path: root/test/pending
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Diffstat (limited to 'test/pending')
5 files changed, 317 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/test/pending/scalacheck/array.scala b/test/pending/scalacheck/array.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..03c0217180
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/pending/scalacheck/array.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+import org.scalacheck._
+import Prop._
+import Gen._
+import Arbitrary._
+import util._
+import Buildable._
+import scala.collection.mutable.ArraySeq
+object Test extends Properties("Array") {
+ /** At this moment the authentic scalacheck Array Builder/Arb bits are commented out.
+ */
+ implicit def arbArray[T](implicit a: Arbitrary[T], m: Manifest[T]): Arbitrary[Array[T]] =
+ Arbitrary(containerOf[List,T](arbitrary[T]) map (_.toArray))
+ val arrGen: Gen[Array[_]] = oneOf(
+ arbitrary[Array[Int]],
+ arbitrary[Array[Array[Int]]],
+ arbitrary[Array[List[String]]],
+ arbitrary[Array[String]],
+ arbitrary[Array[Boolean]],
+ arbitrary[Array[AnyVal]]
+ )
+ // inspired by #1857 and #2352
+ property("eq/ne") = forAll(arrGen, arrGen) { (c1, c2) =>
+ (c1 eq c2) || (c1 ne c2)
+ }
+ // inspired by #2299
+ def smallInt = choose(1, 10)
+ property("ofDim") = forAll(smallInt, smallInt, smallInt) { (i1, i2, i3) =>
+ val arr = Array.ofDim[String](i1, i2, i3)
+ val flattened = arr flatMap (x => x) flatMap (x => x)
+ flattened.length == i1 * i2 * i3
+ }
diff --git a/test/pending/scalacheck/eqeq.scala b/test/pending/scalacheck/eqeq.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..60fe63c207
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/pending/scalacheck/eqeq.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+import org.scalacheck._
+import Prop._
+import Gen._
+object Test extends Properties("==") {
+ def equalObjectsEqualHashcodes(x: Any, y: Any) = (x != y) || (x == y && x.## == y.##)
+ // ticket #2087
+ property("short/char") = forAll { (x: Short) => {
+ val ch: Char = x.toChar
+ (x == ch) == (ch == x)
+ }
+ }
+ property("symmetry") = forAll { (x: AnyVal, y: AnyVal) => (x == y) == (y == x) }
+ property("transitivity") = forAll { (x: AnyVal, y: AnyVal, z: AnyVal) => x != y || y != z || x == z }
+ property("##") = forAll {
+ (x: Short) => {
+ val anyvals = List(x.toByte, x.toChar, x, x.toInt, x.toLong, x.toFloat, x.toDouble, BigInt(x), BigDecimal(x))
+ val shortAndLarger = anyvals drop 2
+ val result = (
+ ((anyvals, anyvals).zipped forall equalObjectsEqualHashcodes) &&
+ ((shortAndLarger, shortAndLarger).zipped forall (_ == _)) &&
+ ((shortAndLarger, shortAndLarger).zipped forall ((x, y) => (x: Any) == (y: Any)))
+ )
+ result
+ }
+ }
+ property("## 2") = forAll {
+ (dv: Double) => {
+ val fv = dv.toFloat
+ (fv != dv) || (fv.## == dv.##)
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/test/pending/scalacheck/list.scala b/test/pending/scalacheck/list.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1caf35e872
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/pending/scalacheck/list.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+import org.scalacheck._
+import Prop._
+import Gen._
+object Test extends Properties("List") {
+ def sorted(xs: List[Int]) = xs sortWith (_ < _)
+ property("concat size") = forAll { (l1: List[Int], l2: List[Int]) => (l1.size + l2.size) == (l1 ::: l2).size }
+ property("reverse") = forAll { (l1: List[Int]) => l1.reverse.reverse == l1 }
+ property("toSet") = forAll { (l1: List[Int]) => sorted(l1.toSet.toList) sameElements sorted(l1).distinct }
+ property("flatten") = forAll { (xxs: List[List[Int]]) => xxs.flatten.length == (xxs map (_.length) sum) }
+ property("startsWith/take") = forAll { (xs: List[Int], count: Int) => xs startsWith (xs take count) }
+ property("endsWith/takeRight") = forAll { (xs: List[Int], count: Int) => xs endsWith (xs takeRight count) }
+ property("fill") = forAll(choose(1, 100)) { count =>
+ forAll { (x: Int) =>
+ val xs = List.fill(count)(x)
+ (xs.length == count) && (xs.distinct == List(x))
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/test/pending/scalacheck/range.scala b/test/pending/scalacheck/range.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..faa1f5d479
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/pending/scalacheck/range.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,205 @@
+import org.scalacheck._
+import Prop._
+import Gen._
+import Arbitrary._
+class Counter(r: Range) {
+ var cnt = 0L
+ var last: Option[Int] = None
+ val str = "Range["+r.start+", "+r.end+", "+r.step+(if (r.isInclusive) "]" else ")")
+ def apply(x: Int) = {
+ cnt += 1L
+ if (cnt % 500000000L == 0L) {
+ println("Working: %s %d %d" format (str, cnt, x))
+ }
+ if (cnt > (Int.MaxValue.toLong + 1) * 2)
+ error("Count exceeds maximum possible for an Int Range")
+ if ((r.step > 0 && last.exists(_ > x)) || (r.step < 0 && last.exists(_ < x)))
+ error("Range wrapped: %d %s" format (x, last.toString))
+ last = Some(x)
+ }
+abstract class RangeTest(kind: String) extends Properties("Range "+kind) {
+ def myGen: Gen[Range]
+ val genRange = for {
+ start <- arbitrary[Int]
+ end <- arbitrary[Int]
+ step <- Gen.choose(1, (start - end).abs + 1)
+ } yield if (start < end) Range(start, end, step) else Range(start, end, -step)
+ val genReasonableSizeRange = for {
+ start <- choose(-Int.MinValue, Int.MaxValue)
+ end <- choose(-Int.MinValue, Int.MaxValue)
+ step <- choose(-Int.MaxValue, Int.MaxValue)
+ } yield Range(start, end, if (step == 0) 100 else step)
+ val genSmallRange = for {
+ start <- choose(-100, 100)
+ end <- choose(-100, 100)
+ step <- choose(1, 1)
+ } yield if (start < end) Range(start, end, step) else Range(start, end, -step)
+ val genRangeByOne = for {
+ start <- arbitrary[Int]
+ end <- arbitrary[Int]
+ if (end.toLong - start.toLong).abs <= 10000000L
+ } yield if (start < end) Range(start, end) else Range(end, start)
+ def str(r: Range) = "Range["+r.start+", "+r.end+", "+r.step+(if (r.isInclusive) "]" else ")")
+ def expectedSize(r: Range): Long = if (r.isInclusive) {
+ (r.end.toLong - r.start.toLong < 0, r.step < 0) match {
+ case (true, true) | (false, false) => (r.end.toLong - r.start.toLong).abs / r.step.abs.toLong + 1L
+ case _ => if (r.start == r.end) 1L else 0L
+ }
+ } else {
+ (r.end.toLong - r.start.toLong < 0, r.step < 0) match {
+ case (true, true) | (false, false) => (
+ (r.end.toLong - r.start.toLong).abs / r.step.abs.toLong
+ + (if ((r.end.toLong - r.start.toLong).abs % r.step.abs.toLong > 0L) 1L else 0L)
+ )
+ case _ => 0L
+ }
+ }
+ def within(r: Range, x: Int) = if (r.step > 0)
+ r.start <= x && (if (r.isInclusive) x <= r.end else x < r.end)
+ else
+ r.start >= x && (if (r.isInclusive) x >= r.end else x > r.end)
+ def multiple(r: Range, x: Int) = (x.toLong - r.start) % r.step == 0
+ property("foreach.step") = forAll(myGen) { r =>
+ var allValid = true
+ val cnt = new Counter(r)
+// println("--------------------")
+// println(r)
+ r foreach { x => cnt(x)
+// println(x + ", " + (x - r.start) + ", " + (x.toLong - r.start) + ", " + ((x.toLong - r.start) % r.step))
+ allValid &&= multiple(r, x)
+ }
+ allValid :| str(r)
+ }
+ property("foreach.inside.range") = forAll(myGen) { r =>
+ var allValid = true
+ var last: Option[Int] = None
+ val cnt = new Counter(r)
+ r foreach { x => cnt(x)
+ allValid &&= within(r, x)
+ }
+ allValid :| str(r)
+ }
+ property("foreach.visited.size") = forAll(myGen) { r =>
+ var visited = 0L
+ val cnt = new Counter(r)
+ r foreach { x => cnt(x)
+ visited += 1L
+ }
+// println("----------")
+// println(str(r))
+// println("size: " + r.size)
+// println("expected: " + expectedSize(r))
+// println("visited: " + visited)
+ (visited == expectedSize(r)) :| str(r)
+ }
+ property("length") = forAll(myGen suchThat (r => expectedSize(r).toInt == expectedSize(r))) { r =>
+ (r.length == expectedSize(r)) :| str(r)
+ }
+ property("isEmpty") = forAll(myGen suchThat (r => expectedSize(r).toInt == expectedSize(r))) { r =>
+ (r.isEmpty == (expectedSize(r) == 0L)) :| str(r)
+ }
+ property("contains") = forAll(myGen, arbInt.arbitrary) { (r, x) =>
+// println("----------------")
+// println(str(r))
+// println(x)
+// println("within: " + within(r, x))
+// println("multiple: " + multiple(r, x))
+// println("contains: " + r.contains(x))
+ ((within(r, x) && multiple(r, x)) == r.contains(x)) :| str(r)+": "+x
+ }
+ property("take") = forAll(myGen suchThat (r => expectedSize(r).toInt == expectedSize(r)), arbInt.arbitrary) { (r, x) =>
+ val t = r take x
+ (t.size == (0 max x min r.size) && t.start == r.start && t.step == r.step) :| str(r)+" / "+str(t)+": "+x
+ }
+ property("takeWhile") = forAll(myGen suchThat (r => expectedSize(r).toInt == expectedSize(r)), arbInt.arbitrary) { (r, x) =>
+ val t = (if (r.step > 0) r takeWhile (_ <= x) else r takeWhile(_ >= x))
+ if (r.size == 0) {
+ (t.size == 0) :| str(r)+" / "+str(t)+": "+x
+ } else {
+ val t2 = (if (r.step > 0) Range(r.start, x min r.last, r.step).inclusive else Range(r.start, x max r.last, r.step).inclusive)
+ (t.start == r.start && t.size == t2.size && t.step == r.step) :| str(r)+" / "+str(t)+" / "+str(t2)+": "+x
+ }
+ }
+ property("reverse.toSet.equal") = forAll(myGen) { r =>
+ val reversed = r.reverse
+ val aresame = r.toSet == reversed.toSet
+ if (!aresame) {
+ println(str(r))
+ println(r)
+ println(reversed)
+ println(r.toSet)
+ println(reversed.toSet)
+ }
+ aresame
+ }
+object NormalRangeTest extends RangeTest("normal") {
+ override def myGen = genReasonableSizeRange
+ def genOne = for {
+ start <- arbitrary[Int]
+ end <- arbitrary[Int]
+ if (start.toLong - end.toLong).abs < Int.MaxValue.toLong
+ } yield Range(start, end, if (start < end) 1 else - 1)
+ property("by 1.size + 1 == inclusive.size") = forAll(genOne) { r =>
+ (r.size + 1 == r.inclusive.size) :| str(r)
+ }
+object InclusiveRangeTest extends RangeTest("inclusive") {
+ override def myGen = for (r <- genReasonableSizeRange) yield r.inclusive
+object ByOneRangeTest extends RangeTest("byOne") {
+ override def myGen = genSmallRange
+object InclusiveByOneRangeTest extends RangeTest("inclusiveByOne") {
+ override def myGen = for (r <- genSmallRange) yield r.inclusive
+object SmallValuesRange extends RangeTest("smallValues") {
+ override def myGen = genSmallRange
+object Test extends Properties("Range") {
+ include(NormalRangeTest)
+ include(InclusiveRangeTest)
+ include(ByOneRangeTest)
+ include(InclusiveByOneRangeTest)
+/* Mini-benchmark
+def testRange(i: Int, j: Int, k: Int) = {
+ var count = 0
+ for {
+ vi <- 0 to i
+ vj <- 0 to j
+ vk <- 0 to k
+ } { count += 1 }
+testRange(10, 1000, 10000)
+testRange(10000, 1000, 10)
diff --git a/test/pending/scalacheck/scan.scala b/test/pending/scalacheck/scan.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e9b25ce3df
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/pending/scalacheck/scan.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+import org.scalacheck._
+import Prop._
+import Gen._
+object Test extends Properties("TraversableLike.scanLeft") {
+ property("scanLeft") = forAll { (xs: List[Int], z: Int) => {
+ val sums = xs.scanLeft(z)(_ + _)
+ (xs.size == 0) || => x._2 - x._1) == xs
+ }}