path: root/test/pending/scalacheck/CheckEither.scala
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Diffstat (limited to 'test/pending/scalacheck/CheckEither.scala')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 253 deletions
diff --git a/test/pending/scalacheck/CheckEither.scala b/test/pending/scalacheck/CheckEither.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index a6c728451b..0000000000
--- a/test/pending/scalacheck/CheckEither.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,253 +0,0 @@
-// To run these tests:
-// 1) wget
-// 2) scalac -classpath ScalaCheck-1.2.jar Either.scala
-// 3) scala -classpath .:ScalaCheck-1.2.jar scala.CheckEither
-// 4) observe passing tests
-import org.scalacheck.Arbitrary
-import org.scalacheck.Arbitrary.{arbitrary, arbThrowable}
-import org.scalacheck.Gen.oneOf
-import org.scalacheck.{Prop, StdRand}
-import org.scalacheck.Prop._
-import org.scalacheck.ConsoleReporter.{testReport, propReport}
-import org.scalacheck.Test.{Params, check}
-import org.scalacheck.ConsoleReporter.testStatsEx
-import Function.tupled
-object CheckEither {
- implicit def arbitraryEither[X, Y](implicit xa: Arbitrary[X], ya: Arbitrary[Y]): Arbitrary[Either[X, Y]] =
- Arbitrary[Either[X, Y]](oneOf(arbitrary[X].map(Left(_)), arbitrary[Y].map(Right(_))))
- val prop_either1 = property((n: Int) => Left(n).either(x => x, b => error("fail")) == n)
- val prop_either2 = property((n: Int) => Right(n).either(a => error("fail"), x => x) == n)
- val prop_swap = property((e: Either[Int, Int]) => e match {
- case Left(a) => e.swap.right.value == a
- case Right(b) => e.swap.left.value == b
- })
- val prop_isLeftRight = property((e: Either[Int, Int]) => e.isLeft != e.isRight)
- object CheckLeftProjection {
- val prop_valueE = property((n: Int, s: String) => Left(n).left.valueE(s) == n)
- val prop_value = property((n: Int) => Left(n).left.value == n)
- val prop_on = property((e: Either[Int, Int]) => e.left.on((_: Int) + 1) == (e match {
- case Left(a) => a
- case Right(b) => b + 1
- }))
- val prop_getOrElse = property((e: Either[Int, Int], or: Int) => e.left.getOrElse(or) == (e match {
- case Left(a) => a
- case Right(_) => or
- }))
- val prop_forall = property((e: Either[Int, Int]) =>
- e.left.forall(_ % 2 == 0) == (e.isRight || e.left.value % 2 == 0))
- val prop_exists = property((e: Either[Int, Int]) =>
- e.left.exists(_ % 2 == 0) == (e.isLeft && e.left.value % 2 == 0))
- val prop_flatMapLeftIdentity = property((e: Either[Int, Int], n: Int, s: String) => {
- def f(x: Int) = if(x % 2 == 0) Left(s) else Right(s)
- Left(n).left.flatMap(f(_)) == f(n)})
- val prop_flatMapRightIdentity = property((e: Either[Int, Int]) => e.left.flatMap(Left(_)) == e)
- val prop_flatMapComposition = property((e: Either[Int, Int]) => {
- def f(x: Int) = if(x % 2 == 0) Left(x) else Right(x)
- def g(x: Int) = if(x % 7 == 0) Right(x) else Left(x)
- e.left.flatMap(f(_)).left.flatMap(g(_)) == e.left.flatMap(f(_).left.flatMap(g(_)))})
- val prop_mapIdentity = property((e: Either[Int, Int]) => => x) == e)
- val prop_mapComposition = property((e: Either[String, Int]) => {
- def f(s: String) = s.toLowerCase
- def g(s: String) = s.reverse
- => f(g(x))) == => g(x))})
- val prop_filter = property((e: Either[Int, Int], x: Int) => e.left.filter(_ % 2 == 0) ==
- (if(e.isRight || e.left.value % 2 != 0) None else Some(e)))
- val prop_ap = property((e1: Either[Int, Int], e2: Either[Int, Int]) => {
- val ee2 = e2.left map (n => (x: Int) => x + n)
- e1.left.ap(ee2) == (ee2 match {
- case Left(f) => e1 match {
- case Left(a) => Left(f(a))
- case Right(b) => Right(b)
- }
- case Right(b) => Right(b)
- })
- })
- val prop_seq = property((e: Either[Int, Int]) => e.left.seq == (e match {
- case Left(a) => Seq.singleton(a)
- case Right(_) => Seq.empty
- }))
- val prop_option = property((e: Either[Int, Int]) => e.left.option == (e match {
- case Left(a) => Some(a)
- case Right(_) => None
- }))
- }
- object CheckRightProjection {
- val prop_valueE = property((n: Int, s: String) => Right(n).right.valueE(s) == n)
- val prop_value = property((n: Int) => Right(n).right.value == n)
- val prop_on = property((e: Either[Int, Int]) => e.right.on((_: Int) + 1) == (e match {
- case Left(a) => a + 1
- case Right(b) => b
- }))
- val prop_getOrElse = property((e: Either[Int, Int], or: Int) => e.right.getOrElse(or) == (e match {
- case Left(_) => or
- case Right(b) => b
- }))
- val prop_forall = property((e: Either[Int, Int]) =>
- e.right.forall(_ % 2 == 0) == (e.isLeft || e.right.value % 2 == 0))
- val prop_exists = property((e: Either[Int, Int]) =>
- e.right.exists(_ % 2 == 0) == (e.isRight && e.right.value % 2 == 0))
- val prop_flatMapLeftIdentity = property((e: Either[Int, Int], n: Int, s: String) => {
- def f(x: Int) = if(x % 2 == 0) Left(s) else Right(s)
- Right(n).right.flatMap(f(_)) == f(n)})
- val prop_flatMapRightIdentity = property((e: Either[Int, Int]) => e.right.flatMap(Right(_)) == e)
- val prop_flatMapComposition = property((e: Either[Int, Int]) => {
- def f(x: Int) = if(x % 2 == 0) Left(x) else Right(x)
- def g(x: Int) = if(x % 7 == 0) Right(x) else Left(x)
- e.right.flatMap(f(_)).right.flatMap(g(_)) == e.right.flatMap(f(_).right.flatMap(g(_)))})
- val prop_mapIdentity = property((e: Either[Int, Int]) => => x) == e)
- val prop_mapComposition = property((e: Either[Int, String]) => {
- def f(s: String) = s.toLowerCase
- def g(s: String) = s.reverse
- => f(g(x))) == => g(x))})
- val prop_filter = property((e: Either[Int, Int], x: Int) => e.right.filter(_ % 2 == 0) ==
- (if(e.isLeft || e.right.value % 2 != 0) None else Some(e)))
- val prop_ap = property((e1: Either[Int, Int], e2: Either[Int, Int]) => {
- val ee2 = e2.right map (n => (x: Int) => x + n)
- e1.right.ap(ee2) == (ee2 match {
- case Left(a) => Left(a)
- case Right(f) => e1 match {
- case Left(a) => Left(a)
- case Right(b) => Right(f(b))
- }
- })
- })
- val prop_seq = property((e: Either[Int, Int]) => e.right.seq == (e match {
- case Left(_) => Seq.empty
- case Right(b) => Seq.singleton(b)
- }))
- val prop_option = property((e: Either[Int, Int]) => e.right.option == (e match {
- case Left(_) => None
- case Right(b) => Some(b)
- }))
- }
- val prop_Either_left = property((n: Int) => Either.left(n).left.value == n)
- val prop_Either_right = property((n: Int) => Either.right(n).right.value == n)
- val prop_Either_joinLeft = property((e: Either[Either[Int, Int], Int]) => e match {
- case Left(ee) => Either.joinLeft(e) == ee
- case Right(n) => Either.joinLeft(e) == Right(n)
- })
- val prop_Either_joinRight = property((e: Either[Int, Either[Int, Int]]) => e match {
- case Left(n) => Either.joinRight(e) == Left(n)
- case Right(ee) => Either.joinRight(e) == ee
- })
- val prop_Either_lefts = property((es: List[Either[Int, Int]]) =>
- Either.lefts(es) == es.filter(_.isLeft).map(_.left.value))
- val prop_Either_rights = property((es: List[Either[Int, Int]]) =>
- Either.rights(es) == es.filter(_.isRight).map(_.right.value))
- val prop_Either_leftRights = property((es: List[Either[Int, Int]]) =>
- Either.rights(es) == es.filter(_.isRight).map(_.right.value))
- val prop_Either_throws = property((n: Int) =>
- Either.throws(n) == Right(n) && Either.throws(error("error")).isLeft)
- val prop_Either_throwIt = property((e: Either[Throwable, Int]) =>
- try {
- Either.throwIt(e) == e.right.value
- } catch {
- case (t) => e.isLeft && e.left.value == t
- })
- val prop_Either_reduce = property((e: Either[Int, Int]) =>
- Either.reduce(e) == (e match {
- case Left(a) => a
- case Right(a) => a
- }))
- val prop_Either_iif = property((c: Boolean, a: Int, b: Int) =>
- Either.iif(c, a, b) == (if(c) Right(b) else Left(a)))
- val tests = List(
- ("prop_either1", prop_either1),
- ("prop_either2", prop_either2),
- ("prop_swap", prop_swap),
- ("prop_isLeftRight", prop_isLeftRight),
- ("Left.prop_valueE", CheckLeftProjection.prop_valueE),
- ("Left.prop_value", CheckLeftProjection.prop_value),
- ("Left.prop_getOrElse", CheckLeftProjection.prop_getOrElse),
- ("Left.prop_forall", CheckLeftProjection.prop_forall),
- ("Left.prop_exists", CheckLeftProjection.prop_exists),
- ("Left.prop_flatMapLeftIdentity", CheckLeftProjection.prop_flatMapLeftIdentity),
- ("Left.prop_flatMapRightIdentity", CheckLeftProjection.prop_flatMapRightIdentity),
- ("Left.prop_flatMapComposition", CheckLeftProjection.prop_flatMapComposition),
- ("Left.prop_mapIdentity", CheckLeftProjection.prop_mapIdentity),
- ("Left.prop_mapComposition", CheckLeftProjection.prop_mapComposition),
- ("Left.prop_filter", CheckLeftProjection.prop_filter),
- ("Left.prop_ap", CheckLeftProjection.prop_ap),
- ("Left.prop_seq", CheckLeftProjection.prop_seq),
- ("Left.prop_option", CheckLeftProjection.prop_option),
- ("Right.prop_valueE", CheckRightProjection.prop_valueE),
- ("Right.prop_value", CheckRightProjection.prop_value),
- ("Right.prop_getOrElse", CheckRightProjection.prop_getOrElse),
- ("Right.prop_forall", CheckRightProjection.prop_forall),
- ("Right.prop_exists", CheckRightProjection.prop_exists),
- ("Right.prop_flatMapLeftIdentity", CheckRightProjection.prop_flatMapLeftIdentity),
- ("Right.prop_flatMapRightIdentity", CheckRightProjection.prop_flatMapRightIdentity),
- ("Right.prop_flatMapComposition", CheckRightProjection.prop_flatMapComposition),
- ("Right.prop_mapIdentity", CheckRightProjection.prop_mapIdentity),
- ("Right.prop_mapComposition", CheckRightProjection.prop_mapComposition),
- ("Right.prop_filter", CheckRightProjection.prop_filter),
- ("Right.prop_ap", CheckRightProjection.prop_ap),
- ("Right.prop_seq", CheckRightProjection.prop_seq),
- ("Right.prop_option", CheckRightProjection.prop_option),
- ("prop_Either_left", prop_Either_left),
- ("prop_Either_right", prop_Either_right),
- ("prop_Either_joinLeft", prop_Either_joinLeft),
- ("prop_Either_joinRight", prop_Either_joinRight),
- ("prop_Either_lefts", prop_Either_lefts),
- ("prop_Either_rights", prop_Either_rights),
- ("prop_Either_leftRights", prop_Either_leftRights),
- ("prop_Either_throws", prop_Either_throws),
- ("prop_Either_throwIt", prop_Either_throwIt),
- ("prop_Either_reduce", prop_Either_reduce),
- ("prop_Either_iif", prop_Either_iif)
- )
- def main(args: Array[String]) =
- tests foreach (tupled((name, prop) =>
- testStatsEx(name, testReport(check(Params(500, 0, 0, 500, StdRand), prop, propReport)))))