path: root/test/scalacheck/scala/reflect/quasiquotes/DefinitionDeconstructionProps.scala
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1 files changed, 292 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/test/scalacheck/scala/reflect/quasiquotes/DefinitionDeconstructionProps.scala b/test/scalacheck/scala/reflect/quasiquotes/DefinitionDeconstructionProps.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..54ec966836
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/scalacheck/scala/reflect/quasiquotes/DefinitionDeconstructionProps.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,292 @@
+package scala.reflect.quasiquotes
+import org.scalacheck._, Prop._, Gen._, Arbitrary._
+import scala.reflect.runtime.universe._, Flag._, internal.reificationSupport.SyntacticClassDef
+object DefinitionDeconstructionProps
+ extends QuasiquoteProperties("definition deconstruction")
+ with TraitDeconstruction
+ with ClassDeconstruction
+ with ObjectDeconstruction
+ with ModsDeconstruction
+ with ValVarDeconstruction
+ with DefDeconstruction
+ with PackageDeconstruction
+ with ImportDeconstruction
+trait TraitDeconstruction { self: QuasiquoteProperties =>
+ property("exhaustive trait matcher") = test {
+ def matches(line: String) {
+ val q"""$mods trait $name[..$targs]
+ extends { ..$early } with ..$parents { $self => ..$body }""" = parse(line)
+ }
+ matches("trait Foo")
+ matches("trait Foo[T]")
+ matches("trait Foo { def bar }")
+ matches("trait Foo extends Bar with Baz")
+ matches("trait Foo { self: Bippy => val x: Int = 1}")
+ matches("trait Foo extends { val early: Int = 1 } with Bar { val late = early }")
+ matches("private[Gap] trait Foo")
+ }
+trait ObjectDeconstruction { self: QuasiquoteProperties =>
+ property("exhaustive object matcher") = test {
+ def matches(line: String) = {
+ val q"""$mods object $name extends { ..$early } with ..$parents { $self => ..$body }""" = parse(line)
+ }
+ matches("object Foo")
+ matches("object Foo extends Bar[T]")
+ matches("object Foo extends { val early: T = v } with Bar")
+ matches("object Foo extends Foo { selfy => body }")
+ matches("private[Bippy] object Foo extends Bar with Baz")
+ }
+trait ClassDeconstruction { self: QuasiquoteProperties =>
+ property("class without params") = test {
+ val q"class $name { ..$body }" = q"class Foo { def bar = 3 }"
+ assert(body ≈ List(q"def bar = 3"))
+ }
+ property("class constructor") = test {
+ val q"class $name(...$argss)" = q"class Foo(x: Int)(y: Int)"
+ assert(argss.length == 2)
+ }
+ property("class parents") = test {
+ val q"class $name extends ..$parents" = q"class Foo extends Bar with Blah"
+ assert(parents ≈ List(tq"Bar", tq"Blah"))
+ }
+ property("class selfdef") = test {
+ val q"class $name { $self => }" = q"class Foo { self: T => }"
+ assert( ≈ TermName("self") && self.tpt ≈ tq"T")
+ }
+ property("class tparams") = test {
+ val q"class $name[..$tparams]" = q"class Foo[A, B]"
+ assert( { } == List(TypeName("A"), TypeName("B")))
+ }
+ property("deconstruct bare case class") = test {
+ val q"$mods class $name(..$args) extends ..$parents" = q"case class Foo(x: Int)"
+ }
+ property("exhaustive class matcher") = test {
+ def matches(line: String) {
+ val tree = parse(line)
+ val q"""$classMods0 class $name0[..$targs0] $ctorMods0(...$argss0)
+ extends { ..$early0 } with ..$parents0 { $self0 => ..$body0 }""" = tree
+ val q"""$classMods1 class $name1[..$targs1] $ctorMods1(...$argss1)(implicit ..$impl)
+ extends { ..$early1 } with ..$parents1 { $self1 => ..$body1 }""" = tree
+ }
+ matches("class Foo")
+ matches("class Foo[T]")
+ matches("class Foo[T] @annot")
+ matches("class Foo extends Bar with Baz")
+ matches("class Foo { body }")
+ matches("class Foo extends { val early = 0 } with Any")
+ matches("abstract class Foo")
+ matches("private[Baz] class Foo")
+ matches("class Foo(first: A)(second: B)")
+ matches("class Foo(first: A) extends Bar(first) with Baz")
+ matches("class Foo private (first: A) { def bar }")
+ matches("class Foo { self => bar(self) }")
+ matches("case class Foo(x: Int)")
+ }
+ property("SI-7979") = test {
+ val PARAMACCESSOR = (1 << 29).toLong.asInstanceOf[FlagSet]
+ assertThrows[MatchError] {
+ val SyntacticClassDef(_, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _) =
+ ClassDef(
+ Modifiers(), TypeName("Foo"), List(),
+ Template(
+ List(Select(Ident(TermName("scala")), TypeName("AnyRef"))),
+ noSelfType,
+ List(
+ //ValDef(Modifiers(PRIVATE | LOCAL | PARAMACCESSOR), TermName("x"), Ident(TypeName("Int")), EmptyTree),
+ DefDef(Modifiers(), termNames.CONSTRUCTOR, List(), List(List(ValDef(Modifiers(PARAM | PARAMACCESSOR), TermName("x"),
+ Ident(TypeName("Int")), EmptyTree))), TypeTree(), Block(List(pendingSuperCall), Literal(Constant(())))))))
+ }
+ }
+ property("SI-8332") = test {
+ val q"class C(implicit ..$args)" = q"class C(implicit i: I, j: J)"
+ val q"$imods val i: I" :: q"$jmods val j: J" :: Nil = args
+ assert(imods.hasFlag(IMPLICIT))
+ assert(jmods.hasFlag(IMPLICIT))
+ }
+trait ModsDeconstruction { self: QuasiquoteProperties =>
+ property("deconstruct mods") = test {
+ val mods = Modifiers(IMPLICIT | PRIVATE, TermName("foobar"), Nil)
+ val q"$mods0 def foo" = q"$mods def foo"
+ assert(mods0 ≈ mods)
+ }
+ property("@$annot def foo") = forAll { (annotName: TypeName) =>
+ val q"@$annot def foo" = q"@$annotName def foo"
+ annot ≈ Apply(Select(New(Ident(annotName)), termNames.CONSTRUCTOR), List())
+ }
+ property("@$annot(..$args) def foo") = forAll { (annotName: TypeName, tree: Tree) =>
+ val q"@$annot(..$args) def foo" = q"@$annotName($tree) def foo"
+ annot ≈ Ident(annotName) && args ≈ List(tree)
+ }
+ property("@..$annots def foo") = test {
+ val a = q"new a"
+ val b = q"new b"
+ val q"@..$annots def foo" = q"@$a @$b def foo"
+ annots ≈ List(a, b)
+ }
+ property("@$annot @..$annots def foo") = test {
+ val a = q"new a"
+ val b = q"new b"
+ val c = q"new c"
+ val q"@$first @..$rest def foo" = q"@$a @$b @$c def foo"
+ assert(first ≈ a)
+ assert(rest ≈ List(b, c))
+ }
+ property("@..$anots @$annot def foo") = test {
+ val a = q"new a"
+ val b = q"new b"
+ val c = q"new c"
+ val q"@..$init @$last def foo" = q"@$a @$b @$c def foo"
+ assert(init ≈ List(a, b))
+ assert(last ≈ c)
+ }
+trait ValVarDeconstruction { self: QuasiquoteProperties =>
+ property("exhaustive val matcher") = test {
+ def matches(line: String) { val q"$mods val $name: $tpt = $rhs" = parse(line) }
+ matches("val x: Int")
+ matches("val x: Int = 1")
+ matches("lazy val x: Int = 1")
+ matches("implicit val x = 1")
+ assertThrows[MatchError] { matches("var x = 1") }
+ }
+ property("exhaustive var matcher") = test {
+ def matches(line: String) { val q"$mods var $name: $tpt = $rhs" = parse(line) }
+ matches("var x: Int")
+ matches("var x: Int = 1")
+ matches("var x = 1")
+ assertThrows[MatchError] { matches("val x = 1") }
+ }
+trait PackageDeconstruction { self: QuasiquoteProperties =>
+ property("exhaustive package matcher") = test {
+ def matches(line: String) { val q"package $name { ..$body }" = parse(line) }
+ matches("package foo { }")
+ matches("package foo { class C }")
+ matches("package { }")
+ matches("package bippy.bongo { object A; object B }")
+ matches("package bippy { package bongo { object O } }")
+ }
+ property("exhaustive package object matcher") = test {
+ def matches(line: String) {
+ val q"package object $name extends { ..$early } with ..$parents { $self => ..$body }" = parse(line)
+ }
+ matches("package object foo")
+ matches("package object foo { def baz }")
+ matches("package object foo { self => }")
+ matches("package object foo extends mammy with daddy { def baz }")
+ matches("package object foo extends { val early = 1 } with daddy")
+ assertThrows[MatchError] { matches("object foo") }
+ }
+trait DefDeconstruction { self: QuasiquoteProperties =>
+ property("exhaustive def matcher") = test {
+ def matches(line: String) = {
+ val t = parse(line)
+ val q"$mods0 def $name0[..$targs0](...$argss0): $restpe0 = $body0" = t
+ val q"$mods1 def $name1[..$targs1](...$argss1)(implicit ..$impl1): $restpe1 = $body1" = t
+ }
+ matches("def foo = foo")
+ matches("implicit def foo: Int = 2")
+ matches("def foo[T](x: T): T = x")
+ matches("def foo[A: B] = implicitly[B[A]]")
+ matches("private def foo = 0")
+ matches("def foo[A <% B] = null")
+ matches("def foo(one: One)(two: Two) = (one, two)")
+ matches("def foo[T](args: T*) = args.toList")
+ }
+ property("extract implicit arg list (1)") = test {
+ val q"def foo(...$argss)(implicit ..$impl)" = q"def foo(x: Int)(implicit y: Int)"
+ assert(impl ≈ List(q"${Modifiers(IMPLICIT | PARAM)} val y: Int"))
+ }
+ property("extract implicit arg list (2)") = test {
+ val q"def foo(...$argss)(implicit ..$impl)" = q"def foo(x: Int)"
+ assert(impl.isEmpty)
+ }
+ property("SI-8451") = test {
+ val q"def this(..$params) = this(..$args)" = q"def this(x: Int) = this(0)"
+ assert(params ≈ List(q"${Modifiers(PARAM)} val x: Int"))
+ assert(args ≈ List(q"0"))
+ }
+trait ImportDeconstruction { self: QuasiquoteProperties =>
+ property("exhaustive import matcher") = test {
+ def matches(line: String) = {
+ val q"import $ref.{..$sels}" = parse(line)
+ }
+ matches("import")
+ matches("import foo.{bar, baz}")
+ matches("import foo.{a => b, c => d}")
+ matches("import foo.{poision => _, _}")
+ matches("import")
+ }
+ property("extract import binding") = test {
+ val q"import $_.$sel" = q"import"
+ val pq"bar" = sel
+ }
+ property("extract import wildcard") = test {
+ val q"import $_.$sel" = q"import foo._"
+ val pq"_" = sel
+ }
+ property("extract import rename") = test {
+ val q"import $_.$sel" = q"import foo.{bar => baz}"
+ val pq"bar -> baz" = sel
+ val pq"$left -> $right" = sel
+ val pq"bar" = left
+ val pq"baz" = right
+ }
+ property("extract import unimport") = test {
+ val q"import $_.$sel" = q"import foo.{bar => _}"
+ val pq"bar -> _" = sel
+ val pq"$left -> $right" = sel
+ val pq"bar" = left
+ val pq"_" = right
+ }
+ property("unquote names into import selector") = forAll {
+ (expr: Tree, plain: TermName, oldname: TermName, newname: TermName, discard: TermName) =>
+ val Import(expr1, List(
+ ImportSelector(plain11, _, plain12, _),
+ ImportSelector(oldname1, _, newname1, _),
+ ImportSelector(discard1, _, wildcard, _))) =
+ q"import $expr.{$plain, $oldname => $newname, $discard => _}"
+ expr1 ≈ expr && plain11 == plain12 && plain12 == plain &&
+ oldname1 == oldname && newname1 == newname && discard1 == discard && wildcard == termNames.WILDCARD
+ }