path: root/test/pending/shootout/fasta.scala
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Diffstat (limited to 'test/pending/shootout/fasta.scala')
1 files changed, 162 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/test/pending/shootout/fasta.scala b/test/pending/shootout/fasta.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8b711083a5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/pending/shootout/fasta.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,162 @@
+/* The Computer Language Shootout
+ contributed by Isaac Gouy
+object fasta {
+ def main(args: Array[String]) = {
+ val ALU =
+ val _IUB = Array(
+ Pair('a', 0.27),
+ Pair('c', 0.12),
+ Pair('g', 0.12),
+ Pair('t', 0.27),
+ Pair('B', 0.02),
+ Pair('D', 0.02),
+ Pair('H', 0.02),
+ Pair('K', 0.02),
+ Pair('M', 0.02),
+ Pair('N', 0.02),
+ Pair('R', 0.02),
+ Pair('S', 0.02),
+ Pair('V', 0.02),
+ Pair('W', 0.02),
+ Pair('Y', 0.02)
+ )
+ val IUB = makeCumulative(_IUB)
+ val _HomoSapiens = Array(
+ Pair('a', 0.3029549426680),
+ Pair('c', 0.1979883004921),
+ Pair('g', 0.1975473066391),
+ Pair('t', 0.3015094502008)
+ )
+ val HomoSapiens = makeCumulative(_HomoSapiens)
+ val n = Integer parseInt(args(0))
+ val s = new FastaOutputStream(System.out)
+ s.writeDescription("ONE Homo sapiens alu")
+ s.writeRepeatingSequence(ALU,n*2)
+ s.writeDescription("TWO IUB ambiguity codes")
+ s.writeRandomSequence(IUB,n*3)
+ s.writeDescription("THREE Homo sapiens frequency")
+ s.writeRandomSequence(HomoSapiens,n*5)
+ s.close
+ }
+ def makeCumulative(a: Array[Pair[Char,Double]]) = {
+ var cp = 0.0
+ a map (frequency =>
+ frequency match {
+ case Pair(code,percent) =>
+ cp = cp + percent; new Frequency(code.toByte,cp)
+ }
+ )
+ }
+// We could use instances of Pair or Tuple2 but specific labels
+// make the code more readable than index numbers
+class Frequency(_code: Byte, _percent: Double){
+ var code = _code; var percent = _percent;
+// extend the Java BufferedOutputStream class
+class FastaOutputStream(out: OutputStream) extends BufferedOutputStream(out) {
+ private val LineLength = 60
+ private val nl = '\n'.toByte
+ def writeDescription(desc: String) = { write( (">" + desc + "\n").getBytes ) }
+ def writeRepeatingSequence(_alu: String, length: Int) = {
+ val alu = _alu.getBytes
+ var n = length; var k = 0; val kn = alu.length;
+ while (n > 0) {
+ val m = if (n < LineLength) n else LineLength
+ var i = 0
+ while (i < m){
+ if (k == kn) k = 0
+ val b = alu(k)
+ if (count < buf.length){ buf(count) = b; count = count + 1 }
+ else { write(b) } // flush buffer
+ k = k+1
+ i = i+1
+ }
+ write(nl)
+ n = n - LineLength
+ }
+ }
+ def writeRandomSequence(distribution: Array[Frequency], length: Int) = {
+ var n = length
+ while (n > 0) {
+ val m = if (n < LineLength) n else LineLength
+ var i = 0
+ while (i < m){
+ val b = selectRandom(distribution)
+ if (count < buf.length){ buf(count) = b; count = count + 1 }
+ else { write(b) } // flush buffer
+ i = i+1
+ }
+ if (count < buf.length){ buf(count) = nl; count = count + 1 }
+ else { write(nl) } // flush buffer
+ n = n - LineLength
+ }
+ }
+ private def selectRandom(distribution: Array[Frequency]): Byte = {
+ val n = distribution.length
+ val r = RandomNumber scaledTo(1.0)
+ var i = 0
+ while (i < n) {
+ if (r < distribution(i).percent) return distribution(i).code
+ i = i+1
+ }
+ return distribution(n-1).code
+ }
+object RandomNumber {
+ private val IM = 139968
+ private val IA = 3877
+ private val IC = 29573
+ private var seed = 42
+ def scaledTo(max: Double) = {
+ seed = (seed * IA + IC) % IM
+ max * seed / IM
+ }