path: root/test/junit/scala/lang/primitives/BoxUnboxTest.scala
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Diffstat (limited to 'test/junit/scala/lang/primitives/BoxUnboxTest.scala')
1 files changed, 249 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/test/junit/scala/lang/primitives/BoxUnboxTest.scala b/test/junit/scala/lang/primitives/BoxUnboxTest.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e4911f1af5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/junit/scala/lang/primitives/BoxUnboxTest.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,249 @@
+package scala.lang.primitives
+import org.junit.Assert._
+import org.junit.Test
+import org.junit.runner.RunWith
+import org.junit.runners.JUnit4
+object BoxUnboxTest {
+ class VCI(val x: Int) extends AnyVal { override def toString = "" + x }
+class BoxUnboxTest extends RunTesting {
+ import runner._
+ @Test
+ def boxUnboxInt(): Unit = {
+ // Once we use 2.12.0-M5 as starr, this code can be run directly in the JUnit test.
+ // Some fixes not yet available in M4 make the test fail when compiled with M4.
+ val code =
+ """import
+ |import org.junit.Assert._
+ |
+ |def genericNull[T] = null.asInstanceOf[T] // allowed, see SI-4437, point 2
+ |
+ |val b = new Integer(1)
+ |val u = 1
+ |
+ |assertEquals(1.toInt, u)
+ |
+ |assertEquals(Predef.int2Integer(1), b)
+ |assertEquals(1: Integer, b)
+ |assertEquals(, b)
+ |assertEquals(1.asInstanceOf[Object], b)
+ |
+ |assertThrows[ClassCastException]("".asInstanceOf[Integer])
+ |
+ |assertEquals(Predef.Integer2int(b), u)
+ |assertEquals(b: Int, u)
+ |assertEquals(Int.unbox(b), u)
+ |assertEquals(b.asInstanceOf[Int], u)
+ |assertEquals(b.intValue, u)
+ |assertEquals(b.toInt, u)
+ |intWrapper(b).toInt
+ |
+ |assertThrows[ClassCastException](Int.unbox(""))
+ |assertThrows[ClassCastException]("".asInstanceOf[Int])
+ |
+ |// null unboxing in various positions
+ |
+ |val n1 = Int.unbox(null)
+ |assertEquals(n1, 0)
+ |val n2 = Predef.Integer2int(null)
+ |assertEquals(n2, 0)
+ |val n3 = (null: Integer): Int
+ |assertEquals(n3, 0)
+ |val n4 = null.asInstanceOf[Int]
+ |assertEquals(n4, 0)
+ |val n5 = null.asInstanceOf[Int] == 0
+ |assertTrue(n5)
+ |val n6 = null.asInstanceOf[Int] == null
+ |assertFalse(n6)
+ |val n7 = null.asInstanceOf[Int] != 0
+ |assertFalse(n7)
+ |val n8 = null.asInstanceOf[Int] != null
+ |assertTrue(n8)
+ |
+ |val mp = new java.util.HashMap[Int, Int]
+ |val n9 = mp.get(0)
+ |assertEquals(n9, 0)
+ |val n10 = mp.get(0) == null // SI-602
+ |assertThrows[AssertionError](assertFalse(n10)) // should not throw
+ |
+ |def f(a: Any) = "" + a
+ |val n11 = f(null.asInstanceOf[Int])
+ |assertEquals(n11, "0")
+ |
+ |def n12 = genericNull[Int]
+ |assertEquals(n12, 0)
+ """.stripMargin
+ run[Unit](code)
+ }
+ @Test
+ def numericConversions(): Unit = {
+ // Once we use 2.12.0-M5 as starr, this code can be run directly in the JUnit test.
+ val code =
+ """import
+ |import org.junit.Assert._
+ |
+ |val i1 = 1L.asInstanceOf[Int]
+ |assertEquals(i1, 1)
+ |assertThrows[ClassCastException] {
+ | val i2 = (1L: Any).asInstanceOf[Int] // SI-1448, should not throw. see also SI-4437 point 1.
+ | assertEquals(i2, 1)
+ |}
+ """.stripMargin
+ run[Unit](code)
+ }
+ @Test
+ def boxUnboxBoolean(): Unit = {
+ // Once we use 2.12.0-M5 as starr, this code can be run directly in the JUnit test.
+ val code =
+ """val n1 = Option(null.asInstanceOf[Boolean])
+ |n1
+ """.stripMargin
+ assertEquals(run[Option[Boolean]](code), Some(false))
+ }
+ @Test
+ def boxUnboxUnit(): Unit = {
+ // should not use assertEquals in this test: it takes two Object parameters. normally, Unit does
+ // not conform to Object, but for Java-defined methods scalac makes an exception and treats them
+ // as Any. passing a Unit as Any makes the compiler go through another layer of boxing, so it
+ // can hide some bugs (where we actually have a null, but the compiler makes it a ()).
+ // Once we use 2.12.0-M5 as starr, this code can be run directly in the JUnit test.
+ val code =
+ """import
+ |import org.junit.Assert._
+ |
+ |var v = 0
+ |def eff() = { v = 1 }
+ |def chk() = { assert(v == 1); v = 0 }
+ |
+ |val b = runtime.BoxedUnit.UNIT
+ |
+ |assert(eff() == b); chk()
+ |assert( == b); chk()
+ |assert(().asInstanceOf[Object] == b)
+ |
+ |Unit.unbox({eff(); b}); chk()
+ |Unit.unbox({eff(); null}); chk()
+ |assertThrows[ClassCastException](Unit.unbox({eff(); ""})); chk()
+ |
+ |val n1 = null.asInstanceOf[Unit]
+ |assert(n1 == b)
+ |
+ |val n2 = null.asInstanceOf[Unit] == b
+ |assert(n2)
+ |
+ |def f(a: Any) = "" + a
+ |val n3 = f(null.asInstanceOf[Unit])
+ |assertEquals(n3, "()")
+ """.stripMargin
+ run[Unit](code)
+ }
+ @Test
+ def t9671(): Unit = {
+ // Once we use 2.12.0-M5 as starr, this code can be run directly in the JUnit test.
+ val code =
+ """import scala.lang.primitives.BoxUnboxTest.VCI
+ |
+ |def f1(a: Any) = "" + a
+ |def f2(a: AnyVal) = "" + a
+ |def f3[T](a: T) = "" + a
+ |def f4(a: Int) = "" + a
+ |def f5(a: VCI) = "" + a
+ |def f6(u: Unit) = "" + u
+ |
+ |def n1: AnyRef = null
+ |def n2: Null = null
+ |def n3: Any = null
+ |def n4[T]: T = null.asInstanceOf[T]
+ |
+ |def npe(s: => String) = try { s; throw new Error() } catch { case _: NullPointerException => "npe" }
+ |
+ | f1(null.asInstanceOf[Int]) +
+ | f1( n1.asInstanceOf[Int]) +
+ | f1( n2.asInstanceOf[Int]) +
+ | f1( n3.asInstanceOf[Int]) +
+ | f1( n4[Int]) + // "null"
+ |"-" +
+ | f1(null.asInstanceOf[VCI]) +
+ |npe(f1( n1.asInstanceOf[VCI])) + // SI-8097
+ | f1( n2.asInstanceOf[VCI]) +
+ |npe(f1( n3.asInstanceOf[VCI])) + // SI-8097
+ | f1( n4[VCI]) + // "null"
+ |"-" +
+ | f1(null.asInstanceOf[Unit]) +
+ | f1( n1.asInstanceOf[Unit]) +
+ | f1( n2.asInstanceOf[Unit]) +
+ | f1( n3.asInstanceOf[Unit]) +
+ | f1( n4[Unit]) + // "null"
+ |"-" +
+ | f2(null.asInstanceOf[Int]) +
+ | f2( n1.asInstanceOf[Int]) +
+ | f2( n2.asInstanceOf[Int]) +
+ | f2( n3.asInstanceOf[Int]) +
+ | f2( n4[Int]) + // "null"
+ |"-" +
+ | f2(null.asInstanceOf[VCI]) +
+ |npe(f2( n1.asInstanceOf[VCI])) + // SI-8097
+ | f2( n2.asInstanceOf[VCI]) +
+ |npe(f2( n3.asInstanceOf[VCI])) + // SI-8097
+ | f2( n4[VCI]) + // "null"
+ |"-" +
+ | f2(null.asInstanceOf[Unit]) +
+ | f2( n1.asInstanceOf[Unit]) +
+ | f2( n2.asInstanceOf[Unit]) +
+ | f2( n3.asInstanceOf[Unit]) +
+ | f2( n4[Unit]) + // "null"
+ |"-" +
+ | f3(null.asInstanceOf[Int]) +
+ | f3( n1.asInstanceOf[Int]) +
+ | f3( n2.asInstanceOf[Int]) +
+ | f3( n3.asInstanceOf[Int]) +
+ | f3( n4[Int]) + // "null"
+ |"-" +
+ | f3(null.asInstanceOf[VCI]) +
+ |npe(f3( n1.asInstanceOf[VCI])) + // SI-8097
+ | f3( n2.asInstanceOf[VCI]) +
+ |npe(f3( n3.asInstanceOf[VCI])) + // SI-8097
+ | f3( n4[VCI]) + // "null"
+ |"-" +
+ | f3(null.asInstanceOf[Unit]) +
+ | f3( n1.asInstanceOf[Unit]) +
+ | f3( n2.asInstanceOf[Unit]) +
+ | f3( n3.asInstanceOf[Unit]) +
+ | f3( n4[Unit]) + // "null"
+ |"-" +
+ | f4(null.asInstanceOf[Int]) +
+ | f4( n1.asInstanceOf[Int]) +
+ | f4( n2.asInstanceOf[Int]) +
+ | f4( n3.asInstanceOf[Int]) +
+ | f4( n4[Int]) +
+ |"-" +
+ | f5(null.asInstanceOf[VCI]) +
+ |npe(f5( n1.asInstanceOf[VCI])) + // SI-8097
+ | f5( n2.asInstanceOf[VCI]) +
+ |npe(f5( n3.asInstanceOf[VCI])) + // SI-8097
+ |npe(f5( n4[VCI])) + // SI-8097
+ |"-" +
+ | f6(null.asInstanceOf[Unit]) +
+ | f6( n1.asInstanceOf[Unit]) +
+ | f6( n2.asInstanceOf[Unit]) +
+ | f6( n3.asInstanceOf[Unit]) +
+ | f6( n4[Unit]) // "null"
+ """.stripMargin
+ assertEquals(run[String](code),
+ "0000null-0npe0npenull-()()()()null-0000null-0npe0npenull-()()()()null-0000null-0npe0npenull-()()()()null-00000-0npe0npenpe-()()()()null")
+ }