path: root/test/scalacheck/scala/collection/parallel
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'test/scalacheck/scala/collection/parallel')
18 files changed, 2090 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/test/scalacheck/scala/collection/parallel/IntOperators.scala b/test/scalacheck/scala/collection/parallel/IntOperators.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c7f43b6526
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/scalacheck/scala/collection/parallel/IntOperators.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,110 @@
+package scala.collection.parallel.ops
+import scala.collection.parallel._
+trait IntOperators extends Operators[Int] {
+ def reduceOperators = List(_ + _, _ * _, math.min(_, _), math.max(_, _), _ ^ _)
+ def countPredicates = List(
+ x => true,
+ _ >= 0, _ < 0, _ < 50, _ < 500, _ < 5000, _ < 50000, _ % 2 == 0, _ == 99,
+ x => x > 50 && x < 150,
+ x => x > 350 && x < 550,
+ x => (x > 1000 && x < 1500) || (x > 400 && x < 500)
+ )
+ def forallPredicates = List(_ >= 0, _ < 0, _ % 2 == 0, _ != 55, _ != 505, _ != 5005)
+ def existsPredicates = List(_ >= 0, _ < 0, _ % 2 == 0, _ == 55, _ == 505, _ == 5005)
+ def findPredicates = List(_ >= 0, _ % 2 == 0, _ < 0, _ == 50, _ == 500, _ == 5000)
+ def mapFunctions = List(-_, math.abs(_), _ % 2, _ % 3, _ % 4, _ % 150, _ % 500)
+ def partialMapFunctions = List({case x => -x}, { case 0 => -1; case x if x > 0 => x + 1}, {case x if x % 3 == 0 => x / 3})
+ def flatMapFunctions = List(
+ (n: Int) => if (n < 0) List() else if (n % 2 == 0) List(1, 2, 3) else List(4, 5, 6),
+ (n: Int) => List[Int](),
+ (n: Int) => if (n == 0) List(1, 2, 3, 4, 5) else if (n < 0) List(1, 2, 3) else List()
+ )
+ def filterPredicates = List(
+ _ % 2 == 0, _ % 3 == 0,
+ _ % 4 != 0, _ % 17 != 0,
+ n => n > 50 && n < 100,
+ _ >= 0, _ < 0, _ == 99,
+ _ > 500, _ > 5000, _ > 50000,
+ _ < 500, _ < 50, _ < -50, _ < -5e5,
+ x => true, x => false,
+ x => x % 53 == 0 && x % 17 == 0
+ )
+ def filterNotPredicates = filterPredicates
+ def partitionPredicates = filterPredicates
+ def takeWhilePredicates = List(
+ _ != 50, _ != 500, _ != 5000, _ != 50000, _ % 2 == 0, _ % 3 == 1, _ % 47 != 0,
+ _ < 100, _ < 1000, _ < 10000, _ < 0,
+ _ < -100, _ < -1000, _ > -200, _ > -50,
+ n => -90 < n && n < -10,
+ n => 50 < n && n < 550,
+ n => 5000 < n && n < 7500,
+ n => -50 < n && n < 450
+ )
+ def dropWhilePredicates = takeWhilePredicates
+ def spanPredicates = takeWhilePredicates
+ def foldArguments = List(
+ (0, _ + _),
+ (1, _ * _),
+ (Int.MinValue, math.max(_, _)),
+ (Int.MaxValue, math.min(_, _))
+ )
+ def addAllTraversables = List(
+ List[Int](),
+ List(1),
+ List(1, 2),
+ List(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10),
+ Array.fill(1000)(1).toSeq
+ )
+ def newArray(sz: Int) = new Array[Int](sz)
+ def groupByFunctions = List(
+ _ % 2, _ % 3, _ % 5, _ % 10, _ % 154, _% 3217,
+ _ * 2, _ + 1
+ )
+trait IntSeqOperators extends IntOperators with SeqOperators[Int] {
+ def segmentLengthPredicates = List(
+ _ % 2 == 0, _ > 0, _ >= 0, _ < 0, _ <= 0, _ > -5000, _ > 5000, _ % 541 != 0, _ < -50, _ > 500,
+ n => -90 < n && n < -10, n => 500 < n && n < 1500
+ )
+ def indexWherePredicates = List(
+ _ % 2 == 0, _ % 11 == 0, _ % 123 == 0, _ % 901 == 0,
+ _ > 0, _ >= 0, _ < 0, _ <= 0,
+ _ > 50, _ > 500, _ > 5000,
+ _ < -10, _ < -100, _ < -1000,
+ n => n > 50 && n < 100,
+ n => n * n > 1000000 && n % 111 == 0
+ )
+ def lastIndexWherePredicates = List(
+ _ % 2 == 0, _ % 17 == 0, _ % 314 == 0, _ % 1017 == 0,
+ _ > 0, _ >= 0, _ < 0, _ <= 0,
+ _ > 50, _ > 500, _ > 5000,
+ _ < -20, _ < -200, _ < -2000,
+ _ == 0,
+ n => n > -40 && n < 40,
+ n => n > -80 && n < -10,
+ n => n > 110 && n < 150
+ )
+ def reverseMapFunctions = List(-_, n => n * n, _ + 1)
+ def sameElementsSeqs = List(
+ List[Int](),
+ List(1),
+ List(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9),
+ Array.fill(150)(1).toSeq,
+ Array.fill(1000)(1).toSeq
+ )
+ def startEndSeqs = List(
+ Nil,
+ List(1),
+ List(1, 2, 3, 4, 5),
+ List(0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5),
+ List(4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10),
+ List(4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 0),
+ List(-4, -3, -2, -1)
+ )
diff --git a/test/scalacheck/scala/collection/parallel/IntValues.scala b/test/scalacheck/scala/collection/parallel/IntValues.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..cab60ead76
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/scalacheck/scala/collection/parallel/IntValues.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+package scala.collection.parallel.ops
+import org.scalacheck._
+import org.scalacheck.Gen
+import org.scalacheck.Gen._
+import org.scalacheck.Prop._
+import org.scalacheck.Properties
+import org.scalacheck.Arbitrary._
+trait IntValues {
+ def values = Seq(
+ arbitrary[Int],
+ arbitrary[Int] suchThat (_ >= 0),
+ arbitrary[Int] suchThat (_ < 0),
+ choose(0, 0),
+ choose(0, 10),
+ choose(0, 100),
+ choose(0, 1000) suchThat (_ % 2 == 0),
+ choose(0, 1000) suchThat (_ % 2 != 0),
+ choose(0, 1000) suchThat (n => (n % 2 == 0) || (n % 3 == 0))
+ )
diff --git a/test/scalacheck/scala/collection/parallel/Operators.scala b/test/scalacheck/scala/collection/parallel/Operators.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..72133a5009
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/scalacheck/scala/collection/parallel/Operators.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+package scala.collection.parallel
+trait Operators[T] {
+ def reduceOperators: List[(T, T) => T]
+ def countPredicates: List[T => Boolean]
+ def forallPredicates: List[T => Boolean]
+ def existsPredicates: List[T => Boolean]
+ def findPredicates: List[T => Boolean]
+ def mapFunctions: List[T => T]
+ def partialMapFunctions: List[PartialFunction[T, T]]
+ def flatMapFunctions: List[T => Traversable[T]]
+ def filterPredicates: List[T => Boolean]
+ def filterNotPredicates: List[T => Boolean]
+ def partitionPredicates: List[T => Boolean]
+ def takeWhilePredicates: List[T => Boolean]
+ def dropWhilePredicates: List[T => Boolean]
+ def spanPredicates: List[T => Boolean]
+ def foldArguments: List[(T, (T, T) => T)]
+ def addAllTraversables: List[Traversable[T]]
+ def newArray(sz: Int): Array[T]
+ def groupByFunctions: List[T => T]
+trait SeqOperators[T] extends Operators[T] {
+ def segmentLengthPredicates: List[T => Boolean]
+ def indexWherePredicates: List[T => Boolean]
+ def lastIndexWherePredicates: List[T => Boolean]
+ def reverseMapFunctions: List[T => T]
+ def sameElementsSeqs: List[Seq[T]]
+ def startEndSeqs: List[Seq[T]]
diff --git a/test/scalacheck/scala/collection/parallel/PairOperators.scala b/test/scalacheck/scala/collection/parallel/PairOperators.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..fe851114be
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/scalacheck/scala/collection/parallel/PairOperators.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,101 @@
+package scala.collection.parallel.ops
+import scala.collection.parallel._
+trait PairOperators[K, V] extends Operators[(K, V)] {
+ def koperators: Operators[K]
+ def voperators: Operators[V]
+ private def zipPredicates(kps: List[K => Boolean], vps: List[V => Boolean]): List[((K, V)) => Boolean] = for {
+ (kp, vp) <- koperators.countPredicates zip voperators.countPredicates
+ } yield new Function1[(K, V), Boolean] {
+ def apply(kv: (K, V)) = kp(kv._1) && vp(kv._2)
+ }
+ /* operators */
+ def reduceOperators = for {
+ (kop, vop) <- koperators.reduceOperators zip voperators.reduceOperators
+ } yield new Function2[(K, V), (K, V), (K, V)] {
+ def apply(kv1: (K, V), kv2: (K, V)) = (kop(kv1._1, kv2._1), vop(kv1._2, kv2._2))
+ }
+ def countPredicates = zipPredicates(koperators.countPredicates, voperators.countPredicates)
+ def forallPredicates = zipPredicates(koperators.forallPredicates, voperators.forallPredicates)
+ def existsPredicates = zipPredicates(koperators.existsPredicates, voperators.existsPredicates)
+ def findPredicates = zipPredicates(koperators.findPredicates, voperators.findPredicates)
+ def mapFunctions = for {
+ (km, vm) <- koperators.mapFunctions zip voperators.mapFunctions
+ } yield new Function1[(K, V), (K, V)] {
+ def apply(kv: (K, V)) = (km(kv._1), vm(kv._2))
+ }
+ def partialMapFunctions = for {
+ (kpm, vpm) <- koperators.partialMapFunctions zip voperators.partialMapFunctions
+ } yield new PartialFunction[(K, V), (K, V)] {
+ def isDefinedAt(kv: (K, V)) = kpm.isDefinedAt(kv._1) && vpm.isDefinedAt(kv._2)
+ def apply(kv: (K, V)) = (kpm(kv._1), vpm(kv._2))
+ }
+ def flatMapFunctions = for {
+ (kfm, vfm) <- koperators.flatMapFunctions zip voperators.flatMapFunctions
+ } yield new Function1[(K, V), Traversable[(K, V)]] {
+ def apply(kv: (K, V)) = kfm(kv._1).toIterable zip vfm(kv._2).toIterable
+ }
+ def filterPredicates = zipPredicates(koperators.filterPredicates, voperators.filterPredicates)
+ def filterNotPredicates = filterPredicates
+ def partitionPredicates = filterPredicates
+ def takeWhilePredicates = zipPredicates(koperators.takeWhilePredicates, voperators.takeWhilePredicates)
+ def dropWhilePredicates = takeWhilePredicates
+ def spanPredicates = takeWhilePredicates
+ def foldArguments = for {
+ ((kinit, kop), (vinit, vop)) <- koperators.foldArguments zip voperators.foldArguments
+ } yield ((kinit, vinit), new Function2[(K, V), (K, V), (K, V)] {
+ def apply(kv1: (K, V), kv2: (K, V)) = (kop(kv1._1, kv2._1), vop(kv1._2, kv2._2))
+ })
+ def addAllTraversables = for {
+ (kt, vt) <- koperators.addAllTraversables zip voperators.addAllTraversables
+ } yield kt.toIterable zip vt.toIterable
+ def newArray(sz: Int) = new Array[(K, V)](sz)
+ def groupByFunctions = (koperators.groupByFunctions zip voperators.groupByFunctions) map {
+ opt => { (p: (K, V)) => (opt._1(p._1), opt._2(p._2)) }
+ }
diff --git a/test/scalacheck/scala/collection/parallel/PairValues.scala b/test/scalacheck/scala/collection/parallel/PairValues.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..864dad2425
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/scalacheck/scala/collection/parallel/PairValues.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+package scala.collection.parallel.ops
+import org.scalacheck._
+import org.scalacheck.Gen
+import org.scalacheck.Gen._
+import org.scalacheck.Prop._
+import org.scalacheck.Properties
+import org.scalacheck.Arbitrary._
+trait PairValues[K, V] {
+ def kvalues: Seq[Gen[K]]
+ def vvalues: Seq[Gen[V]]
+ def values = for {
+ kg <- kvalues
+ vg <- vvalues
+ } yield for {
+ k <- kg
+ v <- vg
+ } yield (k, v)
diff --git a/test/scalacheck/scala/collection/parallel/ParallelHashTrieCheck.scala b/test/scalacheck/scala/collection/parallel/ParallelHashTrieCheck.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e1df95e051
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/scalacheck/scala/collection/parallel/ParallelHashTrieCheck.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,144 @@
+package scala.collection.parallel
+package immutable
+import org.scalacheck._
+import org.scalacheck.Gen
+import org.scalacheck.Gen._
+import org.scalacheck.Prop._
+import org.scalacheck.Properties
+import org.scalacheck.Arbitrary._
+import scala.collection._
+import scala.collection.parallel.ops._
+abstract class ParallelHashMapCheck[K, V](tp: String) extends ParallelMapCheck[K, V]("immutable.ParHashMap[" + tp + "]") {
+ // ForkJoinTasks.defaultForkJoinPool.setMaximumPoolSize(Runtime.getRuntime.availableProcessors * 2)
+ // ForkJoinTasks.defaultForkJoinPool.setParallelism(Runtime.getRuntime.availableProcessors * 2)
+ type CollType = ParHashMap[K, V]
+ def isCheckingViews = false
+ def hasStrictOrder = false
+ def tasksupport: TaskSupport
+ def ofSize(vals: Seq[Gen[(K, V)]], sz: Int) = {
+ var hm = new immutable.HashMap[K, V]
+ val gen = vals(rnd.nextInt(vals.size))
+ for (i <- 0 until sz) hm += sample(gen)
+ hm
+ }
+ def fromTraversable(t: Traversable[(K, V)]) = {
+ var phm = new ParHashMap[K, V]
+ phm.tasksupport = tasksupport
+ var i = 0
+ for (kv <- t.toList) {
+ phm += kv
+ i += 1
+ }
+ phm
+ }
+abstract class IntIntParallelHashMapCheck(val tasksupport: TaskSupport, descriptor: String) extends ParallelHashMapCheck[Int, Int](s"Int, Int ($descriptor)")
+with PairOperators[Int, Int]
+with PairValues[Int, Int]
+ def intvalues = new IntValues {}
+ def kvalues = intvalues.values
+ def vvalues = intvalues.values
+ val intoperators = new IntOperators {}
+ def voperators = intoperators
+ def koperators = intoperators
+ override def printDataStructureDebugInfo(ds: AnyRef) = ds match {
+ case pm: ParHashMap[k, v] =>
+ pm.printDebugInfo
+ case _ =>
+ println("could not match data structure type: " + ds.getClass)
+ }
+abstract class ParallelHashSetCheck[T](tp: String) extends ParallelSetCheck[T]("immutable.ParHashSet[" + tp + "]") {
+ // ForkJoinTasks.defaultForkJoinPool.setMaximumPoolSize(Runtime.getRuntime.availableProcessors * 2)
+ // ForkJoinTasks.defaultForkJoinPool.setParallelism(Runtime.getRuntime.availableProcessors * 2)
+ type CollType = ParHashSet[T]
+ def isCheckingViews = false
+ def hasStrictOrder = false
+ def tasksupport: TaskSupport
+ def ofSize(vals: Seq[Gen[T]], sz: Int) = {
+ var hm = new immutable.HashSet[T]
+ val gen = vals(rnd.nextInt(vals.size))
+ for (i <- 0 until sz) hm += sample(gen)
+ hm
+ }
+ def fromTraversable(t: Traversable[T]) = {
+ var phs = new ParHashSet[T]
+ phs.tasksupport = tasksupport
+ var i = 0
+ for (kv <- t.toList) {
+ phs += kv
+ i += 1
+ }
+ phs
+ }
+ override def printDataStructureDebugInfo(ds: AnyRef) = ds match {
+ case pm: ParHashSet[t] =>
+ println("Parallel hash set")
+ case _ =>
+ println("could not match data structure type: " + ds.getClass)
+ }
+abstract class IntParallelHashSetCheck(val tasksupport: TaskSupport, descriptor: String) extends ParallelHashSetCheck[Int](s"Int ($descriptor)")
+with IntOperators
+with IntValues
+ def intvalues = new IntValues {}
+ def kvalues = intvalues.values
+ def vvalues = intvalues.values
+ override def printDataStructureDebugInfo(ds: AnyRef) = ds match {
+ case pm: ParHashMap[k, v] =>
+ pm.printDebugInfo
+ case _ =>
+ println("could not match data structure type: " + ds.getClass)
+ }
diff --git a/test/scalacheck/scala/collection/parallel/ParallelIterableCheck.scala b/test/scalacheck/scala/collection/parallel/ParallelIterableCheck.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..7e7ef2ce1b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/scalacheck/scala/collection/parallel/ParallelIterableCheck.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,477 @@
+package scala.collection.parallel
+import org.scalacheck._
+import org.scalacheck.Gen
+import org.scalacheck.Gen._
+import org.scalacheck.Prop._
+import org.scalacheck.Properties
+import scala.collection._
+import scala.collection.parallel._
+abstract class ParallelIterableCheck[T](collName: String) extends Properties(collName) with Operators[T] {
+ type CollType <: ParIterable[T]
+ def values: Seq[Gen[T]]
+ def ofSize(vals: Seq[Gen[T]], sz: Int): Iterable[T]
+ def fromTraversable(t: Traversable[T]): CollType
+ def isCheckingViews: Boolean
+ def hasStrictOrder: Boolean
+ def instances(vals: Seq[Gen[T]]): Gen[Iterable[T]] = oneOf(
+ sized(
+ sz =>
+ ofSize(vals, sz)
+ ),
+ for (sz <- choose(1000, 2000)) yield ofSize(vals, sz),
+ for (sz <- choose(4000, 4001)) yield ofSize(vals, sz),
+ for (sz <- choose(10000, 10001)) yield ofSize(vals, sz)
+ )
+ // used to check if constructed collection is valid
+ def checkDataStructureInvariants(orig: Traversable[T], cf: AnyRef) = {
+ // can be overridden in subclasses
+ true
+ }
+ def printDataStructureDebugInfo(cf: AnyRef) {
+ // can be overridden in subclasses
+ }
+ val rnd = new scala.util.Random
+ def sample(gen: Gen[T]): T = {
+ var s = gen.sample
+ while (s == None) s = gen.sample
+ s.get
+ }
+ def sampleValue: T = sample(values(rnd.nextInt(values.length)))
+ def collectionPairs = for (inst <- instances(values)) yield (inst, fromTraversable(inst))
+ def collectionPairsWithLengths = for (inst <- instances(values); s <- choose(0, inst.size))
+ yield (inst, fromTraversable(inst), s)
+ def collectionPairsWith2Indices = for (
+ inst <- instances(values);
+ f <- choose(0, inst.size);
+ s <- choose(0, inst.size))
+ yield (inst, fromTraversable(inst), f, s)
+ def collectionTriplets = for (inst <- instances(values);
+ updStart <- choose(0, inst.size); howMany <- choose(0, inst.size)) yield {
+ val modif = inst.toSeq.patch(updStart, inst.toSeq, howMany)
+ (inst, fromTraversable(inst), modif)
+ }
+ def areEqual(t1: GenTraversable[T], t2: GenTraversable[T]) = if (hasStrictOrder) {
+ t1 == t2 && t2 == t1
+ } else (t1, t2) match { // it is slightly delicate what `equal` means if the order is not strict
+ case (m1: GenMap[_, _], m2: GenMap[_, _]) => m1 == m2 && m2 == m1
+ case (i1: GenIterable[_], i2: GenIterable[_]) =>
+ val i1s = i1.toSet
+ val i2s = i2.toSet
+ i1s == i2s && i2s == i1s
+ case _ => t1 == t2 && t2 == t1
+ }
+ def printDebugInfo(coll: ParIterableLike[_, _, _]) {
+ println("Collection debug info: ")
+ coll.printDebugBuffer
+ println("Task debug info: ")
+ println(coll.tasksupport.debugMessages.mkString("\n"))
+ }
+ def printComparison(t: Traversable[_], coll: ParIterable[_], tf: Traversable[_], cf: ParIterable[_], ind: Int) {
+ printDebugInfo(coll)
+ println("Operator: " + ind)
+ println("sz: " + t.size)
+ println(t)
+ println
+ println("sz: " + coll.size)
+ println(coll)
+ println("transformed to:")
+ println
+ println("size: " + tf.size)
+ println(tf)
+ println
+ println("size: " + cf.size)
+ println(cf)
+ println
+ println("tf == cf - " + (tf == cf))
+ println("cf == tf - " + (cf == tf))
+ }
+ property("reductions must be equal for assoc. operators") = forAllNoShrink(collectionPairs) { case (t, coll) =>
+ if (t.size != 0) {
+ val results = for ((op, ind) <- reduceOperators.zipWithIndex) yield {
+ val tr = t.reduceLeft(op)
+ val cr = coll.reduce(op)
+ if (tr != cr) {
+ println("from: " + t)
+ println("and: " + coll)
+ println("reducing with " + ind)
+ println(tr)
+ println(cr)
+ }
+ ("op index: " + ind) |: tr == cr
+ }
+ results.reduceLeft(_ && _)
+ } else "has size 0" |: true
+ }
+ property("counts must be equal") = forAllNoShrink(collectionPairs) { case (t, coll) =>
+ val results = for ((pred, ind) <- countPredicates.zipWithIndex) yield {
+ val tc = t.count(pred)
+ val cc = coll.count(pred)
+ if (tc != cc) {
+ println("from: " + t + " - size: " + t.size)
+ println("and: " + coll + " - size: " + coll.toList.size)
+ println(tc)
+ println(cc)
+ printDebugInfo(coll)
+ }
+ ("op index: " + ind) |: tc == cc
+ }
+ results.reduceLeft(_ && _)
+ }
+ property("forall must be equal") = forAllNoShrink(collectionPairs) { case (t, coll) =>
+ val results = for ((pred, ind) <- forallPredicates.zipWithIndex)
+ yield ("op index: " + ind) |: t.forall(pred) == coll.forall(pred)
+ results.reduceLeft(_ && _)
+ }
+ property("exists must be equal") = forAllNoShrink(collectionPairs) { case (t, coll) =>
+ val results = for ((pred, ind) <- existsPredicates.zipWithIndex)
+ yield ("op index: " + ind) |: t.exists(pred) == coll.exists(pred)
+ results.reduceLeft(_ && _)
+ }
+ property("both must find or not find an element") = forAllNoShrink(collectionPairs) { case (t, coll) =>
+ val results = for ((pred, ind) <- findPredicates.zipWithIndex) yield {
+ val ft = t.find(pred)
+ val fcoll = coll.find(pred)
+ ("op index: " + ind) |: ((ft == None && fcoll == None) || (ft != None && fcoll != None))
+ }
+ results.reduceLeft(_ && _)
+ }
+ property("mappings must be equal") = forAllNoShrink(collectionPairs) { case (t, coll) =>
+ val results = for ((f, ind) <- mapFunctions.zipWithIndex) yield {
+ val ms =
+ val mp =
+ val invs = checkDataStructureInvariants(ms, mp)
+ if (!areEqual(ms, mp) || !invs) {
+ println(t)
+ println(coll)
+ println("mapped to: ")
+ println(ms)
+ println(mp)
+ println("sizes: ")
+ println(ms.size)
+ println(mp.size)
+ println("valid: " + invs)
+ }
+ ("op index: " + ind) |: (areEqual(ms, mp) && invs)
+ }
+ results.reduceLeft(_ && _)
+ }
+ property("collects must be equal") = forAllNoShrink(collectionPairs) { case (t, coll) =>
+ val results = for ((f, ind) <- partialMapFunctions.zipWithIndex) yield {
+ val ps = t.collect(f)
+ val pp = coll.collect(f)
+ if (!areEqual(ps, pp)) {
+ println(t)
+ println(coll)
+ println("collected to: ")
+ println(ps)
+ println(pp)
+ }
+ ("op index: " + ind) |: areEqual(ps, pp)
+ }
+ results.reduceLeft(_ && _)
+ }
+ property("flatMaps must be equal") = forAllNoShrink(collectionPairs) { case (t, coll) =>
+ (for ((f, ind) <- flatMapFunctions.zipWithIndex)
+ yield ("op index: " + ind) |: areEqual(t.flatMap(f), coll.flatMap(f))).reduceLeft(_ && _)
+ }
+ property("filters must be equal") = forAllNoShrink(collectionPairs) { case (t, coll) =>
+ (for ((p, ind) <- filterPredicates.zipWithIndex) yield {
+ val tf = t.filter(p)
+ val cf = coll.filter(p)
+ val invs = checkDataStructureInvariants(tf, cf)
+ if (tf != cf || cf != tf || !invs) {
+ printDebugInfo(coll)
+ println("Operator: " + ind)
+ println("sz: " + t.size)
+ println(t)
+ println
+ println("sz: " + coll.size)
+ println(coll)
+ println
+ println("filtered to:")
+ println
+ println(cf)
+ println
+ println(tf)
+ println
+ println("tf == cf - " + (tf == cf))
+ println("cf == tf - " + (cf == tf))
+ printDataStructureDebugInfo(cf)
+ println("valid: " + invs)
+ }
+ ("op index: " + ind) |: tf == cf && cf == tf && invs
+ }).reduceLeft(_ && _)
+ }
+ property("filterNots must be equal") = forAllNoShrink(collectionPairs) { case (t, coll) =>
+ (for ((p, ind) <- filterNotPredicates.zipWithIndex) yield {
+ val tf = t.filterNot(p)
+ val cf = coll.filterNot(p)
+ if (tf != cf || cf != tf) printComparison(t, coll, tf, cf, ind)
+ ("op index: " + ind) |: tf == cf && cf == tf
+ }).reduceLeft(_ && _)
+ }
+ if (!isCheckingViews) property("partitions must be equal") = forAllNoShrink(collectionPairs) { case (t, coll) =>
+ (for ((p, ind) <- partitionPredicates.zipWithIndex) yield {
+ val tpart = t.partition(p)
+ val cpart = coll.partition(p)
+ if (tpart != cpart) {
+ println("from: " + t)
+ println("and: " + coll)
+ println(cpart)
+ println(tpart)
+ }
+ ("op index: " + ind) |: tpart == cpart
+ }).reduceLeft(_ && _)
+ }
+ if (hasStrictOrder) property("takes must be equal") = forAllNoShrink(collectionPairsWithLengths) { case (t, coll, n) =>
+ ("take " + n + " elements") |: t.take(n) == coll.take(n)
+ }
+ if (hasStrictOrder) property("drops must be equal") = forAllNoShrink(collectionPairsWithLengths) { case (t, coll, n) =>
+ ("drop " + n + " elements") |: t.drop(n) == coll.drop(n)
+ }
+ if (hasStrictOrder) property("slices must be equal") = forAllNoShrink(collectionPairsWith2Indices)
+ { case (t, coll, fr, slicelength) =>
+ val from = if (fr < 0) 0 else fr
+ val until = if (from + slicelength > t.size) t.size else from + slicelength
+ val tsl = t.slice(from, until)
+ val collsl = coll.slice(from, until)
+ if (tsl != collsl) {
+ println("---------------------- " + from + ", " + until)
+ println("from: " + t)
+ println("and: " + coll)
+ println(tsl)
+ println(collsl)
+ println("as list: " + collsl.toList)
+ println(collsl.iterator.hasNext)
+ println(
+ println(collsl.iterator.hasNext)
+ println(
+ println(collsl.iterator.hasNext)
+ println(
+ println(collsl.iterator.hasNext)
+ }
+ ("slice from " + from + " until " + until) |: tsl == collsl
+ }
+ if (hasStrictOrder) property("splits must be equal") = forAllNoShrink(collectionPairsWithLengths) { case (t, coll, n) =>
+ val tspl = t.splitAt(n)
+ val cspl = coll.splitAt(n)
+ if (tspl != cspl) {
+ println("at: " + n)
+ println("from: " + t)
+ println("and: " + coll)
+ println(tspl)
+ println(cspl)
+ }
+ ("splitAt " + n) |: tspl == cspl
+ }
+ if (hasStrictOrder) property("takeWhiles must be equal") = forAllNoShrink(collectionPairs) { case (t, coll) =>
+ (for ((pred, ind) <- takeWhilePredicates.zipWithIndex) yield {
+ val tt = t.takeWhile(pred)
+ val ct = coll.takeWhile(pred)
+ if (tt != ct) {
+ println("from: " + t)
+ println("and: " + coll)
+ println("taking while...")
+ println(tt)
+ println(ct)
+ }
+ ("operator " + ind) |: tt == ct
+ }).reduceLeft(_ && _)
+ }
+ if (hasStrictOrder) property("spans must be equal") = forAllNoShrink(collectionPairs) { case (t, coll) =>
+ (for ((pred, ind) <- spanPredicates.zipWithIndex) yield {
+ val tsp = t.span(pred)
+ val csp = coll.span(pred)
+ if (tsp != csp) {
+ println("from: " + t)
+ println("and: " + coll)
+ println("span with predicate " + ind)
+ println(tsp)
+ println(csp)
+ println("---------------------------------")
+ println(coll.span(pred))
+ println("---------------------------------")
+ }
+ ("operator " + ind) |: tsp == csp
+ }).reduceLeft(_ && _)
+ }
+ if (hasStrictOrder) property("dropWhiles must be equal") = forAllNoShrink(collectionPairs) { case (t, coll) =>
+ (for ((pred, ind) <- dropWhilePredicates.zipWithIndex) yield {
+ ("operator " + ind) |: t.dropWhile(pred) == coll.dropWhile(pred)
+ }).reduceLeft(_ && _)
+ }
+ property("folds must be equal for assoc. operators") = forAllNoShrink(collectionPairs) { case (t, coll) =>
+ (for (((first, op), ind) <- foldArguments.zipWithIndex) yield {
+ val tres = t.foldLeft(first)(op)
+ val cres = coll.fold(first)(op)
+ if (cres != tres) {
+ println("from: " + t)
+ println("and: " + coll)
+ println("folds are: ")
+ println(tres)
+ println(cres)
+ }
+ ("operator " + ind) |: tres == cres
+ }).reduceLeft(_ && _)
+ }
+ property("++s must be equal") = forAll(collectionTriplets) { case (t, coll, colltoadd) =>
+ try {
+ val toadd = colltoadd
+ val tr = t ++ toadd.iterator
+ val cr = coll ++ toadd.iterator
+ if (!areEqual(tr, cr)) {
+ println("from: " + t)
+ println("and: " + coll.iterator.toList)
+ println("adding: " + toadd)
+ println(tr.toList)
+ println(cr.iterator.toList)
+ }
+ ("adding " |: areEqual(tr, cr)) &&
+ (for ((trav, ind) <- (addAllTraversables).zipWithIndex) yield {
+ val tadded = t ++ trav
+ val cadded = coll ++ collection.parallel.mutable.ParArray(trav.toSeq: _*)
+ if (!areEqual(tadded, cadded)) {
+ println("----------------------")
+ println("from: " + t)
+ println("and: " + coll)
+ println("adding: " + trav)
+ println(tadded)
+ println(cadded)
+ }
+ ("traversable " + ind) |: areEqual(tadded, cadded)
+ }).reduceLeft(_ && _)
+ } catch {
+ case e: java.lang.Exception =>
+ throw e
+ }
+ }
+ if (hasStrictOrder) property("copies to array must be equal") = forAllNoShrink(collectionPairs) { case (t, coll) =>
+ val tarr = newArray(t.size)
+ val collarr = newArray(coll.size)
+ t.copyToArray(tarr, 0, t.size)
+ coll.copyToArray(collarr, 0, coll.size)
+ if (tarr.toSeq != collarr.toSeq) {
+ println("from: " + t)
+ println("and: " + coll)
+ println(tarr.toSeq)
+ println(collarr.toSeq)
+ }
+ tarr.toSeq == collarr.toSeq
+ }
+ if (hasStrictOrder) property("scans must be equal") = forAllNoShrink(collectionPairs) {
+ case (t, coll) =>
+ (for (((first, op), ind) <- foldArguments.zipWithIndex) yield {
+ val tscan = t.scanLeft(first)(op)
+ val cscan = coll.scan(first)(op)
+ if (tscan != cscan || cscan != tscan) {
+ println("from: " + t)
+ println("and: " + coll)
+ println("scans are: ")
+ println(tscan)
+ println(cscan)
+ }
+ ("operator " + ind) |: tscan == cscan && cscan == tscan
+ }).reduceLeft(_ && _)
+ }
+ property("groupBy must be equal") = forAllNoShrink(collectionPairs) {
+ case (t, coll) =>
+ (for ((f, ind) <- groupByFunctions.zipWithIndex) yield {
+ val tgroup = t.groupBy(f)
+ val cgroup = coll.groupBy(f)
+ if (tgroup != cgroup || cgroup != tgroup) {
+ println("from: " + t)
+ println("and: " + coll)
+ println("groups are: ")
+ println(tgroup)
+ println(cgroup)
+ }
+ ("operator " + ind) |: tgroup == cgroup && cgroup == tgroup
+ }).reduceLeft(_ && _)
+ }
diff --git a/test/scalacheck/scala/collection/parallel/ParallelMapCheck1.scala b/test/scalacheck/scala/collection/parallel/ParallelMapCheck1.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..50aa4ad0c7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/scalacheck/scala/collection/parallel/ParallelMapCheck1.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+package scala.collection.parallel
+import org.scalacheck._
+import org.scalacheck.Gen
+import org.scalacheck.Gen._
+import org.scalacheck.Prop._
+import org.scalacheck.Properties
+import scala.collection._
+import scala.collection.parallel._
+abstract class ParallelMapCheck[K, V](collname: String) extends ParallelIterableCheck[(K, V)](collname) {
+ type CollType <: ParMap[K, V]
+ property("gets iterated keys") = forAllNoShrink(collectionPairs) {
+ case (t, coll) =>
+ val containsT = for ((k, v) <- t) yield (coll.get(k) == Some(v))
+ val containsSelf = { case (k, v) => coll.get(k) == Some(v) }
+ ("Par contains elements of seq map" |: containsT.forall(_ == true)) &&
+ ("Par contains elements of itself" |: containsSelf.forall(_ == true))
+ }
diff --git a/test/scalacheck/scala/collection/parallel/ParallelRangeCheck.scala b/test/scalacheck/scala/collection/parallel/ParallelRangeCheck.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5b783fadf2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/scalacheck/scala/collection/parallel/ParallelRangeCheck.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
+package scala.collection.parallel
+package immutable
+import org.scalacheck._
+import org.scalacheck.Gen
+import org.scalacheck.Gen._
+import org.scalacheck.Prop._
+import org.scalacheck.Properties
+import org.scalacheck.Arbitrary._
+import scala.collection._
+import scala.collection.parallel.ops._
+abstract class ParallelRangeCheck(val tasksupport: TaskSupport, descriptor: String) extends ParallelSeqCheck[Int](s"ParallelRange[Int] ($descriptor)") with ops.IntSeqOperators {
+ // ForkJoinTasks.defaultForkJoinPool.setMaximumPoolSize(Runtime.getRuntime.availableProcessors * 2)
+ // ForkJoinTasks.defaultForkJoinPool.setParallelism(Runtime.getRuntime.availableProcessors * 2)
+ type CollType = collection.parallel.ParSeq[Int]
+ def hasStrictOrder = true
+ def isCheckingViews = false
+ def ofSize(vals: Seq[Gen[Int]], sz: Int) = throw new UnsupportedOperationException
+ override def instances(vals: Seq[Gen[Int]]): Gen[Seq[Int]] = sized { start =>
+ sized { end =>
+ sized { step =>
+ new Range(start, end, if (step != 0) step else 1)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ def fromSeq(a: Seq[Int]) = a match {
+ case r: Range =>
+ val pr = ParRange(r.start, r.end, r.step, false)
+ pr.tasksupport = tasksupport
+ pr
+ case _ =>
+ val pa = new parallel.mutable.ParArray[Int](a.length)
+ pa.tasksupport = tasksupport
+ for (i <- 0 until a.length) pa(i) = a(i)
+ pa
+ }
+ override def traversable2Seq(t: Traversable[Int]): Seq[Int] = t match {
+ case r: Range => r
+ case _ => t.toSeq
+ }
+ def values = Seq(choose(-100, 100))
diff --git a/test/scalacheck/scala/collection/parallel/ParallelSeqCheck.scala b/test/scalacheck/scala/collection/parallel/ParallelSeqCheck.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..48c3d3f745
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/scalacheck/scala/collection/parallel/ParallelSeqCheck.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,300 @@
+package scala.collection.parallel
+import org.scalacheck._
+import org.scalacheck.Gen
+import org.scalacheck.Gen._
+import org.scalacheck.Prop._
+import org.scalacheck.Properties
+import scala.collection._
+import scala.collection.parallel._
+abstract class ParallelSeqCheck[T](collName: String) extends ParallelIterableCheck[T](collName) with SeqOperators[T] {
+ type CollType <: collection.parallel.ParSeq[T]
+ def ofSize(vals: Seq[Gen[T]], sz: Int): Seq[T]
+ def fromSeq(s: Seq[T]): CollType
+ override def instances(vals: Seq[Gen[T]]): Gen[Seq[T]] = oneOf(
+ Gen.const(ofSize(vals, 1)),
+ sized(
+ sz =>
+ ofSize(vals, sz)
+ ),
+ for (sz <- choose(1000, 2000)) yield ofSize(vals, sz)
+ )
+ def fromTraversable(t: Traversable[T]) = fromSeq(traversable2Seq(t))
+ def traversable2Seq(t: Traversable[T]): Seq[T] = {
+ if (t.isInstanceOf[Iterable[_]]) t.asInstanceOf[Iterable[T]].iterator.toList else t.toList
+ }
+ override def collectionPairs: Gen[(Seq[T], CollType)] = for (inst <- instances(values)) yield (inst, fromSeq(inst))
+ override def collectionPairsWithLengths: Gen[(Seq[T], CollType, Int)] =
+ for (inst <- instances(values); s <- choose(0, inst.size)) yield (inst, fromSeq(inst), s);
+ def collectionPairsWithModifiedWithLengths: Gen[(Seq[T], CollType, ParSeq[T], Int)] =
+ for (inst <- instances(values); s <- choose(0, inst.size);
+ updateStart <- choose(0, inst.size); howMany <- choose(0, inst.size)) yield {
+ val parcoll = fromSeq(inst)
+ val parcollmodif = fromSeq(modifySlightly(inst, updateStart, howMany))
+ (inst, parcoll, parcollmodif, s)
+ }
+ def collectionPairsWithModified: Gen[(Seq[T], CollType, ParSeq[T])] =
+ for (inst <- instances(values); updateStart <- choose(0, inst.size); howMany <- choose(0, inst.size)) yield {
+ val parcoll = fromSeq(inst)
+ val parcollmodif = fromSeq(modifySlightly(inst, updateStart, howMany))
+ (inst, parcoll, parcollmodif)
+ }
+ def collectionPairsWithSliced: Gen[(Seq[T], CollType, ParSeq[T])] =
+ for (inst <- instances(values); sliceStart <- choose(0, inst.size); howMany <- choose(0, inst.size)) yield {
+ val parcoll = fromSeq(inst)
+ val parcollsliced = fromSeq(inst.slice(sliceStart, sliceStart + howMany))
+ (inst, parcoll, parcollsliced)
+ }
+ def collectionTripletsWith2Indices: Gen[(Seq[T], CollType, Seq[T], Int, Int)] =
+ for (inst <- instances(values); f <- choose(0, inst.size); s <- choose(0, inst.size - f);
+ third <- instances(values); sliceStart <- choose(0, inst.size); howMany <- choose(0, inst.size)) yield {
+ (inst, fromSeq(inst), inst.slice(sliceStart, sliceStart + howMany), f, s)
+ }
+ private def modifySlightly(coll: Seq[T], updateStart: Int, howMany: Int) = {
+ coll.patch(updateStart, coll, howMany)
+ }
+ property("segmentLengths must be equal") = forAllNoShrink(collectionPairsWithLengths) { case (s, coll, len) =>
+ (for ((pred, ind) <- segmentLengthPredicates.zipWithIndex) yield {
+ val slen = s.segmentLength(pred, if (len < 0) 0 else len)
+ val clen = coll.segmentLength(pred, len)
+ if (slen != clen) {
+ println("from: " + s)
+ println("and: " + coll)
+ println(slen)
+ println(clen)
+ }
+ ("operator " + ind) |: slen == clen
+ }).reduceLeft(_ && _)
+ }
+ property("prefixLengths must be equal") = forAllNoShrink(collectionPairs) { case (s, coll) =>
+ (for ((pred, ind) <- segmentLengthPredicates.zipWithIndex) yield {
+ ("operator " + ind) |: s.prefixLength(pred) == coll.prefixLength(pred)
+ }).reduceLeft(_ && _)
+ }
+ property("indexWheres must be equal") = forAllNoShrink(collectionPairsWithLengths) { case (s, coll, len) =>
+ (for ((pred, ind) <- indexWherePredicates.zipWithIndex) yield {
+ val sind = s.indexWhere(pred, len)
+ val cind = coll.indexWhere(pred, len)
+ if (sind != cind) {
+ println("from: " + s)
+ println("and: " + coll)
+ println("at: " + len)
+ println(sind)
+ println(cind)
+ }
+ ("operator " + ind) |: sind == cind
+ }).reduceLeft(_ && _)
+ }
+ property("lastIndexWheres must be equal") = forAllNoShrink(collectionPairsWithLengths) { case (s, coll, len) =>
+ (for ((pred, ind) <- lastIndexWherePredicates.zipWithIndex) yield {
+ val end = if (len >= s.size) s.size - 1 else len
+ val sind = s.lastIndexWhere(pred, end)
+ val cind = coll.lastIndexWhere(pred, end)
+ ("operator " + ind) |: sind == cind
+ }).reduceLeft(_ && _)
+ }
+ property("reverses must be equal") = forAllNoShrink(collectionPairs) { case (s, coll) =>
+ (s.length == 0 && s.getClass == classOf[collection.immutable.Range]) ||
+ {
+ val sr = s.reverse
+ val cr = coll.reverse
+ if (sr != cr) {
+ println("from: " + s)
+ println("and: " + coll)
+ println(sr)
+ println(cr)
+ }
+ sr == cr
+ }
+ }
+ property("reverseMaps must be equal") = forAllNoShrink(collectionPairs) { case (s, coll) =>
+ (for ((f, ind) <- reverseMapFunctions.zipWithIndex) yield {
+ ("operator " + ind) |: s.reverseMap(f) == coll.reverseMap(f)
+ }).reduceLeft(_ && _)
+ }
+ property("sameElements must be equal") = forAllNoShrink(collectionPairsWithModifiedWithLengths) {
+ case (s, coll, collmodif, len) =>
+ val pos = if (len < 0) 0 else len
+ val scm = s.sameElements(collmodif)
+ val ccm = coll.sameElements(collmodif)
+ if (scm != ccm) {
+ println("Comparing: " + s)
+ println("and: " + coll)
+ println("with: " + collmodif)
+ println(scm)
+ println(ccm)
+ }
+ ("Nil" |: s.sameElements(Nil) == coll.sameElements(Nil)) &&
+ ("toList" |: s.sameElements(s.toList) == coll.sameElements(coll.toList)) &&
+ ("identity" |: s.sameElements( => e)) == coll.sameElements( => e))) &&
+ ("vice-versa" |: s.sameElements(coll) == coll.sameElements(s)) &&
+ ("equal" |: s.sameElements(coll)) &&
+ ("modified" |: scm == ccm) &&
+ (for ((it, ind) <- sameElementsSeqs.zipWithIndex) yield {
+ val sres = s.sameElements(it)
+ val pres = coll.sameElements(it)
+ if (sres != pres) {
+ println("Comparing: " + s)
+ println("and: " + coll)
+ println("with: " + it)
+ println(sres)
+ println(pres)
+ }
+ ("collection " + ind) |: sres == pres
+ }).reduceLeft(_ && _)
+ }
+ property("startsWiths must be equal") = forAllNoShrink(collectionPairsWithModifiedWithLengths) {
+ case (s, coll, collmodif, len) =>
+ val pos = if (len < 0) 0 else len
+ ("start with self" |: s.startsWith(s) == coll.startsWith(coll)) &&
+ ("tails correspond" |: (s.length == 0 || s.startsWith(s.tail, 1) == coll.startsWith(coll.tail, 1))) &&
+ ("with each other" |: coll.startsWith(s)) &&
+ ("modified" |: s.startsWith(collmodif) == coll.startsWith(collmodif)) &&
+ ("modified2" |: s.startsWith(collmodif, pos) == coll.startsWith(collmodif, pos)) &&
+ (for (sq <- startEndSeqs) yield {
+ val ss = s.startsWith(sq, pos)
+ val cs = coll.startsWith(fromSeq(sq), pos)
+ if (ss != cs) {
+ println("from: " + s)
+ println("and: " + coll)
+ println("test seq: " + sq)
+ println("from pos: " + pos)
+ println(ss)
+ println(cs)
+ println(coll.iterator.psplit(pos, coll.length - pos)(1).toList)
+ }
+ ("seq " + sq) |: ss == cs
+ }).reduceLeft(_ && _)
+ }
+ property("endsWiths must be equal") = forAllNoShrink(collectionPairsWithModified) {
+ case (s, coll, collmodif) =>
+ ("ends with self" |: s.endsWith(s) == coll.endsWith(s)) &&
+ ("ends with tail" |: (s.length == 0 || s.endsWith(s.tail) == coll.endsWith(coll.tail))) &&
+ ("with each other" |: coll.endsWith(s)) &&
+ ("modified" |: s.startsWith(collmodif) == coll.endsWith(collmodif)) &&
+ (for (sq <- startEndSeqs) yield {
+ val sew = s.endsWith(sq)
+ val cew = coll.endsWith(fromSeq(sq))
+ if (sew != cew) {
+ println("from: " + s)
+ println("and: " + coll)
+ println(sew)
+ println(cew)
+ }
+ ("seq " + sq) |: sew == cew
+ }).reduceLeft(_ && _)
+ }
+ property("unions must be equal") = forAllNoShrink(collectionPairsWithModified) { case (s, coll, collmodif) =>
+ ("modified" |: s.union(collmodif.seq) == coll.union(collmodif)) &&
+ ("empty" |: s.union(Nil) == coll.union(fromSeq(Nil)))
+ }
+ // This is failing with my views patch: array index out of bounds in the array iterator.
+ // Couldn't see why this and only this was impacted, could use a second pair of eyes.
+ //
+ // This was failing because some corner cases weren't added to the patch method in ParSeqLike.
+ // Curiously, this wasn't detected before.
+ //
+ if (!isCheckingViews) property("patches must be equal") = forAll(collectionTripletsWith2Indices) {
+ case (s, coll, pat, from, repl) =>
+ ("with seq" |: s.patch(from, pat, repl) == coll.patch(from, pat, repl)) &&
+ ("with par" |: s.patch(from, pat, repl) == coll.patch(from, fromSeq(pat), repl)) &&
+ ("with empty" |: s.patch(from, Nil, repl) == coll.patch(from, fromSeq(Nil), repl)) &&
+ ("with one" |: (s.length == 0 || s.patch(from, List(s(0)), 1) == coll.patch(from, fromSeq(List(coll(0))), 1)))
+ }
+ if (!isCheckingViews) property("updates must be equal") = forAllNoShrink(collectionPairsWithLengths) { case (s, coll, len) =>
+ val pos = if (len >= s.length) s.length - 1 else len
+ if (s.length > 0) {
+ val supd = s.updated(pos, s(0))
+ val cupd = coll.updated(pos, coll(0))
+ if (supd != cupd) {
+ println("from: " + s)
+ println("and: " + coll)
+ println(supd)
+ println(cupd)
+ }
+ "from first" |: (supd == cupd)
+ } else "trivially" |: true
+ }
+ property("prepends must be equal") = forAllNoShrink(collectionPairs) { case (s, coll) =>
+ s.length == 0 || s(0) +: s == coll(0) +: coll
+ }
+ property("appends must be equal") = forAllNoShrink(collectionPairs) { case (s, coll) =>
+ s.length == 0 || s :+ s(0) == coll :+ coll(0)
+ }
+ property("padTos must be equal") = forAllNoShrink(collectionPairsWithLengths) { case (s, coll, len) =>
+ val someValue = sampleValue
+ val sdoub = s.padTo(len * 2, someValue)
+ val cdoub = coll.padTo(len * 2, someValue)
+ if (sdoub != cdoub) {
+ println("from: " + s)
+ println("and: " + coll)
+ println(sdoub)
+ println(cdoub)
+ }
+ ("smaller" |: s.padTo(len / 2, someValue) == coll.padTo(len / 2, someValue)) &&
+ ("bigger" |: sdoub == cdoub)
+ }
+ property("corresponds must be equal") = forAllNoShrink(collectionPairsWithModified) { case (s, coll, modified) =>
+ val modifcut = modified.toSeq.slice(0, modified.length)
+ ("self" |: s.corresponds(s)(_ == _) == coll.corresponds(coll)(_ == _)) &&
+ ("modified" |: s.corresponds(modified.seq)(_ == _) == coll.corresponds(modified)(_ == _)) &&
+ ("modified2" |: s.corresponds(modifcut)(_ == _) == coll.corresponds(modifcut)(_ == _))
+ }
diff --git a/test/scalacheck/scala/collection/parallel/ParallelSetCheck.scala b/test/scalacheck/scala/collection/parallel/ParallelSetCheck.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c22dddf96d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/scalacheck/scala/collection/parallel/ParallelSetCheck.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+package scala.collection.parallel
+import org.scalacheck._
+import org.scalacheck.Gen
+import org.scalacheck.Gen._
+import org.scalacheck.Prop._
+import org.scalacheck.Properties
+import scala.collection._
+import scala.collection.parallel._
+abstract class ParallelSetCheck[T](collname: String) extends ParallelIterableCheck[T](collname) {
+ type CollType <: ParSet[T]
+ property("gets iterated keys") = forAllNoShrink(collectionPairs) {
+ case (t, coll) =>
+ val containsT = for (elem <- t) yield (coll.contains(elem))
+ val containsSelf = for (elem <- coll) yield (coll.contains(elem))
+ ("Par contains elements of seq map" |: containsT.forall(_ == true)) &&
+ ("Par contains elements of itself" |: containsSelf.forall(_ == true))
+ }
diff --git a/test/scalacheck/scala/collection/parallel/immutable/ParallelVectorCheck.scala b/test/scalacheck/scala/collection/parallel/immutable/ParallelVectorCheck.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1afcf2ce4c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/scalacheck/scala/collection/parallel/immutable/ParallelVectorCheck.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+package scala.collection
+package parallel.immutable
+import org.scalacheck._
+import org.scalacheck.Gen
+import org.scalacheck.Gen._
+import org.scalacheck.Prop._
+import org.scalacheck.Properties
+import org.scalacheck.Arbitrary._
+import scala.collection._
+import scala.collection.parallel.ops._
+import immutable.Vector
+import immutable.VectorBuilder
+import scala.collection.parallel.TaskSupport
+abstract class ParallelVectorCheck[T](tp: String) extends collection.parallel.ParallelSeqCheck[T]("ParVector[" + tp + "]") {
+ // ForkJoinTasks.defaultForkJoinPool.setMaximumPoolSize(Runtime.getRuntime.availableProcessors * 2)
+ // ForkJoinTasks.defaultForkJoinPool.setParallelism(Runtime.getRuntime.availableProcessors * 2)
+ type CollType = ParVector[T]
+ def isCheckingViews = false
+ def hasStrictOrder = true
+ def tasksupport: TaskSupport
+ def ofSize(vals: Seq[Gen[T]], sz: Int) = {
+ val vb = new immutable.VectorBuilder[T]()
+ val gen = vals(rnd.nextInt(vals.size))
+ for (i <- 0 until sz) vb += sample(gen)
+ vb.result
+ }
+ def fromSeq(a: Seq[T]) = {
+ val pc = ParVector.newCombiner[T]
+ for (elem <- a.toList) pc += elem
+ val pv = pc.result
+ pv.tasksupport = tasksupport
+ pv
+ }
+abstract class IntParallelVectorCheck(val tasksupport: TaskSupport, descriptor: String) extends ParallelVectorCheck[Int](s"Int ($descriptor)") with IntSeqOperators with IntValues {
+ override def instances(vals: Seq[Gen[Int]]) = oneOf(super.instances(vals), sized { sz =>
+ (0 until sz).toArray.toSeq
+ }, sized { sz =>
+ (-sz until 0).toArray.toSeq
+ })
diff --git a/test/scalacheck/scala/collection/parallel/mutable/ParallelArrayCheck.scala b/test/scalacheck/scala/collection/parallel/mutable/ParallelArrayCheck.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..39370f8c38
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/scalacheck/scala/collection/parallel/mutable/ParallelArrayCheck.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+package scala.collection.parallel
+package mutable
+import org.scalacheck._
+import org.scalacheck.Gen
+import org.scalacheck.Gen._
+import org.scalacheck.Prop._
+import org.scalacheck.Properties
+import org.scalacheck.Arbitrary._
+import scala.collection._
+import scala.collection.parallel.ops._
+abstract class ParallelArrayCheck[T](tp: String) extends ParallelSeqCheck[T]("ParArray[" + tp + "]") {
+ // ForkJoinTasks.defaultForkJoinPool.setMaximumPoolSize(Runtime.getRuntime.availableProcessors * 2)
+ // ForkJoinTasks.defaultForkJoinPool.setParallelism(Runtime.getRuntime.availableProcessors * 2)
+ type CollType = ParArray[T]
+ def isCheckingViews = false
+ def hasStrictOrder = true
+ def tasksupport: TaskSupport
+ def ofSize(vals: Seq[Gen[T]], sz: Int) = {
+ val a = new mutable.ArrayBuffer[T](sz)
+ val gen = vals(rnd.nextInt(vals.size))
+ for (i <- 0 until sz) a += sample(gen)
+ a
+ }
+ def fromSeq(a: Seq[T]) = {
+ val pa = new ParArray[T](a.size)
+ pa.tasksupport = tasksupport
+ var i = 0
+ for (elem <- a.toList) {
+ pa(i) = elem
+ i += 1
+ }
+ pa
+ }
+ property("array mappings must be equal") = forAllNoShrink(collectionPairs) { case (t, coll) =>
+ val results = for ((f, ind) <- mapFunctions.zipWithIndex)
+ yield ("op index: " + ind) |: ==
+ results.reduceLeft(_ && _)
+ }
+abstract class IntParallelArrayCheck(val tasksupport: TaskSupport, descriptor: String) extends ParallelArrayCheck[Int](s"Int ($descriptor)") with IntSeqOperators with IntValues {
+ override def instances(vals: Seq[Gen[Int]]) = oneOf(super.instances(vals), sized { sz =>
+ (0 until sz).toArray.toSeq
+ }, sized { sz =>
+ (-sz until 0).toArray.toSeq
+ })
diff --git a/test/scalacheck/scala/collection/parallel/mutable/ParallelArrayTest.scala b/test/scalacheck/scala/collection/parallel/mutable/ParallelArrayTest.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..db2b1ea01e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/scalacheck/scala/collection/parallel/mutable/ParallelArrayTest.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
+// package test.scala.collection.parallel.mutable
+// import org.scalatest.FunSuite
+// import collection.parallel.mutable.ParallelArray
+// /**
+// * Notes:
+// */
+// class ParallelArrayTest extends FunSuite {
+// test("create new parallel array with a bad initial capacity"){
+// intercept[IllegalArgumentException]{
+// new ParallelArray(-5)
+// }
+// /**
+// * this currently passes, but do we want it to?
+// * does it have meaning to have an empty parallel array?
+// */
+// new ParallelArray(0)
+// ()
+// }
+// test("compare identical ParallelArrays"){
+// assert(new ParallelArray(5) === new ParallelArray(5))
+// assert(ParallelArray(1,2,3,4,5) === ParallelArray(1,2,3,4,5))
+// }
+// /**
+// * this test needs attention. how is equality defined on ParallelArrays?
+// * Well, the same way it is for normal collections, I guess. For normal arrays its reference equality.
+// * I do not think it should be that way in the case of ParallelArray-s. I'll check this with Martin.
+// */
+// test("compare non-identical ParallelArrays"){
+// assert(ParallelArray(1,2,3,4,5) != ParallelArray(1,2,3,4),
+// "compared PA's that I expect to not be identical, but they were!")
+// }
+// test("creation via PA object [String]"){
+// val paFromApply: ParallelArray[String] = ParallelArray("x", "1", "true", "etrijwejiorwer")
+// val paFromHandoff: ParallelArray[String] = ParallelArray.handoff(Array("x", "1", "true", "etrijwejiorwer"))
+// val paFromCopy: ParallelArray[String] = ParallelArray.createFromCopy(Array("x", "1", "true", "etrijwejiorwer"))
+// assert( paFromApply === paFromCopy )
+// assert( paFromApply === paFromCopy )
+// }
+// // // handoffs dont work for primitive types...
+// // test("creation via PA object [Boolean]"){
+// // val paFromApply: ParallelArray[Boolean] = ParallelArray(true, false, true, false)
+// // val paFromCopy: ParallelArray[Boolean] = ParallelArray.createFromCopy(Array(true, false, true, false))
+// // assert( paFromApply === paFromCopy )
+// // }
+// //
+// // // handoffs dont work for primitive types...
+// // test("creation via PA object [Int]"){
+// // val paFromApply: ParallelArray[Int] = ParallelArray(1, 2, 4, 3)
+// // val paFromCopy: ParallelArray[Int] = ParallelArray.createFromCopy(Array(1, 2, 4, 3))
+// // assert( paFromApply === paFromCopy )
+// // }
+// /**
+// * This fails because handoff is really doing a copy.
+// * TODO: look at handoff
+// */
+// test("Handoff Is Really A Handoff"){
+// val arrayToHandOff = Array("a", "x", "y", "z")
+// val paFromHandoff: ParallelArray[String] = ParallelArray.handoff(arrayToHandOff)
+// arrayToHandOff(0) = "w"
+// assert(paFromHandoff(0) === "w")
+// }
+// test("simple reduce"){
+// assert( ParallelArray(1,2,3,4,5).reduce(_+_) === 15 )
+// }
+// test("simple count"){
+// assert( ParallelArray[Int]().count(_ > 7) === 0 )
+// assert( ParallelArray(1,2,3).count(_ > 7) === 0 )
+// assert( ParallelArray(1,2,3).count(_ <= 3) === 3 )
+// assert( ParallelArray(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10).count(_ > 7 ) === 3 )
+// }
+// test("simple forall"){
+// assert( ParallelArray[Int]().forall(_ > 7) === true )
+// assert( ParallelArray(1,2,3).forall(_ > 3) === false )
+// assert( ParallelArray(1,2,3).forall(_ <= 3) === true )
+// assert( ParallelArray(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10).forall(_ > 0) === true )
+// assert( ParallelArray(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10).forall(_ < 5) === false )
+// }
+// /**
+// */
+// test("simple foreach"){
+// val buf = new java.util.concurrent.ArrayBlockingQueue[Int](10000)
+// ParallelArray((1 to 10000):_*).foreach(buf add _)
+// (1 to 10000).foreach(i => assert( buf contains i, "buf should have contained:" + i ))
+// }
+// test("simple exists"){
+// assert( ParallelArray[Int]().exists(_ => true) === false )
+// assert( ParallelArray(1,2,3).forall(_ > 3) === false )
+// assert( ParallelArray(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10).exists(_ > 7) === true )
+// }
+// test("simple filter"){
+// assert(ParallelArray(1,2,3,4,5).filter( _ < 4 ) === ParallelArray(1,2,3))
+// }
+// test("simple map test"){
+// assert(ParallelArray(1,2,3,4,5).map( (_:Int) * 10 ) === ParallelArray(10,20,30,40,50))
+// }
+// }
diff --git a/test/scalacheck/scala/collection/parallel/mutable/ParallelArrayViewCheck.scala b/test/scalacheck/scala/collection/parallel/mutable/ParallelArrayViewCheck.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..fb09a5bbb7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/scalacheck/scala/collection/parallel/mutable/ParallelArrayViewCheck.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,122 @@
+// package scala.collection.parallel
+// package mutable
+// import org.scalacheck._
+// import org.scalacheck.Gen
+// import org.scalacheck.Gen._
+// import org.scalacheck.Prop._
+// import org.scalacheck.Properties
+// import org.scalacheck.Arbitrary._
+// import scala.collection.TraversableView
+// import scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer
+// import scala.collection.parallel.ops._
+// import scala.collection.mutable.ArraySeq
+// abstract class ParallelArrayViewCheck[T](tp: String)
+// extends ParallelSeqCheck[T]("ParallelSeqView[" + tp + ", ParallelArray[" + tp + "]]") {
+// // ForkJoinTasks.defaultForkJoinPool.setMaximumPoolSize(Runtime.getRuntime.availableProcessors * 2)
+// // ForkJoinTasks.defaultForkJoinPool.setParallelism(Runtime.getRuntime.availableProcessors * 2)
+// type CollType = ParallelSeqView[T, ParallelArray[T], ArraySeq[T]]
+// def isCheckingViews = true
+// def instances(vals: Seq[Gen[T]]): Gen[Seq[T]] = sized { sz =>
+// val a = new ArrayBuffer[T](sz)
+// val gen = vals(rnd.nextInt(vals.size))
+// for (i <- 0 until sz) a += sample(gen)
+// a
+// }
+// def fromSeq(a: Seq[T]) = {
+// val pa = new ParallelArray[T](a.size)
+// var i = 0
+// for (elem <- a) {
+// pa(i) = elem
+// i += 1
+// }
+// pa.view
+// }
+// property("forces must be equal") = forAllNoShrink(collectionPairs) { case (s, coll) =>
+// val smodif = (s ++ s).reverse.take(s.length) / 2)
+// val cmodif = (coll ++ s).reverse.take(s.length) / 2).force
+// smodif == cmodif
+// }
+// }
+// object IntParallelArrayViewCheck extends ParallelArrayViewCheck[Int]("Int") with IntSeqOperators with IntValues {
+// override def instances(vals: Seq[Gen[Int]]) = oneOf(super.instances(vals), sized { sz =>
+// (0 until sz).toArray.toSeq
+// }, sized { sz =>
+// (-sz until 0).toArray.toSeq
+// })
+// }
+// abstract class ParallelArrayViewComposedCheck[T](tp: String)
+// extends ParallelSeqCheck[T]("ParallelSeqView[" + tp + "], ParallelArray[" + tp + "].++.patch.reverse.take.reverse") {
+// ForkJoinTasks.defaultForkJoinPool.setMaximumPoolSize(Runtime.getRuntime.availableProcessors * 2)
+// ForkJoinTasks.defaultForkJoinPool.setParallelism(Runtime.getRuntime.availableProcessors * 2)
+// type CollType = collection.parallel.ParallelSeq[T]
+// def isCheckingViews = true
+// def instances(vals: Seq[Gen[T]]): Gen[Seq[T]] = sized { sz =>
+// val a = new ArrayBuffer[T](sz)
+// val gen = vals(rnd.nextInt(vals.size))
+// for (i <- 0 until sz) a += sample(gen)
+// a
+// }
+// def fromSeq(a: Seq[T]) = {
+// val pa = new ParallelArray[T](a.size)
+// var i = 0
+// for (elem <- a) {
+// pa(i) = elem
+// i += 1
+// }
+// val modified = (pa.view ++ a).patch(0, a, a.length).reverse
+// val original = modified.take(modified.length / 2).reverse
+// original
+// }
+// }
+// object IntParallelArrayViewComposedCheck extends ParallelArrayViewComposedCheck[Int]("Int") with IntSeqOperators with IntValues {
+// override def instances(vals: Seq[Gen[Int]]) = oneOf(super.instances(vals), sized { sz =>
+// (0 until sz).toArray.toSeq
+// }, sized { sz =>
+// (-sz until 0).toArray.toSeq
+// })
+// }
diff --git a/test/scalacheck/scala/collection/parallel/mutable/ParallelCtrieCheck.scala b/test/scalacheck/scala/collection/parallel/mutable/ParallelCtrieCheck.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ebdcf78bea
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/scalacheck/scala/collection/parallel/mutable/ParallelCtrieCheck.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,101 @@
+package scala.collection.parallel
+package mutable
+import org.scalacheck._
+import org.scalacheck.Gen
+import org.scalacheck.Gen._
+import org.scalacheck.Prop._
+import org.scalacheck.Properties
+import org.scalacheck.Arbitrary._
+import scala.collection._
+import scala.collection.parallel.ops._
+abstract class ParallelConcurrentTrieMapCheck[K, V](tp: String) extends ParallelMapCheck[K, V]("mutable.ParConcurrentTrieMap[" + tp + "]") {
+ // ForkJoinTasks.defaultForkJoinPool.setMaximumPoolSize(Runtime.getRuntime.availableProcessors * 2)
+ // ForkJoinTasks.defaultForkJoinPool.setParallelism(Runtime.getRuntime.availableProcessors * 2)
+ type CollType = ParTrieMap[K, V]
+ def isCheckingViews = false
+ def hasStrictOrder = false
+ def tasksupport: TaskSupport
+ def ofSize(vals: Seq[Gen[(K, V)]], sz: Int) = {
+ val ct = new concurrent.TrieMap[K, V]
+ val gen = vals(rnd.nextInt(vals.size))
+ for (i <- 0 until sz) ct += sample(gen)
+ ct
+ }
+ def fromTraversable(t: Traversable[(K, V)]) = {
+ val pct = new ParTrieMap[K, V]
+ pct.tasksupport = tasksupport
+ var i = 0
+ for (kv <- t.toList) {
+ pct += kv
+ i += 1
+ }
+ pct
+ }
+abstract class IntIntParallelConcurrentTrieMapCheck(val tasksupport: TaskSupport, descriptor: String) extends ParallelConcurrentTrieMapCheck[Int, Int](s"Int, Int ($descriptor)")
+with PairOperators[Int, Int]
+with PairValues[Int, Int]
+ def intvalues = new IntValues {}
+ def kvalues = intvalues.values
+ def vvalues = intvalues.values
+ val intoperators = new IntOperators {}
+ def voperators = intoperators
+ def koperators = intoperators
+ override def printDataStructureDebugInfo(ds: AnyRef) = ds match {
+ case pm: ParTrieMap[k, v] =>
+ println("Mutable parallel ctrie")
+ case _ =>
+ println("could not match data structure type: " + ds.getClass)
+ }
+ override def checkDataStructureInvariants(orig: Traversable[(Int, Int)], ds: AnyRef) = ds match {
+ // case pm: ParHashMap[k, v] if 1 == 0 => // disabled this to make tests faster
+ // val invs = pm.brokenInvariants
+ // val containsall = (for ((k, v) <- orig) yield {
+ // if (pm.asInstanceOf[ParHashMap[Int, Int]].get(k) == Some(v)) true
+ // else {
+ // println("Does not contain original element: " + (k, v))
+ // false
+ // }
+ // }).foldLeft(true)(_ && _)
+ // if (invs.isEmpty) containsall
+ // else {
+ // println("Invariants broken:\n" + invs.mkString("\n"))
+ // false
+ // }
+ case _ => true
+ }
diff --git a/test/scalacheck/scala/collection/parallel/mutable/ParallelHashMapCheck.scala b/test/scalacheck/scala/collection/parallel/mutable/ParallelHashMapCheck.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..06fdb66080
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/scalacheck/scala/collection/parallel/mutable/ParallelHashMapCheck.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,100 @@
+package scala.collection.parallel
+package mutable
+import org.scalacheck._
+import org.scalacheck.Gen
+import org.scalacheck.Gen._
+import org.scalacheck.Prop._
+import org.scalacheck.Properties
+import org.scalacheck.Arbitrary._
+import scala.collection._
+import scala.collection.parallel.ops._
+abstract class ParallelHashMapCheck[K, V](tp: String) extends ParallelMapCheck[K, V]("mutable.ParHashMap[" + tp + "]") {
+ // ForkJoinTasks.defaultForkJoinPool.setMaximumPoolSize(Runtime.getRuntime.availableProcessors * 2)
+ // ForkJoinTasks.defaultForkJoinPool.setParallelism(Runtime.getRuntime.availableProcessors * 2)
+ type CollType = ParHashMap[K, V]
+ def isCheckingViews = false
+ def hasStrictOrder = false
+ def tasksupport: TaskSupport
+ def ofSize(vals: Seq[Gen[(K, V)]], sz: Int) = {
+ val hm = new mutable.HashMap[K, V]
+ val gen = vals(rnd.nextInt(vals.size))
+ for (i <- 0 until sz) hm += sample(gen)
+ hm
+ }
+ def fromTraversable(t: Traversable[(K, V)]) = {
+ val phm = new ParHashMap[K, V]
+ phm.tasksupport = tasksupport
+ var i = 0
+ for (kv <- t.toList) {
+ phm += kv
+ i += 1
+ }
+ phm
+ }
+abstract class IntIntParallelHashMapCheck(val tasksupport: TaskSupport, descriptor: String) extends ParallelHashMapCheck[Int, Int](s"Int, Int ($descriptor)")
+with PairOperators[Int, Int]
+with PairValues[Int, Int]
+ def intvalues = new IntValues {}
+ def kvalues = intvalues.values
+ def vvalues = intvalues.values
+ val intoperators = new IntOperators {}
+ def voperators = intoperators
+ def koperators = intoperators
+ override def printDataStructureDebugInfo(ds: AnyRef) = ds match {
+ case pm: ParHashMap[k, v] =>
+ println("Mutable parallel hash map\n" + pm.hashTableContents.debugInformation)
+ case _ =>
+ println("could not match data structure type: " + ds.getClass)
+ }
+ override def checkDataStructureInvariants(orig: Traversable[(Int, Int)], ds: AnyRef) = ds match {
+ // case pm: ParHashMap[k, v] if 1 == 0 => // disabled this to make tests faster
+ // val invs = pm.brokenInvariants
+ // val containsall = (for ((k, v) <- orig) yield {
+ // if (pm.asInstanceOf[ParHashMap[Int, Int]].get(k) == Some(v)) true
+ // else {
+ // println("Does not contain original element: " + (k, v))
+ // false
+ // }
+ // }).foldLeft(true)(_ && _)
+ // if (invs.isEmpty) containsall
+ // else {
+ // println("Invariants broken:\n" + invs.mkString("\n"))
+ // false
+ // }
+ case _ => true
+ }
diff --git a/test/scalacheck/scala/collection/parallel/mutable/ParallelHashSetCheck.scala b/test/scalacheck/scala/collection/parallel/mutable/ParallelHashSetCheck.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a968ed053f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/scalacheck/scala/collection/parallel/mutable/ParallelHashSetCheck.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
+package scala.collection.parallel
+package mutable
+import org.scalacheck._
+import org.scalacheck.Gen
+import org.scalacheck.Gen._
+import org.scalacheck.Prop._
+import org.scalacheck.Properties
+import org.scalacheck.Arbitrary._
+import scala.collection._
+import scala.collection.parallel.ops._
+abstract class ParallelHashSetCheck[T](tp: String) extends ParallelSetCheck[T]("mutable.ParHashSet[" + tp + "]") {
+ // ForkJoinTasks.defaultForkJoinPool.setMaximumPoolSize(Runtime.getRuntime.availableProcessors * 2)
+ // ForkJoinTasks.defaultForkJoinPool.setParallelism(Runtime.getRuntime.availableProcessors * 2)
+ type CollType = ParHashSet[T]
+ def isCheckingViews = false
+ def hasStrictOrder = false
+ def tasksupport: TaskSupport
+ def ofSize(vals: Seq[Gen[T]], sz: Int) = {
+ val hm = new mutable.HashSet[T]
+ val gen = vals(rnd.nextInt(vals.size))
+ for (i <- 0 until sz) hm += sample(gen)
+ hm
+ }
+ def fromTraversable(t: Traversable[T]) = {
+ val phs = new ParHashSet[T]
+ phs.tasksupport = tasksupport
+ var i = 0
+ for (kv <- t.toList) {
+ phs += kv
+ i += 1
+ }
+ phs
+ }
+abstract class IntParallelHashSetCheck(val tasksupport: TaskSupport, descriptor: String) extends ParallelHashSetCheck[Int](s"Int ($descriptor)")
+with IntOperators
+with IntValues
+ override def printDataStructureDebugInfo(ds: AnyRef) = ds match {
+ case pm: ParHashSet[t] =>
+ println("Mutable parallel hash set")
+ case _ =>
+ println("could not match data structure type: " + ds.getClass)
+ }
+ override def checkDataStructureInvariants(orig: Traversable[Int], ds: AnyRef) = ds match {
+ // case pm: ParHashSet[t] if 1 == 0 =>
+ // // for an example of how not to write code proceed below
+ // val invs = pm.brokenInvariants
+ // val containsall = (for (elem <- orig) yield {
+ // if (pm.asInstanceOf[ParHashSet[Int]](elem) == true) true
+ // else {
+ // println("Does not contain original element: " + elem)
+ // println(pm.hashTableContents.table.find(_ == elem))
+ // println(pm.hashTableContents.table.indexOf(elem))
+ // false
+ // }
+ // }).foldLeft(true)(_ && _)
+ // if (invs.isEmpty) {
+ // if (!containsall) println(pm.debugInformation)
+ // containsall
+ // } else {
+ // println("Invariants broken:\n" + invs.mkString("\n"))
+ // false
+ // }
+ case _ => true
+ }