path: root/test/scalacheck/quasiquotes/TermConstructionProps.scala
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Diffstat (limited to 'test/scalacheck/quasiquotes/TermConstructionProps.scala')
1 files changed, 325 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/test/scalacheck/quasiquotes/TermConstructionProps.scala b/test/scalacheck/quasiquotes/TermConstructionProps.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..409f07037e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/scalacheck/quasiquotes/TermConstructionProps.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,325 @@
+import org.scalacheck._, Prop._, Gen._, Arbitrary._
+import scala.reflect.runtime.universe._, Flag._
+object TermConstructionProps extends QuasiquoteProperties("term construction") {
+ property("unquote single tree return tree itself") = forAll { (t: Tree) =>
+ q"$t" ≈ t
+ }
+ property("unquote trees into if expression") = forAll { (t1: Tree, t2: Tree, t3: Tree) =>
+ q"if($t1) $t2 else $t3" ≈ If(t1, t2, t3)
+ }
+ property("unquote trees into ascriptiopn") = forAll { (t1: Tree, t2: Tree) =>
+ q"$t1 : $t2" ≈ Typed(t1, t2)
+ }
+ property("unquote trees into apply") = forAll { (t1: Tree, t2: Tree, t3: Tree) =>
+ q"$t1($t2, $t3)" ≈ Apply(t1, List(t2, t3))
+ }
+ property("unquote trees with .. rank into apply") = forAll { (ts: List[Tree]) =>
+ q"f(..$ts)" ≈ Apply(q"f", ts)
+ }
+ property("unquote iterable into apply") = forAll { (trees: List[Tree]) =>
+ val itrees: Iterable[Tree] = trees
+ q"f(..$itrees)" ≈ Apply(q"f", trees)
+ }
+ property("unquote trees with ... rank into apply") = forAll { (ts1: List[Tree], ts2: List[Tree]) =>
+ val argss = List(ts1, ts2)
+ q"f(...$argss)" ≈ Apply(Apply(q"f", ts1), ts2)
+ }
+ property("unquote term name into assign") = forAll { (name: TermName, t: Tree) =>
+ q"$name = $t" ≈ Assign(Ident(name), t)
+ }
+ property("unquote trees into block") = forAll { (t1: Tree, t2: Tree, t3: Tree) =>
+ blockInvariant(q"""{
+ $t1
+ $t2
+ $t3
+ }""", List(t1, t2, t3))
+ }
+ property("unquote tree into new") = forAll { (tree: Tree) =>
+ q"new $tree" ≈ Apply(Select(New(tree), termNames.CONSTRUCTOR), List())
+ }
+ property("unquote tree into return") = forAll { (tree: Tree) =>
+ q"return $tree" ≈ Return(tree)
+ }
+ property("unquote a list of arguments") = forAll { (fun: Tree, args: List[Tree]) =>
+ q"$fun(..$args)" ≈ Apply(fun, args)
+ }
+ property("unquote list and non-list fun arguments") = forAll { (fun: Tree, arg1: Tree, arg2: Tree, args: List[Tree]) =>
+ q"$fun(..$args, $arg1, $arg2)" ≈ Apply(fun, args ++ List(arg1) ++ List(arg2)) &&
+ q"$fun($arg1, ..$args, $arg2)" ≈ Apply(fun, List(arg1) ++ args ++ List(arg2)) &&
+ q"$fun($arg1, $arg2, ..$args)" ≈ Apply(fun, List(arg1) ++ List(arg2) ++ args)
+ }
+ property("unquote into new") = forAll { (name: TypeName, body: List[Tree]) =>
+ q"new $name { ..$body }" ≈
+ q"""{
+ final class $$anon extends $name {
+ ..$body
+ }
+ new $$anon
+ }"""
+ }
+ property("unquote type name into this") = forAll { (T: TypeName) =>
+ q"$T.this" ≈ This(T)
+ }
+ property("unquote tree into throw") = forAll { (t: Tree) =>
+ q"throw $t" ≈ Throw(t)
+ }
+ property("unquote trees into type apply") = forAll { (fun: TreeIsTerm, types: List[Tree]) =>
+ q"$fun[..$types]" ≈ (if (types.nonEmpty) TypeApply(fun, types) else fun)
+ }
+ property("unquote trees into while loop") = forAll { (cond: Tree, body: Tree) =>
+ val LabelDef(_, List(), If(cond1, Block(List(body1), Apply(_, List())), Literal(Constant(())))) = q"while($cond) $body"
+ body1 ≈ body && cond1 ≈ cond
+ }
+ property("unquote trees into do while loop") = forAll { (cond: Tree, body: Tree) =>
+ val LabelDef(_, List(), Block(List(body1), If(cond1, Apply(_, List()), Literal(Constant(()))))) = q"do $body while($cond)"
+ body1 ≈ body && cond1 ≈ cond
+ }
+ def blockInvariant(quote: Tree, trees: List[Tree]) =
+ quote ≈ (trees match {
+ case Nil => q"{}"
+ case _ :+ last if !last.isTerm => Block(trees, q"()")
+ case head :: Nil => head
+ case init :+ last => Block(init, last)
+ })
+ property("unquote list of trees into block (1)") = forAll { (trees: List[Tree]) =>
+ blockInvariant(q"{ ..$trees }", trees)
+ }
+ property("unquote list of trees into block (2)") = forAll { (trees1: List[Tree], trees2: List[Tree]) =>
+ blockInvariant(q"{ ..$trees1 ; ..$trees2 }", trees1 ++ trees2)
+ }
+ property("unquote list of trees into block (3)") = forAll { (trees: List[Tree], tree: Tree) =>
+ blockInvariant(q"{ ..$trees; $tree }", trees :+ tree)
+ }
+ property("unquote term into brackets") = test {
+ val a = q"a"
+ assert(q"($a)" ≈ a)
+ }
+ property("unquote terms into tuple") = test {
+ val a1 = q"a1"
+ val a2 = q"a2"
+ val as = List(a1, a2)
+ assert(q"(..$as)" ≈ q"scala.Tuple2($a1, $a2)")
+ assert(q"(a0, ..$as)" ≈ q"scala.Tuple3(a0, $a1, $a2)")
+ }
+ property("unquote empty list into tuple") = test {
+ val empty = List[Tree]()
+ assert(q"(..$empty)" ≈ q"()")
+ }
+ property("unquote single element list into tuple") = test {
+ val xs = q"x" :: Nil
+ assert(q"(..$xs)" ≈ xs.head)
+ }
+ property("function param flags are the same") = test {
+ val xy = q"val x: A" :: q"val y: B" :: Nil
+ assertEqAst(q"(..$xy) => x + y", "(x: A, y: B) => x + y")
+ }
+ property("anonymous functions don't support default values") = test {
+ val x = q"val x: Int = 1"
+ assertThrows[IllegalArgumentException] { q"($x) => x" }
+ }
+ property("assign variable") = test {
+ val v = q"v"
+ val value = q"foo"
+ assertEqAst(q"$v = $value", "v = foo")
+ }
+ property("assign update 1") = test {
+ val v = q"v"
+ val args = q"1" :: q"2" :: Nil
+ val value = q"foo"
+ assertEqAst(q"$v(..$args) = $value", "v(1, 2) = foo")
+ }
+ property("assign update 2") = test {
+ val a = q"v(0)"
+ val value = q"foo"
+ assertEqAst(q"$a = $value", "v(0) = foo")
+ }
+ property("assign or named arg") = test {
+ val assignx = q"x = 1"
+ assertEqAst(q"f($assignx)", "f(x = 1)")
+ }
+ property("fresh names are regenerated at each evaluation") = test {
+ def plusOne = q"{ _ + 1 }"
+ assert(!plusOne.equalsStructure(plusOne))
+ def whileTrue = q"while(true) false"
+ assert(!whileTrue.equalsStructure(whileTrue))
+ def withEvidence = q"def foo[T: X]"
+ assert(!withEvidence.equalsStructure(withEvidence))
+ }
+ property("make sure inference doesn't infer any") = test {
+ val l1 = List(q"foo")
+ val l2 = List(q"bar")
+ val baz = q"baz"
+ assert(q"f(..${l1 ++ l2})" ≈ q"f(foo, bar)")
+ assert(q"f(..${l1 ++ l2}, $baz)" ≈ q"f(foo, bar, baz)")
+ assert(q"f(${if (true) q"a" else q"b"})" ≈ q"f(a)")
+ }
+ property("unquote iterable of non-parametric type") = test {
+ object O extends Iterable[Tree] { def iterator = List(q"foo").iterator }
+ q"f(..$O)"
+ }
+ property("SI-8016") = test {
+ val xs = q"1" :: q"2" :: Nil
+ assertEqAst(q"..$xs", "{1; 2}")
+ assertEqAst(q"{..$xs}", "{1; 2}")
+ }
+ property("SI-6842") = test {
+ val cases: List[Tree] = cq"a => b" :: cq"_ => c" :: Nil
+ assertEqAst(q"1 match { case ..$cases }", "1 match { case a => b case _ => c }")
+ assertEqAst(q"try 1 catch { case ..$cases }", "try 1 catch { case a => b case _ => c }")
+ }
+ property("SI-8009") = test {
+ q"`foo`".asInstanceOf[reflect.internal.SymbolTable#Ident].isBackquoted
+ }
+ property("SI-8148") = test {
+ val q"($a, $b) => $_" = q"_ + _"
+ assert( !=
+ }
+ property("SI-7275 a") = test {
+ val t = q"stat1; stat2"
+ assertEqAst(q"..$t", "{stat1; stat2}")
+ }
+ property("SI-7275 b") = test {
+ def f(t: Tree) = q"..$t"
+ assertEqAst(f(q"stat1; stat2"), "{stat1; stat2}")
+ }
+ property("SI-7275 c1") = test {
+ object O
+ implicit val liftO = Liftable[O.type] { _ => q"foo; bar" }
+ assertEqAst(q"f(..$O)", "f(foo, bar)")
+ }
+ property("SI-7275 c2") = test {
+ object O
+ implicit val liftO = Liftable[O.type] { _ => q"{ foo; bar }; { baz; bax }" }
+ assertEqAst(q"f(...$O)", "f(foo, bar)(baz, bax)")
+ }
+ property("SI-7275 d") = test {
+ val l = q"a; b" :: q"c; d" :: Nil
+ assertEqAst(q"f(...$l)", "f(a, b)(c, d)")
+ val l2: Iterable[Tree] = l
+ assertEqAst(q"f(...$l2)", "f(a, b)(c, d)")
+ }
+ property("SI-7275 e") = test {
+ val t = q"{ a; b }; { c; d }"
+ assertEqAst(q"f(...$t)", "f(a, b)(c, d)")
+ }
+ property("SI-7275 e2") = test {
+ val t = q"{ a; b }; c; d"
+ assertEqAst(q"f(...$t)", "f(a, b)(c)(d)")
+ }
+ property("remove synthetic unit") = test {
+ val q"{ ..$stats1 }" = q"{ def x = 2 }"
+ assert(stats1 ≈ List(q"def x = 2"))
+ val q"{ ..$stats2 }" = q"{ class X }"
+ assert(stats2 ≈ List(q"class X"))
+ val q"{ ..$stats3 }" = q"{ type X = Int }"
+ assert(stats3 ≈ List(q"type X = Int"))
+ val q"{ ..$stats4 }" = q"{ val x = 2 }"
+ assert(stats4 ≈ List(q"val x = 2"))
+ }
+ property("don't remove user-defined unit") = test {
+ val q"{ ..$stats }" = q"{ def x = 2; () }"
+ assert(stats ≈ List(q"def x = 2", q"()"))
+ }
+ property("empty-tree is not a block") = test {
+ assertThrows[MatchError] {
+ val q"{ ..$stats1 }" = q" "
+ }
+ }
+ property("empty block is synthetic unit") = test {
+ val q"()" = q"{}"
+ val q"{..$stats}" = q"{}"
+ assert(stats.isEmpty)
+ assertEqAst(q"{..$stats}", "{}")
+ assertEqAst(q"{..$stats}", "()")
+ }
+ property("consistent variable order") = test {
+ val q"$a = $b = $c = $d = $e = $f = $g = $h = $k = $l" = q"a = b = c = d = e = f = g = h = k = l"
+ assert(a ≈ q"a" && b ≈ q"b" && c ≈ q"c" && d ≈ q"d" && e ≈ q"e" && g ≈ q"g" && h ≈ q"h" && k ≈ q"k" && l ≈ q"l")
+ }
+ property("SI-8385 a") = test {
+ assertEqAst(q"(foo.x = 1)(2)", "(foo.x = 1)(2)")
+ }
+ property("SI-8385 b") = test {
+ assertEqAst(q"(() => ())()", "(() => ())()")
+ }
+ property("match scrutinee may not be empty") = test {
+ assertThrows[IllegalArgumentException] {
+ val scrutinee = q""
+ val cases = List(cq"_ =>")
+ q"$scrutinee match { case ..$cases }"
+ }
+ }
+ property("construct partial function") = test {
+ val cases = List(cq"a => b", cq"c => d")
+ assertEqAst(q"{ case ..$cases }", "{ case a => b case c => d }")
+ }
+ property("SI-8609 a") = test {
+ val q1 = q"val x = 1"
+ val q2 = q"..$q1; val y = 2"
+ assert(q2 ≈ q"{ val x = 1; val y = 2 }")
+ }
+ property("SI-8609 b") = test {
+ val q1 = q"import"
+ val q2 = q"..$q1; val y = 2"
+ assert(q2 ≈ q"{ import; val y = 2 }")
+ }