path: root/test/junit/scala/tools/nsc/backend/jvm/CodeGenTools.scala
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'test/junit/scala/tools/nsc/backend/jvm/CodeGenTools.scala')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 178 deletions
diff --git a/test/junit/scala/tools/nsc/backend/jvm/CodeGenTools.scala b/test/junit/scala/tools/nsc/backend/jvm/CodeGenTools.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index ee9580c1c3..0000000000
--- a/test/junit/scala/tools/nsc/backend/jvm/CodeGenTools.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,178 +0,0 @@
-import org.junit.Assert._
-import scala.collection.mutable.ListBuffer
-import scala.reflect.internal.util.BatchSourceFile
-import{AbstractInsnNode, ClassNode, MethodNode}
-import{Settings, Global}
-import scala.collection.JavaConverters._
-import AsmUtils._
-object CodeGenTools {
- import ASMConverters._
- def genMethod( flags: Int = Opcodes.ACC_PUBLIC,
- name: String = "m",
- descriptor: String = "()V",
- genericSignature: String = null,
- throwsExceptions: Array[String] = null,
- handlers: List[ExceptionHandler] = Nil,
- localVars: List[LocalVariable] = Nil)(body: Instruction*): MethodNode = {
- val node = new MethodNode(flags, name, descriptor, genericSignature, throwsExceptions)
- applyToMethod(node, Method(body.toList, handlers, localVars))
- node
- }
- def wrapInClass(method: MethodNode): ClassNode = {
- val cls = new ClassNode()
- cls.visit(Opcodes.V1_6, Opcodes.ACC_PUBLIC, "C", null, "java/lang/Object", null)
- cls.methods.add(method)
- cls
- }
- private def resetOutput(compiler: Global): Unit = {
- compiler.settings.outputDirs.setSingleOutput(new VirtualDirectory("(memory)", None))
- }
- def newCompiler(defaultArgs: String = "-usejavacp", extraArgs: String = ""): Global = {
- val compiler = newCompilerWithoutVirtualOutdir(defaultArgs, extraArgs)
- resetOutput(compiler)
- compiler
- }
- def newCompilerWithoutVirtualOutdir(defaultArgs: String = "-usejavacp", extraArgs: String = ""): Global = {
- val settings = new Settings()
- val args = (CommandLineParser tokenize defaultArgs) ++ (CommandLineParser tokenize extraArgs)
- settings.processArguments(args, processAll = true)
- new Global(settings, new StoreReporter)
- }
- def newRun(compiler: Global): compiler.Run = {
- compiler.reporter.reset()
- resetOutput(compiler)
- new compiler.Run()
- }
- def reporter(compiler: Global) = compiler.reporter.asInstanceOf[StoreReporter]
- def makeSourceFile(code: String, filename: String): BatchSourceFile = new BatchSourceFile(filename, code)
- def getGeneratedClassfiles(outDir: AbstractFile): List[(String, Array[Byte])] = {
- def files(dir: AbstractFile): List[(String, Array[Byte])] = {
- val res = ListBuffer.empty[(String, Array[Byte])]
- for (f <- dir.iterator) {
- if (!f.isDirectory) res += ((, f.toByteArray))
- else if ( != "." && != "..") res ++= files(f)
- }
- res.toList
- }
- files(outDir)
- }
- def checkReport(compiler: Global, allowMessage: StoreReporter#Info => Boolean = _ => false): Unit = {
- val disallowed = reporter(compiler).infos.toList.filter(!allowMessage(_)) // toList prevents an infer-non-wildcard-existential warning.
- if (disallowed.nonEmpty) {
- val msg = disallowed.mkString("\n")
- assert(false, "The compiler issued non-allowed warnings or errors:\n" + msg)
- }
- }
- def compile(compiler: Global)(scalaCode: String, javaCode: List[(String, String)] = Nil, allowMessage: StoreReporter#Info => Boolean = _ => false): List[(String, Array[Byte])] = {
- val run = newRun(compiler)
- run.compileSources(makeSourceFile(scalaCode, "unitTestSource.scala") :: => makeSourceFile(p._1, p._2)))
- checkReport(compiler, allowMessage)
- getGeneratedClassfiles(compiler.settings.outputDirs.getSingleOutput.get)
- }
- /**
- * Compile multiple Scala files separately into a single output directory.
- *
- * Note that a new compiler instance is created for compiling each file because symbols survive
- * across runs. This makes separate compilation slower.
- *
- * The output directory is a physical directory, I have not figured out if / how it's possible to
- * add a VirtualDirectory to the classpath of a compiler.
- */
- def compileSeparately(codes: List[String], extraArgs: String = "", allowMessage: StoreReporter#Info => Boolean = _ => false, afterEach: AbstractFile => Unit = _ => ()): List[(String, Array[Byte])] = {
- val outDir = AbstractFile.getDirectory(TempDir.createTempDir())
- val outDirPath = outDir.canonicalPath
- val argsWithOutDir = extraArgs + s" -d $outDirPath -cp $outDirPath"
- for (code <- codes) {
- val compiler = newCompilerWithoutVirtualOutdir(extraArgs = argsWithOutDir)
- new compiler.Run().compileSources(List(makeSourceFile(code, "unitTestSource.scala")))
- checkReport(compiler, allowMessage)
- afterEach(outDir)
- }
- val classfiles = getGeneratedClassfiles(outDir)
- outDir.delete()
- classfiles
- }
- def compileClassesSeparately(codes: List[String], extraArgs: String = "", allowMessage: StoreReporter#Info => Boolean = _ => false, afterEach: AbstractFile => Unit = _ => ()) = {
- readAsmClasses(compileSeparately(codes, extraArgs, allowMessage, afterEach))
- }
- def readAsmClasses(classfiles: List[(String, Array[Byte])]) = {
- => AsmUtils.readClass(p._2)).sortBy(
- }
- def compileClasses(compiler: Global)(code: String, javaCode: List[(String, String)] = Nil, allowMessage: StoreReporter#Info => Boolean = _ => false): List[ClassNode] = {
- readAsmClasses(compile(compiler)(code, javaCode, allowMessage))
- }
- def compileMethods(compiler: Global)(code: String, allowMessage: StoreReporter#Info => Boolean = _ => false): List[MethodNode] = {
- compileClasses(compiler)(s"class C { $code }", allowMessage = allowMessage).head.methods.asScala.toList.filterNot( == "<init>")
- }
- def singleMethodInstructions(compiler: Global)(code: String, allowMessage: StoreReporter#Info => Boolean = _ => false): List[Instruction] = {
- val List(m) = compileMethods(compiler)(code, allowMessage = allowMessage)
- instructionsFromMethod(m)
- }
- def singleMethod(compiler: Global)(code: String, allowMessage: StoreReporter#Info => Boolean = _ => false): Method = {
- val List(m) = compileMethods(compiler)(code, allowMessage = allowMessage)
- convertMethod(m)
- }
- def assertSameCode(actual: List[Instruction], expected: List[Instruction]): Unit = {
- assertTrue(s"\nExpected: $expected\nActual : $actual", actual === expected)
- }
- def getSingleMethod(classNode: ClassNode, name: String): Method =
- convertMethod(classNode.methods.asScala.toList.find( == name).get)
- /**
- * Instructions that match `query` when textified.
- * If `query` starts with a `+`, the next instruction is returned.
- */
- def findInstr(method: MethodNode, query: String): List[AbstractInsnNode] = {
- val useNext = query(0) == '+'
- val instrPart = if (useNext) query.drop(1) else query
- val insns = method.instructions.iterator.asScala.find(i => textify(i) contains instrPart).toList
- if (useNext) else insns
- }
- def assertHandlerLabelPostions(h: ExceptionHandler, instructions: List[Instruction], startIndex: Int, endIndex: Int, handlerIndex: Int): Unit = {
- val insVec = instructions.toVector
- assertTrue(h.start == insVec(startIndex) && h.end == insVec(endIndex) && h.handler == insVec(handlerIndex))
- }
- import scala.language.implicitConversions
- implicit def aliveInstruction(ins: Instruction): (Instruction, Boolean) = (ins, true)
- implicit class MortalInstruction(val ins: Instruction) extends AnyVal {
- def dead: (Instruction, Boolean) = (ins, false)
- }