argument lists") = test{
+ val a = q"new Foo(a)(b)"
+ assertEqAst(q"@$a def foo", "@Foo(a)(b) def foo")
+ }
+} \ No newline at end of file