path: root/tools
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'tools')
4 files changed, 97 insertions, 14 deletions
diff --git a/tools/ b/tools/
index 1f4733ff3b..79a37dd7df 100755
--- a/tools/
+++ b/tools/
@@ -111,7 +111,7 @@ pushJarFiles() {
local user=$2
local password=$3
# TODO - ignore target/ and build/
- local jarFiles=$(find ${basedir} -name "*.jar")
+ local jarFiles="$(find ${basedir}/lib -name "*.jar") $(find ${basedir}/test/files -name "*.jar")"
for jar in $jarFiles; do
local valid=$(isJarFileValid $jar)
if [[ "$valid" != "OK" ]]; then
@@ -141,7 +141,7 @@ pullJarFile() {
# Argument 1 - The directory to search for *.desired.sha1 files that need to be retrieved.
pullJarFiles() {
local basedir=$1
- local desiredFiles=$(find ${basedir} -name "*${desired_ext}")
+ local desiredFiles="$(find ${basedir}/lib -name *${desired_ext}) $(find ${basedir}/test/files -name *${desired_ext})"
for sha in $desiredFiles; do
local valid=$(isJarFileValid $jar)
diff --git a/tools/epfl-build b/tools/epfl-build
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..dd66307de3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/epfl-build
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env bash
+# builds nightlies
+[[ $# -gt 0 ]] || {
+ cat <<EOM
+Usage: $0 <version> [opt opt ...]
+ Everything after the version is supplied to scalac and partest.
+ Example: $0 -Xcheckinit -Ycheck:all
+Environment variables:
+ extra_ant_targets Additional ant targets to run after nightly
+ exit 0
+# version isn't actually used at present.
+scalaVersion="$1" && shift
+scalaArgs="-Dscalac.args=\"$@\" -Dpartest.scalac_opts=\"$@\""
+ant all.clean && ./
+ant $scalaArgs build-opt &&
+ant $scalaArgs nightly &&
+for target in $extra_ant_targets; do ant $target ; done
+# [[ -n "$BUILD_DOCSCOMP" ]] && ant docscomp
diff --git a/tools/epfl-publish b/tools/epfl-publish
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..e9cd97b3d2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/epfl-publish
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env bash
+# publishes nightly build if $publish_to is set in environment.
+# alternate maven settings.xml file given in $maven_settings.
+[[ $# -eq 1 ]] || {
+ cat <<EOM
+Usage: $0 <scala version>
+Environment variables:
+ publish_to rsync destination
+ exit 0
+[[ -d dists/archives ]] || {
+ echo "Can't find build, has it completed? No directory at dists/archives"
+ exit 1
+# should not be hardcoded
+# adds -Dsettings.file= if fixed path is present
+mavenSettingsOption () {
+ hardcoded_path="/home/linuxsoft/apps/hudson-maven-settings/settings.xml"
+ # environment variable
+ if [[ -n $maven_settings ]]; then
+ echo -Dsettings.file="$maven_settings"
+ elif [[ -f $hardcoded_path ]]; then
+ echo -Dsettings.file="$hardcoded_path"
+ fi
+if [[ -z $publish_to ]]; then
+ echo "Nothing to publish."
+ echo "Publishing nightly build to $publish_to"
+ # Archive Scala nightly distribution
+ rsync -az dists/archives/ "$publish_to/distributions"
+ # don't publish docs in 2.8.x
+ [[ $version == "2.8.x" ]] || rsync -az build/scaladoc/ "$publish_to/docs"
+ # sbaz
+ [[ -d dists/sbaz ]] && rsync -az dists/sbaz/ "$publish_to/sbaz"
+ # Deploy the maven artifacts on
+ ( cd dists/maven/latest && ant deploy.snapshot $(mavenSettingsOption) )
diff --git a/tools/get-scala-revision b/tools/get-scala-revision
index e8597844cc..b27b6ddc82 100755
--- a/tools/get-scala-revision
+++ b/tools/get-scala-revision
@@ -1,19 +1,24 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env bash
# Usage: get-scala-revision [dir]
# Figures out current scala revision of a git clone.
# If no dir is given, current working dir is used.
-[ -n "$1" ] && cd "$1"
+# not like releases come out so often that we are duty-bound
+# to recalculate this every time.
+# git merge-base v2.8.2 v2.9.1 master
-# dev should be a tag at the merge-base of master and the
-# most recent release.
-if [ -z $(git tag -l dev) ]; then
- # no dev tag available - this will generate dev-g<sha>
- echo "dev-g$(git describe HEAD --abbrev=7 --always)"
- # dev tag exists - this generates dev-NNNN-g<sha>
- # where NNNN is the number of commits since dev.
- git describe HEAD --abbrev=7 --match dev
+# reimplementing git describe hopefully in a way which works
+# without any particular tags, branches, or recent versions of git.
+# this is supposed to generate
+# dev-NNNN-g<sha>
+# where NNNN is the number of commits since devbase, which
+# is the merge-base of the most recent release and master.
+# Presently hardcoded to reduce uncertainty, v2.8.2/v2.9.1/master.
+commits=$(git --no-pager log --pretty=oneline $devbase..HEAD | wc -l)
+sha=$(git rev-list -n 1 HEAD)
+datestr=$(date "+%Y-%m-%d")
+printf "rdev-%s-%s-g%s\n" $commits $datestr ${sha:0:7}