path: root/test/junit/scala/collection/convert
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'test/junit/scala/collection/convert')
2 files changed, 308 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/test/junit/scala/collection/convert/NullSafetyTest.scala b/test/junit/scala/collection/convert/NullSafetyTest.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..173568408c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/junit/scala/collection/convert/NullSafetyTest.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,279 @@
+package scala.collection.convert
+import java.{util => ju, lang => jl}
+import ju.{concurrent => juc}
+import org.junit.Test
+import org.junit.experimental.runners.Enclosed
+import org.junit.runner.RunWith
+import collection.convert.ImplicitConversions._
+import scala.collection.JavaConverters._
+import scala.collection.{mutable, concurrent}
+object NullSafetyTest {
+ /*
+ * Pertinent: SI-9113
+ * Tests to insure that wrappers return null instead of wrapping it as a collection
+ */
+ class ToScala {
+ @Test def testIteratorWrapping(): Unit = {
+ val nullJIterator: ju.Iterator[AnyRef] = null
+ val iterator: Iterator[AnyRef] = nullJIterator
+ assert(iterator == null)
+ }
+ @Test def testEnumerationWrapping(): Unit = {
+ val nullJEnumeration: ju.Enumeration[AnyRef] = null
+ val enumeration: Iterator[AnyRef] = nullJEnumeration
+ assert(enumeration == null)
+ }
+ @Test def testIterableWrapping(): Unit = {
+ val nullJIterable: jl.Iterable[AnyRef] = null
+ val iterable: Iterable[AnyRef] = nullJIterable
+ assert(iterable == null)
+ }
+ @Test def testCollectionWrapping(): Unit = {
+ val nullJCollection: ju.Collection[AnyRef] = null
+ val collection: Iterable[AnyRef] = nullJCollection
+ assert(collection == null)
+ }
+ @Test def testBufferWrapping(): Unit = {
+ val nullJList: ju.List[AnyRef] = null
+ val buffer: mutable.Buffer[AnyRef] = nullJList
+ assert(buffer == null)
+ }
+ @Test def testSetWrapping(): Unit = {
+ val nullJSet: ju.Set[AnyRef] = null
+ val set: mutable.Set[AnyRef] = nullJSet
+ assert(set == null)
+ }
+ @Test def testMapWrapping(): Unit = {
+ val nullJMap: ju.Map[AnyRef, AnyRef] = null
+ val map: mutable.Map[AnyRef, AnyRef] = nullJMap
+ assert(map == null)
+ }
+ @Test def testConcurrentMapWrapping(): Unit = {
+ val nullJConMap: juc.ConcurrentMap[AnyRef, AnyRef] = null
+ val conMap: concurrent.Map[AnyRef, AnyRef] = nullJConMap
+ assert(conMap == null)
+ }
+ @Test def testDictionaryWrapping(): Unit = {
+ val nullJDict: ju.Dictionary[AnyRef, AnyRef] = null
+ val dict: mutable.Map[AnyRef, AnyRef] = nullJDict
+ assert(dict == null)
+ }
+ @Test def testPropertyWrapping(): Unit = {
+ val nullJProps: ju.Properties = null
+ val props: mutable.Map[String, String] = nullJProps
+ assert(props == null)
+ }
+ @Test def testIteratorDecoration(): Unit = {
+ val nullJIterator: ju.Iterator[AnyRef] = null
+ assert(nullJIterator.asScala == null)
+ }
+ @Test def testEnumerationDecoration(): Unit = {
+ val nullJEnumeration: ju.Enumeration[AnyRef] = null
+ assert(nullJEnumeration.asScala == null)
+ }
+ @Test def testIterableDecoration(): Unit = {
+ val nullJIterable: jl.Iterable[AnyRef] = null
+ assert(nullJIterable.asScala == null)
+ }
+ @Test def testCollectionDecoration(): Unit = {
+ val nullJCollection: ju.Collection[AnyRef] = null
+ assert(nullJCollection.asScala == null)
+ }
+ @Test def testBufferDecoration(): Unit = {
+ val nullJBuffer: ju.List[AnyRef] = null
+ assert(nullJBuffer.asScala == null)
+ }
+ @Test def testSetDecoration(): Unit = {
+ val nullJSet: ju.Set[AnyRef] = null
+ assert(nullJSet.asScala == null)
+ }
+ @Test def testMapDecoration(): Unit = {
+ val nullJMap: ju.Map[AnyRef, AnyRef] = null
+ assert(nullJMap.asScala == null)
+ }
+ @Test def testConcurrentMapDecoration(): Unit = {
+ val nullJConMap: juc.ConcurrentMap[AnyRef, AnyRef] = null
+ assert(nullJConMap.asScala == null)
+ }
+ @Test def testDictionaryDecoration(): Unit = {
+ val nullJDict: ju.Dictionary[AnyRef, AnyRef] = null
+ assert(nullJDict.asScala == null)
+ }
+ @Test def testPropertiesDecoration(): Unit = {
+ val nullJProperties: ju.Properties = null
+ assert(nullJProperties.asScala == null)
+ }
+ }
+ class ToJava {
+ @Test def testIteratorWrapping(): Unit = {
+ val nullIterator: Iterator[AnyRef] = null
+ val jIterator: ju.Iterator[AnyRef] = nullIterator
+ assert(jIterator == null)
+ }
+ @Test def testEnumerationWrapping(): Unit = {
+ val nullEnumeration: Iterator[AnyRef] = null
+ val enumeration: ju.Iterator[AnyRef] = nullEnumeration
+ assert(enumeration == null)
+ }
+ @Test def testIterableWrapping(): Unit = {
+ val nullIterable: Iterable[AnyRef] = null
+ val iterable: jl.Iterable[AnyRef] = asJavaIterable(nullIterable)
+ assert(iterable == null)
+ }
+ @Test def testCollectionWrapping(): Unit = {
+ val nullCollection: Iterable[AnyRef] = null
+ val collection: ju.Collection[AnyRef] = nullCollection
+ assert(collection == null)
+ }
+ @Test def testBufferWrapping(): Unit = {
+ val nullList: mutable.Buffer[AnyRef] = null
+ val buffer: ju.List[AnyRef] = nullList
+ assert(buffer == null)
+ }
+ @Test def testSetWrapping(): Unit = {
+ val nullSet: mutable.Set[AnyRef] = null
+ val set: ju.Set[AnyRef] = nullSet
+ assert(set == null)
+ }
+ @Test def testMapWrapping(): Unit = {
+ val nullMap: mutable.Map[AnyRef, AnyRef] = null
+ val map: ju.Map[AnyRef, AnyRef] = nullMap
+ assert(map == null)
+ }
+ @Test def testConcurrentMapWrapping(): Unit = {
+ val nullConMap: concurrent.Map[AnyRef, AnyRef] = null
+ val conMap: juc.ConcurrentMap[AnyRef, AnyRef] = nullConMap
+ assert(conMap == null)
+ }
+ @Test def testDictionaryWrapping(): Unit = {
+ val nullDict: mutable.Map[AnyRef, AnyRef] = null
+ val dict: ju.Dictionary[AnyRef, AnyRef] = nullDict
+ assert(dict == null)
+ }
+ // Implicit conversion to ju.Properties is not available
+ @Test def testIteratorDecoration(): Unit = {
+ val nullIterator: Iterator[AnyRef] = null
+ assert(nullIterator.asJava == null)
+ }
+ @Test def testEnumerationDecoration(): Unit = {
+ val nullEnumeration: Iterator[AnyRef] = null
+ assert(nullEnumeration.asJavaEnumeration == null)
+ }
+ @Test def testIterableDecoration(): Unit = {
+ val nullIterable: Iterable[AnyRef] = null
+ assert(nullIterable.asJava == null)
+ }
+ @Test def testCollectionDecoration(): Unit = {
+ val nullCollection: Iterable[AnyRef] = null
+ assert(nullCollection.asJavaCollection == null)
+ }
+ @Test def testBufferDecoration(): Unit = {
+ val nullBuffer: mutable.Buffer[AnyRef] = null
+ assert(nullBuffer.asJava == null)
+ }
+ @Test def testSetDecoration(): Unit = {
+ val nullSet: Set[AnyRef] = null
+ assert(nullSet.asJava == null)
+ }
+ @Test def testMapDecoration(): Unit = {
+ val nullMap: mutable.Map[AnyRef, AnyRef] = null
+ assert(nullMap.asJava == null)
+ }
+ @Test def testConcurrentMapDecoration(): Unit = {
+ val nullConMap: concurrent.Map[AnyRef, AnyRef] = null
+ assert(nullConMap.asJava == null)
+ }
+ @Test def testDictionaryDecoration(): Unit = {
+ val nullDict: mutable.Map[AnyRef, AnyRef] = null
+ assert(nullDict.asJavaDictionary == null)
+ }
+ // Decorator conversion to ju.Properties is not available
+ }
diff --git a/test/junit/scala/collection/convert/WrapperSerializationTest.scala b/test/junit/scala/collection/convert/WrapperSerializationTest.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d398be806a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/junit/scala/collection/convert/WrapperSerializationTest.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+package scala.collection.convert
+import org.junit.Assert._
+import org.junit.Test
+import org.junit.runner.RunWith
+import org.junit.runners.JUnit4
+class WrapperSerializationTest {
+ def ser(a: AnyRef) = {
+ val baos = new
+ (new
+ baos
+ }
+ def des(baos: AnyRef = {
+ val bais = new
+ (new
+ }
+ def serdes(a: AnyRef): Boolean = a == des(ser(a))
+ @Test
+ def test_SI8911() {
+ import scala.collection.JavaConverters._
+ assert( serdes(scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer(1,2).asJava) )
+ assert( serdes(Seq(1,2).asJava) )
+ assert( serdes(Set(1,2).asJava) )
+ assert( serdes(Map(1 -> "one", 2 -> "two").asJava) )
+ }