path: root/test/files/scalacheck/treemap.scala
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Diffstat (limited to 'test/files/scalacheck/treemap.scala')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 154 deletions
diff --git a/test/files/scalacheck/treemap.scala b/test/files/scalacheck/treemap.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index f672637c57..0000000000
--- a/test/files/scalacheck/treemap.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,154 +0,0 @@
-import collection.immutable._
-import org.scalacheck._
-import Prop._
-import Gen._
-import Arbitrary._
-import util._
-import Buildable._
-object Test extends Properties("TreeMap") {
- def genTreeMap[A: Arbitrary: Ordering, B: Arbitrary]: Gen[TreeMap[A, B]] =
- for {
- keys <- listOf(arbitrary[A])
- values <- listOfN(keys.size, arbitrary[B])
- } yield TreeMap(keys zip values: _*)
- implicit def arbTreeMap[A : Arbitrary : Ordering, B : Arbitrary] = Arbitrary(genTreeMap[A, B])
- property("foreach/iterator consistency") = forAll { (subject: TreeMap[Int, String]) =>
- val it = subject.iterator
- var consistent = true
- subject.foreach { element =>
- consistent &&= it.hasNext && element ==
- }
- consistent
- }
- property("worst-case tree height is iterable") = forAll(choose(0, 10), arbitrary[Boolean]) { (n: Int, even: Boolean) =>
- /*
- * According to "Ralf Hinze. Constructing red-black trees" []
- * you can construct a skinny tree of height 2n by inserting the elements [1 .. 2^(n+1) - 2] and a tree of height
- * 2n+1 by inserting the elements [1 .. 3 * 2^n - 2], both in reverse order.
- *
- * Since we allocate a fixed size buffer in the iterator (based on the tree size) we need to ensure
- * it is big enough for these worst-case trees.
- */
- val highest = if (even) (1 << (n+1)) - 2 else 3*(1 << n) - 2
- val values = (1 to highest).reverse
- val subject = TreeMap(values zip values: _*)
- val it = subject.iterator
- try { while (it.hasNext); true } catch { case _ => false }
- }
- property("sorted") = forAll { (subject: TreeMap[Int, String]) => (subject.size >= 3) ==> {
- { case (x, y) => x._1 < y._1 }
- }}
- property("contains all") = forAll { (arr: List[(Int, String)]) =>
- val subject = TreeMap(arr: _*)
- }
- property("size") = forAll { (elements: List[(Int, Int)]) =>
- val subject = TreeMap(elements: _*)
- == subject.size
- }
- property("toSeq") = forAll { (elements: List[(Int, Int)]) =>
- val subject = TreeMap(elements: _*)
- ==
- }
- property("head") = forAll { (elements: List[Int]) => elements.nonEmpty ==> {
- val subject = TreeMap(elements zip elements: _*)
- elements.min == subject.head._1
- }}
- property("last") = forAll { (elements: List[Int]) => elements.nonEmpty ==> {
- val subject = TreeMap(elements zip elements: _*)
- elements.max == subject.last._1
- }}
- property("head/tail identity") = forAll { (subject: TreeMap[Int, String]) => subject.nonEmpty ==> {
- subject == (subject.tail + subject.head)
- }}
- property("init/last identity") = forAll { (subject: TreeMap[Int, String]) => subject.nonEmpty ==> {
- subject == (subject.init + subject.last)
- }}
- property("take") = forAll { (subject: TreeMap[Int, String]) =>
- val n = choose(0, subject.size).sample.get
- n == subject.take(n).size && subject.take(n).forall(elt => subject.get(elt._1) == Some(elt._2))
- }
- property("drop") = forAll { (subject: TreeMap[Int, String]) =>
- val n = choose(0, subject.size).sample.get
- (subject.size - n) == subject.drop(n).size && subject.drop(n).forall(elt => subject.get(elt._1) == Some(elt._2))
- }
- property("take/drop identity") = forAll { (subject: TreeMap[Int, String]) =>
- val n = choose(-1, subject.size + 1).sample.get
- subject == subject.take(n) ++ subject.drop(n)
- }
- property("splitAt") = forAll { (subject: TreeMap[Int, String]) =>
- val n = choose(-1, subject.size + 1).sample.get
- val (prefix, suffix) = subject.splitAt(n)
- prefix == subject.take(n) && suffix == subject.drop(n)
- }
- def genSliceParms = for {
- tree <- genTreeMap[Int, String]
- from <- choose(0, tree.size)
- until <- choose(from, tree.size)
- } yield (tree, from, until)
- property("slice") = forAll(genSliceParms) { case (subject, from, until) =>
- val slice = subject.slice(from, until)
- slice.size == until - from && subject.toSeq == subject.take(from).toSeq ++ slice ++ subject.drop(until)
- }
- property("takeWhile") = forAll { (subject: TreeMap[Int, String]) =>
- val result = subject.takeWhile(_._1 < 0)
- result.forall(_._1 < 0) && result == subject.take(result.size)
- }
- property("dropWhile") = forAll { (subject: TreeMap[Int, String]) =>
- val result = subject.dropWhile(_._1 < 0)
- result.forall(_._1 >= 0) && result == subject.takeRight(result.size)
- }
- property("span identity") = forAll { (subject: TreeMap[Int, String]) =>
- val (prefix, suffix) = subject.span(_._1 < 0)
- prefix.forall(_._1 < 0) && suffix.forall(_._1 >= 0) && subject == prefix ++ suffix
- }
- property("from is inclusive") = forAll { (subject: TreeMap[Int, String]) => subject.nonEmpty ==> {
- val n = choose(0, subject.size - 1).sample.get
- val from = subject.drop(n).firstKey
- subject.from(from).firstKey == from && subject.from(from).forall(_._1 >= from)
- }}
- property("to is inclusive") = forAll { (subject: TreeMap[Int, String]) => subject.nonEmpty ==> {
- val n = choose(0, subject.size - 1).sample.get
- val to = subject.drop(n).firstKey
- == to && <= to)
- }}
- property("until is exclusive") = forAll { (subject: TreeMap[Int, String]) => subject.size > 1 ==> {
- val n = choose(1, subject.size - 1).sample.get
- val until = subject.drop(n).firstKey
- subject.until(until).lastKey == subject.take(n).lastKey && subject.until(until).forall(_._1 <= until)
- }}
- property("remove single") = forAll { (subject: TreeMap[Int, String]) => subject.nonEmpty ==> {
- val key = oneOf(subject.keys.toSeq).sample.get
- val removed = subject - key
- subject.contains(key) && !removed.contains(key) && subject.size - 1 == removed.size
- }}
- property("remove all") = forAll { (subject: TreeMap[Int, String]) =>
- val result = subject.foldLeft(subject)((acc, elt) => acc - elt._1)
- result.isEmpty
- }